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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 202 KB, 1200x900, hawaiian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9420270 No.9420270 [Reply] [Original]

For me it's the Hawaiian treat pack. A chicken quarter leg, chips 1 crumbed pineapple ring, 1 crumbed banana.

>> No.9420279

32, Australian and never once have I had fried banana or pineapple.

>> No.9420424

Get your shit together.

>> No.9420439 [DELETED] 

44, Australian, and if you've never had a quarter chook, pineapple and banana fritter and chips with chicken salt, you need to fuck off back to wherever overseas it was you arrived from 15 minutes ago.


>> No.9420450

had some fried pickles, nigger i dug those so hard
I assume this is appetizer thread right?

>> No.9420455

I get that from brodies. Best fast food in qld

>> No.9420466


White and proud. You guys need a better selling tool for fried fruit.

Maybe you are fruits?

>> No.9420473

Loud and proud more like it.
I bet I can guess which side of the marriage equality vote you'll take.

>> No.9420475


>> No.9420484

You are missing out m8. I know it seems 3rd world tier but i promise you the banana and pineapple fritter are both amazing

>> No.9420486 [DELETED] 

So where the fuck in Straya do you live that you've never had a Hawaiian pack?

Places I've had a Hawaiian pack:

Hawaiian packs are Australian as fuck, I suspect you're the kind of cunt that prefers Halal Snack Packs.

>> No.9420488

Is it possible to get this with country fried chicken?
If yes, I'm sold.

>> No.9420504

You travel a lot

>> No.9420506


I've wanted to try the banana but Red Rooster discontinued it and fried pineapple doesn't appeal to me.


>Listing all thoe locations

What a waste of time, mate. Just go fuck yourself instead and save time.

>> No.9420508

If you must know I'm a transsexual escort and it helps keep the clientele fresh as well as money rolling in.

>> No.9420513

Got an ad? I've been looking for one for a while but I'm not a poof. I'm voting NO.

>> No.9420532 [DELETED] 

Nah, you strike me as some kind of metrosexual faggot, Muslim or recent blow-in that's never bothered to explore what's available more than three hundred metres from his front door.

The Hawaiian pack is available anywhere real Aussies can be found, your preferences betray your rampant faggotry.

Hilarious, someone pretending to be a fag pretending to be me. I was voting no anyway.

>> No.9420533 [DELETED] 

Third generation military mate, we never settle down when there's shitskins to kill.

>> No.9420534

I'm white and hate everything you listed. I just don't want to eat fried fruit and just because something is available doesn't mean I need to eat it.

>> No.9420540

ITT: gay cunts fight with their hangbags outside the centrelink

>> No.9420542

Who the fuck says "crumbed"?

>> No.9420543


Queensland fags.

>> No.9420550

Be careful

>> No.9420556

Real Australians? You mean bootlicking anti-gun self hating closeted homosexuals? Hope NK nukes your shitty little island lol

>> No.9420565

Calm down Murray, no one gives a shit which shitholes you have been to and what shit food you eat.

>> No.9420567

>mentally unstable welfare queen brags about getting stationed in townsville

For what purpose? Honestly just kill yourself, mate.

>> No.9420570

chicken treat btfos red rooster and kfc i do declare. buy boyo i havent been in ages. is cc still the king?

halal snack packs are shit always too heavy. i appreciate that they call them halal so i know to avoid them

>> No.9420576

chicken treat is shit
red rooster is shit
best places are the filthiest local chicken shops

>> No.9420578

chicken treat at leadt isnt dry. i wish i had a local chicken shop. maybe i should buy the fish shop thats for sale and convert it to fish and chicken.

>> No.9420592

>i appreciate that they call them halal so i know to avoid them

Newsflash retard: Most chicken in Australia is halal

>> No.9420645

well as soon as im aware something is halal i stop buying it

>> No.9420651

air is halal, are you gonna stop breathing it?

>> No.9420658

well i just went to get a hawaiin pack but some shitskin who worked there was pissing on the side of the building and then went back inside. fucking hell

>> No.9420670 [DELETED] 

>I'm white and hate everything you listed
Never tried it but you know you hate it, eh? Sounds like brainwashing to me.

Why don't you tell me which country you're from
so I can cherry pick and accuse you of being a member of a .001% subset that represents the worst of your culture?

>welfare queen

First phrase is an Americanism, and I've only ever stopped in Townsville on my way to other places. But please do keep trying, maybe one day you'll find a Walter Mitty type who will take offence at your desperate trolling attempts.

All chicken in Australia is halal, full stop. When you eat Aussie chicken, you're paying money to Muslims for the privilege.

Thankfully no muzzie cunt has found a way to impose a religious tax on breathing, mostly due to unlimited supply. Halal is fine. Having everyone who consumes a particular product having to pay a percentage to a 3% minority is fucked.

>> No.9420679

>Having everyone who consumes a particular product having to pay a percentage to a 3% minority is fucked.
sorry what the fuck is this

>> No.9420693

>Having everyone who consumes a particular product having to pay a percentage to a 3% minority is fucked.

What are you on about? Making an animal halal is about slaughtering the animal, it has nothing to do with taxes. All you have to do to make a chicken halal is cut all the major arteries in the neck of the animal and say "bismillah" or "in the name of god" or "in the name of allah" or whatever is the translation of this phrase in your native tongue. It is one of the easiest things to do and the reason it is done in Australia is so they can export the meat to South East Asia for profit.

I honestly didn't know bogans used the internet for anything other than finding meth dealers and playing CoD, let alone browsing 4chan. Unless you're trolling; lay off the cones, cunt.

>> No.9420770 [DELETED] 

There are several Halal-certification organisations that charge food producers money to 'certify' their products as halal, for both domestic and export markets. Problem is that many of these markets will recognise different bodies, meaning that there can sometimes be two or three different Halal certification bodies charging fees to a single food producer, depending on their target market.

Problem is that it's not just the Muslims that pay for these charges, they're amortised across everyone that buys these products. This means that every time a non-muslim buys a 'certified halal' product, part of the cost of that product is going straight into the pockets of a Muslim organisation. It's a de-facto jizya (religious tax) paid by non-muslims for the privilege of feeding muslims.

You're clearly either a muslim, a muzzie apologist, or a fucking idiot. The Halal certification rort is putting non-muslim abbatoir workers out of work, driving up food prices in Australia, and acting as a stealth backdoor for muslim 'skilled immigration' (as non-muslims can't be Halal slaughtermen).

Care to play the ball, and not the man?

>> No.9420773

Sounds authentic m8.

>> No.9420827

You aren't a man, you're a manchild. Muslims are allowed to eat the food of christians and jews as long as they are slaughtered according to what I mentioned above, Halal certifications are free unless you are an idiot and the certification itself isn't done to drive food prices in Australia, they're done to sell cheap exported meat to South East Asia for an increase in profit.

Stop watching ACA and reading the daily telegraph, you stupid cunt.

>> No.9420863

i think when the chief of the ahc uses gis position to push agenda you have to question whether halal is doing any good? plus Christians cant eat halal, nor can jews.

>> No.9420959

dunno how it is where you are, but halal meats are the same price per kg as normal meat here in canada. If they're paying something to a cert board, it's coming out of the butcher's cut.

>> No.9420993

For you

>> No.9420995

>welfare queen
I hope you're a seppo

>> No.9421193

Got a problem with facing hard facts? You're bigger welfare queens than the US military considering all you do is sit in military bases while US soldiers die on the frontlines.

Useless military and the bitch of the United States, sad life for a fat fuck loser of society.

>> No.9421803

I work for a small halal certified business and what he's saying is true. Halal certification ain't free, and they've been caught on occasion funding terrorist organisations.

>> No.9421827

>Third generation military mate, we never settle down when there's shitskins to kill.

Thank you for your service. Seriously.

Must be hard fighting and protecting so many Liberals back home in 'Merica who have zero sense or appreciation of what they have.

>> No.9421835

We really need flags so we can filter out all your stupid foreign scum posts.

>> No.9422086

You are an absolute fucking clown if you think the only reason why somebody would disagree with your obnoxious use of foreign slang is that they are part of the group it refers to. Your brain has been rotted away by the media you consume, an idiot like you should be the last to be moaning about other people being the bitch of the usa. Stop eroding our culture.

>> No.9423363 [DELETED] 

Where do I find this taste treat?

>> No.9423370

Sounds similar to the kosher tax on many products in the USA. Even shit like tin foil gets stamped "kosher." They have to PAY special rabbis to give their factory and inspection.

>> No.9423659

>Wah muh meat pie and ketchup culture is getting eroded

kill yourself before the emus do the job for you, loser.

>> No.9423690

bananas arent indigenous to hawaii, just fyi, so calling that "hawaii" is calling taco bell "mexican"

>> No.9423712

Australians aren't really known for their cultural sensitivity.

>> No.9423718

fair enough. also, australia is an island, whats with the hawaii worship tho?

>> No.9423721

False equivalency. Tacos and burritos are indigenous to Mexico.

>> No.9423724

or their intelligence

>> No.9423735

>burritos are indigenous to Mexico
No they're not, the burrito is a California creation using the amazing American invention of "flour tortillas".

>> No.9423738
File: 76 KB, 940x492, clapping-emoticon-272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9423740

So what you're saying is that America invented everything as usual?

>> No.9423747

If you want somewhere tropical, well known, non-threatening and not queensland what other options are there?

>> No.9423749


>> No.9423751

California is rightful Mexican clay.

>> No.9423754

Actually the Aztec peoples did not inhabit Califonia

>> No.9423757

they do now

>> No.9423761

That's pretty racist to take those natives' land like that

>> No.9423767


nothing comes to mind

>> No.9423817
File: 94 KB, 600x450, MYMOTHERWASAWITCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the munchy box

>> No.9423823

Enjoy your pizza

>> No.9423824

> the box says "enjoy your pizza"
> no pizza in sight

for what purpose????
not gonna lie though that looks pretty appetising.

>> No.9423846

burger here, these threads are like going to the zoo, so many fascinating creatures

>> No.9424048

>implying Hawaiians even eat that
the fuck is wrong with you OP...? Why not do abo food you fucking koala bear hugging, Fosters drinking, cunt mouthed lil shit talkers that you are?

>> No.9424084

Why are you frying fruit? That's not right

>> No.9424094

Fried bananas are awesome dude

>> No.9424423

I work for Vegemite and can confirm they are an operation funding Iranian militias in Yemen.

>> No.9424431
File: 20 KB, 367x346, 1500695696813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck you're 44 does your penis even work anymore grandpa?

>> No.9424433

>hasnt had one in based perth
Missing out

>> No.9424815


>> No.9424907

calm down homo, this is a food and cooking board not your gay hookup line

>> No.9424923 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 468x240, camel12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a Muslim, a Muslim apologist, or a blinkered idiot. 'Muslims are allowed to eat the food of Christians and Jews as long as they are slaughtered according to what I mentioned above'. No fucking shit, genius. When you render food halal, Muslims can eat it? Wonder why I never noticed that before.

>halal certifications are free
They most certainly are not. And if you want to export to, say, Indonesia and Malaysia, you need to have a separate halal certification for each country issued by a different certification body.

>it isn't done to drive food prices in Australia
No, it's done so shadowy Muslim organisations can get millions of dollars to help finance their goals, whether it's forcing mosques where they're unwanted, building Muslim-only subdivisions, or financing terrorism.

Nice taqqiya though, Mahmoud.

>> No.9424931

You do realize Jews and Christians slaughter animals the same way as Muslims right?

Or have you never picked up a bible or understood what 'kosher' means? Stay stupid, lad.

>> No.9424933 [DELETED] 

Are you really so fucking stupid that you think you can out-banter an Aussie?

Seems to me you're the one getting buttflustered because we're not biting as hard as you'd like.

Seems to me you're too used to using that welfare queen line to bait genuinely stupid and easily offended people... like Americans.

Better luck next time, kid.

>> No.9424944

Considering banter is an extension of wit and you have been outwitted by a band of emus, I do not understand where you have gotten the notion that 'out-bantering' Aussies is some inconceivable concept. Now please explain how meat pies, vegemite and meth are 'important culture that shouldn't be eroded'.

>> No.9424958 [DELETED] 

No we don't. Western nations normally use an electric stun system followed a by a captive air bolt to ensure as humane a death as possible. Muslims kill by throat cutting and prayers to their moon god.

In any case, the issue is this: non-Muslims should not be forced to pay for halal certification, which is a religious tax that benefits only Muslims.

You cunts have a bunch of theocratic countries run according to sharia law and they're universally horrible shit holes with appalling human rights records. So instead of reforming Islam or working towards a better society, you run away to non-Muslim countries like the cowardly, snivelling dogs you are. And when you get to these countries, you live on charity and welfare like beggars licking the plates of the rich... and demand you be treated as if you matter.

Newsflash, cunt: you need us, we don't need you. If Australia bans halal slaughter and live export, Muslim Asia will starve, because god knows you cunts can't feed yourselves without help from the first world.

>> No.9424968 [DELETED] 

M8 you've clearly never faced a fully engorged emu warlord, frothing at the beak and splattered with the blood of your squad mates. Some nights I still wake up with the clacking of beaks and the cries of the doomed fading into the ceiling of my room.

There are just some lines you shouldn't cross. I hope you understand.

>> No.9424974

Sounds vile you dirty convict twat

>> No.9424989

What type of place sells that. Wish the Greek places here in FL sold that.

>> No.9425009

Literally never heard of this, but then I am middle class.

>> No.9425011

Someone who can't even read the bible shouldn't talk about what 'christians can eat', rather they should shut their mouth and learn because this isn't the middle of nowhere and we both aren't named cletus, rather this is the internet and information is freely available.

>moon god

"Cognates of the name "Allāh" exist in other Semitic languages, including Hebrew and Aramaic.[19] The corresponding Aramaic form is Elah (אלה), but its emphatic state is Elaha (אלהא). It is written as ܐܠܗܐ (ʼĔlāhā) in Biblical Aramaic and ܐܲܠܵܗܵܐ (ʼAlâhâ) in Syriac as used by the Assyrian Church, both meaning simply "God".[20]" - From Wikipedia with a quick 4 second google search. By the way, in the aramaic (language which jesus spoke, in case you also do not know this since you know nothing about the bible) bible, god is referred to as allah.

>the issue is this: non-Muslims should not be forced to pay for halal certification

And they aren't, the companies choose to because they're companies and thus seek to expand their profit margin by means of export (exports are necessary for a country to function in a global economy)

>If Australia bans halal slaughter and live export, Muslim Asia will starve

No it won't, the reason Australia panders to South East Asia is because of competition with other countries. If they banned halal slaughter and live export the countries will just import from China, Brazil, America and India.

All in all, I think it's rather stupid you are so focused on Muslims when Chang & Chong own your country but that is to expected from a small-minded individual from a backwards thinking country with high UV exposure. What was the famous quote again? "Australia is a lucky country run mainly by second rate people who share its luck."

But don't worry, when the CCP government finally takes over I'll expect it to be run by first-rate people for once.

>> No.9425012

God bless Iran and the shia m8 innits
I'm drawn more to thinking western interests would lie with KSA though.

>> No.9425030

I can confirm. 'halal' is a front for the inevitable Reptilian invasion. Keep this under wraps.

Source: Am prime minister.

>> No.9425037

t. buck toothed, rat eating street shitter

>> No.9425045

I can confirm. 'Reptilian invasion' is a front for the inevitable halal. Keep this under wraps.

Source: Am buck toothed, rat eating street shitter

>> No.9425057
File: 36 KB, 640x432, 1419863723916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are aussies so stupid? how do you mistake a banana for a plantain so bad you make it a dish? no wonder you were dumb enough to become our satellite state.

>> No.9425073
File: 1.13 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170914-205312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not growing up eating chicken treat Hawaiian packs

East Coast niggers please, go and become an hero already

>> No.9425078

Do Americans really think this?

>> No.9425079

Be quiet mohamed, men are speaking

>> No.9425081

Shoo shoo saffa

>> No.9425082

Perth is so irrelevant mass murders there don't even make our news.

>> No.9425085 [DELETED] 

M8, if what he described was .001% of aussies then you would still have your guns and other freedoms.

>> No.9425099

What's that got to do with you being so gay you've never eaten the best chicken in Australia? It's available in Queensland too.

>> No.9425126

>Who the fuck says "crumbed"?
Some faggot posting a thread from Veeky Forums who needs to get the fuck out of here.

>> No.9426234

sick ayyy you can kill who you want whenever ayy

>> No.9426565

This looks fucking stupid

t. hawaiian

>> No.9426578
File: 84 KB, 620x387, .....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is exactly why we need flags.

>> No.9426730
File: 368 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170915-073431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's available in Queensland too.
brb lads

>> No.9426737

Guess how I know you know nothing about Australians?

>> No.9426911

Nobody gives two shits enough to learn anything about "Australians", dude.

>> No.9426921

that 'na looks fucking delish!

>> No.9426968

>it required 92 posts for me to figure out this was an aussie thread

>> No.9427004

Basically anything with pineapple in it is branded as Hawaiian here. It's not because of the banana

>> No.9427010 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, the mods here ban people for saying "nigger" "i hate blacks" or "blacks are subhumans" a lot lately

>> No.9427052

Good. Go back to your circlejerk safespace /pol/tard, you're not wanted here.

>> No.9427053

How is Winton and how many of you are alcoholics?

>> No.9427054

>deep fried banana

Jesus fucking christ bomb america for fucks sake

>> No.9427059
File: 143 KB, 600x600, 1492042503673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty happy about that desu

>> No.9427075

Pretty decent little town, I've drunk a hell pf a lot more here than elsewhere though.

>> No.9427098

I drank a shitload when I was a pilot in north Alaska, there was literally nothing to do but that and play poker

What's the deal with Arno's Wall?

>> No.9427110

Some old bloke, think he spent a fair bit of time opal mining, made a wall around his house out of junk and discarded machinery set in concrete. Think he carked it last year. The son that I met is a bit of a fruitloop

>> No.9427113

Praying for gay ass

>> No.9427803

Based Chicken Spot in Ferndale.

>> No.9429143

Nor are pineapples. They were grown on a large scale in England a over a century before the Hawaiian pineapple industry got started.

>> No.9429390

They're called frickles you uncultured fuck.

>> No.9429398

Tempura pineapple is fucking heaven.

Also, Hawaii Toast is one of my favorite breakfasts.

>> No.9429403


Kys, Fuckles.

>> No.9430101

Where do I get one of these in the US? Boston specifically

>> No.9430115


You can't start a sentence like that you fucking retard.

>> No.9430331

Have some patience with him, he's the australian version of a flyover, meth addiction and all.

>> No.9430358
File: 41 KB, 599x449, 1304109639504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kill yourself before the emus do the job for you, loser.

>> No.9430378

>giving deep fried pickles a faggoty name
>actually using this name in public

You're a faggot aren't you?

>> No.9430411

Hawaii is nothing more than an ocean truck stop for ships and planes. Its a halfway point to rest, stretch your legs and take a shit. Maybe refuel and flush out the toilet tank. Its hardly a destination you go to on purpose, its simply a parking lot along the way to somewhere better, and a good place to empty your garbage can and maybe get a hooker for the night. Then you pack up and leave for your actual destination the next day.

>> No.9430428

Um, please don't swear.

We call them fr*ckles here.

>> No.9430441

Why are there so many deleted posts in this thread?

>> No.9430449

Some autistic aussie from /pol/ went full r/the_donald and got banned for being mentally retarded. Standard stuff.

>> No.9430559

Why do islanders like goofy sweet shit so much?

>> No.9430563


Very few Mexicans actually have Aztec heritage.

>> No.9430566


That's a very strange looking pizza.

>> No.9430863

How's middle school going? Classes tough this year?

>> No.9431183

Actually chicken and waffles go very well together, contrary to popular belief they work great. Okay?

>> No.9431189

>can't handle the bants

>> No.9431195
