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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9419613 No.9419613 [Reply] [Original]

Why am I so discontent with watching all the cuisine memes on social media such as

>pasta sandwiches
>cheese and complex carbs
>way too sugary desert Oreo branding
>energy balls
>Way too many meats in one dish
>Fruit and spinach and seed breakfast puree "smoothie"
>Avocado toast

Contemporary cuisine is no good. A cooking culture for people with eating issues and lack of respect for conservatism. Why have we stumble upon such a disgrace? What are the causes for this degeneracy? Am I being too rough?

>> No.9419616

Shut the fuck up

>> No.9419621

go away

>> No.9419889

I agree to an extent. Food-to-go was always a piece of shit. Now it's easier to see this kind of crap with internet and all the demographic growth. And people in general always liked greasy food and to be clickbaited.
Nonetheless, your post is shit and you're an autistic fuck, OP. Go back to >>>/you-know-where/.

>> No.9419975

You're right besides the avocado toast, shit is good

>> No.9419985

I agree. The bombs need to drop.

>> No.9420022


The things I fucking hate wish a passion are eating challenges and eating competitions. Fucking faggots like Randy Santel, Epic MealTime, Matt Stonie/Joey Chestnut (especially these fucks), FuriousPete, etc. Like these fucking idiots need all that food. It's just a sorry excuse to make money. 20 patty stacked burgers? Bizarre monstrosity creations of crap. Platters of fries and shit, unnecessary amounts of bacon and other fried meats piled into more shit. Fuck them and fuck people who eat food like this. It's disgusting and obscene especially when people in their own countries (never mind the third world) are malnourished and dying of huger.

>> No.9420024

>lack of respect for conservativism
Just accept that your time has come and gone and you're out of touch with the current times.

>> No.9420027

Imagine always feeling stressed out from things that don't affect you personally

>> No.9420028



>> No.9420029


>being selfish
>not thinking about the greater good

>> No.9420030

I want to agree with you wholly but I have a significant weak spot for LA Beast. Dude's dumb as a fucking brick but he seems like a really nice guy and a shitload of the revenue he gets from delivering inhuman punishments to himself goes to charity, so I can't hate him that badly.
Plus the dude gave us the gift of watching him chug a twenty year old bottle of crystal pepsi.

>> No.9420033


I'll give him a pass. He just does dumb shit but seems like a nice guy.

I forgot to add onto the shitlist though: Shoenice. Fucking faggot scammer says he does all his stupid eating and liquor challenges to solve world hunger yet hasn't donated a dollar to charity.

>> No.9420907

this guy understands.

>> No.9420992

yeah because not eating in the western hemisphere will put food on the plates of the starving children

>> No.9421013

Probably because you have empathy and are conscious that people are being so blatantly scammed.
You know those gross recipes from the 50s that were designed just to sell as much food as possible?
Its that all over again.

Cheese, avocado, and vegetable oil industries pay these people money and the result: avocado toast with avocado sauce and runny egg yolk! Cheese bread deep fried in a cheese shell! Deep fry this, combine this fad food with that fad food, etc.

Its recipes designed to make you go out and buy shit. Meanwhile you as an experienced cook know that there are many more easier, cheaper, and more delicious recipes that are being shoved under the rug for this meme shit.

>> No.9421021

>lack of respect for conservatism

why is it that declension narrative fucktards always think the solution is conservatism

>> No.9421022
File: 14 KB, 254x198, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit like this?

>> No.9421026

I think hes talking about not eating in excess and making every meal a greasy indulgence.

Not that greasy indulgences are bad, but there needs to be more exploration of lean, small foods to get you through the day.

>> No.9421027


you are dumb

they use cheese and avocado because people reward cheese and avocado with clicks

show me the evidence that cheese and avocado producers actually have this monopolistic power over social media

>> No.9421032

Public relations is everywhere dude. The dairy industry got hit hard in the late 2000s and theyre trying to bounce back once again.

>> No.9421040



public relations is everywhere.

but show me the evidence that cheese and avocado producers have a disproportionate amount of control in this regard

>> No.9421215

>letting big avocado get away with it
wake up sheeple

>> No.9422092

Take away healthcare and things like this won't be a problem at all.

>> No.9422221

>evidence of corporate social media manipulation

Not him, but it's a little difficult to produce evidence for it unless you have access to internal industry documents since the tactics involve blending into the site culture as just an average user. That's the power of it. But really, what other explanation can you come up with? Do you really think suddenly a bunch of retards started using these specific ingredients in outlandish and absurd combinations just for the lulz?

>> No.9422230

>A cooking culture for people with eating issues and lack of respect for conservatism
Kill yourself boomer.

>> No.9422263

because they're always style over substance and trendy over actually tasty

>> No.9422605


>Do you really think suddenly a bunch of retards started using these specific ingredients in outlandish and absurd combinations just for the lulz?

Yes. They're just really popular ingredients, especially among women, who are major consumers of this kind of content.

>> No.9422820

>popular ingredients

But why prepare and present them in such a godawful way that can only be described as attention driven? It's one thing to use avocado, cheese or bacon with discretion, but it's entirely different when it's used for marketing attention whoring.

>> No.9424200

That's why I said 'respect for' and not adherence for

>> No.9424210


Continue I like where this is going.

>> No.9424277
File: 20 KB, 464x212, W1zk4ZF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why am I so discontent with watching all the cuisine memes on social media

>> No.9424475

go away

>> No.9424925


>t's one thing to use avocado, cheese or bacon with discretion, but it's entirely different when it's used for marketing attention whoring.

these guys just put out a bunch of ideas for ways to use popular ingredients and snack foods to make food teenagers are gonna salivate over. they aren't 'engineering' demand for cheese and avocado, they're following it, trying to get internet bucks off it.

>> No.9425993
File: 51 KB, 660x495, chikin man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the <YOUR PRODUCE HERE> producers can spare 10k to have some shitty facebook food page suck their dick for an eternity. trend started.

>> No.9426015

if it tastes good, eat it
spaghetti sandwhiches prepared properly
(as a side to a plate of spaghetti, 1 slice of bread with butter on it, place the spaghetti inside and fold like a taco) are fuckin good mate

>> No.9426047


So why is that an argument for cheese and avocado to have a disproportionate influence? Why aren't we having this argument about, say, lamb? What's big lamb doing with its Facebook bucks?

>> No.9426053

Because real traditional cooking actually takes at least some time. And a bit of basic skills, and not so exotic meme ingredient of the year.
People think they are so cool and knowledgeable because they know what a fucking mangosteen is.

Also because many boomers don't even bother with cooking, so many of these millenials grew up with easy food, or even microwave dinners for the worst cases. They now rediscover a whole new world of food but this time depicted exactly how the industry wants (new food companies and the likes).

It goes hand in hand with the gluten-free or the whole vegan meme, or the whole neo-exoticism going on. There was a spice craze in 16th-17th-18th century Europe, now we have something similar but with more gullible people who don't know how to cook shit.

>> No.9426995

At least they eat all of it
They do eat all of it right?

>> No.9427147

Good post.

>> No.9427756

you are correct. human beings need to walk the path of moderation, to avoid unnecessary suffering from indulgence or surfeit. foods with too many ingredients, too many carbs, desserts with too many toppings, like on foodeatty instagram, are signs of out of control indulgence, or people denying themselves natural, simple pleasures and craving too much. heres a good dessert:
2 biscotti, almond or pistachio, no chocolate

>> No.9427765

I will defend a pasta sandwich of sorts. my mom would bake leftover spaghetti and meatballs, with more cheese on top, like cheddar, and serve it with sliced french bread. i would scoop up the spaghetti onto the bread slice and eat it like an open faced sandwich. its a sin against pasta, but it was fun and it reminds me of my mother.

>> No.9427792

I believe this wholeheartedly. There seems to be an overabundance of high sugar empty calorie foods that have no place in a 21st century with the amount of nutritional knowledge we have today. It seems like the decision making processes of people have been fried with the amount of choices presented through visual stimulus, so it drives people to make poor decisions or follow unoriginal decisions because people don't want heuristics any more, they want instructions so they can think about the process of doing things less. I think the magic of cooking is how actively experimental it can be.

>> No.9429253
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>the avocado industry