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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9401391 No.9401391[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>American white male
>go to grocery store
>grab all that good shit
>go to self-check out machine
>bag my food
>pretend to press a few buttons on the screen
>walk out without paying
>thank the brain-dead employee

I do this three times a week and no one gives a shit. I take the money that I would otherwise spend on food each month and put that towards better things like virtual reality and drugs instead.

Why haven't you phased out primitive food costs from your life yet, /ck/?

>> No.9401396

Well I'm not a drug addict for starters

>> No.9401397

>he wants to wear an unwieldy, heavy machine on his face

>> No.9401406
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You're the reason why my local Walmart installed those Orwellian security systems over their SCOs.

>> No.9401441
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oh boy, another thread with a made-up story.

>> No.9401449

the amount of money you steal is recorded by the store in losses

The store has security cameras inside and outside

You will eventually be caught and its going to be funny

>> No.9401463

Walmart has better security than most casinos. They know their clientele.

>> No.9401474

We have surprise checks every now and then.

>> No.9401494


>> No.9401530

Wow a drug addict who's also a petty thief. Who would've guessed

>> No.9401607


yeah sure tyron

>> No.9401617

They know it's you, they're just waiting till you steal enough to make it a felony

>> No.9401622

Can you rack it up like that, or would it just be multiple counts of smaller crimes?

>> No.9401634

They will hit you with one shoplifting charge per visit, so op can actually get life in jail at any time with 9 thefts. Sometimes they try to get you with one charge per item.

Yes, you can steal 9 apples and go to prison for the rest of your life. This is america.

I dodged a felony like this because the prosecutor got fed up after 15 court dates and was downgraded to a shoplifting 2 versus a sl3 and 1-10 years in jail.

>> No.9401656

>feeling the need to clarify your race and ethnicity on a sonic scat fetish forum

>> No.9401659

>life in jail for shoplifting from a grocery store
You are so full of shit it gave me a headache. In certain areas they won't even call the police if the total of stolen items are below a certain amount, usually $250. They don't charge you one charge per item, and if everything total is below $50 you'll probably just get a slap on the wrist. If above $50 you might get a few days in the clink, but it'll be a misdemeanor.
Are you stealing over $1000 worth of prime steak or something?

>> No.9401662

I steal in the self checkout but never like this. I imagine this would only work in a really busy store where no one notices your station isn't beeping. That or you're lying.

I've only heard of this happening in big department stores, not groceries.

>> No.9401666

>In certain areas they won't even call the police if the total of stolen items are below a certain amount, usually $250.
Walmart detains and presses charges for pretty much anything over $20...

But I will admit Walmart is a particularly stingy corporation.

>> No.9401667

stealing anything over $400 is grand theft in california

>> No.9401687

Grand Theft in California is over $950. But in Florida it's $300. Yeah, you would get you into trouble.

Depends on the neighborhood too. Higher crime areas the police get pissed off at having to deal with nickel and dime shit. But $20 is not going to put you in jail for life.

>> No.9401690

>hack into the mainframe
>reprogram the Store Mainframe Lattice Server using an injected .dll file encrypted using Rust and programmed in sonic vegas pro
>Store now pays ME to shop

lol brainlets i #kodewithkarlie

>> No.9401691

food crime thread?
Not much to contribute myself except tampering with vending machines for extra vends. I miss the early generation of models with the moving conveyor platform -- very easy to hold the vend door with your hand and trigger a refund when it failed to dispense, then repeat until ready to dump the whole heap to the vend bin. Used to be able to get 3-4 items that way. AFAIK there are additional sensors preventing that approach now though.
I am sure there are plenty of new exploits though.

>> No.9401703

This reads like one of those clickbait articles with headlines written to evoke anger towards law enforcement.

But when you actually read the article, it's like a twice convicted felon using a stolen handgun that was used in an unsolved gang-related double homicide in 1993 to highjack a truck carrying hundreds of thousands of dollars carrying crops.

>> No.9401706

A lot of states have what's called a sentencing matrix, which is a grid with all the crimes the DA can charge you with and a recommended sentence for each crime. The prosecutors then mix and match what they want to charge you with in order to get the max sentencing time. Either charging you with one big crime, lots of little ones or a mix. Whatever gets the outcome they want.

So no, you can't do life for stealing 9 apples but they can great increase the amount of time you serve through creative sentencing.

>> No.9401710

The outcome they want is for you to plead guilty to keep their rate up, this is why 9 times out of 10 cases won't even make it to a jury trial. They'll threaten you with something that has a max sentence of 5 years, and of course attach on any other weird charges they can think of like "prowling at night" or "menacing" or "criminal mischief" so you plead out of it and you pay a fine and go on probation.

>> No.9401733

It's also handy for getting some people off with a lighter sentence for committing similar crimes.

There's a lot of legal groups that are fighting matrix systems because it technically takes the power of sentencing away from judges and gives it to prosecutors even though that's not how most court systems are chartered in the US.

>> No.9401734

This is patently not true...it is at the discretion of the store owner/operator that decides to involve the police or not...and it's typically not a dollar value that decides...it's the frequency of the same deadbeat stealing that is the decider...
In almost 90% cases, perp had more than enough money to purchase items...they just dig the kicks they get...
Remember too that cameras are very cheap, and they all work, unlike the 90's where it was mostly all for show...

>> No.9401758

Do you really think there's someone watching every single till? And do you really think that person is close enough to the tills to stop me before I'm gone? And if he sees my face do you think the employees are going to actually look out for me and alert him? Do you think he's actually paid enough to care?

>> No.9401764

>Go to walmart in another town, buy a bunch of beer.

>See orwell security, shrug, steal beer via self checkout anyway.

>Nobody does or says shit, still shop at walmart all the time.

It's way easier after you've worked there for a week or so and you learn that 90% of the time, nobody is watching any of those cameras at all, and even when somebody is watching the cameras they're not actually paid to catch anyone so they aren't putting much effort into it.

>> No.9401765

I stole a total of $60 and was in unsentenced in jail for 5 months with threats of a 1-10 prison stay.
I don't know what makes me full of shit. Three shoplifting charges is a felony worth up to ten years.

>> No.9401771

Oh, and the things they prioritize are the ones that they actually lose a ton of money on, like DVDs and baby formula.

People steal baby formula constantly and they actually lose a ton of money on it so they watch that aisle like hawks.

>> No.9401778

I work security in a historic building with wealth out the fucking ass, and even our camera system is shit that really only assists us when we get sued. It is never the basis of any sort of enforcement.

In fact we have a grocery store in the building which posts MONUMENTAL losses due to shoplifting. They can't be bothered to do anything about it because doing anything about it is going to inconvenience and annoy the paying customers, who make up 99% of the clientele.

So, we know what you're doing. We see you. We don't stop you, but we know you're a scumbag piece of garbage and should you ever need our help we won't come running.

>> No.9401780

I'm not poor so paying for good shit is not an effort

>> No.9401807

>>American white male

lol Like anybody believes white people need to seal shit.

'Merican white males leave a tip at the self payment machine because their white guilt rotted their tiny liberal brains.

But a Chinese with money will still steal shit just because it's "free", and we can. lol

>> No.9401816

This is like perfectly structured bait. It's got that liberal cleverly designed "reddit spacing" that seems to trigger everyone, it attacked liberals while somehow also denying the fact that there are poor whites who struggle, some bullshit about America and then made an off-handed comment about Chinese people stealing.

Bravo, I hope you get many angry replies.

>> No.9401831

>'Merican white males leave a tip at the self payment machine because their white guilt rotted their tiny liberal brains.

Why are beta white males such pussies? It's so easy to cuck them and take their shit.

>> No.9401867

OP here

It only really works because I live in such a highly gentrified area of the city

It's next to a university, and so the only working castes are:

>permanantly stoned college students
>volunteering schizophrenics
>permanantly drunk native americans

and all of these people are watching you shoplift

>> No.9401878
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Disgusting human beings like you drive up food costs, insurance prices, entertainment ticket prices and a host of other things for normal honest people. You should be imprisoned.

>> No.9401886


I jokingly express my displeasure of those machines every chance I get. I ask the store manager where I can collect my paycheck after having checked myself out since I ended up having to do the store's job for them.

>> No.9401888

>>permanantly drunk native americans

This is a rarity nowadays unless you live in fucking new mexico or some desert. Poor indians have all been displaced by niggers loitering on street corners.

When when this cultural appropriation ever end?!?!

>> No.9401898

How did you get a close up of the camera?

>> No.9401899

kek, I live around such shitty people that Wal-Mart just hires a cop to stand next to self checkout 24 hours a day.

>> No.9401904

I operate the camera-watching camera.

>> No.9401906
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the point is that if you do it enough that even the depressed wagie starts to notice, then they'll have information about your habits to catch you, and have enough evidence to convict you.

>> No.9401911

I grew up in a neighborhood that got so bad they had to post a cop outside of the grocery store to prevent people from getting into fist fights.

>> No.9401921

Sounds like Whataburger.

>> No.9401923

My walmart has people standing in front of the doors checking receipts. What do?

>> No.9401925
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>> No.9401929

>Pay for your shit
>Pay for less shit
>Get off drugs
>Stip with the VR meme

Congrstulations, you've become a better person.

>> No.9401939

I don't shoplift, but I just walk past them. Legally, if they forcibly detain me without cause, it's kidnapping.

>> No.9401950

>My walmart has people standing in front of the doors checking receipts. What do?

Do what niggers do. Flash Rob that shit. Take 20 of your niggerest friends, all loot the fucker in 20 seconds. Everybody run in & out. Easy peasy.

>> No.9401955
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>actually thinking vapid pseudo-law will stop Chadley McCuffs from curb stomping you

>> No.9401984

Go back to /k/, you are not wanted here.

>> No.9401993

I'm okay with him being here.

>> No.9402009

Okay SAO, you go too.

>> No.9402010

You're full of shit.

>> No.9402013

Nah, think I'll stay for a little bit and keep posting.

>> No.9402019

You cannot announce reports. Just felt like saying that, randomly.

>> No.9402043
File: 15 KB, 255x204, yup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank *braaap* broh. we should go on an *brap-brawwp* adventure sometimes as broohs, broh!

>> No.9402046

>better things like virtual reality and drugs instead.
why not save it like an adult?

>> No.9402048

lol you're the only one shitposting here friend. Are you that much of a triggered control freak in real life too?

>> No.9402059
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damn, your'e right!
Time to change my ways for good!

>> No.9402078
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This was surprisingly feasible 15 years ago, minus the self-checkouts because they weren't around yet. During my junkie years, I would load a cart to the brim with the most expensive cuts of meat and push it right out the door. Then I'd sell it to a fence for enough to buy a gram or two of dope. Not the same store three times a week or anything crazy like that, but I hit a lot of stores multiple times over the years. Never got caught once.

>> No.9402531
File: 11 KB, 325x452, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do this all the time

>Go to self checkout
>Scan a 4 Kilo roast beef up as "Onions"
>Walk out

>> No.9402559

I dont go full on, stealing everything i got in my cart, but 99% of the time i use the self checkout all the meat i got, i wont ring up. Gotta blend the things youre stealing with shit you paid for, just common sense my man.

>> No.9402584

Why not just fucking steal shit?

What's the point of putting on the act of buying it?

Especially the "I ring up expensive things as cheap things!" fags, what the fuck is wrong with you? Just put it in the bag and immediately lift it into the cart.

I don't care that people want to steal, but just say "man I sure do like stealing shit" because you aren't fucking clever.

>> No.9402749
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Is this common? At night the entire police force of my town stands guard at whataburger.

>> No.9402757

>this stupid fucking thread again

>> No.9402770

>Getting beer in self checkout
Nice lie anon.

>> No.9402777

>towards better things like virtual reality and drugs

Idk why but i lol'd way to hard at this.

I'm white and live in the wealthiest county in the state but I don't push my luck like that. I can get away with traffic violations with ease but have never tried getting away with anything criminal