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File: 14 KB, 300x300, tuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9344770 No.9344770 [Reply] [Original]

is """""mercury poisoning""""" a meme?

i have been eating at least 12 cans of tuna per week, and i eat salmon and swordfish regularly. been doing this for like a month and a half now and i have experienced zero negative side effects. it is the light tuna if that makes a difference, but still, i was always told to eat fish sparingly for risk of mercury poisoning and that the maximum should have been 4 cans per week. i tripled that and eat other seafood on top of that and no symptoms after a month and a half. surely something would have showed up by now?

before you ask why i eat so much canned tuna its because it is absurdly cheap where i live. a club pack (12 cans) costs me $5 and that is a week's worth of lunches for me

>> No.9344795

Rip OP

>> No.9344797

where the fuck can I get tuna that cheap

>> No.9344798

Yeah it's a meme by monsanto and the vegan lobby.

Asbestos is also great for digestion

>> No.9344800
File: 1.73 MB, 1000x1282, grace_jokes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, dumbass, it isn't a meme.


>> No.9344801

If you're not trolling, the problem isn't short term, dude. It's long term. Mercury takes a while to build up in your system before you start getting the telltale neurological symptoms. No fucking shit you haven't started degenerating yet because it's only been a month. If you do what you're doing for like a solid year or two, though, I guarantee you are gonna put yourself in a bad position 5-10 years from now.

bring it down to like half of what you're eating now, dude. you can easily find other cheap ass sources of protein. Buy whole chickens and roast them.

>> No.9344803

where do you live? also, youll be fine. yes youre probably eating a tiny amount of mercury but fuck it.

>> No.9344808

Dumbass. You will not see any effects until a sufficient amount of heavy metal has built up in your body. And once it has, it will stay there for good. And even if you feel perfectly fine the next couple of years shit like that can have reaaallllyyy really long-term effects and ramifications that are not fully understood even now. I know >i< dont want Alzheimers or Parkinsons for my 50th birthday.

>> No.9344818

The general consensus is you will be fine if you eat about FOUR cans a week for however long you want of albacore tuna. Is your tuna skipjack or albacore? Skipjack has 3 times less mercury than albacore so you would be fine if it is. If its albacore, don't do this for too long. It takes 18 years for your body to remove half of the mercury in it

>> No.9344819

Shouldn't you be nailing yourself to a cross

>> No.9344830

the truth which the white racists that run this country don't want you to know is that excess consumption doesn't kill you it actually just turns you Japanese, a policy of which the FDA has been vehemently against since the Second World War.

symptoms may include wanting revenge for pearl harbor, setting up sushi dens and unnecessary bowing.

>> No.9344842

if ur gonna eat that much, at least have the decency to make sure it's chunk light. That had the least amount of heavy metal concentration bcause it's the smallest breed of canned tuna. anything other than that is putting your nervous system on a timer.

>> No.9344848

You're all imbeciles because canned sardines can be just as inexpensive with little to no mercury.

>> No.9344974

>been doing this for like a month and a half now and i have experienced zero negative side effects.
"""""mercury poisoning""""" through eating fish doesn't work like that. It keeps adding up for years before you get the first symptoms. The whole issue is that your body doesn't eliminate that shit, even years after you ate it, so if you eat a lot of it, after a while, you're fucked up.

>> No.9344982
File: 35 KB, 552x504, 1442387600334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beddy guud :DDDDD

>> No.9345021

Tuna gives you mercury poisoning as much as a microwave gives you cancer

>> No.9345051

Most stores in the US sell canned tuna for like 59 cents a can. At least the stores I go to do.

>> No.9345067

It isn't a meme.

I almost get triggered at the fact of it because I fucking love all of those "heavy mercury fish such as tuna, sword, salmon, you name it.

I'd literally eat tuna everyday of the week if it didnt have mercury.

>> No.9345311

Uh-huh, keep pushing (((mercury poisoning)))

>> No.9345335

I like your spacing.
Do you have learning difficulties or do you just spend too much time on Reddit?

>> No.9345351

what are you.. a chicken!

>> No.9345368

reddit spacing is 2017's meme you autist

>> No.9345371

Hello, newfag.

>> No.9345375

muh jews

how does it feel voting for an incompetent oompa loompa

>> No.9345376

Like I'd ever vote for a (((Trump)))

>> No.9345466

So mercury poisoning shills, riddle me this

Japan has a diet that is heavily based around fish (especially tuna) consumption and as far as im aware there is next to no incidence of mercury poisoning in their general population

So how the fuck is a nigga gonna get it from eating a couple cans of tuna a week?

>> No.9345475

They eat far less carnivorous fish (the type of fish where mercury risk is greatest) than you would need to eat to be seriously at risk for mercury poisoning. You really do need to eat tuna multiple times a day every day to get fucked up from mercury.

>> No.9345491

I'm not sure if it's true or not because most of the sources seem to be hippy-type websites, but apparently as long as you're not deficient in selenium you don't really have to worry about mercury poisoning because selenium removes mercury from the body. You should still probably try to avoid foods high in mercury because mercury poisoning is real even if it's a bit overblown about getting it from fish. But, just because you didn't notice any problems after a month doesn't mean you're not going to have problems later on.

You should go to a doctor and have them run tests to see how much mercury is in your body if you're concerned, don't just take advice from 4chan.

>> No.9345492

Are you pregnant? If no, youll be fine aside from some bouts of unreasonable anger/uncontrollable laughter/unfathomable sadness. If yes your baby will be stillborn if you keep this up and retarded if you quit.

>> No.9345504

>unreasonable anger/uncontrollable laughter/unfathomable sadness
If this already happens to me without having mercury poisoning does that mean I'm immune to it?

>> No.9345539

More to do with the type of fish consumed rather than the quantity.
Nips generally eat more non-carnivorous fish because as we know, these are the blander tasting varieties and nips hate strong flavors.

>> No.9345595

Well mercury is a common poisoning people go unaware of for years. How does your haberdasher shine your hat? If he hasnt moved on from mercury that could definitely be an indicator. Also, what kind of water filter do you use? Many municipalities under report the chemicals you drink since the dont have to under any federal or state laws

>> No.9346179

or you know you could get cheaper, smaller fish like mackerel or sardines.

>> No.9346193

I know an OCD guy who ate tuna rolls every day for lunch and dinner. It took about three months for him to get the irregular heartbeat, and another month or so for the doctor to figure out what was wrong. You'll get there.

>> No.9346199


just buy the ones with cans made of metals other than mercury.

>> No.9346339

Japanese are immune to mercury poisoning as they are mercury-based lifeforms. Any other simple questions, child?

>> No.9346352

Its not the cans you dipshit it's the pollution in the ocean

>> No.9346356

I suggest you buy a fishing rod

>> No.9346358


so why do tuna eat mercury? wouldn't it scare them?

>> No.9346373

no idiot, tuna came from mercury and women are from venus, didn't you learn anything from school?

>> No.9346378
File: 12 KB, 107x112, IMG_0907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So wait, if you're planning to eat swordfish, you SHOULDN'T eat more tuna so your body will be acustomed to the high dose of mercury?
Is that what you're all telling me?

>> No.9346386

how are you this stupid? you have the swordfish eat the tuna beforehand so he digests the mercury so you don't have to and THEN you eat the swordfish.

>> No.9346405

How much protein is in those?

>> No.9346409

43 and 11.4/16th parsecs

>> No.9347264

salmon is not high mercury

>> No.9347282

Hey hear that sound? You have to listen really hard but trust me it's there. You know that sound? It's the sound of no one giving a shit about your overused Reddit memes newfag.

>> No.9347779

>how does your haberdasher shine your hat
Jesus fucking christ what year were you born

>> No.9348400

>yes goy, it is real .
Fuck off schlomo

>> No.9348414

A good buddy of mine in freshman year thought a good way to avoid the freshman fifteen was to eat nothing but kale and canned tuna from Walmart. I think he went through about ten or eleven cans of tuna a day. When he started going bald and his skin started peeling off after a few weeks, he went to the doctor and found out that he'd given himself low grade mercury poisoning.
To this day he still eats canned tuna regularly.

>> No.9348583

top zozz

>> No.9348586

aldi if you don't mind the 50% mercury kind

>> No.9348886

no, fishies have mercury built up in them, over-eating them can mean you ingest a lot of mercury, which builds up. Mercury is not healthy, though apparently has a good taste. Humans ate it in the past despite knowing it was dangerous.

>> No.9348946

Are you thinking of lead? Lead is supposed to taste sweet, and Roman people would use it as a sweetener sometimes. Never heard of mercury being eaten.

>> No.9349026

Some Chinese medicine people thought mercury would give them immortality. And alchemists thought it would do equally crazy things.

>> No.9350525

Mercury was known by alchemists to be harmful in large doses, but generally when you read old manuals that tell you to use it, they're talking about a different ingredient. Trade secrets.

>> No.9350864
File: 25 KB, 400x252, too much tuna 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaze into your future, OP.

>> No.9351048

Just to clarify on this thread, I've never been a huge fish person, but I wanted to start moving towards eating more (adapt a quasi-Mediterranean diet). Does the mercury issue only apply to canned fish or are we talking all fish? Was planning on sticking to salmon and haddock fresh/frozen fillets.

>> No.9351059

any fish that eat other fish will build higher than ideal levels of mercury

>> No.9351098

Just eat low on the food chain and you'll be fine

>> No.9352456
File: 435 KB, 850x385, Fig-421-Species-variations-in-mercury-content-ppm-Source-John-Blanchard-Sources.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have experienced zero negative side effects.

You want a serious answer, OP? You won't "experience side effects" until it's too late.

Tuna contains a relatively high level of methylmercury, and this molecule is readily absorbed by the human body. You WILL get sick if you keep eating that much, and once you do, you WILL have permanent neurological damage.

Salmon is relatively low in mercury and is safe to eat a lot of. Mercury content varies by fish species, as well as by season and by region. There are charts and tables out there that will give you some basics. Here's one.

>> No.9352464

Just because you're as dumb as dogshit doesn't mean that it doesn't happen, Anon.


> Minamata disease (Japanese: 水俣病 Hepburn: Minamata-byō), sometimes referred to as Chisso-Minamata disease (チッソ水俣病 Chisso-Minamata-byō), is a neurological syndrome caused by severe mercury poisoning. Symptoms include ataxia, numbness in the hands and feet, general muscle weakness, loss of peripheral vision, and damage to hearing and speech. In extreme cases, insanity, paralysis, coma, and death follow within weeks of the onset of symptoms. A congenital form of the disease can also affect fetuses in the womb.
> Minamata disease was first discovered in Minamata city in Kumamoto prefecture, Japan, in 1956.

>> No.9352468

>I'm not sure if it's true or not because most of the sources seem to be hippy-type websites

Easy fact-checking tip! When most of your sources are "hippy-type websites", then it's bullshit.

>> No.9352473

>wanting revenge for something they did themselves

>> No.9352494

Yes, it's a meme, but it's still real.

If you eat 2 to 5 cans worth of tuna every day, you will end up getting mercury poisoning.

Since you eat it once a day, 4 days a week, you're fine.

>> No.9352757

you're such an autist that you can't even make a proper comeback

>> No.9353722

The reason they warn people about it is that mercury doesn't leave your system