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File: 34 KB, 349x465, cheesepizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9434420 No.9434420 [Reply] [Original]

So, I realized my French Bread Pizza was cheese only, so I ingeniously sliced up some SALAMI and threw it on, here's hoping all goes well!

That being said, it brought a thought to mind, plain cheese pizza is something of a....basic bitch, isn't it? I haven't eaten it or seen anybody eat it since childhood, but surely it must have some fans here, so what do you think?

>> No.9434440

around 35-40% of all pizzas sold are plain cheese

>> No.9434449

Around 35% - 40% of people voted for Trump. Doesn't make it right.

>> No.9434458

That has to do with pizza being the most popular party/get together food, and in these situations people often order at least one plain cheese pizza in case anyone is a picky eater or vegetarian or for the children

If there are multiple pizzas being sold and it's for a party, at least one is likely going to be cheese only just as a precaution

>> No.9434482


and because people like plain cheese pizza.

the people who get meat on pizza are the real plebs. especially on the overloaded american style pizzas it is just redundant

>> No.9434498
File: 413 KB, 680x680, 559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9434514

>So transparent uses a 2D girl to express emotion

Wew lad

>> No.9434536
File: 149 KB, 720x480, 1381827456632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coming to an anime image board and criticising people for posting anime images.

>> No.9434542

Plain cheese is the only way to really gauge a pizzeria's quality. As soon as you start putting sausage and peppers and mushrooms on a pizza, it starts to taste like just those things, which mostly tastes the same. A pepper is a pepper, but one pizza's ratio of sauce to dough to cheese will vary wildly from one pizzeria to another.

>> No.9434585


>Plain cheese is the only way to really gauge a pizzeria's quality

how about the quality of the ingredients and cooking you dumbass

plain cheese is just the most common one so it serves as a universal point of comparison. but if the pizzeria sucks toppings don't mask shit

>> No.9434591

Plain cheese is mostly how to judge a pizzeria for their dough, sauce and cheese quality without any interference. Also for kids, too. If it's a good place to eat, their plain cheese actually has lots of flavor and it isn't just the shit they add onto it. Like a clean slate for going off of.

>> No.9434597

This isn't 2007 anymore buddy.

>> No.9434629

That's exactly my point. Quality of ingredients is good if you like the taste of a good pepper, or a good piece of salami. But those things aren't made in pizzerias, they're just slapped on. A pizzeria is responsible for their dough, their sauce, and sometimes their cheese.

I'd challenge you to eat a supreme pizza from pizza hut alongside their plain cheese. The supreme will be way more bearable because it just tastes like a hodgepodge of normal ingredients. It definitely masks the garbage lying underneath.

>> No.9434662


>A pizzeria is responsible for their dough, their sauce, and sometimes their cheese.

that's really what i meant by ingredients

>> No.9434686

Salami is better than pepperoni in every way.

>> No.9434785
File: 322 KB, 1600x1286, i actually prefer the whiter cheese to this greasy orange shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my experience, there's two kinds of cheese pizza.

The first kind has a yellowish-orange cheese that's usually rubbery and hard to bite through without the whole slab of it coming off the slice. This kind of pizza also typically has a soft, floppy crust (sometimes soaked in oil) and should honestly be fucking outlawed.
>pic related

The second kind, like in OP's pic, is covered in gooey white cheese that's much easier to bite through and adheres firmly to the crust. In smaller places, it usually has a thin and crispy crust, but some big chains like Domino's and Pizza Hut have thick bready bases. These pizzas usually range from good to fantastic; if you want some plain pizza, go to a place that serves this kind. If there's just a shitty pizza place around, get Sicilian pizza instead; it's usually a little more bearable.

>> No.9434793
File: 70 KB, 689x507, IMG_0147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off

>> No.9434810

Thats NYC style

>> No.9434922

Pop quiz anon: if you order a "plain pie" in an Italian restaurant, what should you expect on it?

>> No.9434953
File: 345 KB, 1200x801, new york pizza slice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a basic bitch, but I always get plain cheese when I first try a place.

If they can make the humble cheese pizza taste good, then you know that any additional toppings will just be a bonus.

>> No.9434960

Theres only 1 thing I hate about the gooey pizza, and it's when i'm fucking eating square pizza, where the cheese ends just before the crust, leaving a giant slab of sauce. Like, nigga if I WANTED to eat sauce, i'd just eat it with spaghetti.

Plus the gooey cheese either doesnt go well in the fridge I sometimes like to eat cheese-less pizza because i'm a heathen which makes the cheese impossible to peel off with the dough coming with it, or it just slides off and I have to burn myself to put the cheese back in the right place, and it's never the same.

But yeah, gooey nice cheese is better then eating a melted barbie doll

>> No.9435456
File: 139 KB, 878x910, looks legit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, you have the right to eat your pizza however you want. I just felt like giving a detailed answer because it seemed thread-relevant, and I can't be the only one who's noticed this weird pizza dichotomy, yet nobody else has ever mentioned it as far as I know. I've just always wondered what causes the differences; is it the type of cheese used? The temperature the pizza is cooked at? The type of oven? Some discrepancy in the tomato sauce that does or doesn't change the structure of the cheese? I have no idea, and I think it warrants further investigation.

>> No.9435468
