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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9407537 No.9407537 [Reply] [Original]

why doesn't /ck/ have a sticky?

I want to learn how to cook from scratch.

>> No.9407549

Why did you make a thread for this? Short answer, there is way too much ground to cover. Just thing geographics, think of the different cookware, spices, herbs, styles, and etc between such different places between India, Cajun country, France, Italy, or any other goddamn place on the map.

I could go into more details, but it's way too much ground to cover, also you're a faggot. Just start cooking and you'll learn a few things.

>> No.9407569

>tfw worked and ""studied"" one year as a chef's apprentice in an actually amazingly good restaurant

what i learnt

>knife work and how to sharpen correctly quite well
>how to keep my head under pressure
>the value of alcohol
>how to make interesting and refreshing ice cream
>how to make dessert, mostly classics
>how to keep a steady hand during plating
>how to make 5-6 different kinds of salad and how to season them correctly

what i didn't learn
>how to properly cook meat or any other protein
>how to come up with interesting dishes
>how to find the right seasonings and what works together well

it's all about experience, try stuff and remember it if it works
make sure to keep proper measurements if you're making your own recipes, cooking is a science after all
get a good knife and a good sharpening steel
take it slow
prepare everything before starting the actual cooking process
dont put meat in a pan if it's wet, pat it dry first

just go in open minded and keep to tried and true recipes
first and foremost you need to learn the proper taste of things, then you can start cooking seriously

>> No.9407655

>how to keep my head under pressure

Lmao ooooh yeah I'm sure there was soooo much pressure. You poor little baby how did you ever manage to make it out without having a nervous breakdown? There's LITERALLY nothing more stressful I could imagine than learning to cook holy fucking shit you deserve an award or something

>> No.9407663

Nigger he said he was an apprentice which means he was working in a kitchen.

>> No.9407689

Oh my fucking GOD how could I be so stupid. That makes all the difference wholly shit this man deserves a medal. Balls of fucking steel Jesus Christ he should write a book about how difficult that was and how he was constantly on the brink of snapping from all the extreme pressure

>> No.9407690

what's the value of alcohol? Do you mean like 16.99 for a fifth of Jack?

>> No.9407703

Why are you a childish prick for no reason?

>> No.9407706

Working in a kitchen is hard if you have a continuous stream of customers. I don't think anyone would disagree with that after having the job.

>> No.9407707

what's your problem though to get hung up on some small detail

i thought the work was stressful as we were 3 people in a kitchen that serves 100 guests an evening, it could get overwhelming at times

i'm just not a person that handles stress well, good on you for being better

yea i hung out with one of my co workers a lot after shifts
we often went to different bars
he also showed me how to use wine and beer in normal cooking which i do a lot nowadays

>> No.9407758

Faggot you never worked in the food industry so STFU.

Come talk to us when you've pushed out 100 meals in an hour (and can expect to do that many for the next 3 hours) or had to prep 300, PERFECT, hand-pressed burgers in 2 hours. Or managed to fuck up the sauce that chef needed "RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" for his entré that's ALREADY 5 minutes late and is now getting cold. Come talk to me when you've been at a dead run for 8 hours without a break or a meal while standing elbow deep in delicious, lovely food.

Get fucked mouthbreather, you don't know shit about COOKING.

>> No.9407770

not him, but maybe you should log off 4chan and just relax for the rest of the night

>> No.9407816
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>100 meals in an hour

What were these "meals", a pee on a plate? You sound like a dumb bitch. How do you fuck up a sauce? And 2 hours for 300 burgers does not sound difficult at all. All you've done is reinforce my belief that cooks are little bitches who think they have the most stressful job in the world but actually it's just mildly busy at times and their faggoty little beta brains can't handle it and think the world is collapsing. Get the fuck off my board baby bitch boi

>> No.9407842

who knows

>> No.9407912
File: 155 KB, 500x492, 1503697238383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last restaraunt I worked at averaged 75 entres an hour for 6 hours a day. At peak during the tourist season we averaged 200 entres in an hour. There's a reason the kitchen staff works as a TEAM. One person working alone can manage a couple dozen meals in an hour assuming the prep is ready before SHTF. but a good team can manage a shitload more than you'd expect.

How do you fuck up a sauce? Hmm...Over cook it, undercook it, split it, coagulate it, use too much starch or not enough broth, the list goes on. How do you not know how a sauce can break?

300 burgers in two hours doesn't sound difficult? First, grind 115 lbs of beef, then add panko and seasonings to it in exact proportions and mix. This portion takes about 45 minutes or so.
Next you weigh out portions (EXACTLY 8 ounces), form the portions into a ball with your hands and then use the press to turn the balls into patties. Layer the patties on a sheet pan, two deep with parchment squares between each patty, then stow pans in the reefer. It takes about 15 seconds to weigh out, mould, press, layer and place a burger patty. If you're PERFECT at this, then you can get it done in 2 hours.
If you're NOT perfect at it, then you're still prepping burgers when you should be prepping something else which means that you're still doing prep when someone needs what you're working on or worse, when you should be cooking and thus the line is short handed making everyone (cooks, chef, managers, waitstaff, customers and last but not least, YOU) unhappy.

Cooking isn't THE most stressful (that would be dentist for some reason), but people are assholes when you fuck up their food. And owners/managers get justifiably pissed if their kitchen staff can't routinely make the patrons happy. If you get a reputation as a bad cook, then you're fucked in the industry. Hell, if you get a rep as a SLOW sous-chef or prep-cook you're gonna have a hard time getting gigs.

>> No.9407919

/ck/ is about fast food and alcoholism, sorry mate

>> No.9407935

Nice wall of text bro I ain't reading all that shit. Go post it on your blog faggot entitled "waaaaa muh job is so stressful and difficult". You never know a bitch make take pity on you and suck your little dick

>> No.9407936

1) Get a recipe for something.
2) Try it out.
3) Report back with questions.
4) Repeat

I suggest a step 1a) "google all the verbs in the recipe" as well.

>> No.9407938

Was that last restaurant you worked at located in North Korea?

>> No.9407997


>> No.9408006

/ck/ can't even agree on how to scramble an egg. How are we supposed to have a sticky?

>> No.9408040

Because you want to learn to cook what? There are literally millions of things.

>> No.9408064

Learn how to make toast, then learn how to julienne carrots and celery to stick into dip without cutting off your fingers, and work your way up from there. It's not like /fit/ where the mainstream information is just blatantly wrong.

>> No.9408146

High quality projection. 8/10

>> No.9408184

Someone link a Ramsey video to show how much pressure there is

>> No.9408244

Shit anon, I like how you think.

>> No.9408276

>Americans believe tv shows are real

Lmao holy shit it's embarrassing

>> No.9408283 [DELETED] 
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It doesnt need one you monstrous faggot.
All you need to know is that you can just chuck pic related in the microwave for two minutes.

>> No.9408287

This is the third time I've seen this producted posted within the last 24 hours
Are you that obsessed with it or just a shill?

>> No.9408290

Now these are two ingredients that seem to go very well together.

>> No.9408537


>tfw """"""""""""Worked""""""""""""""""" in an italian restaraunt as a co-op student

>i portioned spaghetti 4/5 days
>5th day I portioned protein or pickled veggies

>> No.9408547

which one mang

>> No.9408552

It could cover the basics though.
Most techniques are objective and the basics never change.

>> No.9408746

Because this isn't a cooking board. It's a fast food and racist meme board.

>> No.9408780

Just google them. No reason to have such readily available information up there. That'd be like /o/ stickying the wikipedia page for 'car'

>> No.9408814

You're right, Anon, all you have to do is "start cooking" and you'll become Chef John in no time. You can easily learn how to use a knife (properly), how thermodynamics work, and what spices/herbs go with what foods. I mean, you're not retarded, are you? It's like programming insofar as you build your own codebase from the ground up. You should never steal other people's code.

>> No.9409485

Umm.. that's literally what I did, you fucking retard.

>> No.9409687

Well, I'm glad you can start from total ignorance and become a professional without any kind of assistance. Do you think you're a good cook?

>> No.9409712

Everyone starts from nothing, but knowledge is at your fucking fingertips bucko. Kitchen's in the other room, get learnin'.

>> No.9409720

Are you a good cook?

>> No.9409738

I've got most of the classic techniques from Escoffier down pat now.
Asian food is easy, childs play.
Trying to get into some of the more exotic scandi stuff right now.

>> No.9409742

Real scandi food is fish, don't let anyone tell you otherwise

>> No.9409746

Are you a good cook?

>> No.9409765

Guy you're quoting and telling you to learn, yes. You fucking faggot.

>> No.9409773

How do you define good? How do you know you're a good cook? What constitutes a bad cook? Spoiler: it's you.

>> No.9409787

People liking your food. You liking your food. You knowing how to cook the food. You knowing how to cook multiple dishes from multiple cuisines. You knowing how to cook multiple dishes at the same time and managing time for prep/cook so they both come out at the same time. How to use the ingredients you have at your disposal to plan a meal. Going the "hard way," of making things, where prep may take hours, and making your own stock is a necessity. Myriad of other shit.

Quit being a fucking pedant.

>> No.9409793

People liking your food. You liking your food. You knowing how to cook the food. You knowing how to cook multiple dishes from multiple cuisines. You knowing how to cook multiple dishes at the same time and managing time for prep/cook so they both come out at the same time. How to use the ingredients you have at your disposal to plan a meal. Going the "hard way," of making things, where prep may take hours, and making your own stock is a necessity. Myriad of other shit.

Quit being a fucking pedant, and go cook. Learn from your mistakes, note what you did right, and Wa-fucking-La nigger.

>> No.9409803

Because what's good is objective as far as cooking goes. A good percentage of this board does fast food and microwavable slop for most meals. Furthermore, good food doesn't exist outside of it's home country. Everybody forgets how once you go somewhere else. Lurk more.

>> No.9409816

>40 top walk'n in

>> No.9409817

Thanks Captcha!

>> No.9409820

There, was that so hard? And what did you learn by double posting?

Conversely, your original comment where you said

>Why did you make a thread for this? Short answer, there is way too much ground to cover.

as though it negates the need for a sticky seems nonsensical. That's why I need to be "pedantic". You're like a bull in a china shop. You say

>Just start cooking and you'll learn a few things.

but that's a gross oversimplification. You don't think it's worth having a sticky to give people a starting point?

>> No.9409832

You mean subjective.
Trust me on this, anon.

>> No.9409840

No, the starting point should never be 4chan. Never had a sticky, don't need one. Every attempt has been a shitshow. Also what do you include? Which knife to buy? French chef's? Chinese Cleaver? Santoku? Bush knife? And how far do you go? How to hold it? How to use your strokes? How to cut certain vegetables? How to hone? How to sharpen? And then the disagreement. I, for one, think the French style of dicing an onion is shit.

And that's just for the most basic of cooking tools. What cutting board? Cutting or carving? Size? Butcher's block, plastic, bamboo?

Too much bullshit, never needed one, shouldn't have it.

>> No.9409877

>Substitutions: The Dark Arts of Cooking

>> No.9409879

Why didn't you just make this post to begin with?

>> No.9409882

Sorry man. I'm bad at that. sub=under.. ob=the wrong one here. Idk.

>> No.9409904

Why not just use the booru some fags made a while ago. It has got so much shit on it about cooking.

>> No.9409910

>I suggest a step 1a) "google all the verbs in the recipe" as well.


>> No.9409917

Too much goddamn effort. Alcohol may have also played a role.

>> No.9409918

Oh, lol.

>> No.9411344 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9412644

I think you should have one main board and maybe two smaller boards if you need to move stuff.

>> No.9412723

Well you're not wrong

>> No.9413270

It's because of those fucking runny faggots
Fucking human garbage thinking they are ever correct about anything

>> No.9413282

nobody here knows how to cook. its just shitposting

>> No.9413292


>I browse /ck/
>I also don't actually cook
>Now listen to me belittle your profession that I have never actually worked in
>And ignore all your legitimate and informed points because I'm too lazy to read or argue my own point
>Because I'm an arrogant cunt by nature that simultaneously complains about entitlement and people being weak while acting the same way.

Lmao. My job is simple af at the restaurant I work in since its just a bar, but kitchens can definitely be a stressful job depending on capacity. There's plenty of hazards and depending on the circumstances you could have like 6 people packed into a tiny space while they have to work with hot pots, pans, knives, and all sorts of other shit they need to prep, plate, cook, etc.

When you have a finite space for orders and that space is ALREADY filled with the orders you recieved before you feel stress. Or when you have nearly an entire order ready to go out but its crowded to all fuck because food isn't being taken out of the kitchen fast enough.

Then there's the fact that you can easily go several hours on without any break or food or even taking a shit while you're working at as fast a pace as you can do the whole time.

>> No.9413377

/ck/ doesn't have a sticky because barely anyone here knows how to cook.

>> No.9413391

Because mods in this board suck?

>> No.9413418

It would be very reasonable to compile a sticky with links to good information (books and webpages about cooking technique, cultural influence, discussion on good cookware and knives, basic recipes, info on baking, etc) and some more /ck/-specific FAQs like how to cook an egg, what basic kitchen tools and spices do I need to start a kitchen, cheap and easy recipes for college students living on a budget, things that get a lot of posts.

People have tried really hard to coordinate a sticky for /ck/ but mods are not willing to sticky it any time one has been made. /ck/ mods notoriously don't care for the board culture.

>> No.9413788

We have mods?

>> No.9413849

>adding breadcrumbs to your burger


>> No.9413853


im pretty close then ebin