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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9423042 No.9423042 [Reply] [Original]

>2 liter of coke is $0.75, a bowl of pre-sliced apples is $5.00

something is wrong there. why are (((they))) forcing us to eat garbage?

>> No.9423054


well there's your problem dildo, cut your own damn apples for a quarter of the price.

The price is high because people will buy it for a fast lunch that isn't dog food in a bag.

>> No.9423085
File: 48 KB, 500x319, pepe big af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apples are often imported, especially if you don't live near farm country.
Coke uses cheap, trash-tier ingredients that are abundant basically everywhere.
>buying pre-sliced apples
Cucklet detected.
Try using a knife at home. 10 seconds of exertion won't do you any harm.
>something is wrong here
What's wrong is that food prices are not subsidized by the government to ensure everyone, no matter how poor, can afford fresh, nutritious food. Of course, that would cut into the food corporations/Monsanto profits. Can't have that now, can we? That's "le ebil gommunism" and "regulations on le free market". The rich are looking out for your best interests, wagecuck! Trust us. We're telling the truth this time. Trump the billionaire fatcat is totally looking out for the little guy. He promised!

Why are (((you))) putting (((parentheses))) around (((they)))?

>> No.9423095

>a bowl of pre-sliced apples is $5.00
Mock flyovers all you want, at least we can eat healthy and hearty for $1 instead of paying $9 for an avocado

>> No.9423192

why would anyone want to slice their apples if he/she/xe can afford to buy them already sliced?

>> No.9423848

I picked two wild ones from trees miles apart yesterday.

>> No.9423857

you were just complaining you can't afford it.

>> No.9423863

>so genetically inferior he can't even cut his own apples
This is why corporate America wins

>> No.9423864
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>pre-sliced apples

>> No.9423951

Went to the Dr the other day and I'm up to 322 lbs. How did it get this bad?

>> No.9423997

>a bowl of apples
Fruits are a dessert not a meal. Veggies are cheaper and healthier.

>> No.9423998

just stop eating so much jesus christ

>> No.9424116
File: 26 KB, 627x627, 12455404288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the one of the few good things of being a spic is the fresh delicious fruit, but the fat fucks here still prefer to drink soda

>> No.9424117

>slicing apples at all
Jesus Christ, just bite into them.

>> No.9424127
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>tfw 340lbs
>tfw the other 2 fattest co-workers have been making fun of my size lately

>> No.9424227
File: 40 KB, 657x527, pepe gheddo laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There exist real people on this planet who are so lazy and ignorant that they pay extra for a pre-washed, pre-sliced fruit which they can wash themselves in 5 seconds and just eat whole.
>These same people then have the (((chutzpah))) to blame their predicament on (((jews))).

>> No.9424234

>it's the JEWZ that force me to drink 2l bottles of soda!!!
This is the mind of your average /pol/tard

>> No.9426210

>drinking coke at all

>> No.9426254

>This is the reading comprehension of your average redditor

Read OP's post again and pay attention.

>> No.9427311

Maybe start cutting the apple into 2 rather than many slices to reduce calories.

>> No.9427387

It's cheaper to grow coke then apples.

>> No.9427417

You're stuck with the decision to drink a Coke if you want something easy and cheap. You could go to a Quiktrip, and instead of buying something that's immediately pleasurable, you buy a large unsweet iced tea and a banana with another in-season fruit. About $5 in total. Making good decisions in a market that doesn't offer many cheap easy healthy options just takes a bit more thought and foresight.

>> No.9427480

Dude, he specifically used the term "forced" as if he were strapped down to a waterboarding table where they used coke instead of water and implied it was "ebin juden" who were responsible. What's necessary to reread?

>> No.9427498

It's called portfolio diversification. I own Tyco, not for toys but for the medical devices and heart monitors; fast food because stupid poor flags always make poor decisions. A little in cancer hospitals, some in drug companies and finally a little in a chain of mortuaries on the West coast.

Earning a little at each juncture of your life. Thanks!

>> No.9427504

they're trying to fatten pasty white teenagers on 4chan and it's working

>> No.9427510 [DELETED] 

>live in a border town
>town is basically two towns split by a border wall
>produce is still fucking garbage


>> No.9427634

just wondering. whats stopping poor people from extracting the water from the coke or removing the bad stuff from it?
Im sure you can set up an evaporation apparatus in your kitchen or whatever

>> No.9428117

that requires a high school education which poor people do not have, or else they would not be poor

also it depends on what country you live in, american educational standards don't even mandate chemistry as a condition for passing secondary education

>> No.9428129

Start putting food into your anal cavity and absorb its energy so that you won't get any calories

>> No.9428196

this is fucking excellent bait, thank you op

>> No.9428233

Where are you getting a 2L for $0.75? I can barely get a 591mL for $1.50.

>> No.9428237

fucking gf always using up the foodstamps on mangos, berries and a fuckton of juice

>> No.9428317

>tfw soda keeps getting more and more expensive
what the fuck peña? i just want to drink my coca in peace.

>> No.9428403

>as if he were strapped down to a waterboarding table where they used coke instead of water
Might as well be.