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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 167 KB, 700x662, chicken-stir-fry-meal-prep-700x662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9388917 No.9388917 [Reply] [Original]

what is this meal prep meme that is sweeping the normies

>> No.9388918

stop using words that make you look like an asshole.

>> No.9388923

thanks for contributing

>> No.9388925


Can you stomach people who use the words "meme" and "normies"? Personally, I want those fucks to end up in a woodchipper.

>> No.9388929

no, I hate them, but I'm playing to my audience here

>> No.9388932


Fair enough.

>> No.9388941

if you dont lift its not worth it.

>> No.9388953
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There is nothing wrong with prep. Work 14 hours, get 6 hours of sleep and it's back to work.

It's like Lunchables but for adults.

>> No.9388963

They're called normalfags, you newfag

>> No.9388964

That sounds awful.

>> No.9388971

Better than eating shit fast food because you have no time to cook.

>> No.9389004
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>Work 14 hours, get 6 hours of sleep
same here
>work 16 hours
>16 bux an hour
>no OT
>AG trucker
>get 5 hours of sleep because i lift
I thought Lincoln abolished slavery. reeee

>> No.9389010

All of this. Wageslaves who like to cook come up with the bright idea that they can spend part of their weekend making food in advance for most of the workweek. Which isn't so bad if you don't mind eating leftovers of the same thing day after day. Alternately you can learn ways to transform each night's dinner leftovers into lunch the next day with a few minutes' effort the next day (leftover rice becomes fried rice, leftover pasta becomes a frittata, leftover meat/fish and potatoes becomes a salad). But that requires more effort and creativity than just making a bunch of the same thing portioned out on Sunday afternoon.

>> No.9389012

>works this much, sleep this little and still lifts

you sir, are a better man than most of us

>> No.9389048

I don't understand meal prep. it's like people do it to avoid the 'chore' of cooking. I don't understand how cooking a simple, tasty and relatively healthy meal isn't an absolute joy to do every day.

>buy meat/veg in large enough quantities as to be economical
>cook them before they go bad
>eat leftovers the day after

its that easy

>> No.9389061
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It's real food that's grab and go, that's the appeal. Most people can't double-down on "the joy of cooking" due to time constraints and responsibility.

>Do I feed and walk my dogs or make a delicious from scratch chicken alfredo.

>Should I change my baby's diaper or roll this dough for a chicken pot pie.

Clearly you have very limited responsibility in life.

>> No.9389067

Or he likes cooking more than he likes dogs.

>> No.9389076

Then he should cook the dogs.

>> No.9389086
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>Everything I don't understand is a meme

>> No.9389095

personally, I like cooking but I very much value my time and hate, *hate*, how much time it takes to cook, and how much time it takes to clean up afterwards.

>> No.9389098

Why not clean up as you cook to avoid having to deal with it afterward. There's always some time while you're waiting for a pan to heat up, a pot to get to a boil, etc. Use that time to clean up.

>> No.9389101

>Most people can't double-down on "the joy of cooking" due to time constraints and responsibility.
That's a choice. You choose to watch TV or shitpost online instead of cooking. Responsibility has nothing to do with it. For most people responsibility just means embracing a shit set of priorities in hopes it will somehow pay off for them and/or their family. If you're eating grim food it's not really paying off, is it?

>> No.9389107

careful anon. you are triggering a lot of literal slaves with that one

>> No.9389125

meal prepping is pretty much just what we call "making your own damn work lunch" nowadays. If you have a normal office job you'll soon realize that lunch is a big expense (~$12) if you're eating out every day so the obvious answer is to make it yourself, and doing one big "meal prep" for the week is the logical way to do it if you're too lazy to make your lunch every day. In terms of the concept's "sweeping" of the normies - that's just social media propagating an idea that everyone can relate to

>> No.9389126
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>Responsibility has nothing to do with it.

it sure does, but as you said it's a choice and you get to chose your responsibilities to a certain degree. If you sign up for something that you know is going to take every ounce of waking time you have, it's going to be hard to cook.

and then you sometimes dont have a choice too.

>> No.9389128

>That's a choice.

This. It's all about priorties. Personally I think that preparing yourself proper meals is nearly as high a priority as it gets. It's certainly more important than luxuries or recreational activitites like pets, watching TV/movies, shitposting online, video games, sports, etc. Since diet is directly tied to both your health and your budget I have a hard time thinking of anything that's more important. Basic hygiene is really the only thing that comes to mind.

That doesn't mean you have to go nuts and cook yourself 5-course gourmet meals 3 times a day. But preparing wholesome meals is pretty high priority IMHO.

>> No.9389129

gonna lose your good boy points if you keep shitposting, anon. how will you get your extra tendies, then?

>> No.9389133
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Is meal prep really such a new thing to you guys? Have you never eaten leftovers in your whole life, or made lunch for later? Never prepared food and packed it for a picnic? Never eaten half of something, then eaten the other half the next day?
This is like those memes where people mock white people for "discovering" things later than literally everyone else.

>> No.9389138

All of those things you mention are perfectly normal. Everyone eats leftovers, makes larger meals expecting there will be some left for the next day, or prepares a bag lunch for work or food for a picnic.

But prepping and packaging the exact same meal in large quantities many days in advance? That's 'tism right there.

>> No.9389149
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I can't make a small batch of pasta sauce. That's why I have a freezer.

>> No.9389154

I bet you have a different flavour of toothpaste for each day of the week.

>> No.9389156
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>> No.9389159

>*hate*, how much time it takes to cook
A lot of good food takes time to make. If you want delicious, healthy food on a budget you have to put the time in cooking it. The same way if you want to stay strong and fit you have to work out if your job isn't physically demanding. And you have to go to work in the first place. And you have to shower, shit and do everything else you might not feel like doing. But if you cut corners on cooking you're really just screwing yourself, because you're the one who has to eat it.

>> No.9389160

What does that have to do with "prepping" like OP's pic?

When you make a big batch of pasta sauce do you pre-measure it out into a dozen little containers, each with its own serving of pre-cooked pasta that you will eat according to an exact pre-planned schedule?

Or do you just store any leftovers you end up with and re-purpose them for other dishes or eat them randomly as you feel like it, perhaps freezing some for long-term storage?

>> No.9389165

A lot of delicious healthy cooking can be done with minimal effort. There might be some hands-off time involved while the food cooks, but that's hardly effort on the cook's part.

>> No.9389173

>If you sign up for something that you know is going to take every ounce of waking time you have, it's going to be hard to cook.
No one does that. Thinking like this is just advertising telling you you're too busy to cook so you'll buy some sort of convenience food. I get that some folks have a lot less free time than others (like working parents), but almost no one has every waking hour booked, and those who do are either mentally ill or very bad at managing their time.
>you sometimes dont have a choice too.
You ALWAYS have choices. They might not seem like good choices because of whatever situation you've managed to get yourself into, but there are always choices.
This is how I cook. If you manage time in the kitchen well you might spend an hour cooking, but the meal will consist of three or four different dishes.

>> No.9389180

>pan literally heats up in 1 minute
>not doing your mis-en-place while water is coming to a boil
>not exactly syncing your differents pots and pans to be ready at the same time

I hate the clean-up afterwards, I try to do some basic cleaning during, but damn those dishes. I came to accept that the dishes are an equally important part of cooking. Still wish I had someone to do them for me though

>> No.9389192

Are you suggesting that you can't fit both mise en place AND cleanup into your waiting time?

>not exactly syncing your differents pots and pans to be ready at the same time
What does that have to do with anything? Of course you do that when you cook. Buy why would that prevent from from cleaning as you go?

Sounds like you're making excuses anon.

>> No.9389218

it's great when you want to eat healthy and cheap with minimal time investment. for many people, food is more than calories, but i'm mostly about efficiency so taste/texture is not a large concern of mine. it takes a lot of the effort out of unwinding after a work day.
recently, i've been taking myself out to a nice restaurant every other weekend to spice up my food life, this has been more than enough for me but ymmv

good man
try to make sure you sleep enough. you'll want to live long enough to see the gains from your gainz.

>> No.9389233

Drop the cash on a dishwasher. Fucking game changer. At the end of the night just take everything from the sink, load it in, push a button and you're done. The couple things you dirtied that shouldn't go in the dishwasher can be cleaned in under a minute.

>> No.9389236

*eat healthily

>> No.9389246

>taste/texture is not a large concern of mine.
Plenty of folks eat a turkey sandwich on white bread every fucking day. Whatever works. I made my choices so I make a little less money than I could, but have more leisure time than most. I spend a good chunk of that cooking because I like it and it allows me to eat veryfuckingwell for very little $$.

>> No.9389259

This. I put my dirty cookware directly into the dishwasher as I cook. At the end of my meal I put my dirty plates & silverware in there too, then run it.

Wash my good knife and cutting board by hand, then that's it. Done with very little effort.

And dishwashers don't have to be expensive. When I moved into my current house, 16 years ago, I bought the 2nd cheapest model I could get. So far it's still running great. The only problem with it is a little rust here and there on the rack inside but that doesn't harm anything.

>> No.9389264
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, Night on Bald Mountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-purpose. Making a meal plan for a week or so doesn't really rub me the wrong way. I don't diet because I'm a skinny fuck already, but I see no harm in properly cooked portioned meals. Like what the fucking issue?

Lets say your a registered nurse working 70 hour week. On your one or two days off you make a pile of meals so you can wake up, take a shower and then go to work with a properly cooked meal. Maybe a coffee and some crackers. What the fuck is the problem with that?

>> No.9389273

>Like what the fucking issue?
Prepping many of the ingredients in advance harms their quality. Why slice veggies days in advance so they will dry out instead of slicing them the day of? That kind of thing.

It's also autismo central to assemble identical-looking perfectly portioned meals with no variety.

Gordon Ramsay did a great episode on that. In less time than it took for one nurse to go out and get takeaway and bring it back he and other other nurses made a fully from-scratch meal in the breakroom.

>> No.9389276
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That would require prep and is completely unsanitary for a hospital setting. Yeah bring some raw meat on to the oncology floor, great idea.
>Using Ramsay as an argument.

>> No.9389283

I was suggesting the prep at home.

The only reason why I mentioned the Ramsay thing was to illustrate that it doesn't take as long as people think to prepare fresh food. Sure, a noob might not be that fast but with a little practice it can be. I'm no pro chef but I have no problem making a wholesome meal quicky.

As for the "unsanitary in a hospital setting": Why is it OK to eat there but not to cook there? That seems a bit backwards. I'm not worried about contamination regarding food going into a hot skillet & being fully cooked. I'd be a lot more concerned about random infection just walking around and touching things in the hospital. If the nurses are there for 70 hrs/wk then potential contamination from cooking is the least of their worries. Touching a door handle is a fuck of a lot larger risk than putting some food in a hot pan.

>> No.9389291

NBM, many patients have it. Laying in a bed with a "nothing by mouth" diagnosis while somebody is cooking chicken two rooms away isn't just rude, it's cruel. That's why doctors and nurses leave to eat.

Standard procedure

>> No.9389301

I've never worked in a hospital, but are breakrooms and such really that close to patient's rooms?

In every job I've ever worked you could never smell anything being heated in the breakroom from the normal customer-centric or office areas of the building.

>> No.9389310
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At night, no, most doors are closed. During the day, yes.

>> No.9389313

Also I guess it depends on the layout of the hospital.

>> No.9389316

It's called time management, you nigger.

>> No.9389317

I worked in a hospital for many years.

More often than not the "break room" is nothing larger than a closet with a fridge. Due to staffing requirements you're expected to have your food on the floor while watching your patients.

>> No.9389392

You mean meal planning? A lot of adults do that, sweetie.

>> No.9389404

I have a 3 year old child and another on the way. Cooking something good for my family and watching them enjoy it such a satisfaction that doesn't get old. it *is* my responsibility so responsibility doesn't get in the way. cooking is fun because doing my responsibilities well is fun.

>> No.9389409

Thanks, Regular Joe.

>> No.9389410
File: 16 KB, 374x327, 1504050626862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon can't afford to spend 30 minutes cooking
>still finds time to post on the burmese mcchicken subreddit

>> No.9389424

Holy fuck lads, get a smaller apartment, move the fuck out of the city, divorce your wife or SOMETHING, cause that is a shit life. I literally fell fucking sad rn after reading that.

>> No.9389428


it's a shame the build quality of appliances is nowhere near as good today as it was 15-16 years ago. you're lucky if you get a 2 year guarantee as standard with a dishwasher/washing machine/fridge in 2017. usually try and rope you in to a monthly protection plan

>> No.9389440

Enjoying your shit life, cuck?

>> No.9389444

I only prep food that can be re-heated at home like making large amounts of rice/chili etc, I don't like eating microwave heated food and whatnot

>> No.9389456

Fuck off, normie

>> No.9389479

This. No one says anyone has to work 14-16 hour days. I know guys on Wall St who have days like that, but they pull down high six or seven figures, so I get it. Pays for their places in the Hamptons. But if you're not making that kind of bank why do that to yourself?

>> No.9389511

>The only reason why I mentioned the Ramsay thing was to illustrate that it doesn't take as long as people think to prepare fresh food.
Ramsay whipping out an already sharpened chef's knife and cutting up some vegetables and chicken that an intern bought for him after years working in kitchens is not the same as a non-chef planning a menu, buying fresh ingredients in one-person lots every day or two, and doing this consistently for long enough to make it a habit.

>> No.9389513

>I'm proud of my mental illness
Fucking snowflake.

>> No.9389547
File: 139 KB, 716x537, Columbo_spotsyourquestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea is that you make dinner, but there is leftovers, so you divide the leftovers into containers, and then use them.
Its the kind of thing, that makes a lot of sense when you live alone, because it removes the restriction on meal size, and by proxy: Amount of ingredients you can use

The failure version is that you make a large meal, and then don't eat it, and just divide it. But at the least it saves you the hassle of buying lunch, which is actually a big improvement.
And thats also ignoring repurpose of leftovers: Tomato sauce can be used for a pizza, rice can be used for almost anything, a lot of meat can be seasoned after cooking and reused.

>> No.9389558

it's cuz everyone these days is perma single and too poor to have a family, so they live alone, and it's not worth it to cook every day if you're only cooking for one person.

>> No.9389575

I used to have a "prep day" on my weekends where I'd make like a pot of soup, some kind of protein like some roast chicken, then prep up some vegetables and rice or pasta so that when I got home from work I could whip up a dinner without a lot of time or mess.

>> No.9389582

How so? Keeping a knife sharp is not hard, it's normal. Any anyone can read a recipe, buy the ingredients, and execute said instructions. They might be slightly slower at it than Ramsay is because of the difference in experience, but it's not as if anyone is going to be making really complex dishes that require fancy knife skills for an everyday lunch.

>> No.9389586

I prepare all my meals for the week on sundays because I'm extremely lazy. Also buying stuff in bulk is less expensive. I'd rather spend an hour cooking 10 meals on sundays and then not have to do anything for the whole work week than cook everyday. I only do it for monday to friday though, I usually eat at restaurants on the week end

>> No.9389590

That's not "meal prep".

"Meal prep" is when autists carefully measure out ingredients in advance and assemble many identical-looking containers to eat from later in the week. It's got nothing to do with "leftovers".

You're not describing "prepping". You're just talking about normal use and re-purposing of leftovers.

>> No.9389617

>Keeping a knife sharp is not hard, it's normal.
So's changing your car's oil and replastering holes in the wall, and almost nobody can do either.

You need to watch someone who can't cook trying to learn. You'll be amazed and delighted by the ways in which they fail. For example, my housemate just destroyed a rice cooker by taping down the button because "it wouldn't stay on and I thought that's what you were meant to do".

>> No.9389619

I've taught many beginners to cook, anon. Your example seems cherry-picked to be unusually bad.

Anyone can follow a cook-along video.

>> No.9389634

>leftover meat/fish and potatoes becomes a salad
>leftover meat/fish becomes a salad
>leftover meat/fish salad
gag me with a spoon desu

>> No.9389667

Everyone can do those things, but few bother to do so.

That's irrelevant in a discussion of people talking about cooking for themselves because it's already assumed the person has the motivation to do so.

>> No.9389739

It's not even "priorities". I can make a whole bunch of nice stuff over a weekend, throw it all in the freezer, and have pretty good meals for a few weeks. Then I have plenty of time to do other things like waste time here on 4chan telling idiots about cooking stuff ahead of time.

>> No.9389759

Are you the same guy hating on the 14hr/day anon? I don't know his work schedule, but I still hit the 40hrs/wk mark working 12 to 14 hour days, and it means that after I do my work at the start of the week, I have nothing but leisure time on my days off to devote myself to things that a lot of people could not, because I have both a lot of free time and a lot of money to spend. If you hate your job then those few days are hell but I enjoy what I do, so it works out.

>> No.9389760

>Works 14 hours
>6 hours of sleep
>Then back to work

Hmm something doesn't seem right here anon.

>> No.9389764

I prefer normalniggers desu

>> No.9389776
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>> No.9389782

The proper with this bullshit comes to health. I'm pretty well versed about the interactions of food and health since it's my job but let me tell you something, the key here is VARIETY.


If your meals are the same, or with a little variation here and there, on a daily basis you're fucking screwed. Period. Even if your meal is "healthy" from your whatever uneducated standards it doesn't mean shit. If you don't eat varied you might as well eat fast-food,

Man doesn't die, man kill himself.

>> No.9389790


>> No.9389805

You're a fucking retard

>> No.9389812

You're a fucking retard

>> No.9389814

As a nurse who prepares my own food for night shift, I'll say that it's about 50/50, but it is honestly doable or I wouldn't be doing it. It's just a hassle and Gordon walks on-set in front of the cameras to make a fresh meal instead of walking off a 12-hour shift of dealing with patients. I can't speak for any other specialty in healthcare, but as someone who works geri psych I'll tell you that the job is draining as fuck, from the patients who are one step from falling and breaking a hip to the psychiatrists who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground when dealing with old people medical problems. Point is the job is draining when you're on a stretch of nights.

It's still easily doable if you have some forward planning, even if you don't make a large batch of something to take for 2-3 nights in a row. I typically make my meals during my last off day going into my first night or work, when I have the most energy and can best plan out something I can stand eating for 3 days straight. A lot of my coworkers make the mistake of budgeting their time to cook as before they go to bed after work, instead of waking up earlier to make the meals when well-rested. People are stupid.

>> No.9389826

Hey guys I hate cooking what should I do

>> No.9389836

As long as you get your nutrients you will provide for your physiological needs, but there is something to be said for what it does to mentally when every meal is the same shit every time. That's why I don't think that's a problem for most anyone because nobody but the most autistic fuck is going to sit there boiling 10 pounds of chicken for the 50th time and think "yes I'm just going to eat this and this only, I am satisfied with this."

>> No.9389840

Mix the leftovers with some leaves you like and maybe some veggies that work well raw. Make a nice vinaigrette in a small container. When lunchtime comes pour vinaigrette over container of salad. If there's enough in the way of protein and potatoes it will be a legit meal.
I wasn't hating on anyone, just pointing out that working a 14-16 hour day is a choice. So is working a job you hate. Maybe you have great motivation - maybe your family is poor and it's on you to claw them out of poverty. Maybe your other options are worse. Whatever. My point is no one has to work a day like that - they choose to for whatever reasons.

>> No.9389846

>carefully measure out ingredients in advance and assemble many identical-looking containers to eat from later in the week
I think you're confusing pictures from blogposts and social media with what people are actually doing.

>> No.9389849

If they're weren't actually doing it then why are there photos of it?

Normal people pack leftovers or re-purpose them for other things.

Spergs "meal prep" like the OP pic.

>> No.9389852

Why do you care what shit other people do in their own kitchen, if you don't like it then don't do it.

>> No.9389854

No one meal preps because they want to

>> No.9389855

>if you don't like it then don't do it.

Obviously. But aren't you ever curious how and why other people do things? How are you supposed to learn if you don't do that?

>> No.9389857

food doesn't keep it's tasty long enough to do this. especially rice, you live it alone for an hour and it's dry.

>> No.9389870

I just don't think it's helpful to tease people for being organised with their food. Nothing wrong with it.

>> No.9389874

Normal people stop by McDonald's after a 12 hour shift and become morbidly obese (at least here in America)

>> No.9389876


>> No.9389879

I literally get anxiety flares at the idea of cooking something I've never made before. Should I just end it?

>> No.9389889

I am talking about what Meal Prep is, and what it means.
How its used is , is a different matter.
>"Meal prep" is when autists carefully measure out ingredients in advance
Thats how cooking works, even if you just guestimate the amount
> and assemble many identical-looking containers to eat from later in the week.
And? Thats how assembling food works. The lazy version is to compile it into 1-2 pots and make a daily lunchbox from it.
>You're just talking about normal use and re-purposing of leftovers.
Prepping is just oversized cooking, and then box assembling it. If you eat it or not, or if you end up using the rice portion in another dish... thats just what prepping is.

>> No.9389895

>Never prepared food and packed it for a picnic?
This, picnics are the fucking shit.

>> No.9389897

Prepping isn't about dinner. Its mostly about making 5x lunch weeks for a meal, so you don't need to buy anything at work.

>> No.9389909

>Spergs "meal prep" like the OP pic.
Or just people who like to do all their kitchen stuff once or twice a week. I remember my sister used to be like that when she was single. She'd spend Sunday cooking enough food to get her to Friday night, go out Friday and Saturday, then do the next round of cooking on Sunday. Because she wasn't into cooking just for one every day. I know a grown man whose kitchen is full of empty Tupperware containers most of the time because every time he visits his Kashmiri mother she sends him home with a week's worth of food.

This shit has been a thing long before it became a thing on the internet.

>> No.9389954

>Thats how cooking works, even if you just guestimate the amount
Guesstimating is very different than exact measuring. There is also the "in advance" part. Most of the time people don't slice up veggies on Sunday that they intend to eat on Friday.

>>And? Thats how assembling food works
Normal people assemble meals one at a time. For example, today I'll be assembling my dinner. I'll be eating it immeidetly after I assemble it. I won't be assembling Friday's meal today. I'll be assembling that on Friday. Not several days in advance.

>> If you eat it or not, or if you end up using the rice portion in another dish
Do you honestly not see the difference between re-using leftovers versus carefully planning out a series of autstically identical meals many days into the future?

>> No.9389958

Do you pack the exact same "picnic" every single day? Do you prepare all of those identical "picnics" many days in advance?

>> No.9389961

>Guesstimating is very different than exact measuring
Ok, but where are you getting this whole "exact measuring" thing from? OP's picture? Some blogpost somewhere?
>Normal people assemble meals one at a time
Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Also, do you not see the merit in meal prep? Do you not realize some people don't have the same lifestyle as you and maybe can't cook every single day?

>> No.9389964

>planning out a series of autstically identical meals many days into the future?
For dinner that would be grim, but I can wee why people would do it for lunch at work. Plenty of folks out there eat more or less the same thing for lunch every day.

>> No.9389993

>OP's picture? Some blogpost somewhere?
Kinda both. Every time I've seen people on a video, blog, message bord, etc, talking about prepping in the style of OP's pic they usually bust out the scale and carefully weigh out each portion so it doesn't trigger their spergbrain if Tuesday's rice weighs .3 grams more than Monday's portion.

>>Do you have a single fact to back that up?
I suppose this is purely anecdotal, but in my 37 years alive I have never once seen anyone prepare carefully packaged meals like that shown in OP, or described with typical "prepper" threads. Of course people cook food in advance to eat throughout the week, take leftovers for work, etc. But it includes more variety and lacks the advance planning. For example, I cooked a big batch of bolognese on Sunday. The intention was to use it for food during the week so it lightened my cooking load. On Monday I thawed out some pizza dough I had in the freezer and made a pizza with it. Today for lunch, I boiled up some rigatoni and had the sauce with it. Tomorrow who knows what I might do. Put some in a sub sandwich? Boil some pasta again? Make another pizza? Maybe add it to some tomato soup to make it heartier? Or perhaps just have it with some bread. None of this is planned in advance.

>>Also, do you not see the merit in meal prep?
I can see that it does have some advantages if you are honestly that crazy super busy. I doubt many people are though. I am taking 11 hours of grad classes and working a full time job. I still have time to cook nearly every meal, though I do sometimes do some of the work in advance to help save time. I honestly have a hard time beliveing that there are a significant amount of people who honestly "don't have time to cook". In my experience whenever you hear that it's nearly always not true.

...to be continued (ran out of room)

>> No.9389996

I do it as a part of a diet I'm on. Lost 10 pounds in two weeks. Didn't know people did this outside of dieting.

>> No.9390012

Summer's over, homie. Why you still sweetie posting? That's like, so three months ago.

>> No.9390014

...the other disadvantage that I see is that everything is identical. There's no variety. That sounds very boring, and it also smacks of spergs who must have everything the same every time.

If you're going to prep then why not mix it up a bit? Use different veggies for differen days. If you're cooking rice then why not alternate between white, brown, and wild (for example)?

A couple years ago I would often grill food on Sundays that I could eat for lunch during the week. Grilling all the same shit is boring and not so great for bacterial variety in your gut. So I'd grill different stuff--a couple chicken leg quarters, a pork chop, some sausages...that way my lunches weren't always the same.

I'm not saying the idea is completely without merit. But normally once the word "prepper" and photos like OP come out, it seems to be all about the 'tism than anything else.

>> No.9390134


too bad you need at least hours of sleep to make the gains

>> No.9390137


because when I get home from work I'm fucking tired and hungry. I want fucking food fast in front of me, cooking a decent meal can take time, I don't have time, give me fucking food so I can then lay down and rest for a bit

>> No.9390174

I only come to /ck/ for the rare inspiration or recipe. I like the results of cooking, but not the act. I think that's true of most people. I'm a big fan of meal prep as it means I can have a reasonably nice, balanced, cheap and hot meal at work.

>> No.9390188

>I like the results of cooking, but not the act.
Just like sex the act is a lot more enjoyable when someone else is part of it. Cooking for someone else is much more enjoyable than just cooking for yourself. I cook almost every night for me and my wife, but when she's out of town I hardly bother to cook at all.

>> No.9390204

I cook for my girlfriend daily. I may be a bad cook but she's a straight up nightmare. She's also super picky, which doesn't help. However the result is the same, I simply don't enjoy the act. I just want something tasty at the end.

>> No.9390218

I've come to enjoy the process, but I'm also a musician, and I've noticed many musicians also like to cook. I think it has some parallels to playing music: you're embellishing a set of steps in order in real time based on sensory experience to create an ephemeral pleasure.

>> No.9390226

What are the extra 4 hours for?

>> No.9390244

This. It's pretty essential since i work 80+ hours a week. It's either prep or go hungry, or shell out my hard earned shekels to eat out all the time. Even then I'd be basically stuck with shitty fast food since i generally leave work around 2am.

>> No.9390254

is it really a meme?
it's been a thing since forever, it's sometimes really practical and for those who don't really like cooking, I feel like it's probably something to consider as well
I don't really know if it's considered meal prep but when I do stuff like lasagna, soups, cassaroles, or any slow cooking thing, I usually make shitloads of it and then eat it for some time, might freeze part of it as well

>> No.9390257

What instruments do you play?
I play guitar and am learning mandolin (it's a bitch because I've got sausage fingers).
I can play a bit of melody on the piano as well.

>> No.9390275

Laundry, paying bills, reading mail, shaving, showering, masturbation and exercise.

>> No.9390283

How the fuck do people eat expired leftovers after the 2nd day? None of that shit is fresh.

The chicken and rice you prepped starts tasting like frozen cardboard after the 2nd day of being in the fridge. That 7th meal would be the worst.

>> No.9390304

I agree.

The most I could see myself "prepping" for is 3 days worth of meals. Eating 7-day old food is not only unappetizing, but unsafe too. Cooked poultry only lasts 3-4 days at most in the fridge before food poisoning-causing bacteria start to show appear.

>> No.9390307

Mainly guitar, but I can double on mandolin and bass. Even play some rudimentary keys. These days I'm more of a music producer than actual musician (don't practice like I used to because I don't have many gigs), but I can still hold my own.

>> No.9390309

>Cooked poultry only lasts 3-4 days at most in the fridge before food poisoning-causing bacteria start to show appear.
This is highly dependent on your fridge temperature setting. 3 degrees C is really a magic number. Below that number bacteria pretty much stop multiplying. There's an excellent discussion of this in Modernist Cuisine. In their test raw chicken kept for 3 days above 3C before it hit a particular bacteria level and over THIRTY days below 3C to hit that same level.

>> No.9390354

I would guess some combo of commuting, hygiene, socializing and administrative tasks

>> No.9390376

>stay up later cooking food instead of getting up earlier

Makes perfect sense

>> No.9390387

This explains a lot. My wife keeps our fridge just a few degrees above freezing, and it takes forever for stuff to go bad in there. My bro bitches about food going bad in his fridge in like a week, but stuff lasts much longer in mine. She must have it set just under 3C.

>> No.9390392

Stop hauling ag you fuck. Get your CDL and haul normal. Also, hauling is a not a good career. You need to be thinking about that you want to transition into.

>> No.9390397

>slave 14 hours, waste whatever little free time I have left on shitposting on 4chan

>> No.9390462

>3 C
I sure hope you enjoy that fat electricity bill, seeing as how refrigerators are the second highest behind air conditioning on energy consumption

>> No.9390493

Utter bullshit.

An oven, water heater, or any sort of heating appliance uses far far far more electricty than a fridge does.

Anyway, my electric bills are very reasonable despite my fridge setting. It doesn't affect my budget much at all.

>> No.9390527
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>14 hours a day at work

>> No.9390662
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Sounds like you go into your fridge a lot.

>> No.9390674

I had a job working 12 hour shifts at a garbage conveyor belt. The first day there I legit nearly gave up after an hour. Everyone was high or drunk as fuck and we got 5 minute breaks every 3 hours to piss (which is ironic because you never had enough fluid in you after that to) so these guys would sit in the toilet crying. I'm dead serious I managed 2 weeks but during the time I was there I was frantically looking for a new job. I could hardly walk if I sat down for longer than 10 minutes.

I managed to get a new job and holy fuck...the people at this job say it's too hard, and I want to knock them out and take them to hell on earth just for one shift and see how fucking retarded they are. They think I'm mental because I actually like this job.

>> No.9390680

How can a fridge use electricity if it's cold?

>> No.9390696

The electricity is being used to constantly pump heat out of the fridge, which is why it remains cold inside.

>> No.9390702

Could Mozart still be alive?

>> No.9390799
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$23 an hour 8hrs a day warehousefag here, feels good man

>> No.9390895

This is simply not how it works.


Biological processes have a q10 number of around 2. That means e.g. bacteria growth/ food decay doubles in speed every 10 degrees you increase the temperature, or the inverse.

You can use this to calculate how much time e.g. a jug of milk you left out of the fridge still has until it goes bad.

>> No.9390900


Maybe you chucklefucks live in different climates, did you consider that?

Classical autistic failure of theory of mind.

>> No.9391057

do they "enjoy" your cooking as much as they enjoy mcdicks though?

>> No.9391177

What the fuck are you talking about? People bringing homemade lunches? Good for them.

>> No.9391201

I honestly don't understand.

At that point why not just add water, blend and drink your 'nutrient smoothies' to sustain your automaton lifestyle? It's bland, frozen shit anyway.

>> No.9391271

please don't post that pic anymore I hate it


>> No.9391278

I don't know if it's 'tism, but i sure wouldn't want to eat the same meal every day.

>> No.9391306

Meal prep is shit you cook yourself and then reheat at work it's pretty great although time consuming

>> No.9391328

>no OT

Isn't it federally required for you to get overtime if you work more than 40 hours a week?

>> No.9391415

Technically, yes. De facto, if you supervise two or more other employees and can plausibly go "hey fire these guys", or if you make at least $23,660 pretax a year and your job requirements include any post-secondary education or is in a computing-related field, or if you're paid as an independent contractor, this isn't required.

The contractor one is an especially hard buttfuck, because you're also on the hook for all taxes the employer would normally pay, and while officially you're allowed to take jobs or leave them according to your own schedule it's nearly impossible to prove that a company who then retaliates is punishing you rather than rewarding the guy who covered.

>> No.9391710

Meal prepping makes me rage, but I know it's silly for me to feel that way. It's just... you're eating the exact same shit every day, and I see my coworkers hunched over their microwaved meal either at their desks, or in the cafeteria, eating shit that's 3 or 4 days old before they get back to their cubicle. And I imagine them spending 3 hours or whatever on Sunday, working to cook this repetitive shit, instead of going and doing anything with their time.

I try to get out during my lunch hour to at least release myself from the office for a little bit and decompress. Whether it's just for a walk, or up to a local place where I can watch ESPN, or go home, it's an important time to get me ready for the day.

But I also don't always have time to cook and go out for meals most nights too... so, I don't know. It's worth the money to me to save my time for leisure.

>> No.9391732

Not in third world countries like JewSA

>> No.9391769
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>> No.9391967

>On 4chan
>Not doing his damndest to be an asshole

>> No.9391969

>Dumb normal fag doesn't even know what a meme is
It is a meme you double nigger

>> No.9391979

>This is like those memes where people mock white people for "discovering" things later than literally everyone else
>Actually respecting such a shit meme enough that you actually recall it to use in a shitty Internet argument
What retarded nigger den of the internet do you frequent?

>> No.9391986

Why do you care that I care?

>> No.9392016

>What retarded nigger den of the internet do you frequent?

Where do you think we are, m'redditor?

>> No.9392032
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The fuck is wrong meal prepping, I am on a cut and cook a specific diet. I go pretty all out when cooking so I like to do it every 3-4 days, i change the menu up a lot, but I usually make this for breakfast.

>Scrambled egg whites with chives, onion, cheese
>Chorizo, butternut squash, spinach hash
>Pan seared garlic buttered mushrooms
>Homemade salsa

All less than 500 kcals,

>> No.9392058

Whitey did discover the world though.

>> No.9392104

mother fucker I have three kids and work my tail off. Ill be DAMNED if every chance i get to to cook a decent meal for my family. sleep is a CRUTCH

>> No.9392115
File: 107 KB, 800x800, 420 blaze it kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clearly you have very limited responsibility in life.
Yup. Gym, work, cook, chill, sleep. No kids or women fucking up my vibe.

>> No.9393948
File: 314 KB, 599x335, 1501600857544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not worth it to cook every day if you're only cooking for one person.

Are you saying you'd deny yourself the pleasures of food simply because you live in your own? That it's 'not worth it' to eat?

>> No.9394935

>He has time to cook actual meals during the week

Fuck off, normie

>> No.9394953

>EVER working more than 10 hours

It's like you want to become the example of the wagecuck. If you ever have to work more than 10 hours a day, you simply were too beta to resist taking the first job that even had the possibility of opening up to you.

I despise people that think they are "Hard working civilians!" when they work more than one job or have to work insane hours. You aren't a "Civilian" you are a SLAVE. Grow a set of balls and look for a job that actaully has reasonable pay and hours. It isn't that fucking hard.

>> No.9397149
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>> No.9397152

Not everyone cums thinking about eating flesh

>> No.9397693
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>four days old cold scrambled eggs

>> No.9397729

what is so difficult about cooking dinner, putting the leftovers in a tupperware, and bringing it to work for lunch the next day

>> No.9397811

Yeah but probably looking at a stroke or heart-attack from stress

>> No.9397820

Cooking dinner every day
Millennials are fucking lazy and don't want to have to do anything every single day, so they just spend 5 hours on sunday cooking a big batch of the same meal and freeze it so they dont have to cook or think about eating for the week

>> No.9397830

Less of a normie than self-employed, which has a lot of drawbacks, but control over your schedule isn't one of them. I can schedule my shit around taking time to cook most days.

>> No.9397836

>He doesn't
Eat shit, wagie

>> No.9398056

You are a good man, like Hank Hill but real. More kids deserve parents who actually get satisfaction from excelling at their duties.

>> No.9398115

Okay expert, how varied does a diet have to be? Can you be healthy just on a Japanese diet? A Mediterranean diet? How about the diet my great grandpa had, he lived to 93 and survived going to war against the japs.

>> No.9398154

This is me. Excluding cooking I've got about 4 hours a night of personal time. Sometimes I don't want to spend a quarter of my daily free time on cooking.

Half the reason I cook Asian 90% of the time is how simple and quick it is. Half the meal is rice and the other half is quickly fried in some way.

I don't do the meal plan thing. I don't have the patience to eat the same thing every day. But I make good money and work a mile away from the "food center" of the city and can get good quality meals for lunch.

>> No.9399678

>Be me
>Completely autistic
>Have 6 white shirts and grey pants for the week
>Doing some exciting research
>18 hours a day in the university's lab
>Sometimes even more
>Eat veggies and chicken for an entire week
>I love it, it gives me more science cred

I love cooking, I usually do big lavish meals for 4 or 5 friends on the weekends, butt I guess work is my main priority

>> No.9399812

Bullshit, if that were true cooking food would cause it to explode with bacteria.

>> No.9399820

Technically, fridges are heating appliances. The devices they use to cool the fridge is just drawing heat to one side and then sending it into a big heatsink. This process also creates heat. The backs of fridges can get hot as fuck.

>> No.9400095

a day is 24 hours, not 20

>> No.9400266

Something about this really grosses me out, when you see the 10+ boxes of food ready to be frozen and the idea of some miserable wagie tucking into their sweaty microwaved congealed 6 day old "meal prep" again for the 7th time this week and just being satisfied with that bland broccoli chicken rice flavour sitting in lukewarm water from the defrosting

>> No.9400275
File: 80 KB, 576x768, 1BVaXtuz3jD7aA0VkGH3gydxVj75ZAO3EZt1ThqsvVw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine sitting next to someone tucking into this

Reddit upvoted this 42 times

>> No.9400374

having that many eggs every day will cut your lifespan down 30 years

>> No.9400400

le olde schoole medical advice

>> No.9401074

Its fine so long their cutlery is fine.
Now image that + blunt one time use plastic knifes. Or blunt butter knifes.
I don't fucking even

>> No.9402954

My sister once tried to boil eggs in a pan without water. I think you may be surprised by the depths of stupidity people can reach if they try hard enough.

>> No.9402994

>30 minutes cooking

Nigger what are you cooking a single potato?

>> No.9404556


>> No.9404571

wow, this is one of the lamest justifications for being lazy I have ever laid eyes on.
what a worthless piece of shit you must be.

>> No.9404736

>you're a SLAVE
No I'm on a salary and I'm an important part of a team of people, and sometimes you have to stay longer to get actual shit wrapped up for the sake of everybody in the office instead of cutting out at 5:00pm and leaving everything hanging unfinished until tomorrow.

Sometimes you have to work like a man and not a nigger.

>> No.9404760

Knock a girl up, realize you suddenly need a new place to live and lots of other expenses. Work non stop.

Never see her, she gets bored ... now you're stuck with child support and alimony based on working yourself to death. Congratulations.

>> No.9404881

I do... thanks to the Japanese.

>> No.9404885

Either a retard or advanced autism beyond measurement.

>> No.9404910
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>> No.9404929

Edit: thanks for the gold!

>> No.9404956

Peasant dishes and farmer's meals come to mind. Not only can they healthy and trendy, but you don't need fancy chopping styles--make rustic versions of your favorite meals.

>> No.9405073

why do people work this much? are they in massive debt?

>> No.9405083

maybe they like money

>> No.9405298

I think meal prepping is a good idea and something I have been wanting to do but haven't gotten around to it. But why is every one of these I see chicken, rice and broc. YOU CAN PUT OTHER SHIT IN THERE.

>> No.9405529

They could at least use other parts of the chicken too. They don't always have to use chicken breasts. Chicken thighs and chicken legs are viable too.

>> No.9406245

yes, normie is actually a very good descriptive term, a word like that was needed for a very long time now.

>> No.9406271 [DELETED] 
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I dont need to do meal prep when all I have to do to get my full nutrients in a day is chuck this in the microwave for two minutes.

>> No.9406278


>> No.9406309

Why not just eat out ffs?

>> No.9406542

You can also just make small single dishes with a little extra time. Really got to enjoy cooking to do that though and have a lot of surface space to spread stuff around.

>> No.9406549

get thee gone, shill

>> No.9407443

yes, you can even explode them to death

>> No.9409061
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>leftover meat/fish and potatoes becomes a salad
>leftover meat/fish becomes a salad
>leftover meat/fish salad

>> No.9409518

Mealpreppings great, especially for those who are dieting or lifting. Combined with a scale you can make meals that are exactly in your calorie range and dont have to worry about any bullshit. Eat these meals, thats all my food for the day and maintaining my cut. Any retard can lose weight like this, and they will learn proper portion sizing and other valuable not fat people skills.

Also for people like me I am disgustingly busy during the weekdays and have time maybe twice in the week to cook an actual meal which I do. However, on a sunday afternoon I have free time which can be put to use making my lunches and a few dinners in bulk to alleviate the burden of the week.

Meal prep is great, but obviously if you work a comfy 9-5 with a family, you should cook a nice meal every night. For bachelors working 14 hour days, meal prepping is the key to not being a lard ass.

>> No.9409986

I'm only happy when I'm working. Whenever I get time off I start thinking about suicide

>> No.9411155

I fucking lost

>> No.9411528

that takes 45 minutes, so no

>> No.9411937

>I don't understand meal prep. it's like people do it to avoid the 'chore' of cooking.
>>eat leftovers the day after
"Meal prep" is literally portioning leftovers when you put them away instead of scooping out of a big casserole dish later.

I work long days. I leave in the morning, hour commute, 12-14 hours at work, hour commute home. I cook on my days off, usually two different dinners, and have leftovers during the rest of the week so that I can have options on home-cooked food instead of fast food or takeout on days I work and don't have any time to cook.

People have been cooking in large quantities and eating the leftovers over several days since refrigerators were invented. It's not a new idea. I don't understand what OP is asking about a new trend of meal prep.

>> No.9412158

Learn to stir fry. Be done in 20

>> No.9412177

What does "normie" mean on /ck/ ?

>> No.9412199

I used to come home from 10 hour restaraunt shifts near midnight and still like eating enough to spend 30 min preparing and cooking my own meals. I've tried meal prepping to help putting on weight and it fucking sucks eating the same chicken rice and vegetables for 3+ days. can't handle how some normies meal prep 7 days worth of shit. by the end of the week everything is old and gross. I don't reheat the stuff either because microwaved food is gross, so I just eat the shit cold. It is alright for convenience but its still a stupid way for any food lover to live.

>> No.9412207

the only time meal prepping like in OPs pic makes sense is for athletes and bodybuilders who need to eat a ton of food to put on weight. they accept having to eat the same shit all the time as part of their career and lifestyle. normies doing it is a good way to miss out on one of the joys of life, cooking

>> No.9412214

shut the fuck up, youre a shit cook, youre a shit "musician"

>> No.9412217

what the fuck even is the point of living if having children or pets means you have to give up the joys of life? fuck that man fuck your logic

>> No.9412227

Probably. Everyone is so obsessed with making everyone else believe that they have an amazing life, that they work ridiculous hours for shitty pay so that they can pay down a $400,000 house and a $60,000 car with what's left after the student loans and the taxes come out. Sounds like a great way to live.

>> No.9412231

Mealprep is for autistic 'lifters' and 'gym goers' who haven't realised that being in good physical shape is a joke in modern society




>> No.9412238

even though im a gymrat i totally agree with this post

meal prepping is just for people who saw their favorite ripped social media star doing it on the 'gram

its fucking stupid as fuck unless you are a competitive 275lb bodybuilder who needs to eat a ton of food a day to keep that weight

>> No.9412240

If you want them, children become your joy of life. It's only the people who don't want them that they become a burden to. Most people don't really want children, they just have them because they think it's what you are supposed to do after marriage. That they are too stupid to wear a rubber.

>> No.9412273

Meal prepping just seems so depressing.

I'm what 4chan would consider a "wagecuck" but I can't imagine spending my day off to portion and ration my week's worth of microwavable stew, chicken, or chili and be happy with that day in and day out. I'd personally rather spend my wage eating something hot and varied via a takeout, or just tiding myself over with a vending machine snack until I get out of work to cook my dinner the way I want to.

Then again, I only work 9 hours a day with commute. If I were forced to work a 12-14 hour day with the standard two days off, and had to do frozen meal prep to compensate my hunger for working half of my day away, I'd consider suicide.

Pictures like these are so misleading. Sure, the food looks fine after being first prepped, but it will look and taste worse after reheating in a microwave. Those vegetables are going to turn mushy and the ones at the bottom will get overcooked in the stir fry sauce. Chicken will be more rubbery. The rice will have a gluey, overcooked texture.

I'll give you kudos for the chorizo butternut hash, but everything else looks and sounds like shit bro. Those mushrooms are gonna be soggy as shit. Especially those reheated scrambled eggs. Gross.

I imagine that person opening the lid to that 'meal' and being hit by the sulfuric fart smell of those boiled eggs. That person must really like their raw green peppers to have specifically slice those to eat with their hard boiled egg sandwich and grapes...

>> No.9412294

i would unironically just kill myself if i had to go to my job and all i had to look forward to lunch was this pile of hospital food shit

looks like something they serve in a canadian hospital cancer ward after your chemotherapy, thanks socialized healthcare

>> No.9412326
File: 737 KB, 500x378, bugsgif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I did meal prep when I was living in Army barracks waking up at 0445 and leaving work at 17-800. Lots of people did it, especially higher ranking or the fitness conscious. Chicken or pork chops, some small portion of carb, veggies. One guy I knew did eggs and pancakes. Prepare large quantity, then freeze in small containers. It's cheap, doesn't lose flavor, keeps you from buying Arby's or BK, and most importantly will help you stay eating clean.

It's a meme for all the right reasons, OP.

>> No.9412509

How tf are you talking about cooking while eating low effort dishes like noodles and pizza , I mean come on