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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9382185 No.9382185[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What foods affect your feminine hygiene for better or worse?

>> No.9382229

I don't know of anything that affects the hygiene per say. I mean there's nothing that would give me an infection. But eating a lot of garlic, onion, curries makes it smell and taste kind of spicy.

>> No.9382236

>ladies of /ck/

>> No.9382250

>makes it taste kind of spicy
Go on...

>> No.9382271

This stuff helps with my feminine penis

>> No.9382276

This board is like 65% butch lesbians hun

>> No.9382280

I imagine beans probably work both ways for the anus and vagina, That's probably why no one fucks British people but other British people.

>> No.9382287

grown men pretending to be chinese anime girls doesn't count

>> No.9382294

Things that are too sugary. It wasn't a thing before I turned 26. If I slip up and drink a juice that has too much sugar, I can tell my ph balance is off.

>> No.9382299

This whole thread is a P3TA setup some they can start saying how a vegan diet make you bug smell nice.
What a load of crap.

>> No.9382301
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>> No.9382306

vinegary stuff

>> No.9382307

When I'm on the rag, garlic makes my pussy stink so bad my cat won't get near me.

>> No.9382311

don't womansplaine us here you dyke

>> No.9382316

women are disgusting
t. married man with daughter

>> No.9382319
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>> No.9382324
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>> No.9382329


1 cup` of Cranberry Juice per month keeps the doctor away from your urinary track

>> No.9382367
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>urinary track

>> No.9382385


What's worse is my male dog loves it and tries to practically rape me. I have to use one bathroom to change my pads, keep the door closed at all times, use an airtight garbage can with latches, and dump half a can of lysol in the bathroom every time I change out my pads, or my dog will dig through the trash and try to eat my used pads.

You don't know embarrassment until your dog comes to greet you and one of your male friends at the door with one of your bloody maxi-pads in his mouth, forcing you to chase him around the house to get it and throw it away. This is why I don't eat garlic when I'm on the rag.

>> No.9382402

getting older sucks in so many ways. I have a hangover for at least 2 days now.

>> No.9382425

Ate a metric ton once of high test liquorice ( made me sick) but my ex swears my bits tasted of candy.

>> No.9382433

Fruit dried in sulfur dioxide will make it taste/smell like that fruit, in the same way that foods with high sulfur compounds will affect it. Just make sure you/she isn't extra sensitive to sulfur. Apricots work very well.

>> No.9382439

Took a herbal suppliment for mood that made my no fly zone taste cinnamon- y

>> No.9382442



>> No.9382444

Sulfur scented pussies sounds like a girl band name.

>> No.9382449
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>> No.9382462

Once upended a jack Daniels bottle into my cooch as a preventive when my ex and i had a condom break, it was there on the nightstand. Got so drunk, went through right to my bloodstream.

>> No.9382476

I'm sending this to Seventeen magazine.

>> No.9382496

are you a slut or just a ham beast?

>> No.9382508

You're lucky to be alive. I've heard of alcoholics dying from sticking tampons soaked in cheap vodka up their asses.

>> No.9382526

No, faggot, read a fucking book. Aloe, fenugreek, turnip, blueberries, currants, peaches, and shiitake mushrooms are way better than cranberries at preventing and treating UTI's, which men get more than women and it's most often caused by bad hygiene(because salmonella bacteria from your feces finds its way up your urethra).

>> No.9382530

It was magnificent, but sudden. One moment im worried about my man really swishing it around with a finger to annihilate all the sperms the next im fuzzy and being tongued nicely. Was a good day.

>> No.9382606
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>men get more UTI's than women

>> No.9382620
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Alright pack it in, weve all ad a bit of fun pretending to be ladies but thats enoof lads

>> No.9382632

>and taste
>eating your discharge

Only when you get that close.

>> No.9382636

why is women talking about their personal parts so much more gross than guys

>> No.9382644



>> No.9382649
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Can you excape?
I hear there is an underground railroad to baja mexico.
From there its just a short hop to south america and freedom

>> No.9382650

because its much much grosser

>> No.9382674


>> No.9382695

Dude, chicks are fucking NASTY. You'd think the mens restroom would be worse than the ladies? Oh, HELL no....the female bathrooms are always a nightmare compared to the boys.

>> No.9382711

women have every gross part that a man has, plus a vagina. vaginas are way grosser than penises, no homo. they bleed and are a habitat for many bacteria and fungi that don't live on our penises

>> No.9382713


>> No.9382726

>not testing it every so often
What are you, a pussy?

>> No.9382788

so there was this baby... that had a baby

>> No.9383669

You are wrong. I have been to plenty of female toilets

>> No.9383682

Onions make my cunt smel llike onions, garlic have the same effect.
I love them both but I can't eat them because of that.

>> No.9383684

>not kicking that dumb shit in the jaw

>> No.9383687

How many difference niggers does it take to jew up a coon, and when you've jiggabooed up a spook with at least 35 niggers what do you do when a filthy spic and a jew and a coon ends up in your house with niggers all over, jews all over, spics all over. Then entire place is shitted with human filth.

>> No.9383690

You all smell like coons.

>> No.9383692

>one or two ladies of /ck/
You realise this board is full of passive aggressive women?

>> No.9383694


You found your jew.

>> No.9383695

My pit and chihuahua care not for my bloody lady items. The chihuahua loves eating my underwear, but that's it. I've noticed all female chihuahuas love vagina.

To answer OP's question, nothing makes my gash smell or taste any different. I feel a tad bit left out since I don't get 'ph imbalances' or what ever. I also don't turn into a bitch when it's bleeding, or how ever it's supposed to go (inb4 that's cause you're just a bitch all the time). I think I had something wrong in development because I'm built like a man and can't differentiate colors like a female, own 1 pair of shoes, don't use or wear make-up/jewelry (see nothing of value in shiny trinkets when you can use that moeny for food, water, fixing vehicles), seek to obtain more knowledge, etc.

Maybe that's why my axe wound doesn't get out of whack.

How much do you think you put in there?

>> No.9383698


I've never had a UTI either :(

>> No.9383704

You deserve a miscarriage. A life-threatening one. What a fucking stupid thing to do.

>> No.9383705

Females supposedly get them more than males due to the urethra being so short. All kinds of stuff can make it's way up easy. In a male's urethra, it's harder for bacteria to make it's way up, plus you all pee a gallon at a time, so the sterile piss helps to flush anything out that's making it's way up there. Generally, the UTIs males get is an infected prostate. It's pretty rare for a cut male to get them, the lower kind anyway. Of course if the kidneys aren't working properly, that can make a UTI come into play, which is the upper kind. Forgot the technical names, but you get it, maybe.

>> No.9383710

Her future baby deserves to die because you're mad t hat she could have suicided herself through a stupid act?

Damn, someone must be holy.

If her idiocy (possibly drunken idiocy) pisses you off so much, why wish death on a child and not just wish her to contract a life threatening STD?

>> No.9383712

I have a "boyish" perosnality and a strong built too, I love fishing and vidya but god damn shiny trinkets are life.

>> No.9383779
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Not even once.

>> No.9383801

"Hey boys, I'm "different", and SO not like other girls!"
Stop overcompensating. Stop placing genders into stereotypes. This is a cooking board and the rest of us sick fucks just want to know what foods affect pussies.
Mine is always the same, no matter what I eat. I wash that shit, and wear cotton/lace panties so she can breathe. Any other material makes it discharge more, but nothing dietary?

>> No.9383802

soy is really bad for womens hormones

>> No.9383822

why is she doing that anon

>> No.9383825
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They're cute.

>> No.9383826

I ejaculated in my own Fleshlight and I think I impregnated my own semen. I made a fleshlight baby.

>> No.9383827


>> No.9383829

I think you're gay, dude. The only men who think women are disgusting are the ones who love the dick.

>> No.9383833
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She must be on her period.

>> No.9383841

Are you insane? Have you never taken a single health class? Vaginas are self-cleaning. That's why doctors recommend to NEVER use douches , they ruin the natural ph which is what keeps the vag clean and free of germs. And no, men and women do not have the same reproductive organs. Good lord, man, educate yourself. No wonder there's so many damned virgins on here.

>> No.9383851

There are no virgins on /ck/. We're all successful rich chefs.

>> No.9383856

Of course, how silly of me to forget!

>> No.9383860


>> No.9383894

she's trying to frame someone for raping her

>> No.9383897

Found the virgin.