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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9371820 No.9371820 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9371824
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>> No.9371826
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>> No.9371827
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>> No.9371843
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>> No.9371849

This is such horseshit. In Japan people don't give a fuck how you eat sushi unless it's some overpriced pompous place. There's a billion different ways to do it and no way is "wrong", although people will think you're disgusting if you eat with your hands

>> No.9371853

If you believe this shit you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.9371858
File: 72 KB, 239x208, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me

>> No.9371862

made these a lot a couple of years ago, you are stupid

>> No.9371864
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How to reheat Pizza

>> No.9371908

why not just use an oven

>> No.9371911
File: 20 KB, 490x488, confusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is the good one?

>> No.9371912

Some anons may not have a oven.
That was my case when I was a student.s

>> No.9371913

I would do it the other way round, steam it first, then fry the bottom

>> No.9371914

Yeah right
Water and flour doesn't make a brownie you idiot.

>> No.9371915
File: 27 KB, 578x579, 1490194520083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that makes sense, I got one of these during college instead of a toaster, shit's cheap as fuck too

>> No.9371968
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>> No.9372000

Lmao this.
I lived in Korea for like 6 months too. No one gives a fuck how you eat, MUH HONORABOO ASHIAN CULTURE isn't a thing. You just throw meat on a grill, pass around shots of soju, and then eat the meat however you want.

>> No.9372013

That is kinda what "etiquette" means.

>> No.9372046
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>> No.9372064
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>> No.9372069

I like the way they're all aiming to the top left like some sort of meat spaceship armada.

>> No.9372105
File: 994 KB, 636x7327, 5c23ec32168d08557f7747da1ed3a92e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moar? I have a few moree from the food republic

>> No.9372117

What a bunch of bullshit OP

>> No.9372119


why would I want a moist crust

>> No.9372148

>2 drops
>picture shows 3

>> No.9372149



That's just wrong.

First non stick is best for this but it works fine otherwise.

Heat pan med
Pat the slice dry with a paper towel
If temp is correct, you'll hear it sizzling
Flip once chese begins to melt slightly or not slightly it's your call how you want it.
Cover. If you want. Fuck adding water.

>> No.9372160
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>> No.9372165

but why not just use an oven...

>> No.9372197


Loses moisture.

The cheese and the bread don't warm at the same pace either, so I apply heat to each side as needed.

I also find it's faster on a pan or skillet.

>> No.9372202

why would I want moist pizza...

>> No.9372215


Why would I want a stiff pizza?

I want crisp bread bottom and soft warm cheese top. Cheese takes longer to warm. Depending oven, pizza, toppings, the pizza bread could be a cracker by the time the cheese is adequately melted, not nearly warm.

>> No.9372223


>> No.9372229



>> No.9372260

This is bullshit.
I've been to many high end sushi restaurants and you eat the sushi how YOU want to.

>> No.9372294
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>> No.9372320

what the fuck is this bullshit

>> No.9372349

t. guy who gets the worst cuts of fish and the tightest packed rice

>> No.9372356

To be fair Japan is far more autistic about it, weebs just give them a free pass because muh culture

>> No.9372359

>I've been to many high end sushi restaurants and you eat the sushi how YOU want to.

Of course. But if you're doing it any way other than what OP posted you'll be looked down upon. Maybe you care about that, maybe you don't give a shit.

You could walk into a fancypants 3-star steakhouse or French place and ask for ketchup to douse your food with. I'm sure they will be happy to provide it. And they'll be joking about you behind your back the whole time.

>> No.9372373

This seems like some shit i can impress the fuck out of a girl with.

Is this any good?

>> No.9372385

Who cares what a bunch of slants think about you?
At the end of the day you're white and they aren't.
Fuck 'em.

>> No.9372387

How is it possible you're an adult yet haven't tried something like that at least once in your life?

>> No.9372393

>Who cares what a bunch of slants think about you?
I certainly don't.

But there's a different between being OK with defying an expected standard of ettiqute vs. pretending such a standard (however silly or arbitrary it may be) doesn't exist.

>> No.9372402

Protip:they don't give a fuck how you eat it.
They want your money, that's all they care about.

>> No.9372439
File: 261 KB, 600x959, getjiro-etiquette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Protip:they don't give a fuck how you eat it.
Sure they do. Whether that matters or not us totally up to you. Personally I don't care. But it's ludicrous to pretend that there is no commonly accepted standards here. Are they willing to keep their mouths shut because they want your money? Yes. But that doesn't mean that there aren't standards.

>> No.9372622

Thumbnail looks like a collection of chopped dicks

>> No.9372743

This makes mustard gas...

>> No.9373819

This shit got me laid

>> No.9374388

>cheese side down
this guy gets it

>> No.9374484
File: 242 KB, 735x1823, A-Guide-to-Internal-Cooking-Temperature-for-Meat-infographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9374613

Yeah, it makes a cake. I don't think anyone Fucking expects a god tier brownie from a fuckin microwave.

>> No.9374665

ill eat my sushi how I fucking want to i'm the one paying for it you zipperheaded cunts

>> No.9374678

You must be a joy at dinner parties

>> No.9374721

cooking and reheating items has become so very much easier with a thermometer. I can't cook for shit but can read data so that allows me to get things right.

Even if you are a shitskin like me who microwaves everything it is great. Always heat food to it is hot yet not scalding.

>> No.9374789

Who gives a shit that you're white? I'm willing to bet the Japanese you're talking about are much more intelligent, well off, and well mannered.

>> No.9374798

>there's really no wrong way to eat sushi

Then why did you make the infographic you cocksucking faggot

>> No.9374799

>Who gives a shit that you're white?

Not him but you don't have to be a bleeding heart liberal to admit that given a choice, white is best.

>> No.9374943

i hope no one actually goes off USDA 'lets overcook everything to be safe' temps

>> No.9374982

cause in the real world life is hard and we can't all eat chocolate covered steak

>> No.9375405
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>> No.9375609

I like the infographic and appreciate the tips, but this feels smug. I mean, to be in Japan is one thing, but if I'm getting sushi in fuckin' Denver or Virginia...I mean, I'm paying you for the food and atmosphere. And I'll tip well, regardless. But how I eat it is my business (being an obvious ugly American aside).

Furthermore, in my neck of the woods...
"Aay...'scuse me...aay waiter--this the wrong order...
(mostly eaten)...we need some compensation off up in here"

If I dip my shit the wrong way, I think I'm fine...

>> No.9375720

I like onion a lot anon,.

>> No.9375977

It's fish on rice. These idiots need to stop taking this shit so seriously.

>> No.9376038

This one was made by The Oatmeal's bitch

>> No.9376289

Turkey is the only thing I use a thermometer for.

>> No.9376340

If you ever ate a place who doesn't employ Paco and Julio then you have.

>> No.9376388

>that post
I guess there isn't much difference between whites and niggers after all.

>> No.9376648

I've eaten omakase at Sushi Nakazawa and you sure as shit eat it how he gives it to you.

>> No.9377403
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Putting wasabi in the soy sauce is pretty fucking gross though, it's just wrong

>> No.9377446

>sure as shit eat it how he gives it to you

Or what? Does he chop off your finger? Carve an "x" in your forehead? What?

>> No.9377485

this is 100% written by a gaijin who's never set foot in Japan

>> No.9377493

how to reheat pizza:

fucking don't

>> No.9377514

put it in the oven, it's like fresh pizza

>> No.9377517

I'm not going to take sushi advice from some beanie wearing bearded thick glasses wearing cracker.

>> No.9377552


>> No.9377559

>you must follow the etiquette of a foreign nation because the food you are eating was invented there

hey homies you can get hamburgers and pizza and sushi and kebab in like 75% of the world do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.9377564

All of this is actually correct, if you're eating at a legit sushi joint. The only thing really contestable is the wasabi in soy sauce thing. Japanese people in Japan do this too. I don't know where it comes from that you can't.

>> No.9377570

Because Jiro-san already put the correct amount of wasabi on the sushi, he didn't ask you to season the food for him.

You don't go add extra screws to the wall once your house is built by the carpenter.

>> No.9377573

ftfy, you don't dump actual wasabi in the soy sauce because it's an extremely inefficient use of an expensive ingredient

>> No.9377579



>> No.9377588

First of all, if the sushi has already been seasoned, then you don't dip at all. So that invalidates your point.

If the sushi hasn't been seasoned, then it's acceptable to dip a corner into soy sauce. Adding some wasabi in another part is fine too, but people do both at the same time.

This is maybe the only argument I could see as correct, but if you think it's inefficient because it's expensive, you're just a poor fag lol. Maybe it's inefficient because you can't distinguish the flavors as readily.

>> No.9377593

>but if you think it's inefficient because it's expensive, you're just a poor fag lol
t.poor fag LARPing as someone who has eaten real sushi

You don't even have a passport, stop pretending you've been to Japan.

>> No.9377611

Sounds like you're mad and projecting, anon. You didn't actually counter what I said.

If you are concerned about price getting in the way of how you enjoy food, that's not a criticism of the food and how it should be enjoyed, that's a comment on how you can't enjoy a meal in a particular way because of your bank account. Maybe you should go to /r/personalfinance and talk about it there. We're talking about food and how it should be eaten, not money and how it should be spent.

>> No.9377618

but I've already had fresh pizza. cold pizza is part of the whole pizza experience

>> No.9377620

Your efforts at damage control are appreciated but unnecessary. You just admitted you have no idea how wasabi is used at a decent sushi restaurant. You seem to think it comes in an unnecessarily large green brick, the way fake wasabi is served. The customer is not the only party to the transaction that has to consider costs, anon.

>> No.9377631

Keep projecting anon, you still haven't said anything related directly to my post and are only drawing inferences that serve your ends of making you not feel poor.

>> No.9377641

Saying "projecting" once is weak. Saying it twice is a /b/ tier defense strategy.

You and I both know you're LARPing. I guess continuing to dig in your heels provides you some sort of amusement, so, by all means, continue. This has gotten rather boring for me though.

>> No.9377648
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>> No.9377654
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>> No.9377661
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>> No.9377669
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>> No.9377701

only good one in the thread

>> No.9377713
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>> No.9377716

It's my favorite, and also produces a mighty fine biscuit

>> No.9377725
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>> No.9377820
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I have a bunch of these from /ck/ 5 years ago. Let's see if I can find them. Also there are a bunch on the ck booru.

>> No.9377827
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>> No.9377853
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>> No.9377873


>> No.9377886


>> No.9377910


>> No.9377939

probably the taste profile is similar to a mole with the chocolate/cayenne

>> No.9377973
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>Lightly dip the fish, not the rice
>mfw it fell off
every single time

>> No.9378017

>eating ground beef thats anything but well done
enjoy your germs

>> No.9378050
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>> No.9378132

typical arrogant amerifuck ,
you must be so self absorbed that yu don't even realize this why no likes you , oh they may tolerate you and pretend to your face ,
but have you considered why you are lonely ?...ALL the time ? , or that you only have friends around when you are paying for everything ?

learn some respect and manners you philistine

>> No.9378270

In Japan its the equivalent of retarded shit people do in America like fries in milkshakes. It's wrong but no one really cares what people do with their own food

>> No.9378599

obese flyover hillbillies who should stick to McDonalds

>> No.9378605

Lel found the mad yurocuck

>> No.9378621
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>> No.9378626

He kicks you out of his restaurant.

>> No.9378628

2 nukes wasn't enough

>> No.9378638

or just use crappy 1000 island dressing

>> No.9378712 [DELETED] 

God I hate this bate image.

>$10.01 tip
>$0.03 of mutton
>$6.75 bananas

>> No.9378719

God I hate this bait image.

>$10.01 tip
>$0.03 of mutton
>$6.75 bananas

>> No.9378750


>> No.9379303

literally rice with raw fish
i bet you a weeaboo made this

>> No.9379313

Retarded garbage from /fit/. Never post that shit again, phoneposter.

>> No.9379333

>take steak
>add sugar
>take onions
>add sugar
>take strawberries
>add sugar

Besides all the sugar, this is one of the most contrived things I've ever seen.

>> No.9379373

>eat a bunch of flavorless gay shit and you'll lose 3 pounds a month!
low carb or keto, faggot

>> No.9379488

The dumbass younger me fell for this and ended up drowning a small part of the kitchen in what looked like a avalanche of shit.

>> No.9379513

gas the flyovers class war now

>> No.9379516

do you think they'd let non-american waitto piggu eat there?

>> No.9379550

If I buy fish from a fishmonger will there be less chance of worms as opposed to pre-cut?

>> No.9379681

Uncultured swine

>> No.9379699

Saffron threads for 3¢ gives it away.

>> No.9379889

For the longest time i didn't know what lap cheong was actually called. thanks.

>> No.9379906

>sushi etiquette
Gee I wonder if eating it is still allowed. Maybe you're just supposed to only admire its beauty and pay for that and nothing else.

>> No.9379917
File: 40 KB, 258x952, westons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cider average ABV 5%

Top kek

>> No.9379937

>wasabi should be put directly onto the sushi if added at all
>sushi restaurants still offer wasabi as condiment

>> No.9379987

I've never understood what is the issue. I always reheat pizza in the microwave and its good. It's not as if big chain store's pizza is any good anyway.

>> No.9380001

3 of these for a fiver is dangerous.
Just fuck my liver up, bruv

>> No.9380011

If we're talking cyder then I'd say 6% is a better average. And westons is a bad example, it tastes like beligerence

>> No.9380047

>Don't rub the utensils together because you're saying they're cheap.

Yeah but what if they are.

>> No.9380218

>origin: middle east
>origin: china

what kind of retard made this

>> No.9380226

you just gotta eat the splinters

>> No.9380240

Look at the sources at the bottom.

>> No.9380253

Even if you aren't poor, having a mini oven to bake things in without needing to fire up your big oven is extremely useful. And it completely replaces your bread toasters.

>> No.9380425

good thread

>> No.9380502

it was okay

>> No.9380583


>> No.9380935

>dump wasabi into your soy sauce
Why would anyone even do this? What do they hope to accomplish? I don't believe anyone seriously does that.

>> No.9380940

White trash and niggers mostly. I see younger Asians do it sometimes too.

>> No.9381054

>9.99$ pizza
>$10.01 tip
>0.37$ whole chicken
Only in shartmerica

>> No.9381450

>giving a fuck about some good fish and rice

>> No.9381456

it makes the soy sauce spicy.
idk what you want me to fuckin tell you
it's not fancy or complicated

>> No.9381460

It's for dipping your sushi, it's not eaten as an actual soup. I've seen people pour a little soy sauce into a plate and put a little wasabi into it and stir it up. Then they dip their sushi into it.

>> No.9381472

Yeah, thanks for stating the obvious. But if you have food with a subtle taste, like most sushi, what's the point in dominating that taste with a strong spicy sauce? It's the same idea as ketchuping a steak.

>> No.9381489

>I don't understand averages

>> No.9381491

So isn't your issue more with the wasabi than mixing wasabi with soy sauce?

>> No.9381505
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>don't mix wasabi into your soy sauce

>> No.9381515

I just jumped into the thread; that was my first post here.

Personally I don't have a problem with wasabi, but rather the amount that gets used. In my experience mixing the wasabi and the soy is nearly always associated with dunking the sushi in it to such a degree there's no way you could ever taste the fish or the rice.

I also think it does make more sense to keep the two separate. If you mix it then you are forced to stick with whatever ratio you mixed it at. What happens if you get served something that you want to dip in soy only without the wasabi?

>> No.9381528

Any good chef is gonna care about how someone eats something they prepare. If you poured your soul into making a perfectly seasoned steak and saw the person dump A1 on it before even taking a bit you wouldn't get upset?

>> No.9381543

used to be 1.20 for a pint in spoons when i was a teen.

>> No.9381570

thanks man i will

>> No.9381577

manually peel off splinters

>> No.9381614


this is fucking joke, right? sweet jesus

>> No.9381654
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>> No.9381660


>> No.9381708
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>> No.9381897

I remember him puking in the plate while eating, but still ate it all.

>> No.9381992
File: 4 KB, 250x233, 1475029634946s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the gabagool?

>> No.9382001

>go to Italian restaurant
>eat however you want
>nobody gives a shit

>go to American diner
>eat however you want
>nobody gives a shit

>eat at a Japanese restaurant
>eat however you want

Why does Japan get a pass on this shit? 70 years ago they were seen as savages who had no respect for human life, then suddenly they throw raw fish on rice and we're supposed to give them respect for such a grorious achievement? Fuck outta here

>> No.9382038
File: 832 KB, 1200x586, 1200px-Hot_dog_with_mustard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see hotdog

>> No.9382070

>Why does Japan get a pass on this shit?
They don't. You're comparing a high-end fancy Japanese restaurant with a goddamn diner. OFC they'll be different.

If you went and got cheap conveyor-belt sushi in Japan nobody would give a fuck how you ate it. But at an expensive place things are different. It would be no different than if you went to Enoteca Pinchiorri and asked for carbonara sauce to dip your bread in, or if you went to a Peter Luger and demanded ketchup for your steak.

You're seeing this as a nationality thing. It's not. It's based on the class of restaurant.

>> No.9382074

It's prosciutto

>> No.9382078

Thats the coppa

>> No.9382176

>70 years ago they were seen as savages

Sure, and when they first saw the hairy aped yuropeon in the 1500's he was a lice ridden barbarian that ate with his hands while even the lowest class in japan had baths and ate with chopsticks.

>> No.9383520

You say that like many people don't treat sushi as requiring this etiquette categorically. The vast majority of sushi joints in the states are no better than the sushi-equivalent of a mid-tier restaurant at best, and still you have people attempting to police themselves and others on inconsequential shit like rubbing chopsticks or dunking sushi upside down into spy sauce.
If I'm at a very high-tier establishment then I'll make extra effort to respect the wishes of the staff, but at most places, I am the one being served, even if I do my best to be an easy diner in that respect.

>> No.9383916

The only difference between this pic and what my customers do here in Japan is that there is less soy sauce. It's about 50/50 wasabi/shoyu. Kind of like a paste

>> No.9385351

Microwave till warm, grill until crispness returned.

>> No.9385373

Shut the fuck up, dumb weeb.
I can't believe you retards actually spout this bullshit.

>> No.9385440

>what is a sheet of aluminum foil under your broiler
much easier and quicker too

>> No.9385456

this is all bullshit. I've watched japs eat sushi many times they just go for whatever looks good. the only time this autistic shit matters is at the really fancy places, and those places will structure your order anyway as a set menu.

>> No.9385490
File: 33 KB, 325x183, 1476155923203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't use too much soy sauce or it will overpower the fish
>eat overpowering ginger in between different types of sushi

>> No.9385492

>no konacha (tiny specks that fall through the filters and brew in like 30-60 seconds)
fukamushi konacha masterrace here

>> No.9385951

>caring so much about the consistency and "crispyness" of your leftover pizza

understandable if you were baking pizza from scratch, but if it's leftover just throw the fucking thing in the microwave for a minute thirty

>> No.9386295

Don't do this, it makes mustard gas

>> No.9386569

u r retard

>> No.9386580

More like ZENO-phobic! Huehuehue

>> No.9386643


>> No.9386656

this is so fucking reddit

>> No.9386697

>go to Italian restaurant
>someone who just discovered they're 30% Italian firebombs the place because their spag bol wasn't "the way mama made it"

>> No.9386744

It really isn't.

>> No.9387023


oh nice the bbc just translated their site for you guys https://www.bbc.com/pidgin

>> No.9387054

Fries in milk shake is top tier combo

>> No.9387088
File: 111 KB, 280x324, 1498918825126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Scotland, the first evidence of whisky production comes from an entry in the Exchequer Rolls for 1494 where malt is sent "To Friar John Cor, by order of the king, to make aquavitae", enough to make about 500 bottles.
Whisky - Wikipedia

Yeah, nah.

>> No.9387651

>>9371864 >>9371908 >>9371913 >>9372119 >>9372148 >>9372149 >>9372223 >>9377493 >>9379987 >>9385351 >>9385440

You guys are retarded. Below assumes you have a sandwich press with different height settings

1) Get sandwich press
2) Put pizza on sandwich press
3) Lock sandwich press so it hovers right above pizza
4) Once scheese touches hot plate, wait 2 minutes then pull out

Heats it super quick, no mucking around necessary and you end up with nice crispy crust.

>> No.9387657


is applicable to >>9371908 >>9371912 >>9371915 >>9380253

Sorry, I went a bit overboard on the beers and missed these posts.

You can't tell me that students don't own sandwich presses, that's the definition of "hot meal" for students

>> No.9387750

That's because omakase specifically refers to that kind of restaurant. The one where the chef makes all the rules.

>> No.9387812

Nobody cares, bitch. You are retarded and uninformed and that's that

>> No.9388212

Hello nuevos rancheros.

>> No.9388275
File: 115 KB, 928x324, IMG_5435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arigato anon-kun.

>> No.9388286

i wonder if Vinny browses /ck/

>> No.9388290

I can just imagine going out to eat with you, probably interrupt everyone and "correct" them. You're probably a control freak about everything. When you get up to use the bathroom we'll all laugh and one of the girls at the table will whisper "whose idea was it to bring this fucking creep? Did you see the look he gave me when I dipped my sushi?"

>> No.9388328

Weeb gaijin garbage. Go to japan and realize they do not give a fuck about how you eat a piece of fish on rice. Its casual dining not kaiseki ryori

>> No.9390306

2 Questions:
Why do you tip Delivery guys
And why the fuck do you tip more then the pizza is worth?

>> No.9390351

I wonder whatever happened to this guy...

>> No.9390620

someones never seen Jiro

>> No.9390629

Jokes on you.

I don't have any friends.