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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9432663 No.9432663 [Reply] [Original]

So why don't women these days cook like their moms and grandmothers used to?

>> No.9432668

Same reason most men don't cook:
-wide availability of cheap food that requires no skill to prepare
-loss of skills because gossip, facebook, and video games is more appealing than learning cooking

>> No.9432696

It was an essential skill for marriage & running a family in the past. It was literally their craft so everyone made sure to teach their daughters.

Also to blame are:
>feminist mothers
>availability of cheap premade food

>> No.9432701
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because men don't work hard like their dads and grandfathers used to

>> No.9432708

The sad thing about it is that so many great recipes will die with the last generation.

Chefs only get taught how to cook the same crap in each field of cuisine.

>> No.9432714
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Women's (((liberation))) or some such. Honestly as a guy I don't mind because I learned how to cook at an early age from my mom and grandma, learned all the family recipes and """secrets""" and cook any damn thing requested of me. Every girl I've dated has been laughably incompetent in the kitchen. I learn their favorite dishes or general tastes and surprise cook for them (early on I never let them know I can cook). Last girl I brought homemade cookies to her work for all her coworkers for Christmas. Another girl I brought all my sushi stuff to her apartment after a bad day and made her favorite rolls.

It pays off, the pussy game has been insane for doing such things senpai desu.

>> No.9432720


>> No.9432733

>Family are all Irish pagan, so traditional gender roles, lots of kids, big appetites
>Every Sunday we have 20+ people for dinner
>On average cooking 25 meals
>Turn 5 and you have to help clean utensils and sweep up
>Turn 10 and you have to do the dishes
>Turn 12 and you have to make the sauces/gravy and set the table
>Turn 15 and you have to make a dish
>Boys only have to help clean as kids after dinner
>the rest of the time they get to go play
>The men just fuel the fire, smoke, drink and make bets on sports

Women would cook more if there was division of labour, but largely it's down to "Well, it's always been your job" in a society where women now have to keep jobs as well as a house.

>> No.9432736
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It sounds like a shitpost because its 4chan and all that but the reality is that I grew up in a family with no cooks on either side of the gender fence.

I didnt get a single non half assed retard boomer recipe passed down to me. Its not the case and reason for all families, but many it is.
Fruit fluff - cottage cheese, cool whip, pineapple, jell-o mix
chicken soup - frozen breasts thrown into a pot with stock cubes and celery/carrots
spaghetti - noodles and store bought sauce

Is the more reasonable answer, but isnt the only reason. Breakdown of family is a big part. Im a guy and I am only 26. I can cook better than every single person on my father's side of the family, and im shit.

>> No.9432748
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they don't? mine does

>> No.9432749

Technology. Technological development has led to women being capable of doing virtually any job as well as men. Couple that with the corporate owners pushing for women to enter the workforce and shaming those who don't to expand the pool of available labor so they can pay significantly less. Labor is a commodity in capitalistic societies and a greater supply of available labor means reduced wages and salaries. Since most are in the workforce there's no reason for them to be expected to cook more than men.

>> No.9432799

The death of the Nuclear Family

>> No.9432807

Find a wife from the countryside. They're good at cooking compared to city diseased vaginas.

>> No.9432812

>pushing for women to enter the workforce and shaming those who don't to expand the pool of available labor so they can pay significantly less.
Yup, because women are stupid and are brainwashed to seek out jobs, so men will make less money. Stupid women can't think for themselves, why would they ever want to have a career when they can just marry a man and have children.

>> No.9432814

Hard to say, I think part of the reason is the availability of pre-packaged foods but also that parents don't bother passing the skills down.

For example: my grandmother made delicious home made pasta. My mother never did because either a) we would go to grandma's for dinner at least a couple times a week, b) she would get pasta from grandma, c) she would get storebought pasta. Not she nor my grandma never taught me to make pasta, and there's plenty of storebought options, so I don't make pasta, I just buy it.

I could learn how to do it myself but it would certainly be going out of my way for the novelty/fun and not out of necessity. Repeat till infinity with any other dish, skill or technique.

That said, I am grateful to be from a family where people know how to cook. Paternal grandma cooks (too fatty but she's skilled). Maternal grandma and grandpa cook. Mom cooks (her specialty is soups), dad cooks (he's best with meat based dishes and likes grilling stuff, typical dad shit, but he'll make a delish potato salad, pesto, anything). Both mom and grandma bake and tho I didn't really take any family recipes I'm a competent baker because I observed how they do stuff and then pursued recipes I liked with that knowledge. But if it hadn't been for my parents getting me involved and asking me to help out in the kitchen I'd probably have been fucking useless until I moved out.

>> No.9432832

My mom and her mother couldn't cook for shit. Good bakers tho. My mom's dad was a professional cook, bartender, and owned his own restaurant for a while.

My dad and his mom could both cook. My dad's dad worked his ass off but was essentially a man child for house work. He lived off of hot dogs, beans, and stuff family would make for him for like 30 yrs after his wife died.

Monolithic historical assumptions are a meme.

>> No.9432837

The internet exists. Pretty sure there are more and better recipes out there now than you could have ever collected going door-to-door at various grandparents' houses.

>> No.9432858

Mfw 4th generation carpenter

>> No.9432880

Why haven't the relationships worked out

>> No.9432892

Oh, let the nostalgiadrone stay miserable. If he wants to pretend that the best years of food are behind us, he'll be less likely to pick off our plates.

>> No.9432897

>"If he wants to pretend that the best years of food are behind us, he'll be less likely to pick off our plates."

name a modern dish that could compete with a classic dish

>> No.9432898

Whit each generation there is less and less time spent with family, less chance to pass on the knowledge.

>> No.9432910

Ice Sandwich

>> No.9432918

What does that even mean? Modern interpretations of classic dishes are abundant and quite good. /Ck/ is not stagnant nor binary

>> No.9432936
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Because I get depressed. Being told to "snap out of it" or called "fucking helpless" when you try your best. I prefer to be alone and drink heavily anymore. Yay.

>> No.9432947

Its worse than that
Business owners feel the need to hire more women despite the added drama and lesser work ethic and efficiency co.pared to men (gwnerally)

>> No.9432948

This is the most shitty hipster post I've seen
Thanks for the cancer, faget

>> No.9432949

They used to get schooled for it. I remember my mother telling me how she had to learn to thinly peel a potato from top to bottom without breaking the peel.

>> No.9432976

I bet you don't even have real clinical depression and you just fell for the memes.
I'd dump you too.

>> No.9432981
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>Irish pagan

>> No.9432988


>> No.9433009
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>So why don't women these days cook like their moms and grandmothers used to?

Should I cook this for you anon?

I feel like in general, people always envision the past as being better and romanticize it because of nostalgia, but in reality it was really shit. Men especially romanticize the 1950's before women had a lot of rights and pretty much all you could do as a woman was cook, rear children, and spend your husband's earnings on catalog dresses. But think about it beyond that. Here you are, the one sole provider for the house and if your job goes to shit your family suffers immensely and you are the one to blame since your wife can't go get a job. Also, since your wife didn't go to college/got an MRS/never used her degree you're stuck with a woman with the reasoning of a fickle child who doesn't understand finances and only wants to order dresses from catalogs.

Bottom line is that it's not about "the good old days" or that women have lost a passion for cooking, they've just been capable of doing more. There had always been bad female cooks (pic related) but now bad female cooks aren't condemned to a life of cooking where they had to learn recipes from equally bad mothers and continue the culinary downward spiral. I have a passion for cooking, I am a woman, and I cook and I am good at it.

If anything, I think the culinary arts has benefited from modern technology and a more global market because we can get whatever produce we want all year round and are seldom restricted on what we can buy. And it doesn't matter anymore who is in the kitchen, whoever has the most passion for it will cook. And if you're dating a dumb bitch who can't cook, then you cook for yourself and trick her into doing literally all the other housework.

tl;dr you guys have nostalgia for an era you weren't even a part of where they mostly ate canned shit and jello

>> No.9433011
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Thanks Anon.

>> No.9433021


good job on the refutations, lads

>What does that even mean?
How about we do "modern" as being from 1990 onwards and "classic" as being from before 1900

>> No.9433023

Post tiddies

>> No.9433036

In my defense I didn't attempt a refutation just asked a clarification on a poorly worded premise.

You've poorly framed your premise again though because you leave out 90 years of cooking. You hop from one arbitrary interpretation of cooking to another and clearly are trying to set forth a new proposition whose only goal is to protect your first. Your shit posting is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.9433048

I like where you imply that women today don't have the reasoning of a fickle child just because they have jobs and aren't housewives anymore
Being that I've been laid off for about a month I've been at home taking care of our kid and doing the chores women traditionally were expected to do and you know what I've learned? Women who bitch about doing the same shit they do at work at home, which is the vast majority, ARE FICKLE FUCKING CHILDREN.
>oh my God I'm so tired cause I worked six hours
Bitch please, I would work 10 hour shifts on my fucking feet all day long and come home to cook dinner and spend the rest of the night with the baby because you "need a break", women are fucking pathetic in this day

>> No.9433065

here's the real, honest truth

cooking is no longer a necessity, so it has become a hobby. but not a "killing time" kind of hobby; rather, a self-improvement hobby. cooking is something you not only get an immediate tangible benefit from (survival), but it's also a fairly intricate and complex affair once you start to get really good at it. the more you put into cooking, the more you get out of it. cooking rewards you for being good, but it REALLY rewards you for being REALLY good.

and so it has become a "male hobby", like mechanical work/tinkering (though with electronics these days), carpentry/woodworking, sports, and so on. now that cooking has become uncoupled from its fairly strict gendered conceptions, that has made space for men to move in and reappropriate it for themselves as a way to work on themselves and "git gud" at something (a la bodybuilding, or non-casual videogames).

i could really see this pendulum swing going all the way to the other side, to be frank. i think more and more men over the next couple generations will learn how to cook primarily from their dads, and women will continue to be force-fed other paths of life (regardless of their actual preferences) to the point that by the end of the century, cooking could come to be seen socially as "a guy thing". whether in a derogatory sense or a fairly neutral sense remains to be seen.

but i could be totally fucking wrong about all of this lol. what do i know

>> No.9433068

>Projecting your personal problems of a cuck life on to her
Chill the fuck down. How do you find time to shitpost btw?

>> No.9433076

might be something indirectly related to your use of parentheses to indicate that the Jews are behind everything
glad you got dumped

>> No.9433078

By life maybe, but those were the results of my own poor decisions, as far as finding time, she's old enough now that she can feed herself or when she's playing with her toys I snag the phone for a quick shitpost or two

>> No.9433082

I was just noting that people in general who don't use learned knowledge tend to forget it. Do you remember everything from world history in high school? No, because you don't use it. And women in that era who were treated similarly to children in what freedoms and responsibilities they had could not even understand the finances the way their husbands did, in an era where women weren't ever a part of the financial aspect of a home.

You're just married to a lazy bitch who exploits you by making her think that she is a fickle fucking child to get out of work. Women have been using the victim complex for centuries and still are (*cough* feminism *cough*). Find a woman that actually knows how to work. I make way more money than my bf so he does all the bitch work and I just cook, and he happily spends my money and I happily don't have to clean anything.

>> No.9433099

Why are some of you guys pretending to be women?

>> No.9433100

Your first paragraph neglects the actual history of women and the home, it wasn't slavery conditions and the women actually ran their home like it was a business including handling finances like paying bills/mortgages, dealing with repairmen, etc basically women were the GM of the home
You're also forgetting the aspect of women who took pride in taking care of a home, so you were just noting/observing one half of the coin that favors your perspective without even taking into consideration that there were plenty of women who didn't feel "oppressed" and took pride in their responsibilities, but of course in today's atmosphere the media wouldn't dare portray that

>> No.9433102
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>> No.9433111

My mom cooks some pretty retarded shit but every now and then we get a "classic" greek dish like Dolmadaes, Spanakopita, or Pastitsio

>> No.9433114

maybe yours don't you fucking loser faggot

>> No.9433118

Is this your first day here?

>> No.9433120
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>> No.9433124

They busy open their legs

>> No.9433209

All I know is from what I have learned and it may be biased based on specifically my grandparents and history lessons by blatantly liberal public schools. You're right that there are women that enjoyed housework and took pride in what they did and it was a time period that certainly promoted it and encouraged it. I'm not ignoring that, but all I am saying is that you shouldn't glorify a past era and have false nostalgia for something you weren't a part of and don't fully understand. It wasn't always the case that 50's housewives were fantastic cooks, and it's only in the modern era where women have an opportunity to have a respectable life outside the home. Personally, I wouldn't feel fulfilled if my life was just housework and netflix.

I digress. The whole point of my argument was that the culinary past doesn't hold a candle to the modern food we have today where we can get any ingredient we desire and both men and women have opportunities in the kitchen if they desire instead of a shitty wife cooking shitty food simply because it is their defined role in society. Not everyone had grandmothers or mothers that knew how to cook and a lot of people are good cooks because they were eating shit their whole lives. It's just a matter of perspective.

Welcome to /ck/ where the women of 4chan lay their heads.

>> No.9433242

My mom and grandma are both awful cooks.

>> No.9433247

>It pays off, the pussy game has been insane
This. Cooking is now incredibly sexy. As long as you're not woefully incompetent, womem get stupid horny over a man bringing them food.

>> No.9433251

It's good that God has prepared you for a life alone

>> No.9433259
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When you asked for clarification on my usage of "modern" and "classic", yet decided you were also going to be ambiguous with your quote "modern reinterpretation of classic dishes" I knew you were just going to play semantics.

Your defense of "modern interpretations of classic dishes" betrayed that you clearly had your own internal, working definition of the two words, and you are just deciding to play dumb. I chose to advance a fair, quantified definition and you chose to weasel out of it. If you were not being disingenuous, you could have also come to the conclusion yourself that for example 1910 is not especially classic nor is 1970 especially modern.

If I were to capitulate and say "Before and after 1970" you would somehow cry about that as well. I propose you must have learned how to debate from that faggot Destiny, because you never advanced a single dish and are instead nitpicking what you *think* the form of my argument is.

Finally, your quip "Your shit posting is bad and you should feel bad" confirms my worst fear that you need to fuck off back to Rebbit

>> No.9433283

50 years of jewish propaganda

>> No.9433287
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>So why don't women these days cook like their moms and grandmothers used to?

Because my grandmother was a Polish baba who used to make boiled dishes I didn't like, particularly golabki. She boiled everything from hot dogs to vegetables until the color left them.

My mother hated grandma's cooking growing up, so she latched onto my grandfather's heritage and focused on Americanized Italian cuisine, which in turn, I grew up to hate because I got tired of eating spaghetti and shitty lasagna all the damn time. If she tried to cook anything else, it'd be shit because she didn't follow a recipe and just assumed her way of doing things was the best.

So, no, I don't cook like my grandmother or mom and I'm okay with that. I actually try to cook different cuisines, want to learn, and most of the meals I make I put in effort and are therefore delicious. There's nothing they cooked that I couldn't make better, and everything I cook now they couldn't do.

>> No.9433317

>Have a Ukrainian mom who's food kicks ass

Golabki are good but you need a thick sauce with em', my mother and grandmother cook them in a tomato/sour cream sauce instead of boiling. Comes out really friggin delicious.

>> No.9433319


Because men don't hunt/buy them ingredients like their fathers and grandparents used to.

>> No.9433419

Makes you wonder what you're kids will be saying about you

>> No.9433446

starving artist checking in

>> No.9433450

Lol, only shitty cooks are sensitive about their kids critiquing their cooking.

>> No.9433457

My mom and grandmother didn't cook.

>> No.9433461

Dad was a dumb weeb who made us eat Japanese food 4 nights out the week. Fuck miss.

>> No.9433468

Probably good things because I won't feed them garbage.

>> No.9433471

>This triggered he writes his magnum opus to his theory of cooking eras
Lol thank you for the laughs laughs lad

>> No.9433506

> Here you are, the one sole provider for the house and if your job goes to shit your family suffers immensely and you are the one to blame since your wife can't go get a job.

yeah, and now we're in a position where if either of the providers lose their job, the household suffers immensely. fucking brilliant, feminists

other than that, you're right. it's not hard to put a pot roast in the oven, and the cooking in general was very simple "set it and forget it" kind of cooking that anyone that took home ec back in middle school could do. cooking has changed, and the availability of food has changed, and the culture has shifted where it's not feasible to make dinner all the time.

>> No.9433515

It's way easier to learn cooking from scratch these days though, so passing down knowledge is not that valuable anymore.

Internet & TV have more enough tutorials.

>> No.9433521
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>Not caring about your family's PARTICULAR take on classic dishes
Fuck outta here. You have no history. You are nothing

>> No.9433523

>where the women of 4chan lay their heads
I thought it was /cgl/

>> No.9433532

I would if my family had anything.
It's a luxury these days but not a necessity anymore.

>> No.9433541

SAD! how nothing tho? Don't you have at least a great aunt or uncle who kept it going? Fuck I'd be branching out the family tree like a mother fucker to get my hands on that info

>> No.9433647

Because its feminine and they don't want to be the feminist equivalent of an uncle tom.

>> No.9433659

brain power vs physical labor; using the brain in the data age to bring forth change is much more taxing on the body than you think.

>> No.9433666

Nah they are all dead. Only the generation before me is alive and they are fucking lazy or live so far away that i barely know em. My parents were 40 when the had me.

>> No.9433747

The reason your grandma knows how to cook is that she's been alive for many decades. A lot of people are naturally shit cooks but reality forces its way into their lives and they manage to pick up enough practice to get by. When you get older you'll understand how this "life experience" thing works
>the pussy game
Quit LARPing, kissless virgin

>> No.9433749

That board is like 90% gay dudes, there are more fags in /cgl/ than in /lgbt/ for god's sake

>> No.9433847

I don't know a single guy who would expect his future wife to hold down a full time job with a family. That's a responsibility you put on your own shoulders. You want financial independence to walk away, you want equality of power in the relationship.

Though I'm a lazy slob I still see plenty of blue collar workers who work 6+ days and evenings for family. If you want a traditional marriage it's not that hard to find one, do it while your young though.

>> No.9433857

Trips of eternal sadness.

>> No.9433858

I don't know a single married guy whose wife is a stay at home mother. Actually I know one, sorry I forgot about him. So of the married people I know, about 2% are a 1950s style stay at home mom and career dad. Everyone else relies on a combination of babysitters, retired parents, or working remote (this might come as a shock to some of you but a lot of jobs these days are so heavily based on email and web hosted conference calls that working at home is routine)

This may be a class thing, I imagine it's hard to work from home if you're a welder or a plumber.

>> No.9433865

Women's liberation movement
I'm serious

>> No.9433883
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Not that it's a proof of anything but my sister and all of her girl friends are hopeless in the kitchen. While I still lived with my family I helped them multiple times when they didn't know how to read the recipe or just didn't know the necessary technique.

I've always tried to help her learn, but she can only make a few things that she personally enjoys and that's it. I feel bad for whoever will be her husband. Hope he earns enough to pay for both a cook and a maid, since she's a complete slob.

Most women I've met don't want to cook because "MUH DRADITIONAL GENDER ROLES". As if I gave a shit about that when I learned how to cook. Cooking is great, it's like playing legos, but you can eat it afterwards.

>> No.9433895
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Do the women in your area burn bras in public too?

Has anyone even told them they're allowed to vote?

Does the temperance movement still have a lot of followers in your area?

Not trolling, I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.9433906

That's not my point, it's you who put that responsibility on your shoulders. Life sucks in your class, nice retirement package though.

>> No.9433907

I'm from Poland so no(though I live in Ireland now), no bra burning. I know there were incidents with retarded feminists, but most people just laugh at them. My sister is well aware of her rights, she studies sociology and political movements.

No temperance movement here my dude.

>> No.9433915

>it's you who put that responsibility on your shoulders.
I don't understand what that means or what point you are trying to make by saying that. Who is "you", is that the plural you? As in the married couple? But if we're assuming one party can work and the other can stay at home, you must mean that "the responsibility" falls on one person and not the other. How is that decided? The one with the pussy stays home? Why should that be the case? With one of the couples I know, the husband spends more time at home because the wife's job has a lot more travel obligations.

You seem to be taking a lot for granted in terms of what "people" think and do. I'm trying to explain to you that your idea of normal might not be normal for other people.

>> No.9433919

Ah, Catholic countries. I would imagine things are considerably less progressive - isn't Ireland where they arrested a bunch of people on a ship for providing birth control?

>> No.9433924

Are you implying that since they no longer do all that they are no longer as dedicated to feminism? I'm genuinely curious how you could get that impression in this day and age.

Nowadays they troll the internet to bully Nasa scientists to tears over a shirt with their white knights. Wish they would go back to burning bras.

>> No.9433936

Maybe, I don't follow local events. But yeah, even though Poland is a overwhelming majority catholic country there's stilly plenty of the nonsense ideologies coming from the west in cities amongst younger generation. I've met my share of polish "feminists" that just parrot whatever they've seen on their favourite feminist youtube channel whenever occasion strikes. There's not many, but god are they annoying.

>> No.9433942

No, I'm asking you because "feminism" evolves over time and is context-dependent. In 19th century America, "feminism" was bashing booze bottles and harping at men for having a drink. In mid-20th century America it was bra burning. In 1960s Greenwich Village, it was dressing in "male" clothes and raving about how men are evil. In chauvanistic Latin countries it might be openly having sex before marriage. In 21st-century Afghanistan feminism is lifting your burqa to rub the sand out of your eyes.

You can tell a lot about a person's background by listening to their ideas of "feminism". In most modern industrialized countries, the idea that cooking is a female task and that refusing to cook is "women's lib" seems hilariously quaint. Like a line from a 1950s period film.

>> No.9433949

I can see that. Like how in the Bible Belt in America there are a lot of shrill atheists who screech autistically at the slightest reference to religion of any kind, while in the rest of America people mostly are indifferent to religion.

A person living under an oppressive society is liable to push back extra hard and this would no doubt be annoying to anyone disinterested in changing the status quo.

>> No.9433958

There is no responsibility, there is simply the possibility.

>in a society where women now have to keep jobs as well as a house.

This expectation doesn't exist on the male side of society. Regardless of the fact that we are brow beat, the "patriarchy" is still alive inside of us.

Women put the burden of full time employment in a marriage on their own and each other's shoulders.

>> No.9433959

I get your point, but one can be vehement about your beliefes and arguments without treating everyone who disagrees with you as a moral inferior. I get that women push back against "patriarchy"(also known as civilization) which goes against their evolutionary strategies for success, but spreading nonsense is not acceptable.

I've had one feminist start screaming at me that I was a religious bigot that just wants to shackle women in the kitchen when all I sad, which was in response to her denial, that european vallues and laws are directly shaped by christianity and christians. I'm an atheist too, but at least I understand the value that the biblical stories have and their influence on history, art, law, morality, and many other areas. I find it hard to stomach someone that just dismisses me as "closeminded christian" when all I do is recognize the reality of influence of religion.

>> No.9433971

Well there are certainly people who live according to that point of view, I don't dispute that. For example with the married couple I know where the wife stays home, the husband is an ambitionless husk of a man working a dead-end job and the wife is an entrepreneur. The wife makes more money with her part time business than the husband brings home from his full time job. There is no logical reason why he should be the one "working" and she should be the one with the kids most of the time, except that they're from super conservative families and are literally in an arranged marriage.

That being said, practicality overrides "the patriarchy" for most people, and generally the question of whose job is more appropriate for home vs away from home is a question of random chance, rather than a marriage decision made in advance.
I guess I've never been in that situation so I wouldn't be able to judge. I lived in a super conservative area for a few years and decided it was not for me, so I moved. I think this phenomenon is more a thing with young people still living under the same roof as their parents. Like the shrill vegans. Have you ever met a shrill vegan older than early to mid 20s? I haven't. But I knew a lot when I was a kid.

>> No.9433987
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>Have you ever met a shrill vegan older than early to mid 20s?
Yeah, that's an interesting point, I guess it is kinda similar. A part of your life that you've changed(like young people do so often) and then have to inflict that chang eon everyone around them, otherwise it's not authentic I guess?

Also, patriarchy isn't some kind of magical boogie man, it's a pact between men, both alpha, beta, end alower, to publicly mate with only one woman at a time. Monogamy is pretty much equivalent to patriarchy. Human beings are not monogamous by nature, women are hypergamouse and men are polygamous. Both have to be force through culture, family, education, and law, to be monogamous, because it is the most optimal way of running human scieties we know of. It does use force, but too many young feminists think it goes one way, when it actually pushes on both sexes to conform.

>> No.9434017

>A part of your life that you've changed(like young people do so often) and then have to inflict that chang eon everyone around them, otherwise it's not authentic I guess?
I think it's more like when you aren't able to fully exert control over a part of your own life and (pick one: buy your own groceries/decide the crowd you want to associate with/not go to church on sunday/etc), you're liable to have a lot of frustration and you're going to take it out on those around you.

I live in a country where people can pretty much move wherever they please and live among moonbat hippies, crazy gun nuts, polygamists, ultra-orthodox Jewish extremists (google "Kiryas Joel"), shallow consumerists, vegans, orthorexics, fresh off the boat immigrants who don't even speak English, or whatever. And I'm lucky in the sense that my parents gave me a good education so I can earn a decent living pretty much wherever. And if I had turned out gay or decided to embrace Islam or chop my own dick off or whatever, they'd learn to accept it.

But I can imagine the frustration of being the girl in a conservative country who was married off to some schmuck on penalty of being cut off from the family. No education, no options other than running off to uncertainty or becoming a hooker in Amsterdam. That could make me pretty angry, if that was me.

>> No.9434027

Yeah, it's understandable for people to get angry at their lot in life when they have no part in chosing it.

>> No.9434030

>Yes I'd like a hard boiled one

>> No.9434049


I have nostalgia for the character of that era. Aspic, canned stuff and jello is entirely resultant from Great Depression rationing so it's not really an accurate representation of the past - only a specific period.

>> No.9434052
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>> No.9434055

>Technological development has led to women being capable of doing virtually any job as well as men

It didn't "augment" women in any way. It's simply eliminated any necessity for women to have skill in cooking or cleaning when you have appliances to do it for you.

>> No.9434066

>It's simply eliminated any necessity for women to have skill in cooking or cleaning when you have appliances to do it for you.
t. slap chop customer

>> No.9434080

>patriarchy isn't some kind of magical boogie man, it's a pact between men, both alpha, beta, end alower, to publicly mate with only one woman at a time. Monogamy is pretty much equivalent to patriarchy.

Christ, take an anthropology course before you spout such absurdities. Matriarchy/patriarchy refer to whether descent is traced through the female or male lines and whether property is by and inherited from the female or male. It has nothing to do with whether the culture is monogamous or polygamous (including both polygyny and polyandry in either system).

>> No.9434086

You are absolutely right. I was referring to how modern feminists see patriarchy, more than it's dictionary meaning. I could have made that clearer I guess.

>> No.9434131

>naked apron
Do women really do this for their husbands? Sounds sexy but impractical

>> No.9434135
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>ywn have a thicc android wife to cook for you and give you after-dinner cummies

>> No.9434146
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>> No.9434385

White girls certainly don't.
Latinas, asians and idians do; go for them.

>> No.9434476
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I literally want to suckle your punny mummy tiddies and nourish myself with your honey sweet milk. Please post your cute itty bitties.

>> No.9434543

muh femuhnism

>> No.9434565
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>> No.9434583

I agree and married an asian because I've had a hard on for asian women since the time I met one when she was an irl exchange student hosted by my grandparents when I was 9 yo. However, you have to be very careful about how quickly they pick up the western culture. It can ruin the entire thing if you're not careful. Didn't happen to me, but it did to some of my asian fever buds.

>> No.9434595

>it's another why don't women cook episode

why don't YOU cook, you retarded ramen guzzling faglords? posting 50 fast food threads an hour does not count as exercise. meanwhile legit cooking threads go to page 10 to die. make a mustard gas cocktail and end your lives. you disappoint your moms every day.

also, the chicken sandwiches at Wendy's are better.

>> No.9434859


>> No.9435337
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>tfw you can cook better than both your mother and your grandmothers

I do have some aunts that can cook reasonably well.

>> No.9435444

>>This expectation doesn't exist on the male side of society.
How so? Men are expected to be independent individuals capable of supporting themselves and typically being a net gain in support for a woman. If anything, men where I live in the US still have higher expectations than women.

>> No.9435499
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My mom and her mother cant really cook, nothing noteworthy anyway, especially nothing that's been passed down person to person their side of the family, but I'm pretty sure it's because they were dirt poor when my mom was growing up.
My dad can cook, and so can his mom and dad, and they do have recipes that are passed down, notably they were decently well off when my dad was growing up.

>> No.9435985
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In my family the women still cook exactly like our original ancestors.

>Maria, smash eggwith rock.
>Mmm. Smash smash.
>Also, rip root. Rip root.

. . . Are you chronologically challenged?

>> No.9436000

My gf cooks and bakes all the time
She's also fat as fuck.

>> No.9436005

Any pics?

>> No.9436014
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Most recent.

>> No.9436018


>> No.9436019
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Here's a pic of her actually cooking. I told her I wanted cookies at 11:30 PM and she went and made them from scratch. I fucking love her.

>> No.9436192

some can

>> No.9436278

>loves her so much you're killing her

>> No.9436296
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Jesus Christ.

I hope she at least fucks like a stripper in heat.

>> No.9436308


Wears glasses while cooking but doesn't wear glasses while looking at iPad

>> No.9436415

Because the reason my life sucks is a group of imaginary people. Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.9436436
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> resized

>> No.9436477

Cartoon women don't actually exist.

>> No.9436702

under appreciated post

>> No.9436719

Cause "they're strong independent wamen who dun need no man'

>> No.9436739

because it was convenient for women to stay at home and cook and for the men to go hunt and kill shit.

women aren't inherently better at cooking. that's a meme. it's just they've had more practice. in some cultures, men kick the women out of the kitchen for important meals so they can make the really nice shit. because it's a craft.

>> No.9436839

I tried doing it for my dad once, he yelled at me and told me to go put some clothes on

>> No.9436846

What a prude

>> No.9436848

I cook and so does my sister. Idk, I haven't really observed that.

>> No.9436865


>> No.9436886

do you think your grandmother was an ace in the kitchen back when her pussy was in business?

>> No.9436950
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My dream is to become a housewife(male) to a successful businesswoman who can't fry an egg to save her life so I don't mind.

>> No.9437361
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You obviously haven't found the right one

>> No.9437374

this dude makes the best post in the entire thread and y'all just ignore it wtf

>> No.9437388

It depends on the girl. My sister is a really good cook. She left our family home already and i miss her.

>> No.9437870

>what is nearsightedness
>how to glasses work
Wow, so there really are people this stupid.

>> No.9438412

what? why would you do that for YOUR DAD?

>> No.9438436
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The most "cooking" that my parents did while I was growing up consisted of baked chicken breasts with BBQ sauce slathered over it. Luckily they've gotten better at it over time, but yikes.
My grandmother on my mother's side also couldn't cook for shit, and my grandmother on my father's side died young (though my grandfather's new wife is a great cook).
I wish I could have inherited my great-grandmother's cookbooks for some authentic Penn Dutch recipes, but a distant relative cleaned out her apartment after she died.
Most women I know who are my age can cook, not quite sure where this meme comes from.
"classic" American dishes are horrible. Good fucking riddance.
This, in addition to the fact that homemaking hasn't been a full-time job in many, many decades. There's a reason why so many women were on barbituates in the 50's. There's just not enough work to make life meaningful with modern amenities and only a couple kids (who spend most of their time in school after a certain age). The "traditional" family model is shit unless you're a parasite or okay with supporting a parasite whose day consists of browsing facebook and throwing shit into a slowcooker.
It's your fault that you decided to marry a lazy cunt, anon.

>> No.9438440

so many people both women and men, don't cook these days, I just don't understand how anyone can get by without such a basic life skill

>> No.9438444

Circumstances have changed. Running really fast and throwing spears was a life skill once.

>> No.9438449

but the difference in either cost or health in cooking and eating out/doing fast food is just too wide for me to grasp how people live like that

>> No.9438451
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That's a problem that I wonder about. It does seem like women are very intolerant of any kind of perceived "incapacity" in their partners. It seems like there are a lot of women who completely lose respect for a man as soon as he reveals that he has a problem or a weakness. It makes one feel pretty hopeless sometimes. It could be that I am just going after the wrong women. But often it seems like all the good ones are taken.

Clearly men don't have the same standard for women. If anything, they seem eager to go after damaged or unstable women, as though being crazy makes them sexier. And perhaps it does, in some ways.

>> No.9438507


you need to go back

>> No.9438509

Many women are into damaged or unstable men, anon. They want to be the special woman who can fix them. Just look at all the crazy bitches who write to serial killers and obsess over damaged animu characters.

>> No.9438566

>look at all the crazy bitches who write to serial killers and obsess over damaged animu characters

I've heard about the former and wrote them off as being masochistic with rape fantasies, but I must say I'm somewhat disturbed by the notion you are aware the latter even exists.

>> No.9439096

male chimps pay females with food for sex

>> No.9439143

>"classic" American dishes are horrible. Good fucking riddance.
>comparing post-war nonsense for women who were never taught to cook to actual classical cooking.

>> No.9439240

It is incredibly hard to maintain all the traditional roles when you are pretty much forced to also take untraditional roles as well. And when you are doing them both, it's hard to not be spiteful when you're not only doing your job but also men's work. This is another reason why you won't find women who don't "nag" you about helping out if they work, as well.
At this point, it's a team effort. And you can either be a team, or you can find another partner.

If you think that's unfair, so is expecting a woman to work a job and contribute to the household financially while also being the only one who takes care of it and feeds it.

This isn't even a feminist concept. This is just how things have to work now in a modern society. It sucks, but it is just what we have to suffer through together.

>> No.9439269
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>using the brain in the data age to bring forth change is much more taxing on the body than you think.

>> No.9439273

because they're vain and lazy

>> No.9439338

simple answer is: they werent taught as kids and they never wanted to learn. not just being time poor & availibility of pre packaged foods.

everybody knows the best meal is the one you made yourself because you are invested in it.

great recipies are shared and passed down through many generations but they arent anymore

>> No.9439348

im a grown ass man who has been in and out of school for the last 5 years.
This is true.

>> No.9439349

that guy looks cozy as shit and I aspire to be him.

Not even the guy you were replying to, I just want you to know that you have shit taste if you think that guy isn't patrician for being that cozy.

>> No.9439367

>thinking this happened in one generation.
Techno elitists detected.
Most people dont cook due to lack of being taught and availability of food.
Single parent fanilies dont cook as often either.
Its been edged out over generations also with heat and eat meals and fast food.

>> No.9439371
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>implying people are intelligent enough now to use their brain to bring forth change
unless all people with an IQ lower than 120 died somehow people still should be working in factories and leaving intellectuals at peace to bring forth real change.

>> No.9439387

So your saying we should rip up the carpet and veat it before the vacuums?
Thats a slippery slope argument. If thats the case. We should go back having to hunt and build fires to make our food b3cause something some tradition and lavk of technology.

>> No.9439397

>by the end of the century the average meal has 2 pounds of meat and a spoonful of lettuce

>> No.9439407

It still is
t.on javelin and track team in high school

>> No.9439408

Women have jobs now

>> No.9439417

Utter fucking nonsense. Every cunt I know has been in full time work or education since they were 16. You are conflating the population of 4chan with the majority of young and mid to late 20s men at large, which is false. We are a small contingent of smelly dicked NEETs and hopelessly unemployable dreglings, not indicative of the norm.

>> No.9439487

>you aspire to be a numale faggot

>> No.9439502
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Hilarious post-modernist satire of a post.

>> No.9439516

Because my mom and grandmother didn't teach me how to cook

>> No.9439530

I'll t-teach you how to c-cook.

>> No.9439533

>have made like 4 threads asking for advice on how to learn to cook as a know-nothing beginner
>get shitted on every time
>all I had to was bring up my gender

Thanks for making me angry anon

>> No.9439539

When did you bring up your gender?

>> No.9439555

>I don't like the comfy aesthetic

Why haven't you just killed yourselves already? It's one of lifes simpler pleasures.

>> No.9439556

Because fewer women are becoming house wives and more are having careers

>> No.9439622

"An ugly wife is a blessing at home"
- Cody Cigar

>> No.9439676

Oh thank god. And here I thought it was because I'm gay. I'm using this whenever my parents look at me funny again when I'm in the kitchen.

>> No.9439679

So there's even a natural precedent. Point proven.

>> No.9439799


>> No.9440379

just because you insult him doesn't mean he is wrong, i hope you know that

>> No.9440462

>So why don't women these days cook like their moms and grandmothers used to?

Because changing fashion in food meant that people don't want to eat the stuff that was popular back in the days.

Also Feminists depressed wages, installed monopolies and moved cash away from investment into wall street, so people don't have the time for proper meals in a depressed economy.

>> No.9440472

>"classic" American dishes are horrible. Good fucking riddance.

Eh, if you go back to the 1930s, it's 100% immigrant food with zero percent Anglo cooking.

>> No.9440519

The guy looks a lot happier than me (and probably a lot of you guys) and he looks well off. I'd give a lot to be in his spot tbqh senpai

>> No.9440626

Why not? Beauty is beauty, stop being such a pervert

>> No.9440631

How did you let it get this far anon. Unless you have a feeder fetish

>> No.9440885

He's not wrong.

If you find a female who is even into the Japanime, 99/100 times, they cream over the "Ugh, It's so hard being a sociopathic alien baby with long white hair, I must take my angst out by killing a village of children orphans who all lost their dads in the war I created, and moms from being raped to death by my harbinger of dickings," types.

I had meet some of those types and jesus h christ were they bat shit. Its literally just Chink offbrand Daddy Issues, the wet hole.

>> No.9440893

I have a cookbook from 1931. Got it as a gift. Written by some old lady in Texas. Its loaded with Polish and German recipes.

>> No.9440934

You'd give your balls to be a gay guy in a college dorm?

>> No.9440943

One time i made breakfast after fucking a girl and i didnt feel like putting clothes on, except i had to put the apron on since i decided to make bacon and the grease was splattering my dick.

>> No.9440956

>Do women really do this for their husbands?
Dunno about wives and husbands but yeah, but my GF has done it a few times.

>>Sounds sexy but impractical
It's not supposed to be practical, anon. It's just a sexy little game.

>> No.9440960

>the grease was splattering my dick.
Stop buying shitty bacon, anon.

>> No.9440965

I was just using a small pan, i didn't want to fuck with too many dishes.

>> No.9440977

Why are you talking about pan size?

Shitty bacon is injected with flavored water. That's why it splatters.

Good bacon is dry-cured. It doesn't have any water shot into it so it doesn't splatter, curl. or shrink while you cook it.

Stop buying shitty bacon.

>> No.9441073

Pro tip their moms just got take out and their grandmothers got tv dinners in a box.
Women cannot cook.

>> No.9441127

>make way more money than my bf so he does all the bitch work
Actually glad I'm not in the dating pool.
Imagine working at a factory all day on your feet only to come home to a wife who makes more in an air conditioned office.
Then she called you a bitch and made you do house work while giving you an allowance like mom.
Fuck that shit to death.

>> No.9441135

Jesus fucking h Christ this happens to so many of my guy friends and I.
Why can't women admit they are shitty and ask to get help to be better.

>> No.9441156

>women hate men.
What in the actual fuck is wrong with women?
Sorry I haven't bothered with women since highschool.

>> No.9441170

>gun nuts
No they are not allowed to owe guns bro.

>> No.9441181

Switzerland, although i wouldn't consider them gun nuts. They're more like a very prepared man who wants none of your shit and is content to hang out in his mountain.

>> No.9441185

Loser who never hunts
Loser who doesn't know what HEMA is.
Loser who doesn't practice self defense in all forms to get an understanding of the ancients.
Go to /k/ they might teach you something.
It's nice talking to modern day people.

>> No.9441189
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>All the countries in Europe have the same laws

>> No.9441198

Sound like a normal man.
A gun nut (in the gun owning world) is someone who knows all there is to know about guns their actions and their break down and matinance along with its history and production.
In other words a gun nut is someone who loves guns not a school shooter slash racist.

>> No.9441201

Can you walk into a store and buy a full auto belt fed machine gun? Can you own grenades and rocket prepelled guns?
No then no you can't own guns.

>> No.9441205
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>> No.9441206

>rocket prepelled guns

>> No.9441212


>> No.9441217

Sorry I used gun instead if grenade I figured you wouldn't understand.
So, are you going to insult me again or realize most everyone isn't allowed to own guns.

>> No.9441220

You are also now away some variety of AKMs have an insert to put grenades into their muzzles and fire them off.
So it can be a grenade launcher or a gun that launches grenades.
Like an m203

>> No.9441223

Swiss people are all trained to use their weapons, which includes care and maintenence. Also every home has to have a rifle. I'm not sure if how many people actually go buying tons of guns though.

>> No.9441226

Mother's cooking is honestly overrated. My mom's cooking fits my taste greatly but it's nothing impressive. And she's good enough only because my dad taught her how to cook.
Boomers already started taking shortcuts mostly because women either don't enjoy cooking but had to because they're not the breadwinner, or they're simply shit (and not everybody can be very passionate about cooking). Canned tomatoes, canned this and that, ready made sauces, all you have to do is either heat up or quickly pan fry a piece of meat on a non-stick pan. Many kids grew up with that kind of boring and unsavory food; heck my cousin never had duck until he dined at my home with my mom cooking some for us. And when I spent my vacations at his home, all his mom ever does is pasta with butter and a slice of ham.
And yes, feminism has a part in that too. I remember my mom refused I help her cooking when I was a teen (like some prep work) because she said that when I'll get married I'll do this for the rest of my life. I'm not married (yet) but I cook every single day because I love it and I have to thank my dad and my godfather (he owns one of Australia's most popular French restaurants) for that.
However many girls/women see cooking as degrading and that's also because they are victims of trends.

As for "hispter restaurants" (the place that purposely looks like shit and serve you raw kale with some cilantro for 15 USD), they want you to do nothing and enjoy and relax their shitty uninspired "healthy" food, because you don't have to waste time in the kitchen anymore. But since it's trendy and "healthy" (I always emphasize on the quotes), people go back home and sometimes want to recreate the shitty dishes at home. Thus you're in a perpetual cycle of shit food despite the ok/good ingredients.

It's a vicious cycle. The only way to break the cycle is to be fussy over shitty food. If she can't make it, do it on your own and educate her palate.

>> No.9441237

>Can you walk into a store and buy a full auto belt fed machine gun?
Not everywhere, but yes.

>Can you own grenades and rocket prepelled guns?
Again, not in every country but in some places, yes. A good family friend of mine (Danish) owns over 100 guns including a literal cannon. One of my father's business contacts in Sweden is a big military history buff and owns several WWII-era automatic weapons including both SMGs and belt fed guns.

Here's a video of a very extensive Dutch private collection with machine guns clearly visible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG6dwtGsZTg

The same channel has a video of walking into a gun store somewhere in Europe in which many different WWI and II era machine guns (fully functional) were displayed for sale, but I don't recall the title so I can't find the video right now.

>> No.9441269

>So why don't WHITE women these days cook like their moms and grandmothers used to?

The key word here is WHITE woman.

I'm on my 2nd wife, and divorced a fucking shireking banshee of a woman for a beautiful little Asian who actually appreciates all the things I do for her.

Plus, Asians make much better mothers in today's society.

A white woman will raise some seriously confused & fucked up kids if you let her...

>> No.9441272

>Plus, Asians make much better mothers in today's society.
>A white woman will raise some seriously confused & fucked up kids if you let her...

1000% THIS.

If you want to raise stable, hard working kids, marry an immigrant woman. White women are the possibly the worst mothers nowadays.

>> No.9441275

Because men do not fuck like their fathers did. Blame all gmo, aspartam and such for it. Mean are not real men anymore, so why women should be real.

>> No.9441287

It's not so much "immigrant" or "race" that's the issue here, rather it's how the people were raised.

If someone was raised like a spoiled little princess that person will be worthless in the future whereas someone who was rasied learning about cooking, responsibility, money, and so on will be far better off in the future.

Now it is true that a lot of immigrants happen to fit that latter definition but it's not exclusive. Some immigrants are just as spoiled as rich suburban white girls. And likewise you can find plenty of white girls who are great homemakers--you just have to find the ones who didn't grow up with phones and malls and instead grew up in a more rural sort of area. Country girls still have skills.

>> No.9441304
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Then how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?


>> No.9441308

The same can be said with some men.

I know a guy who would never touch meat with his bare hands and throws away butter or sour cream if it expired by one single day. Faggot.

>> No.9441319

What little miss is forgetting to mention is how crazy women let the dynamic go to their heads, it's not just a case by case basis, it's the MAJORITY, girls that make more and don't give their SO shit are as rare as platinum

>> No.9441327

i bet the sushi was shit

>> No.9441334

I would cook for my wife

>> No.9441337

>implying women know the difference and don't drown it in wasabi & soy sauce anyway

>> No.9441338

>The same can be said with some men.
Absolutely yes. That's why I kept saying "person" or "someone" instead of "she" and "her".

The problem is not gender, rather it's upbringing. I pointed that out in the very first reply to this whole thread. >>9432668

>> No.9441366
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I never said anything about it happening in one generation, anon. How long it took varies greatly by locale.

In the US, for example, you had a massive loss of cooking skill after WWII due to a variety of factors: the women were all working while the men were out at war. massive amounts of cheap processed food (canned, TV dinners, etc.) flooded the market. advertising of the era preached that cooking was drudgery and instead the "modern woman" should let machines do all the work while they dressed up and went to cocktail parties instead.

That wasn't much of a factor elsewhere in the world. In much of Europe there was no cheap industrialized food available, so people did the same things they always did--cooked at home from scratch.

But as industrial food processing became more prevalent, cheap fast food became more widely available in other countries, etc, the same sorts of things happened there, it was just a bit later.

A 1950's housewife ducked out on cooking because canned food was there and she wanted to go out and gossip with her lady friends. A millennial might be using fast food and facebook instead of pic related and "tupperware parties" but the basic principle is the same: distractions and easy alternatives.

>> No.9441445

>Swiss people are all trained to use their weapons, which includes care and maintenence. Also every home has to have a rifle. I'm not sure if how many people actually go buying tons of guns though.
I know this already we have swiss bros on /k/
Although they are only allowed so many.
Same in leaf land.
>The same channel has a video of walking into a gun store somewhere in Europe in which many different WWI and II era machine guns (fully functional) were displayed for sale, but I don't recall the title so I can't find the video right now.
Again I am aware.
However, I feel (fine if you dont) That needing approval for owning anything means you dont truly own it as for any reason it can get taken away.
I just feel if you can get approval you can get disapproval too.
I already watched that video before.
Again I just feel that if you cannot own what the military owns, then you dont truly get to own guns.
A cannon is cool its awesome and full of history but to walk into a store order an M249 and 10,000 rounds of ammo with only a ID and some cash is the true way to be a free gun owner.
Had that man in that video broke the tiniest of laws....His guns would get taken and melted.
Although I am derailing the tread.
Let me show you america
Here in america I can own a nuke...Not even joking.

>> No.9441464

>Let me show you america

>>9441237 here. I know American gun laws very well. Supposedly we can buy a lot of things here that are hard to get elsewhere in the world but honestly it's a clusterfuck that goes both ways. Currently I'm 11 months into waiting on my forms for purchasing a suppressor for my 22 pistol. That's pretty far from "free". Sure, we can legally own some automatic weapons, but due to supply and demand they are incredibly expensive.

Meanwhile, my brother living in England can walk into any gun shop and buy a SPAS-15 with no more paperwork than a normal shotgun. Import banned here in the good 'ol land of the free. Heck, my brother can even buy a suppressor with no paperwork at all! Meanwhile I have to jump through hoops, submit to an FBI background check, etc, for the privilege. Of course there is alternate stupidity as well. Any 18-year-old can walk into Wal-Mart and buy an air pistol that is flat-out illegal in the UK, even with a firearms certificate.

Yes, I do know that the US has it better than many countries out there but let's not pretend that we are anywhere near "Free" in that regard, or that all Euros are necessarily worse.

>> No.9441471

>Again I just feel that if you cannot own what the military owns, then you dont truly get to own guns.
>A cannon is cool its awesome and full of history but to walk into a store order an M249 and 10,000 rounds of ammo with only a ID and some cash is the true way to be a free gun owner.
>Had that man in that video broke the tiniest of laws....His guns would get taken and melted.

why am I agreeing with you

>> No.9441527

I was trying to seduce him, alright?
I have some very complicated feelings towards my dad.

>> No.9441978

>implying I don't torque larger bolts than that with a torque wrench

>> No.9442011

>I'm on my 2nd wife, and divorced a fucking shireking banshee of a woman for a beautiful little Asian who actually appreciates all the things I do for her.
>Plus, Asians make much better mothers in today's society.

Sometimes I wonder why white guy choose to make their own lives miserable by marrying a spoiled cunt of an entitled white girl.

Just fuck them and toss them. Never ever wifey a spoiled white girl.

>> No.9442196

Rural girls can be as big whores if not worse than city girls, literally the only benefit to them over city girls is they might no how to cook, fish, or hunt

>> No.9442215

Because my man looks so damn cute in the apron!

>> No.9443299

>your autistic daughter will never try to clumsily seduce you

>> No.9444187

because their lazy mom's didn't teach them