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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 92 KB, 522x317, alck4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9422531 No.9422531 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone start making your own booze edition.

>> No.9422560

That's me alright.

>> No.9422597
File: 176 KB, 800x728, Simon-Nessman-2017-Macys-Mens-Style-Edit-005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was good looking wouldn't drink

>> No.9422616

I already do.

>> No.9422629
File: 46 KB, 480x351, 1504898272767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

I would take being fucking broke If only I wasn't so fucking ugly.

>> No.9422633

8 days sober because I have literally been forced into it. Sentenced to 60 days with a scram bracelet since I couldn't stop drinking on probation. I'm still waiting for these lingering withdrawals to go away. It's not as bad as it was, but I'm still dealing with insomnia, nightmares, and exhaustion mixed with dehydration 24/7. I have been eating and drinking a fuck ton of water after the fourth day. I'm also waiting for this fucking depression and lethargy to go away. Any advice on how to speed this up so I'm not so miserable?

>> No.9422635

You guys in the gym yet?
Even if your face is ugly wouldn't you rather have a hot body and an ugly face rather than a total shitshow?

>> No.9422636
File: 1.83 MB, 360x240, baffling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a lot more self-control now but:
>be me earlier this year
>dranking and cooking, like always
>whiskey, sausage and peppers in a red sauce I think
>using my big 15 inch cast iron
>wake up, walk to kitchen
>perfectly cleaned and seasoned cast iron sitting on the stove
has happened on multiple occasions.

>> No.9422638
File: 125 KB, 556x702, gZmiT19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the only life i know

>> No.9422639

Well adjusted good looking people are never teetotalers anon. Social drinkers, the lot of them.

>> No.9422640

Do shit that distracts you
It won't take away the pain, but it'll put your mind on something else.
Cooking really helps
Lifting (if you can get past the nausea)
Going to the library to find books you've always wanted to read

Something moderately involved to keep you distracted

>> No.9422643

My body is covered in horrific scars from a near fatal car accident, Even If I got in shape I wouldn't have the confidence...Even drunk to take my clothes off in front of a woman anymore.

I'm just grateful I got laid before I got in a car accident otherwise I'd still be a virgin.

>> No.9422654

lol that looks like my room

>> No.9422657

You'd be surprised how sympathetic women are to scars.
Strong body + scars = woman not too upset

Besides, even if you never get with a woman again. The pride that comes with lifting is really good for mental health

>> No.9422674

Getting girls isn't really the point for me. Knowing how important looks are
, I'd feel criminal spreading my seed.

>> No.9422697

Physical activity (gym, or just going for a moderate walk at first instead of staying home all day) helps.
Follow normie sleep hygiene tips found on google, they work better long term than sleeping pills, plus you need to teach your brain how to sleep sober by itself.
Drink a lot of water, take multivitamins (I think you need zinc and B1, B2, B6, PP, but I'm really not sure.)
If you're brainfogged, forget books and strong mental activity, they'll be uselessly exhausting. It should go away soonish.
If you have anhedonia, don't give up on hobbies just because they're boring.

>> No.9422699

Impregnation isn't mandatory, mate.

>> No.9422727


would give my body to you, no homo bro

>> No.9422739


fucking kek, looks cosy

>> No.9422753

I need at least a shot of booze so that I can sleep these days.

>> No.9422780

I only have enough to last me a couple hours, really don't need more.

can someone talk me out of it.

I also fucked up huge.


>> No.9422786

I might spend my last 100 dollars on booze, I really shouldn;t im drunk dont need it and it will end bad. probakly split it between crak n booze

>> No.9422787

Dat Speed Stick will sneak up on you.

>> No.9422833

what happened to you?

going on day 3 of nothing to drink... shaking has started but not too bad yet... probably take some downers

>> No.9422907

oh yeah would you
>never get told you're ugly
>get told you look good all the time
>still think you're ugly
>drink like a motherfucker
happens more often than you think

>> No.9422916
File: 8 KB, 250x209, nige sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you feel like cleaning the cast iron

>> No.9422929

damn, that's fucked up

>> No.9422933
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>fucking nigger

>> No.9422940
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what did he mean by this

>> No.9422941

A shot's barely anything
Like, shit, before the 80s, almost everyone did that

>> No.9422944

>smoking crack like a degenerate

Literally nothing worst on the drug tier then crackheads

>> No.9422948

Is /pol/ planning on staying?
Please don't.

>> No.9422954
File: 45 KB, 720x644, helper thumbs up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was obvious bait, so I replied accordingly.

On my usual after-work liter of cheap wine at the moment. Back on the red, since the weather is getting colder. Getting comfy, cheers.

Might go into the beer after the wine is gone, though I probably shouldn't. Oh well.

>> No.9422964

I got into some bad fights on the block on a crack deal gone wrong, I resorted to violence I hate to do Have to go to court now to defend my actions, I didn't mean to do what I did but afight is a fight. I got booked with some weight in hard drugs and it was a violation of my p.o. barely made bail but back out back drunk

>> No.9422969

crack is 100x that of coke u pleb. too bad you can't afford what I be selling u little bitch

>> No.9422972

lol yea, Too bad I'm not a crackhead loser like you.

I never even said I did coke, That's degenerate on It's down.

>> No.9422976

>crackhead loser
i own a millon dollar home, pleb

>> No.9423016

Prove it

>> No.9423055

I just cycle between vodka, weed, and coke. That way I'm always high on something but I never go deep enough into one particular hole to be unable to get out.

>> No.9423064


>> No.9423078

I'll never do coke.
I know my personality.
Booze makes me happy because it removes my inhibitions and I can be "normal" for a little while.
I'd hate to see myself on coke

>> No.9423091

Oh damn, a man who knows his philosophy in an al/ck/ thread, this is a great time to be alive.

I think I might be getting bored of these drugs, like the article says.

>> No.9423097

my last post was of 520 grams of heroin, I am broke don't u know

>> No.9423115

I used to have a bad coke problem.
I literally fucked up my life untiI i had to move into my parents basement. I was confident as fuck though.
2 years later and I'm still living in my parents basement, I still see shadow people and I can't drink caffeine.
Still worth it though.

>> No.9423124

I'm at best drunk now
Where the alcohol has retarded your brain functionality to the point where everything is beautiful and nothing hurts.

Of course I'll keep drinking because I want to keep chasing this feeling

>> No.9423128

I've lived most of my adult life living in my family's rooms.
First my parents and now my sisters.

I'm a big ol fuck up. I wasn't even a drunk till a few years ago.

>> No.9423137

>I'm a big ol fuck up
It's alright. There's always someone more fucked up than us, that's what makes me sleep at night

>> No.9423149
File: 3.57 MB, 5312x2988, 20170821_203630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /brit/ here?

>> No.9423158

You can't fool me.
This was taken in some thirdie country.
See the shower? There's a shower head water heater there.

Don't get me wrong, Brit plumbing and electrical work is NEAR third world status, but even they wouldn't do that.

>> No.9423161
File: 25 KB, 480x448, 1504775659400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9423183

Im Ethiopian

>> No.9423185



>> No.9423191

Choose one fake identity and go with that.
How about French?

>> No.9423211

>Im Ethiopian
Do Ethiopians poo? Or are they so starving that they just eat dirt, then fart out dust?

>> No.9423228

You must be fucking hallucinating, Go to sleep crackhead

>> No.9423254

>waiting for my stomach to recover from morning drinking so I can night drink

Worst feel

>> No.9423255


>> No.9423261

go EASY on the american lads, he's with us x

t. swede

>> No.9423270

I'm literally Ethiopian but from Georgia...ty either way

>> No.9423275

Go to sleep Jamal

>> No.9423277

Hahahaha fuck dude. It hurts so good

>> No.9423281

>but from Georgia
uhm youre from africa tho??

>> No.9423288

Which Georgia?

>> No.9423289

>from Georgia
Do u like chix-fil-a?

>> No.9423317
File: 1.57 MB, 2988x5312, 3eVExh6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the last time I posted
you moron

>> No.9423324

Night lads

>> No.9423329

Also, it you're British pls ask /brit/ on /int/ about me

>> No.9423340

Third world has electric shower head, called suicide shower.
That's a small water heater, clearly a tier higher.

>> No.9423402

LOL, That's not heroin.

Brown sugar

Now fuck off with your degeneracy, Go list your house for sale so you can buy more crack you fucking loser.

>> No.9423416
File: 85 KB, 534x712, 7 moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this any good? I have to shill this out later this week.

>> No.9423430

I don't understand how you retards can get addicted to a liquid meme.

If you wake up after a night of boozing and decide it's a good idea to do it again the next day that's autism, not addiction.

>> No.9423433

keep dreaming faggot

>> No.9423474

How many dicks did you suck for a bag of brown sugar?

>> No.9423492

what do ethiopes tend to get drunk on?

>> No.9423500

The addiction part lies in deciding that it is not a good idea and somehow still doing it.

>> No.9423507

>I have to shill this out later this week.
Do you have to give alcohol samples for work too?

>> No.9423546

less than you did for dinner tonight sunshine

>> No.9423576

Just letting you know mate, I've tracked down your location from your IP address and alerted Gordon Ramsay, he is on his way to your place to bake a fresh batch of cookies using brown sugar. I'd advise you to preheat the oven.

>> No.9423584

I just reported this, have fun in the pokey, faggot

>> No.9423798

I'm that guy desu. 8/10 face 7/10 body skinny, 1/10 willpower.

>> No.9423809

this. its not a rational thing, addiction. in fact it cant be logically conquered in the mind. in true cases of addiction its a biological problem, meaning basic impulses of the reward centers of the brain are in play.

>> No.9424013

I'm having too much to drink tonight.
For some reason, I'm not stupid drunk.
I should be given how much I've drank

Whatever. I've had a sad fucking day and I deserve my drinks

>> No.9424056

I hope your life gets better , anon

>> No.9424066

Me too. Me fucking too.
It doesn't look like it's going to change any soon though.

>> No.9424086
File: 59 KB, 900x491, bert-kreischer-teaser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW you take a day off and get that deep comfy sleep.

>> No.9424090

The worst part of regular drinking is the tiredness.

>> No.9424097

Yeah, when you're sober for a few days and get that real sleep, damn.

Also, those sober dreams, though

>> No.9424102

>some people think that puking is a "bad thing"
Fuck that, I just expelled a few rips of wodka and now my gut is comfy as fuck. Time to swish some kratom, base fent, and crack another PBR.

>> No.9424109

>Me too. Me fucking too.
>It doesn't look like it's going to change any soon though
Same with my life anon. We will all make it one day, or die trying

>> No.9424111

Catch y'all in the hellhole known as "tomorrow". Suffering is for sunrise.

>> No.9424125

those arent sober dreams, they are withdrawal dreams. your somatic nervous system is rebounding from the depressant effects of alcohol and has overcompensated; this is why you have super-intense dreams, sometimes nightmares.

>> No.9424126

Saw this in the last thread

Scarily accurate

>> No.9424128

*sympathetic. my mistake.

>> No.9424179
File: 106 KB, 830x793, greatjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every night, I chase it till I look at the clock, and I see I'm just about out of time to sober up if I go to sleep then to wake up and go to work.

I push it more an more everyday. But those feelings at 2am, and fixing just one more gin and tonic.

Feels really really good...

>> No.9424184

Watch this

>> No.9424207
File: 192 KB, 534x699, sunking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very interesting, thank you, I'm going to try that quick binge tomorrow up to and see if my heart-rate goes up like he said.

>> No.9424221

You don't need a quick binge
All it takes is a double shot drink to get my heart racing

>> No.9424231

you're ugly because you drink, anon

>> No.9424239

I wish I could do coke right now. I live in the epicenter of the Fentanyl criss in Canada and I can't fucking risk it

>> No.9424349

Yes but I don't drink personally and don't know much on alcohol so rather get honest opinions to know how what I'm getting into. I also bought aerator pourer, was this a dumb idea

>> No.9424358
File: 1.68 MB, 400x275, 1iLVjDPH5Id23hwk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you drank enough to get tired
>not enough to mute your anxieties
>there's no more booze in the house
>it's 3am

>> No.9424360

he has jew spaghetti hair though

>> No.9424389

Sunrise isn't too bad if you're on one and have no obligations. However. natural light is the apocalypse if it was a work night.

>> No.9424407

Felt that the other day

I just went to bed and I managed to sleep anyways
Better to be all the way sober than the hell of not drunk enough

>> No.9424455

Im a young guy whos recently started to drink more and more on a regular basis. I feel guilty as fuck about it since im good looking and in shape but thinking about things from the past pisses me off and it feels so good to just forget about it. Feels bad man.

>> No.9424497

Congrats, whoever posted al/ck/ on /pol/. Good job, thread is filled with preteen nazis.
Perfect. Well done, mastermind.
I'll check back in a month.

>> No.9424525

What movie gives you guys the most feels?
>supposed to fix my dads garage door tomorrow
>4am now and watching feels movies and drinking vodka

>> No.9424529

Miami Vice. I wish I was as cool as Colin Farrell

>> No.9424534

That's a good movie.

My favorite is hot tub time machine, That movie reminds me of me and my friends when we were younger and life was better

>> No.9424571

See you. I hope /alc/ stays a thing.

>> No.9424588

does anyone here like brandy

>> No.9424593

I remember my dad used to give me ginger brandy when I was sick, I used to hate it but came to love it.

Nothing clears the sinuses like a shot of ginger brandy in the middle of winter

>> No.9424649
File: 78 KB, 600x571, 1463797188983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I cry at some point during almost every movie nowdays. It's fucking pathetic.

But some of my favourites in terms of feels are probably:
- Paris, Texas
- Blue is the Warmest Color
- Lilya 4-ever
- Leaving Las Vegas

>> No.9424766

lilja 4 ever was a great movie, also shot some parts in my country

>> No.9424926
File: 108 KB, 1000x563, lilya2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where are you from? I found the scenery in that film to be comfy for some reason

>> No.9424971

From what I remember, it was shot in some shithole place, maybe Narva or Lasnamägi
Those places are shitholes filled with russians, and they're grayer than they look in the film

>> No.9424993

5 days sober
job interview in 30 mins
wish me luck, i need money

>> No.9425024

gl bb

>> No.9425221

>back in uni
>she's not replying
welp it looks like I'm off the wagon

>> No.9425228

Good luck. Stay strong.

>> No.9425258

>Try to open can
>The fucking shit didn't open and the thingy broke off
>Opened it up with scissors
>It cut into my finger
>it's been bleeding for a fucking forever now


>> No.9425281
File: 38 KB, 600x800, 14494612661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>know you have a shitload of work to do
>drink anyway

>> No.9425355

help i keep pissing yself when i drink ake it stop ;_;

>> No.9425400


>> No.9425441

Patrician detected. That ending sequence with both couples plus the music is top kino. The way the city lights look at night on digital recording is also amazing--it makes the footage look more and less realistic at the same time. Surreal. Blackhat was a little disappointing, however.

>> No.9425446

Watch St. Crispin's Day Speech from Henry V for some real feels.


>> No.9425490

Project moderation us working so far for couple months now, I only get smashed once a week. I found a job too so it helps keeping me in check. I had terrible drinking problems to a point of delirium ( tho not sure if it was DT or extreme dehydration ) tomorrow I'm going out to donate some clothes to my rehab clinic, and visit some of the nurses. Just my 2 cents, wish you all the best.

>> No.9425496

>the music is top kino
Only five words and so many mistakes.

>> No.9425499

Cheers mate. Keep it up.

Myself, I'm suffering my first hangover in ages and it's a red wine one at that. Just take me already, Lord.

>> No.9425516

oi I'll bust your gabber m8. I don't fuck about when it comes to kino.

>> No.9425546

>pregame two hot dogs (them whole grain bunz) before a friends grill out so I don't look like a fat piece of shit
>eat two hotdogs there
>get real hammered
>gf drives me to Waffle House a couple hours later
>all star breakfast finished in <5 mins+extra bacon

>> No.9425552

Are you fucking stupid you ate what amounts to 4 pounds of grease, theres nothing to fucking solidify to shit out, especially combined with all that liqour.

>> No.9425557

I'm probably just fucking stupid thanks

>> No.9425558

eat less bread and fake meat

eat more leafy greens and beans for dat fiber

>> No.9425565

I just thought there would be at least SOME substance to it.
I'm going to the store in about 10 minutes, what do you suggest I get?

>> No.9425582

Heard, thanks for not being a dick about it.

>> No.9425584

>hangovers are a thing of the past
>replaced with anxiety and depression in the afternoon
It is way, way fucking worse than normal. Why has this happened? How do I make it go away? Always thought mental issues were a bit of a meme and over exaggerated but holy fuck I hate this

>> No.9425590

nothing with any fat in it

>> No.9425591

I feed that greasey or fatty food makes or liquidy shits.

Eat some rice or veggies, some kind of sandwich with a very lean meat etc.

>> No.9425597

Pancreas juice pills.

Withdrawals. You make them go away by drinking, taking benzo, or staying sober for a few days.

>> No.9425602

I've been off the booze since detox, 4 weeks ago. I still wake up almost every night with the sweats. Is this normal, or is there another issue going on?

>> No.9425643

is it hot?

>> No.9425652
File: 13 KB, 657x527, 1488903972340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think about buying beer
>remember the horrible hangovers, realize that i would just go on a bender for days and fuck everything up, don't even enjoy being drunk that much and it would be shitty cheap beer anyway
>"hhm i'm fucking bored though, maybe i should just buy a case anyway"

>> No.9425664

A ghost one told me " always look forward, never look back"

>> No.9425670

Remembering the hell isnt enough, because sobriety is worse ffs. I get so bored, stressed and depressed that I decide death would be better, and relapse for months. Fucking weed laws, this could all do easily be fixed for me.

>> No.9425673

>don't use your mirrors
Probably why he's a ghost.

>> No.9425677

>I cry at some point during almost every movie nowdays
Same here, I never used to cry. Maybe the water is turned us gay

>> No.9425681

>Putting this much care into another person

>> No.9425688

Quit obeying laws

>> No.9425721

Glue a balloon around your dick. Make a pinprick next morning to empty, patch up with tape and go back to bed & bottle. Saved me hours of emptying/tripping over pissbarrels.

>> No.9425758

Fug. Seriously? Same. I think maybe it's loneliness which causes it. Everyone hates so avoids me, so after years of it, emotional moments between others cut me up.

>> No.9425767

No. CT in a cell isn't nice at all

>> No.9425786

3 weeks sober here
anxiety, depression and boredom still not fucking off
will inevitably relapse next week

>> No.9425787


>> No.9425798

Two weeks here and same.

Went a month in the summer and there was no change, the only reason I'm not wasted right now is that I look like absolute shit and have to do something about it.

>> No.9425838

Facial aesthetics in my opinion are the most important part of genuine attraction and working out for a piece of pussy is a waste of time.

>> No.9425846

1 week left until I can buy alcohol for myself

Let the alcoholism begin ha ha ha

>> No.9425847

>implying working out doesn't change your face

>> No.9425856

A shot to sleep? One shot just to get to sleep?
Jesus christ this has to be one of the most horrifying posts I've ever seen on here.

>> No.9425869

try kratom--stories all over the internet about beating alcoholism with it. It's illegal some places though, which is beyond retarded.

>> No.9425872

Sobriety is garbage but not drunk enough is one of the worst feelings ever.

>> No.9425874

where do i buy kratom

>> No.9425876

absolute madman

>> No.9425877

Fuck off you piece of shit just kill yourself.

>> No.9425889

Herbal rva and Gaia have great stuff. It relieves stress and gives you energy at the same time. Makes you enjoy life--so theoretically a good substitute for alcohol. And it's probably benign as far as health consequences.

Even if you use it every day and get "addicted," coming off it would hardly be called "withdrawal", it'd be mild irritability.

>> No.9426207
File: 59 KB, 675x450, vitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hangover is almost gone. Time to crack open a bottle of cheap red I guess!

>> No.9426306

Well made it 40 days today but I think I've had enough. The boredom and sadness is just too painful. Alcohol is the only thing that makes me happy. I tried but I can't I even been on nofap but I'm just worse. Even girls at my new job can sense my pathetic, depressed loser life. At least when I'm drinking I'm cheerful, lively and don't give a fuck. I just hope I don't go crazy like last time and stop showing up to work.

>> No.9426603
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day off so naturally I'm day drinking.

I managed to hold off until 1.30. Last week I started at noon and I didn't quite make it to nighttime. The week before that I started at 10 and fucked myself up.

I keep telling myself I'm going to quit but it hasn't stuck yet. Tomorrow is my last night shift for a couple months so I'm hoping I can use early mornings as an excuse to not get wasted every night

>> No.9426690

red wine hangovers are the absolute worst

>> No.9426738

Emptyed a bottle of wine. Again. Fuck.

>> No.9426804
File: 20 KB, 450x420, 1505108018609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is alcoholism the end game of life?
Feels like every moment ive been forced to suffer on this planet has led to this moment, this end. The only solace I find now is in a bottle of hard liquor.
People seem keen to tell you not to drink so much but never offer an appealing alternative. I can't think of any other method of coping with existence than the sweet blackout drinking provides. If this is the path to the end, so be it.

>> No.9426842

the guilt will dull eventually

>> No.9426859

Try forcing yourself to only get drunk after getting work done.

My house was messy and I had a lot of paper work to get done yet wanted to drink. So I decided I could only drink after finishing all the work. I did about 9 hours of work on a day off. I felt good being so productive and it limited my intake.

>> No.9426901
File: 748 KB, 1024x1280, shakyamuni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the semi-finals.

>> No.9426914

I'm at the bar by myself like a loser. My greatest fear is that one of you assholes will see me and take a picture of me on my phone on /ck/ and post it here.

>> No.9426922

do a preemptive strike with a selfie

>> No.9426940

This guy is a wise man

>> No.9426967

It doesn't kill you nearly fast enough, it's pure suffering for years once you pass the fun and glamorous part of alcoholism.

Many of us stopped going to bars altogether. Fucking winner.
Why would anyone post a sneak pic of some loner dude in a bar on here?

>> No.9426993

Day 3. Drenched in sweat, heavy tremors. Seizures yesterday, feeling a bit better today and only had one so far. Nighttime is coming, but there's nothing at home - store opens in 11 hours. Brain is zapping almost constantly. Benzos barely helping, constant background clonazepam with daytime lorazepam. I'm feeling weak, I don't think I'm going to make it.

How do I deal with the boredom? How do I deal with this at all? Help.

>> No.9427008


I don't think anyone here is in position to laugh at lonely weirdos in the pub

drink up, m8

>> No.9427023

>I just hope I don't go crazy like last time
>Even girls at my new job can sense my pathetic, depressed loser life.
I'd say you're pretty crazy already

>> No.9427056

>Benzos barely helping
Call an ambulance. Or take more benzo if no health care available.
Boredom goes away after a while, but that's not your main problem right now.

>> No.9427067

>develop bipolar disorder
>permanently out of the imbibing game
welp, you enjoy

>> No.9427193

Does drinking water directly after vodka diminish the effects of the alcohol?

>> No.9427309

>took 5 xanax to finally get to sleep without drinking last night
>wake up feeling great
>worked my ass off, Put down 600lbs of mulch around my parents property
>came home and took a nice cool shower

Time to get fucked up, I earned it today.

>> No.9427353
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So anons, I made some kvass a few days ago with the life of boris recipe on youtube, and it is chilling in my fridge right now all ready to drink. But is it safe? This shit won't kill me right?

>> No.9427830

Someone give me a rundown of american beers and beer in general. People are always ranting about how bad mainstream beers are but I bought a case of Bud Light because I don't know where to start. I usually just buy a bottle of vodka or rum but I wanted to get buzzed slowly. The beer tastes pretty much like selzter water.

tl;dr what's the best cheap beer?

>> No.9427841

No, but it will help decrease the chance of hangover.

>> No.9427856

My grandmother made at home as most Russian families do.
Its slow fermentation so a few days should be very light. If you have a vinagar taste you fucked up.

>> No.9427858

Bud light isn't bad for getting drunk, You never taste it after the 4th or 5th anyway.

If you want a OK tasting beer get some blue moon

>> No.9427878

>tfw not a genelet and not an alcoholic
feels good

>> No.9427923

Hamm's Special Light is da bomb

>> No.9427931

Everything applies to me but none of my family members were alcoholics or drug users.

Literally not even one, But somehow me and one of my brothers turned into alcoholics

>> No.9427940

its 6.07 in the morning.

that first sip of the day


>> No.9427953

If dubs also the last sip of your day. If trips the week.

>> No.9427955

Thanks man, appreciate it

>> No.9427965


thought alc was a nice place...


>> No.9427989

I'm just an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill.

>> No.9428040



this fucking scene on 5.1 in the living room

i just want to get drunk and kill gooks

>> No.9428046

Get drunk and play some Vietnam vidya, like Rising Storm 2. Closest you'll get and still be legal. Like drawn CP.

>> No.9428076


im gonna fucking rape this game now

thanks anon and cheers

>> No.9428113

Why do people drink liquor that's not tequila? Just bought some rum and god this shit is rough.

>> No.9428133

>An movie about how the US lost a war to angry rice farmers

The most hilarious part is the entire war never needed to happen, the Vietnamese approached the US and the Soviet Union, they just wanted to be free from French colonialism, the US told them to fuck off and the Soviets offered a helping hand.

>> No.9428165


who cares about the backstory

im eurofag and i fucking love that sequence

>> No.9428474

I'm visiting my parents from NYC to rural Arizona (not my native land).

They are taking a 5-6 day trip in which I'll housesit the crib and hounds. Not going to lie, I'm really fucking nervous to stay on a lot of land alone in the darkness.

I'm sensing I may take a turn of Jack from the Shining.

But I'm going to do this shit. At the very least, it'll expose me and the booze to a new challenge and experience.

>> No.9428481

Only 1/3 bottle of whiskey tonight.

We're getting better! =)

>> No.9428543

Good work m8

>> No.9428606
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Can't decide whether this is a decent album lads, enjoying the proggyness, but some of Kirk's solos are just phoned in

>> No.9428608

Saw some Hibiki for sale on open bazaar 2.0

Is it good?

>> No.9428622

>Is it good?
Is there alcohol in it?

>> No.9428644
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any magicians in here with advice on how to smuggle and hide bottles into the family house?

>> No.9428657

Dark liquor in tea jugs and 2L soda bottles, clear liquor in water jugs. Beer is harder to pull off, but I used to just fill a backpack uniformly, then crush the cans when done and wrap them up in a towel and dump them down the road in a neighbor's recycling. Dump baby powder in that fucking bag so you don't smell like a mobile brewery. Same goes for liquor bottles, ditch'em in a neighbor's shit taking a pre-dawn walk or somethin'.

Bottled beer doesn't work in the risk : pleasure ratio for being a sneaky drunk, cans only.

>> No.9428661

>tfw another night of drinking from the moment I wake up until dawn again
>almost 7am and not even drunk enough to sleep yet

whew lads, when does this ride end

>> No.9428662

Throw fishing line out of bedroom window. Tie bottle to string. Pull indoors when coast clear.
Hide bottle in a box of cereal only you eat.
Hide empties in loft until coast clear. Take out hidden among other rubbish, minutes before rubbish collection.

There was another anon here talking about burying bottles, leaving only the cap exposed, then unscrewing and drinking with a straw. Or hiding vodka in a hosepipe. There's always a way.

>> No.9428669

damn you guys are smart


>> No.9428687
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don't you just love those rank as fuck farts that make standing in the shower feel like a scene from the boy in the striped pajamas

>> No.9428706

Ah yes, 2 days off to drink vodka and eat pizza. Haven't drank properly in a while as never had 2 days off in a row for a long time.

Also, does anyone else get spots/infections after stopping drinking for a while? I always get a nose infection and a few small spots on my face which is shit because I usually have clear skin and the nose shit is annoying.

>> No.9428716

Fucking kek at burying bottles

>> No.9428746

Right now checking eBay for large indoor plants, and decorative stones/whatever covering the protruding cap.
Can't wait to overdo it and be found blacked out, sat sipping on a houseplant.

>> No.9428785
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>sat sipping on a houseplant
pretty accurately my face when

>> No.9428857

anyone ever got shunned by their family for drinking? did you think they were assholes for doing so? was it worth it?

>> No.9428865
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>broke as fuck this past week
>usually drink ~375 ML of hard liquor every single day/night
>one single beer Tuesday night
>two beers Wednesday
>no (zero) booze last night

Feels nice waking up in the morning with a clear head and no hangover. Too bad I got paid today and Im gonna buy a 1.75 of Kraken as soon as I get off work

>> No.9428932

tfw developing anxiety for anxiety

>> No.9428946

Yeh, being scared of being scared can be scary.

>> No.9428973


I dont get this. I usually eat before I drink but sometimes a few will floor me, others i can keep putting them away and barely feel anything.

>> No.9428987

>I smoke weed to avoid these same feels and for the same reasons
>if I try to quit I get biological withdrawal symptoms that last for days (granted, not as bad as alcohol, but still terrible considering I've been at a quarter ounce a week for 10 years)
>tfw nobody to feel with
>tfw going home to smoke alone just like every other day
>eventually I'll be too sleepy and pass out
>wake up next day and repeat
>never fit in with /alc/
>never fit in with stoners because I hate weed culture
>I've tried to quit countless times
>somebody will tell me I'm a pussy again for not being able to quit
>nobody to feel with
>at least I'm going home to my weed in about 7 hours

>> No.9429010

Do you have experienced of physical alcohol addiction? Sorry but I bet you wouldn't even bring up this weed addiction you speak of if you had. I've never had any physical problems stopping, no matter how much I'd been smoking or for how long. Do you have experience of any other addictions, and if so how do they compare?

>> No.9429014

dude ur gonna die my uncle snorted a weed and died of a weed stroke

>> No.9429034

You're welcome anon. Get some!

>> No.9429086

I have never had alcohol addiction. I almost never drink because my father was an alcohol and it destroyed my family, unironically.
I would guess that you're right: if I had experienced alcohol addiction I probably would bring this up at all.
I was an opiate addict for about 9 months before my gf at the time forced me out of it. It was OxyContin. The withdrawals were objectively much more intense than the weed ones. I distinctly remember throwing a bag of Taco Bell against the wall and sobbing because my gf forgot the sauce. That said, the weed withdrawals are horrible in a different way. Absolutely no appetite for about a week after quitting. Almost absolute insomnia for just about twice as long. Rage fits that become completely psychotic. Sobbing uncontrollably because almost no dopamine at all. Desperately trying to fight off thoughts of buying more weed while also dealing with the symptoms. Shit like that
And you're right. Not as bad as alcoholism. I am perfectly willing to leave and go be a degen in another thread or on another board. Do you happen to know where wayward pot addicts end up on the internet to feel feels with each other?
>my feels aren't as bad as yours, but I still have them and I still hurt

>> No.9429117

>Absolutely no appetite for about a week after quitting. Almost absolute insomnia for just about twice as long. Rage fits that become completely psychotic. Sobbing uncontrollably because almost no dopamine at all.
That's me and on top of that I have a slew of mental disorders.
Starting to drink too, but even that and weed aren't fun anymore
Just wish I was dead already

>> No.9429119

I lie to my therapist and psych about this too.

>> No.9429145

I smoked every day for a year and went on a trip and never experienced any of that except for wanting weed when I was bored. Maybe i just didn't notice insomnia since i've dealt with it since childhood. How heavily did you smoke?

>> No.9429153
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>just wish I was already dead
God, I know that feel. The problem is that a lot of people seem to really depend on my sunny (fucking fake) positive attitude. Because I know how badly things can hurt (I'm an addict for a reason) I try to help other people who are hurting. And I've had great success. I work at a close-knit office and I am very well liked among my friends. Even my dogs seem to love me more than I've ever seen a dog love anyone because, I think, they can tell that I am compassionate and I want to protect them and prevent any emotional pain they might have the capacity to feel. If I die, I feel like all these people will feel lost or be too sad themselves. The guilt keeps me alive and smiling. Every time I help, I relive pain I can never escape and it eats away at me. But it feels like a duty because nobody else seems to be out there trying to help other people through all this horrible shit that goes on behind the scenes of all the fake-happy smiles. I hate every day and weed is the only thing that lifts me a little.

>> No.9429161

At least a gram a day for 10 years. Many times much more than a gram per day.

>> No.9429333

Kek, it seems you are getting very mild withdrawal symptoms. You better take a break, because it can get much, much worse. :)

>> No.9429358

welp had a bad last weekend, drank like 3 liters of hard alcohol. So tapered monday and I'm hoping the shakes will start slowing down soon

been using kratom to get through.

honestly the sleepless nights and night sweats are the worst.

>> No.9429455


>> No.9429522

Words to live by

>> No.9429565

>get caught drinking vodka out of a house plant

Try to explain that

>> No.9429602

i fucking love weed cause i have adhd and it slows my mind down so i can actually enjoy stuff. i smoke at least twice as much as you and when i stop the worst i get is a little trouble sleeping for the first night or two and a mild craving for weed that is always there but fades over time. when i can't get weed a drink way to much and the withdraw from that is infinitly worse. when i can't get weed or alcohol i usually run for kilometers at a time and the feeling i get when i stop is a semi good substitute for weed/alcohol.

>> No.9429641

Don't know why this made me laugh


>> No.9429697

Three 8% tallboys had this kid slumped? Is this what life is like for skinny boys?

>> No.9429736

me again
i got the fucking job
now im not going to be in negative money.
this is good news

>> No.9429738

Congrats anon. You're the man

>> No.9429789

Good for you, way to go out and get cash bro.

>> No.9429790


Look at the floor

>> No.9429798

Set a goal, small or large
Do set goal

>> No.9429899


goal: stop being a cuck

>> No.9429901

>roommate has moderate OCD (diagnosed by myself)
>he got hammered last night
>I wake today to find that he's taken the large screen TV off the table in the living room and placed it upside down on the side couch, taping a sign to it that reads "This must weigh 110 pounds" (it's a 10 yo model)

We have a good relationship and I received the TV for free, and it's old as shit, so I'm not mad, but this mother fucker, man. Know why he did it? To clean the fucking table it was sitting on.

I think he must have a hard life if he is compelled to moved extremely heavy objects just to clean a fucking table. poor bastard.

>> No.9430269

Hey /alc/, I gotta know something.
I'm 26 and just moved into my own apartment. During the 4 years after college I picked up drinking more and really grew to liking it. I'm out the point now where if I have a choice I will drink straight liquor. I'll be clear: I don't like the taste of alcohol, or the sting it gives my thought, but I absolutely love a good buzz. Sometkmes I would get carried away and drink late into the morning hours and have a terrible migrane the whole next day, ans my parents noticed. I decided when I moved in to my new place I would see if I could make it a whole month without having a drink. So far I'm 3 weeks in and I definitely want a drink. But I'm not sure if I want one in the sense that I'm addicted. I want one because I want to feel that happy buzz, but I wouldn't say I'm craving it because it doesn't interfere wotgh my ability to do my job or go about my day. I sleep as fine as always, I don't shake or sweat or have huge cravings I need to fight off. For the record, I never drink during weekdays anyway because I never want to be hungover for work, but I'm really tempted to break my 3 week streak and have a nice 3 oz or more in the shower when I get home right now.

Am I an early onset alcoholic? Or is this perfectly normal and ok?

>> No.9430294
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How do you guys enjoy Campari?

>> No.9430311

Holy fuck that guy looks like Alexander the Great. Literally like a chiseled marble statue. I WOULD let him fuck me and I'm straight.

How do betas literally even compete?

Also, going hard on the Coors Light tonight. I think I'm really starting to take to the beer more than the liquor.

>> No.9430327

if you are not drinking during the week you are good. getting drunk once a week is pretty normal any more than that and you might have a problem. I will be 20 in November and i drink way more than you. i wouldn't say im an alcoholic just an escapeoholic i usually smoke weed but when i can't get any i drink insane amounts of alcohol, my adhd might have something to do with it i just need something to slow the active part of my brain down because it doesn't shut off like a normal brian when i need to focus. and nobody likes the taste of alcohol it taste bitter because it is a poison your body is telling you too spit out.

>> No.9430328


Wish I could help but still not entirely sure if i even classify as an alcoholic. Sounds to me though that life = boring and shitty and drinking offers a way out of that for a few hours. Basically what I started; enjoyed the buzz. Now I use it to forget i exist. My advice: have a drink. if its playing on your mind it'll happen eventually anyway

>> No.9430333
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coors pisswater

>> No.9430341
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Spent weeks straight.
Drunk now.

>> No.9430403

Well when you graduate high school, maybe you'll come to appreciate alcohol for its flavor a bit and not just go with what has the highest alcohol value.

>> No.9430418

Fucking lol

>> No.9430426

>weed withdrawals
Dude you sound like a huge fucking faggot.

>> No.9430436

alcohol taste like bitrex mixed with piss. it's a Poison your body doesn't want so it taste disgusting. the only time it taste somewhat drinkable is when it's mixed with something.

>> No.9430472
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It is DUMPING rain outside and I am just sprawled out across a loveseat with my handler, is anyone else here comfy?
Thinking of ordering mad pizza from some wageslave, that'd max this feel out.

>> No.9430473
File: 69 KB, 654x427, REM4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gave my GF $200 to go grocery shopping
>she comes back with a car full of food

Jesus christ woman. I shouldn't be as mad as I am considering i've been sober since Monday but goddamn

>> No.9430477

Is it ok to treat drinking like a Hobby?

>> No.9430494

what do you do when drinking doesnt take suicidal thoughts away anymore

>> No.9430500

When I said alcohol I meant all alcoholic beverages, not alcohol itself. You sound like a non-native speaker though so I will pardon you for not realizing that.

>> No.9430505

>Didn't enable your horrible old habit
>Didn't squander her man's money on bullshit; did what he said

Dude, tell me more about her. She might be a keeper. In that case stop thinking like an alchie and marry the bitch.

>> No.9430506

smoke weed and you wont want to kill yourself for a while. no withdraws and doesn't destroy your body.

>> No.9430530

I enjoy alcoholic beverages. just not ones that taste like shit aka coors pisswater. get some taste faggot.

>> No.9430534

Try drinking bleach

>> No.9430547

Are you one of those bearded numale types who only drink "micro brewery IPAs" and shit like that? Get bent, King Shit. I'll drink what tastes good and that certainly doesn't count 90% of the local garbage that numales piss out.

Just remember that everyone here knows you're underaged. Only teenagers get a big dick over the fact that they don't drink big name beers. Faggot.

>> No.9430572

I just don't like the taste of piss my dude i don't care that it's a big name anything under 5% taste like piss. i usually smoke weed i like having a working liver and not feeling like shit. i only drink when i can't get weed. at least weed doesn't slowly destroy my organs.

>> No.9430578
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>forced to shack up with someone who snores
>not allowed to bring alcohol
>can't even go for a wank because the only toilets are in the main hall

>> No.9430584

>tfw turned 21 this week
>tfw already drank alone twice and went out with friends once
>tfw thinking about drinking alone again tonight
>promise myself to only drink once a week from now on
>have a shit habit of going to the store blacked out to buy random shit
So what should I buy tonight, whiskey or rum?

>> No.9430594


drinking socialy is over rated. you want to drink alone because its better. go for whiskey

>> No.9430624
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>> No.9430641

i loved the taste of my first sip of lukewarm vodka

>> No.9430647

negronis would seem the obvious answer

>> No.9430712

drunk as fuck for the first time in a few months, feels kinda good man. Going on vacation next week too.

>> No.9430721

If I drink heavily once a week, is that ok?
Will it speed up my aging that badly? I excersize daily, including running 4-6 miles 4 days a week.

>> No.9430757

>le edgy stoner xD

Oh okay. Then this all makes sense. You are free to continue to shitpost in these threads then, as I am no mod and cannot force you to do otherwise. Are you that poor sod who was complaining about how stoner threads don't get as much love as the al/ck/ threads, a week or two ago?

Furthermore, the difference between 4% and 5% is pretty moot. You'd know that were you in possession of a high school diploma.

>> No.9430769

>lukewarm vodka

Man are you ever far-gone. I have been drinking pretty regularly for years and I still would never attempt to have a MIX unless it was refrigerated first (preferably with ice), much less a straight up drink of alcohol at room temperature.

>> No.9430787

Jesus Christ bros, I don't think I drink that much, but I just got up to piss and my kidneys just started burning with pain as soon as I started. This hasn't happened nearly this bad since the time I went out and drank a lot and couldn't piss until I had got a cab home. I just went from my room to the bathroom and yet it felt like my kidneys were on fire the whole pissing. Even now it hurts.

What the fuck is this?

>> No.9430789

That was a great show

>> No.9430793
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>> No.9430795

Don't cock it up

>> No.9430854
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Do you guys ever get lonely?

My only human grocery shopping and buying liquor once a month. Haven't spoken to or seen my family in years despite living within an hour of all of them.

I don't want to be around people but at the same time I miss mattering to anyone. If i died today no one would notice for months, An then only the mortgage company would notice because the rest of my bills are e-pay.

>> No.9430873
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>My only human grocery

I meant my only human CONTACT

>> No.9430907
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This room looks REALLY familiar to me.

>> No.9430929
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I don't recognize that...Am i supposed to?

Definitely not my house. That molding screams 100 years ago, My house was built in 1993

>> No.9430949

>hit a solid level of slight buzz
>real tired so wanna sleep
I need to either move out so I can slam beers faster without judgement or get into spirits.

>> No.9430950

>Man are you ever far-gone.
I meant to say Iukewarm vodka was the first alcoholic beverage I ever had at 15 and loved it since the first sip.

Loved it ever since as well though.

>> No.9430957

How do you have a mortgage as a NEET?

>> No.9430959

Garden hose

>> No.9430969

I used to get pints out of pubs by putting them down my coat then securing them with a hand in my pocket. Can imagine it's the same thing.

>> No.9430990

I remember the good old days when an 18 pack of Coors light made for the perfect hazy weekend. Damn.

>> No.9431011

My mom left me a lot of money when she passed away, Plus she had life insurance.

I won't say the number but enough so I never have to work.

I took out a loan for the house to build credit

>> No.9431045

Picked up some Bushmills, pretty good so far.

>> No.9431056

What are Bushmills fellow al/ck/ie?

I'm the Coorsbro from earlier. Onto my sixth now I believe. Just kind of riding a moderate buzz as I sadly have to work tomorrow morning. Going through Rome Season 2 though. Shit is fucking great.

>> No.9431066
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That's sounds awesome, except for your mom dying of course.

I recommend going for at least a walk every day or better yet, doing daily shopping or errand running. Keeps you somewhat in the loop of society, once a month is not enough to remain sane.

And try to stay healthy enough to make it to the age of robowaifus.

>> No.9431093

I would rather be broke and living under a bridge and have my mom still living, She was the only thing keeping me held together for so long. When she died I completely gave up on life and being happy

I try to go for a walk but I just hate being around people and I have crippling social anxiety, Even fucked up on ativan or xanax I feel like people are staring at me in disgust. Plus most of the time I'm awake is at night....So If I walk around the small town I live in at night I'm stopped repeatedly by the police wondering what I'm doing or asking where I'm coming from or going. They have nothing better to do, There's no real crimes to stop around here.

Everyone that says money makes you happy is a liar, That does not make you happy.

>> No.9431102

Irish whiskey. 40% abv. Nice taste and price. I would have bought some Jack Daniels but the liquor store jacks up the price even though we're only an hour from the distillery.

>> No.9431161
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It's currently 03:25
I can't sleep
I want a cig and a beer
I have to get up in 4 hours
How do people do it

>> No.9431188

Who else doesn't even remember what being hungry feels like?

>> No.9431191

2.30 here. Can't sleep either, seems impossible if sober. I'm so unhappy ffs. Haven't even got a full week clean and am already fairly confident that if I can't sleep by 6am, I'm just getting drunk to the point of collapse.

>> No.9431196

>I would rather be broke and living under a bridge and have my mom still living, She was the only thing keeping me held together for so long. When she died I completely gave up on life and being happy
I can imagine, but given how things are it's better to be miserable with money than to be miserable under a bridge. Money does not make you happy, but lack of it can surely make you suffer a whole lot more.

>I try to go for a walk but I just hate being around people and I have crippling social anxiety, Even fucked up on ativan or xanax I feel like people are staring at me in disgust. Plus most of the time I'm awake is at night
I feel the same, but when I stop going outside the 'people tolerance' only gets lower, so keeping yourself somewhat used to being around them is ultimately the path of less suffering.

>> No.9431200

>I can imagine, but given how things are it's better to be miserable with money than to be miserable under a bridge. Money does not make you happy, but lack of it can surely make you suffer a whole lot more.

That's true

>> No.9431206

>I feel the same, but when I stop going outside the 'people tolerance' only gets lower, so keeping yourself somewhat used to being around them is ultimately the path of less suffering.

Oops I didn't read that part.

How often do you socialize? I remember when I was younger and happier (pre 2009) I could talk to hot woman all the time. Got good grades in college, Was personable, ect.

I literally don't talk to anyone, I only pay for a cell phone so I can have portable internet and I can read while I'm pooping. I don't have any friends and making them is tough in your 30's. Especially when you don't know anyone lol

All my neighbors hate me so I don't even know where to start finding friends or socializing

>> No.9431225

How do I do it? I was riding a good buzz but I decided to cut it short and get ready for bed. I work in just over 9 hours so it is better to get a good night's sleep and then wait for a day I am not working than to get drunk tonight and suffer tomorrow.

>> No.9431235

Drink water, take vitamins B while you're at it.
Your piss is supposed to be pale yellow, if it's bright yellow you're dehydrated and should have drank more.
You could have urinary track infection or something like that.

>That molding screams 100 years ago
Last century yes, but not the 1910's. More like bad taste from the end of the century, indoor window weren't a thing before that.
I'm in a similar situation, so are some people I met in rehab. I haven't tried hard enough, and I should quit weed as starts fucking up with my brain (I'm not the other reefer addict Anon), but there are a few tips I've been told
Meetup.com (or other local meetup sites/FB group) is usually good for making friends. You could try cooking lessons too. In OkCupid you can check "looking for friends" (next to LTR and hookup), and I've seen a few people just saying "new in town" or something somewhere in their profile.
Obviously, there is charity and volunteering, a common job simulacrum for people rich enough to not work. I did some in music festival with www.concordia.fr/eng, it can be fun.

>> No.9431257

Got out of 5-day detox 2 weeks ago. Relapsed after a few hours and went straight back on the vodka.
Bought a quarter ounce of hardcore topshelf weed (illegal here, retarded) out of desperation, and was instantly void of any desire for alcohol in my life.
Smoked my last joint an hour ago. Sober again.
Just raided my cider stash. Now tucking into 33L of 8%, waiting for the shop to open in 3hrs so I can torture my aching liver with vodka.

>> No.9431266

Haven't irl socialised voluntarily since 2015 I guess. But I live with my family, so I see people every day.

But they don't register as 'people' to me since I've known them forever so they don't trigger an anxiety or disgust reaction.

>> No.9431267

Did you smoke that quarter tonight? If so, fuck dude.

>> No.9431276

it's the best anon, desu made it to my fav 3

>> No.9431278

Nah, like 3 days of bliss, smoking from morning to night. I hadn't smoked more than a couple of joints for a year though, so gutted my tolerance is still so high.

>> No.9431465

help me
I can't even

>> No.9431539

b8. please crawl back to the gym.

>> No.9431540

>spend about a month trying to break away from all the shitty eating habits you've had since childhood
>start feeling good about the progress you've made
>get drunk
>end up eating six pieces of pizza
Well there goes everything I've been striving for.

>> No.9431569

>just six pieces in a month

Sounds like a major victory.

>> No.9431603

>piss vase and bottles, full
>thirst drying entire face
>too tired to move
>piss on floor instead
I sleep dry tonight.

>> No.9431605

How do you all deal with grog bog on a daily basis?

>> No.9431620

Wtf is grog bog

>> No.9431622

Beer shits.

>> No.9431624

>piss vase

Lets see this alleged piss vase

>> No.9431638

No driving Jerry!

>> No.9431649
File: 2.00 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best not be talkin no shit bout muh beloved bladder batter bowls, bruh.

>> No.9431658


How many pisses does that baby hold?

>> No.9431702

Ooo I dunno, she's a fairly forgiving and generous, plump, 2L or more of a pisschalice, I'd say. So we're looking at a good 3-5 pisses before it overflows again and fills the bed with a steaming yellow pillow of piss, without my realising it was happening, and I stray further from the possibility that I might one day live in a house whose catalogue of smells, forms and general horrors, is not overwhelmingly dedicated to the paying of dues to urinations passed.
23 mins until the shop opens and I can actually get drunk on proper alcohol. Even with the decreased consumption of fluids, you've seen nothing yet. Let the flowing of fluids commence.

>> No.9431768

Where can I get more niche liqueurs? Looking for some creme de cacao from Tempus Fugit, but ABC doesn't stock the shit. Do some wine stores sell liqueurs as well or something? How do these drinks have a market without a presence in storefronts?

>> No.9431820

If you post more pics you'll forever be my savior

>> No.9431862

doesnt work

>> No.9431915

What kind of job did you get? IT?

>> No.9432266
File: 254 KB, 850x350, 944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I work a very niche slot atm. You know the X-ray machines at airports? Well, occasionally an item of interest will show up, and someone needs to check further. I'm the guy who gets to roll balls around in his hand, checking for testicular anomalies. I am a certified testicular texture tester. I can differentiate heroin and a testicle with flabbergasting accuracy. Not as easy as it might sound, tbqh. Starting on 450K/yr, company car, free handwash, etc. Exquisite.

>> No.9432277

How do you guys sleep after drinking?

I can only sleep when I'm drunk so I am only able to sleep for 3-5 hours before waking up with a pounding headache. Unless I take xanax before I go to bed I can't sleep longer then 5 hours without waking up feeling terrible.

>> No.9432297

>free handwash

>> No.9432391
File: 1.90 MB, 2448x3264, 68 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you need to be rich to be an al/ck/ in the U.S? Fug

>> No.9432397
File: 40 KB, 728x546, IMG_0624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gf is sick
>woke me from my peaceful rest with wretched coughs
>this has been going on for an hour now
>at least I had the good sense to get my handle as well as 3 pizzas before it was too late
>6:30 am
Let's ride the sunrise drunk, boys.

>> No.9432682
File: 3.35 MB, 232x157, exquisite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats gropebro

also checked

>> No.9432684

Buddy left 3 beers in the fridge. I never drink beer since I hate beer. Will I feel anything if I chug them? I hope so since it will be a gross challenge for me. I usually drink a bottle of vodka a week.

>> No.9432691

I'm nervous I woke up with a pair of my jeans and underwear in the kitchen even though I am wearing the same clothes as I wore yesterday. I don't live alone so I hope I didn't do something stupid or cringey.

>> No.9432700

I've installed motion-sensitive cameras covering all the exits on my property. If I go out, I'll have video evidence giving me some clue as to how scared i should be upon waking.

>> No.9432705
File: 114 KB, 1280x853, heineken 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me a fucking pleb but I love Heineken

>> No.9432758
File: 59 KB, 400x300, alck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP (>>9432542) is clearly operating at maximum hyperpleb; improper silhouette and didn't link the new thread here, but regardless, there appears to be a new thread.

>> No.9432769

Fucking fag

>> No.9432968
File: 1019 KB, 1366x768, 1504266384461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blacked out last night

>> No.9432979

why won't this bump :(

>> No.9432985

>sitting alone in isolation, drinking, and watching Faux "News"
The alt right is fucking pathetic

>> No.9433008

this might be the last reply in this thread

but I love you man