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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9393082 No.9393082 [Reply] [Original]

From the womb to the tomb edition.

>> No.9393096

Old thread:

>> No.9393100

A lot of stupid shit will be done tonight and I take no responsibility for any of it

>> No.9393109

Not sure of the arresting officer will agree there friendo

>> No.9393114

>from the womb to the tomb edition
This bit in the middle takes far too long.

>> No.9393141

How is one supposed to stay on the wagon while being a social drinker at the same time?

This year has been pretty good, managed to not drink alone out of boredom anymore, save for a bender every now and then. But especially the coming weeks there will be so many social functions like weddings, meeting old friends, farewell parties... it's going to be hard as hell not saying "might as well have a drink now since I'll be drinking day x anyway".

Any tips?

>> No.9393150
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>moving in on my own this weekend for the first time
>don't need to hide my drinking from flatmates
>can get drunk in the living room in front of the big tv instead of hiding in my room
>don't need to smuggle empty bottles out
>can load fridge up with beer / mixer / whatever the fuck I want
Time to get comfy lads

>> No.9393156

Few for months for me but I'm looking forward to it. Have a comfy time lad.

>> No.9393159

try kratom. You might feel like a fag ordering green powder from Malaysia, but it beats the shit out of hangovers and all the dumb shit you do as a drunk, and makes you enjoy things without drink.

>> No.9393172

you mean your parents, right?

>> No.9393182

Cheers lad, same to you when the time comes
Nah, used to live with a couple of other guys as none of us could afford our own place at the time.

>> No.9393194

Get to work Luke. I need you to pay your share of bills.

>> No.9393213

I wish I could be a social drinker but that would mean having a social life

>> No.9393224

You obviously already see the pitfalls ahead, now all you need to do is not do it.

>> No.9393261

Only 24 more days left of sobriety. I'm stocking a minibar on October 1 to ease back into drinking.

>> No.9393348

I bet they knew.

>> No.9393363


Remember it will go to shit quite fast anon


>> No.9393385

Probably, but now I don't need to worry about it

>> No.9393395

I am going to die soon.
And I welcome it.

>> No.9393432

I have been drinking every day since August of 2015. It started with a few tall boys a night. Now I have to drink hard liquor to feel anything. I drink about a fifth a day.

This binging behavior was interrupted briefly in January of this year by an affection for DXM instead. I would do ~1000 mg of DXM every day for about a month, and that seemed to brim sobriety out of me. I stayed sober after that until around June, when my old habits returned.

Currently drinking a $20.00 bottle of riesling at 1:00 p.m.

I'm at the point now where if I don't drink, I have violent diarrhea, shakes, light headedness, and confusion.

I want this madness to stop, but I desperately do not want to go to rehab because 1) I do not believe in a higher power, therefor the 12-step program is ineffective for me and 2) I do not believe the current mental health system of locking up AA/NA and mentally unwell together is an appropriate setting for recovery.

It is a very terrible feeling to wake up the next day and not remember the previous night's activities. Usually I text my significant other and ask if they are mad at me for anything I have done, and because he is a sweet soul, he tells me he is not. He is really too good for me.

>> No.9393462

If you want to get your shit together then you should taper with beer. That is what I do when I want a tolerance break anyway. I usually drink about a 70cl a night so first night I drink 14 beers, then 13, then 12, then 11 etc etc. Quite often I actually end up drinking less than that because beer makes you full quickly but keeps withdrawal at bay.

>> No.9393467

The problem with beer is that the quantity of which I am drinking is much more evident than that of liquor. I have tried to do this, but my significant other has made comments about the fact that I bought a 12 pack that morning and it is gone by night fall. With bottles of liquor, there is less garbage, less space taken in the fridge/freezer, and therefore less evidence of the day's activities.

>> No.9393482

Yeah that is fair, I live on my own so that isn't an issue. Quite eye opening seeing the same quantity of alcohol in beer that you are used to drinking in spirits.

Do you mix your drinks? Could try pouring weaker measures of spirit and doing it that way?

>> No.9393500

I don't mix my drinks. I just take shots. Or double shots. Or whatever I'm feeling at the moment.

I think the only way to curb this issue is simply to go back to DXM. I did DXM last week for a day, and that quelled my urge to drink for a few days, within reason. The problem with DXM is that the dosage I take can kill me, and has killed a friend of mine.

>> No.9393589

set limits for yourself (eg: drink only during certain occasions or certain days a week, and drink x amount of drinks at one time).
Also, write down every drink you will have right before you drink it. You could do it on your phone or something and be inconspicuous. Picking up this habit generally lessens the amount you drink because it makes you think about each drink.

Basically, you have to change your attitude from feeling like having a drink is the same thing as saying 'fuck it'
And hopefully get to a place where you aren't saying 'fuck it' and destroying yourself/others/etc.

>> No.9393599

try moderation, there are programs for ppl who hate the idea of AA etc. Basically just works on getting to a place where you are comfortable or abstaining, but it isn't based on a higher power.

>> No.9393627


>> No.9393697

What's up?

AA isn't rehab per se, and it's far from the only support group. I heard SMART recovery helps.
Do you actually want to stop, or are you just making excuses to continue?
Tell your SO you have a drinking problem, and need support to stop.

The plan is to taper to avoid withdrawals. It's easier with beer than liquor, but you could do it with any alcohol and enough will.
Or switch to benzo and taper them (see a doctor). Don't get addicted to them, they're a bitch to quit.
Once you're dry, you don't *need* AA to stay dry, but it can help not to be on your own.
You'll relapse eventually. You'll have to stop again, the sooner the better : less withdrawals.

>> No.9393712
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Got through the floor shakes with benzos
Managed 3ish days away
Decided to go change up my big pot of change I collect that I forgot about into cash
Hello darkness my not so old friend

Are they trying to kill me

>> No.9393724

You could try to get 5 days' worth of benzos, do a short taper with spirits (just drink a little less each day for maybe 5-7 days), then jump on the benzos to ease yourself through whatever WD is left. If you can get benzos that is.

>> No.9393728

Then why hide it to begin with?

>> No.9393732

Really makes you think

>> No.9393734

To be sure, you don't start taking the benzos until you are not drinking ANY alc. They are to ease the post alc WD symptoms. Seems pretty doable in theory, especially with a short taper.

And don't do the benzos for 2-3 weeks--then you'll be hooked on those XD

>> No.9393735

I hide it too
Because of shame and guilt

>> No.9393738
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- Withdraw once and it's over
- Forget 12-step bullshit
- Staring other alcoholics in the face is a good wake-up call.

>> No.9393747

Then it's just unconditional self-torture isn't it.

>> No.9393773
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Pretty much
It's very isolating. I've been like this for years though. I had bulimia for many years and I would hide zip lock bags of sick in a bin liner in a spare rucksack until I had an opportunity to go dump it in public bins
This isolating behaviour has been a part of me since I was a teenager

>> No.9393776

Shame, guilt, didn't want to talk about it, didn't want to answer questions, didn't want to be judged, just wanted to ve left alone really.

>> No.9393832

Drank an entire box of wine with my girlfriend ended up with her fucking me with a strap on with me in her clothes with me begging. I wish it was a joke but I ended up shitting on the dildo I've never felt so bad in my life. Or so I thought till next morning both of our bank accounts were empty I fucking hate this shit

>> No.9393839

Couple of degenerates right there. Really getting sick of hearing about shit that isn't heteronormative.
But don't worry I wish you and yours the best, I don't have a problem with you.

>> No.9393879

>he doesn't drink the while box solo
I think we've hit a new level of degeneracy for al/ck
I don't know where we can go from here

>> No.9393883

Where did all the money go?

>> No.9393888

I think running your daughter over while attempting to drunk drive takes the cake

>> No.9393900

Christ that was a shit show and a half last night

>> No.9393911
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I am this guy.
AMA, I'm finally ready to talk and let it all out

>> No.9393916

>First time ever I come to /ck/
>This thread is first thread

Well that's not quite what I was expecting

>> No.9393921


i fucking died laughing, i hope this is a joke

cheers buddy

>> No.9393924

How did you deal with the aftermath of all that, and how are you not in jail?

Obviously beyond terrible, but must be hard seeing as it would normally have "just" been drink driving and circumstances played out that way

>> No.9393945

wasn't that just a troll referencing breaking bad?

>> No.9393947

>How did you deal with the aftermath of all that, and how are you not in jail?
The aftermath was horrible, I was looked down on as a villain by everybody, my friends, my parents, my priest, my grandmother. My wife left me and took our 3 kids, my whole world shattered. I just drank more re to numb the memories, I barely remember my daughter now.

I am not in jail because they never suspected me of being drunk, it's a small town police Dept and they never tested me.
My wife and all my close relatives knew the truth though.

>> No.9393963

Sorry drunk me responded to the wrong pist

>> No.9393976

How did her pussy taste?

>> No.9393992

Like tire

>> No.9394003
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>wake up
>still not dead

>> No.9394074

So running over your kid sober is legally okay?

Not trying to be a cunt, just never thought about this sort of stuff.

>> No.9394081

Suppose it might have been ruled as a freak accident, if she was really young these things sadly happen sometimes as kids wander off and you wouldn't have seen her if she was small. Horrible, but it must happen.

>> No.9394083

Only two beers.
I did well.

>> No.9394088

Well you need to un-isolate yourself my nigga

>> No.9394091

>So running over your kid sober is legally okay?
Yes. It was an accident. She was playing behind the Truck

>> No.9394095

Sooo, I assume it's not a new thing for you two, since she has a strap-on...
Also story of what you can remember. I need a good laugh.

You've been in a constant bender since then, or have you tried to stop?

>> No.9394097

What happened to the fucking money?

>> No.9394100

>You've been in a constant bender since then, or have you tried to stop?
Yes, have only had one sober day since, and that was because I got lost at the state Fair and fell asleep backstage at a weird Al concert.

>> No.9394106

Terrible advice here but if you can afford it have you thought about using beer as a chaser.

Having a warm drink like tea before your first real drink, slows down how fast you initially drink.
It's not how much you drink, it's how fast you drink it what gets you drunk

Myself I'm trying to get back into fitness in between binges.

If you can drink at a later time 6-7pm, it might help.
Could you drink beer you feel normal before you hit the spirits at 1pm.

Even try drinking in a different room will feel different and usually you feel the effect more.

>> No.9394114

Nothing quite beats frosty jack.

>> No.9394128


>> No.9394132

Ahhhb Yeh forgot about the drunk drivers
I'm a bicyclefag

You are very right
I do need to. But it's proving to be quite the challenge

I've almost finished it moyte. I don't get it, it tastes so wrong as as a cider but it is so easy to drink
Gotta go get some cheap beer or something

>> No.9394142

Isn't frosty jacks made from onions and sugar as it's cheaper than apples? Never been brace enough to try it, although it is stupidly cheap to be fair

>> No.9394145

I've been warned by health care providers that if I try to quit drinking on my own, the likelihood of seizures and death is incredibly high, because of both the quanitity I am used to drinking and the longevity of drinking it. The only safe way for me to detox is in a hospital. I currently moved to Ohio, but have Kentucky Medicaid right now (since I'm in the transition of things and also a NEET), so detoxing is purely out of the question.

>> No.9394149

Tbh mate I have no idea
I love onions. I eat them like apples so I don't mind
Try it mate
I'm near rock bottom
It's the rock bottoms choice of cider

>> No.9394156

It is really sweet for a cider, an acquired taste but a familiar one.

>> No.9394162

I drink it for the alcohol senpai

>> No.9394166

This is right. I have an alcoholic roommate that is so pathetic and miserable. From the outside looking in I see how I was. That giant monkey on his back is so sad.

>> No.9394170

That's why we're telling you to taper.
Cold turkey could kill you, brain damage you, and/or kindle you. You have to taper alcohol or benzo (that's what they do in inpatient rehab.) It's safer under medical supervision, but less comfortable than at home.

>> No.9394178
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How many of you look like 5, 4, or 3?

>> No.9394249

3., why?

>> No.9394256

>top left 5

>> No.9394278

because OP's pic

>> No.9394288

I have access to benzos, but only in KY from a long-term alchoholic war vet (friend's dad). I don't have access to benzos otherwise.

I GUESS I could try tapering, but honestly, where does tapering go when you're already drunk? Out the fucking window is where, where the inhibition goes.

>> No.9394295

On another note, I walked to pick up all the ingredients for chicken and dumplings, because I have pneumonia (an alcholic's worst nightmare), it's getting cold, and it seems appropriate for tonight.

>> No.9394299
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>> No.9394304
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>> No.9394325
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>> No.9394335

>fell asleep backstage at a weird Al concert

>> No.9394345
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>> No.9394371
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It all makes sense now.

>> No.9394387
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>i love germany and its traditions!

>> No.9394407
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delete this

>> No.9394412

Oh. yeah but I do have a pronounced philtrum (I was just confused because of my beard) and the other facial features don't suggest it (as well as knowing my mother)

>> No.9394414

>General cognitive deficits
yup and the MSM still tell us 'omg she is so unexcited'

>> No.9394419
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he seems like your average joe because he drinks pints at the pub like i do..... i will vote for him.

>> No.9394420

So her doctorate in physical chemistry was a jewish conspiracy?

>> No.9394431

no. she did a phd in eastern germany. that is no real phd. the party decided who can become postgrad and where and in what.
she was described as an 'unspired' phd student.

>> No.9394438


>> No.9394447
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nige on that double cup

>> No.9394479 [DELETED] 
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Getting crazy again tonight boyos

>> No.9394492

das wassup

>> No.9394589

pretty sure white ace is like £3.50 and 7.5%

>> No.9394598

well at least its not going to last forever anon

not matter what happens there's an end and that makes me feel ok...ish

>> No.9394604
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35 mins until shop closes, can't stop shitting and have got a migraine coming on. Send help

>> No.9394609
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>> No.9394613

>chef chief

>> No.9394676

Time to start having a diaper fetish I suppose.

>> No.9394688
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>wanna drink Whiskey Sour
>buy ingredients and even go "fancy" by buying Scotch and Bourbon
>forget to buy lemon juice/ lemon

Straight Whiskey it is then

>> No.9394706
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>realize i'm almost out of rum
>liquor store closes at 6pm EST
>nearest one open afterwards is a 56 mile drive to and from

>> No.9394712

Why is it that I always have to get drunk to clean up my apartment? It all started innocently when I spilled something on the floor but now I NEED to get drunk before I clean my shit up.

>> No.9394716

I have to be drunk/high to clean too. I think it's because it's easier to zone out.

>> No.9394731

buy some red vermouth and bitters next time and make manhattans and rob roys

tasty as fuck m8

>> No.9394742
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How do you lads deal with the self loathing?

>> No.9394755


>> No.9394760

more booze innit

or when on a dry spell, meditation and exercise and not being a cunt. works better desu but staying dry is hard.

>> No.9394774

Well, I mean, by drinking, obviously...

>> No.9394777

Now that everyone knows how much I drink and no one is confrontational about it I find myself drinking significantly more. The stress from work doesn't help either, I'm quitting with no job lined up and I'm pretty sure this cigarette and alcohol addiction is going to bleed my savings dry.

The stress just makes me drink and smoke even more.

>> No.9394780

how rural are you?

>> No.9394796

I'm closer to amish markets than any major city and didn't have cell service until 2 years ago

>> No.9394805

might as well run a still at that point

>> No.9394819

Can't you order food and get wine with it?

>> No.9394830

I've been considering making my own mead or beer for a while now.

>> No.9394847

mead is easier than beer if you wanna get started on homebrewing

>> No.9394856

It doesn't work like it used to

>> No.9394865

then you are not drinking enough mate

>> No.9395220
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>Tfw nearest fastripis 3 miles away
>Tfw car is is getting repaired cause is its crashed as fuck
>Those 2 miles are filled with angry stoners begging for change
Help me

>> No.9395232

Uber or ride a bicycle

>> No.9395289
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anyone else doing drugs?

>> No.9395301

Just weed. Trying to get off the hard things, they're too dodgy

>> No.9395306

I'm on my 4th ativan tonight senpai

>> No.9395310

Opiate addict reporting in I stick to pharmaceuticals tho

>> No.9395313

>breaking the law

>> No.9395320

Any good source?

>> No.9395365

the rare good feel

It's my lucky day today

>> No.9395372

Before today my last drink was Monday around 8 am, I had been drinking vodka all day before than until 5 or so am. Spent monday in severe withdrawl, Tuesday was similar but I grabbed a few brews to calm it down. Now today have finished a 40 of wine 3x750ml bottles of 12% beer and a mickey. Got a bit of rock to smoke and debating breaking up more and just saying fuck it. Spending my night talking long distance to a efriend online

>> No.9395391

I just reported this, have fun in the pokey, faggot

>> No.9395460
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Only benzos and weed

>> No.9395476

will booze make my coke high better or should i just enjoy the sniff?

>> No.9395481

I thought all exif data was stripped when pictures were posted here?

>> No.9395503

good combination, but awful for your heart and exponentially more toxic to your liver when combined than either individual substance.

>> No.9395549
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I have recently turned 21. I don't like fancy mixes with liquor, I just want to drink it straight to get drunk because it's enjoyable. Does it get easier to drink with time?

>> No.9395560

Liquor never gets better. everything else in life just gets worse

>> No.9395576

How is drinking hard? Just let the happy juice flow down the gullet.

>> No.9395577

Easier to drink mixed drinks? I thought that would be the easiest way to drink it. I'm 30 and the only mixed drinks I have are a rum and Coke or Crown Royal with ginger ale. I wouldn't really call that fancy though. I've had Long Island Teas and they were pretty good.

>> No.9395584

You can't really deny that it burns a bit going down. But maybe I am drinking too much in one swig.

>> No.9395589

If you're a bitch about drinking liquor just keep your vodka bottle in the freezer.

It's like sucking down shots of glacier.

>> No.9395592

Which liquor are you drinking?

>> No.9395606

>better is subjective
I prefer just cigs/maybe a dab or two. Mostly drink on the cumdown and fap religiously to kill the anxiety of having no more, brb gotta do another crack hit

>> No.9395618

I finished a bottle of Smirnoff and that was pretty doable but now I have Jack Daniels (because that's what my dad used to drink) and it's a little bit harder. I know they are shitty entry-level liquors but again I'm a week old of 21.

>> No.9395640

Not all that shitty, more like lower mid-shelf.

If you just want to get ethanol in your bloodstream vodka is always your best friend. If you don't like it neat even when cold you can mix drinks without getting fancy. Club soda and a squeeze of lime goes a long way, or just vodka/icewater if you want to get utilitarian about it.

>> No.9395645

Also, if you're drinking whiskey there's no shame in throwing in a splash of water. A lot of people used to drink whiskey with water or club soda back in the day.

>> No.9395718

My hearing is half when I have a bit of alcohol. Is this normal? I feel a bit deaf.

>> No.9395727

wrong hole m8

>> No.9395742

If you're on the east coast, greenleafkratom.com

Kratom has been incredibly helpful. It gives me slightest buzz, barely detectable, and kills my nerves completely.

>> No.9395913

what level of fucked does pale, clay-colored poop indicate?

>> No.9395916

There must be something turning the brown shit clay colored.....Something white....


>> No.9395932

plug . dj alckoholic

come in lads

>> No.9396028

I'm drunk on a Wednesday night, what am doing with my life

>> No.9396049

What kind of drinking music does al/ck/ like?

>> No.9396056

lack of bilirubin or something

>> No.9396088
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>> No.9396096

Glad i'm not the only one

>> No.9396101

That's really bad. Not to scare you but since you asked it could mean liver cancer.

>> No.9396113

I had to run to the liquor store earlier to grab some more vodka and the guy at the counter gave me that look. Exactly why I try to stock up on the weekends.

>> No.9396118

I know that look... I make my fiance by my liquor now cause of it.

>> No.9396132

Why? if you've already struggled with it then why tempt yourself with a minibar?

>> No.9396150

Week and a half sober think I'm gonna make it lads iv even worked out 5 times during this period starting to feel half alive still not don't my dishes which I neglected for 5 months while drinking and still not done q proper groceries shop but I'm on the right track and my freinds are looking after me I'm so lucky to have a support network thats irl

>> No.9396170
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Feels to good to live in shitsville midwest shithole where the only people that give you shit about drinking everyday are opiateheads trying to feel good about themselves. Bought vodka this morning and had a cordial conversation with the ringer with no dirty looks.

this drinsk for you poor civilized fuckheads

>> No.9396191
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How can I get good sleep. With or without booze. I don't feel like I'm getting any. I wake up tired like I never slept even after 10 hours. I feel like I can fall asleep at any second all day because I'm so tired but I can't. I can't take naps.

>> No.9396275

Stop working you dumb EET

>> No.9396365

Sounds criminally negligent even if you're sober. i think "negligent homicide" is the legal term. I'm not a lawyer, but it sounds like you could go to jail for that for at least a few years, although they might make it 10 or more if they'd known you were drunk and upped it to DUI manslaughter.

Your story sounds fake, given that there were NO legal repercussions for what you describe as negligent homicide, and the other stuff you said is generic.

>> No.9396372

I have concluded that I will never be doing that again. Stomach instantly NOPED hard, proceeded to projectile vomit from mouth and nose, spent the next 5 minutes dry-heaving, and feeling like I was on fire. 0/10 would not recommend.

>> No.9396378

Eh, I don't think lemon juice is good in cocktails. Try the recipe without it--it might taste great. Sidecars (cognac and Cointreau) taste better without the lemon juice that they call for.

>> No.9396391

I love doing just about anything on occasion (except weed--makes me feel terrible), but right now on a "tolerance break" with kratom (as gay as that sounds to hardcore alcs), and then tomorrow, I'll get that sweet green powder flowing through me.

Had some fun times with coke though, and some crazy shit. That doesn't look like coke though. It's a lot if it is, and hopefully not shit. I hope that's not crushed up adderal. Cheers.

>> No.9396393

Herbal RVA and Gaia. You can go to reddit/kratom and get all the info you need.

>> No.9396412

>tfw watching feels music videos from the early 2000's and drinking until dawn agian

I can't wait to finally fucking die, I hate life. I hate existing...I hate every fucking time I wake up

>> No.9396415

I blacked out for the first time yesterday. Nearly four years of moderate to severe binge drinking during half the week and I'd managed to avoid that horrifying experience. Not in a hurry to do it again.

>> No.9396420

How the fuck did you manage that?

I blackout at least 3 times a week

>> No.9396421

Take one or two weeks sober. Shitty sleep is a withdrawal symptom.
Then follow usual sleep hygiene stuff.

>> No.9396427

At least it sounds like you were alone. The worst part about it is when you remember being out somewhere then all of a sudden you just wake up with no idea what you did.

>> No.9396435

Don't you hate being a whiny little shit too?

>> No.9396439

Hang in there buddy, it can get better

>> No.9396444

I dunno, man. I always made it a point to quit after 375ml or when I'm feeling damn good and ready, but lately the latter is taking a lot longer.

I was actually playing video games with people online. The last thing I remember was one of us pointing out a plothole in the game we were playing, and nearly two missions later... hell if I know. At least I woke up in bed, so there's that.

>> No.9396456

Why is alcoholism SO common among chefs?

>> No.9396460

I blacked out for the first time at a funeral after party.

>> No.9396466

It's an easy way to relax and unwind when you are cooking several hours a day. Most people drink while they are working

>> No.9396468

>funeral after party


>> No.9396471

yes. it's worse for u but to be honest pretty much everyone combines the two so w/ever

>> No.9396477

techno. i'm massively into clubbing. probs go two or three times a week. obviously stims are the drug or choice but there's a lot of drinking around that (which spiralled out of control) , hence why i've ended up here

>> No.9396481

My grandfather said he didn't want a funeral and wanted a party instead. We decided after he died to have both a funeral and a party.

>> No.9396497

Generally something like noise rock or hip hop. No real exact thing though.

This is pretty standard in the UK I think. You go the funeral then everyone goes the pub after for some drinks and a chat.

>> No.9396504

possibly a symptom of having a fucky liver, but can also have other causes

get to a doctor

>> No.9396542

I just shat myself in a store while trying to buy booze
This has never happened in public before god damn
And it was the only store nearby i am not banned from.

>> No.9396547

so i had all that 3L of frosty jacks and then went and played muic at an open mic. wasnt that drunk so i could play well and got applause and compliments, then got wrecked
now it is 10am and i have gone out and purchased a lot of liver poison
looks like my day will be an interesting one.

>> No.9396553

The heartburn though. Fuck Frosty, it is potent heartburn fuel.

>> No.9396554

And that's how it all begins, kiddo.
31 yo alcoholic here, quit while you're ahead.

>> No.9396563
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Dunno but who wants some oven roasted buffalo legs?

Bout to munch out then keep drinking here.

>> No.9396574

itsnot hit me yet
i know it is coming, but i can enjoy myself until then

what are you doing?

>> No.9396577

Drinking, waiting for the shaking to stop, trying to sleep. 10.20am and haven't slept a wink.

>> No.9396589

do americans really do this?

>> No.9396594

How do you get banned from a shop buying booze?

>> No.9396598

I'm 26, already pretty seasoned. Don't plan on drinking more as I already drink a decent amount anyway, just looking forward to not having to hide it and drinking out in the open and actually enjoying the flat.

>> No.9396601

You probably need some fiber.

>> No.9396602

more like a "reception" or something. it's pretty common to go back somewhere and have snacks and tea and drinks and I guess just meet other people that knew who died and talk about them and stuff

>> No.9396610

know that feel
delaying the inevitable withdrawal

>> No.9396615

I was banned for throwing up everywhere, fucking up the store shaking and trying to get to the booze section so they ended up just banning me, the first times were probably warnings but I tended to forget about it when I was drunk and wanted more so I'd still stumble in there and they threatened to call the cops if I show up there ever again

Not American

>> No.9396618

anyone want to share strategies for being less al/ck/y without quitting outright that work for you?

i wanted to get shitfaced on beer last night but when i went to the store the debit was down and there was a line around the block so i just went home
i had some whiskey laying around but i really wanted the effervescence of beer so i just hemmed and hawed and contemplated going to the store again until it was closed and i had no choice
then i waited a bit more and poured myself a 2 oz with water and went to bed

so i guess my strategy is putt of drinking or buying any booze until you're nearly too tired to care

>> No.9396622

Just did a whole mess of cocaine. Drinking myself to sleep now

>> No.9396630

i know this feel. it's hard as fuck to slide out a bottle from a shelf without knocking loads of other shit off the shelf. i've been queuing and had to run outside to throw up. it was beyond embarrassing, i just stopped caring at that point. went back in, grabbed my bottle was chugging before i even got out of the door.
right now i'm shitting ferociously, omg. i shit like 3 litres of pure liquid, and before i can even pull my jeans up i need to shit again. we're talking like 20 times in the last hour, and i've got a raging stomach ache.

>> No.9396633

I started going to the gym recently, found that if I go in the evening I am really tired when I get back and ready to just go to sleep and bypass drinking til the small hours alltogether. I do this 3-4 times a week so much better than getting fucked every night. Sometimes I will have a beer or 2 after, but never more than that as I just fall asleep.

>> No.9396650

i listen to lots of different music, jazz, blues, fingerstyle guitar (i like these because i play them)
i listen to a a lot of metal
my current favourite band is a mix of hardcore,metal,edm and some video game music influences like dragonforce has
fucking love that band. when i am wasted its amazing to listen to

>> No.9396658

Ffs, I can't get drunk because I keep shitting it straight out. I drink a pint, and 15 minutes later I'm ferociously pissing out of my ass, and the booze gets flushed

>> No.9396664

I am American, so it makes the meme that much more epic XD

>> No.9396671

did any other al/cks get into self harming?
im covered in scars
not done it for a few years but i want to do rit again
i miss the rush of a deep wound after a bottle of voddy

>> No.9396679

You have a world of pain ahead of you unless you take some good advice and quit while your young. You can not even begin to imagine where your current path is leading you.

>> No.9396680

Looks like heroin, but last thread somebody said they scored a couple grams of coke, which came in vials like the one he has.

>> No.9396682
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Emo fag

>> No.9396683

I did when I pretty much had a nervous breakdown in about 2009. Anything to take my mind off the state of my ruined life. Hate the scars.

>> No.9396688

Almost 3 weeks dry. Body and mind is wrecked. Nerves are ..gone. Want to drink but have yet to fully recover from the last round of pain and agony. Everything is utter shit when sober. Dont like life. Might try drinking again today.

>> No.9396694

>my current favourite band is a mix of hardcore,metal,edm and some video game music influences
What band you numpty

>> No.9396695

im british so your little meme is a failure
call me what you want. im a masochist, deep cuts down to the hypodermis is like a drug

>> No.9396698

Friend of mine cut the sinews in one hand by accident and now sucks at playing piano

>> No.9396717
File: 223 KB, 1200x557, DC0A1J_XYAA9GCj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont let the higher power thing hold you back

It can mean literally anything, the energy of a group, an arbitrary person, or imagined fucking being. It normally just means a broad spirituality. There are many people in AA that are atheist believe it or not.

you can make it

t. 7 months sober

>> No.9396718

driving through bat country

>> No.9396776

Wish I was dead. Hate myself too much.

>> No.9396795
File: 6 KB, 253x199, 1503708216643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude I'm drunk again I'm gonna withdrawal fucking help I guess chest hurts

-gin blossoms motherboard guy

>> No.9396798

Does the permanent scarring across my liver count?

>> No.9396811


It was not an accident, no matter what you tell yourself, you neglectful piece of shit father. You should have checked behind your truck. You didn't ask your wife where the kids were?

I bet you meant to do it. Drink yourself into an early a grave as possible, scum. I'd have had you locked up for life.

>> No.9396822
File: 24 KB, 750x514, 1499219864323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude I hope I die

>> No.9396849

sure why not

>> No.9396872

My alcoholism and drug abuse led to destruction of my friendships.

>> No.9396874

guess I'm going to the store at six am fuck my life

>> No.9396919

Tries it once, wasn't for me.

>> No.9396925

Maybe the person(s?) responsible for creating this thread should include some hotlines in the OP

>> No.9396932

Posting in the alcoholic thread of a cooking board on an anime forum presupposed enough online searching skills to get help if necessary I assume.

>> No.9397003

they are called fear and loathing in las vegas

>> No.9397022

Speaking of fear and loathing in las vegas whats the point of cigarette holders? Never actually seen someone using one in real life but theres a few pictures of people using them as well as in films. Wikipedia seems to say it's a fashion thing but it just seems awkward.

>> No.9397029

I think the original point was for higher class people who didn't want to get nicotine stains on their fingers from holding their cigarettes the same way that the working class would.

Since then it became sort of a fashion statement or symbol associated with luxury or the upper class.

>> No.9397035

Oh yeah that makes sense. Doesn't really seem worth the effort for me but then again neither do most things in fashion. Cheers.

>> No.9397046

There's nothing I can do for the anxiety, is there. I just have to sit here utterly petrified, shaking and puking.
Hospital said that my last detox was the last they'd do, because I keep relapsing. No medical help available, and no money for alcohol.
Christ please just make it end.

>> No.9397094

Serves you right. Two times is enough. Now go through the fire and come out like refined silver, you stupid drunk

>> No.9397106

So I've been taking SSRIs, are they supposed to have a noticeable effect?
Because I'm not feeling any different at all

>> No.9397112

They take weeks to kick in.

>> No.9397134

That's bullshit, I should be feeling something at least

>> No.9397141

Some of them like HST's have extra filtration built in. That's why he used them, funnily enough given his lifestyle.

Also, it's a different mouthfeel, like a pipe mouthpiece. You can clench it between your teeth and park it in the corner if your mouth and the smoke is a bit further away from the eyes. It's great for handsfree chainsmoking.

>> No.9397148

It needs to build up in your system. Not bullshit.

>> No.9397153

>t. Doctor goldberg
What SSRI piece of shit were you prescribed and what for? I've been on most and they have all been bunk for anxiety some even causing me to have worsened anxiety.

>> No.9397160

Did you keep boozing? Drinking causes extreme amountd of anxiety.

>> No.9397166

The ones HST used actually work as a tar filter. Also makes it easier to smoke when you have a drink in one hand and a gun in the other 90% of the time.

>> No.9397179

I stopped drinking everyday (after 7 years of that noise) about almost a year ago. I still had to work my way through agoraphobia. Ashwagandha helped undo all the damage booze down to the systems in my body like getting my sleep back on track. It was like coming out of the deepest circle of hell and now I'm still a few rings inside. Waiting on doctors is such a fucking waste of time.

>> No.9397181

>makes it easier to smoke when you have a drink in one hand and a gun in the other 90% of the time.
I've changed my mind. Top tier invention.

>> No.9397189

I have no clue, she made me circle some questions on some papers, then gave me the drugs

>> No.9397216
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this came out of my nose

>> No.9397257

Thanks lad

>> No.9397263

Been snorting stuff?

>> No.9397276


>> No.9397426

>Cruising down the ganges dancing like a head bobbling indian passing floating dead bodies and POO while drinking chivas regal

>> No.9397453

I've been on a huge Tom Waits kick lately. But I also like Tigers Jaw/ The Front Bottoms/ Modern Baseball/ You Blew It/ MCR (if I'm feeling super nostalgic)/ Bring Me The Horizon (especially if I'm cooking. Rage prep is great), and I'm always about getting DOWN to some Gucci Mane or Lil' Boosie and most of Young Thug's discography. Trap is love, trap is life.

>> No.9397459

Also- new BMTH fucking blows, but Count Your Blessings and Suicide Season are both god teir as far as deathcore goes.

>> No.9397462

Is it bad to get wicked drunk every weekend? It's not even like I feel I NEED to do it, it just seems a waste of the weekend not to since I enjoy it so much. The only shitty thing is that I usually do it alone because none of my friends like to go out on weekends, and none of them drink.

I'm 31 and I feel like I should do it now while I still can.

>> No.9397493

How do even become a alcoholic? Beer/whisky is terribly bitter?

>> No.9397495

It will taste better once you get older

>> No.9397504

All alcohol tastes terrible. Who cares.Taylor Swift's anus probably doesn't taste very nice either, but I'd hungrily shove my tongue so far up that chick's shitchute that I could taste what toothpaste she uses.

>> No.9397506

I know exactly how you feel. If I'm busy all weekend with something fun and exciting, I don't feel the need to drink. If I'm bored all weekend, I get drunk just to have fun and make an event of it, since not doing so feels disappointing.

>> No.9397552
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>try to stay dry
>recipe calls for white wine
Every fucking time

>> No.9397591

I'm going to lose 50 lbs before I ever drink again.

Me being so fat plus tolerance makes getting drunk so difficult these days.

If I eat one small meal a day could I lose 50 lbs in a couple of months?

>> No.9397595

That's the worst analogy for alcohol ever. It would be like 'tongueing a glory hole through a dry wall' according to you. That bitch is ugly as sin. If you are going to eat ass do it right. You have eggs and flour right? Go make a [pancake then fuck it then come back to us and tell us all what you have learnt.

>> No.9397606
File: 53 KB, 550x512, IMG_0519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurricane about to ravage FL
>everyone is worried about "stocking up on water"
>all I can think about it making it to the liquor store

>> No.9397614

should I buy beer today
I have 20 minutes to decide

>> No.9397646

>How do even become a alcoholic?
you don't
>how do I become addicted to heroin

>> No.9397658

>If I eat one small meal a day could I lose 50 lbs in a couple of months?
yeah but that's a terrible idea and a surefire way to become incredibly malnourished

>> No.9397662
File: 21 KB, 250x273, helper party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't buy more booze at the store today
>went to bed because I was tired instead of druk yesterday
>cut myself off and went to bed because it was late day before that
what is happening to me

>> No.9397671

>Beer/whisky is terribly bitter?
We're living in a word where it's okay to put question marks at the end of sentences that aren't meant to be questions, and I don't like it.

>> No.9397677

country manor?

>> No.9397679

Get a straw.

>> No.9397685

I hate that shit too?

>> No.9397717
File: 283 KB, 2048x1318, IMG_5444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having some vodka and irn bru lads

>> No.9397720

What do I think about this entire thing?

>> No.9397732

Getting more drunk, taking a day nap and then a shower, then balling out to go get hurricane prepped. I'll keep y'all bois posted as to if I'm alive or not :)
Is anyone else hunkering down for the weekend?

>> No.9397737

Any other scots here

>> No.9397756

Aye I'm here. Surprised there aren't more of us

>> No.9397768
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Well we are more used to alcohol
I'm not really an alcky because it's sporadic and between months at a time I never go too far with social drinking

Still it's still alone drinking

>> No.9397771

Taper with booze or benzo.
Ask for outpatient rehab maybe?

Takes one to two weeks to balance the chemicals, during this time you may feel worse.
(Check the notice, it says it increase the risks of suicide.)

>> No.9397782

Similar story here really, I get a nice buzz going by myself most evenings but go through periods of not drinking at all.

Where abouts are you from? Glasgow ish here

>> No.9397800

Tfw stuck in a loop.
Have literally become groundhog day.

>> No.9397803

>Takes one to two weeks to balance the chemicals, during this time you may feel worse.

I don't feel anything
Maybe it will do something in a week or so

>> No.9397804

Aye same

Yep the same area
In uni so from the north east originally

>> No.9397813

every SSRI i've taken has needed weeks to begin having any noticeable affect. Must have tried 7 or 8 types.

>> No.9397854

Two antidepressants I took didn't "feel" like doing anything. I was overall less sad, maybe less happy too. My feelings were more smooth I think, but it's hard to notice it without trying to analyse oneself.

Another one made me unable to sleep, as well as not tired. I felt like I was on cocaine all the time. I stopped it after a few days (instructions talked about non-reversible side effects, including losing ability to orgasm and ejaculate. Scary shit.) I always hesitate talking about it to docs because each time I see their eyes shine with an easy diagnostic (maniac/bipolar).

>> No.9397989
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Fucking nicely buzzed

>> No.9398012
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Was angry this morning, so poured out 8 PBR 16oz's.. regret it so hard. I want to drink them, but they are gone.. what kind of monster am I..

>> No.9398023
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>> No.9398034

>Can afford ice in his drinks
Get a load of this trillionaire.

>> No.9398067

Bought that lemon juice for those whiskey sours today. My favorite drink.
Cheers al/ck/

>> No.9398082

Also lost 50$ because of daytrading cryptocoins today so I really need them now

>> No.9398094

XMR's price will crash then correct soon. Be ready.

>> No.9398099
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>> No.9398145

Loads of reasons, man. The bar always has beers that got sent back that go to staff at the end of the night, bartenders are down to give you shots after work for free, if you have a cool owner/chef, he's gonna give you free booze for knocking out a busy night, the girls you work with are usually alcoholics, or budding alcoholics, etc, etc.

I'm in recovery right now and my closed group sessions read like a who's who of local restaurants. Sous chefs, chefs, lead cooks, etc. Our groups are usually 8-10 people, it's an outpatient treatment for people exiting rehab, but you can pretty much buy your way in if you're really interested in looking good in front of the judge. Anyway, so 8-10 people, and typically there's 3 or 4 of us that are BoH, and most of the girls work as bartenders/servers. Most of them are on 2nd and 3rd duis. The outliers are the older people in their late 30s and up who got triple duis in 5 years or some dumb shit.

It's become a running joke with our group to ask "what restaurant do you work at?" before people even announce what they do for a living. They should just chuck us into pre-emptive treatment after 3 years in the industry or something. I'm bleeding my HSA dry with this first dui.

>> No.9398150

You're Jesse's counselor from BB.

>> No.9398176


>> No.9398180
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Wow this thread is setting a bad example for me. It doesn't really take a whole lot of convincing to just get wasted, whenever, wherever.

Came here to find recipes, now I'm thinking about heading to the doctors and working on getting some sweet sweet amphetamines after being clean for a year. This stuff doesn't happen on /pol/

>> No.9398227

Smirnoff and irn bru, cocktail of champions. Never thought I would see that here

>> No.9398241

what's irn bru, not familiar with brand. Is it like fanta?

>> No.9398259
File: 930 KB, 500x204, IMG_5511.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only drink in the world to outsell Coca Cola in its native country

>> No.9398319

How do I deal with alcohol depression? I don't even drink that much but increasingly when I do it takes very little to push me over the edge into utter misery.

When I was younger I never used to have this problem.

>> No.9398331

It's council estate aperol spritz

>> No.9398387
File: 89 KB, 749x749, IMG_5408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finishing the bottle of vodka
Goddamn I miss my boyfriend

I wanna see him again soon and be in his arms ;-;

>> No.9398397


>> No.9398405

Think yourself lucky that you have someone to care for who cares for you.

>> No.9398420


go to bed stephanie

>> No.9398432 [DELETED] 



>> No.9398435
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I am, we had a lovely little holiday last week

I'm not a girl

>> No.9398463

What is it like to miss someone?

I have never missed anyone and it makes me feel like a hollow human being

>> No.9398472

You mean the morning after? Either the obvious answer of pour another drink and keep going until it goes away, or mentally write the day off and don't drink anything. Watch a film or something, play some vidya, read a book, whatever it takes to take your mind off it. Really scary when it happens, have never been depressed before but when that occasionally strikes it is worse than any hangover

>> No.9398504

It's just this longing, you want to see them again, their face, their smile, just their prescence gives you this feeling of calm and happiness like no one else can ever give

>> No.9398538

thred ded

>> No.9398588

>stock up on booze
>get shithammered right as the storm hits
>be in pure bliss as you get crushed by debris
>not a total disgrace to your family as you die from the hurricane rather than the inevitable alcohol poisoning

>> No.9398634

>back hurts
>remember i have alcohol
>feel better

this shit really does cure everything

>> No.9398756

new thread anytime

>> No.9398817


Will probably seal your fate after a couple of months, but i can't lie. It will be pretty cozy and sweet to begin with

>> No.9398935
File: 509 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-47846559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How pathetic is it that i smell my moms old scarf when I miss her? Im 29

She accidently left it at my house the day she died

>> No.9399083

not at all really

>> No.9399094
File: 221 KB, 1984x1488, IMG_20170908_023134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just went out for a fag and guess what greeted me

>> No.9399098
File: 170 KB, 1984x1488, IMG_20170908_023203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shortened the shutter time to 4 for the rest of them, since my hands are so shaky, and I couldn't really brace my phone against anything

>> No.9399102

You in Michigan?

>> No.9399103

4chan got some dude who wanted to sniff Tailor Swift's hair to win a meetup with her that was supposed to be won by any non-weirdo fan of her. We know the feel...
So not pathetic.

>> No.9399108
File: 185 KB, 1488x1984, IMG_20170908_023323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

norway around 70 degrees north from equator

>> No.9399113
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a few of them are good, but most of them are fucking parkinsons tier

>> No.9399116
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>> No.9399119
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>> No.9399125
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this one and >>9399108 is probably my favorite ones, even with the shake

>> No.9399143
File: 228 KB, 1984x1488, IMG_20170908_024704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took one of some stars for good measure, if you're good at constellations, see if you can spot them
maxed out the shutter time for this one so it would get as many as possible, and just placed it on the table pointing directly upwards

>> No.9399152

Nice. I saw them the 1st in northern Michigan


>> No.9399163

Yeaaah baby, that's me.
I'll give it a shot, let's see how this goes.

>> No.9399180

so wait I went out for that fag at the exact perfect moment?
like if I went out an hour later, like now, I wouldn't have known it had happened?

>> No.9399223





>> No.9400138

muh heritage is English and Scottish, so I'm basically you're brother :)

>> No.9400141

It's a soft drink. I bought one from a "British/Irish" store in Massachusetts once. It tastes like classic bubble gum flavor. It's okay, but I'm not a big fan of soda.

>> No.9400144

>tfw I'm getting rid of my gf by leaving her to grad school across the Atlantic
feels freeing lads. I'm going to fuck every girl I can above a 5/10/notfat.

>> No.9400173

>frost jack
this is a joke right? people make fun of that drink here because its what all the junkies drink