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9361889 No.9361889 [Reply] [Original]

Did you ever know that you're my hero

>> No.9361901
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Have you ever made apple pear and key lime BBQ sauce, because I'm doing it right now you fat fuck.

>> No.9361911

you need help you autistic fuck

>> No.9362009

Rodeo burger is the GOAT

>> No.9362713

Did you ever know that you're an hero

>> No.9362722

>apple pear and key lime BBQ sauce
recipe now, fagget

>> No.9362747

Replace the bacon with mushrooms and you have the perfect burger (in terms of setup, you could use better cheese, buns, meat etc. of course)

>> No.9362756

try the chicken parm, shit is nice

>> No.9362771

the giant onion rings are still a major structural issue and need to be thinner

>> No.9362841
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Easy, ketchup, mustard, brown sugar, some onion...normal shit. Then roughly chop up an apple pear and chuck it in. Then zest two key limes with a microplane directly into it. Then cut and squeeze the key limes directly into it. Then reduce. Came out really well and I used it on boneless pork ribs.

The apple cider vin but if I did it again I'd probably opt for something more spicy, or just add some kind of heat.

>> No.9364972

bbq sauce on burgers is shit

>> No.9366088

Different anon, but could you give recipe w/ measurments. I'm supposed to bring a very hot/spicy homemade BBQ sauce to work on Friday and was looking to make a "fruity" BBQ sauce and jam it full of Habaneros.....and this sounds amazing

>> No.9366126

so whats the deal with the rodeo burger? Not the burger itself, but the slot it fills in the BK menu.

First there was the A1 bacon cheesburger, then the steakhouse burger, and now the rodeo burger.

I feel like they just swap something "new" into that slot every 3 months for promotional purposes, really they've had all that shit sitting inside the whole time and just didn't put it on the menu. I'm just waiting to see when the cycle repeats now.

>> No.9366226

The mushroom swiss king was so fucking good. Im so pissed off that i cant get it anymore :,(
BUT HEY i just found out that mcdonalds still has the grilled onion cheeseburger for $1.49 so whatever

>> No.9366490

Sorry but no I cant, I didn't measure anything. I'd help you if I could but I typically just cook to taste when it comes to simple stuff like BBQ sauce.

I wasn't following a recipe, or I'd link it for you, but I can say kumquat BBQ is also good but a bitch to make because of the de-seeding required.

>> No.9366501

This is a thing in every fast food chain.
They just make "seasonal" items for maketing. Unless they are insanely popular they are always just limited time things.

>> No.9367501

Kitchen guy from a burger king here. Those mushrooms were absolutely disgusting.

>> No.9367784
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>they got rid of the mushroom and swiss king

besides the overly salty bacon and mayo that thing was the best thing in BK

>> No.9367788

Rodeo burger was there before A1 and steakhouse

>> No.9367792

It tasted like salty mayo jizz

>> No.9367794

Is this what American cowboys bring to eat at the rodeo?

>> No.9367799

That's why you ask for no mayo and bacon.

Bacon is a meme topping anyways and the stripps at BK are garbage.

>> No.9368283

I will never ever never buy another Burger King specialty burgers.
The last time I got one the fucks in the back gave me a tiny burger with like two onion rings on them.

>> No.9368781


burger sucks ass

the bacon swiss mushroom king was the fucking shit

ordered it every time, never had a bad experience

>> No.9368787

Burger King is horrible, the fake char taste is way too much, combine it with their overly sweet sauces, it's gag inducing.

>> No.9368795


>talking like this

fuck off Gordon

>> No.9368809

soory sempai!! I will talk in 4memes because it's for me!!! Not YOU HAHAHAH!! WE!

>> No.9369516

The only place to make good on their limited offer burgers is Wendy's.
All the others come up short.