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File: 95 KB, 1200x1140, 1200px-Wrapped_American_cheese_slices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9405448 No.9405448 [Reply] [Original]

How did this plastic garbage get termed "American cheese"?

Like why does the cheapest, crappiest, "cheese product" in existence get to bear our nation's namesake?

>> No.9405451

World War 2

>> No.9405454

Answers right there in the question

>> No.9405456
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Because we're the only mongrels dumb enough to like it :/

>> No.9405462

blame kraft for marketing to poor people
American cheese will always be kind of crap but kraft singles are basically not even cheese

>> No.9405465

This. Milk was processed into "cheese" in a way that meant it produced a lot of...product, and was stable enough to be easily transported around the world. It was a means to an end that somehow stuck around afterwards.

>> No.9405468

Have to agree on this. "plastic garbage" is definitely the best way to describe that shit.

>> No.9405469

It's processed and made from two types of cheese made for a large public of 100 million people around the time of its invention and now being put into cheap lunches for school children of a country of 320 million today. It represents the cheap, streamlined, low quality high quantity attitude of our nation's products. Why does this mystify you?

>> No.9405472

>Corporatism is just socialism for people with low standards

God help us

>> No.9405492

Do burger places around the world use American cheese, or cheddar, or what?

I've always wondered this. I doubt the taste of American cheese appeals to people everywhere in the world.

>> No.9405512

Most places in Australia use something like cheddar on a burger from my experience.

>> No.9405528

>I've always wondered this. I doubt the taste of American cheese appeals to people everywhere in the world.
It generally doesn't even appeal to most Americans, the only people I see ever buying American "cheese" are poor people or people with picky children who won't eat actual cheese

>> No.9405537

Prior to Kraft singles, American Cheese was cheddar with some of the whey mixed back in to give it a creamier texture.

There are still some delis out there that do sell it and it's a bretty gud sandwich cheese.

>> No.9406049

>nation of cheap, crappy people

Fits pretty well

>> No.9406136

Only at fast food places

>> No.9406177

>bear our nation's namesake?

"America" is the name of the continent you mouth breather.

>> No.9406191

Actually it's two continents dummy and it's also slang for the biggest, richest, most important and only nation to incorporate the word America into it's name. So fuck off.

>> No.9406287

>two continents
Not that guy but you are infact the dummy if you think that there are more than four continents. Anything more is political in nature, kys.

>> No.9406292

We call them plastic cheese/fake cheese in australia so I guess it's only an american or /ck/ thing.

>> No.9406302

american cheese just means its a blend
stop your autism please

>> No.9406366
File: 506 KB, 500x259, 16048429.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Americans and your need to be the best at everything.

Mad dictators are shooting missiles, multiple hurricanes are ravaging the lands. Yet here you are upset about what cheese you are known for.

>> No.9406369

Trump couldn't give less of a fuck about his people dying.

>> No.9406373

I like it
t. from europe

>> No.9406377

most countries have their own generic cheap cheese nowadays

>> No.9406391

In Canada it's called Canadian cheese.

>> No.9406445

I thought you only ate cheese curds.

>> No.9406451

Generally we use Mozzarella and cheddar here.

>> No.9406471


Chedders too oily and doesn't melt enough for it to go properly on burgers. More often we either use processed cheese if it's a cheap burger or a blend of cheese (that's mostly swiss for premium burgers.

>> No.9406535

No its not. Its called Kraft cheese singles and no other brand makes that crap. Stop pretending to be Canadian.

>> No.9406564

That's factually incorrect. Where do people even get this stuff from?

>> No.9406595

americans included this orange cheddar in care packages to post ww2 liberated Greece and my grandparents said no one had any idea what it was, if it was poison, no one touched this shit

>> No.9406608

Cheddar has been orange for centuries due to a plant additive (what Mexicans call achiote and use extensively in their cuisine) which is still what gives yellow and orange cheeses its color.

>> No.9406655

It's called processed cheese slices in this part of Canadastan.

>> No.9406687

>america pls go

>> No.9406820

From Italy here.
I like it. Most cheeseburgers sold in Italy use it, yes.
Also, in our diminutive-loving language, our word for it can be translated literally as "little thin things." The word is 'sottilette,' the diminutive, noun-form of the adjective 'sottile' meaning 'thin.'

>> No.9407066

I grew up eating this 'processed cheese food' garbage. It's what parents could afford. Yay, poverty! I didn't like cheese at all, because I didn't know what real cheese was. I was probably 12 the first time I had actual cheddar. It was amazing, how un-cheeselike the shit I had been eating really was. Rich, not oily.

>> No.9407103

what are the four? are you excluding Antarctica or did you include it and consider Europe and Asia to be one continent?

>> No.9407106

I would say most burger places do use an American cheese.
Not all American cheese is a Kraft single though. American cheese can be any 2 cheeses but is usually cheddar/colby that has been processed and homogenized to ensure easy and smooth melting.

American cheese quality is dependent entirely on the base cheeses used. Unfortunately most companys use very low quality cheese for this.

>> No.9407107

No one cares what an italian thinks, you fags know nothing about food.

>> No.9407108

American cheese has good uses and can be used well sometimes, of course its not the best, but it's not trying to be

>> No.9407113

American cheese is good melted on a burger or hot dog.

>> No.9407129

My main issue with this cheese is that it actually tastes pretty decent. It has added sugar though, like most American products, so it's kind of a let down. It doesn't consist exclusively of cheese flavor. It's fake.

>> No.9407144

This. American cheese is made of real cheese, milk products like whey, and an emulsifier. This is the key to it melting well unlike every other cheese that separates as it liquefies. I'm not sure why people think there's something disgusting about that and call it "plastic" and say it's unnatural. It's like some sort of reverse tall poppy syndrome.

Cheddar is awful for burgers because the oils and water separate as they are heated and can never get to a point where the cheese gets soft enough to fill the crevices of the patty like with processed cheese.

>> No.9407149

>It has added sugar though
No it doesn't. Where do these myths come from?

>> No.9407191
File: 224 KB, 650x528, kraft-american-cheese101713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn the difference between "processed cheese" and "processed cheese food/product."

American cheese is just a blend of cheddar and colby.

American cheese food/product is the same thing just with added whey/other dairy products.

There's nothing inherently wrong with it. It works just fine on sandwiches/burgers/eggs/etc. and it's cheap.

Sure there are better options for all of the above, but most of us aren't made of money, so American cheese has a place in our fridge alongside every other "real" cheese.

>> No.9407695

american cheese is good for one thing

grilled cheese sandwiches

i have no idea why it tastes so good on those and on literally nothing else