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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 286 KB, 1536x1019, o-HOMEMADE-PASTA-RECIPE-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9356756 No.9356756 [Reply] [Original]

Ayy does /ck/ make their own pasta?
If so how do you do it?
Also: whats your favorite pasta?

/Pastageneral/, I guess

>> No.9356779

I like tagliatelle, but it takes a lot of space in my small storage, so I generally just get regular spaghetti.

Don't know where I heard it, but apparently home made pasta is generally not considered as good as store bought, because there's a whole process to it which is hard to do at home and it requires special (courser) flower. Restaurants may do it themselves though, but I'm sure it's because they can invest in the materials required.

>> No.9356803

no, just do this- is far better than store bought:

>> No.9356843

I used to work on a farm and if I had the time I would make the home made stuff. The recipe is water, flour eggs salt, but I catered to vegans so it was just water and semolina flour and salt. Just get some kind of doughy consistency and make sure it's a dry doughy ball. It will stick to everything so you gotta make sure the table is well floured. Roll the shit out and cut into linguini strips. A pasta roller is nice to roll the sheets. Well worth the mess and hassle.

>> No.9356921

I have a pasta roller so I make it a lot, usually tagliatelle or ravioli. This recipe never fails me: 75g "00" flour, 25g semolina, 1 medium egg and a splash of EVOO. Knead until smooth, rest 30 minutes roll out and cut. It's really that simple and far superior in flavor and texture to grocery pasta.

>> No.9358030

I'm a pretty big fan of tortellini.

I'd like to start making my own pasta instead of buying it from the shop, just so I know how.

>> No.9358094
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pics related: I make my own.

>> No.9358097
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>> No.9358104
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>> No.9358109
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>> No.9358124
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From here I run it through my atlas pasta machine to flatten it out, and then I'll either cut it by hand, or just use the tagliatelle maker on the atlas.

Simple recipe:
100g flour
1 egg

This is for either AP flour or semolina. If the dough is too stiff, just add water. Too wet, add more flour.

>> No.9358133
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looks almost exactly the way i do them, same mixture aswell, i add a drop of olive oil and salt aswell,

though i usually don't mix it as much before starting to get my hands in, not that it matters

roll by hand or with a machine?

i use pic related

>> No.9358134
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These things aren't too expensive, work great, and save you from having to hand roll the dough by hand, which is a pain in the ass.

>> No.9358144

hey there brother
>same recipe
>kneads on wood board
>uses Marcato Atlas
>just cuts the pasta into pieces by hand often

yep, you are most likely me

>> No.9358149

pro tip:
check used goods fairs, often retards buy them, have 0 idea how to use them, use them once or twice, store away never use them.
was able to get 2 for 10€ each that way

>> No.9358153

Related-ish question that I'm gonna post here so I don't clog the board up with new 1-question threads:

How to make the best pizza crust? I've decided to stop ordering and start making my own. I've used a premade crust and it was aight but I bet I could do better for cheaper. Tips, recipes, etc.

We /italiangeneral/ now OP, sorry.

>> No.9358159
File: 159 KB, 652x760, tagliatelle drying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roll by hand or with a machine

Machine all the way.

It gives me a more consistent end product. I will, however, run a wooden roller over the dough before cutting in order to create those small impressions in the pasta caused by using wood. Steel is flat, and the natural wood depressions in the dough help the pasta hold onto sauces.

pic related: end result is home made pasta that's fresh and delicious

>> No.9358170

i rarely let mine dry, i either just make enough for the moment or i freeze the rest, works just as good if not better

>> No.9358169


>10E each

That's sweet. They'd make a great gift, and once you show people how easy they are to use, they might actually use it.

>> No.9358230

>How to make the best pizza crust?

Using bakers percentages, go with:
100% flour (AP flour is fine)
60% water
.3% dry yeast (yes that is POINT three percent, not three percent)
2% salt

24 hour primary ferment in the fridge.
Degass the next day, roll into ball and ferment another 24 hours.
Use room temp toppings.
Use a pizza stone, preheat the oven for half an hour, turn on the broiler for the last 10 minutes and place the pizza directly under the broiler about 3 inches or so away.
Should be done in like 6 minutes.

>> No.9358341


Highly specific. Also neat. I'll save this. I don't have a pizza stone and live in communist poland and am low on cash right now. So will have to live with a regular tray. But I'll definitely try that recipe out and see how it goes.

Also since I'm a retard: degass? And is the second 24 hours in fridge or out in the world?

>> No.9358410

The dough will expand in size as it rises, so after the first 24 hour ferment in the fridge, you'll need to press it down and degass it in order to roll it into balls.

>And is the second 24 hours in fridge or out
In the fridge.

When you want to make your pizza, you've got 2 options:
1 - Pull out the dough ball and let it come up to room temperature before pressing it out.
2 - Pull out the dough ball and press it out, then let it come up to room temp.

Option 1 allows you to make a thinner crust and push a lot of the air towards the outside crust.

Option 2 will make your crust thicker, as the dough will continue to rise as it warms and develops air pockets.

Experiment with both to see which you prefer.

>> No.9358448


I prefer thicker crust/american style pizza generally speaking so I'll go with Forbidden Press Out First No Jutsu I think.

Is there any guidelines for how much ingredients makes how much dough makes how much pizza? Or do I need to just do it and see how it goes and feel it out from there?

>> No.9358473

I do 500g batches and use that to make 2 250g pizzas that end up about 11 inches or so across. Big enough for one person, but not too big.

>> No.9358551


Thanks bro. Sounds aces. Relying on myself to do something 2 days in advance is a bit crazy but I'll give 'er a go.

>> No.9358564

You can leave it in the fridge longer than that, but I wouldn't push it past about a week.

>> No.9358574
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came to this thread solely to posed god tier pasta
would love to make my own but too afraid of fucking up

>> No.9358576

fucking a I spelled post wrong

>> No.9358597

Never ate self made pasta (at least not consciously), how does it differ taste/ consistency wise?
How does it compare price wise?

>> No.9358604
File: 250 KB, 1600x1200, ravioli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homemade Pasta Recipe
Yield: 1 1/4 lbs dough
Prep Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
• 3 1/2 cups all-purpose unbleached flour, sifted (plus extra flour for preparing)
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 4 large eggs, beaten
• 2 Tablespoons water
1. Place eggs, water, flour and salt in mixer bowl. Attached bowl and flat beater. Turn to speed 2 and mix for 30 to 60 seconds. Add more water if the dough is too dry, in 1/2 Tablespoon increments.
2. Change out the flat beater for the dough hook. Turn to speed 2 and knead for 2 minutes. Remove the dough and knead by hand for 2 minutes. Let it rest for 20 to 30 minutes.
3. Cut dough into four pieces before processing with pasta sheet attachment. Take one piece and flatten into a rectangular shape. Adding flour to both sides. Be sure to cover the other pieces. Attach the pasta sheet roller to your stand mixer and set it to #1. Turn on the stand mixer to speed 2 and run the pasta dough through the pasta sheet roller. While on #1, fold the dough in half and run it through again. I do this several times.
4. Adding a little bit of flour on each side of the dough again, change setting to #2 and pass the pasta dough through the sheet roller. I do this twice and then twice each on #3 and then #4. If you want thicker dough, don't do the #4 setting.
5. Once again, add flour to each side of your long pasta sheet. Change the attachment to your spaghetti or fettuccine cutter and turn on to speed 2. Run the pasta sheet through and with your left hand, hold on to the pasta as it comes through the cutter. It's usually really long so I cut it and then wind it around my hand to create a nest. Allow pasta to dry for a few minutes before boiling.
6. When boiling your pasta, it only needs 3 to 7 minutes to boil.

>> No.9358616
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Gnocchi board will get you close if you do want to make it at home. Just roll it flat and hard.

>> No.9358648

Please adopt me

>> No.9358773


It's a little 'smoother' I guess? It's hard to say, probably softer on the tongue even though you only cook it for minutes.

>> No.9358954

Barilla veggie spaghetti
Rotini, penee, or ravioli if im feeling adventurous
Classico or victorias marinara sauce

The ultimate pasta

>> No.9358979

>Classico or victorias marinara sauce

Oh, for godsake. Watch Bourdains trip to Naples. Copy that sauce recipe from the old lady.

>> No.9358991


Found his version. Her braciole looked even better though. Simmered for 7 hours.


>> No.9358998

I dont have 7 hours for a 20 minute dish. We cant all be neets like you buddy. Even if i was i wouldnt care enough, is a fucking tomato sauce to add some salty and sweetness to it

>> No.9358999


It's sunday, you fucking idiot and it doesn't need tending. Can't you put a fucking pot on the stove and go do something on SUNDAY?

>> No.9359002


Why do you people always sound like fucking morons, like every single day? Does 4chan draw you people in?

>> No.9359005

I dont want it on sunday nor want it to sit in the fridge for days until i do want it. 99% of people do not give a shit bro

>> No.9359016


Then go eat a fucking tv dinner, like every other adolscent asshole that doesn't give a shit about food. But don't call it, "The ultimate pasta" like a childish asshole who doesn't know the first thing about food.

You're eating a tv dinner that wasn't wrapped in plastic.

There's no cultural normalization here, there's neophyte idiots and people who actually cook and we end up diametrically opposed.

Go Disc Golfing, or whatever you do, roll coal. Leave cooking to people who give a shit.

>> No.9359025

My grandma used to make hand made pastas with eggs and flour and left sauce to simmer for hours on the weekends. I used to live in argentina for fucks sakes. It tasted good sure but it was no giant improvement. I like living in america where everything can be done conveniently and guess what? It tastes just as good, so stay mad cakeboy

>> No.9359030


I spent 20 years eating canned garbage, if you like it, sure. I'm tired of tasting that shit. I think food and cooking should be more than McDonalds. If your palate doesn't notice it, eat your mason jar garbage.

>> No.9359040

>I dont want it on sunday
Fucking god forsaken atheist, I swear to god.

>> No.9359043

That is your fault for eating that. I dont eat canned food either, that stuff tastes bad for some reason. Only cardboard, glass, or plastic containers for me. What i will say is that argentina had the better beef and dairy compared to america. But this is about pasta, and for some people its easier to buy a $2 box with a $7 jar and have it ready in 20 minutes than wait fucking 10 hours for a bowl of spaghetti

>> No.9359054
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I make my own 'pastas' from 'eggs and flour' and it better than any shit you'll find in anything other than a real restaurant. Ravioli, Linguini, Spaghetti, it's all better than I've ever tasted anywhere else.

>> No.9359058

>how does it differ taste/ consistency wise?

Fresh pasta has a better mouth feel and flavor, and that's largely due to the fact that most people make theirs with eggs, and they cook them while they're fresh off of the cutting board. Store bought pasta usually doesn't use eggs, so all you get is flour and water, which is then dehydrated, leading to that glue-like flavor some of them have.

>How does it compare price wise?

If you just use flour, then it's going to be a little cheap, per pound, but if you use eggs, like most do, than it's not that much cheaper.

>> No.9359059


You're awesome dude. Truly the heart of Italy.

>> No.9359064


That's a Honey Boo Boo bowl of sketti. We know what that is, dumbass.

>> No.9359072


Christ, the finishing touches on this would be you admitting to using Kraft Parmesan Cheese.

Do you use that?

>> No.9359081

I use crushed chili pepper flakes and oregano, parmesan and kraft anything sucks ass

>> No.9359085

>parmesan and kraft anything sucks ass

Parmesan isn't a brand.

>> No.9359088
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Nah...you probably wouldn't like fresh made pasta, or lasagna, made entirely from scratch.

>> No.9359091

I know. Parmesan cheese sucks

>> No.9359096


Tell that to every Italian on the planet, it's a protected heritage brand you fucking midwestern unimportant moron. Why don't you drink yourself to death, or at east go play a game before mom feeds you?

>> No.9359101

>nor want it to sit in the fridge for days until i do want it.

That's where you're fuckin' up, anon.

Sauces get better after 24 hours in a fridge, and probably peak at about 48.

Just get some friends together on a weekend day, make large pots of food, get shitfaced, eat together, than put the extra in the fridge for use throughout the weak.

>> No.9359108



He said the food was better than Ferran Adria's El Bulli.

Listen to this man.

>> No.9359122

Some spice or oregano and basil is better you dumb california nigger beaner hybrid mongrel

>> No.9359129
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>Cajun food

I make that from scratch too.

Pic related: chicken and andoille gumbo

>> No.9359139


You're a boring, dull "home life" idiot that doesn't really understand food at your age. I'm Canadian, just so you know. Your stupid racism is perfect for today. You're the first person we need to put in the Soylent Green machine. You should be food for better people. You're that valueless.

>> No.9359161
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Watch the show. Look at the red bean sauce with rice. Look at Willie Mae’s chicken. Look at all of the crawfish boils they live on.

>> No.9359209


Where'd you go, you piece of shit? We need to chat.

>> No.9359394


Why tho? I thought pasta dough was not supposed to be salted.

>> No.9360219

What if I'm a /fit/ faggot? Can I separate out the egg yolks and just use the whites for this? Or are the yolks a necessity?

>> No.9360630


I found one of these in the basement, however it wasn't properly cleaned after the last use years ago.
Can I just scrape it clean? Looks like there are just dough leftovers still inside the some of the rolls.

>> No.9360639

Yes, yolks work as a binder. But I guess you could add some extra egg whites for that protein boost. Maybe supplement in the flour as well, but that's just gross at this point.