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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9361617 No.9361617 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a bigger sign of a basic bitch palet?

>> No.9361622

For me it's the McChicken

>> No.9361625

We get it, you don't want Americans here. Too bad.

>> No.9361627

Fuck man. I love a mcchicken every now and then.

>> No.9361629

Nothing wrong with Americans. Surely not all Americans eat plastic.

>> No.9361631

Chances are high that most OBSESSED posters are not from Yurop.

>> No.9361638

The only people who bitch about american cheese are the ones who don't understand when to use it.
Nothing beats a cheeseburger with a melted slice of american on it.

>> No.9361642

A cheeseburger with a melted slice of real cheese would beat it.

>> No.9361644
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>> No.9361645

t. Eurocuck who cant even get good burgers

>> No.9361650

I'm American

>> No.9361654

I'm Asian

>> No.9361657

I'm Canadian

>> No.9361661
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>he doesn't know burgers originated in Europe

>> No.9361692

>He doesn't know burger patties aren't burgers without the bun.

>> No.9361694

I'm Australian

>> No.9361729
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Yurpie here. Love them cheese product slices.

>> No.9361735

>he doesn't know hamburgers originated in Germany
Clue's in the name, Retard.

>> No.9361751


Is there a bigger sign of illiteracy than being unable to differentiate between homophones?

>> No.9361770

I have nothing against gay people, anon.

>> No.9361807

That's literally not true at all.

>> No.9361811

Real cheese melts like shit.

>> No.9361977

I identify as black

>> No.9362090

t. Someone whose never eaten real cheese

>> No.9362098

Uninformed post made by a retard suffering from the Dunning Kruger effect.

>> No.9362130
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>doesn't know that American cheese is basically a mild form of cheddar cheese

>> No.9362132

This. American cheese can never replace real cheese, but it doesn't have to. It's its own thing with its own uses. Dismissing it entirely because muh authenticity is vegan-tier

>> No.9362137

>American cheese can never replace real cheese,

American cheese IS real cheese, morons.

It's a blend of cheddar cheese, dairy products, and flavorings, designed to keep longer in warmer conditions, and to melt more consistently when used in cooking.

>> No.9362140

>americans complain about estrogen in their water
>create some false jewish conspiracy against the world
>willingly consume plastic and toxic chemicals

>> No.9362148

>Ameriboos complain about Americans
>spend hours of their lives everyday interacting with them on 4chan
>get all their information about America from the Simpsons

>> No.9362164

Unironically the best cheese for burgers.

>> No.9362174

>retard euros don't know you can make your own American style cheese slices at home from cheese and an emulsifier and thing it's sorcery

>> No.9362185
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I like wendy's crispy chicken blt

>> No.9362187

and like everything else we do it best

>> No.9362208

>he thinks 4Chins is an American website.
First day?

>> No.9362211
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>tfw 'we' know that feel

>> No.9362224

Why bother when you can just buy it?
Protip: no one does because we have real cheese.

>> No.9362236

>he thinks 4Chins isn't an American website.
First day?

>> No.9362242
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>Protip: no one does because we have real cheese.

Sure you do, Ameriboo.

Sure you do.

>> No.9362259

All the cheese in the USA is basically pasteurized milk byproduct.
Their rules are too strict to allow for real cheese. Same reason they bleach chicken.
It's unfortunate.

>> No.9362261

>Japanese owner
>hosted on servers in the UK.
First day, Shartacus?

>> No.9362267

The eggs get washed as well and have to be refrigerated

>> No.9362271


>> No.9362275

thought the chlorine chicken was a meme but I watched a documentary about it. seems a bit excessive.

>> No.9362279
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>founded by pic related in his bedroom in jew yawk
>not American

You seem upset, Ameriboo.

>> No.9362281

Because """real""" cheese literally cannot melt as well American cheese. It's a physical limitation of unprocessed cheese.

>> No.9362288
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>using technology to safely kill bacteria and germs on food

>> No.9362299

It because of shit tier factory farming and salmonella but even the free range birds get the same treatment. I didn't know about the eggs though.

>> No.9362306

Even the chocolate contains butric acid.
>tfw: no patrician tier Swiss chocolate.

>> No.9362313

All cheese is processed, monganon.

>> No.9362319

No shit, retard. Unprocessed cheese means cheese that hasn't been processed further than being made into cheese.

>> No.9362327


>> No.9362330

You don't even know what that is, do you Ameriboo?

No, you don't.

>> No.9362336
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>> No.9362338

The washing destroys the membrane on the shell.

>> No.9362347
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literally vomit chocolate

>> No.9362352

I know what Reddit spacing is, lardyshart.

>> No.9362358

>He's so familiar with Reddit he knows how they format their posts

>> No.9362366

I certainly do.
And so do you evidently.

>> No.9362376

That's because you ARE ////reddit////, Ameriboo.

>> No.9362382

>And so do you evidently.
Only as a result of you sharing your intimate knowledge of Reddit, a site that you're undoubtedly a long time user on

>> No.9362386

>Unprocessed cheese has been processed
Care to explain the logic behind this?

>> No.9362394


>> No.9362398


Only beta males, feminists, and faggots use that term.

>> No.9362401

Milk, rennet, and other ingredients are processed to make cheese. Cheese is a processed milk product. At that stage the cheese itself hasn't been processed, but it is a result of the processing of ingredients. Hence, unprocessed cheese. The cheese can then be processed with an emulsifier to make a melting cheese similar to American cheese.

>> No.9362404

Not him but is the term processed cheese like a trade name then? A specific product type?

>> No.9362413

err, he said projection not projecting, sweetie.

>> No.9362416

>processed cheese

It's more like a legal term demanded by the cheese jews to differentiate their cheese products from cheese that has been blended, flavored, or modified.

>> No.9362425
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>doesn't understand the language
>tries to shitpost anyway

>> No.9362433

Processed cheese product and similar terms are legal designations in the US for foods that are made from cheeses that is processed further with other ingredients. American cheese for example is generally cheddar (sometimes colby as well) and other milk products, an emulsifier, and other ingredients such as fats and coloring. Here a cheese was taken and processed into a new product legally designated as a "cheese product"

>> No.9362440

Which are you?

>> No.9362458

Not the one using the expression....

>> No.9362481

go back to your containment board. it's called caring for the general public's health and well-being.

>> No.9362493

Written like a true (((heeb))).

>> No.9362528

>be American
>eat wood pulp
>call it cheese


>> No.9362610


>> No.9362620

>be yuropoor
>fail to understand how the same cellulose that exists in fruits and vegetables, like celery, also exists in wood
>thinks people are eating actual wood


>> No.9362621

>Americans are so poor they have to substitute wood for cheese
Wew lad.

>> No.9362630

americans will eat anything with the right lab made flavors. have you seen how excited they are for meat grown under a microscope?

>> No.9362631

That sucks.

>> No.9362656

>another Ameriboo too stupid to understand what cellulose is...

Yuropoor "education" for you.

>> No.9362661

Go and chew some wood pulp, might help to strengthen up your teeth.

>> No.9362664

>Australia is a European country
My sides.

>> No.9362670

>all of your food is mixed with wood, plastic, and other toxic waste so it's cheap enough for your average family
>all of that is banned in europe
>calls europeans poor

>> No.9362673
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>still calling cellulose "wood"

>> No.9362678
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>> No.9362679

the single best cheese for a basic tasty omelette

>> No.9362681
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>americans defend the consumption of this

>> No.9362683
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>American cheese contains wood
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.9362695

german here
what u call """"""""cheese"""""""" is basicly
garbage thats left over after making cheese

>> No.9362699
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>thinks Americans use plastic, wood and toxic waste in their foods because their Ameriboo nation is too stupid and poor to use science and technology to make their own foods safer, last longer, and less expensive

>> No.9362701

or u could just take literally 1 minute to melz ut fucking cheese jesus fuck

>> No.9362702
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>> No.9362708

>defending the criminal practice of putting wood pulp into cheese in order to rip off the consumer.
You're a special kind of spastic, anon.

>> No.9362723

>Ameriboo is too stupid to understand what cellulose is and where it comes from...

>> No.9362724

>americans feed their cows skittles because it's cheaper than corn
the absolute state

>> No.9362731

>not understanding what cellulose is or why it's an important part of a human diet
You're a special kind of retard, anon.

>> No.9362739

are (you) a shill for kraft or do you really want
that in your cheese?

>> No.9362751
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>doesn't know he is eating cellulose every time he eats fruits or vegetables

You people really are dumb.

>> No.9362753

It's great on certain things. Like a grilled cheese sandwich.

>> No.9362802

if that is how americans talk to each other no wonder you have war on the streets
have great day kraft shill

>> No.9362813

You seem upset, Ameriboo?

Perhaps you'll have a better time hanging out in a forum from your own nation, with your own people, instead?

>> No.9362837

Ameriboos just upset that we Burgers are physically bigger and stronger because of our added work and chemicals in our food.

>> No.9362871

Fake news.

>> No.9362882

>angry american uses the phrase ameriboo
>entire country was built by romaboos

>> No.9362888
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>angry Ameriboo makes another autistic post instead of just going away

>> No.9363372


>> No.9363636

If a movie has an american director but is made by a british-japanese production company, is it an american film?

>> No.9363647

This is one of the worst fucking threads I've seen on /ck/
Is everyone here 10?

>> No.9363829

>basic bitch palet

Please tell me you're a nigger. I don't want to live in a world where an English speaking white person thinks that imitating the grunts and imbecile slang of the common pavement gibbon is acceptable.

>> No.9363846

If you like eating pre-sliced cheese your parents failed at raising you.

>> No.9363851
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It's been both amusing and informative

>> No.9363872

Non German here.

What you call "foreplay" is basically the garbage thats left over and excreted after digestion has occurred.

>> No.9363873

nothings cheaper than corn

>> No.9363878
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>> No.9363882

If a Japanese dude buys a corvette from a based American named Chad Thundercock in jew yawk city, and then stores it in a garage in that cesspool of humanity known as London, England, is it no longer an American car?

>> No.9363883

Except your mother....

>> No.9363886


it isnt a substitute for real cheese, but on a double cheeseburger from mcdicks... hnnnnng

>> No.9363889

this lmao

Eurocucks: 0
America: 1

>> No.9364093

If it's not a substitute for real cheese why use it in place of cheese then

>> No.9364429

This cheese is fucking disgusting I don't understand how can people eat this

>> No.9364439

>If it's not a substitute for real cheese why use it in place of cheese then

I consider myself a pretty big cheese snob, but I agree with that guy. Certain things don't call for real cheese. They call for this processed stuff. I have never found a better cheese for a "cheeseburger" than processed crap like kraft singles. They have the perfect flavor and texture for that application.

Proper cheese either has a fucked up texture (it won't melt well), or if you get a soft cheese like Camembert then its flavor is too strong and it dominates the burger.

>> No.9364549

Don't know what that has to do with hamburgers but whatever helps you sleep at night, kid.

>> No.9364751

Your opinion is noted.
However I think I'll continue to post here after all there's nothing you can do about it.
Feels good, man.

>> No.9365507

This. Shit works wonders with ground beef, I used to make a skillet of ground beef and then add some cheese slices, stir it up as it melted, makes sloppy joes look like a joke (which they are - ketchup in ground beef? That's stupid af.)

>> No.9365514
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So when y'all gonna fuck?

>> No.9365528 [DELETED] 
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A true American tight here.
Have a nice day, Jamal.

>> No.9365578

>basic bitch
What is this twitter niggerspeak?

>> No.9365586


>> No.9365868

>just want to go to McDonald and sit down
>order 2 double cheese burgers and a mcchiken
>no ketchup pump
>ask the manager fleeing away from me for ketchup
>gives me (4)packs for all that shit

I don't like the drive through, but they've forced me to use it do to the ketchup holocaust.

>> No.9365875
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I know you guys like to joke this stuff is made from plastic, but pic related is literally flour and soybean as the first ingredients, I bought a pack for 99c once and didn't get past half a slice.

>> No.9365887

>One might be tempted to think of this as a ripped-from-the-headlines episode of “NYPD Bleu,”

fucking died

>> No.9365894
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American cheese is totally gross with two exceptions-
1. One slice on a burger
2. One slice on a toasted english muffin w/ some type of meat or egg

Real cheese is superior in every other scenario.

>> No.9366783

you can get pure water from piss, but why

i dont want my food to come from wood pulp to save costs, just like i dont want to drink purified piss

>> No.9366799

When I lived in Japan, I went to a special import store just to buy shitty fucking kraft singles so I could make grilled cheese. Not because I particularly wanted American cheese, but because Japanese cheese is the worst 'cheese' on the fucking planet. It melts extremely well, and the texture is right, but the flavor is of absolutely nothing. So yeah, the most basic bitch palette cheese is Japanese cheese.

>> No.9366802

Real cheese melts well if you shred it, mix in sodium citrate and a little water, and reform it into a square and slice it.

>> No.9366809

>Real cheese melts well if you shred it, mix in sodium citrate and a little water, and reform it into a square and slice it.
Congrats you just made Kraft American cheese. Good job.

>> No.9367205

White american kraft singles on egg sandwiches are high tier

>> No.9367208

good for burgers, denial is lying desu

beyond that you're right

>> No.9367861

There's hundreds of different types of cheese and some melt better than others.

>> No.9367881

Holy shit, if someone did that here in Italy they would be lynched by an angry mob.

>> No.9367886

>>not understanding what cellulose is or why it's an important part of a human diet
And I get it easily from eating fruits instead of eating wood pulp like Americans.

>> No.9367889

>Ameriboos just upset that we Burgers are physically bigger and stronger because of our added work and chemicals in our food.
Average height in the USA 5'9
Average height in my country 6'0

>> No.9367894
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>samefagging this hard

>> No.9367898

Most Asians are lactose intolerant and historically did not eat cheese, the only good cheese you can get in Japan, China and Korea is from expensive import stores.

>> No.9367908

>we Burgers are physically bigger
Everyone knows you're all obese cunts.

>> No.9367923

Real cheese melts. Plastic-wrapped slices of orange colored cheese product just get soft.

>> No.9368023

>Ameriboos just upset that we Burgers are physically bigger and stronger because of our added work and chemicals in our food.
I've been to the US nigger you can't fool me, you're a bunch of obese manlets.

>> No.9368049

you know opened up this thread thinking i'd have something clever to say, but nope, I got nothing. There's really nothing more trash than american singles.