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File: 28 KB, 400x500, deathsauce_mega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9419469 No.9419469 [Reply] [Original]

So a friend gave this to me and I've been putting it on everything. Eggs, wings, ramen, curry. I was watching that YouTube show hot ones and didn't even realize that this was their last "dab" wing or whatever until I looked at my bottle. Can people really not handle this sauce?

>> No.9419475

>I've been putting it on everything. Eggs, wings, ramen, curry
prove it. why would you come onto a mongolian chicken-farming board and lie for pretend internet clout?

>> No.9419476

>"Hey guys look how tough I am" the thread

>> No.9419479
File: 5 KB, 206x245, images-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just thought it was weird. It's pretty good.

>> No.9419485

I've got a bottle of the Jersey fire sauce, it's a bit too hot for me to put straight on food. I've been using it in stir fry, chilli and curries.

I did eat a spoon full of it when I first got it, it's not crazy hot but I don't think I'd enjoy it as dipping sauce.

>> No.9419492
File: 60 KB, 305x679, 81o5AM-dXHL._SY679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really good for barbeque chicken. I hate the names they have admittedly.

>> No.9419516

like i said prove it pwussy boi

>> No.9419541
File: 800 KB, 1895x2643, Ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I already ate but here's the bottle.

>> No.9419543

that doesn't prove shit, post a video of you dumping it on food and eating it

>> No.9419549


>> No.9419684

Aardvark is better

>> No.9419686

Why do hotsauce bottles have shitty art?

>> No.9420077

Just dab some on bread and post yourself taking a bite out of, there's no way you're that full you can't manage a bite.

>> No.9420158

I don't have any bread and I'm 4 beers deep into a 6 pack I'm good for today. I just want to talk about hot sauce and how they think this is that hot.

>> No.9420243

Oh shit- OP delivars.
I like hot sauce, but nothing too hot. It's kinda just like for adding extra flavor to things. I used to make it with peppers from the garden but I just buy obscure novelty bottles of it when I come across them now.

>> No.9420253

If you put a fucking skull on your hot sauce, it's like getting a tramp stamp.

You don't belong anywhere other than Alabama.

>> No.9420309

What about Mexico?

>> No.9420323
File: 21 KB, 372x260, 1463022915666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sudden Death sauces seems hotter to me despite it using less hot chilies, i think it might be the ginseng they put in it

>> No.9420336


I think mexicans would even be embarrassed by a retarded skull on their sauce. The only morons that do that are people who employ TRUCK NUTS without any irony. Human garbage is what I'm talking about.

>> No.9420340


>> No.9420352

Has anyone tried the Hot ones hot sauce?
Is it any good?

>> No.9420368

It's just white people being white people, OP.
Seriously they think garlic is spicy.

>> No.9420370


slap a skull on it! He's got a beard.. A BEARD!

>> No.9420373

I bet if you designed a hot sauce bottle it'd be some faggy Bauhaus shit with just "die saus" in lowercase Helvetica on a white background or something

>> No.9420376


Di Saus. I get it. Maybe just make a good fucking product and stop being a fucking hillbilly.

>> No.9420409

Nice damage control fag

>> No.9420464

You're thinking of last generation white people. New gen aren't allowed to like things because it's cultural appropriation.

>> No.9420477

>Moonshine Madness
>contains bourbon

>> No.9420667

how much Scoville op?

>> No.9420678

Why would you want to overpower everything and kill off your tastebuds? Dumb shit if you ask me.

>> No.9420979

It's very good. Highly recommend. That being said, that new queen majesty sauce they use is even better imo. Can't go wrong with either though.

>> No.9421074


>those sauce markings on the interior neck of the bottle

OP didn't deliver, the faggot just poured it out

>> No.9421102

I've got half a bottle of 3am left.

It's... painful.

>> No.9421637
File: 9 KB, 217x225, 1321314153001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're retarded.

>> No.9421649

Doesn't say.

>> No.9422217
File: 56 KB, 602x375, produc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try the blue one and white one . .. . so good.

>> No.9422223

Imagine having this frail of a self image that you need to go to a Taiwanese pottery bulletin board to lie about consuming hot foods to make yourself seem "manlier".

>> No.9422231
File: 1.71 MB, 500x500, 1490469111839.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying that's the intention of this thread.

Fucking, mong.

>> No.9422274

Then what is the intention of this thread? No one on this fucking board cares that OP can allegedly handle a hot sauce so why would anyone post this thread if the intention was not to belittle people who can't handle said sauce and make yourself seem somehow cooler. Unless of course this is just b8, in which case I'm hooked.

Also nice punctuation faggot.

>> No.9422283


Op asked a question, retard. Try not being an autist and having a conversation for once.

>> No.9422538

He _did_ say he had just eaten though...

>> No.9422613

A humble brag about eating spicy food. You don't have much going on in your life, do you?

>> No.9422626

It's spicy, but I really enjoy the fruity flavors in it.

>tfw I watched a friend use a brush of it on his pizza

He was not happy

>> No.9422646


I just had it on pizza. It was really great.

>> No.9422663

500'000 scoville, hot af but I manage that aswell. nothing for pussys tho

>> No.9422760

Does that bottle say "with liquid rape?"

>> No.9422777

The problem I have with a lot of hotter sauces, like Dave's Insanity Sauce, is that they taste like ass and they sit on the tongue, poisoning the taste of everything and the heat is all on the tongue instead of in the back of the mouth.

>> No.9422795

i prefer using dried bhut jolokias or 7 pots. they have a nice taste but also very hot, 1-2mio scoville.
i add them in a sauce, rather than buying hot sauces, which are mostly artificially made.

>> No.9422802
File: 29 KB, 575x396, jeb-campaign-sweatshirt-575x396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it does.

>> No.9422821

Eh ultra death is their hottest year round sauce. If you want a good fuck you sauce get the source.

>> No.9422844

Does Jeb Bush look like Archiluxury or am I just too racist to tell the whites apart?

>> No.9422990

The latter

>> No.9423014
File: 2.68 MB, 1700x1100, 1484699595502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you not a Jebhead?

>> No.9423834

because its a label for fucking hot sauce not some dumb artist's life work
t. ar """"""student""""""

>> No.9423837

about tree fiddy

>> No.9423847

It seriously looks like the paint bottles from my second grade art class.