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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9411647 No.9411647 [Reply] [Original]

>You ever get into a fight over food with family?

They called and left a message telling me about a bbq they are having tomorrow. I had no plans to go anyway, I hate bbqs and social things like it. Instead of just saying no, I called back and left a message saying, I dont attend bbqs where you just serve 80/20 ground beef, I only eat bison but thanks. I thought this would be better then saying just no, and has truth to it too, love bison

anyway i got a txt from my uncles son whos like 14 saying we didnt want you to come anyway we were just being nice.

>> No.9411658

Nice autism kek. If this is real you're an incredible ass.

>> No.9411760

Dumbass. Why did you have to bring drama? No one cares what you think if the rest of the family is going.
Shouldve just said your busy, fuck man.

>> No.9411770

Because I was being half serious and on the other hand i wanted to tell them to fuck off without really saying fuck off to them

>> No.9411777

The 14yo did your plan better then.

>> No.9411778

Lol this op got roasted by a freshman

>> No.9411780

Dont worry I called him back and let him know a piece of my mind.

>> No.9411796

I don't like using the busy excuse. It says they're less important than something else. I like the implied diarrhea excuse. That's the only one you really need in life.

>> No.9411969
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you only eat fucking bison and youre about to take a holier than though approach to fucking BBQ?

>> No.9412048

OP's autistic post aside, my stepfather actually started a 3 day fallout with me once. When he was cooking dinner I passed by, saw what he was cooking, and just casually suggested a handful of spices that might be good in the dish. He screamed at me, told me that's the way his mommy always made it and that I was a spoiled piece of shit. Went on for 72hrs. He mother makes a cup of coffee that looks like teabag runoff, so I'm not super surprised.

>> No.9412055

You Daddy is as autistic as OP

>> No.9412059

You're saying there's nothing in your life that could possibly be more urgent than a bbq? Sad lmao

>> No.9412065

you still came off like a faggot and they are talking shit about you behind your back, your mom and dad included

>> No.9412069

He's a junkie and a whipped mama's boy, but yeah, probably an aspie, too.

>> No.9412189

he wont say shit to me again i guarantee that

>> No.9412202

>my uncles son
Is it your cousin?

>> No.9412746

The Chargers are shit and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.9412764

>implied diarrhea excuse
Best excuse ever. It is believable, relatable and nobody asks questions because they don't want to hear the details.

>> No.9412849

Are you the same dingbat that brought food to a party and then packed it up, to take home with you?

>> No.9412893

in south africa people have bbq's alot. people get together and everyone brings their own meat and booze. and 1 side dish.

i was brought up in a house that when you invite people over for a bbq, you go buy meat and drinks and give the people a meal. and next time they do the same. but nooooooooooooooo.

when i get invited to a bring your own meat bbq i just decline telling them that the last time they came over to my place i actually cated for them. And if they cant show the same curtesy i will not be attending.

>> No.9413012

Advanced implied diarrhea excuse techniques:
-Sudden recoveries for when you change your mind about not going.
-Sudden relapse of condition for when you feel like leaving early. (All you have to do is stand in the bathroom for 10 minutes prior)

>> No.9413066

Yes with the Tupperware

>> No.9413089
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You really have no social skills do you?

>> No.9413447

You're a faggot

>> No.9413456

Some people don't want an excess of random leftovers at their house simply because they hosted a party. Sometimes leaving all your stuff there is akin to just leaving more of a mess for the host to clean. The polite thing to do is ask what the host would like.

>> No.9413474

>arguing with a 14 year old
your family is embarrassed by you

>> No.9413482

my parents say I don't eat enough even though medically I'm obese

>> No.9413484

That must make them, what, 300lbs each?

>> No.9413488



I think they just want me to be fat and alone forever...

>> No.9413497

Honestly OP, you would have been the asshole of the situation, but since the little shit gave up the moral high ground to roast you via text, your actions were retroactively justified.

>> No.9413533

Like I said he wont speak to me like that again I called back and warned him

>> No.9413546

Lol he's already more alpha than you. Give him 3 years of pubescent test boost and he's gonna whop dat ass next time you get fresh

>> No.9413594

like I said he wont say shit again, and if I run into him now or anytime in the near future there will be problems I assure that

>> No.9413601

he's probably making fun of you right now with his friends. he will grow up to be the pride of the family with a well paying job and a beautiful wife. after your parents/uncles get to old to hold events he will take over as the patriarch and you will be ostracized by the now strangers that make up the rest of your family.

>> No.9413619

lol this thread is hilarious

I didnt think it was possible to be this big of an autistic jerkoff but OP is spinning a really good story.
Heres some advice: go to your nearest rooftop and jump off. This fucking 14-year-old has bigger balls than you do you cock-munching neanderthal.

>> No.9413644

He doesnt and if i see him im going to beat his ass. srs

>> No.9413658

your uncle's son sounds cool.

>> No.9413661


be sure to make another thread about getting your ass kicked by a child

>> No.9413667

That wont happen, thats for sure. Possible arrest though.

>> No.9413669


>> No.9413685


You're right. it won't happen because you are afraid of your cousin

>> No.9413759
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>I only eat bison but thanks

>> No.9415291

Yes, but if a guest weren't bringing something so undesirable to eat...this would be a non-issue. The host has enough to worry about, don't pester them with one's lack of social skills, bad food and lack of couth!

>> No.9415317
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Why not just bring your own fucking bison faggot?

>> No.9417455


>> No.9418020


This sounds like something George Costanza would have very thoroughly planned out

>> No.9418033

Did you mean to tag me or op?

>> No.9418038

OP sounds like that guy who complained about Irish Stew and homemade lasagna

>> No.9418051

Yeah I wouldn't want you going either.

>> No.9418153

>I thought this would be better then saying just no
What made you think that insulting them was better than simply declining?

>> No.9418160
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>sister is cooking
>mom wants to help
>slowly chips away at sisters patience
>lashes out at mom
>mom takes it personally

Uhhhh I guess Ill go get mcdonalds.....

>> No.9418288

I'll never understand why people offer help but then just insist on being not pickey or annoying the whole time.

>> No.9418312
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Not family but friends, coworkers, n shit sometimes

>Grab a pizza from walmart/dominos/little ceasers
>usually is a deal of like 1 large 1 topping for 5 bucks, usually just get pepperoni because they almost always have one ready
>leave out the rest for whoever wants it
>"Aww gee anon pepperoni? trying to give us all heart burn? would be nice to you know take it easy and get just cheese or <insert multiple toppings here>. We all can't have that stuff without blowing out or o rings"
>mfw I just left the leftovers for anyone to be have to be nice
>mfw they didn't chip anything in

>> No.9418372

Once when I was 12 my dad brought home some leftover food from a work party.
I wanted to eat them so bad but my mom said I already had dinner and she threw everything in the garbage.
That was in 2002. I have a pretty good relationship with my mom now but I will never forgive her for that.

>> No.9418386

what kind of a faggot only eats bison?

>> No.9418618

Thought it would be funny and witty to them, guess not.

>> No.9418627
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I wonder

>> No.9418938

My parents got pretty angery while cooking. Most of it wasn't food related, though.
>Mom told me she was going to put me up for adoption one day because I was sperging out over my brother wearing my clothes.
>She cooked lemon bars while I begged her to not put me up. Kept saying she was going to anyway.

>Parents would come home with McDonald's after hitting the bars.
>Would always get enough to share with me and my brother.
>Mom would start fighting with my dad five minutes into burger time.

>> No.9418956

I've gotten in multiple fights with my dad because he always put the fridge at a high temperature because he doesn't want to drink freezing cold OJ, causing my fresh meats to spoil way too fast.
Started buying only frozen meat because of this.

>> No.9418977
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>be 12
>mom made some shrimp salad
>sister doesn't "like" shrimp but doesn't recognize it for some reason
>it's disguised pretty well by all the different ingredients and dressing
>all four of us sitting at dinner table, munching away
>"thats really good mom! Is that s h r i m p?"
>sister freezes upon hearing that she just ate shrimp
>starts gagging and throwing a fit with my mom for putting shrimp in her food
>it escalates pretty badly with my sister crying, my dad raising his voice and sending my sis to her room

>> No.9418995
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You have a good dad.

>> No.9419177

Did she convert to Judaism or something?

>> No.9419184

My sister did the same shit with fish, she thinks its disgusting to eat but would scarf any fish-based dish that wasnt obvious like she was choking on dick.

>> No.9419439
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Are you the Shepard's pie autist?