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File: 34 KB, 475x363, ONE_AYE_IS_SUFFICIENT_ENSIGN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9435372 No.9435372 [Reply] [Original]

>bible belt
>cant buy booxe because its jesus day

why are these laws legal in the US? I know not all states have them but quite a few in the bible belt have it illegal to buy liqour on sunday. Im a fedora tipper, why cant I buy booze when I want?

>> No.9435413

The same reason sharia law is enforced in middle eastern countries. They're the majority, you're not.

>> No.9435414

what state so I can avoid living there?

>> No.9435419

PA fucking sucks too. Any other state I've been to has beer sold anywhere.

>> No.9435421


Its more of a county to county thing, but almost every country has some regulations on alcohol purchases on sunday, most are just wine is illegal, in mine its all booze

>> No.9435425

What the fuck is booxe you filthy sand nigger?

>> No.9435430

Because the purpose of the US governmental structure allows for local laws to be far far more specific than federal and state ones.
You don't actually have a constitutional right to certain kinds of food goods. The federal government cant ban booze but anything more specific than that can completely ban the sale. That's why dry counties are even possible.

>> No.9435433

My backwoods Georgia town had a vote to allow Sunday alcohol sales a couple years ago that like 95% supported. Still not allowed to buy alcohol before noon tho cause that's the lords time can't be drunk at church

>> No.9435436

except religion and law are supposed to be seperate and its only illegal because of christcucks

>> No.9435447

>The federal government cant ban booze
That's where you're wrong, kiddo. They did and it was a spectacular failure. Flash forward to current 'War on Drugs'. Lather, rinse, repeat.

>> No.9435458

we finally got wine in grocery stores here this year. it makes cooking a little easier

>> No.9435460

>Not buying copious amounts of liquor on Saturday

>> No.9435465

Name one rational reason I should not be allowed to buy liqour on a sunday

>> No.9435464

There's no religious text in the law. Individuals can simply find alcohol use abhorrent.

No, I mean they specifically cant because they already repealed that amendment, and once repealed it cannot be reintroduced

>> No.9435467


>> No.9435471

Oh, there isn't a good reason at all.

>> No.9435472

Funny thing about that. The big (chain) liquor stores in my state actually lobbied against the idea of allowing them to be open on Sundays. Why? They didn't want to have employees on the clock for an extra day and therefore need to pay them more or hire more people; nor did they want to lose the surge in sales/traffic that happens every Saturday.

As long as you live in a wet county, you can still buy beer or wine after 12pm on Sundays, so it was never really much of a loss.

>> No.9435478

The states with the worst liquor laws aren't even in the South.

At least in the South you can buy beer on Sundays.

>> No.9436658

My county in the south is probably the most retarded out of all the US. It was completely dry until a few years ago when they passed a law that wine booze and beer could be sold in the county seat, but the county is still technically dry and people over 21 are being busted for possession of alcohol. Fucking christers.

>> No.9436784

>hurr durr bible belt
Fuck off man

>> No.9436792

It's not just the bible belt, though that region does suck. And it's usually Catholics and Baptists pushing that shit elsewhere.

People who aren't extreme alcoholics would just buy a bottle on Saturday. Shit only sucks when you suddenly decide to cook a dish that requires wine and don't want to use that salted-car fuel they sell as "cooking wine." Or deglaze something with liquor.

>> No.9436801

Grow up

>> No.9436802

Avoid the red squares. The yellow ones will be hit or miss.

>> No.9436807

They had to amend the constitution to do that. That amendment has been removed. So now they can't again. Take that buddy.

>> No.9436808

Ideally, you wouldn't be allowed to buy liquor any day.

>> No.9436811

An appealed amendment can't be reintroduced?

>> No.9436815
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Forgot the map of dry counties.

>> No.9436818

The US literally bombs countries for trying to enforce sharia law.

See: Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Libya, etc.

>> No.9436821
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The map misses Indiana and parts of Minnesota. I've been there. Hell, Indiana has the gall to ban liquor sales on Holidays.

>> No.9436823

How hard is it to find someone selling moonshine in USA?

>> No.9436824

First one I found. It's off wiki so I'm not did its
Surprised a little inaccurate.

>> No.9436829

It's cheaper to just buy everclear in most areas. There's a brand called Moonshine but it's just underaged whiskey, usually with fruit or some shit in it.

Wasn't that executive order only, aka limited action because only the commander and chief approved it?

>> No.9436831

Carpet bombing the Bible Belt would be a step forward for this country. Let's finish what General Sherman was too "nice" to see through to the end.

Let's have B52 sorties for a few weeks, on every state south of the Mason-Dixon line and east of New Mexico. Send in the drones to mop up, and repopulate those areas with a management class of Chinese and Indians, with Mexican labor to do the rebuilding. These people would be carefully selected by a reconstruction agency through an application process, and granted unconditional citizenship upon approval.

>> No.9436834

You say that as if Indiana is renowned throughout the world as a shining beacon of progressive modern values

>> No.9436840

Like Detroit, it was alright when it had more industry. Now anyone with any sense has abandoned it. And it has become such a drug populated area that feds are embedded with small-town police. Scary that such a rural state can set records.

You ever see the TV show 'Revolution'? Removing modern conveniences and connections and letting humanity cull itself seems far better than the conditions in a lot of cities, but that would fuck over the rest of us.

>> No.9436874

That's not why they bomb those countries my man

>> No.9436879

Minnesota is all legal now. Some stores just choose to stay closed on sundays

>> No.9436891

It literally was unless you still believe Saddam had 'yellow cake' and 'links to al qaeda' and the same goes for libya.

Somalia is a no-brainer, the islamic party won the democratic election and America disliked this so they decided to completely destroy the country for the sake of freedom (registered trademark of Lockheed Martin).

>> No.9436904

The US is christian, an abrahamic religion just like Islam. Although the 3 semitic religions never stop warring with eachother they share common beliefs. The foremost being puritanism, no fun allowed.

>> No.9436914

We literally found NBC weapons by the thousands buried in the south; but hey that wouldn't look good now that we admitted we were wrong. I guess it gets almost no news coverage. I know little about what happened in Somalia, but Lockheed should be the least of your concerns. Expensive-ass munitions actually do expire.
I thought we invaded Afghanistan to protect the opium fields for the pharmaceu-

We will never understand the bullshit politics that goes on.

>> No.9436917

Buy a bottle on Saturday and save it for the next day, moron. Or was the fucking law introduced yesterday?

>> No.9436921

i bombed your mom's carpet last night

>> No.9436922
File: 1.42 MB, 350x197, WHAT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The US is christian
No it's not. Despite there being a lot of Christians it is by no means a Christian theocracy. Hell there are federal laws against that shit.

>> No.9436929
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>Hell there are federal laws against that shit
There are federal laws against a lot of things that still end up being done by government at various levels

>> No.9436937

I am always prepared with my alcohol supply to avoid this bullshit. I live in Chicago and there are no liquor sales between midnight and 8 AM each day except Sunday you have to wait until noon. Which is completely fucking stupid because of the number of people preparing for football game parties, which of course start at noon every Sunday.
You know what else is completely retarded about Illinois? Car dealerships are closed by law on Sunday. Fucking CAR DEALERSHIPS! Explain this shit.

>> No.9436941

>end up being done by government
You're moving goal-posts. Dynasty assholes we can't remove from power because we require them to approve it is a whole different matter than the rest of the country.

>> No.9436949

Baby steps. We can't realistically expect cages to be banned overnight, can we?

>> No.9436951

How can I be moving goal posts if I'm not the person you're arguing with? Checkmate atheists

>> No.9436955

same here in texas. fucken sharia law

>> No.9436961

Land of the Free.......

>> No.9436967

State Laws...

And the Home of Not Wanting Federal Intereeeerance.

>> No.9436973

I live in NH, stores are open every day of the week. They don't exactly have the best hours, and in central and northern part of NH they do get a bit sparse but that is largely do to how rural it is.

>> No.9436978

Chemical weapons which were provided by the United States to help Iraq in the Iraq-Iran war, that wasn't the concern, the concern was 'yellow cake', 'aluminum tubes' and 'links to AEL QAEYAYDA' as Bush so elegantly repeated.

>> No.9436982

You have to understand that those laws were put in place in an era of American Intellectualism, it was the enlightenment period the likes of which America has not and never will see again thanks to the mass influx of German and Irish overly-religious potato farmers which became the majority in bumfuck nowhere states.

>> No.9436985

It wasn't removed, it was repealed. Could they not just repeal the repeal? Idk, I'm not a constitutional lawyer but it's a living document, subject to change.

>> No.9436998

Oh suck a lemon. A private treehouse of jackasses supported by a wealthy community of merchants is hardly "intellectualism." I'm happy, but surprised, it worked at all.

And the mass-influx of immigrants affected the cities as well.

But you are right; ultra-conservatism needs to stop. As long as people aren't directly affecting your life, you have no right to control theirs.

>> No.9437009

t. Hans Gruber

>> No.9437018

I'm Orthodox and I think it's unnecessary but if you buy beer during the week and it doesn't last until Sunday you're being done a favor, desu

>> No.9437028

If you can't anticipate your need to get shitfaced on a sunday you are probably an alcoholic.

>> No.9437049

Its an insane law that has no reason to exist. What if you applied it to literally anything else.

>"You can just buy bananas on a Saturday, why be upset they are illegal to sell on Sunday?"

Why should anyone be inconvenienced because of some law made by bumblefuck Christians that is 100 years out of date. Its completely pointless and there is no good argument you can make to support the laws.

>> No.9437058

Everything being closed on Sunday was the best part of living in the south. Its good to have a day where 99% of people have off and can spend witg family or friends. Living elsewhere its impossible to schedule with people due to days mix matching as the weekend doesnt exist.

>> No.9437062

In Texas you can't buy motorized vehicles 7 days a week. Dealerships have to ban sales on either Saturday or Sunday. This applies to even a go kart.

>> No.9437063

t. out of control alcohol

>> No.9437069

Alcohol is a drug, and should be banned. Alcoholics are a disease on society, and alcohol is a excuse to dull the senses and act like a idiot or listless memeber of society.

There is your argument.

>> No.9437094

If your argument is that Alcohol should be banned then why is it only banned one day a week? That makes no sense if you want to keep people from drinking. So if you are pro or anti alcohol either way the Sunday law is pointless.

>Weed is illegal only on Sundays, this will help stop the drug problem

Try an argument besides calling an alcoholic ad hominem

>> No.9437101

It's all for the saudis

>> No.9437103

>oops, I just got btfo by the guy I'm arguing with
>I've got it, just throw out an ad hom and laugh like a lunatic.

>> No.9437113

>Be Norwegian
>Limited alcohol sales
>And not on holidays
>End result is everyone having a decent stock of booze for holidays

>> No.9437122

Nope. Not the guy you were arguing with. You might be experiencing a B vitamin deficiency

>> No.9437125

Potheads get the rope too.

>> No.9437128

We had those Sunday blue laws in Kentucky for a while, back when my roommate worked in a liquor store and we both smoked pot. It was great! He would steal tons of liquor on Saturday night, and the pot dealers would come by our place on Sunday afternoon to trade weed for their booze of choice. We drank and smoked for free for over a year.

>> No.9437132

alcoholic fedora, I will enjoy tormenting you while you go through withdrawal

>> No.9437392
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>tfw my state finally made it legal to buy booze on sundays

>> No.9437429

Last time I lived in Minnesota liquor laws went county to county.

I lived in Wilmar, which had no booze sales on Sunday and bars had to close at midnight, but 15 miles away in Spicer you could buy booze 7 days a week and bars were open till 2 am because it was a different county.

>> No.9437441

So when drugs are finally legalized and it's been a few decades will we have crackhouse themed bars where you can smoke a blunt while washing it down with a codine and soda cocktail served in a designer foam cup that costs $14.75 plus tip?

>> No.9437604

Colorado didn't allow Sunday sales until 2008(!). The abolition this law was opposed by convenience and grocery stores.

The reason is convenience and grocery stores are (were) only allowed to sell 3.2% beer and could sell it on Sunday. So they had more sales of 3.2 on Sunday than any other day.

The 3.2% law is now going away, slowly, with stores now allowed to sell it, but at a rate of a few new licenses a year. Coincidentally, this was opposed by liquor store owners who said it would cut into their business and cause them to close, as well as the small time (craft and micro) beer lobby who said this would wipe them out, somehow.

It may have started because of religious purposes, and while Colorado is in a unique place because of their 3.2 law, if it's still opposed in certain places it may only be because some industry in the state are being cunts about it.

>> No.9437726

Hipster trap houses kek
Hand made organic craft brewed lemon and lime soda mixed with codine made from fair trade poppies mixed with manuka honey and coloured with lavender extract
Served with fair-trade organic non gmo cocaine on a bed of wholegrain xanax
With a side of og starfuck kush rolled in Virginia tobacco leaf glued down with the tears of native American children

>> No.9437796

And yet the US is heterosexual life partners with the most brutal Sharia dictatorship of all, the UAE.

>> No.9437802

>against booze
Surely you jest

>> No.9437827

*Carpet bombing black areas

Fixed an objectively dumb comment.

>As long as people aren't directly affecting your life, you have no right to control theirs.

Which is why ALL forms of leftist and progressive ideology needs to be stopped.

>> No.9437850
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I like this guy

>> No.9437864

>sharia law
>law law
>American education
>Uhh you would know XD

>> No.9437866

>They didn't want to have employees on the clock for an extra day and therefore need to pay them more or hire more people; nor did they want to lose the surge in sales/traffic that happens every Saturday.
Interesting. So some liquor laws correlate with increased profitability. Seems they only really affect niggers who can't plan a day before, like OP.

>> No.9437909


Do you mean busted for open containers while driving or something? I've only heard of a minor in possession of alcohol charge, the minor part being the crime.

>> No.9437920

*Carpet bombing white areas

Fixed an objectively dumber comment.

>> No.9437923

Oh boy, Nevada is truly the place to go if you're a suicidal alcoholic. Booze is sold 24/7 and is sold in some form, at least beer or cocktails, at nearly every establishment that offers retail goods or food. You have to be REALLY trashed at the wrong place for people to even really mind you being publicly intoxicated.

My favorite was a liquor store that doubled as a guns and ammunition store.

I miss Nevada so, but I never drank as much or as offen as I ever have before or since in my life there. I would probably die or at least go homeless if I went back.

>> No.9438002


>> No.9438033

>tfw can buy booze 24/7, 365
sometimes yurop is not so bad

>> No.9438039

damn, packing my bags

>> No.9438070

to be fair, most laws are not rational

>> No.9438074
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>and is sold in some form, at least beer or cocktails, at nearly every establishment that offers retail goods or food.
um, Wisconsin here, Is this not normal?

>> No.9438076

Just because you're an uncultured swine yourself, doesn't mean you can't respect tradition.

>> No.9438080
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>And it's usually Catholics
no, the most catholic states, like the upper midwest and New England drink the most

>> No.9438083

Being a binge drinker is nothing to be proud of

Anyone habitually drinking more than 2 drinks a day, or more than 5 drinks in a single session more than once or twice a year has got a disease, and that disease is called alcoholism

Moderation master race reporting in, I look forward to looking down my nose at you when you've turned into a teetotaller because you couldn't handle a nice thing

>> No.9438085

To punish you for not having the foresight to buy it ONE DAY EARLIER/cruisecontrol

>> No.9438087

wait, who are you saying are the uncultured swine? The people who are still religious, or people who drink? (which is obviously much more traditional than any religion)

>> No.9438096

drinking 5 beers doesn't make you an alcoholic
Moderate drinking is any drinking that doesn't result in you neglecting your life responsibilities

Also, data shows that people who average 2 drinks per day live longer than those who do not drink (though averaging 1 per day show the longest additional lifespan). When you average 4 or more a day, thats actual alcoholism and life outcomes start getting dramatically worse

>> No.9438110

No single episode makes you an alcoholic, hence the word "habitual"

No one who isn't an alcoholic is drinking 5 decent quality beers and not getting at least a buzz. So either you're drinking garbage because you have zero standards for what kind of beverage you'll put in your stomach just as long as it contains alcohol, or you've got a ridiculous tolerance. In both cases, you are an alcoholic.

>b-but I read a study that showed
I'm sure you did. Most of those studies do not control for enough factors to suggest that drinking itself is what improves health. You're like those fat chicks who say "scientists told me chocolate is good for you". Quit lying to yourself.

>> No.9438115

>No one who isn't an alcoholic is drinking 5 decent quality beers and not getting at least a buzz.
getting drunk occasionally does not make you an alcoholic, that is absurd.

>> No.9438117

In Tennessee you can't buy wine or liquor on Sundays, there's no liquor in grocery stores, and there's no drive through liquor stores. Just last summer they allowed wine in grocery stores and you would have thought the second coming had happened. People were so happy they could buy fucking wine.

>> No.9438125

Your reading comprehension sucks, booze breath. Take a B complex when you wake up each morning, it will mitigate the long term brain damage.

>> No.9438127

Their national laws are usually based contemplating or in accordance of the sharia law, and the most religious people there (most) usually try follow those rules.

>> No.9438138
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Maybe American catholics whom are very influenced by the local crazed protestant denominations, but Euro catholics are a bunch of drunkards who would never shun drinking beer or wine even on sunday (especially on sunday)

>> No.9438142

I said drinking 5 beers doesn't make you an alcoholic
You respond that drinking 5 beers should at least make you buzzed
I point out getting at least a little buzzed sometimes doesn't make you an alcoholic. What am I missing?

>> No.9438143

Yeah no I'm in a wet county but you can't buy booze or beer after midnight on a Saturday.

Georgia btw

>> No.9438157
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nah, the real cultural divide in America is areas that are traditionally catholic (or lutheran), vs those that are mostly baptist or other crazy evangelical sects (plus the Mormons in Utah, but they are their own unique thing)

Though Mexican catholics kind of complicate things, as they aren't really much like the Irish/German/Polish catholics that settled most of the north

>> No.9438160

If you ask this question, yet believe heroin shouldnt be legal? You need govt to think for your stupid ass.

>> No.9438161
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that map would be way more interesting if they broke it up by US state since drinking trends vary so much across the country

>> No.9438165

Don't stress over it. But I do recommend the B complex. Going dry later in life won't undo long term damage.


>> No.9438167

For Americans, drinking 5 beers is being an alcoholic who should repent, feel guilt, shame and fear of losing himself on the booze and who should fastly get away from it to never touch it again, in their entire lives.

Americans are neurotic in regards to alcohol.

>> No.9438171
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Buy like 500 dollars in beer (30 racks) and big bottles of booze.
Never go to the store unless you are completely empty.

>> No.9438173

The alcoholism internet defense force has arrived

>> No.9438175

Why would you want to buy booze on a Sunday anyway? Its Jesus day

>> No.9438187

you mean for southerners. That attitude most certainly does not exist in most of the north

>> No.9438193

smart and highly educated people are far more likely to drink than uneducated people

>> No.9438198
File: 56 KB, 504x322, church drinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean normal ass, non religious fanatics?

>> No.9438204

I told you before that I drink. In moderation. I can see you're wrestling with some guilt though. Probably for good reason.
I am an apathetic agnostic.

>> No.9438209

>My favorite was a liquor store that doubled as a guns and ammunition store.
This is the true american I want to live in and love in.

>> No.9438223

Fucking based WI! No wonder I've become fast friends with 2 of my neighbors from there who both brew their own beer, wine and mead. What a great state, but they bailed out down here to the south because of the better climate. They gnash their teeth about the loony fundamentalists as much as anyone though, lol.

>> No.9438224

>No one who isn't an alcoholic is drinking 5 decent quality beers and not getting at least a buzz.
What if I am fat.
You also sound like you just dont like booze and want it gone.
So like most americans and canadians you dont like something and it needs to be banned so you try justifying it.
What if I work monday through saturday and want to get a little buzzed sunday?
Shit outta luck?

>> No.9438225

you said drinking 5 beers more than once or twice a year makes you an alcoholic, that certainly doesn't not qualify you as moderate. Occasionally getting a little drunk is moderate drinking. What you are advocating is almost teetotaling

>> No.9438228

>I'm fat and have a drinking problem
Self control issues tend to come in batches
>and want it gone
I want alcoholics gone because they're why we can't have nice things

>> No.9438230

I don't know man, I'd take a snowy winter over a southern summer any day

>> No.9438236

>So like most americans and canadians you dont like something and it needs to be banned so you try justifying it.
hey, Europeans are even worse at this

>> No.9438241

just like how corruption is nonexistent in the US because corruption is illegal
really makes you think

>> No.9438242

Binge drinking is something you might do at a wedding or some other exceptional event. Doing it "just because" is something alcoholics do. Are you going to weddings on a biweekly basis? That seems unlikely
>drinking in moderation is almost teetotaling
t. alcoholic with a pile of empty vanilla extract bottles on the floor

>> No.9438244

>I want alcoholics gone because they're why we can't have nice things
um, what nice things can we not have because someone has 5 beers a couple times a year?

>> No.9438245

>>I'm fat and have a drinking problem
I said what if I was fat.
And drinking a six pack isnt being an alcoholic.
I think drinking a few pinks of rot gut a day is alcoholic shit.
Looks like you dont under stand subjectivity.

>> No.9438255

>busted for open containers or something

No. I mean charged as an adult with possession of alcohol in a dry county. I'd show the blotter report where it lists it in my county weekly paper but I'm not going to identify my county just to prove this on an anonymous Hopi kachina figure carving board.

>> No.9438259

>what nice things can we not have because I have no self control
I'd probably start with the fact that we can't consume alcohol outdoors in many places

>> No.9438262

I know but north americans are way more vocal.
This binge drinking for days on end is a problem.
Wanting a six pack for sunday is called lazy sunday.

>> No.9438264

>on a biweekly basis
you just jumped from a couple times a year to biweekly

Also, drinking 5 fucking beers isn't special occasion stuff, thats a normal friday/saturday social night

>> No.9438265

And I thought Texas was bad, we at least have drive through liquor stores.

>> No.9438268

>I said what if I was fat.
Then you should cut back on the alcohol until you can wear a drop 7 like a normal person. Fat people tend to blame "genetics" instead of moderating their calorie intake. Beer has a lot of calories.

>> No.9438269

And you blame that on normal ass responsible drinkers rather than insane religious people?

>> No.9438275

One thing we Americans have in common with bongs is these silly euphemisms. "Having a beer" = having 5 beers. "A few drinks" means you end up on the evening news.

>> No.9438276

Strangely, drive through liquor stores are most common in states that have stricter alcohol laws in general and fewer drinkers

>> No.9438280

I blame it on people who are delusional about their own destructive drinking habits and then later in life turn into crazy anti-alcohol crusaders because they live a life of lies and when they finally sober up they assume anyone who says "I drink in moderation" must be lying, the way you are now.

>> No.9438281

>Literally every guy named Jesus

>> No.9438290

It's so the Baptist won't be seen.

>> No.9438294

>Then you should cut back on the alcohol until you can wear a drop 7 like a normal person. Fat people tend to blame "genetics" instead of moderating their calorie intake. Beer has a lot of calories.
What if I was fat meaning implying that pretend I was fat and that it took more then one beer to get me buzzed or tipsy.
Me having even two or three would be an addicted personality? now you are being dishonest.
Read my post before you go on a tangent.
>"Having a beer" = having 5 beers.
Me having a beer means putting ale in a pint glass.
Thats one beer for me.

>> No.9438297
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In regards to everything, and that includes sex, self-improvement, political correctness and things like that.

Americans take a small thing, a small concept, a small disagreement, a small discord, a small mistake and turn it into a mountain.

American culture consists on the neuroticism for principle, the neuroticism as the scope through where you judge everything.

This is why you have white kids listening to a black raper singing a song in which he can repeat thirty times "nigger" in a minute but when the white kid slips the "n-word" publicly he suddenly deserves to be fucking shunned, disgraced and even beaten, and everybody agrees that he deserved to be beaten by that black kid who was unrelated but was near him and heard the "n-word", and was super-triggered due to the psychological conditioning through this global American neuroticism, which made him succumb to an over-emotional drive until he beat the living shit of that foolish kid whose actual hero is a black singer.

It's the over-reaction to everything, this is why the so called sexual liberation in the US is much more extreme than in Europe, they always take things to ridiculous extremes, they don't know where to stop, it's a culture where common sense is simply unexistant.

They are the UNRELAXED culture par excellence, opposed to more relaxed cultures like those of Southern Europe or South-East Asia where people just don't give a fuck about petty things and they live and let live.

This is where those extreme self-improvement regimes come from, you are never good enough and that small bad thing about you, that is gigantic, ginormous and makes you practically a subhuman. Drinking some beers after work? ALCOHOLIC! To rehab you go and never drink booze again for the rest of your life!

In the land where people always feel happy ("fake it till you make it" should replace their national motto) is where people is actually always more unhappy, stressed and feel like they are never good enough.

>> No.9438299

well thats rather silly. These laws come from radical old timey progressives with dumb beliefs. Its pretty dumb to blame bad laws on anyone other than the people who made the bad laws

>> No.9438302

>I blame it on people who are delusional about their own destructive drinking habits
Nail on the head.
I can drink till I pass out on the road.
Or I can drink half a beer.
The whole point is choices and knowing YOUR limits.
Just say no is something some people should learn.

>> No.9438304

> pretend I was fat
Then I'd "pretend" to tell you to cut back on the alcohol until you can wear normal clothes
holy shit you really expect me to read all this shit?

>> No.9438307

And that county got all of the taextra tax revenue from the people driving 15 miles to pick up their alcohol on sunday. In fact, I'd wager 5 to1 there was a mega liquor store right on the border.

>> No.9438311

These mental gymnastics are incredible

>> No.9438313

the line between what constitutes directly and indirectly affecting someone else's life is the point of argument here. if you think a desire for control is exclusive to the left, you oughta sharpen your critical thinking skills.


>> No.9438318

>mental gymnastics
Its rather insane to apply this to that post rather than the one it is responding to

>> No.9438323

Says the guy who thinks open container laws in jurisdictions that didn't even exist in the 19th century are because of "the progressives"

>> No.9438329

was your dad an alcoholic or what

>> No.9438337

>its not religion that is the problem, it is moderate drinkers

>> No.9438341

No, but I've met enough IRL alcoholics who can't handle their shit to recognize rationalization when I see it. Some alcoholics have self awareness, I have less of a problem with them. It's the ones who go "I'm not the one with a problem, YOU'RE the one with the problem" after they got denied entry to another bar, that I am calling out

>> No.9438349
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Mmmkay. Just like having one or two drinks a day, and no more, is "basically the same as prohibition"

>> No.9438350

The people you are talking about aren't doing that after drinking 5 beers occasionally. Thats like 12+ beer territory at least

>> No.9438363

Legally speaking it can be, but logistically it's completely impossible. To undo the 21st (the undo to the 18th), you would have to pass an amendment undoing it.
Then you would need to pass ANOTHER amendment to re-enact the 18th.

We've literally only ever once repealing an amendment, and that was the 21st repealing the 18th. Changing that is effectively impossible.

>> No.9438376

since then the government has just taken the right to ban all sorts of substances without any sort of constitutional backing, so they would probably find a way if they really wanted to

>> No.9438394

If you know you can't buy booze on sunday and you can't plan ahead or control your drinking, you probably do not need to be drinking.

>> No.9438400

But having your life under control is for teetotaler religious maniacs

>> No.9438420
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>> No.9438428

just because alternatives exist does not make a law just or reasonable or constitutional

You could make the same argument about literally any other product you buy. Why not ban the retail sale of all meat on friday, as Christianity calls for too?

>> No.9438434

Christianity does no such thing. I'm all for making fun of people's religions but when you do it from a position of ignorance, you're the one who looks like the idiot.

>> No.9438447

>Christianity does no such thing
um, yes it does.
Of course not all sects currently recognize this, and even fewer actively practice it anymore, but it has a very long history in christianity

>> No.9438465

Personal penance, and fasting in particular, has a long history. If you want to be literal, Jesus also said to stick oil on your face on Fridays, but I didn't see you do that. The "no land animals on Friday" is a quirk specific to a few groups and time periods. The only noteworthy group that has done this in recent times were the Roman Catholics and it hasn't been a thing for half a century

>> No.9438480
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>kids listening to a black raper singing a song

>> No.9438488

Orthodox and Catholics, the two most traditional forms of christianity still technically say to do this.

Still, its entirely irrelevant how often it is done currently, the point is that making a dumb law banning something simply because of a superstition is not excusable or logical simply because that law can be worked around if people plan for it. You could replace beer with anything else and the statement that you could just buy it on Saturday would hold true yet that would not make it a good or reasonable law

>> No.9438506

I couldn't speak to what the Eastern Orthodox believe as they are heathens. The One True Church in Rome does not say this

As for the alcohol, I am sorry you were unable to use the "plan ahead" stuff that God, in His infinite grace, put in our brain pans 4000 years ago when He created all that is seen and unseen. Maybe, you partook of a bit too much of His blood earlier this weekend?

As for me, I'm off to the liquor store to get a bottle of wine ^_^

>> No.9438513

I live in a state with 7 day a week alcohol sales, it just bothers me when people are apologists for bad laws. I consider arbitrary, authoritarian laws to be bad

>> No.9438526

Christianity doesn't say you cannot drink on Sunday either. Most sects specifically have their people drink wine as part of their ceremonies on Sunday. That hasn't stopped "christians" from banning liquor sales on Sunday

>> No.9438544

>I literally don't have enough foresight to buy my booze any of the other 6 days of the week

What's it like being a failure alcoholic?

>> No.9438551
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>getting drunk off five beers
How? Are you an asian midget woman?

>> No.9438575

t. Gennessee Ice drinker, fat fuck, or alcoholic degenerate

>> No.9438581

>t. 4'10" terminally low bodyfat asian

>> No.9438586

I get drunk off of only one. Doesn't make for a very sociable pasttime but a single Colt 45 lasts me two days so whatever, saves me some cash for my future liver treatment.

>> No.9438589

5 beers in a day is not binge drinking.
>Doing it "just because" is something alcoholics do.
You've never known an Alcoholic, have you.

>> No.9438590

5'9", and I would consider 12% to be pretty reasonable although every time I visit flyover land the locals are always freaking out that someone can be a normal weight

>> No.9438593

Yea no, its not catholics who are temperance movement abstainers. If you ever want to know what Catholics believe, just google the catechism for all of the church doctrine. Catholics don't have radical fringe churches doing their own things. It's pretty standardized right out of Rome. Catholics around the world believe the same thing.

Methodists, Pentecostals, Baptists and Mormoms are the historically anti-alcohol activists (aka temperance). Dry County law restrictions and forced bar closures/curfews are kind of mixed bags of reasons as far as ordinances go. Communities may want to have streets quiet and safe at a certain hour for law enforcement reasons, which then relate to crime reasons. There is a direct correlation of drunk driving and these closing time and blocked sales ordinances.

If you are a responsible person, not an impulsive person, you will plan ahead and therefore be the kind of person that isn't a danger to society. Period. That's it. Not having alcohol in your own house on Sunday is some kind of poverty level lack of stocking up or the result of someone with an addiction so strong that it's always drained the moment it is purchased. No one wants that type in their car heading out to make purchases on the fly. I don't agree, of course, but statistics show that it is better for the greater good, such that the type of person who groans and complains has major issues as much as the law being stupid in the first place.

As a foodie, I am more intolerant of county owned liquor dispensaries where the lack of choices of wine and whatever import you might be looking to find can't and won't ever exist. That is lack of free market economy and very annoying for those who travel and are gourmands wanting their choices.

>> No.9438600

Actual alcoholics drink like a couple vodka bottles on a daily basis, if not much more.

5 beers is nothing, like a couple shots of vodka.

Beer has barely any alcohol on it, wine has a much higher gradient for example.

>> No.9438621

This person has his priorities straight. The problem with strict liquor laws is the effect on selection. Not that these people are likely to care much about that. "It tastes good to me" or whatever.

Also I'm not at all surprised that this thread is now turning into a pissing contest between degenerates where we boast about how much we can drink and still not crash on the way home. Stay classy, /ck/

>> No.9438644
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How the fuck are you getting drunk off five beers? Does American pisswater somehow contain more alcohol than actual beer?

>> No.9438652

I typically have 1 drink each night. 5 beers is 500% my average consumption. In yours I imagine it's closer to 50% of your average consumption.

Do the math.

>> No.9438657
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>average consumption
I drink less than once a month and it took half a bottle of this to make me feel anything. Do self hating alcoholics just forget genetics is a thing?

>> No.9438659
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>> No.9438665
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>all this "muh alcoholism" discussion
>mfw I'm a university student drinking anything from 12 to 50 beers a week

Hey, as long as I pass all my courses I'm gonna have some fun on the side

>> No.9438666

i dont enjoy drinking its a social thing, or atleast it is to me
i drink if im going out and doing stuff with friends and need to lower inhibitions and have a good time

drinking as an act alone is sad and pathetic, theres no reason to, its just you alone in a room, theres no end result that culminates it being worth it

>> No.9438667

>every time I visit flyover land the locals are always freaking out that someone can be a normal weight
no they aren't

>> No.9438669

>tfw ozzy is a distant cousin or some shit

>> No.9438681

>drinking as an act alone is sad and pathetic, theres no reason to, its just you alone in a room,
I disagree. Any meal should be accompanied by a nice beer regardless of whether you are alone. Beer just tastes good and should be drunk by any person who likes good things

>> No.9438756

>flyoverland notices me because I'm skinny

Lol, no they don't. You see innumerable meth addled skeletons as well as motorized scooter lardasses in bumfuck West Bejeebus. A 12% BMI skeleton fits right in.

>> No.9438804

>if a person is a normal weight they must be on meth
>if a person is not constantly complaining about pain they must have successfully tricked another doctor into giving out more oxycodone
flyover land, a magical place

>> No.9438810

Are costal fags really this butt hurt?

>> No.9438825

To keep chronic alcoholics in check. If you've already managed to finish the bottle you bought on Saturday, you need to take a break.

>> No.9438831

>To keep chronic alcoholics in check.
what a ridiculously inefficient and absurd way to do this

>> No.9438834

Women got the vote and immediately instituted prohibition.

>> No.9438843

pretty typical of female progressivism. They were the Bernie Sanders supporters of their day

>> No.9438848

It used to be that you couldn't buy anything on Sundays, but when those laws got repealed, it only applied to public business. Government shops still closed on Sunday, and booze in the belt is all ABC stores

>> No.9438857

Nice, it's cool to find orthobros hanging around.

>> No.9438862

how many states actually limit alcohol sales to state owned stores? It can't be very many. I oonly really know of PA
Also, WTF Canada, why do you do this too, you are supposed to be better than that

>> No.9438893

>minnesota legalizes it
>next sunday picking up a few items at shitty supermarket after buying good shit from Hmongs
>see sad guy zombie shuffling out of liquor store
It's because liquor stores want the day off? Just like car sales?

>> No.9438905

Hmong are fuck-awesome. Back to the topic of food, have you been to the warehouse market? It's like a fantasy bazaar.

>> No.9438914
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>Hmong are fuck-awesome.
hell yeah bro, they are bro-tier as sikhs my man

Pretty fucking based, those hmonhgs

>> No.9438929

Not a lot of sikh around there. A lot of other Asians and some people from north Africa.

>> No.9438940

>how many states actually limit alcohol sales to state owned stores?

Idk, but in MS the state controls the distributorships the privately owned stores can buy from and the state puts restrictions on the prices they can sell those goods at.

So much for rightwing free enterprise, lol. Welcome to christian fascism, which you're beginning to see on a national level with good ol' boy Jeff Sessions.

>> No.9438997

beer is the most pleb tier drink imaginable

>> No.9439021


>Don't plan ahead to drink on Sunday
>Friends decide to get together because someone's plans came free

Thank God I live in Vegas where I can do whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want, without asking the government for permission.

>> No.9439024


>> No.9439061

Only a pleb thinks that way, or worse, an American.

You must also be extremely poor to say something like that and you feel like you need to overcompensate. At least you have never met a rich or succesful person, definitely, someone who is not a nouveau riche, it would shatter your world view in a second.

Edgy, uppity little cunt.

>> No.9439100

maybe if you are drinking Bud Light, but good beer is certainly the pinnacle of human alcoholic drink making. Nothing pairs better with a meal or tastes better on its own

>> No.9439103

Seriously, religious southerners aren't really right wing as all, they hate capitalism and want to regulate things just as much as their bernie bro brethren

>> No.9439114

The European aristocracy and monarchs drink beer like it's water, even "cheap beer" and "cheap wine", believe me. Only an american yuppie whose idea of being wealthy and high class is having coke parties with the most expensive "non-pleb" booze while being surrounded by equally insufferable nouveau riches would think that anything that can also be enjoyed by the commoners is "pleb tier".

>> No.9439118

Booxe? It's licur, elcuhal, wexy, that stuff.

>> No.9439119

I live in a state where you can't buy alcohol on Sundays and it's garbage
it has taught me to stock up so that I will never be put in the situation of needing to go to the store to have alcohol and that falling on a Sunday. it's retarded, but this is where I live.

>> No.9439130
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You need to plan ahead, retard.
And stop bitching about not being able to feed your crippling alcohol addiction for one day a week. Pathetic.
If you get withdrawls that bad you need to seek out a help group so maybe you'd also get out of the house, too.

>> No.9439137

Yeah and citycuck neoliberals aren't really left-wing. They hate socialism and want to bail out the banks just as much as their neocon Drumpfist brethren.

Welcome to America.

>> No.9439141
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> Sunday
> Find leftover beer in the fridge
> It's not enough to get drunk on

>> No.9439156


More so last century but I guess the sentiment still exists.

Plenty of southern political figures were accused of being communists for instance and some didn't really dispute their views might be socialist. The huey longs and jim folsoms and such.

Probably more of a "southern" phenomenon than "religious". Local sentiments not necessarily based on religious ideas, but employing imagery sometimes for effect.

>> No.9439164

>without asking the government for permission

Ironic, really that these rightwing fucks wail about muh gubmint interference but bend over when they can crawl into your bedroom and make sure your sexual congress matches the biblical ideal and you have no liquor or "god forbid," pot. The hypocrisy in the current crop of christers is palpable.

>> No.9439173

Big government is leftwing, so bailouts count

>> No.9439175

thats why libertarians are the only good people

>> No.9439191

The South was reliably Democrat until the civil rights era. Northern Democrats supported civil rights and Southern Dems opposed it. So a lot of Southern Dems split off from the main party. They were referred to as Dixiecrats. They struggled as a party on their own until the Republicans courted them in the 60s to expand their voting block in the southern states. That's why Strom Thurmond was a Republican after 1964.

The Democrats, needing to make up the shortage, absorbed more left-leaning groups like socialists (who were actually a national party until the late 40s).
Now we have a schizophrenic mess of two parties with often contradictory internal platforms.

>> No.9439204

It's almost like both parties are two arms of the same corporatist, hegemonic agenda.

>> No.9439205

not to mention both parties are almost the same thing and only ever really differ on trivial social issues

>> No.9439211

Yes I am aware of the history of politics in the south.

You haven't really said anything to disagree with my post so i guess you are just sharing some of your own knowledge? thanks, that's cool, we all benefit from actually understanding the past.

>> No.9439237

Yeah, not disagreeing just expanding on the information. It's really fascinating stuff to read up on, the roots of this last cluster fuck election go back decades.

>> No.9439247

There are already weed cafe's in certain states where it's legal, so, yes. Hipsters will immediately capitalize. The potential money is half the argument

>> No.9439253

He's not wrong

>> No.9439254

because you live in the bible belt. move to a blue state moron. they have these things called jobs there.

>> No.9439270


>> No.9439274

Amerifat here, this is somewhat accurate

The Volstead act was pushed by fanatical support from mothers, religious groups, and other large voting blocks. Even after the cluster fuck that was Prohibition, the best way they could legally wrangle to get rid of it was to couch it in the language of 'small government', by saying they would leave it up to individual states and counties.

>"Promoted by the "dry" crusaders, the movement was led by pietistic Protestants and social Progressives in the Prohibition, Democratic, and Republican parties. It gained a national grass roots base through the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. After 1900 it was coordinated by the Anti-Saloon League. Opposition from the beer industry mobilized "wet" supporters from the Catholic and German Lutheran communities. They had funding to fight back but by 1917–18 the German community had been marginalized by the nation's war against Germany, and the brewing industry was shut down in state after state by the legislatures and finally nationwide under the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1920. Enabling legislation, known as the Volstead Act, set down the rules for enforcing the federal ban and defined the types of alcoholic beverages that were prohibited. For example, religious use of wine was allowed. Private ownership and consumption of alcohol were not made illegal under federal law, but local laws were stricter in many areas, with some states banning possession outright."

>> No.9439295

Progressive young mothers always make the worst laws

>> No.9439306

there's something about having a baby that makes both men and women think they're way smarter than they actually are. They get used to hanging around their child, which by it's nature knows nothing, and from educating it come to believe they are somehow wise or experienced.

My parents, who're in their 60's and raised 2 kids, have noted with frustration they can't teach dogshit to young 20 something housewives and dads because they're too far up their own ass

>> No.9439326

TBF prior to Prohibition America was coming down from the Civil War and Westward Expansion and alcohol consumption was at an all time high. Which meant a lot of the health and social problems that went along with excessive alcohol abuse were also at all time highs. So it's understandable that there would be a movement against drinking, it's just that we Americans seem awfully fond of broad sweeping, all-or-nothing solutions so we wound up with the cluster fuck that was Prohibition.

>> No.9439369
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That is a pro small business law . The idea is small shops cant be run 24/7 like big box stores and if EVERYONE is banned from selling booze on one day people will buy their beer at the corner store instead of wal mart

>> No.9439385

Blue laws predate big box retail by more than a century, but points for creative writing.

>> No.9439386

that is definitely not why the law was created

>> No.9439398

I mean that and a beer or two for $20 and thats a fun night for me for a good price, i'm sold

>> No.9439402

Why can't you just think ahead and buy booze before Sunday?

>> No.9439406

but but jeebus had wine. so law is stupid.

>> No.9439413

why should you have to?
What if you are just doing your normal grocery shopping on Sunday and want to get some beer for later in the week while you are already there?

>> No.9440020

I think the amusement I get from seeing you frustrated you can't get fucked up one day out of the week is a good enough reason.

>> No.9440246

Indeed. I was mildly opposed (leaning indifferent) to these kinds of rules until this thread, but seeing the kinds of responses here, maybe retail alcohol sales should be banned Monday to Thursday

And a dress code. There should be a dress code to be allowed into a liquor store

Imagine the sweet, sweet butthurt from all the degenerates

>> No.9440619

All Catholics are high functioning alcoholics, I doubt we ever got in on bans.

>> No.9441555

What's it like being a liberal? Is it hard to think?

>> No.9441617

You forgot horrendously high taxes on alcohol

>> No.9441650

Catholics are the alcohol industry's best friends in this country

>> No.9441676

Just label your liquor store a church. They're letting you drink "blood" *wink* and expecting a voluntary "donation" *wink*.

>> No.9442071

t.Boozebreath degenerate in piss stained sweat pants

>> No.9442220

It must really suck for you now that King Obama is gone. How are you going to force people to do what you want? How are you going to direct all that rage and envy? Bernie won't be a viable candidate in seven years time, what are you and your girlfriend's bull going to do?

>> No.9442509
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Why would it suck? I can buy alcohol any time I want. Not that it matters much because even if I couldn't, I know how to plan ahead.

BTW, it's rather strange you should be so butthurt about Obama being president for 8 years. Obama had an official White House beer. Trump doesn't drink at all. Trump was elected by the same religious maniacs that gave you your local backwards alcohol laws. What do you see in the guy?

The sooner you learn to take responsibility for your own affairs, the sooner you won't need Big Gubment to give you back "your" job in the coal mines.

>> No.9442528

>never been a monarchy nor had royalty
>still call their shit "counties"

do americans really do this?

>> No.9442543

Seconded. Can we get a third?

>> No.9442545

No, sometimes there are "parishes". It depends on the state.

>> No.9442550

>As long as people aren't directly affecting your life

mexicans taking over entire neighborhood does directly affect the life of the americans living there though

>> No.9442551

In some states they're called burroughs or parishes.

>> No.9442558

This is true. It makes it better

>> No.9442576

We should not sell food on Sunday either. If you can't plan ahead, then you can starve. In fact let's pass a law that says stores are only open one day every month, to encourage good planning

>> No.9442747

meh try living in germany where literally everything except for like bakerys restaurants and kiosks are closed on sundays.
it's kinda comfy tho desu you just naturally start planning your purchases so you don't run out of groceries and then everyone has the day off to chill

>> No.9442805

>muh mexican boogeyman

The rightwing has been twisted into a caricature by competing interests. On the one hand, they preach hatred for mexicans who are universally conservative and family oriented while otoh they preach family values. The right viewpoints literally cancel each other out.

>> No.9442865

>universally conservative and family oriented
Guess the narcos are the epitome of Mexican values huh.

>> No.9442878

We can't even buy wine in the grocery store. People think that we would have a bunch of drunks everywhere when we have a bunch of methheads.

>> No.9444463

And every tiem they do it they create more sharinistas

>> No.9444479

why not just buy what you need for sunday on saturday tho? do you just have 0 foresight?

>> No.9444481

lol are you retarded? no one wants these laws other than liquor store owners. they're antiquated and senseless

>> No.9444661


Because I don't want to work for one day.

>> No.9444713

There are still lots of devout Christians that still want prohibition

>> No.9445110

This country was founded on Christian principles. Some states still cling to them desperately.
Just do be a retard and buy more booze on Saturdays

>> No.9445125

Maybe they want all the alcoholics to go to church to drink the communion wine.

>> No.9445137

But you can get everything 24/7 except in the most rural regions, albeit for a little premium when you have to resort to gas stations and the like.

>> No.9445139

>As a foodie,
Ask me how I know you're a fag.

>> No.9445251

Move to a different state then, fedoracuck

>> No.9445264

>So some liquor laws correlate with increased profitability
If you think that's funny, you'd laugh your ass off at the realization that most regulation is actually supported by the incumbents of the market being regulated. Regulation restricts competition and allows incumbents to have more control.

If you want an interesting read look up "Bootleggers and Baptists". It's about the Prohibition and how the baptists fought for Prohibition because they didn't like alcohol, and bootleggers fought to keep prohibition because it made them a shitload of money and power.

>> No.9445268

>And it's usually Catholics
Pffffft, you are uneducated. Catholic priests drink like a fish.

>> No.9445289

>banning alcohol is a Christian principal
No. Drinking in a nongluttonous way could be argued to be a Christian principal but Prohibition is not inherently Christian. Jesus never preached about the evils of alcohol and how it should be banned. That's a kooky American Protestant invention.

>> No.9445302

Daily reminder that nondenoms believe Catholics are not actually Christians

>> No.9445361

Oh right, I forgot they think that. Thanks anon. Anyway my point is that while Jesus said nothing about alcohol, and his first miracle was literally turning water into wine for a wedding, the Bible says no statement like "alcohol is sinful". It *does* imply that drunkenness is sinful and should be avoided but you can drink and not become drunk. That is up to the individual who has FREE WILL to choose. Perhaps government shouldn't be involved in legislating morality...that's a stunning thought ain't it?

>> No.9445372

>It *does* imply that drunkenness is sinful and should be avoided but you can drink and not become drunk.
Nice source fag

>> No.9445380

Eh, any of the Christian subgroups are all just the same to me. I haven't given a rats ass about that stuff since I was a kid. But I suppose you're correct on that front so bravo

>> No.9445383
File: 57 KB, 500x340, finnish-memes-aint-free-the-dank-memes-and-bantz-gotta-1637390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The laws in Binland are even more retarded
>all alcohol over 4.7%ABV has to be sold at a state run liquor shop
>expensive as fuck and discounts on any kind of alcohol is illegal
>normal shops can sell beer that is under 4.7% ABV but good beer is too expensive, rarely any good discounts
>normal shops can't sell alcohol between 9PM and 9AM
>state run liquor store is open only from 9-20 on weekdays, 9-16 on saturdays and closed on sundays
>bars are not allowed to have happy hours and you can't take the drinks with you out of the premise, also expensive as fuck

All of this shit is done to "stop the Finns from drinking" and anytime someone mentions any kind of loosening of our retarded laws the christcuck and commie parties jump at them with full force. You literally have to go to the Baltics, Germany or Russia for any decent priced alcohol. Just kill me already

>> No.9445842

Don't play dumb. Prohibition is a Christian thing.

>> No.9445849

There's a difference between "a specific subset of christians happened to be one of the main forces behind prohibiltion" and "the dogma of the Christian religion as a whole specifically prohibits alcohol"

Regardless of what a certain group of Christians might have said or done there is no basis for that prohibition in the Bible.

>> No.9445883

In Virginia ABC stores there is a "moonshine" section. I've never bought any, and I'm not sure what differentiates it from the real homebrew other than alc/vol. If you actually live in the right parts of the South, it should be as simple as asking the hillbillies if they got any for sale, and with their networking, they should be able to find some. Same thing with hunted wild game, just be friendly (and not too overtly politically liberal) and chat up the local hillbillies and they'll be able to hook you up with a hunter who's got fresh venison on the way.

>> No.9445890

Who cares about the Bible? The Bible also speaks of slaves and arranged marriages.
It was Christian thing. By Christians, who were acting for religious reasons, that much is indisputable. If you want to know what leads a Christian to think God wants alcohol banned you should ask one. America was seen worldwide as a country of zealots not so long ago partly because of it.

>> No.9445896

Pretty sure prohibition is an Islamic thing actually.

>> No.9445897

A bit of a pleb are we?

>> No.9445900

Why is he a pleb?
Explain your inane comment.

>> No.9445934

>Why is he a pleb?
Only a pleb would bitch about an obvious typo.

>> No.9446257

Capital P bro

>> No.9446985

>cant drink on sunday
>jesus literally turned water into wine

>> No.9446992

>permian basin of texas
>nearly all yellow except for some red and two blue counties
>two counties happen to have the most desolate wasteland towns in this entire country, where all you can do is work and do drugs
this shouldn't make me laugh as much as it does.

>> No.9447004

>live in religious conservative state
>surprised at this Sunday shit
Don't be a fucking dumbass and buy booze on another day. Sure it's dumb but you have 6 whole fucking other days to buy your shit. Just get your booze shopping out of the way when you have to run out and do other shit.

>> No.9447991

>liquor store closed on Saturdays and Sundays
>only open noon to 6pm Monday to Friday

I hate living in a small town

>> No.9448031
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>> No.9448047

My home town was like this except there was one place open until 9 but everything was twice the price there. They literally just bought from all the other stores too.

>> No.9449388

>not having 1-2 bottles of spirits at home at any given time
Just look for stuff on clearance, get a couple bottles, rotate your stock, hey presto wa la

>> No.9449398

Lol Trump doesn't drink? Why the fuck would people vote for a sober guy? I guarantee he does lines off a hooker's back on nights off for fucking sure, all rich cunts do that.

Sober people are untrustworthy as fuck. Never trust a coworker that doesn't drink at a work party, for example.

>> No.9449402

In the desert in Australia liquor stores are only open 2 hours a day a couple days a week, have 2 layers of razor wire fences and armed guards at the doors.

I live in Japan now and I have a vending machine across the road from my house that sells beers, wines, bottles of scotch and sake for when I'm feeling too lazy to go to 100m to the 7/11 at 3 or 4am to stock up

>> No.9449412

You can't buy booze because the mom and pop stores campaigned a long time a go to prevent chain stores from selling alcohol on Sunday because said stores were opened on Sunday while they were at church. If you have a fucking problem with it why do you get off your fat ass and campaign to have it changed back?

>> No.9449424

>Never trust recovering addicts

Sure mate

>> No.9449464

Because he said "minorities are scary" and retards believed he would give them cushy high paid jobs just for being white and angry

>> No.9450481

>Be from Wisconsin
>Solid blue
Why are southerners so fucking dumb?

>> No.9450496

Trump is white Obama.

>> No.9450516
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>> No.9450519

Depends on the drugs and locale.Hard shit might catch you a fine or a stint in a government sponsored rehab. Intent to distribute is jail time.

>> No.9451689

They recently allowed Liquor (before it used to be beer) to be brought on sundays here in Maryland. I remember like every local store collecting signatures for the petition. Of course they were able to collect signatures quickly because no one in their right mind wants booze to be restricted on sundays.

>> No.9451701


Nothing good came from allowing women to vote

>> No.9451886

I live in the Boro and I sell alcohol. Some counties are dry but most just restrict the selling time. Normally it's between 6am and 3am. On Sunday you can't start selling until 12pm