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File: 62 KB, 700x700, Carolina-Reaper-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9421266 No.9421266 [Reply] [Original]

Are super hot peppers like the carolina reaper a meme?

>> No.9421275

No, they are real hot not meme hot. They are worse coming out the other end than they are going in.

>> No.9421280


nope, they're insane.

>> No.9421285

Yes, they have no flavor and are only used for bragging about how much heat you can handle

>> No.9421288

A persistent idea presenting dominant (or recessive) characteristics in the pool of the modern zeitgeist?


But they also exist physically, and they do serve a purpose - namely making things spicy - aside from just feeding some horticulturalist's ego.

>> No.9421324

What are some of the best chillis then guys? Not just for a heat peen contest but for actual flavour?

Which chillis are the best for different uses and dishes? planning my growing for next year already ;)

>> No.9421334
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>they have no flavor

>> No.9421343

Hot or not, I think Habaneros are wonderful.

>> No.9421353
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>> No.9421354
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>They have no flavor
How to spot a pleb, the post

>> No.9421361

If I had to pick four to start with:

Jalapeno - pungent earthiness. Very obvious, noticeable flavour, smokes and dries well.

Tabasco - "moderate" heat, kind of a roasted/smoked citrus rind flavour to them... and they squirt!

De Arbol/bird's eye - hot, excellent "chili" flavour, dry basically on their own/with very little help.

Habanero - very hot with a sweet/fruity flavour that I find Caribbean food needs. Plays very nicely with the other three. Makes amazing sauces with very little effort (a blender, salt, and some vinegar/citrus).

Most chillies are multi-purpose, but these four are great in most applications.

>> No.9421371
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>> No.9421401

Thanks man, All I can buy here (UK) is finger chillis (pretty much unbranded generic I think?), birds eye, and scotch bonnet or jalapeno if I'm lucky. I'm not a big fan of jalapeno, got a strange bitterness to them.

I grew some banana chillis over the summer, they are were pretty nice, pretty much a tasty sweet pepper (fleshy) with a bit of zing to them. Will check out tabasco chilli seeds for next year, it's great fun watching something growing and knowing it will be your dinner one day and chillis are super easy too

>> No.9421422

Smoked ghosg chilies tastr great

>> No.9421831

Red Savina (a habanero mutation) has been one of my longtime favorite super-ish hot peppers that's been hard to come by and subsequently under-appreciated. Significantly more heat than a standard red habanero, but delivers a really pronounced citrusy, kinda tropical flavor before the heat builds.

>> No.9421842

For sauces and salsa I like habaneros the best. They have a bright fruity taste which lends itself nicely to the aforementioned applications. However eating them raw is stupid and gay, I've done it before and it sucked dicks

>> No.9421948

Scotch Bonnet is one of my favorites for a balance between heat and flavor

>> No.9421964

habaneros are the highest anyone should go unless they're a chillifag or from a culture that adds shittons of chilli to everything

>> No.9422054

That's a little subjective but I generally tend to agree, the higher end habaneros are really going to be the hottest 99.999% of dishes are ever going to be, and while they're burn your bung out, they're not fuck you're whole day up hot which are pretty unwieldy for most recipes.

>> No.9422102

I ate one and it was like being stung on the tongue by a wasp, most peppers have a delayed reaction for me but the reaper had me in agony after a single chew. I would not do that again unless it was for a life changing amount of money.

>> No.9423509

Serranos my person

>> No.9423632

A fully ripe (meaning red) Serrano is pretty much the perfect balance between flavor and heat. Enough heat that you know you're eating a pepper, but not so much that you only taste the heat.

>> No.9423707

>they have no flavor

I grew Trinidad Moruga Scorpion peppers. They were super fruity tasting and very sweet. They were also so hot that your face and head would go numb if you ate one. Unfortunately, your ass doesn't go numb when you shit it out later.

>> No.9423711

Ghost chilis actually do have a distinct flavor. It's easy to get them dried, and I prefer them that way since you can grind them into a powder. Just use it sparingly if you don't want the heat, you only need a tiny amount to get the flavor.

>> No.9424899


I grow Tokyo hot cayenne peppers, they're really productive so you end up with loads of peppers and they make a great base for a dish.

>> No.9424922

>bird's eye
Seconding these. Also think they're called "thai chili peppers." Add a lot of flavor finely chopped up and put first thing into stir fry.

>> No.9426202

You can actually get Carolina Reapers in Tesco sometimes. Scotch bonnet peppers actually have a pretty similar flavour to Carolina Reapers and I believe habaneros do too, but I've not tried a habanero before. Carolina Reapers perhaps aren't that useful unless you're cooking a lot of food or making sauces.

Honestly the first time I tried scotch bonnet peppers in a dish, I did not like the flavour at all and it seemed to clash a lot, but it's definitely an interesting unique flavour. They actually have a very strong flavour which adds a lot to the whole dish. I think they would be a lot nicer in Caribbean style food.

Thai chillies / bird's eye chillies are nice and just have a more intense and sweet regular bell pepper flavour.

>> No.9426239

I have one Carolina reaper left in my cupboard. I don't know if I just consistently keep getting duds, but they're not that hot. Just to show off to my friends, I posted a video with me soaking a reaper in Daves Insanity sauce and a few habanero slices on top, and eating them in one bite.

Yeah, it was hot, but nowhere near as hot as the Internet would have you believe.

Unless, of course, you have the tolerance of prepubescent girl, which I'm guessing is about 67% of this board.

>> No.9426267
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my man

>> No.9426275

shitty grown reapers aren't that hot, so much likely

>> No.9426289


The flavor of any fruit or vegetable is going to depend greatly on the conditions it was grown in. Just because it might be a "Carolina reaper" genetically doesn't mean that it will end up super hot.

>> No.9426380

It was a dehydrated pepper I bought a bag of on amazon, for what that's worth. Is there a trusted supplier or a better way to shop for them? If the pepper I had is supposed to be the hottest, then I am greatly unimpressed. I've had grilled jalapeños that left a longer lasting mark.

>> No.9426415

I've never had bad luck with Alamo City Pepper Products, but in my opinion there is no such thing as a supplier who can guarantee a particular heat from their peppers.

The fact is that natural products vary a lot in flavor--as you yourself have figured out from your experience with jalapenos. There's no way around that.

The only thing I could suggest is just the usual rules for buying produce: if at all possible buy them fresh and use your senses to evaluate before purchasing. When you're cooking make sure you taste-test your ingredients so you know how much to add to your recipe.

>> No.9426426

I've yet to see them on amazon fresh. I've been wanting to grow my own, which I might do. We'll see. I might get another bag and use them to make a chili paste.

>> No.9426440

Growing your own is certainly an option. But even then you still can have radically different heat depending on the conditions you raise your plant under.

>> No.9426444

hmm I get it from a chili specialized company. they deliver fresh chilis, then I often dry them myself.
you'd have to look if there's one available in your area.
ofcourse, always check ratings

>> No.9426472

It's starting to sound like the Carolina reaper became the hottest chili by accident. I mean, I eat a lot of chilis. I know firsthand that sometimes a habanero will have less heat than a jalapeño or Serrano. I just wish that there was some indication. The bag I bought had ten dry pods in it, and only one made me sweat a little.

Does anyone have any experience with pure capsaicin powder? I like have something spicy with my meals, and I'm starting to lose hope.
I may have to try this or see what my options are. Growing my own sounds like best bet so far.

>> No.9426658

Has anyone here ever tried any of the 7 pot varieties? or any products made using them? The Primo and the Douglah sound particularly interesting, but probably too hot for me.

>> No.9426672

imo trinidad and ghost are as hot as it gets while maintaining flavor, and i dont even think ghost is all that (flavor wise).

>> No.9427150

trinidad moruga was one of the fruitiest, aromatic things ive ever put in my mouth, for about 2 seconds, and then you enter the void

>> No.9427188

I find jalapenos good for flavor but shit for spice, because they overpower anything you put them in.

>> No.9427233

Does anyone else experience that burning throughout your urethra and shaft when blowing your load after having consumed peppers? Been eating homegrown ghost, scorpion and Thai chilis for the past two months and I notice this frequently. It's amazing.

>> No.9427243

Pretty much true. Obviously everything has flavour, but the heat is so strong that it is impossible to enjoy it.

The limit for actual flavour is probably around 30,000 scoville. After that, you're getting into the realm of "enjoyable only for the heat," rather than what the food actually tastes like.

I have dried aleppo chili which is hands down the tastiest chili I have ever tried.

>> No.9427284

Those are chinese habaneros grown specifically for white people. Its a gmo product. They take away the high heat.

>> No.9427290

Ive grown 7 pot, reapers, and nagas. Black naga pepper was the hottest to come out of my garden . like insanely hot where you cant enjoy it even if you try. And i can eat a habanero in one bite. The black nagas were special.

>> No.9427297

Whats a Leppo?

>> No.9427301
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is dis shit any gud?

>> No.9427334

>Are ___ a meme?

You are posting here, and yet you cannot identify a meme *instantly*? Are you retarded anon? Really, it's okay to tell us. We won't judge you.

>> No.9427384

This, I love the flavor of smoked ghost chilies

>> No.9427665

I haven't tried it, but I feel like the guests praise it to be nice.

>> No.9429355




>> No.9429709

If you shit these fuckers out, it's unbelievably painful, keep cold water and wet toliet paper and some Tylenol or Percocet cause that shit hurts

>> No.9429829

How do I build up my tolerance? I wanna eat habaneros and shit for their flavor

>> No.9429836

they're the real deal. i have a jar of reaper paste in my fridge i got from a mountain man, and there is no way i will ever finish it.

it's nice for bulk spicing things, though.

>> No.9430761
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I grow red habaneros and they have that horrible rotten mandarin like flavor, can't really use them in anything

>> No.9430765

The hottest pepper that's still tasty is the habanero. That has an amazing flavor.

>> No.9430801

Literally why would anyone eat these except to try and prove something? Only thing even close to this I've done is to snort tartaric acid, and it doesn't look even half as painful as what these guys are doing. I feel like after eating one of these you wouldn't be able to taste anything properly for at least a week.