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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9384276 No.9384276 [Reply] [Original]

>ice cold drink
>its liquid

Why is this allowed?

>> No.9384282

ice cold is at the same temperature as ice because 32 degrees fahrenheit is both the melting and freezing temperatures of water

>> No.9384340


If I wanted the opinion of a retarded amerifat, I would have asked. Now fuck off

>> No.9384531

Something can be 0c and still be liquid, it just hasn't crystallized yet faggot.

>> No.9384580


>> No.9384583


It's not pure water so its freezing point can be lower than water's.

>> No.9384585

I had to go to an HVAC class and they would use ice water to calibrate their thermometers. It would always come out to 32F/0C

>> No.9384592

Google the triple point of water... it's the temperature at which water can be a solid, liquid, or gas. Since this is possible, cooling a drink to a point at which it could be solid or liquid is trivial in comparison

>> No.9384600

adding sugar/salt to water will lower its melting/freezing point. Even pure water is only in equilibrium between solid/liquid at 0C/1atm, so much of it will still be liquid at that temperature

>> No.9384605

I'm reasonably sure this a troll thread but here is something you should have done in high school:


>> No.9384615

You're such a fucking idiot I actually believe you aren't trolling

>> No.9384621

>high school

I'm a qualified engineer thanks, and I know that if something is liquid, it ain't fucking ice cold, so get the fuck out of here with that bullshit

>> No.9384626

Because it's willing to sacrifice.

>> No.9384632

you're not qualified if you don't understand basic physical properties

>> No.9384633

>Euroblob makes an awful thread, gets BTFO permanently


>> No.9384654

But I am so......

I'm from Iran actually but nice attempt to be funny retard

>> No.9384672


Hows your mudhut and goatfucking harem going?

>> No.9384673

You've never even seen ice you dumb dune coon

>> No.9384686
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American ''''education''''

>> No.9384689

-20°C Vodka from the freezer is barely liquid tho

>> No.9384695

>he still thinks liquids can't be ice cold and not be ice
>calls others stupid

>> No.9384744

>he thinks I'm the only one that thinks Americans are retarded
>is American

>> No.9384751 [DELETED] 

>he still thinks liquids can't be ice cold and not be ice
>calls others stupid

>> No.9384753

>he still thinks liquids can't be ice cold and not be ice
>calls others stupid

>> No.9384757

>middle eastern
Please show cock?

>> No.9384765

>goat fucker says something stupid
>gets BTFO multiple times
>starts damage controlling by shitting on americans


>> No.9384781

do americans really do this?

>> No.9384788

then you have shitty vodka

>> No.9385717

This. This is why, in winter, putting salt on ice melts it. Unless the temperature is way too cold, of course, and then you're fucked.

>> No.9385756

>ask question
>get answer
>hurr didn't want your answer

>> No.9385823 [DELETED] 

>durr what is liquid nitrogen

>> No.9385872

you must have gone to school in Iran, too.

The actual phase change from solid to liquid takes energy. If you take ice and slowly warm it up, you can reach 0 C and it will still be ice. On the other hand if you have water and slowly cool it down, you can reach 0 C and it will still be water.

0 C is the point where ice begins to melt, and the point where water begins to freeze.

>> No.9386213

>you have water and slowly cool it down, you can reach 0 C and it will still be water.

Then why, if you leave the can of liquid packed in ice in a cooler and keep replenishing the ice for days on end (or even theoretically forever) will it never crystallize, hmmmm? In fact you won't even have crystals form on the very outer part of the liquid. Reason? It's not 0C, moron.

>> No.9386248
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>18 posters before I enter the thread
Congratulations, OP. You trolled 17 people.

>> No.9386936

if the ice were cold enough, the can would freeze. The ice would have to be significantly colder than 0 C for this to work though.

If the ice is around 0 C then it just melts and is cold enough to bring the soda to around 0 C but not to actually freeze

>> No.9387098

You just admitted you were BTFO. I admire you. It takes guts to do that on an anonymous Siberian mink fur farming board.

>> No.9387113

Yeah, the water hasn't given off enough energy to pass the phase change threshold, but it has given off enough to reach freezing temperature. Did you graduate high school anon, or is that just the state of European schools?

>> No.9387130


>> No.9387176

the can is frozen though.

idk don't know how the can can be frozen but the contents cant.

>> No.9387265

But you literally asked. You made no specification on who can answer. Go be a nigger somewhere else.

>> No.9387269

Troll Buffet Thread.

>> No.9387289
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>being this retarded.
>thinks once a liquid reaches 0c/32f it magically and instantly freezes.
>mfw pic related

>> No.9387339

>qualified engineer
Doesn't understand supercooling..........

>> No.9388107

What the FUCK does supercooling have to do with this thread? Fucking retard

>> No.9388402


>> No.9388455

>hot sauce
>keep it in the fridge

>> No.9388643

>he thinks he can rage against the inevitable onslaught in the form of U.S. tanks and military personnel.

It's been nice knowing you, Farrokh.

>> No.9388683
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Shitty trolling
Pic very related

>> No.9388732

Why does food taste better warm/hot 99% of the time, but drinks taste better cold? love me cold water, hate hot water

>> No.9388743

Some countries use the metric system.
Only one country got to the moon first

>> No.9388747

NASA use the metric system.

>> No.9389025

As well as US military, scientists, engineers, professional bakers, etc. It's just a large portion of the population are retarded hicks too frightened to improve to something better because "dem furriners" use it.

>> No.9389036

Like a qualified success?

>> No.9389041

I think the Army uses metric, but I was a mechanic in the Navy and we didn't use metric. I didn't use metric wrenches, we got gallons of lube oil or paint, and if we were measuring something we would use inches and feet.

>> No.9389989

Lol nobody cares that foreigners use it, it's just a pain in the ass to switch everything to metric

Also professional bakers measure using cups, and the ovens are in Fahrenheit so I'm not sure what you're on about

>> No.9389998

This is an Anglo Japanese board, anon.
You're most likely the foreigner.

>> No.9390017

Clearly the post I was replying to was referring to Americans

>> No.9390025

Foreigners on this site.

>> No.9390033

You are a dumb shit retard

>> No.9390037

No professional baker uses volumetric measurements. Pro baker recipes are always weight-based, and are given in "Baker's percentages", which are weight ratios based on the amount of flour. For example, a pro bread recipe might say:
70% water
2% salt
1% yeast.
Those are all based off the amount of flour you use. So if you are using 10kg of flour you'd use 7kg of water, 20g salt, 10g yeast. Weights are always used for pro baking because they are more precise than using volumetric measurements. It's also less work: you put your empty bowl on the scale. Tare it. Weigh out your flour, tare again. Weigh out the water directly into the same bowl. Tare, weight the salt, etc. That is not only very fast, but it doesn't get any measuring cups/spoons dirty.

>> No.9390044


>> No.9390062

The"foreigners" thing was clearly mocking what Americans might say to themselves about why we don't use the metric system.

Also just because this board may be Japanese doesn't make it wrong to refer to people who are foreigners from my point of view as such

>> No.9390067

I would assume lack of proper education. But it's not your fault as you're likely the product of your environment, which is almost definitely a poverty-stricken slum.

>> No.9390075

All Americans today know both systems, as they are taught them in schools. The rest of the world only knows metric.

>> No.9390509

to be fair most of us dont know the exact conversion rates

>> No.9390528

At least for cooking it's really easy to remember.
1 kg is approx. 2 lbs.
1 liter is approx. 1 quart.

That's pretty much all you need to know; everything else derives from there. And unless you are baking it's not as if you need exact conversions anyway. Ingredients vary in flavor and potency so you should be tasting and adjusting anyway. The recipe is just a basic guideline.

>> No.9390572

I'm aware of this and want to use it so I don't have to sift my pancake flour twice but I'm not sure if converting volumetric measurements to weight is a bad idea/ I'm not sure what ratio to use.

>> No.9390576

Conversion is a bad idea (unless you feel like experimenting) because the density of flour varies a lot based on humidity.

Best is to simply find a different recipe that is given in percentages in the first place.

>> No.9390599

>taught anything in public schools


>> No.9390611

And how many ounces is 150ml? That's easy to convert for the average lardistani too, right amerilard?

>> No.9390636

Simple as hell.
150mL is roughly 1/6 of a liter. Since a liter is roughly equal to one quart, we need 1/6 of a quart. A quart is 32 fluid ounces, so we're looking at 1/6th of that, or roughly 5 oz. This takes just a couple seconds to do in your head.

>> No.9390641

Oh, and by the way. I'm not defending the old imperial units. They are silly and there's no doubt the metric system is superior.

But let's not pretend that the conversions are difficult.

>> No.9390646
File: 301 KB, 680x1671, only pretending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9390665

>retards who "FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" defending the metric system
You will never in any practical situation use any of the relationships that rely on SI units to work. To you one measurement system is just as arbitrary as the next one, your constant defense of metric is just another form of "DO AMERICANS REALLY" tribalistic bullshit, and frankly the fact that you even know the names of imperial units is a testament to how much the rest of the world is cucked by the US. Kill yourselves.

>> No.9390669

You say "roughly" as if all cooking and prep other than baking doesn't rely on precise measurements. Try making cured meats or sausages and converting 5g of Cure#1 to ounces on a kitchen scale. Ain't going to happen with the degree of accuracy necessary to ensure safety.

>> No.9390672

I explained earlier that baking does require precision. And sure, I agree, the amount of curing salt for a recipe needs precise calculation too. But how many people here are making their own sausage? Very few.

For most cooking a rough approximation is all you need, as I explained in >>9390528.

If I'm making sausage then I already have my scale out in order to weigh out the meat, fat, and the seasonings and i'll use a calculator (or app) to do a proper conversion. But let's not kid ourselves here, that's not exactly a routine cooking task for most people.

>> No.9390678
File: 7 KB, 276x183, 2017-05-12-16-03-06--2007724176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only countries in the world using imperial are Liberia, Myanmar and the US
>rest of the world is cucked by the US imperial measurement system

Definition much? At least learn the meaning of the retarded /pol/tard memes you adopt.

>> No.9390679

You ruin this website. Piss off faggot

>> No.9390689

ITT: Europoor thinks that the moment a a drink reaches freezing temp it turns into a rock.

>> No.9390774

>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Apparently your reading comprehension leaves you whenever you see something that reminds you of people with opposing views.
>...world is cucked by the US.
>the US.
Not the US imperial system you sweet summer child, the US in general. You think if we didn't use the imperial system you would have ever fucking heard of it? No but you have because we're so much bigger/better than you hahahah.

>> No.9390823

Traditional British inbreeding

>> No.9390857

Compounds/mixtures always have lower freezing points then their parts. Not sure if that applies to soda, so correct me if I'm wrong. Also, there's some chemical property I forget the name of that states that during a phase change (solid->liquid etc) ten times more energy is required for the substance to change phase than to just change its temperature. For example ten times the energy is required for water to go from 33 to 32 degrees than from 34 to 33. Yes, I'm using fahrenheit. Deal with it, faggots.

>> No.9390887

>You think if we didn't use the imperial system you would have ever fucking heard of it? No but you have because we're so much bigger/better than you hahahah.

Uhh, mr. /pol/tard, people heard about the imperial system from the britbongs and which is why amerilards have it. However, the britbongs along with the rest of the world rejected it as inferior. And it's the likes of troglodytes like you in Liberia, Myanmar and the US that still grasp at it.

>> No.9390918

>Uhh, mr. /pol/tard
>sorting anyone who disagrees with you into an undesirable social box for ease of dismissal
And yes you flaming retard, I'm aware that the "English system" wasn't made in the US, but its continued relevance on the world stage (the fact that you even know about it at all) is the result of the immense power of the US and you can't deny that. If the US had shitcanned it when everyone else did nobody would even talk about it anymore, you wouldn't have heard of it, Liberia and Myanmar wouldn't use it, but you have, and they do, because you can't stop us. I'll say it again: hahahah.

>> No.9390948

Water, with sugar/protein and carbon dioxide forcibly dissolved in it is perfectly capable of remaining liquid at the SATP freezing temperature of water. For instance, an ice-cold beer can be poured, and freeze on contact with its glass as the lowered pressure and decreased carbonic acid content raises its freezing point.

>> No.9390987

I stand corrected regarding volumetric measurements... but guess what? The metric system isn't the only way to measure weight.

I live in the US and my kitchen scale has a setting for grams and a setting for oz. Do "professional chef" scales not have a setting for oz in the US? I'll bet anything they do.

If you're just aiming for a certain ratio for the weight of each ingredient, it really makes no difference whether you use metric or imperial units.

Also, every oven in the US (and also Canada, suck it leafs) is in Fahrenheit like I said before.

>> No.9390999

This. Nucleation for the crystal structure not being available and the Latent heat of fusion are two answers to OP's "question". Too bad he's a fucking moron

>> No.9391045

My oven does both.

Suck it Liberia/Myanmar.

>> No.9391311

what'd you country teach you?
how to vote muslim?

>> No.9391327

what country you?

>> No.9391349

Most don't know conversion for imperial anyway. All I can remember is a pints a pound the world around and that's not even imperial to metric

>> No.9391364

why the hell should I be able to convert from real units to eurotard units in my head? it's as if eurocucks think I care if they understand my recipes. how about I just use the units I use, and you pathetic OBSESSED get out your calculators and figure out what I'm talking about like pathetic autist you are

>> No.9391516

Liquid under freezing point still liquid......supercooling asshole

>> No.9391550

This thread has nothing to do with liquids under freezing point. It's about liquids AT freezing point.

>> No.9391704
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>> No.9391898

Yes, Europeans did.
Daily reminder uS literally had to kidnap dozens of Europeans to elevate them to our level

Fucking kek

>> No.9391909

Mohammad is a dumb nigger who's burning in hell

>> No.9391946

ITT: Triggered Americucks

>> No.9392647

>a solution will freeze at the same temperature as water

Did you even take chemistry, OP?

>> No.9393315

I'm a chemist so no. Also I don't want to memorize the arbitrary number of feet in a mile or the arbitrary boiling point of water or worse the number of Oz in a Tbsp. I dislike eurofaggotry as much as you do but metric is easier.

>> No.9393341

There is no way it's ten even in every case. There is no inherant connection between something's Crystal energy and it's specific heat.

>> No.9395128

When will europoors learn??

>> No.9395221

Pick one