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File: 159 KB, 1600x1070, Diabetes-Checkbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9443778 No.9443778 [Reply] [Original]

Just found out I have diabetes. I was wondering if any of you have it. If so, how are you dealing it? How much has it changed your life?

Even just today I've stocked up on fruits and vegetables. Whole grain pasta is listed as alright. Do you guys have any meal plan suggestions?

>> No.9443784 [DELETED] 

kek fatass


>> No.9443787
File: 56 KB, 1200x630, jason fung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guessing it's type 2.

Look up Dr. Jason Fung and start fasting.

You have insulin resistance. Fasting is the cure.

>> No.9443793

>trusting the medical Jew
You're no different today than you were yesterday. Keep eating what you enjoy.

Man is mortal.

>> No.9443795

Yeah. I imagine it has a lot to do with my alcoholism too though.

Had to stab my finger for the first time today and the blood sugar was a lot lower than even an hour before when they did it. Wondering what that's about.

I'll look into this assuming you're not trying to be a dick about this. Seems like one of those weird "cures".

>> No.9443796

My feet feel numb sometimes, but other than that, everything's the same. I didn't even have to give up soda!

>> No.9443799

I know you're talking shit but I was thinking this too.

Am I really that much worse than everyone I see around me? There's probably a lot of people who just live with it before they even find out.

Doctor just said to stop the alcohol completely. Not going to happen unfortunately.

>> No.9443813

go low carb , I watched a great vid today about low carb curing the beetus

>> No.9443819
File: 151 KB, 1698x1131, type-2-diabetes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just made boiled up some whole grain spaghetti.

>> No.9443830

If I got diabeetus I would end my life
>have to prick your fingers all the time
>take insulin shots
>can and can't eat and drink certain food
>will die younger
>genetic problems means nobody wants your sperm to make predisposed kids
>will get nerve damage
>can go comatose and die without insulin
>can't work lots of jobs because fear of insulin shock
Fuck that. That's hardly a life at all.

>> No.9443843

Just don't eat carbs and things with added sugar and walk a little bit everyday.
Type 2 can be reversed with the right lifestyle and dietary changes.

>> No.9443844

>>have to prick your fingers all the time
I hated them as a kid but I did it today and you barely feel anything.

>>take insulin shots
I'm type 2. It's usually type 1 that needs it.

>>can and can't eat and drink certain food
You mean healthier food? Why would that be a problem for you?

>>will die younger
I guess. As long as people are strict with eating better they'll probably outlast you.

>>genetic problems means nobody wants your sperm to make predisposed kids
My girl said she doesn't care and she's happy to help me with it.

>>will get nerve damage
Don't know yet.

>>can go comatose and die without insulin
I'm not being prescribed insulin.

>>can't work lots of jobs because fear of insulin
See above.

You're talking about the people who have had it untreated for decades.

>> No.9443861

I've been pretty paranoid about diabetes for a year or so, ever since my partner joked that my sweet tooth might've caused it. I'm really prone to bouts of anxiety so it's been on my mind daily since then, even though I don't have a family history of diabetes I'm not overweight and I significantly cut down refined sugar. Last time I had a blood test, it came back in the 160 (I had eaten in the last 12 hours and had sweetened coffee and sugar cereal for breakfast)

For some reason, I've wake up every day with a pins-and-needles tingle in the last two toes on both of my feet. I literally live in fear of it being diabetes. This stupid disease I probably don't even have is ruining my life.

>> No.9443862

My grandpa is turning 90 and he's hella diabetic. Has been since the 80s.

>> No.9443870

Go keto. Fasting is good too.

>> No.9443889

Can it? I thought that was in the early stages only.

No need to get defensive, but I've seen diabeetus damage first hand. My grandmother had it. Granted, she was also 300+LBS but it scared me to death. By the end her feet were necrotic and actually I don't even want to talk about this.

>> No.9443891


Dr Jason Fung is a nephrologist (kidney doctor). Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease.

The guy sought out the best way to treat his patients, and concluded it's fasting.


>> No.9443895

Get out

>> No.9443928

i drink like 2 2liters of soda a day for over 10 years, i am not diabetic its great

must suck to have shit genes

>> No.9443944

>Can it? I thought that was in the early stages only.

I've read about morbidly obese people with co-morbid conditions like diabetes having their conditions reverse after a year or so of healthy eating. I assume it can be done, unless you're elderly and will have a more difficult time making said changes.

Either way, I don't see limiting refined sugar and carbs as a death sentence. You can eat as much protein and fat as you want and not have to worry.

>> No.9443986
File: 469 KB, 512x807, 1486711956296.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just found out I have diabetes.
How'd you find out you have diabetes? What did you think contributed to your diabetes?

>> No.9444124

Man I would kill myself if I were you OP.

Not being able to eat whatever you want, especially good stuff like ice cream sounds like such a sad life.

Guess it serves you right for not practicing moderation though lol.

>> No.9444128

Type 1 here. Go low-carb or full-on keto. You have very good odds of your insulin resistance going back to normal within a few months and you will no longer needing to take any medication. Medical dietary advice for diabetics is at least a decade behind the way diabetics have been eating.

>> No.9444384

Fair enough but if I'm being defensive you're being a bit offensive you have to admit. But whatever. I just wanted to know what people thought and if they had tips.

>> No.9444448

A doctor did a blood test. It was most likely all the alcohol I drink. I drink flavored alcohols that make them extra sugary.

>> No.9444457

which proves it's just bullshit to sell more medical stuff

>> No.9444459

alcoholic delusions, a perfectly fine coping mechanism for slipping further into gradual suicide...

>> No.9444465

Fruit is full of sugar. Stop eating so much and fast. You don't want to lose limbs.

>> No.9444553

>Am I really that much worse than everyone I see around me?

Yeah you nigger it's more than just high glucose, it'll lead to cardiovascular disease, nerve damage, wounds will never heal

>> No.9444561

You'll go comatose and die with too much insulin. Diabetic ketoacidosis from high glucose usually only occurs in type I diabetics who make no endogenous insulin

>> No.9444567

Are you type 1 or 2, senpai? I'm a type 1 over here. I'm hanging in there, the shots don't hurt at all most of the time, a fact most people actually don't realize. I'm having all my same favorite foods, just under more control. My numbers are mostly good so far!

>> No.9444854
File: 178 KB, 1050x1601, fuhrman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got your answer right here anon

>> No.9445790

What were the numbers before and after? Insulin works fucking fast.

I am type 1 since I was 7, I can answer any specific problems you might have. Type 2 is somewhat different, though

>> No.9445851

we only have sympathy for you if you have type 1, otherwise you are a burger and need to hit the gym

>> No.9445872

That photo is stupid. Never prick the middle of the pad of the fingertip. It hurts more. The side of the pad is better. Who takes these photos?

>> No.9445877

>Who takes these photos?
Marketers. It's about looking nice for an ad or article; practicality has nothing to do with it.

>> No.9445888

They must be selling misinformation. Maybe stupidity.

>> No.9445983
File: 42 KB, 852x480, veg_fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're selling looks. Aesthetics. Nothing more.

And you see this with just about every kind of ad--you have models showing off tools that are wrong for the job and that they have no idea how to even hold (pic related). You have car ads that show tires which don't even match the driving conditions.....the list goes on. This shit is everywhere.

>> No.9446006

do keto
read up volek, phinney and bernstein's books (and studies if more interest)
it's not a meme
it works and you'll be far better off
godspeed, son

>> No.9446063
File: 92 KB, 540x720, 1505550961407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just found out I have diabetes
>Even just today I've stocked up on fruits and vegetables.

>when a sinner suddenly decides to devote their life to God at the last minute when they see a giant meteor headed for earth

>> No.9446236

Fasting is the key to a lot of things not just diabetes. It is a genuine red pill.

>> No.9446911

Literally fast for 20 days and your diabeetus will be cured

>> No.9446916

Say goodbye to your feet

>> No.9446921

Gerson therapy has the cure. Don't fuck around with your health anon.

>> No.9446927

Why is the Betus so random? Is it truly just genetic dice?

>> No.9447003

I'm type 2 and have to take insulin. The doctors opinion is that my heavy drinking is what caused it as I've never been overweight and don't eat much sugary stuff.

You should also also get your eyes (diabetic eye disease) and feet (nerve damage) checked regularly as they can develop very serious problems.

I would be careful about eating too much fruit as that is sugary. Theres loads of low carb recipes out there and as you test your blood more you'll get to know what effect different foods have on blood glucose.

Main thing is to know is that it isn't the end of the world, and a lot of the changes you make will actually help your health in other areas too.

>> No.9447973


>> No.9447983
