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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9415780 No.9415780 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best food to eat after smoking marijuana?

>> No.9415785

A bullet.

>> No.9415786

a bowl of rusty razors soaked in stale piss

>> No.9415789


>> No.9415791
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>> No.9415793

When i was a kid i had this sandwich press and i would make grilled cheese and mushroom sandwiches. I haven't smoked dope since highschool though.

>> No.9415794

A sandwich made with miche loaf, bresaola, spicy micro greens, orange marmalade, and basque cheese.

>> No.9415795

Fresh fruit. Flavor explosion. You are welcome.

>> No.9415798
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>> No.9415803

An entire box of children's cereal like French Toast Crunch

>> No.9415807

That's mean. Why not buy your own cereal?

>> No.9415831

anything brothers green eats. i fucking hate those stoners though

>> No.9415921
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You forgot the rest of the pic

Also for munchies you'll want Tim Tams and Pub Squash

>> No.9415926

based Afghan. They were right all along

>> No.9415933
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A huge ass bag of for mes.

>> No.9416015

tasty food, tasty candy and a drink. i love to eat sweet and then salty or wiseversa

>> No.9416045

Eat BEFORE you smoke.

>> No.9416220

one time after i smoked at a friends house i was really hungry but he had no food at all, besides some oranges. i ended up eating 6 oranges in a row. so fresh

>> No.9416229

I usually go with Tex-Mex.

>> No.9416325

Breakfast food.

>> No.9416462
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>> No.9416476

yea the juicier the better.
after that snacks + sodas

>> No.9416681


>> No.9417128

Cheese and dried fruits

>> No.9417156

frozen pizza or oncor salsbury steak family size with instant mashed potatoes to pour all the gravy over

>> No.9417161

double points for mango
it potentiates the dope or something, but it also tastes amazing

>> No.9417165

they get stoned off of huge blocks of blond hash?
I need to go to afghanistan

>> No.9417184

3 Raw eggs in a drinking glass.

>> No.9417201

Whatever you've got in the kitchen. Just put on some music and lose yourself in the flow of cooking. Try to save enough ingredients that you can make the same thing tomorrow to find out if it's still good sober. It will be more often than you'd expect.

>> No.9417256
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>> No.9417264

Found the loser pothead.

>> No.9417274

Hahaha another upboat for you anon I give you 4chan gold hee ehee

>> No.9417365

once I got too high on accident and I went to my friend's house to return something and his girlfriend made me sit down at the table, put a bib on me and made me some roasted
sliced vegetables with olive oil, salt and black pepper and made me eat it. It was fucking amazing.

>> No.9417383



With alcohol, it's usually

> I got too drunk, went over to my buddy's house and hit on his girlfriend before throwing up all over his kitchen

On weed:

> I got too high and my buddy's gf cooked me a lovely veggie dinner


>> No.9417410

Just bought some gingergold apples yesterday, thanks for the reminder.

Heathen, septtuple points for mango. Also Bartlett pears are fucking amazing as well.

>> No.9417438

I regularly destroy entire packs of oreos while baked.

Wouldn't recommend it, they're gone in 30 seconds.

>> No.9417447

Mangos as a natural enhancer.

>> No.9417460

>Natural enhancer


>> No.9417595

Sure you're not the stoner, retard?

>> No.9417646

there is a compound in mango that increases uptake of thc of something like that if iirc
im not the anon that suggested it but when i still smoked me and my friends would often do this.

>> No.9417721

People who eat junkfood while high are disgusting subhumans. Eat some fruit, you fucking degenerates.

>> No.9417760
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Connected on the first pitch.

>> No.9418176

>smoke weed
>take a couple miracle fruit tabs
>eat incredibly delicious lemons and limes
One of my favorite munchie rituals

>> No.9418241

Moist desserts, ice cream, pineapple, beer

>> No.9418328

>miracle fruit
haha, that stuff is great
you gotta be careful though with eating stuff that would normally be too strong to eat

the first time I had miracle berries, I downed too much vinegar and hot sauce and threw up
not pleasant

>> No.9418335

Cold pressed organic juice and fresh fruit, duh.

>> No.9418549


>> No.9419151


>> No.9419156


>> No.9419158

>i saw a cooking show once

>> No.9419167

Once I smoked the food and ate the weed. Classic!

>> No.9419181


>> No.9419624

Bagel and lox with infused cream cheese sounds pretty good.

>> No.9419636

Why? So you eat double?

>> No.9419688
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>> No.9419725

All of it

>> No.9419776

>what is the best food to eat while [insert state of being here]

Whatever you liked eating before you got stoned....?

>> No.9420037

>Rolled a joint
>Smoked it out of a fucking apple anyways
How has this not been mentioned? If you already have a joint, what's the apple for?

>> No.9420066
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Cheba hut

>> No.9420068

>hurrrr dude it tastes like apples

>> No.9420176

Eating while high is dumb af. You just sort of start to eat mindlessly and things begin to lose their taste.

Alcohol, on the other hand, is a God tier drug to eat under the influence of. When you're drunk, shit tastes AMAZING. Some of my best dining experiences of all time came out of me having a great buzz.

>> No.9420193

But some of the best hand rolled hashish comes from Arab lands

>> No.9420212

Being drunk fucking sucks though.

>> No.9420302

TACO BELL. Although anything tastes 10x better while stoned

>> No.9420329

> get high
> eat seventy yards of fruit by the foot

>> No.9420406

fruits and veggies

>> No.9420569

it's a shame it became a ck meme because two packs of mi goreng when you're baked is amazing

>> No.9420596
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What's the best food to eat after doing coke

>> No.9420601

evan williams

>> No.9420634


>> No.9420662


>> No.9420701

Agreed. My drinking is almost non existent since I started smoking. I hate that coming down feeling from drinking, never mind the following morning. Marijuana doesn't give me any of those side effects. Unless I eat way too much and go to bed and wake up bloated

>> No.9420969

light beer and cigarettes

>> No.9421052

All of these are acceptable answers, including eating more coke.

>> No.9421076

A damn shame you're paying premium prices for a Subway sandwich put together by dead-beat stoners and community college drop-outs.

>> No.9421083

Amateurs eat after smoking, you're just going to burn out.
Eat then blaze.

>> No.9421093

I love how weed triggers normies' inferiority complexes

>> No.9421161
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>> No.9422207

Little Debbie Cakes

>> No.9422224


>> No.9423041

It's already been said but
is the patrician high snack. Won't make you feel as shitty as junk food and it tastes like you are one with the earth.

>> No.9423053

im hi

>> No.9423059

since weed came from china i always feel closer to weed when i get asian takeout

>> No.9423063

For me, it's a large m&m blizzard from Dairy Queen, and a glass of water on the side because ice cream makes me thirsty.
I also really enjoy most types of soup. I haven't smoked in a really long time though. Kinda strange being that I live in Colorado.

>> No.9423071


>> No.9423087

a homeless man's asshole

>> No.9423229

I'm rural so it's hard for me to eat locally D:

>> No.9423463
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Fruit is the best answer, bonus points for checking out what's in season and buying from somewhere local because it'll taste 10x better. Berries are the most fun to eat, I think. I actually enjoy going to farmers markets stoned because it's a pretty chill environment and all the food looks so pretty.

>> No.9423606


>> No.9423675

The platoon I was attached to in Afghanistan regularly had kids run up in the village and sell softball size blocks of hash for $5. Lot of people got in trouble with that.

>> No.9423744

a gin and tonic on a hot day, or a nice rakja on a cold one

>> No.9423813

You put water in the apple to filter it like a bong

>> No.9423942
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Taco bell or white castle, also waffle house at 2 in the morning

>> No.9423960


This. I love strawberries + glaze + fage yogurt, or super ripe peaches :^)

>> No.9424353

I've never known a pot smoker who was a contributive member of society.

>> No.9425086

How many have you known in general?

>> No.9425108

99% of teachers are pot smokers, STEM included

>> No.9425487

Wtf i love the military-industrial complex now

>> No.9425959

it actually just allows things thru the blood brain barrier more easily

>> No.9425997

>I've never known a pot smoker who was a contributive member of society.

I'm a full stack architect at one of the FANGs and I can tell you, if you made all our engineers take drug tests, we'd lose half of our brightest and most capable.

When you grow up and get into the corporate world, you'd be surprised how many high functioning smokers and coke heads are in the work force.

>> No.9426091

>t. OP

>> No.9426102

That's good. Colorado companies have some of the most poisonous product out there, same with any recreationally legal state. NEVER go to Native Roots, Green Solution, Livwell, etc.

>> No.9426114


Let me guess, you don't live anywhere near the east or west coast do you? Come visit the Bay Area some time. All the wealthy techies here are stoners & micro-brew snobs.

>> No.9426122


>> No.9426135
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You're cutting everyone in this thread with your edges

>> No.9426152

because all the growers use pesticides that convert to poison if you combust them. They allow mites, powdery mildew, all types of mold to grow. Basically a consequence of wall street+silicon valley types starting businesses and not know what the fuck they're doing. Concentrate producers don't give a fuck and leave a ton of butane, propane, etc in their extracts. Every lab is in some way, part owned by state politicians and will "pass" products that have these things wrong with them for a small extra fee.

Same with the bay area and LA in California. 80% of the products sold in California dispensaries would fail any other state's testing requirements, even as pathetic as they are. The best cannabis grown in California is shipped out of state, not sold to the gullible retards who shop at (most) dispensaries. There are a few that are decent though. Even if a CA company is caught with pesticides they'll just make a new company and the cycle continues

>> No.9426166

>Come visit the Bay Area some time. All the wealthy techies here are stoners & micro-brew snobs.

I really really hate the fact that all the fucking cali pretentious wine faggots all turned into micro-brew faggots.

Somehow, they're even more unbearable now.

>> No.9426201

Thanks for the answer. That really sucks and is a problem I hadn't thought of concerning legalization.

>> No.9426270

Unfortunately complaining about people actually doing things is way easier than contributing yourself to society.
Worst of all, they're pot enthusiasts, that should really rustle your conservative republican formated brain

>> No.9426295

>leave a ton of butane, propane,

How is that even possible? You know those are gasses at room temperature, right? So how the fuck would they stay present in the extract?

>> No.9426522

You know "asian takeout" is very different from actual Asian cuisine, right?

They're trapped in a solid (or thick paste). You need to use a vacuum pump to force them to evaporate at room temp.

>> No.9426622

>pot enthusiasts, that should really rustle your conservative republican formated brain

Ironically, even republicuck christian states like MS (which would overwhelmingly vote for Beelzebub if he were the republican nominee) are considering legalizing marijuana to make up for the revenue shortfall of their state budget which is currently comprised of 48% federal tax dollars.

>> No.9426766


>> No.9426837

The only correct answer.

>> No.9426887

Rice is the best thing to eat when you're baked and so hungry you could eat like two thousand of something.

>> No.9427281

Those jelly beans that all different mad flavours

>> No.9427376

This. I fryed a burger and threw an egg on it, and fryed both in canna oil. Best shit ever.

>> No.9427944

dude, eat before u smoke. youll taste more and then the high will be like an aperitif

>> No.9427987

I'd love to understand the complex mental gymnastics that you underwent to come up with a statement such as this.

>> No.9428000

Why do people describe being hungry when their high. Being high just makes it so your mouth feels weird if you aren't consuming something

>> No.9428001

>muh society

>> No.9428003

Even as a smoker, I'm with you here..

>> No.9428054

I would fucking poo on you, but now I feel bad about some of the stuff I've picked up. I'm not much of a concentrate guy anymore though. Just grow it yourself.

>> No.9428068

(im hi again btw)

>> No.9428073

You inspire me. I'm gonna go get my bowl and try and eat something afterwards.

>> No.9428079

you know it really takes a couple hours for the munchies to kick in. i find that if i eat directrly after getting really high, i am way too high to really enjoy a great meal

also you dont really notice it is the munchies until youve already eaten a bunch yet have the urge to eat more, so lots of tiny meals and snakcs over a long stretch of time is the best way to do it

>> No.9428096

Because not everyone is you, ya goof.

>> No.9428402

You never tried it? Holy shit

>> No.9428408

No I just made it up in my head from what was around.

>> No.9428673

ITT: Degenerates

>> No.9428720

a bullet you goddamn degenerate

>> No.9428723

a bullet isn't food
checkmate, clueless faggot die

>> No.9429339


anything juicy really

>> No.9429343

takis and gummy worms

>> No.9429370

Lasagna, with shredded cabbage.
Boiled hot dogs with some cucumber mash and chili sauce.
Ice cream straight out the container.

Was forever since I smoked...

>> No.9429385

I haven't smoked pot since I was in college (which was a long time ago), but I remember I used to love eating the following:
>Fruity Pebbles

It was amazing how much weight I lost once I stopped smoking.

>> No.9429480

How would you be able to figure out whether or not your weed is full of pesticide? Does it smell/taste bitter or something?

>> No.9429669

People have no obligation towards society anymore, haven't you noticed?
That's the cost of liberal societies, can't have it both ways bucko

>> No.9429696

>Worst of all, they're pot enthusiasts, that should really rustle your conservative republican formated brain

I think your stereotypes are a bit outdated famnegro.

Even the repubs are down with weed now, except for a few fringe politicians in the pockets of big pharma/alchohol

>> No.9429714

I wish I could smoke weed and feel good. I used to enjoy it, but now when I smoke I just feel anxious and depressed about shit in my life.

>> No.9430271

Matthew?, buddy just stop smoking for a while and focus on making ur life better. I know how it is man. While all my friends went to uni I worked in a gas station for three years just to save up money. I can afford the education and once I get a good job well smoke up again. Cheer bud

>> No.9430275

Same. That's why I stopped smoking weed.

>> No.9430290

Here's the thing, we've progressed so far that now as long as someone is making money and then spending it they are contributing. Moving wealth around means that it gets to be used as a resource by more people. Of couse banks loan out money that people save, but it's not as direct. Also, if they pay taxes they are funding government projects, which can be useful for society's continued existance and the destruction of less desireable societies.

>> No.9430357
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fresh fruit is the best after ecstasy. fuck all that candy, man.

>> No.9430360

ive started drinking too
rly i just smoked top forget about my life
i wihs i was dead

>> No.9430364

yeah these dipshits completely messed up my order so im pretty sure you should only go there if you want your servers and kitchen staff to all be dysfunctionally high.

>> No.9430373

>Of couse banks loan out money that people save
Not really, they loan out 9 times more money than they have to keep the ponzi scheme running, most people are led to believe that's how banking works because the alternative explains the recession the west is in now, people would call for imprisonment otherwise

>> No.9430405
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Good one

Ice cream and cheeseburgers op

>> No.9430437
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Go to your favorite/best local mexican joint and just DESTROY some guac, queso(w/jalapenos) and salsa

>> No.9430619

A lot of what we interpret as sense of taste is actually sense of smell. So does effects of marijuana actually improve sense of smell. Which is weird cause their is studies saying cig smokers actually lost their sense of taste and smell

What's going on

>> No.9430948


Why is there something so annoying about these pictures. The girls look smug af

>> No.9430952

bretty gud

>> No.9430955


Eugh nothing tastes good on ecstasy. It's just the fresh fruit tastes better than anything else. But even then it's too...gloopy idk

>> No.9431015

I've recently stopped for that reason. I had a really nice vaporizer pen for concentrates, but I did it way too much because it stopped being a social activity and started being something to occupy my time. Staying under my calorie limit has become easy as fuck when sober.

>> No.9431041

whatever's closest to the couch

>> No.9431104

Feel really bad for people who have spent their entire lives with an unfortunate negative perception of marijuana based on the losers they surround themselves with.

Not much better than putting on a record, smoking a jazz cigarette and spending an hour or two in the kitchen taking your time on a nice meal. Bonus points if it's with a gril or a nice cold finger of gin.

Doing that stuff is enjoyable on its own, but I find a solid buzz can enhance the experience if you don't go overboard with the weed.

>> No.9431230


Yeah, me too. Seems to be a common story. Trippy movies, vidya and pot used to be my holy trinity of winding down before I quit last winter. Shitsuxx, but that's life I guess.

>> No.9431384

Give it another chance, the worst you could do is fuck it up again.

At the least you could try doing some of the shit those self-help books say, it's not like what you're doing now is working dumbass

>> No.9431390

>nice cold finger of gin
pushing the limit of just how Fedoreddit one man can get

>> No.9431426

Anxiety was the reason I quit too, but overall I'm glad I quit. I was a lazy shit, and my own antics nearly cost me a state championship

>> No.9432262


Exactly the same for me. Is there really no way to go back? I don't want to drink and I cannot handle life sober it seems. I smoked for 5 years and it was bliss - nice food, vidya, great movies. Suddenly out of nowhere I got anxious and paranoid whenever I smoked, so I had to stop.
Sure I got my life together, got a nice job, I see my friends, I go to the gym 5 times a week, my apartment is clean, my parents are proud and I get girls every now and then but i'm never happy or content, I just go through the motions.
I just sit here and stare at the screen whenever I have free time. I want to fucking kill myself.

>> No.9432268

Its my bday monday, Im going to Wingstop with a kinda sort friend. How do I eat wings and ask that guy to hook me up with his weed hook up?? I have my own money, and Im willing to give him a little bit of weed for the hook up. Am I fucked?

>> No.9432274

Im just thinking I should get him drunk and have him refer me to his hook up. Also, the dude is bringing his wife and kid to Wingstop, which I guess mean she doesnt trust him. It adds a trickiness to be alone and get the weed I need.

>> No.9432276

Easy dude.
When you're eating wings (or before) just casually say "damn, if I were high these would be lit. My regular connec is dry tho, you know anywhere I can get?"
Im almost certain he'll hook you up,

>> No.9432279

Thank you bro. Ill get him alone and get this shit done

>> No.9433293

>coffee and donuts
>any hyper flavored breakfast cereal
>any hyper flavored candy

>> No.9433547

Drinking ranch straight out of the bottle and plain white sliced bread.

>> No.9434761
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Frig off, Rick

>> No.9435638
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>> No.9435658

Dude weed lmao

>> No.9436224

Any variety of Little Debbie snack cake. Preferably cosmic brownies.

Though I stopped doing the wedds after my best friend died when he smoked up and got into a car accident.
He shouldn't have been running around in the middle of an intersection.

>> No.9436856

old and tired joke.

>> No.9436861

A large glass of luke warm milk.

>> No.9436863

Just ask

>> No.9436866

Try kratom my man

>> No.9436870

>cold water
>fresh fruit/veg
>split an antipasto platter with friends

I like a small mango smoothie with a shot of vodka, followed by either more fresh fruit, or maybe hummus and pita chips. Cold water and your preferred coffee/tea, always.

>> No.9436880
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Nothing even compares.

>> No.9436894
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Meditation, my dude.
When you let your ego control a high you can have a lot of fun with food and entertainment but it can also put you at risk of experiencing anxiety and panic.
Try making your high more spiritual sometimes, I don't mean praying to a god or anything just put away the snacks and stuff for later and just sit and control your breathing. Look deep within and enjoy your trip.

>> No.9436897

Who invited Caesar's Legion?