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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9366921 No.9366921 [Reply] [Original]

>got invited to a end of summer party
>everyone is being loud and in one room music is on they are watching tv or some shit
>want to leave
>brought tupperware with me.
>end up putting food in tupperware
>someone walks in from the other room and sees me, confronts me
>we get into a shoving match
>noise attracts others, they rip tupperware of food out of my hands and tell me to leave

Was I in the right or wrong? I was a guest and the food was for guests, who cares where I eat the food right or wrong??

>> No.9366934

You are a bit weird, no?

>> No.9366935

This same thing happened to me last weekend. Weird.

>> No.9366937

Doubt it

>> No.9366938

>brought tupperware with me.
why? who does this?

>> No.9366942

Enjoy never being invited to a party again, scumbag

>> No.9366946

Always do it always go to parties and bring leftovers home

>> No.9366953

The leftover booze and food is the hosts, the spoils of war. You detestable faggotoni

>> No.9366961

Anon.. why are you going to parties with tupperware?
Why am i asking? This is obviously a shitpost.

>> No.9366962

Like I said all the other parties I went too guests would allow leftovers to get rid of the food Most didnt want to have tons of it lingering around

>> No.9367126

This isn't as bad as being a single male bring deviled eggs to a get together.

>> No.9367131

>not just putting the food in your pockets

>> No.9367148

Could you not just put them in your tater tots pocket

>> No.9367161

I always thought that posts like this were fake until I met a guy who withdrew his charity donation/sponsorship from a marathon runner when the guy didn't meet whatever time he was supposed to.

>> No.9367238

wrong for not punching them in the face. bunch of faggots touch me we start stabbing and make the 11ocock news

>> No.9367300

>>someone walks in from the other room and sees me, confronts me

Why do they confront you? I don't get any of this.

>> No.9367311

You were wrong. You must be a nigger/socially retarded if you bring tupperware to a party to loot food for later. I'm surprised how a retard like you managed to get invited to a party in the first place

>> No.9367313

I normally bring some gallon-sized Ziploc bags in my coat to fill with chips and other snacks and a Thermos to fill with alcohol or soda to take back with me. The Tupperware is a bad idea because you can't hide it in your coat easily like a plastic bag filled with food. Works well for securing pizza slices as well. I also have a small tin that I put cigarettes in, I always ask people smoking outside if I can have one and they usually say yes so I end up with a few of those to take home.
You weren't in the wrong, OP. Tupperware is just not very practical to avoid being seen.

>> No.9367342

Deviled eggs are delicious, what's the problem?

>> No.9367349

Damn seems like you need new friends OP. Thats quite rude of them.

And they stole your tupperware!! Outrageous!!

I bet they will think of you poorly when in reality they are the thieves

>> No.9367353

He was actually a nigger trying to steal something and got caught in the jewelry.

>> No.9367368

If you're a single male bringing them to a potluck then people will rightfully be worried.

>> No.9367370

I like this new Tupperware

>> No.9367383

This, the spoils are for the host, it's extremely rude, you hanging out with the host is a prerequisite for eating. Now of course it's situational. If it's a dear friend and they know you like leftovers it's not weird. Stranger or acquaintance without asking? Incredibly rude.

>> No.9367415

obvious bait

>> No.9367433

If he isn't just shitposting (which is probably 50/50 given how autistic some people are), it's because OP was probably just stealing shit from the fridge or food that was meant for the party. Food at a party is meant for people to eat at the party, not for a free meal for later. Leftovers go to whoever's hosting unless they say it's ok to take some, or at least until the party is dead.

>> No.9367551

I mean, you could've let the host know that you were leaving and asked if you could take some food home.

>> No.9367617

This, desu.

>> No.9367782


people like that associate with themselves

it's remarkable how shit people attract other shit people, if you don't know any shit people you'd assume they're a fictional construct

>> No.9367920

Irish Stew Guy?

>> No.9367945

They are not "leftovers" until the party is entirely and completely over. You were just stealing food.
>b-buh it doesn't make a difference if I eat it there or three days later at home!
If you don't see why then you are just a dumb cunt.

>> No.9368037

Why? I don't understand, I'd be happy someone brought something regardless of their relationship status.

>> No.9368113

>this is the kind of people you share a website with
welp, time to check out

>> No.9368120

These threads are the best thing on /ck/.

I would love it so much if any of them were real stories but they already have brought me so much mirth anyway.

>> No.9368575

Jesus Christ you're like that catering chef groom that episode of curb
You're in the wrong anon
Those leftovers are not yours unless you clear it with the host or the person who brought it

>> No.9368590


Of course you were in the wrong. It's one thing if you brought said food you were taking, then it'd at least be reasonable that you take a bit home. But no it sounds like you showed up to a party with a fucking feedbag. Of course once again this is basically guaranteed to not be true, so...

>> No.9368645

The food and drinks at parties are put out FOR THE GUESTS. The hosts can eat and drink their own food alone any time if they want. If I'm not that hungry during the party or I fill up too quickly, you'd best believe I'm filling some plastic bags or containers for later. You make no sense

>> No.9368683

damn motherfucker you've posted this a couple times already. what are you polling for answers ?

>> No.9368788
File: 72 KB, 500x555, 1479318807334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horrible fucking manners you greedy fucking cunt. would kick your ass.
you are essentially stealing from guests who are still there.

>> No.9368797

If not bait, you are retarded. Food is put out for guest AT THE PARTY. Not for guest who want to come, take food and leave. It's like being invited for dinner and announcing "I can't stay I have other plans, fix me a go plate". You are expected to provide conversation and company in return you get food, duh.

>> No.9368803

>brought tupperware with me.

Obviously planning this all along, just plain bad manners and ass holish behavior

>> No.9368868

>being """""that guy""""""
An hero my friend

>> No.9369038

Lmao that is exactly what I was thinking about

>> No.9369075

>noise attracts others, they rip tupperware of food out of my hands and tell me to leave

holy fucking kek, I can just imagine it

>> No.9369109

Jews, blacks and other entitled people

>> No.9369120

>>brought tupperware with me.

This is how I know ck is a board of sheltered, ignorant white kids.

Bringing containers to a party to take home leftovers is pretty common in black parties I'm at.

>> No.9369125
File: 168 KB, 600x899, Crock-Pot-Little-Smokies-foodiecrush.com-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong to take home leftover food you bring to a party? I always bring a Crock-Pot full of lil smokies because I know nobody likes them so I get to take them home for my doggo.

>> No.9369127

This is the worst part. They had the gall to steal his tupperware

>> No.9369128

>blacks and other entitled people

How the hell is it "entitled" to bring containers to a party with your friends?

Do you go to alot of strangers parties or some shit?

Aint nothing wrong with leftovers. I don't understand this thread at all.

>> No.9369134

>rip tupperware of food out of my hands and tell me to leave

Fucking pussy. If anyone tried to lay they hands on my leftovers, they getting punched in the face.

WTF is wrong with the people at your parties? what? White people don't know how to share shit?

>> No.9369141

>White people don't know how to share shit?

not really no

>> No.9369154

>White people don't know how to share shit?

Yes. We SHARE food with others at the party. We don't take it all home for ourselves so nobody else can have any, you classless Nigger.

>> No.9369186

You mean "sharing" other people's stuff while they aren't in the room? Seems to be a predominantly black thang.

>> No.9369207
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>pic related

>> No.9369215

The food is for guests to enjoy at the party. If you aren't hungry then don't need any. Feel like going home? Fine, go home and eat your own food. The food isn't a gift for you to take and do with as you please, it's hospitality to make the party more enjoyable for the guests. Once you leave, that hospitality ends.

>> No.9369222
File: 6 KB, 200x252, 1447473467971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek thanks for the laugh

and to answer your question OP yes obviously you were in the wrong, though I doubt telling you that will make any difference to you since your severe autism prevents rational thought

>> No.9369233

I'd say you were in the wrong, OP. Reminds me of a similar story of my own
>at college football tailgate
>obscene amount of alcohol and food
>all paid for by company my gf works for
>people keep insisting we eat and drink as much as we want
>insist we take food and beer home because so much is left over
>take a bag of food
>fill half a water bottle with crown royal
>still at least a gallon of crown royal left
>start to leave
>drunk wife of one of the company's employees chases me down
>"trying to steal from us motherfucker?"
>goes on and on, hollering and drawing attention
>trying to explain that we were told to take food and alcohol
>she spits on me
>wants to fight me
>husband amd son make their way over to pull her away
>apologizing on her behalf
>heard from gf she got a DUI later that night
>husband extremely embarassed at work due to her behavior
>gives us gift card for dinner at nice restaurant as an apology
Woukd have been more satisfying to knock that bitch out to be honest

>> No.9369251

I-I do this..

>> No.9369277

are you kidding? I fucking LOoOOOVE WEENIES

>> No.9369282
File: 6 KB, 151x233, 1503428857263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, wat

>> No.9369295

>gives us gift card for dinner at nice restaurant as an apology
good guy having to deal with a dumb whore wife

>> No.9369328

>You mean "sharing" other people's stuff while they aren't in the room?

I believe there's a word for that...

>> No.9369340

>she spits on me
>wants to fight me

Feminsim was a mistake.

>> No.9369351

Irish stew is that you?

>> No.9369365

OP your problem is that you're too nice. Nobody respects a pushover. Next time just take some of the host's leftover tupperware he has laying around instead of bringing your own from home.

>> No.9369366

I've seen literal sponges who come explicitely late to parties in order to raid the buffets and leave no trace.

Meanwhile, I was there since 8pm, decide at 4am to grab some leftover packaged cheese before leaving and some faggot (brother of the party host) tells me to drop it off.

I'm not saying you're wrong, OP. But maybe you're not right (or the host is a dildolicker, eitherway).

>> No.9369422

You are one giant kike.
The guest had the balls and the courtesy to invite you over, and you steal the party food because you think you're entitled to it?
This has to be bait.

>> No.9369428

>having friends

>> No.9369434

t. nigger

>> No.9369441

well, niggers aren't exactly civilized.

>> No.9369444

Alright smartass, what do you think would happen if everyone had your mentality?
If everyone just took home to eat later?
You would have nothing left at the party.
Your idea just works because you think and behave yourself like a parasite.

>> No.9369479

>Meanwhile, I was there since 8pm, decide at 4am to grab some leftover packaged cheese before leaving and some faggot (brother of the party host) tells me to drop it off.
PROTIP you giant autist: still wrapped foods are never leftovers.

>> No.9369514
File: 105 KB, 430x403, 0ce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to sound like an hypocrite, but this thread just reminded me of a douchy thing I did back in New Year's Eve:

>Go to friend's house, bring some glazed donuts
>we drink and party until 11 pm, the glazed donuts are untouched
>we decide to go early to celebrate the new year in a crowd.I take the donuts nobody ate in my backpack
>A couple of days later I get a remark of my friend, asking me why did I took the donuts with myself
>after the party they came home hungry and couldn't find the donuts.

Can we at least compromize?

>stay until the end of the party
>offer to clean the tables and chairs
>by the end of it grab something to eat
>the hosts will be either so thankful for your help or so tired, that they won't bat an eye about it.

>> No.9369521

What if I take a dip or a slice beforehand?

Checkmate, fagtron.

>> No.9369550

The fact that you are hiding it means you know it is unacceptable. But yes slightly less ess autistic if you get away with it

>> No.9369556

I'm a person. I wouldn't be worried. I don't get what you are hinting at.

>> No.9369585

You'd think the host would be grateful. Who the hell actually WANTS to eat food that's been left out, touched, coughed, and spit on all night? And that's provided it was cooked in a proper, sanitary manner in the first place. As far as I'm concerned, it's one less thing filling up my trash bin.

Besides, they just stole your tupperware.

>> No.9369623
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>If you don't see why then you are just a dumb cunt.

No, actually explain the logical fault behind this.

I had a friend buy me a chocolate bar years ago but I wasn't hungry at the time so I put it in my bag to eat later, seeing this he took it back because I didn't eat it as soon as I got it. Was I somehow in the wrong, or is it really just an irrationality of ego that comes over people? Do they just feel offended because they feel like their generosity has been disrespected? Because that's what I saw when he took that chocolate bar back all those years ago and thats what I'm seeing right now in your post.

>> No.9369664

>or is it really just an irrationality of ego that comes over people?

A bit unrelated, but that reminds me of an accquaintace of my school who would get annoyed if you took a small bite from his sandwich. Bear in mind, he was okay if you asked him for a bite of his sandwich. He just found small nibbles annoying because you shouldn't even bother asking for a bite-size that would probablly let you unsatisfied and wanting for more.

>> No.9369671

Worried about what? Do deviled eggs have some sort of taboo associated with them I'm not aware of?

>> No.9369689
File: 52 KB, 340x700, IMG_6501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one kid in high school who would come begging for food whenever your friends held a mini potluck during lunch
>that one guy who brings only one bottle of store label cola to the party and eats the most

>> No.9369704

>that kid in 2nd grade who opened his empty lunchbox in reccess with a sad face and all the classroom girls came to empty their lunches at your feet

feels good man.

>> No.9369713

That's a strange ritual.

>> No.9369715

>held a mini potluck during lunch
Were you part of the faggot theater kid clique or something? I can't imagine any normal group of people doing something so gay.

>> No.9369742

Maybe he doesn't want to be acquainted with rodents

>> No.9369792

Dude, are you homeless or something? Cause if not, what the fuck man.

>> No.9369865

Fuck you

>> No.9369878


my thought as well

>> No.9369923

It's not like I'm taking stuff out of their fridge or cupboards, food put out at parties is meant for the guests. If I was invited, it's mine. And if someone agrees to give me a cigarette, why does it matter if I smoke it later on another day?

>> No.9369928

because it's not exclusively yours, it's also for the rest of the guests. You seem to have had no proper manners. I think you're a bastard son of a whore in the literal sense.

>> No.9369999

>bring food you know no one likes
What? Just so you don't have to actually bring something?

>> No.9370327
File: 17 KB, 220x267, 220px-Louise_Elisabeth_Vigée-Lebrun_-_Marie-Antoinette_dit_«_à_la_Rose_»_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proper manners

Oui, monsieur, eet is zee decline of "proper manners" zat hass destroyed our glorious world. Zey should haf eaten zee keak!

>> No.9370341

but I'm allowed to grab a handful of food and eat it without trying to feed it to anyone else. Why can't I stick that same handful of food in my pocket for later?

>> No.9370420

Because you're not going to let other people at party reach your fucking pocket

>> No.9370422

I have slightly related green text
>potluck party w frnds
>bring BIG bag of chips and container of dip
>walking in the door, two fat friends of my friend take the chips and dip from my hands
>I assume they will eat some then leave the rest on the table
>five minutes later I notice the fatasses have polished off the entire bag and container of dip

>> No.9370426

Do you understand that story was fabricated?

>> No.9370438

and why should we let the obvious fakeness of OP stop us from fighting?
I'm also not going to let them grab the food out of my hands while I'm holding it. Once I grab it, it's mine to do with as I please. I may eat it right there, or put it into my pocket

>> No.9370443

>It's not like I'm taking stuff out of their fridge or cupboards
Why do I get the feeling you've considered doing that at some point.

>> No.9370723

you can't bring food from a party the same way you cant bring food from a buffet. ITS NOT YOUR FOOD

>> No.9370853

>All these autists sperging about how they're entitled to all the food at a party.
If you ask the host if you can take a little before heading out, I'm sure they'd say yes. But if you just sneak off and start stuffing your pockets with food you're a fucking degenerate.

This guy gets it. You don't go to a buffet and stuff a bucket full of shit and book it. Well... seeing how some of you reacted you probably do. Christ, I just imagine you all being trailer trash or some other gutter trash. How can you not see how ridiculous you are?

>> No.9370897

>entitled to all the food at a party
The guests ARE entitled to all the food at the party. If there was a Buffet that was for one night only and you had to be invited to get in, there would be nothing wrong with bringing some bags and tupperware and filling them up for later. Just like there's nothing wrong with doing that at a party. I don't get invited to many parties, so when I do I always stock up on as much food & drinks as I can to save money later in the week.

>> No.9370951

no one said all the food fuckhead, there was tons left after i put some in my tupperware

>> No.9371019

makes no difference you fucking dumbass. its fucking packaged its not open to discussion

>> No.9371040

OP you can keep trying to defend yourself and justify your actions, but truth is if you keep acting this way no one will like you and you'll be even more alone than you are now. You weren't even having a good time or connecting with the people at the party, are you retarded or is this just a bait thread?

>> No.9371050

They are, ONLY while at the party. But I'm sure you have 0% first-hand experience at parties with actual humans.

You're disgusting; stop trying to justify your pathetic behavior.

>> No.9371064
File: 55 KB, 360x360, dastardly dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that guy but I used to do this back in MA course. Class was like all girls and me so my group of friends did that shit like every other week

Would admit it was pretty gay but its a good way to enjoy some nice girl's home cooking
>mfw I always would only bring the drinks and get to eat the most cause I'm a shameless pig

>> No.9371100

I also have a similar story of my own except maybe not as entertaining
>Attend best friend from middle school party
>big party, pretty much everyone he knew
>he has this one friend from college
lets call him Jay
>Jay arrives at party, brings nothing too
>Jay deems this party not worthy and tells my friend he's going to go lay down a bit on his bed cause he's tired
>leaves door half open so we all can see he's just texting
>only gets out to grab beer and a bag of chips
>me and like a third of guests end up staying over the night
>early morning wake up to the sound of Jay telling friend he has to run but great party etc
>grabs a leftover six pack from the fridge before leaving

>> No.9371108
File: 177 KB, 852x581, 22c2b7e57302751b15ddbe4719326f42408fc138ebab3f71120fd053c00dc8a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit gets weird when free food is involved. the thing is if you offer food to people at a party, you have invited them and offered them food. if they do some weird shit it's on you. there are no protocols, we aren't living in victorian england. op did his thing, and if they don't like him for who he is and his thing, then they can fuck right off.

>> No.9371120

Sounds like a shitty normiefest
Should have brought a gun and shot the fuck who took your tupp

>> No.9371145

>you have invited them and offered them food. if they do some weird shit it's on you

You can always not invite them to the next party.

>> No.9371148

>work hard making a nice dish for a party
>that one fat fuck who brought nothing but a case of bud light for himself eats it all before anyone else gets any
Every fucking time.

>> No.9371164

yeah and that's fair play, but in the meantime the deed was done and it was fair play too

>> No.9371167

>new to Texas
>party thrown to welcome me
>work hard making Lutefisk to show the good people a piece of Minnesota
>someone steals my Lutefisk
>throws it in the bin
>no one gets to try any

>> No.9371273

You sure someone didn't just eat all your lutefisk under the food table?

>> No.9371334
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>throw a party
>everyone brings a ton of food
>half of it ends up not being eaten
>have to scramble to find storage space at 3am after the house is cleared out and I'm shitfaced

Every time.

>> No.9372157

>invite so-called friends to a party
>offer them delicious food and drinks that I put great effort into preparing for them
>they only eat some of it and spend most of the time talking with each other and listening to music
>a few people start to leave
>I realize they didn't even bring tupperware or thermoses
>they just leave the unwanted, unappreciated leftovers with me
>I cry all alone

every time

>> No.9372212

Probably the same author, yes.
/ck/ never seems to tire of his ability to create convincing autists for us to ridicule.

>> No.9372274

You only take leftovers if you stay around at the end of the party and help clean up then ask if you can have some.

>> No.9373713

What's worse is when they ask people to bring food and you bring this homecooked thing and they just bring some store bought shit and everyone eats that and nobody touches your dish.

I'm not really sure what I expected, everyone was under 30 I doubt they've ever cooked before.

>> No.9374393

Why are people acting like OP did something wrong? I don't get it. He could have easily sat down in the kitchen and eaten 4000 calories of food alone while everyone else partied in the other room, and no one would have bothered him.

Just because he decides to take those calories home for a meal later on he is wrong? You people make no sense. Also OP, make sure you go back and get your tupperware, thats messed up they stole that from you.

>> No.9374602
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Always take cheap food and drink to a party, so you don't feel too attached to it when it inevitably gets hoovered up by fatasses. It doesn't have to be terrible rotgut stuff, just don't go for beers that come in 4-packs that cost more than most 6-packs.

>> No.9374617

It's the same reason you can't take food home from buffets at restaurants.

>> No.9374626

Ubuntu, my brother

>> No.9374639

I know right.
This guys girlfriend got shitty with me when I went to leave a party at their place and took a leftover lamp.

>> No.9374658

see >>9370897

>> No.9374786
File: 135 KB, 780x761, santa claus tells a lawn gnome that he's on the naughty list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He could have easily sat down in the kitchen and eaten 4000 calories of food alone while everyone else partied in the other room, and no one would have bothered him.
...Except that's also not acceptable behavior. In fact, that's worse.

>> No.9374800

>be at party
>friend, Matt, keeps hanging around kitchen
>his ex brings two bunches of bananas to have with pancakes the next day for the people sleeping over
>throughout the night Mat appears every now and then to grab a banana
>wake up the next morning
>2 bananas left
>his ex says "where the fuck did all my bananas go?"
>explain that Matt gobbled them all up into his ravenous maw
>she starts dry retching melodramatically because she hates him
>he didn't even know they were hers, he just really liked bananas
Cheeky Matt

>> No.9374864

Booze profit is the best thing about throwing a party.

Anyway sorta similar story

>Throwing a flat party
>About 20 people crammed into my flat
>Completely shitfaced and chilling in my room with friends, others in lounge and kitchen.
>Friend: "Anyone else smell that?"
>Can smell something cooking
>Stumble into kitchen to see what is going on
>Dude from college I invited is cooking like 10 eggs in my massive wok
>For himself
>'Cause he's hungry
>Pissed because they were supposed to be for my hangover fry up next day


>> No.9375043

I bring tupperware with me when I go to the buffet. I wear pants that are tightly cuffed around my ankles, put food into the tupperware and than put it in my pants. I could easily force myself to eat 4000 calories at the buffet and feel sick, or i could eat a healthy amount, and than pack the rest for later. The buffets policies shouldn't be forcing me to overeat if I want to get my moneys worth.

>> No.9375057

i don't see what the problem is

take as much as you'd normally eat and save some for everyone else

>> No.9375095

Party food isn't a free food giveaway. It's a supplement to make a PARTY more enjoyable. But that is moot if you eat it quietly at home days later (or alone in the kitches for that matter). You are not contributing to the PARTY.
What's so hard to understand about that?

>> No.9375138

So its okay if you go in, sit down and eat 4000 calories while not contributing to the party? But its not okay to dance have fun and make the party super awesome, and than take a bunch of food home in tupperware with you?

Your logic is flawed friendo

>> No.9375155

>>(or alone in the kitches for that matter).
Embarrassing. Delete your post.

>> No.9375165

No, whether you are contributing to the party or not is completely subjective. Maybe OP was contributing to the party in his own way by being alone in the kitchen. Who are you to judge what makes a party better? I think having someone chillin in the kitchen always makes a party more lively. It spreads people out around the house making it less crowded and giving a sense of something "happenin" in every part of the house.

>> No.9375182

Of course it's subjective. For the fatass sitting in your kitchen, wordlessly wolfing down your much-cited 4000 calories (two entire days worth of food) without paying, for him this makes the party more enjoyable. Everyone else at the party is simply disgusted at him.

>> No.9375194

Lets turn this into a thread about the best ways to steal food from house parties. Tupperware is quite bold OP. If paper plates are provided at the party they are the best option as you don't have to bring anything in. Your first objective should be to find saran wrap. Sometime during the party find an excuse to look through drawers (looking for silverware etc...) to find the saran wrap. Mentally store that information and than later use it in conjunction with the paper plates to take food.

>> No.9375198

4000 calories is completely reasonable for a single meal

>> No.9375233

who is the faggot in the pic? he really look ridiculous

>> No.9375245

Lupe Fiasco

>> No.9375425



>> No.9375526
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>steals the hosts food
>dosent understand whats wrong

>> No.9375608

He wasn't stealing. He was invited to a party where food was provided, he chose to store the food for later consumption. How is this hard for your pea brain to understand???!?!?!?!

I can't believe you autists think OP was somehow being rude. He is consuming food at a later time, he is being logical and smart.

>> No.9375611

feels comfy

>> No.9375620

yeah no, if i come over to your house for dinner but leave before dinner is done and take half of it

not to mention its fucking insulting. you care more about the food then the entertainment the host is providing. on top of that fucking shit, you didnt even ask. as autistic as it is to come prepared to take someone elses food away from , just fucking asking would of been an improvement.

>> No.9375637
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infact, lemme narrow it down for your autistic ass
>your party sucks, your a terrible host
>im taking your food without asking

>> No.9375649

I know (hope) you're trolling but lets say that a party invite is also an entitlement to a portion of the food and drink available. It's entirely possible that you could remove ALL of the food and drink, but it's not possible that you could eat and drink everything while at the party. Therefore it is immoral to take food away from the party without express permission.

You could also make the argument that by taking the food you are taking away the possibility for anyone else to enjoy the food and that would put you in breach of the NAP.

>> No.9375667

>I don't get invited to many parties
No fuckin surprise there

>> No.9375715

why ask if you can take food when you have already been invited to a party where its known food will be provided?!!?!??! are you fucking dense

>> No.9375718

when you show up to a friends house where a bunch of food is sprawled out on a table, do you ask him everytime before you eat something

"excuse me can I eat this chip?"

Excuse me can i have some salsa??"

"Excuse me can I also have some guacamole?"

>> No.9375726

>but it's not possible that you could eat and drink everything while at the party

you think so?

>by taking the food you are taking away the possibility for anyone else to enjoy the food

I would never take away the food at the start of the party. once the party is going and everyone has showed up, they have been offered the food. They had their chance to consume if they wanted, when i take it all they can't be mad because they already had an opportunity to get some if they wanted it

>> No.9375728

no because your enjoying the party and thats what he provided it for, to enjoy...at the party. why didnt he just buy packeged food and not open it incase you wanted to just take it? its "hey wanna come over to a party" not "hey wanna just take food and go?" lmao. and at the end of the night you STILL just dont take it, he offers leftovers out or you ask, autism

*at the party. the foods for AT the party. with your logic i can just start fucking start digging through his fridge even if everything intended to be served is on the table.
seriously: "wanna come over for a birthday party? theres gonna be cake!"
"ah yeah but ill just take some of the cake and go, later bruh"

>> No.9375739
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I'm married to a filipina and they don't let you leave if you don't put some food in a container and take it home.

>> No.9375744

Just out of curiosity I would like to know who's an amerilard or an europoor posting in this thread.

>> No.9375757

My uncle is married to a filipina and she made so much filipino food that we had to freeze it. Shit is so delicious. I literally have like three bags full of uncooked lumpia in my freezer.

>> No.9375758

>m-maybe if I argue semantics my socially unacceptable behavior will be justified

you can do what you want, but that is going to be met with hostility because it is not the norm. there is no argument that can counter that. you can complain about societal norms all you want, but you're taking something from someone else, so your bitching won't be met with open ears.

>> No.9375762

That's different man, that's after everyone has been eating for hours, stuffed to the brim, can barely roll out the front door, and if you don't take a full armfull you're insulting them.

You do right by her, and keep that sweet, sweet Lumpia train rollin baby.

>> No.9375799
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>I'm also not going to let them grab the food out of my hands while I'm holding it. Once I grab it, it's mine to do with as I please. I may eat it right there, or put it into my pocket

>> No.9376007

"People" like this should be lined up and shot in the base of the skull.

>> No.9376020

i'm laughing too hard at this but fuck that's cold

>> No.9376040
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>> No.9376049

>there are people literally so poor or lazy they think it's justifiable to steal other people's food

>> No.9376277

One sandwich in a napkin then fuck off, if you're taking enough to fill up a tupperware container then just fucking straight off that's rude as hell. It looks like you're only there on the premise of free food.

>> No.9376304

You're good anon, it was your thing that you brought and there was ample opportunity for people to show interest. I probably would have taken them home too.

>> No.9376310

I've done this... ... I was at an engagement party and I'd been drinking all day with no food, I was hoping there'd be food there but there was nothing but a cheese platter , I sat there for half an hour eating an entire block of cheese at a speed I'm now certain wasn't slow enough to avoid detection.

>> No.9376366

"yo man why dont you go eat a dicm if youre so hungey, this is for all the guests not just you."

>> No.9376369

...its a good question

>> No.9376377

this, fucking kek if people are posting unironically they are white trash.

>> No.9376387

they are still at the fucking party its not over just because you left lmao

>> No.9376416

If someone brings a keg to the party, you can't just take it home with you when you decide to leave. Same applies to the food, unless you're given permission to take some.

>> No.9376666

What if they are just niggers or jewish?

>> No.9376692

If the hosts offer you food to take home with you, then that is perfectly fine. It's a problem when you take it without asking.

>> No.9376762
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>> No.9376807
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>Stocks up on food to save money later that week
I think this is what he's not grasping.
They're not throwing a charity party for poor fags. This isn't a party to fund your cause. This is a party for everyone to have a good time. They provide drinks and food so people can get drunk and comfortable, everyone laughs with each other, likes each other more, likes the hosts more, and the party was a success.
Less food = less fun at the party. You are literally taking away from their good time on your way out without contributing anything back. Youre a leach. A parasite. Do you know what people do when they find a tick in their hair? They remove it and kill it. I don't know how you've made it to adulthood without realizing all of this.
But I guess it adds up, you unsocial, self-righteous dimwit

>> No.9376816

You're going to miss so many cool things and people in life and die alone if that's how you want to live
But hey, that's on you, right?

>> No.9376834

There are protocols asshole. Just because you never bothered to learn them doesn't mean they don't exist.
I'm sure if you threw a party and I licked all your party food to claim as mine you wouldn't just sit back, shrug your shoulders and say "guess that's on me!"

>> No.9376841

You only take leftovers if the host offers them.

>> No.9376845

Trust me when I say this as a Texan who's partied in Minnesota a couple times, they were saving your reputation
No one in Texas is into lutefisk

>> No.9376879

Dude no, the food is there for when everyone is drunk, not when they first show up. Yeah they can have it whenever, but everyone knows you get hungry for greasy shit when your drunk, and you don't want one of your friends driving out or preparing shit after everyone's drunk.
You should really feel ashamed that you increased the risk of someone having to make a 3am MacDonald's run for everyone with one eye closed. Not the safety risk, but the McDonald's part.

>> No.9376894

Since it sounds like a shitty party and you probably don't want to be invited again I see nothing wrong with it. Fuck 'em, maybe it will teach them a lesson not to throw a shitty party next time and people will stay and eat and drink instead of taking it to go. The only difference with me is I would have brought a couple growlers and filled them with beer, too.

>> No.9376897

Godamnit Bobby
I rescind this >>9376845

>> No.9376951

Hence why we're calling OP a degenerate Nigger. One does no do that at a civilized party

>> No.9376957

They're not your leftovers

>> No.9377478

Riff Raff

>> No.9378344

so you take your eggs back or let him eat your breakfast like a lil bich?

>> No.9378393

I know this is bait but I am still fucking blown away at the notion of both taking food from a party and of bringing tupperware to a party.

>> No.9378903

Raised without couth, obviously.

>> No.9379014

cause we apparently owe everything we have to blacks who heard about slavery

>> No.9379027
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>> No.9379031

the opposite happens to me all the time
they bring store bought shit and i cook and bring my own shit
they go through my shit before everyone arrives, i'm telling them to save some so everyone can try it
they don't listen, eat my shit them plow through store bought shit

>> No.9379040

>stealing bottlefuls of a host's alcohol

Die in a fire

>> No.9379068
File: 1.36 MB, 1440x810, 1486500679990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey *host* this *food item* was delicious! Do you mind if I take it home?"
>"Sure! Please enjoy and thanks for coming!"


"Hey *host* this *food item* was delicious! Do you mind if I take it home?"
>"sorry anon, I want to keep that. But I can tell you where I bought it!"
"Thanks, and thank you for inviting me."

Also, the only people entitled to leftovers are the ones who stick around to clean up. I can't believe how autistic all of you are.

>> No.9379098

Why worried?

>> No.9379101

10 bucks says hes a cuck and the guy ate his eggs in front of him

>> No.9379107

Seriously. I dont get it either

>> No.9379115

Old pasta from 2013 /r9k/, tupperware anon. He has more stories like 'they don't serve turkey here you piece of shit' and one where he made spaghetti and meatballs for his neighbors dog.

>> No.9379134

I did this sometimes but in secret when there's less crowd. Bringing out your tupperware to stuff food is plain stupid. I usually wear a bag to a party and stuff leftover food in. No alcohol though because those shits are for the host.

>> No.9379187

Nice bait anon, no one can possibly be this autistic.

>> No.9379199

i've never been poor, is what they do?

>> No.9379308

Would Matt happen to be a dirty nigger?

>> No.9379361

I would love to see you go to an exclusive one night only buffet and try to put food into a bag or container for later.
Fuck, I don't know what you look like, but I would relish the dumb fucking face you would make when you get stopped at the door and told you can't take food home that is for buffet eating only.
Party food is for the party, if you leave the party, you don't get the food, if the party is over maybe you can take some home.

The host spent money, time, effort, and consideration to throw the party. Your contribution is to bring food for everyone to enjoy. The other guests' food is not yours, you can eat it at the party but you have no right to horde it and take it home before the party is over.

I feel like OP is from a 3rd world country and just didn't grow up with manners and etiquette.

>> No.9379377

>Walks in and sees his buddy cooking his eggs
You don't have to tell me what happened, but you have to eat all the eggs.

>> No.9379578

I got into a verbal confrontion with a party host in hschool and me and my bros straight up stole a keg.
If he didn't call me out I would of smokes budz with him and left his keg alone.
Otherwise I'll ask to take some home if anything was superb.

>> No.9379597

im thinkin bout thos wenies

>> No.9379646

Jews manipulate stupid people into giving them money, niggers outright steal. Learn the difference

>> No.9380645

This is great, what are his other pasta's? Also whats a good site for archived pastas?

>> No.9380676

>Woukd have been more satisfying to knock that bitch out to be honest
Yeah but then you'd have been arrested/sued/beaten up on the spot by people protecting women instead of getting a gift card. The reality we live in.

>> No.9380698

My mate always has always done this, he just fucking loves making, eating and sharing deviled eggs. Even now he's got a long term gf he still brings them. I don't see how its a problem, possibility me and all my mates are spergs but we all just eat them and say thanks.

>> No.9380758


>> No.9381097

Try desuarchive

>> No.9381294

You can come. Not sure what >>9367126
means, but I'm sure you won't end up killing all guests or something.

>> No.9381308

Again with zee keak, you need new material anon.

>> No.9381330
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Is this a cumskin only issue? All the parties i've been too, if you leave early it's perfectly fine for you to fill a plate to the brim, cover it with another plate, and go about your buisness. Recently I've seen more people with tupperware at parties, shit, my mom has foil paper in her trunk for this exact reason. Why did that guy harrass OP about it?

>> No.9381419

>Why did that guy harrass OP about it?

Because he's not a classless fuck that pulls the kind of shit that is apparently normal for you.

>> No.9381560

Not entirely, it's an issue for all civilized people.

>> No.9381696


its their reward for picking up the mess that everyone else WILL leave behind

>> No.9381739

Jesus, I don't even remember typing that in this thread. Tbf, I hadn't used it in a while.

>> No.9381747
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>when you bait

>> No.9381758

Fill half a plate with food, fold the plate in half, then use the pocket sized stapler you brought with you to seal it shut before slipping it into your trenchcoat.

>> No.9381759


This guy gets invited to parties but I don't.

>> No.9381856

It just comes across as selfish, but I can definitely understand your plight.

>> No.9381857

I'm serious this has literally never been a problem for me. Unless it's the type of party? Most of the ones I have in mind when I typed that are like birthday or celebration type parties with friends and family, where everyone brings something. Almost everyone always takes a plate of food home, my auntie has those styrofoam dishes in right next to the table at her parties

I can maybe see it being a problem at like a general house party or something

>> No.9381891

The food is for the party. If you leave the party, you don't get food. I hope you're fucking with us but sadly I believe you actually did this.

>> No.9381908

It's one thing if it's family or close friends.
It's another thing entirely if it's random people.

There's also the timing: Show up for 10 minutes then grab food and scoot? Not a good thing. Take some food home whenever everyone else is leaving too? That's fine.

>> No.9382066

alright well with OP it's random people and he didnt even ask so he desrved it

>> No.9382212

>let me just walk into this party with a plastic bag full of tuppereare

>> No.9382577
File: 64 KB, 693x490, 1485383756809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bring tupperware with me

>> No.9382911

What the fuck kind of logic are you operating on?

Why did you bring tupperware to a party in the first place? It doesn't sound like it was a dinner party. You didn't even ask the host if you could take some food with you for the road.