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File: 52 KB, 484x363, hardwood-charcoal-and-charcoal-briquettes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9353860 No.9353860 [Reply] [Original]

Do you prefer lump charcoal or briquettes?

>> No.9353870

if you have to ask...

>> No.9353875

Charcoal. But honestly I prefer propane and propane accessories.

>> No.9353880

What's the point of a gas grill? Just use a stove.

>> No.9353886

did you get those from cracker jacks?

>> No.9353887

I like the high pitched bell-like sound that briquettes make when you handle them.

>> No.9353888

Why don't ya fellas just use propane? Taste the meat, not the heat.

>> No.9353890
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>i cant find asmr videos of this on youtube

>> No.9353896

It seriously doesn't matter.

Every now and again you can find a chunk of metal or pvc or some other industrial debris in lump charcoal though. Also, whatever wood they tell you it is, they're 100% lying.

In the end it's pretty much just carbon

>> No.9353900


great doco on japanese charcoal

>> No.9353904

I meant lump charcoal.

>> No.9353920


>> No.9353929

I find it does matter.
Brickettes burn very consistently, but they produce huge amounts of ash.
If I smoke using brickettes I'll have to empty all the ash from the barbecue after about 4 hours.
I have also found that lump wood burns hotter and produces less smoke.

>> No.9353955

>hank pls
cast iron on the stove > propane/charcoal grill

>> No.9353963

This guy pretty much nailed it. I've tried every BBQ fuel you can think of. For me it boils down to convenience. I'm a busy guy and if I'm hosting a BBQ, I'm probably running ariu f doing a bunch of stuff. With that in mind, my pleb-tier friends and family just want meat that has grill marks on it. Go-to is gas.
I love slow smoking meat. I've done it over a pit, in the ground, and in a kettle. Have not yet done it in an egg. That said, again, convenience. I have a cheapo electric smoker that makes incredible tasting food. I can wake up at 4 am, put in a prepped brisket and but, go back to bed, tend it through the day and have it ready for dinner.
My ends are good to high quality, so I don't give a shit about the means

>> No.9353966
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Grills are bigger and it's a matter of communion. People gather and you can cook a relatively large amount of food at once in an outdoor, picnic like setting. If you don't see the appeal of this than you either have no friends or your family hates you...or perhaps both.

Take your pick.

>> No.9353987

>amazing, informative videos
>10/10 camera work
>no shilling
>doesn't speak because he doesn't need to to show what he's doing
>doesn't even monetize despite the ridiculous amount of views he gets (last I checked)
He's the hero Youtube needs but not the one it deserves.

>> No.9354195


>> No.9354224

I only use my stove for ramen and peach cobbler.

>> No.9354290

>that ringing sound at 5:15
holy shit

>> No.9354315

Good Christ old Japanese farmers look like burn victims.

>> No.9354317

Doesn't speak because he's autistic.

>> No.9354323
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>> No.9354341

depends, charcoal if you're in a hurry and briquettes if you're grilling for more than yourself. briquettes are more consistent but takes longer to get a good heat, charcoal is more volatile but gets warm faster.

>> No.9354346

Hank btfo

>> No.9354347

>being the assblasted about gas.
You giblet head charcoal lover.

>> No.9354466

No, the anti-propane fags have a legitimate argument. I've owned an expensive stainless propane grill for some time and while the shell is in excellent shape I've had to replace the burners twice and they're failing again. Couple that with the hassle of rigging a woodchip pouch to get a smoke flavor and the expense of the (((unregulated propane))) pricing. Fuck paying $70 for another set of burners, I'm drilling air holes and converting to a charcoal grill.

>> No.9354572

>burn shit
>produce shit that burns at even hotter temperatures

what kind of sorcery is this?

>> No.9354596

Oh hey we used to have a street vendor that made undercooked chicken on one of these things. He claimed it was some Japanese shit and was safe to eat. Last I saw him out was a few months ago when he mentioned something about trying to hide from the health inspector. Haven't seen him since.

>> No.9354618

Sounds like you bought a piece of shit grill.

>> No.9354631

lump coal. the biggest problem with it though is the lack of consistent sized pieces. be prepared to spend more money on it.

>> No.9354655

The carbon left behind after everything else is burnt off is a more efficient fuel

>> No.9354872

Is it okay to use tiki fuel as lighter fluid for charcoal?

>> No.9354910

He's got a patreon page where he gets like $6k/video. No wonder he doesn't churn them out, he does one every two-three months and that's more than enough for him.

>> No.9354916

yeah but using an actual fire to light your coals is preferable as it doesn't taste of anything

>> No.9354956

fuck off nazi

>> No.9354974
File: 182 KB, 600x800, b_1_q_0_p_0 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get good, one of thse suckers, a paper napkin doused in some olive oil is all you need

>> No.9355057

Lump charcoal, since briquettes have dirt and gravel in them.

>> No.9355074

Lump but only because my cheap grill doesnt seal very well and the hardwood coal seems to go out faster. Briquettes just keep burning after i close up the grill.

>> No.9355393

Do your neighbors get mad at you for stinking up the entire block with the smell of BBQ and grilling?

>> No.9355396

ew no

>> No.9355405
File: 59 KB, 640x960, ziGIa7W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9355883

ya probably would too if you spent as many years as they did round flames as hot as they do

>> No.9355893

I love my green egg and it's perfect for slow cooking. My favorite are 12 hour cooked brisket and Boston butt.

>> No.9355927
File: 164 KB, 900x832, propane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer propane. True, American propane. Charcoal is too dirty.

>> No.9355964


everybody loves that smell

>> No.9355971
File: 94 KB, 530x379, 1417839519379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to smoke beef brisket
>go to supermarket
>see that it's literally $10/lb

>> No.9356333

he does explain what he does if you turn on closed captions

>> No.9356339

Lump. Lights easier.

>> No.9356343
File: 101 KB, 1024x575, nice2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to say that exact thing. It's just so nice

>> No.9356455

that's cheap

>> No.9356463


>> No.9356501

It sounds like a fucking iron bar, what the fuck

>> No.9356547

So when civilization collapses it's the autists that will survive?

>> No.9356618
File: 21 KB, 540x300, 1483666439887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cried at the part where the old people are making and giving out charcoal
am i a pussy

>> No.9356654

oh thats nothing, watch every doco from that series, you'll be a bawlin fuckin babby. esepcially the episode about dogs god damn that poor old dog

>> No.9357111

I prefer a nice wood fire.

However, if I can't have that, I'll take a gas oven.

>> No.9357568

Lump charcoal for grilling, briquettes for low & slow.

>> No.9357575
File: 671 KB, 1192x1200, binchou-tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9357861

I can with 100% certainty tell who are you talking about without even opening the link

>> No.9357982
File: 25 KB, 341x394, 1495051597376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>1 gram of activated carbon has a surface area in excess of 500 square meters

>> No.9358310

It does.

>> No.9358315

Standard briquettes are fine for metallic pits. Don't ever let anything contaminated by lighter fluid touch your setup if you ever plan on cooking a piece of meat for longer than 1 hour.

>> No.9358350

Mesquite wood all the way senpai

>> No.9359003


>> No.9359196

In case the power or gas gets cut off. Gas grills are an amazing back up.

>> No.9359222

Lump charcoal is better but I buy briquettes because they're cheaper.

>> No.9359239


>> No.9359448

Lump for grilling. Charcoal for smoking.

>> No.9360873


It seems absurd but it is true.

Old Chemfag here.

>> No.9361255

kingsford original