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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 949x632, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9386322 No.9386322 [Reply] [Original]

Pray for simpsonbro edition

>> No.9386335

Fuck, forgot to link the previous one. Sorry, I'm drunk. Obviously

>> No.9386342

I mean:


>> No.9386357
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I drank a pint of Guinness and 3 shots of Irish whiskey in an hour.
I just barely felt a buzz.
I think I've finally hit it.
Can I join your club now?

>> No.9386366

What world leaders do you think are drinking right now?

>> No.9386372

apparently the queen drinks gin every day. Putin will be fucked up on vodka probably

>> No.9386374
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Spent four days drinking..
I live with my parents so this is a rare occasion.
Parents return tomorrow and I'm hammered as shit, yet I wanna continue drinking.

>> No.9386393

I would drink if I were her. The empire fell apart under her and she will almost certainly be last undisputed queen.

>> No.9386398

I guess we'll use this one since people are posting here. I'll delete mine.

>> No.9386407

Thanks for trying dude, timing just got a bit rekt this time around.

>> No.9386408

Putin actually doesn't drink except for a symbolic toast here and there. The lad is KGB and a judo maniac, his drug of choice is calculated murder and triggering the yanks.

>> No.9386417

Do you think Russians officials sit around drinking and saying "Ha...Americans"

>> No.9386428

>The result of which being confirmation that my liver, kidneys, spleen, heart, pancreas and intestines are all "healthy".
OK, so clearly you have a super power. I don't see how you could use it as either a super hero or super villain though.

>> No.9386441

Maybe if he gets stuck in a liquor warehouse during a natural disaster with a group of children and there is nothing to drink but booze he can filter the bottles through his body and let the kids survive on his piss until they get saved

>> No.9386443

I reckon its the diet. He says he eats well when he does, the few times I have felt properly ill after long binges I have eaten really shit food throughout with loads of salt and carbs so I think that must have something to do with it.

>> No.9386461
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>> No.9386473

H-how did you come up with such a plot in 2 minutes?

>> No.9386487

First day sober m8 my mind is going very fast

>> No.9386545
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How y'all's livers doing?

Anyone here drinking milk whey for recovery? Did docs suggest you this

>> No.9386560

I suspect I'll soon regret having seen this video.
If I can do this with vodka when I wake halfway through the night in withdrawal, I'll be able to get straight back to sleep and my life will become so much more comfy.
Going to try it tomorrow. Will report back if I'm not dead.

>> No.9386570

who drinking debt here? Just about 10 hours of work worth of debt desu

>> No.9386577

Normal chug isn't fast enough for you? Seems easier to just do it conventionally than deepthroat a pound of liquid half asleep in the dark.

>> No.9386582

I like your style man...

>> No.9386590

I don't think I have anything to say

>> No.9386646
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What exactly makes people into alcoholics? I've never drank other than a few times myself

>> No.9386647

I know the feel...

>> No.9386665
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It's an ambivalent sort of feel

>> No.9386679

is this the real alcoholism general?

>> No.9386702
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this. A bargain


It's mad how much the 0.001% spend. Kim Jong Un apparently used to have fresh seawater pumped into a swimming pool every morning in which he'd bathe.

>> No.9386706


>> No.9386794

being misunderstood or alienated by greater society

>> No.9386913

who /cheapvodkaandgoodbeer/ here

>> No.9386919

Drugs, booze and decent food aren't cheap. Also can't resist the occasional girl from girlsfromparadise.com , but normally just end up with a bit of foreplay and getting high/drunk together. Can't even be bothered with sex if I have to use a rubber, and like fuck am I risking barebacking a callgirl. If she lets me, she lets others. Nope.
Yeah. Anyway...
Approximately 34 thousand pounds in debt :^)
Past caring. Used to literally vomit with fear when I thought about my finances. As long as I have food and shelter though I've concluded, debt is ultimately just a number on a screen. Who fucking cares.

>> No.9386954
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Is this man your father, anon?

>> No.9386963

i'm /cheapvodkaandcheapbeer/

>> No.9387028
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second bottle of vodka after torpedo beer. fuck. guess this is my life faggots

>> No.9387031

>tfw we're about to get hit by hurricane Irma and there's no Super Kidney Man to nourish us with his naturally filtered alcohol

>> No.9387041

This desu. Personally I have ADHD, so I find the alcomahols help slow my mind to a more "normal" speed.

I just find that my personality and subsequently my quality of life greatly improve when I'm not sober.

>> No.9387051

Fuck money man, you seem like one of those people who would be better off just going out into the woods and making your life for yourself.

>> No.9387056

A good contrast after that drunkard Yeltsin

>> No.9387061
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>drinking and drugging yourself to death
>scared of hooker cooties

>> No.9387063


>> No.9387071
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Boris was /ourguy/ though. A real boozehound.

>> No.9387072

I drank a third of a bottle of Jim Beam yesterday

>> No.9387115
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There's just something about disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms which makes me want to run screaming towards the nearest cliff and jump off head-first. Absolutely fucking disgusting, the shit those little fuckers can do to the human body. Always panic and have a broad-spectrum STD test after drunkfucks.

>> No.9387116

Drinking turned me gay

>> No.9387143

Oh shit I just realised.
I don't know what's happening with Misha Mayfair and Smirnoffbro, if I'm not mistaken on this mysterious Misha, but >>9386441 is a somewhat sound porn plot/entire scenario.

>Absolutely fucking disgusting, the shit those little fuckers can do to the human body.
Far less than chemicals. Have you experienced withdrawals or DT?

>> No.9387167

Come over to my place for a beer?

>> No.9387221
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I still remember back when I didn't drink on weekdays
Back when I used to have a social life and even a girl that loved me

It never really goes away does it, the desire to have someone say that everything will work out every now and then
Someone to be intimate with
Someone who appreciates you for who you are

>> No.9387250

>experienced WD/DT?
Yeah. All of it, Anon. Alcohol has put me into a damn coma. Nearly blind in one eye and sight is shit in the other, due to brain lesions. Kindling is a fucker after 23 years of drinking. 6 hours without alcohol and I go into withdrawal, so my brain is ruined. Can't even sleep through the night without needing a drink at least once. I'm only awake now because I'm withdrawing, waiting for the vodka I just drank to kick in.
The rest of my internal organs are in astonishingly good condition, which I put down to diet, as was suggested by another anon ITT. I haven't eaten junk food or complex carbs in 16 years, aside from time spent in prison. Gaps.me is the reason I'm alive, I'm convinced of it.

Regardless, there's something about the diseases caused by parasites which fucking horrifies me. It's probably because I spend so much time in hospital, in a state of hyper-awareness thanks to WD, on wards filled with dying people. Some of the shit I've seen, good Christ it's so disgusting. I've woken up next to the corpses of people with whom mere hours earlier I'd been conversing. I've seen someone die from his pus-filled lungs spontaneously collapsing in a crackhouse. I've... ugh, I don't want to talk about the shit I've seen. I think I have PTSD. Rational or not, chemical damage I can handle. Parasitic growths/deformities I cannot.

I've spoken on and off with misha online for something like 8 years. Found her on /b/ forever ago, recognised that she was mildly insane, and as an almost entirely insane person I found that to be very attractive. I love girls who are nice, but a little bit crazy. She's just an online friend who I happen to think is nice. And for whom I am determined to one day cook a delicious meal. Before locking us both in my bedroom for a week and... uh, making her blush.

>> No.9387267

You better taper. When I was living at home I had a few mutli-day benders when they left, it was pretty obvious shit went down when I just stopped cold turkey and was going through withdrawal once they got home

>> No.9387272

I have PTSD from child abuse and abandonment. I also have a different diagnosed mental disorder. Haven't drank in 4 days because of gastritis and want to fucking kill myself.

>> No.9387283


smirnoffbro I feel you and drink the same fuck.

>> No.9387288

I hope we both die so sweetytly.... fucking hell please

>> No.9387329

If you're going down the alchie route, you're going to die a horrific death in a lot of pain, everyone will hate you and your life will have been a disastrous mess. Sorry dude. No dying peacefully in your sleep if you can't stay on the wagon. Just the way it is. Fucking heroin is safer if you've a clean, stable source and are able to stay within safe dose parameters.

>> No.9387338

t. jelly nigger that got raped by a functional alcoholic

>> No.9387343

Smirnoffbro your story intrigues me. I need to know more about you. Can you tell me a short life story or anything? Like a Wikipedia article?

>> No.9387358

How do we get shoenice to join al/ck/? I'd love to drink with that dude.
The terminal-stage is gonna be just as horrible, dude. Plus I can only imagine that being a functional alc is very difficult, especially when you get older and you start physically falling to pieces.

>> No.9387364

more than zero alcoholics have lived into their 80s

>> No.9387368

I have adhd also and i gotta agree with the slowing down part. even after one shot i feel infinitely more slow down and focused. alcohol never makes me feel good though just more normal. only time i can say i honestly felt happy was when i took the entire bottle of adderall the doc perscribed me at once.

>> No.9387380

I've done so a couple of times before in some detail. Bit too tired now. It's 3.30am and my last couple of chugs are sending me to sleep.
Tl;dr I was a total dropout at school, zero qualifications, lived in a car for a while, learned web design in the late 90's while sleeping on friends' couches, built porn sites, made enough money to buy a house, property value exploded, have been drunk and drugged ever since, paid for by various online crap like cryptocurrencies, daytrading, selling on eBay - anything/everything. If I get into too much debt due to my numerous addictions, I sell my house and move to a smaller one. I will die in a tent drinking from an illegal still, but as long as I'm drunk, I'm ok with that.

>> No.9387435

Fucking hell. 4th day sober and 8th day of unemployment and I'm struggling to find a reason not to go buy a bottle.

I've got nothing to do and all I can think about is getting drunk.

>> No.9387450

Everyone here can relate to this, I imagine.
I can almost never get past 9 days. Maybe once every 5 years or so.

>> No.9387456
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>> No.9387469

>toxic liquid that burns, taste like shit ,destroys your body and ruins your life
>makes you feel comfy and happy


>> No.9387482

So you just enjoy getting plowed on the reg? For what reason? I heard talks of oneitis but it may not be you. I'm just curious.

>> No.9387499
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lost my gf....

>> No.9387506
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What is a "normal" amount/rate of drinking?

>> No.9387512

A couple of beers or glasses of wine.

Maybe twice that once every 2-3 weeks on the weekend.

>> No.9387516

does anyone want a picture of what she looks like?

>> No.9387529

Why is it I can drink a load but play a racing game and always come in first?
I'm fucked up, yet I can race and be first in video games.

>> No.9387569
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I had my first drink when I was 5. First got properly drunk aged 11. Began drinking daily aged 15. The reasons are numerous and hugely convoluted, but when I was young, they were primarily caused by anxiety.
Ten years ago I experienced something horrific, about which I struggle to acknowledge to myself, let alone speak. At that point I began drinking around 70cl of vodka every day, starting from the moment I woke.
Tolerance gradually increased, but yeah, in 2011 I was hit with a severe case of oneitis. My tolerance rose from around 1L/day, to 1.4-2.1, and there have now been two occasions on which it's possible that I drank as much as 3.5L in 24hrs. Can't remember. This on top of heroin, Peruvian fish scale coke, home-made hyper-pure crack, benzos, DMT, LSD, meth, psilocybin, MDMA, butane... just... anything, and all in insane doses. 40 grams of shrooms at once, 20 bags of crack and smack daily, 5 x 150ug blotters, enough 84% purity MDMA that my heart stopped beating, etc etc. All while drunk. I've OD'd on heroin, fent, MDMA, diazepam and fuck knows how many other things. Even when in hospital or prison, I very very rarely spend more than an hour sober.
My oneitis is at last beginning to dissipate however. She's married now. As long as she's happy, I can live with that.
Fuck me, this is too depressing.
I think you get the idea.

Vodka and benzos are kicking in. If I don't fall asleep I might be able to elaborate. I'm sure we all have problems though. Bet there are people here worse off than me, so maybe I should stop whinging.

I'm really tired and really wasted. Feel like I'm blogrambling and still not really conveying anything worth posting. Sorry for the tl;dr.

>> No.9387586

Obviously yes

>> No.9387593

Burned through a handle of vodka yesterday, spent all day puking and shaking today. Wish the nervousness/anxiety from acute withdrawl would fuck off

>> No.9387600

3.5L in 24 hours jesus christ

>> No.9387634

Jesus fuck dude, I thought I had a tolerance for drugs, but you've got me crushed, snorted and shat out. My all-time limit was 32 hits of LSD, a half-ounce+ of pot, and a half-gallon of 90-proof bourbon in one sitting.

At this point, I binge drink between a half-gallon and a gallon of bourbon in the span of two or three days, then lay off for a day or two.

>> No.9387645

holy shit

what was 32 hits like? did reality just warp away? flashbacks?

>> No.9387660

I'm not proud of it. I hate alcohol more than anything in the known universe, but yeah, I've properly dedicated a huge portion of my life to drugs and alcohol. I've done everything from home-brewing, to extracting poisonous DMT from locally-growing reed grass (don't do that, kidney killer), stopping breathing with a bag of butane over my mouth and staying awake for a solid week on meth.
32 hits sounds fucking mental. 40 grams of psilocybin made me simply black the fuck out.
Are you this guy?

>> No.9387688

I feel like vinegar.

>> No.9387776

Not as much as you'd think. After a certain threshold, you hit maximum trip and all you get out of megadoses is extended duration, not more intensity. Plus tolerance and quality plays into it. At the time I had a pretty solid tolerance (had tripped in the past week). I've tripped harder on 10 hits when my tolerance was down for going without for months.

I think I've heard of that DMT recipe from an Uncle Fester book. Phalarys grass, right? That's a shame to hear, I always wanted to try that one. And no, that's not me, but being a dealer was exactly why I was dropping 30 at a time.

What can I say, back in the 90s shit was so cheap you could practically take baths in it. I was buying 10 sheets (100 hits per sheet) for $600, flown overnight from Cali. The ten hits thing with no tolerance is pretty close to what he's talking about. That had me near-paralyzed in bed for nearly 18 hours straight. I could move, but I didn't was I was in a completely fucking hallucinatory world, zooming around planets of pure energy, communing with aliens and spirits and lightning bolts and shit.

>> No.9387823


>> No.9387825

>uncle fester
Yeah, reed canary grass. It contains gramine, which will eat your kidneys alive. Last time SWIM checked though, it was still legal to buy mimosa hostilis root bark, which is absolutely loaded with DMT and the extraction is easy.
Used to love me sum DMT in medium doses. The hallucinations are absolutely incredible, a hundred times more vivid than lsd or psilocybin, without the loss of self-control I get on shrooms or the inescapable duration of lsd. 20 mins of incredible hallucinations followed by like an hour of generally feeling euphoric.
I overdid it a couple of times though. 'Breaking through' I'd achieved, which consisted largely of my feeling incredibly confused, seeing colours as shapes (don't ask me to better explain that, I cannot) and being amazed by the fact that I had hands. Having achieved the whole 'breaking through' thing though I decided to push it harder.
Really, fucking, hard.
I vaped 250mg in one hit.

Everything was triangles.
I'll say it again. Simply: everything was triangles. This is as good an explanation as you're going to get, of the experience I had.

I 'came to' covered in vomit, gasping for breath.

Love DMT in medium doses, but probably won't ever use it again. It's VERY harsh on the lungs, legit like inhaling burning plastic, and it smells like DEATH.

Going to stick to benzos, weed and booze, I think.

>> No.9387879

Anybody got tips for dealing with reflux? It's manageable if I don't drink, but most weekends I wake up at 7-8am and I start binge drinking immediately until I pass out anywhere from 12-3am. Eating definitely makes it worse, but regardless, the burning sensation of my stomach acids pushing there way up my throats is nearly unbearable at times. Pepcid alone used to do the trick, but recently I've had to add pepto to the mix when it's really bad.

>> No.9387896

Sodium bicarbonate works wonders for me

>> No.9387922

Don't start drinking on an empty stomach
Eat carbs with lots of fibre before you start drinking: 4 slices of wholegrain toast with vegemite/marmite for example
Avoid sugars and caffeine before drinking
Avoid acidic drinks like soda and juice when drinking if possible, if not definitely don't consume them prior to drinking
Watch for foods that give you acid reflux even without drinking. If I have pizza while drinking anything more than a few beers I'm getting acid reflux
If you're getting hardcore acid reflux while drinking take two heaping teaspoons of baking soda and add them to a glass of water. Stir the shit out of it and drink as much of the awful concoction as you can, always provides some relief for me

>> No.9387928

Will be trying it this weekend. Thanks.

>> No.9387940

If I could JUST stop pissing on everything. That's all I really need from life at this moment.

>> No.9387967

Had a room mate walk into the kitchen shitfaced and piss in the dishwasher like it was perfectly fuckin normal.

>> No.9388160

I need to go get a drink. Just got back from the psych, she scrambled me up real good

>> No.9388282

>Feel like I'm blogrambling and still not really conveying anything worth posting
Not at all mate, its interesting getting some insight into the people that post here and what led them to the point that they are at now. Funnily enough, I would wager that a lot of us have similar stories (albeit with varying quantities) - I know I do. I try not to think about my end game too much and where I will end up, but it won't be sober. Main focus at the moment is to keep my income steady and not let my tolerance get too stupid. Getting drunk is the only thing I enjoy in life and I don't want that to be taken away.

Would be pretty cool if others share their stories too. Aside from the few named anons there must be quite a few who post here regularly like myself.

>> No.9388349
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Alcoholbros teach me how to tolerate the taste of brandy. One sip and my throat burns. Within 4 shots and I will puke everything I ate/drank.

>> No.9388362

Get lost Todd I won't buy your games

>> No.9388378

I don't know how people do this shit. I'm 30 and I've gotten drunk plenty of times, a few I even blacked out. I've never pissed anywhere weird, and I never pissed the bed.

>> No.9388383

>not having dedicated pissbowl and shitkettle

>> No.9388454

Ugh, the overwhelming feeling of depression, dread and terror I feel deep inside my chest the moment I wake, followed by the panic and "oh god no" moments when remembering the retarded drunken shit I did last night, then the horror of realising you're out of booze, and the nightmarish pukewalk to the shops and back once you've gathered enough pennies.
Like Groundhog Day in hell.

>> No.9388468

I've had a pissbottle for a few months now. I'm desperately trying to avoid going the road of a dedicated shitkettle, but I'm scared I'm not far off...

>> No.9388746

3-4th day is the worst. It get better, slowly, after that.

You should tell her she's messing you up.

>Would be pretty cool if others share their stories too.
My story is crap.

>> No.9388826

dude, come drink whith me

>> No.9388856

fucking shit how boring sobriety is.

gonna take that walk in the rain 6 km..

>> No.9388927

Does anyone have any experiences with SSRIs?

>> No.9388949

They get me into trouble. I drink more, become confident to the point of becoming aggressive and the withdrawal is a vicious little shit. Weeks of nightmares, twitches, electric-shock-type sensations in my head and eyes, mood swings, lethargy, nausea, headaches; all sorts.
Having said that, depression/anxiety/whatever can be dangerous, and they can help with those things. If you're desperate, while the truth is that you're only exchanging one set of problems for another, they can sometimes be helpful. Just don't expect to swallow a pill and find your life to be perfect. Use with caution.

>> No.9388972

Oh and forget about sex. Most of the SSRIs I've taken have resulted in it being near impossible to achieve orgasm. The sexual desire remains and you'll have no problem getting hard, but it used to take me like 2-3 weeks to cum. I got dangerously close to sexually assaulting girls out of absolute fucking desperation for the sexual urges to just fuck off and leave me alone. SSRIs may well give you the obnoxious confidence you'd need to do such a thing to a girl, and the sheer desperation to just stop your balls from trolling you with desire, might overwhelm your better judgment.

>> No.9389007

Nah man. Thank you, and didn't mean to get you all sad. It just intrigues me.

>> No.9389037

Does it treat boredom and hopelessness like alcohol does?

>> No.9389052
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>pissing rain outside
>just back from the shop with vodka and whisky
>no obligations for the rest of the week
>sticking lord of the rings on and letting it all wash over me
Who here /comfy/?

>> No.9389077
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Hard to properly explain exactly how it affects you, but tl;dr just kills most emotions, whether they be good or bad. You're a fucking zombie with a hard on. A dangerous creature indeed.
How can I put this...

You won't care about the fact that you don't care. You'll do things on a whim, regardless of consequences.

That's a halfway decent description of what's to be expected. Don't underestimate the drug. You'll still have some lingering, irritating emotions and desires. Sexual needs and violence being amongst the most common. You will not be your normal self, you'll be capable of things you weren't previously. Just look into the case of poor little 15yo Alyssa Bustamante, and the even less fortunate, 9yo victim of Alyssa's forced Prozac usage.

>> No.9389080

I just got fired from a 73k USD a year job. Been there since I was 17 (29 now).

Fuck my fucking life. I cant wait to die

>> No.9389103

I felt more joy from the hangover abating than the buzz when pretty fuggin drunk last night.
But my last bottle of brew is empty and the call of the 7/11 is near.
I am also broke.

>> No.9389206

For boozing?

>> No.9389234

For failing 2 drug tests in less then 6 months (diazepam)

>> No.9389271
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I fucking made it

>> No.9389295

Move house.



>> No.9389322

We're online buddies of sorts.

I think the online hookup genre is pretty saturated or maybe I'd be inspired to produce something.

Fuck, how did you survive? How was your mental state the next few days?

>> No.9389325

ate some uncooked chicken in a salad for lunch by accident and took afternoon off work in preparation for the vomiting and shitting

cant decide whether to drink or not
ill feel crap regardless but do i waste the alcohol...

>> No.9389354

If we can meet in public first. Not saying I'm gonna fuck you tho.

>> No.9389443


sometimes you get tired of drinking piss at 4.5% from shop, And norway is a bugger when you live at the countryside

Should start fixing my own shit, atleast wine, shit gets you drunk.

>> No.9389461
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hey /ck/, 2 days ago i went ridin round on me bike just for fun. anyways i came across a street that was littered with citrus trees on the nature walk and where i live its legal to harvest these, and no one else had fuckin touched them at all. so i took about 10 kumquats and 10 oranges and a couple lemons.

was thinking of making some fresh juice tomorrow as the oranges are very sweet and will go well with the kumquat i think and the lemon will be nice ZING. does anyone have any suggestions? was also thinking marmalade but the recipe i saw said it took a few days to filter/strain etc not really wanting to do that, just want some juice or something, they been off the tree for 2 days now.

pic related

also does the oblong looking one look like akumquat? i googled around and appears to be a kumquat based on its characteristsics but i aint sure desu never had a kumquat

also posting here because australia is banned from posting atm

>> No.9389529


gay ass fail

>> No.9389531

i think im gonna make lemonade looks easy, ive haerd canning can be dangerous and i dont have glass jars or anything

>> No.9389534

What's worse?
Having no alcohol in the house or having only one or 2 beers to drink for the night?

>> No.9389537

considering the thread im in maybe ill make a little cocktail with the some of the juice and this rum ive had in my fridge since new years. i really dont drink sry

>> No.9389541

2 beers will take the top of withdrawals.

>> No.9389542

one or two beers, because you're going to drink them and it won't do anything for you and just make you want more.

>> No.9389554

If dependent: nothing. If non-physically dependent binge drinking disorder: two beers.

>> No.9389563

Oh I just read this properly. Erm, that would be illegal. Replace kiddies with teens??

>> No.9389578

Sort yourself out idiot.

>> No.9389580

I've been trying to for years.

>> No.9389592

I'm not sure it's yet tremendously likely to happen irl, I don't know that we should call the FBI quite yet, it may, just may,
have been simply hypothetical

>> No.9389598

I get you don't worry.

>> No.9389606

ITT: Alcoholics finding new lows

>> No.9389612

i havent had a drink in over 6 fuckin months m8 im not alcoholic

actually been more like 4 weeks but im no fucking alcoholic i just see this as an active thread and thought some drunk fuck might take some sort of joy in helping me. but i guess none of u cook u come to /ck/ just to talk about alcohlism i guess? seems like more of an /r9k/ topic desu

>> No.9389620

I have a feeling my post wasn't directed at you specifically.
If you have a problem, use this thread to talk about it, not to encourage idiotic behavior.

>> No.9389626

i decided im making lemonade now dw

>> No.9389629

So you're saying I shouldn't chew on Purell hand wipes to suck the juice out if I have the shakes?

>> No.9389635

Why not just have a nice cold beer instead?

>> No.9389640

actually if im making "orange-kumquat-2 lemons lemonade" do i need to add as much sugar as with just traditional lemonade? actually fuck it ill just taste test it while im cooking it

>> No.9389661

>actually fuck it ill just taste test it while im cooking it

That is always the answer.

>> No.9389710

Boredom for me.

>> No.9389818

>Almost 100k Canacuck monopoly dollars for one of these

It would take me six years of saving every penny I made to buy this, not accounting for the fact that they only ship to the UK. With that money I'd have enough for a down payment on pretty much any house in my area at a good interest rate.

Goddamn. I wonder what it tastes like...

>> No.9389843

okay going out on faggot day... fuck

>> No.9389888

Don't mix with alcohol. It fucks with your brain, make you more depressed.
Take 7-14 days to start working properly, meanwhile your brain is balancing the new chemical mix and you may be worse. (Instructions state an increased risk of suicide.)

Only took me a few hours of intense fucking to cum on antidepressant. It's better with fapping, since I don't get out of breath first.
Sounds like you had a rather powerful molecule. There are softer ones.
It depends on person to person too...

I'm not into pissplay, so I don't really want this to actually be shot, it's just that the plot is as ridiculous as some porn, and Smirnoffbro is friend with a legal porn actress, so I pointed that out.
Thinking about it, pissplay (and squirting) in poarn is banned in the UK.

>> No.9389907

Everything is banned in the UK. Few pay attention to laws any more.

>> No.9389911

>Don't mix with alcohol. It fucks with your brain, make you more depressed.

Fuck, that's not good.
But maybe this will push me to quit drinking

>> No.9389932
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I never drink rum. How should I just besides straight?

>> No.9389971
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>> No.9389973

Nobody cares. Mix it with sloth piss. If you've got ethanol in your veins, job done.

>> No.9390000

i make shooters with 20ml of lime juice and 30ml of rum

>> No.9390179

>parents stocked up on water, beer and food for hurricane
>drinking a mikes hard that i made harder with vodka

>> No.9390185


inside i would hope to get swept away

>> No.9390227
File: 8 KB, 253x199, All_i_see_is_this_bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make this a /ck/ banner plis

>> No.9390247

I'm mid bullshit into a shit storm, not stopping?????????? girl from strore" oh are you ok now" "yeah that was yesterday" "that was this moring"

>> No.9390252
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>> No.9390265

Get your goddamn shit together, jesus christ.

>> No.9390270

I hope none of you faggots and bitches are parents.

>> No.9390297
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now stopping it now

>> No.9390313
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I've got 3 young children. Used to have 4.
My youngest daughter died when I accidentally ran over her while backing out of the driveway a few years back, I was of course Drunk.

>> No.9390319

I dont like this post :(

>> No.9390324

t. father of the year

>> No.9390325

This better be b8

>> No.9390348

Leave him alone.

Sir, I am so fucking sorry. I've made horrific mistakes too. You are not the only one. There is nothing you can do to take it back. I hope you some day feel forgiven for this tragedy. Good luck anon.

>> No.9390353

Leave Adalia Rose alone :(

>> No.9390355

Fuck that, if that is true then it is the worst thing that I have ever read on here and that is saying something.

>> No.9390357

>accidentally ran over her while backing out of the driveway a few years back
Speed bumps don't usually scream, anon

>> No.9390374

El oh el

>> No.9390394

There is no forgiveness for this kind of shit.

>> No.9390420

Well then, lets hope you never find yourself in a similar position, and that on the petrifying condition that you do, the life-ruining accident is not rubbed repeatedly in your face, by viciously heartless, sadistic apathy from morons on the internet.

>> No.9390423

I'm pouring out some a my 40 for dat little hoe, rip

>> No.9390429

reminder that if you have children and force them to endure your alcoholism you are the biggest of faggots and should kill yourself

>> No.9390431

Call me what you want, anon
It's still your goddamn responsibiltiy

>> No.9390436

>the life-ruining accident is not rubbed repeatedly in your face, by viciously heartless, sadistic apathy from morons on the internet.
He didn't have to post it
He posted it on an anon imageboard
Replies are pretty reasonable considering
If true, that is one of the worst things that he could ever do and it was entirely his fault

Just leave.

>> No.9390460

I've been staying with friends and actively engaged in social shit instead of just being a NEET and posting here all day.
Just woke up from a nap and am about to say hey to my family, and then go buy another few 1.75s.
I'm ready to get ma'afuckin COMFY for Irma, I should probably go buy some water.

>> No.9390461

>and it was entirely his fault
Well she shouldn't of been out playing behind the car

>> No.9390465

I'm actually thinking of renting a hotel room for a few days and trying to get my money back if the power goes out. Is that fucking stupid, or am I crafty?

>> No.9390471

You mean the car that he shouldn't have been anywhere near because he was drunk?

>> No.9390476

How bad is it going to be? They ran a quick news story on it here in the UK which made it out to be pretty bad, but that was all we got. Reckon it will be worse than Harvey? Hope you lads are ok

>> No.9390494

Whatever, kiddo

>> No.9390495

Drunk faggots will always try to justify themselves.

>> No.9390503

>those who are suffering need to be punished, MORE PAIN is the cure
I can't even...

>> No.9390517

What do you want me to say? Its ok, it wasnt your fault, accidents happen?

He drunkenly ran over and killed his daughter. What the actual fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.9390524

As opposed to what, torturing someone who's already clearly in serious need of help? Bet that'll end well. What all unhappy people need is some torture to cheer then up.

>> No.9390532

Drinking tea tonight and actually not feeling like shit, had a great day.

>> No.9390533

No one tortured him, they said it was a horrific event that he was responsible for. Which is true.

>> No.9390543

Didn't know about al/ck/ threads until after I got dry, but I have to say they're good at doing what AA (supposedly) tries and fails at, from my perspective.

>> No.9390548

>tfw no enabling alcoholic gf

>> No.9390554

You sound like someone who has done something equally as bad or close and you still can't admit that you fucked up and don't deserve forgiveness.

Only God might forgive something like that. You need to understand that. The people you hurt, and others... they will never forgive you. Not truly. They will never accept you. So you need to live with that burden now. It's okay that nobody will forgive you. You are still alive, and may still have time to make amends, if you truly care. If you truly care, you won't care that they will all hate you.

>> No.9390561

>finishing a sentence with a preposition
>being 12
>torturing the tortured
>making society unhappy
Trying not to be angry.

>> No.9390570

>not addressing any opposing points
>twisting what has been said to fit your narrative

>>making society unhappy
Got me there

>> No.9390574

Oh I see, you're from >>>/pol/
Ok carry on, cbf.

>> No.9390577

Canacuck here... is it true that it's going to hit Texas and that area just after Harvey? That's rough.

>> No.9390592

Just bought s liter of vodka on my break. Gonna drink some tonight and regret it in the morning. I literally went to shops, came back to work then went back out. Absolutely mind boggling. 3 more hours until I can get comfy tho.

>> No.9390604

You guys ever think of ending it all

>> No.9390613
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>> No.9390643

It's looking like it's going to fuck up south Florida pretty bad. It's no harvey but it's still a catagorey 5. It'll probably dissipate after it hits land but I'm in central Florida and we're pretty worried.
It's projected to head north after it hits land, so I think Texas might be safe for this one.

>> No.9390670

It will hit France (oversea territories) hard.
There is another one forming up right behind, but it looks small.

>> No.9390722

That's good then. Was worried my Texbros would get fucked up.

>> No.9390725

Post the nudes, I want to see her face looking back into the camera while she's bent over with her ass in full view, profile of tits.

>> No.9390727
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>when you're screaming in pain but there's nobody left to hear it

>> No.9390740

>when you're deliriously screaming in the ER and everyone there has seen it all and just thinks you're a bitch

>> No.9390751

How do you guys cope seeing successful people that you grew up with? I am alright most of the time, but when I see that and realise what a fuck up I am it really floors me.

>> No.9390756

What you need to do is just hold on to your real friends if you have any. Aside from that, I guarantee you that these "successful" people you're talking about have real fucked up shit going on in their lives. Most people just hide it as hard as they can because they're so concerned about conforming to society, not trying to sound like an edgy cunt I'm just being serious.

>> No.9390767

As a Dreamer watching fucking Trump put a stop to DACA is hitting me hard.
I have no future now.
I'm finishing off a bottle and Tequila,bthen I'm gonna pass out and hope it was all a dream.
Fucking orange asshole

>> No.9390776


>> No.9390792

So one of my back teeth just fell out.

>> No.9390815

>two days sober feel energetic and healthy
>third day the thirst comes back


>> No.9390826

That's why the British navy used to have limes with their rum.

>> No.9390829
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>> No.9390838

Kek good riddance

>> No.9390851

Rip in peace Enrique

>> No.9390860

You sir, are an asshole.

>> No.9390864

t. Bean burrito

>> No.9390865


>> No.9390884


>> No.9390907

Scurvy due to vitamin C deficiency.

>> No.9390937

Careful, bro. You'll trigger the /pol/ack Drumpfkins. I know there are probably some of the losers here in al/ck/.

>> No.9390951

You have to go back

>> No.9390969

Sorry for your loss but illegal is illegal. Respect for the Rule of Law needs to return in this country. I don't have anything against you as a human being but the country needs this.

>> No.9390981

This is why free healthcare is a joke. Cheap healthcare or heavily subsidized healthcare I can get behind. But charging $0 for medical treatment is stupid and will eventually bring about the downfall of every country that implements it. You have to incentivize health to have healthy citizens.

And before anyone points at Americans as a counter know that things would be much worse here with the free healthcare.

I wonder if there's a way to have different pricing for lifestyle diseases. Like an insurance that covers everything that isn't self inflicted.

>> No.9390990

You were always gay then and didn't want to admit it because of the terms of old society.

>> No.9390996

Why are gays so aggressively degenerate people that will fuck any male that moves if they can?

>> No.9391000

My uncle did this but instead it was just a puppy he had bought for his kids, dumb motherfucker peeled out of his driveway without looking and tagged the poor doggo. They still resent him for it over a decade later, and imo for good reason

>> No.9391009


ADHD combined with boredom. It takes a lot for me to get drunk nowadays but I almost feel more focused when at least buzzed. Like anon said it slows my mind down and lets me narrow down on one thing instead of thinking on three to four things at the same time and doing those inefficiently. Been thinking of doing small doses of weed or CBD drops for the same purpose. I always feel on edge otherwise.

>> No.9391019

Does becoming a temporary alcoholic count?

I'm starting my first real job in 10 days. After 7 years of uni and internships I'm completely scared of working full-time. The job I found is nice and provides decent income & loads of opportunities, but still I'm scared. Third night in a row I'm getting hammered while I still can, watching some twitch untill I pass out while i stll can

>> No.9391027

I really don't want your self worth to go up if it means even a marginal reduction in your chances of recovery but dude you can write better fucked up better than I can sober with multiple edits. But also fuck you for the story because it makes me feel good about my relatively tame alcoholism.

>> No.9391038

They literally are this bad. I have NEVER met a gay yet that hasn't tried to fuck me, relentlessly, no matter how much I tell him I am NOT a faggot.

Gays are all degenerate perverts and should be treated as such.

>> No.9391040

That's just called a bender m8

>> No.9391048

i've got a gay friend who came out 2 years ago. he was a compulsory liar beforehand, now that he admits his gayness he is a real nice guy. Must be hard keeping a secret for that long. Love it when he makes people like you uncomfortable.

True. disregard my post pls.

>> No.9391055

Relatively certain that I went through withdrawals for the first time last week. I drank pretty heavily 5 out of 7 days for various reasons and the two that I didn't I had turbo anxiety. I already get panic attacks from general anxiety but holy shit it was bad this time around. For almost an entire day I felt like I was on the verge of a heart attack.

Is this pretty run of the mill? Idk. I just like to booze it up. I don't ever feel like I need it though. In the last week I only had a few beers golfing and I'm not feening or anything. Am I at the fork in the road?

It's fucking with me now. Cool.

>> No.9391058
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>unable to do things as well as I could a couple of years ago
>feeling physically ill
>mentally tired
time to drink I guess

>> No.9391063
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Relapsed for the 3rd time is there any hope?

>> No.9391072

>I love it when my "friend" is constantly trying to fuck anyone and everyone like a perverted madman unable to control his dick


>> No.9391087

Sure mate, three times is not that much. Plenty of people relapse dozens of times before gettig their shit straight.

Not that there should be no sense of urgency, but you certainly shouldn't give up.

>> No.9391111


>> No.9391120

Why do you need to quit forever? Look at it this way, time you have a week off before relapsing again, you're giving your body and mind a week's worth of rest. Even if you keep relapsing until the day you die, you are still drinking less.

>> No.9391129

Except takibg kindling into consideration this might be worse.

>> No.9391138

If you're drinking constantly you'll suffer kindling anyway even while drinking.

>> No.9391161

Find an alanon meeting, steal someone's enabling cumsocket, and convince her to drink with you. Easy.

>> No.9391167

Yo what the fuck is an alanon meeting i see the ads all the time but know nothing about them,

>> No.9391172

A meeting for anons named Al

>> No.9391176

Fuck i wish my name was Al

>> No.9391180

Then your wife would be a big hair skank named Peg

>> No.9391194
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You're saying it like it's a bad thing.

>> No.9391197

That's not what I meant but it'll work just as well

>> No.9391205
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Sorry wrong pic

>> No.9391216

no more than two drinks a day, at least one or two days a week off, no more than five drinks on special occasions.

>> No.9391217

big HAIR, not FEET

>> No.9391219

If you want something also as comfy, try watching the special features/behind the scenes after a couple drinks.

>> No.9391258

>no more than five drinks on special occasions
I don't know, I'd say it's not that unusual to drink up to 10 drinks on special occasions. Some younger people drink that every weekend.

>> No.9391267

>redefining the boundaries of normalcy to specific binge drinking demographics to justify your own boozing


>> No.9391374


Exactly the same. Decided no drinking during the week until I start making more money.
Ran out of Diet Dr. Pepper today, need to get some more to distract from the thirst.
Wondering how sloshed I'll get on Friday...

>> No.9391387


Careful dude, started that last week of uni and kept it going into my new job. Thought I'd stop for work but found out it's really quite easy to get home and get moderately drunk day after day

>> No.9391474


When I was 18-19 I could drink like a third of a 750ml bottle of 80-proof vodka and be absolutely trashed. Though I was like 140 pounds at 6'1" back then, so I imagine that made a difference.

I'm about 185 pounds now at 23, and I basically have to drink an entire 750 bottle to be at the point of blackout.

>> No.9391535 [DELETED] 

How do I prevent my drinking from becoming a problem? I honestly don't drink often (once every three days maybe) but I do enjoy it a lot and am worried I will be too weak to stop a spiral.

>> No.9391539
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>> No.9391557



>> No.9391560
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>> No.9391574

6/10 with beer googles on

>> No.9391576
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>> No.9391579

why is she stalking the asian child?

>> No.9391588

kek go fuck yourself.

>> No.9391665

I wish I had this power. Kidneys are killing me still. I took 1 day off on Sunday and felt fine yesterday, so I got half drunk to check. Kidneys hurt worse than ever today. I want to just say fuck it and drink right now. I'm ready to die.

>> No.9391761
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>> No.9391902

its not worth it. switch to wine then switch to beer.

>> No.9391906

mix with Dr. Pepper

>> No.9391910

Brandy causes some helacious hangovers. It's nasty shit. Look up "congeners"

>> No.9391912

lol. you summed it up perfectly. leaving las vegas mixed with groundhog day. that would be a pretty fucked up movie.

>> No.9391916

37.5% ?

what's their excuse for that bullshit? flavored?

>> No.9391918

The colours are red white and blue i suspect American vodka.

>> No.9391923

the alcohol might help cure your system of bad bacteria (y-yeah... that's it... it will be healthy to get drunk)

>> No.9391928

yeah. they are helpful to those currently drunk and in hell and those who are sober.

>> No.9391937

I don't know if science backs this up in any way whatsoever but I can eat just about anything and it goes down without any trouble with enough alcohol.

>> No.9391988

that sucks for you but sorry buddy you're not a lawful citizen of the land and therefore have no right to live here.You had plenty of time to become a legal citizen if you wanted. What a shame.

>> No.9392043

nobody cares about me.

so it's nice to wake up to a kitchen i cleaned while blacked out or an Amazon package i don't remember ordering : )

>> No.9392046

you lose her in a canyon?

>> No.9392063

Do you think she's still alive, just missing?
Those canyons are big places

>> No.9392194
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hm. i wonder why males are acting like males? if they are gay, they are going to go after their same gender just as much as any straight male would do for the opposite gender.

>> No.9392204
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I wouldn't be an alcoholic if I was good looking

>> No.9392231


>tfw good looking before becoming an alcoholic

>> No.9392249
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Men evolved to protect women

>> No.9392281

Adderall + SSRI + vodka
Boy I'm gonna get real crazy tonight

>> No.9392292

Passed out after 400ml
Killed the last 600ml and still sober

>> No.9392312

sounds like it lad

>> No.9392315

one of the regulars where i drink hasn't shown up for the last 6 months. turns out he died a couple days ago. rest in peace bernie :(

>> No.9392320

I want to struggle snuggle women, not necessarily protect them

>> No.9392329

>13th stepping
Guaranteed case of chronic toxic dick disorder.

>> No.9392333

>Kidneys hurt
I have only recently come to know this pain.
I need to quit and to stay the fuck out of these threads.
I wish you well.

>> No.9392334
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do you fags need some attention from daddy /pol. or something? Stay in here where you belong you shit livered degenerates.

>> No.9392342

Yeah. I was drinking 75cl to 100cl of 37.5% vodka a day, I did 4 inpatient rehab and a dozen outpatient rehab, relapsed each time, still had a few benders after the last one, and now have been dry for a year.
It's possible.

>> No.9392346

>scolding at post 284 on a 300 bump limit board
very effective!
be sure to come back for the next thread, (You) might get better results

>> No.9392348

Gotta go back. Sucks but ya only have your folks to blame

>> No.9392378

She's good looking, but looks like wayyy too much of a normie. Bet she'd be boring to spend time with and that the sex would be shit.

>> No.9392458


>> No.9392493

dr pepper taste worse than brandy desu

>> No.9392497

Experienced this desu. You will puke before and after sleeping. You just want to die the day after.

>> No.9392511

lol dunno I've never had the pleasure of being intimate. I was "fine" with that until I hit 22 now it eats me. I kinda think it affects me in a lot of ways. For example, I stop bothering having friends. I feel inhuman I'm a dead end.

>> No.9392513

Hard to imagine how you could be addicted to alcohol INSTEAD of opiates, since the latter feel SO much better, but it looks like you just like it all way too much.

Alcohol is like dirty skim milk, and a strong opiate is like the best cream there ever was. Don't quite understand, unless it's just 100% compulsion/involuntary.

>> No.9392517

Brandy is no good unless it's VSOP from a legit company (not one whose name rips off a legit company). Get Courvoisier VSOP. It's excellent and not much more than 40$.

>> No.9392571

I like alcohol more than any other drug, bar nothing. I've tried just about every recreational drug there is, usually to the point of excess in an attempt to ensure that I was enjoying it less than I enjoy alcohol, as a result of insufficient dosage as opposed to it being simply being a less-enjoyable chem. I've also tried multiple batches of every drug from multiple sources, for the same reason. I always come home to alcohol. It is my obsession.
I've been physically addicted to #4, fentanyl, tramadol, diamorphine, and crack i'd made myself; so in the purity of which I could have absolute confidence; a luxury simply never afforded to buyers on street corners, never (go ahead and try to tell me that you've had better, I fucking dare you (http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/product/sigma/c8912?lang=en&region=GB))))
I do like very powerful sativas and weed extracts, I am partial to a benzo or two, but opiates? Nah, over-rated as almighty fuck imo. I hate the insomnia and the ferocious itching, I hate that 3 days of consecutive use is sufficient to cause physical WD, I hate that it's so hard to dose safely thanks to its illegality and the resulting fluctuations in purity, I hate that to get pure shit you need to befriend a clandestine pharmacist, I hate that fucking carfentanil is showing up on Brit streets and that people are dying as a result, I hate that a friend of mine IVd heroin which contained anthrax spores having been smuggled into the country concealed inside animal hides, I hate that I've had girls in bed with me but didn't fuck them because smack annihilates my libido, I just... do not quite 'get' the heroin thing. I use it sometimes, but I can take it or leave it. No psychological addiction or craving whatsoever. Alcohol on the other hand? Fucking try to stop me. I will never stop drinking. I can't. 11.30am and I'm already drunk as fuck.

>> No.9392602
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drinking cause my oneitis told me someone she slept with over summer was in a long term relationship
the fact she's fine telling me she slept with someone makes me feel shit, I'm obviously not anywhere near a romantic prospect for her, or maybe i'm overthinking it
fucks sake i always make the same mistake over and over

>> No.9392634

What is heroin like? Some people describe it as the best high ever, hence why people fall down the rabbit hole trying to chase it again but is it really that good? I'm with you (although haven't tried as many drugs) in that alcohol is the best thing. Right atmosphere with a good buzz is just pure heaven. Only issue is tolerance but fuck that if I am drunk almost all the time anyway

>> No.9392652
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at least you have good music to keep you company

>> No.9392653

If you wanna start doing heroin, you might as well kill yourself and get it over with

>> No.9392668
File: 256 KB, 600x550, Filosofem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's your pal the tortoise doing man
I'm onto some BM now cause the mood demands it

>> No.9392678

I understand the purity/OD issues, but the side effects like itching and a bit of insomnia are nothing I think. I guess some of it is personal appeal/"personal chemistry", but it's still just hard to imagine ethanol feeling better than pharma-grade opiates, if you can remove the purity/legality etc. issues that go with opiates.

Opiates feel *directly* euphoric, whereas other drugs feel indirectly euphoric, if that makes sense. They make you feel good *because of something* (sedation (alc/benzos)/colors and sound are really vivid and everything is hilarious (LSD)), but opis just make you feel good without that *cause* in between "you" and "you feeling fucking great" if my rambling is sensible at all.

Anyway, have a good one man, take it easy--I stick to kratom most times myself to avoid all the bad shit we've been talking about.

>> No.9392681
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BM + drinking is a pretty good combination desu.

>> No.9392690

Nah I don't want to start, just curious is all. People seem to lose their lives really quickly to that shit

>> No.9392694
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Need to get into BM more, metal is always a really obnoxious genre to get into cause rateyourmusic is always full of overrated albums. you into death metal?

>> No.9392706
File: 3.15 MB, 1452x1432, 1477442054628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very true, you just have to consider RYM metal ratings as being on a different scale. lots of dorks on there who exclusively listen to/rate metal.

somewhat. dont really have any deep knowledge of it. usually can't relate to the raw aggression.

>> No.9392708

Good taste in BM my dude

>> No.9392709

Do it a few times if you have self control (have you never gotten addicted to anything else?) If you have an addictive tendency, you'll likely ruin your life though.

It does feel like heaven. Again, like all things, don't use it with any real frequency.

>> No.9392717

I'm on rundgang this is the most perfect album I've ever had for sad drinking man
I need to take acid again or something, work out these issues with relationships I have

>> No.9392720

That's the spirit

>> No.9392776

>just woke up with a terrible hangover
>eyes not even open 10 minutes before I'm drinking vodka

anyone else do this

>> No.9392829




>> No.9392965

>no silhouette
>no link to previous thread
anon pls

>> No.9392989

>no al/ck/ in subject
>no silhouette
>no link here
Christ we aren't doing well. Someone do it properly

>> No.9393084



>> No.9394581
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this is just sad