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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 790 KB, 792x792, forkgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9435591 No.9435591 [Reply] [Original]

Can't believe they took this meme so far. Trans fat was just something the corporations made up in 2005 so they could start putting "no trans fat" on their labels, which was true, since it didn't exist.


>> No.9435641

proof, lad?

>> No.9435657
File: 114 KB, 1024x554, higwual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was no such thing as trans fat before 2005, I remember when all the potato chip bags started saying it in the wave of that nonsense health craze. The name even sounds made up.

It's A&W all over again. Put a bunch of photoshopped pictures on the walls of your store of some unspecific bygone era and people will think your restaurant has been around since the fifties when really it started in 1984. But time makes people start to accept the lie and they did it before it was common knowledge that photos could be easily faked.

Every A & W has the same set of photos on it's wall. Where do you think they came from?

>> No.9435675

redpill me on A&W, lad. i have a great childhood memory from an A&W stand.

>> No.9435693

>red pill

Go away, /pol/, unless you can prove your worth by telling me which president needed shinpads. I don't cater to stagnant thinkers.

>> No.9435694
File: 28 KB, 277x539, 2017-09-16 22_14_34-A&W Restaurants - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it started in 1984

>> No.9435698
File: 1.15 MB, 1024x656, DESU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good thing we have an encyclopedia that automatically erases the past and isn't even maintained by scholars, saves us the trouble of having to burn the old books

>> No.9435709

ummm sweety? I'm /pol/ but you come in here with conspiracy theories and actual political statements?

>> No.9435716

I'm talking about trans fats.

>> No.9435732
File: 390 KB, 1368x790, aw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>erases the past

>> No.9435740

My dad worked at an A&W in the '70s, though

>> No.9435748

oh yeah?

I bet there were photos on the wall then too...

>> No.9435757

what's so bad about trans fat anyway?

>> No.9435760

They definitely existed before. It's just a chemistry term meaning that there's a bond "across" (Latin: trans) the molecule instead of on the same side, which would be the cis isomer.

>> No.9435766

some people are slaves to money

trans fat got caught in the crosshairs of the misers

>> No.9435780
File: 483 KB, 1529x2048, pool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are trans fats better than cis fats?

>> No.9435792

is that a trap cause I wanna fuck it regardless

>> No.9435808

Nah way too feminine of a jaw.

>> No.9435822
File: 61 KB, 736x981, sarina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well then, you're in luck

>> No.9435859

It increases the amount of low density lipids (LDL) in your blood stream. LDL is the bad cholesterol that forms plaque in your arteries and causes heart disease.

It also messes up your body's ability to absorb unsaturated natural fats, which we need for a variety of reasons.

As for the whole "no trans fats before 2005" shit, the most popular trans fat is hydrogenated vegetable shortening (i.e. Crisco) which has been around for about a century.

>> No.9436305


>> No.9436326

>so far
If it's not real, then what's the problem?

>> No.9436349
File: 391 KB, 500x372, W7Tcv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it anybody else find it funny OP is blatantly getting called out for his obvious lies about A&W and he's trying to weasel his way out of it to prove his original story? Lol

>> No.9436367

All-vegetable hydrogenated fat Crisco is from the early 60's, I think. Trans fats also raise blood glucose averages. Nasty stuff. Vegetables can do bad things to you when you start rearranging their molecules in unprecedented, unpredictable ways.

>> No.9436534

Will McDick's fries never taste the same?

>> No.9436546

Is it the same op who made an entirely new anime thread because he got in an argument with a vegan?

>> No.9436553

photography existed in the 70s, so yeah it's entirely possible

>> No.9436559

watching those cartoons made you gay

>> No.9436564

Shut up you dumb boomer, as if I'm going to fall for that. How did they take photos if they didn't have iphones? Hmm?

Next thing you'll be telling me that the civil rights movement wasn't invented by a blog post on The Tumbeler around 2009

>> No.9436569

>D cups

>> No.9436993

Redpill is a Matrix analogy

>> No.9437108

r*dpill is a marker that denotes people who aren't worth taking seriously

>> No.9437127

That's like claiming frogposters are cleverly referencing the works of Matt Furie

>> No.9437216
File: 16 KB, 460x321, 1438189392294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything I don't like is /pol/

>> No.9437225

quick, someone is making fun of trump on twitter. go screencap it and and explain to your friends why that tweet is erroneous

>> No.9437234

I don't go to /pol/dit, nigger.

>> No.9437280

>everything I don't like is /pol/

>> No.9437287

ok /pol/

>> No.9437307
File: 50 KB, 521x592, coaster1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you weren't specifically referencing /pol/

>> No.9437341

Crisco hydrogenated shortening was introduced by P&G in 1911. It was originally intended to be fully solidified and used for soap making, but was sold as a substitute for lard because it was semi solid at room temperature and had a longer shelf-life.

Crisco liquid cooking oil (partially hydrogenated veggie oil) was introduced in 1960.

>> No.9437376

/pol/ tourists are scum.

they fuck up all the other, non-political, boards.

They're like the little brother whose face you want to stamp on but your mom (mods) won't let you.

>> No.9437401

If you think redpill is /pol/, you are a fucking newfag and need to kill yourself.

>> No.9437423

>muh seekrit club
t. pol damage control police, next thing you'll tell me that "cuck" isn't a /pol/ meme because 3 years ago it was just an obscure sexual fetish

>> No.9437857

>that "cuck" isn't a /pol/ meme

It isn't, and if you weren't a newfag who just a few years was sucking black cock on plebbit, you'll know it started in /tv/ thanks to the AVGN movie. Before then, cuck was just NTR

>> No.9439023

>he doesn't remember when moot got cucked
>when cuck was filtered to kek

>> No.9439034

t. Newfag

>> No.9439042

Cuck actually started slightly before that as an evolution of Louis CK posting. It was really explosive, though, and was implemented in a ton of places soon after its invention.

>> No.9439047

It used to be, but at this point it's pretty much appropriated by """woke""" cunts. Especially the pseudo-verb. If you wan't to make a Matrix reference, at least don't use "redpill" as a verb, and even then, you will probably be considered /pol/ by association at this point.

>> No.9439579

No idiot. Ciz isomer its the good one

>> No.9439624

You're technically not wrong since it's made artificially and they started adding it to food. But you're still a moron.

>> No.9439830

Fake news.

>> No.9439861

I thought it was a mix of Louis ck posting and JUST posting with that doctor's haircut and Brendan Frasier

>> No.9439879

I suggest you to read about trans fat before making up all this, assuming its not shitpost.

>> No.9439884

People like this exist. It's terribly sad.

>> No.9440697

People who crave attention at no cost?

>> No.9441096

>this is what corpcucks actually believe

>> No.9441117

>phd candidate doing what every tard did in RCT for shits and giggles