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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9363673 No.9363673 [Reply] [Original]

>invite vegetarian over for food or whatever
>ask her if she can eat fish
>she says no
>I say okay, well, what about eggs then?
>I'm a vegetarian
>Okay, so...yes?

wtf why am I expected to know these stupid made up rules off by heart

>> No.9363683

>dear diary

>> No.9363691

eggs = chicken
chicken = meat

>> No.9363694

by that logic you couldn't even eat breastmilk if you were a vegetarian

>> No.9363704

She's not a vegan, she's vegetarian. Most of them are ovo-lacto vegetarians, meaning they eat eggs and milk. It's completely reasonable to ask, and she's being ridiculous.

>> No.9363710

Fish obviously isn't vegetarian, Eggs are.

T. vegetarian with own chicken.

>> No.9363715

A lot of so-called vegetarians eat fish because pescatarian is not a popular term. It's worth asking because so many will eat it.

>> No.9363729

it has to be made from a plant. if an animal pissed something out, it's ok. if it gave birth to it, no. fish is okay for some reason. maybe cuz fish dont scream in pain like other animals do.
it has to be made from a plant. food that comes from an animal is to be avoided. like cheese, if it was made with milk

>> No.9363736

eggs are not meat, a quick Google search would tell you this you retards

>> No.9363737

eggs are alright for vegetarians per definitionem

>> No.9363743

Did the animal have to die to produce this product?

If yes, it's not vegetarian.

If no, it is vegetarian.

It's really simple.

>> No.9363784

>Did the animal have to die to produce this product?
What about the guy who drove the truck to deliver it to the place your bought it? If they ate bacon would the food itself be tainted?

>> No.9363804

just strangle her and whisper to her ears that it will all be over soon

>> No.9363840

Where do eggs go on the food pyramid, Benjy?

>> No.9363848

The same part nuts go on?

>> No.9363852
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>> No.9363867

Its okay to eat fish, they don't have any feelings

>> No.9364124

yeah but the eggs you buy at the convenience store are unfertilized

>> No.9364125

Mari is objectively best girl.

>> No.9364132
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I don't objectify women.

>> No.9364146

The definitions themselves aren't so bad, but the people who use them have no qualms about using the wrong one half the same.

Vegetarian- no meat (eggs milk cheese ok)
Vegan - no meat or anything with animal products

>> No.9364176

When we start growing our own lab steaks, will they be 100% lean? That sounds gross. That will be vegetarian though right?

>> No.9364346

What if he killed himself while he was delivering the eggs cause he hated delivering things and he had no reason to live.
Checkmate vegetarians

>> No.9364347

Stop bumping old threads you penis wrinkle

>> No.9364367

It was1 hour old nigger

>> No.9364385
File: 220 KB, 629x329, 51lNbp8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invited guest being rude
>in your own domicile

What happened when you told her to get the fuck out of your house?

You did do that, right?

>> No.9364397

don't invite or associate with vegans or vegetarians. they are fucked in the head like fags, trannies and sjw lgbt libshit cucks.
it will make your life much easier. imagine living under the same roof with a mentally ill degenerate - it just doesn't work.

>> No.9364515

I like your thinking.

>> No.9364522

Fairly sure it's a shit copypasta because I saw the exact same message in a different thread but the post difference they were bitching about was 2 minutes.

>> No.9364540


>> No.9364561

>using the wrong one

Vegetarian is an umbrella term. Vegans are a type of vegetarian. Basically the only thing that someone saying they're "vegetarian" tells you for sure is that they don't eat the flesh of mammals.

>> No.9364571

>lab grown meat
>That will be vegetarian though right?

Probably will be for people who are vegetarian for ethical and ecological reasons. Up in the air for religious vegetarians, but I'd imagine most will reject it. For people who are vegetarian for dietary reasons it shouldn't make any difference. For hippy dippy crunchy granola "natural" food fetishist types like raw vegans it definitely will still be bad.

>> No.9364586

They will vegan but not vegetarian

Vegan isn't necessarily a diet, it's an ethical way of life that involves causing as little harm to animals as possible including: eating a diet free of animal products, not wearing leather fur or other animal products, not supporting any industry that exploits animals like circuses etc

Many vegans also extend this to human products:i.e. Not purchasing products made with slave labor like chocolate from nestle

>> No.9364604

>Vegetarian- no meat (eggs milk cheese ok)
Not OK in strict vegetarianism.
Ovo-lacto-vegetarianism is the one where meats and cheese are OK.
Fish eaters are pescetarians.

>> No.9364611

>Not OK in strict vegetarianism.
Wouldn't that simply be veganism then?

>Ovo-lacto-vegetarianism is the one where meats and cheese are OK.
Right. But isn't that the default when someone claims to be "vegetarian"?

Obviously there will be special snowflake exceptions, but generally speaking:
Vegans - eat no animal products.
Vegetarians - No meat, but dairy products like eggs, milk, cheese OK.

>> No.9364637

The difference between veganism and vegetarianism is lifestyle.
Vegetarianism is just a diet, it describes only what you eat.
Veganism is the conscious effort to avoid using any animal product whatsoever, even beyond food.
A vegan will refuse to wear leather, seek out plant-based glues instead of animal-based glues, and is probably a crazy PETA supporter who wants to end domestication of all animals entirely.

>isn't (ovo-lacto) the default when someone claims to be "vegetarian"?
No, hence the need for all of these ridiculous prefixes.
It might be true for rich white girls who are following yet another fad diet, but someone who is vegetarian for religious reasons will take issue.