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File: 1010 KB, 1024x768, old pizza hut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9438357 No.9438357 [Reply] [Original]

When's the last time you did this? I don't think I've been to a Pizza Hut (dine-in or otherwise) in maybe 15 years.

Any still around? Think I could recapture the experience? (No family now, but...)

>> No.9438368

i went for the lunch buffet a few months ago
pretty comfy desu

>> No.9438372

Was there anyone else there?

>> No.9438373
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Some time in the early 1990s. There was NARC, and there was Hard Driving. I usually saved my quarters for Hard Driving even though it was 75 cents

>> No.9438381

There's one two cities over from me.
I kind of miss it desu, getting a pan-dish pizza with my dad is one of my only good childhood memories. He'd always force us to eat some vegetables from their salad bar while waited.

I yearn for those moments again. Everything was comfy and happy and even though I knew I had to eat the veggies, I was always happy to because I go to have a big gloopy slice of pizza and play Soul Caliber on the arcade machine while I munched on brocoli.
I miss you dad.

>> No.9438383

I remember the Pizza Hut I worked at in college in South Dakota had a jukebox that mostly had classic rock and pop country on it, but for some reason it had Jimmy Eat World's "Lucky Denver Mint" on it. And this was at least a few years before they had any kind of national presence.

>> No.9438404

I remember local Pizza Hut had a jukebox. My older brother would play Metallica and Judas Priest. I thought that was so rad

>> No.9438419

yeah lots of people

>> No.9438427

I remember going to PH as a kid to get my personal pan pizza for the Book-It club

>> No.9440193

Back in the 90's as a kid.

Aunt and uncle lives a town over about 30 minutes away, so my mom and I would frequently visit them. We'd usually go to Pizza Hut for dinner. It would be my mom, aunt and uncle, and me and my 3 cousins who were all older than me and in their late teens. There was a jukebox with classic rock, and a marvel vs capcom cabinet. We would all joke around and have a great time. Now my cousins all have kids and drug addictions, and my mom rarely speaks to her sister, while I moved 2k miles away.

I would do anything to go back in time.

>> No.9440344

This. Along with the arcade games and jukebox made for a great time as a child. Earning the free personal pan pizza was worth it every time.

>> No.9440390

ph is my fav fastfood pizza. been like 6 months since i had some

>> No.9440397
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>tfw you can still get p'zones in canada

>> No.9440406


>> No.9440415
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I still go Pizza Hut for the buffet. The dessert zas are off the chain.

>> No.9440421

went to one in college with a couple girls, years ago now
dont see any new chains popping up or anything. surprised theyre still going

>> No.9440422

Always used to get a pepperoni pan pizza. Felt special in the early 90s.

>> No.9440431

I think their pan pizza was a lot better back in the 80s and 90s. Some time after that it started going down hill it seemed. Now I don't like it at all. Some other local places I liked back in the 80s and 90s still taste just as good to me and haven't changed a thing. Chains just change too much even if they already have a good thing going.

>> No.9440451

Breadsticks were amazing too.

>> No.9440463

All the chains were better back then

Papa johns was legit delicious, and then every ingredient got focus tested with something that looks the same but was cheaper and slightly worse

>> No.9440475

I feel you anon. I used to go with my parents and sister, and it would be a pleasant evening with arcade games, those red plastic soda cups, etc. Now my parents don't speak to either my sister or our extended family, she moved to one end of the country, I moved to the other, and holidays are weird affairs where I sometimes fly back and there are only three places at the dinner table.

We still have memories, at least.

>> No.9440907

even McD's was. their fries taste like nothing now.

>> No.9440929
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Their pizza was decent back then too. I wouldn't eat it these days though. Known too many people that worked there.

>> No.9440936

I remember in school if you had good grades or some shit you'd get a free small pizza coupon monthly so every month I would get a pizza, was very comfy.

>> No.9440938
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>> No.9440941

Just last week, actually. Eastern KY here. Went to the buffet with my wife.

Our Pizza hut is surprisingly good. Probably because it's like one of three pizza places in town and has to actually try, the others being Little Caesars (good for the cheap shit) and Domino's. We had a Papa John's go in, but they closed after like six months.

>> No.9440946

I think that was the Book-It! Program. You got pizza if you hit a certain quota of books that month.

It was a significantly better program than the Accelerated Reader shit schools are pushing anymore, which is so mindlessly stupid and has no rewards

>> No.9441004
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at my school we had to do a brief book report to prove that we read it. I just did all the stephen king that I'd already read

>> No.9441009
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When I was 5, 28 years ago. I only went because it was free.

>> No.9441015

I went with a bunch of girls for all you can eat at pizza hut on a hens night about 2 months ago.

The pizza was ok, I didn't eat much because pizza makes me feel all shitty and bloated.

>> No.9441033
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>> No.9441040

I guess this isn't the kind of thing to do inside the restaurant though.

>> No.9442155

i can trade you some imitation crab, i just got too much

>> No.9442918

i really want one of those shandaleers.

>> No.9443060
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>> No.9443091


>> No.9443106

I'm surprised to see they're not very popular elsewhere..

I live in Ontario, and they're at least as popular as any other restaurant chain (except McDonald's and Tim Hortons).

>> No.9443117

Should rephrase that.. They're one of the most popular chains that have servers, aka not just take out and delivery. Pizza Pizza and domino's definitely have more locations and probably do more business.

>> No.9443159

I remember looking forward to winter every year. Nothing beat that warm blast of the pizza ovens as you walked in from the cold. Those times were always best if you went to a bowling alley or movie theatre after.

Holidays now are pretty much the same for me. During Christmas my parents would throw a big party and put up hundreds of dollars worth of decorations. There'd be plenty of home cooked food, and my family seemed really close. Now if I go back, it's just my parents, my girlfriend, and I, and my mom just gets a Christmas dinner package from the grocery store. Which of course is eaten in the living room with the TV on.

But you're right. It's better that we at least have memories to be fond of.

>> No.9443469

Hell yes

>> No.9443479

Hard Driving was always one of my favorite arcade games as a kid. Only one with a clutch that actually was realistic.

>> No.9443481

I miss you too son

>> No.9443484
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Last month before moving out of the house

>> No.9443533


Probably about 11 or 12 years. I remember it clear as day because of how confused and angry I felt. My friend in grade 6 and I went after school with his mom. She ordered a bunch of pizza, like I think maybe 2 large pizzas. I had about 3 or 4 slices and was stuffed. My friend had the same. The mom was pretty skinny and had like 1 or 2 maximum. There was so much pizza left over and I expected her to ask to have it put in a box and taken home (she had an older kid and a husband, could have given some to my friend for lunch the next day) but noooooo. What does she do when the waiter came over? "Yeah we're done with this." And he took it away and threw it all in the fucking garbage. Never will I ever forget the internal horror and anger and never after that have I ever wasted food, especially pizza. I always eat the crust.

>> No.9443562

My family never got elaborate, but we always still had a great time.

The last 5 or so years though have gone down hill. No big family fighting or anything, just bunch of them are in various shitty situations (unemployment, medical issues, relationship problems, you name it) and the rest of us are kinda burned out. We make the effort but it feels more like a chore. Like something we _have_ to do in amongst all the other bullshit we're all dealing with.

As to OP, there's only a few left around where I live, and was out with some work buddies maybe last year and we went there specifically because none of us had actually set foot in one forever. I remember the crust was ok, but it was greasy as all fuck. Other than that it tasted like bog standard pizza. The smell in the place though, that was still awesome and brought me back. No idea what that is.. but it's unique to pizza hut and is some how hardwired to my 12 year old self or something.

>> No.9443634

Kek, made my night anon. All we're missing are some energy crystals to recharge.

>> No.9443659

Took my little sister to a pizza hut in maybe 2011 or 12, so she could redeem her personal pan pizza coupon she got from the library's summer reading club. Did it at about 1300, there was like 1 other table with people in the whole restaurant. I got a small pep for myself, doused it with parmesan and red pepper flakes. Decent pizza, a bit on the crispy/greasy side, but for the price I could have had a much better pizza from Papa John's.

>> No.9443664

Pizza hut changed their recipes sometime in the late 90s, so it's not just nostalgia on your part.

>> No.9443940

You need your fucking energy crystal man. Go get a JO crystal right now!

>> No.9444005

Last year, when I was working on the road for an environmental consulting company. We'd always be working in podunk middle-of-nowhere towns with lousy dining options. As such, went to one in some little town in eastern Tennessee. It was neither great nor horrible.

>> No.9444262
File: 206 KB, 542x428, TRUMPCRUSTFIRST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to eat at Pizza Hut as a kid. They always had promos with popular kids' movies; I've had the commercial at the beginning of The Land Before Time VHS burned into my memory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4065smJLXk
I've only eaten there once, I think in 1998 when I was on vacation with my family. I don't remember how it was, but I was super stoked on that stuffed crust.

>> No.9444343


Anon here. I was going to mention the smell. I was back home with my parents in Indianapolis about a year ago. My dad was home from work (long haul truck driver) so my gf and I were going to have dinner with them. My mom asked if I wanted to go pick up a big Pizza Hut deal with her, so I went. Just walking in and getting hit with the scent of the pizza flooded memories back in. Hadn't been to one in years. Fucking weird how much that sticks with you.