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File: 77 KB, 1200x616, Keto2-1-1200x616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9342205 No.9342205 [Reply] [Original]

Who /keto/ here?
I need inspiration.

>> No.9342212

do not go to leddit for inspiration, they don't understand the diet.

if you're fat, eat protein and fiber. if you eat a ton of fat, you'll never lose any weight. the point of keto is to force your body to use its fat storages for weight loss. that's why when you go to leddit they're all still 200 lbs after years of killing their bodies with keto

>> No.9342223

Oh i know the diet, i've been on it for over a year now, lost a ton of weight.

I mean i need inspiration for cool new shit to cook.

>> No.9342494

I'm looking to get into Keto. I'm 270 pounds and I'm miserable. Can some of you help me out and tell me how to get everything set in motion? I'd really appreciate it a lot.

>> No.9342512

so, keto is good if you exercise frequently?

>> No.9342527

Here to help,

do not eat more than 50-80g of carbs a day.

use Cron-o-meter https://cronometer.com/ to calculate how much you eat.

You'll get keto flu, it feels like you are getting sick and will be weakly for 4-5 days, craving shit like sweets, bread, pizza. After that your body will adapt to burning fat and you'll feel better, you'll still crave shit like sweets and bread, but with days passed less and less.

Your shit will become oily due to fat that you eat at the beginning, will take time when your digestion adapts.

The first week will be hard, no matter how much eggs, meat, vegetables and fat you eat, you'll feel hungry. When that kicks in, eat some fruit it will help.

You can also eat sweets, but as said not over 50-80g carbs a day. One m&m's plain 48g package is what I have a day if I need the energy, that's like 34g of carbs.

>> No.9342549

and for all those saying it doesn't work.

It does, but it is hard as hell in our carbohydrate based diet to adapt to it.

>> No.9342558

Keto is pure faggotry, but I'd go to a local "gourmet" place and get some italian cold cuts like mortadella, culatello prosciutto, genoa and finocchiona salamis, and some dank cheese--makes a fantastic lunch. I put it on bread with a bit of aioli, but since you're a fag, you have to roll it up in layers like an autist lmao.

>> No.9342611

I think I want to try this as well.. I am a good 25+ pounds over weight and need to make some changes. Just starting to do research about it now.

>> No.9342654


85-90% chocolate would be another thing, one 100g bar is like 20g carbs total, and you'll rarely eat more than two segments(~4g), I have one that I've kept for about two weeks now.

Of course, you won't want bread, but sometimes you might need something to put your cheese or ham on or just get texture, in that case crackers are usually low on carbs (aswell as basically everything else) but you could probably get a decent amount of spreads on there. while the crackers themselves are fairly friendly to your carb limit (2-3 grams each). Still, read the nutrition labels and make sure your items have a good ratio, that 1g/100g carb thing still aint shit if the other macronutrients also only have 1g/100g.

Walnuts are high in fat and protein while having a low carb count (8g/100), those are some things I can think of for no prep foods.

Look up how to prepare different cuts of meat if you don't already know how to do so. Remember to get your salts and check the nutritional contents of your spices if you use a massive amount of them for whatever reasons.

There's some net carb shit that I think is clap exclusive because you include dietary fiber.

>> No.9342832
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Shit man, if that's your state then you've just found the holy grail.

First off - read this and accept it completely.
You no longer eat carbs.
Sugar, Pasta, Rice, Potatoes, Root veg, Beer, Soda, Juice. You're done, it's over.

Meat, lean non-starchy veg, oils, butter (real butter, not the shit that comes in a plastic tub), full-fat dairy and seeds/nuts are your new diet.

If you can do exercise on top of this too, the fat will melt off you.

If you want to eat something and you aren't sure, google "[whatever it is you want] Carbs" and 99% of the time it will tell you the carbs per 100g - do not go over 30-40g of carbs a day.

>> No.9342866

How does it not send you into a hopeless spiral of depression? You're not allowed to have ANYTHING that has a comventionally pleasant taste to it, let alone any taste at all.

>> No.9342907


You can have things, you just have to be concious about your carb intake. Have self-control and don't overindulge.

>> No.9342949

Not much to choose besides greens, chicken and spices?

>> No.9343133

When you're in it, your tastebuds change.

Suddenly meat, fat, things like that - they taste amazing, like primally amazing.
And suddenly stodgy food like bread, potatoes, things like that taste like nothing and are a chore to eat, and sugary stuff just tastes pointless.

Which is why this diet is a terrible idea to lower yourself into slowly - you've got to dive in and you get these benefits.

>> No.9343147

you should exercise regardless of what your eating

>> No.9343151
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Why would I do this diet instead of just dropping to less calories per day? You can eat whatever you want just eat less and exercise more, even if you just walk.

>> No.9343160

Because most people are gluttonous retards and don't want to get out of their chair or put down the fork.

>> No.9343175

I went from 320 lbs to 260 in about a year by eating only 1000 calories a day. I ate the same food all the time. Every lunch was meal replacement drink and pudding (500 calories) and every dinner was a salad. I only drank water and diet soda. No exercise. I hit the wall at 260 and started starving myself but as life goes I get stressed and turn back to food cuz it's all I have. I've been as low as 240 but in January I was 280. Back down to 255 today but I am looking towards Keto to change things up.

Anyway it's pretty easy buddy. Good Luck.

>> No.9343185

I did keto for a week and got good results but the whole "no carbs or you fall out keto" caused binge periods so I think I'll just stick to IF at a caloric deficit instead.

>> No.9343190
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I basically just make a meat sauce and use summer squash and mushrooms and shit for the pasta. Either that or steak and vegetables with stinky cheese on the steak. But I used to be more into it:

Chile Colorado
Gumbo (carbalose roux)
Bolognese like I said or
Marinara & meatballs (carbalose) and veg
Tom Kha Gai
Chicken Cacciatore
Pic related kabobs
Stuffed mushrooms
Tacos (Mission carb balance)

>> No.9343229
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Yeah you're right. This chicken crust pizza has no taste at all. Keto sucks

>> No.9343235
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And these wings also have zero taste at all

>> No.9343237
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I wish you keto would allow tasty foods. It sucks

>> No.9343244
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Wtf I hate keto now

>> No.9343254

Because losing weight is not just a case of less intake.

Your body is extremely complex and its desire to hold onto fat is directly related to insulin levels.
If insulin is too high, or spiking irregularly your body will lower its consumption of its own fat and instead look to lower your capacity to draw energy (i.e. if you cut down to 1500cal a day from your 2500 maintenance level, your body will slowly but surely make 1500 your new maintenance level, and you'll stop losing fat)

>> No.9343259
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Damn this restrictive keto diet!

>> No.9343373

Been doing it for years for better blood sugar control of my type 1 diabetes. My current favorite snack is baked cheese.

Slice or shred a sharp cheddar, lay on parchment on a cookie sheet and bake at 250-300 F until lacy in texture crispy upon cooling. After cooling, break into pieces like you would a brittle or hard toffee. Immensely rich and cheesy taste. Hard to eat more than a small handful.

>> No.9343378

80% of my calorie intake is carbs yet I'm a lean 150 lb at 6 feet

>> No.9343397

Type 1 again. I cannot stress enough how important it is to actually be in a state of dietary ketosis whilst eating a ketogenic diet, You need to buy urine ketone test strips to be sure. Otherwise, in a state of metabolic glycolysis, all these fat calories + the higher insulin levels will make you stall or gain weight. It's science, not magic.

>> No.9343405

>everything covered in grease
you are what's wrong with ketofags. that's like 600 calories and probably your smallest portion of the day. your body will spend all day burning off that fat instead of burning fat storages

>> No.9343414

And, yes, you still need to stay at or under your TDEE. You will not feel strong hunger cravings as you did before, though. When or how much to eat will be more of an intellectual decision rather than a hormonal one in this metabolic pathway.

>> No.9343428
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>he doesn't know how keto works

>> No.9343523

2 years ago I did keto for about 9 months. I did a very strict keto diet, measuring every single thing I ate and recording it on myfitnesspal. In 3 months I lost over 20 pounds. After that I got a bit bored and did some eyeballing and for 6 months didn't lose any more weight but at the same time didn't put any more on. I loved keto and if not for my current lifestyle I would go back to it. In the last few years I started traveling around the world and it's pretty much impossible to do this diet without doing all your cooking at home and I love eating out trying different cuisines. I'm now doing fasting and see how this goes, would like to drop about 30lbs.

Just start using myfitnesspal and buy yourself a scale. Measure everything and treat it like a game. Read about all the different recipes you can do that are carbless and start getting creative in the kitchen. Buy almond flour and chicharron, they let me survive the experience. This is a diet that lets you snack, I ate pepperoni sticks and pork skin as snacks almost every day.

Yes, although as with many restrictive diets you might have trouble in the beginning. There are many athletes out there doing keto though, read up on it.

You need to eat fat in keto, what the fuck you on about?

>> No.9343554

You don't know how keto works. Why would you consume a ridiculous amount of fat when you're overweight?

When you're fat, you eat >20 carbs, moderate fat, and moderate protein. You don't start eating 100+g of fat as a replacement for all the carbs you eat. Your body will just burn those instead of your fat storage.

>> No.9343557

The point is that your body begins to run on fat rather than carbs, and eating too much fat is the same as eating carbs since you're not using up your own fat storage.

>> No.9343600
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This. Pretty much your macros should not exceed a 500 cal. Deficit and you should use the carbs allowed for high fiber vegetables and maybe nuts. Most people eat fucking 30 strips of bacon exceeding their daily caloric intake by like 2500 cals

>> No.9343602
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I'm sorry pal but you're just dead wrong

>> No.9343623

Everyone else disagrees with you. If you're so sure of yourself, why don't you tell us why you need to consume 900 calories of fat per day?

>> No.9343628

You are right but you're looking at it wrong. About 60-75% of your diet should come from fats, 25-30% from protein and 5-10% carbs. And to stay in keto you shouldn't eat more than 20 carbs a day.

If we go by this guys chart >>9343602

20 carbs x 4 calories/carb = 80 calories
100 protein x 4 calories/protein = 400 calories
140 fat x 9 calories/fat = 1260 calories

This is only 1740 calories which is a deficit for most people. As you lose weight you have to keep adjusting this so that you're always at a slight deficit. You can eat more protein and a bit less fat but ultimately you still want 60%+ to be fat.

>> No.9343699

HOT TIP - use EC stack first couple of weeks.

>> No.9343730


Fellow type one here. Are you on a pump? Did you find yourself having to lower your basal?

>> No.9343761

Increased satiety, decreased appetite due to slower digestion of dietary fat. In ketosis the body uses fat for energy - not only fat stored in the body but also fat you consume - instead of carbohydrates/glucose.

The results don't lie, faggot. I've lost 80 lbs eating this eay and so have countless others. The pictures I posted also do not represent the entirety of my diet. They were admittedly cherry picked to refute another anon's claim that you can't eat anything tasty.

Eating low carb-high fat does seem counter-intuative to weight loss, but it's been around a long time and has proven results

>> No.9343788

>In ketosis the body uses fat for energy - not only fat stored in the body but also fat you consume - instead of carbohydrates/glucose.
and guess what happens when you weigh 300 lbs and consume 2000 calories of fat instead of 1000 calories of fat instead of 300 calories of protein and a higher deficit? you lose weight slower. everyone on leddit weighs 200 lbs after months of keto because they refuse to control the amount of fat they consume.

no one is telling you that keto doesn't work, you just don't understand proper keto. you eat nearly zero carb, slightly higher fat, and moderate protein. you don't eat an entire package of bacon.

>> No.9343815

I think you're projecting here because nobody ever said anything about eating a whole pack of bacon. I certainly didn't.

>you lose weight slower
I also never mentioned the rate at which you lose weight. I only said it has been proven to help people lose weight.

>you eat nearly zero carb, slightly higher fat, and moderate protein
Yeah so pretty much exactly what's shown in the chart I posted, and every other keto chart or definition of keto macros

I actually agree

>> No.9343835

Oh, Christ -- this shit again.

I did Keto in 2012 and lost about 80lbs. I was extremely strict with my diet, and it worked wonders. I started trying to bulk a bit, especially upper body -- and started to let the 20gram carb macro go out the window.

Well, that was the end of that and I've gained it all back again.

I honestly don't think you can enjoy life without the texture of carbs, at least I couldn't.

>> No.9343843 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9343847

Don't listen to the other anons, I've done keto. The weight melts off.

>> No.9343850
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>> No.9343854

Literally zero metabolic advantage to keto

>> No.9343857

Is keto cheaper than just a standard carb based diet at a 500-1000 deficit? I understand that it varies with each person's macros but I was thinking as more of a generalization.

Also is all of your protein needing to be grass fed/organic even necessary? I understand trying to find quality products but it's not like you'd be eating hotdogs and only lunch meat.

>> No.9343860

I've started keto but I need ideas, I'm doing a simple meal plan for a few weeks so I can get into it

As of now I eat a cheese omelette for breakfast with some greens and some kind of meat and greens for dinner. What should I eat for lunch?

usually I eat an avocado but that's kind of expensive, I need some ideas. Maybe some kind of fatty salad?

pls help

>> No.9343862

That may be but the increased satiety is enough for it to help a lot of people lose weight. It's not for everyone, but if it helps some then I'm fine with it. Obesity is an epidemic

>> No.9343883
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>keto means i can eat all the fat i can want and ignore calorie deficits, my fat storages, and protein

>> No.9343892

It's generally more expensive to eat keto. Works best if you enjoy shopping, cooking, and experimenting in the kitchen.

It's not essential for all protein to be organic/grass fed, but obviously preferable

>> No.9343897

not so after a week or so, you adapt to it and regret going back to carbs 15 minutes afterwards if you slip

>> No.9343902

his eyes are so close together he probably only needs 1 goggle

>> No.9343920

No, your fucking anorexic at that weight.

>> No.9343921
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What happens if you drink sips on keto?

>> No.9343924

there were jews coming from auschwitz weighing more than you.

>> No.9343929

When you hit your goal weight you switch to CKD, plan you carb up/cheats and keep an eye on your weight, pretty fucking simple.

>> No.9343934

At that height, 135 is underweight, 185 is overweight. He's pretty well in the middle.

>> No.9343937

The only way BMI works on tall people is if they have very little muscle.

>> No.9343951


keto is dum. It's just dressing up plain calorie restriction in a bunch of rituals.

>> No.9343953
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You reach a level of keto most people only dream about

>4g of carbs per can
Keto and sips go together like peas and carrots

>> No.9343961

To be fair, the anon is pretty skelly at that height. He may not be Auschwitz but he is as he describes himself the strictest definition of "lean"

>> No.9343978

I don't know, I really need to see how much I spend on groceries versus how long they last me right now. This is what's frustrating about food and nutrition and fitness in general.

I go to one website and people go on about how they save so much money on keto (granted there are the people that spend insane amounts of money as well) but then I can go on another website and someone tells me that it s generally more expensive.

Guess I should stop being a faggot and figure things out for myself.

>> No.9343987

The average person isn't very fit.

>> No.9343989

The thing that bothers me is how high will your cholesterol will be on this type of diet.

t. 230lb faggot that want to drop to sub 200.

>> No.9343990

Yes, I can see how much the cost of keto groceries could vary from person to person. Depends mostly what you like to eat, I guess

>> No.9344022

Most people have better cholesterol and triglyceride levels on keto than the standard diet.

>> No.9344028

Not exactly, while the basis of weight loss is still CICO, keto generally keeps people satiated for longer and works much better in people who have metabolic disease and insulin sensitivity

>> No.9344097

I saw the study that did that and it was only for 24 weeks. Is there no studies on this for long term and possibly a lifestyle to maintain? I will probably end up using this to loose weight and switching to like paleo or something.

>> No.9344148

Yeah, long term controlled studies don't exist, however (and I realize that anecdotal evidence is nearly crap) there have been quite a few people who have gone over a decade on LCHF with good blood profiles

>> No.9344329

so get ripped and then go keto?

>> No.9344334

No, Lantus. Yes, I had to reduce the dosage by 33%. 5.5 A1c. Approximately 4 units humalog daily for corrections + bolus. Lately I've been playing around with different types of sugars to correct hypos. Far and away, HFCS fucks up my insulin sensitivity. Even without breaking ketosis, it hops up my basal requirement by 15% for 3 days after consuming it. It's poison.

>> No.9344351
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I maintain my sub-20 BMI by carbing up all day every day.

>> No.9344358

Ah, I was on Lantus before getting a pump. I hate that stuff, burns like acid going in.

I've done keto and had great results with my blood sugars, but I find myself getting very hungry with occasional lows. I think lowering my basal (which is constant, tiny amount of novarapid delivered by the pump) might help correct it.

What kind of meals are you prepping? Where do you eat out, if you do? Do you not find yourself with intense carb cravings on account of the spikes caused by the basal?

>> No.9344432

I do feel hunger when I get lows, but most days of the week I have one mild low of 50-60 mg/dL at the 8-12 hour mark. I have never been able to eat zero carbs on Lantus successfully, since at a certain dosage I couldn't get 24 hour coverage. Tried MDD for a while, but it wasn't working as well as just one, based on the averages. That's ok though; based on the ketone strips, I was still in dietary ketosis despite having to correct lows. I think I like raisins for this best now (fruit, in general seems good, but because sugar content from each piece of fresh fruit to the next is hypothetical it's hard to be really accurate).

I like to cook chicken, fish, pork dishes. Also like green leafy vegetables, (high fat) dairy, egg dishes, nuts, avocados, etc. Probably only eat out 10 times a year for events and family shit, but it's really not hard to find one or two things on the menu that'll work for me without having to make substitutions. Shit tier restaurants that only serve battered, fried food would be hard. Luckily, those aren't the kind my family does birthdays at. People thinking keto is expensive is silly.

My groceries cost about $50 a week, but only because I'm a coffee junkie. If you know how to cook and shop, you'll easily pay $200 a month or less.

>> No.9344465

Also, how can you stand having the thing attached to you all the time? That would drive me nuts, especially during naked time. I'm sad that the tech hasn't come further along.

>> No.9344468

It definitely works, but I've had multiple people tell me it puts a strain on your kidneys. Anyone care to comment?

>> No.9344470

>keto is only for losing weight

>> No.9345786

If you're prone to kidney stones, keto diet is shown to increase the likelihood of the development of stones.

>> No.9345799

>tfw lost 30 kg and went from fat fuck to actually attractive
Keto is real

>> No.9345814

>>9345799 here, also am keto and general nutrition expert. Ask me anything if you have questions about dieting in general and ketogenic low-carb diets in general.

>> No.9345821

Just eat egg salad and fistfuls of spinach u bitch ass niggas its not hard

>> No.9345823

I heard that despite keto allowing you to drop weight, the excess saturated changes you blood lipids in a dangerous way, that puts you at a higher risk of heart disease.

Also keto and hair loss, is their a connection?

>> No.9345833

Been on Keto for a few months now. Only thing I miss is potatoes.

Main dishes -
Duck confit
Chicken parm (breaded with pork rinds blended with shaved parmesan)
Sous vide 5-spice pork belly

Side dishes -
Asapragus sauteed in butter, garlic, and anchovies topped with a poached egg & shaved parmesan.
Caprese salad
Broccoli w/ cheese sauce

Sweets -
Heavy cream vanilla bean panna cotta sweetened with liquid splenda topped with blackberries.
Coconut macaroons sweetened with swerve

>> No.9345838

I think your bullshit filter might be broken. Why would you think any of that shit was remotely true.

Also, given that your bullshit filter seems to be broken, can you send me your contact info? I'll make you a great deal on some oceanfront real estate in Arizona! You'll make millions!

>> No.9345844

>the excess saturated changes you blood lipids in a dangerous way, that puts you at a higher risk of heart disease.
This is actually false. This comes from a widespread belief that cardiovascular diseases are linked to saturated fat consumption (also the anti-cholesterol craze).
The fact is, there are tribes in Africa and Alaska who live 100% off saturated fat and cardiovascular diseases are caused by sedentarity and carbs. Cholesterol is actually something our body synthesizes.

>Also keto and hair loss, is their a connection?
I don't know. I already started losing my hair before going on a diet.

>> No.9345865

You know what else puts you at risk for heart disease? Being fat.

>> No.9345867


Personally I miss spaghetti, I've barely used potatoes in my cooking even before going on keto a while ago.

I'll probably go for that along with some meat sauce whenever I decide to have a cheat meal, but that's probably another week or two.

>> No.9345883


You need some fats in your diet, or else you'll feel like shit, but bacon isn't the only one out there.

You need protein because you want to maintain the right mass while you burn the fat.

You need greens because you just fucking need them, ok?, in any fucking diet.

You need to avoid all artificial sweeteners. Fuck stevia if it's not liquid form. Just get used to no sweet.

Do not try and find substitutes that are low carb, do not consume small amounts of starchy or sugary foods trying to make sure you don't go over the count. This fucks your discipline. Your discipline is a rock that is eroded by temptation. The best way to combat it is to eliminate it, not maintaining desire through substitutes. After a while you will be unfazed by bread and it's smell. It's your will that will make this happen, remove everything tempting from the and you will still be offered carbs by friends or the market. Go to most stores and it's mostly junk, specifically empty carbs that are cheap to produce and no use to you.

I'm 40lbs less now. Still have to take off at least that once more. You can do it too.

>> No.9345888

that shit is covered in sugary slime

>> No.9346114

sorry, but no. i was 260 and at least 35% bf before starting keto. i followed the diet as prescribed by "authorities" on the subject and reduced my calorie intake to about 500 kcals less than needed for maintenance in order to lose weight. it definitely worked with eating fats and i confirmed it daily with ketostix. so, i'm not sure if the people you're thinking of simply weren't properly measuring their food or what, but it's incorrect to say that you have to avoid eating fats in order to reach keto. now, could i lose fat quicker by doing as you've stated and only ingesting protein and fiber? sure, maybe, i don't know but it makes sense. however, i'd rather feel satiated by eating fats and burn weight at a reasonable and healthy rate than try to crank it up to 11 and wind up burning out the same way i've done in the past on other diets. i'm 192 now and have about 30 more pounds to go so i won't risk my progress by testing it, but i'd like to read any studies on the matter. thanks, bud

>> No.9346754

First 3 months of keto:
>making fathead pizza
>making taco shells from fried cheese
>making fresh pasta from soybean flour and eggs
>making seed crackers to eat with chili

After 3 months of keto:
>fuck it just eat everything with sauteed cabbage

>> No.9346795

>You'll get keto flu, it feels like you are getting sick and will be weakly for 4-5 days,

You can get around this or at least mitigate the effects somewhat with electrolytes - sodium, magnesium, potassium.

Pickles, avocados, almonds, dark leafy greens.

>> No.9346843

>dude i got an idea
>let's create a shitty meme diet where we boost the consumption of animal products at retarded heights even though we know this isn't good at all
>let's call it keto


>> No.9346844

>50-80g carbs a day
Last time I did it I cut down to 20g. That might have been overkill...

>> No.9346863


I do 30-50 grams per day personally, while it limits what I can eat it's not too overtly restrictive.

>> No.9347101

Been doing IF and Keto. Bretty gud energy. My hikes are slower but endurance is definitely up.

>> No.9347122

>tfw all you've eaten for the past two weeks is scrambled eggs, bacon, and pre-packaged salads

Not sure if it's because I've stopped drinking or not but my acid reflux is gone at least.

>> No.9347585

Yup, about how I started. Now its just fried bacon and sauteed cabbage most nights now. Caesar salad for lunch.

>> No.9347666

And you are probably a skinny-fat piece of shit.

>> No.9347783

>be so fat that losing 80 pounds would not kill you
>pretending to know anything about discipline

Choose only 1

>> No.9347816
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Shitty picture, but I just made a whole head of sauteed cabbage with bacon. Been eating keto for about a year, but i still find new things to experiment with when I'm feeling burnt out on the same foods. It's a challenge to keep it interesting. After I lose about 10 more pounds I'm planning to slowly transition from keto to a low carb (~100-150g of carbs per day) diet.

>> No.9347834

that looks fucked

>> No.9347867

>fats detected
If you dont have rolls of blubber 150 at 6'0 with a bit of muscle looks pretty average

>> No.9347931

I tried 2 days, i cant live without a piece of french bread

>> No.9348019

Thanks for the advice. I was a little worried about being in ketosis for a long time because I thought it would be similar to ketoacidosis. I didn't realize the difference and sort of just assumed that being in ketosis was bad for a diabetic.

It is annoying. The tubing is long enough for me to tuck it in my pillowcase at night, but it can get tangled and pulled tight when I toss in my sleep. That part sucks. I usually sleep with pyjama pants and keep it in a pocket.

During the day, it just goes in a pocket. Tubing under shirt. No problem at all. If I need to take it off for some reason, it disconnects from my body and can be reconnected in a second. I'll take one needle every three days with a little inconvenience over four, five needles daily.

>> No.9348249

I think the hardest part of it is finding the sweet spot for the lower basal dose in ketosis. I had to fail 3 times before I could do it reliably. For the first 2-3 days in the induction phase your levels run a bit high, maybe 150ish mg/dL (pancreatic alpha cells freak and start releasing glucagon, which makes your liver convert stored glycogen to glucose(this is where normies think they feel shitty with "keto flu"), and you're almost thinking you should correct it, but then on day 3-6, each successive day requires 10% less basal as stored glycogen runs out. If you freak and over-correct you get a nasty enough low to have to eat so much sugar you have to start over again. You can ride the slight high, or try to reduce a little every day. But, once you find the magic number of the basal-to-be (or ballpark), you don't have that issue so much. You have to try to keep the variables of exercise and sleep cycle the same so it's replicable. Once you get it, it's pretty fucking rad. Like 1-2 shots a day, no craziness. I do wish I could get some straight dope on the possible long-term kidney function consequences, but I don't think there's anything concrete yet. Every once in a while I'll get some ermagerd shit about kidneys from an RN that you can tell is talking out of her ass. The docs are kinda like: ok, this took you from an 8 A1c to a 5.5–fuck yeah! Eh, probably best to run this by your doctor though if he's not a dinosaur and completely out of the loop with modern management.

It'd be nice if someday there was a permanently implanted pump that could just be refilled and recharged externally. I'll probably be old by then and won't give a shit anymore.

>> No.9348267

I'm nervous as fuck about the kidney problem because I was an untreated type one in my teens and was in stage one renal failure. We don't get a second chance if we fuck our kidneys up.

I don't really see my diabetic specialist anymore as my levels have been stable for a good five years, but I think I'll give her a shout about keto. Thanks for the help.

>> No.9348320

Yeah, we're all different. Definitely check with an endo before you do it. You've got pump-action control, and I'm doing it old school, with previously horrible enough control to warrant this goober meme diet. To give you an impression of the difference between dietary ketosis and DKA: of the one type of ketone bodies that those urine test strips measure, I'm reading between 5-15 mg/dL, whereas in ketoacidosis it's in the neighborhood of 150+ mg/dL with like >400 mg/dL blood glucose levels. I also kind of like the idea of using diet, exercise and medicine to treat diseases less expensively.

>> No.9348340

>less expensively

Well my supplies don't cost me anything, I'm Canadian with good third-party healthcare. I do want to cut my insulin requirement down though (and lose weight again) so I think I'll give keto a good go.

We use mmol/L rather than mg/dL, but I'll keep your urine test strip suggestion in mind. I know I have a bottle of them somewhere.

>> No.9348366

Well, wether it's your wallet or the government's dime, I feel the same about a holistic approach's effect on the costs of healthcare. Definitely, the added benefit of taking less insulin is it's a lot easier to lose body fat without doing it the stupid way with high blood sugars.

>> No.9348383

I kept typing mg/dL like a nerd so you could convert them to mmol/L if you used that. Lazy, but still want to be understood.

>> No.9348840

No, I'm quite firm, with very little visceral fat, and I can smoke you in a footrace of any distance meet me at the flagpole after class motherfucker

>> No.9349173


Try losing that much and not learning. Most just cannot.

But hey, you wanna disprespect someone for trying to better themselves, be that guy then.

>> No.9349240

Keto is great, once you get past the first week or two. And in that first week or two, expect to lose 5-8 lbs just in water weight.
I did get keto flu one time and it sucked, headache like you wouldn't believe. Charlie horses in my legs too, but Powerade Zero took care of that... anyway... lots of meat, string cheese, sunflower seeds, eggs, salads. A chocolate mug cake every night for dessert. When I do keto my face clears up, my mood improves, I have more energy. I'm not hungry all the time. What's not to love?

>> No.9349247
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Currently cutting right now using keto and intermittent fasting, only eating on lifting days.

Favorite fatty meal is currently a fuck-off pile of hamburger with onions (seared, not caramelized), a tomato, and some low-carb /ck/ slop sauce. Served on a bed of steamed lettuce leaves. Mushrooms optional.

It's trashy and Amerilard as fuck, but it works. Only have ~15 lbs to go until I'm at my maintenance goal.

>> No.9349282

No, 150 at 6 feet looks skinny as fuck

>> No.9349303

I guess if you dont like meat and vege. Personally i think the diet is kind of indulgant. Steak and salads are the Basic meal>>9342907

>> No.9349327

If you've got an asian market nearby, you can get duck for fairly cheap.
Duck is damn near perfect food for keto diet. You can do so many different preparations.
Duck rillettes, duck confit, seared duck breast, duck proscuitto, garlic ginger duck wings, spicy duck neck.
Plus rendered duck fat is great for sauteing veg.

>> No.9349336
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I actually just felt it once this time, I'd fucked up on getting my water and my salts but it basically ruined that afternoon, never had charlie horses, mostly head-related symptoms.

I think I might make some bearnaise butter this weekend, I love the mixes but that's still 15 grams of carbs for one portion which I could cut since I want to lose weight, even if I'm not doing strict I can still do better, and the butter would keep better than making a batch of sauce, it would probably waste less in the long run too.

>> No.9349455

I'm all for low carb as a way to lose weight or just to be healthy but the way most people eat keto, with tons of bacons and butter can't be good I think.

>> No.9349997

You still need to adhere to CICO. Keto doesn't break the laws of the universe. That's where a lot of people fail it, though.

>> No.9350035
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Is there any feasible way to do keto and be vegetarian at the same time or am I not able to join the keto fan club?

inb4 KYS vegfag

>> No.9350037

there are spaghetti squash and zucchini noodles. Never tried them personally tho

>> No.9350040

~20g worked best for me. At 50 I never fully adjusted and would always feel ravenously hungry.

>> No.9350055


I'll keep that in mind, thanks.

>> No.9350065

why would you want to do keto

>> No.9350091
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he's just trying to stack eating memes

gluten free

the end goal is to only be able to suck nutrients off of street pebbles

>> No.9350126

I think at this point he can only eat organic vegetable oil and gelatin free multivitamins?

>> No.9350129

they often post recipes for fat bomb. like how hard is it seriously to slap on a bunch of mayo or not drain the fat off your meat?

>> No.9350133
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i dunno. currently growing into a muscle bara boi. I would like to not look like a muscular ogre and I am filled with self hate.

Would keto help burn my fat better and become a twig or staying veg and being a carb bear is a better idea?

eww no vegan and gluten free are gross

does me being a vegetable really trigger you that much?

>> No.9350200

keto is a meme that works because it makes people avoid processed food and sugar

the most filling foods by calorie are fiber>protein>carbs>fat, so there's no way you're getting fat on vegetables?

>> No.9350214

i love cdronometer. better than my fitness pal

>> No.9350244

It does a little more than that. If you can keep your fat intake high enough, protein is used more efficiently for muscle building, fat burning is streamlined, and for many cognition is improved. These may all sound like buzzwords, but there is lots of science to support it. That said, I'd rather just stay active and eat well

>> No.9350283

Also shiratake noodles. Pretty much the best substitute

>> No.9350299
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I love carbs though and I avoid sugar as much as I can unless its in fruit.

I am fucking addicted to breakfast cereal though. Not super sugary shit but rather like rice crispies, corn flakes, shredded wheat etc

Is any of that killing me slowly? Should I stop eating it even if I am working out a lot?

inb4 monsanto is killing all of us slowly

>> No.9350308
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>shiratake noodles
>literally no nutrition or flavor and has the consistency of rubber

thats fucking disgusting. just eat spaghetti squash. It tastes better than regular noodles anyway

>> No.9350390

Are you the kind of retarded vegan that refuses to eat poultry, eggs, dairy and fish? If you are then no, you wouldn't have enough food sources. If you're concerned about carbs just replace potato with salad and don't eat anything from fast food chains, that alone should improve your health.

>> No.9350399
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>> No.9350427

Not much of a different really. You're still an idiot that lets idealism get in the way of his lifestyle. I'm sure a pig wouldn't hesitate to eat you if it was hungry and saw that you couldn't move so why should you act any differently?

>> No.9350480

Because I am a human being that has a will and conscience to make my own decisions. You do realize your not the same as a pig, right anon?

Look anon I really didn't want to derail the thread into a veg vs. carn shit flinging competition like the rest of the internet. I just wanted to ask a simple question.

>> No.9350490

Dieting is for plebs.
I eat the same thing every day:

~1/2 cup brown rice
~1 lb mixed veggies
~3/4 lb salmon
season veggie rice with curry powder, garlic, onion, hot mexican chili powder, and ground cayenne pepper

Low carb is meme. lower carb is alright. nothing wrong with brown rice, veggies, and fish

>> No.9350504
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>eat the same thing every day

>> No.9350505

yeah white flour == pure sugar
at least eat oats or something, althought i'd avoid anything dehydrated if you wanna lose weight

>> No.9350518

Not literally every single day, but it tastes good and it's pretty quick and easy to make after work, so that's what I eat most weekdays at least.

>> No.9350526

I feel like ingesting salmon on a daily basis can't be good for you in the long run especially farm raised salmon, they soak that shit in a ton of food dye to make it look normal if I remember correctly

>> No.9350543

I'd say about 1/5 of the fish I eat is farm raised salmon. Most of it is wild king, sockeye, or keta salmon depending on what's available. Occasionally I'll grab some catfish, or if a sale comes around some swordfish, flounder, or halibut, but I mostly eat salmon because it's good, and readily available.

>> No.9350553

But yeah the farmed stuff is fed stuff for color, which is ironic, since the wild stuff is usually a deeper, more rich color (especially sockeye) than the farmed fake color stuff

>> No.9350574

Also, I live in GA now, about 4 hours from the Ocean, and I used to live in IN about half an hour from Lake Michigan, so I've always had fresh fish available which is really nice. I guess I got used to eating fish more than most people.
If I go out to eat my first choice is always prime rib though

>> No.9350602

If you're willing to eat eggs, poultry, cheese, fish, and dairy then yes you can do keto without too many problems. If you're the type of veg that won't eat poultry or eggs then don't bother, just lower carb intake by replacing potato and bread with salad and lower carb alternatives. It's that simple, anon. You should also add rabbit to your diet if you're willing to eat fish, breeds that have been domesticated aside they're not much smarter than a carp or tunafish.

>> No.9350623

and actually has some nutrients in it

konnyaku is garbage.

>> No.9350753

Yes. Eggs, heavy cream, nuts, cheeses (if you consider rennet vegetarian), butter. Pescetarians can do it very easily. And there's tofu. Just for shits, I kept myself in ketosis for a couple weeks using tofu as a protein source, technically a vegan diet. It got boring, but yeah it's totally possible.

>> No.9350768

Too much protein and it synthesizes into carbohydrates in the body
I lost 170b on the diet

>> No.9350825

Fuck that's better than my 30lbs. Then again I was starting from 200lbs so I didn't have much more I could lose easily by the time I got to 170lbs. Also I did it in 3 months which is something I guess

>> No.9351296

yeah, totally, except it's a diet that was created by doctors for reasons other than weight loss. that's just a great side effect (if you cut calories)

>> No.9351366

I lost 40 pounds over course of year by sticking to 2000 cal per day on weekday and 2500 on weekend. But I also did lots of hiking/walking/biking on weekend. Probably had average deficit of 500 cal a day. Very slow, but steady and not hard at all.

>> No.9352695
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Well that shit was a bust, too sour imo, I'll check the store's butters or fresh packs the next time i'm there, It'll probably come down to whichever gives me the most bang for my buck.

My roomie might like the butter though, I'll let him try it when he gets back.

>> No.9352710

Seriously, give Reddit a try. Their /r/keto will give you all the information and support that you need.

>do not eat more than 50-80g of carbs a day.
And don't listen to this idiot, stay under 20g of carbs.

What are you blathering about? You don't like steak? Salad? Eggs?

The only things you're absolutely not supposed to eat are bread, rice, Doritos, candy bars, and other things that are complete crap for you anyway.

Because your body will stop hammering itself with hormones that cause you to feel like you're starving to death. Back when I used to eat cereal for breakfast, I'd be ready to rip people's throats out at work by 11am because I was so fucking hungry. Before noon, my blood sugar would collapse and I'd be sweating and about ready to fall over.

Since switching to keto, the only times I've felt even moderately hungry were after I said "fuck it" and had a slice of pizza or some rice. The carbohydrates are what trigger the zoom-and-boom blood sugar cycles that make you feel hungry. On keto, maybe ten hours or so after a meal, I start to feel like I might want to consider getting something to eat again.

>> No.9352714

Congratulations. At age 50 your pancreatic islet cells will drop dead from exhaustion and then you'll go blind and have to cut off your feet.

>> No.9352752

This theory has always been one of the funniest to me because of how far removed from reality and even the most rudimentary understanding of physiology it is.
Of course these same clowns never argue that your liver gets "exhausted" from producing cholesterol or bile, or I guess your small intestine gets "exhausted" from having to produce chylomicrons. Just kek

>> No.9352769

I tried it for a week. I honestly felt a lot better on it but it was too expensive to make the diet interesting so I had to stop

>> No.9352780

This is untrue please don't post if you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.9352948

>Because losing weight is not just a case of less intake.
Yes, it is

>> No.9352950
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>make 1500 your new maintenance level, and you'll stop losing fat)
Yeah, once you're down to ~140 pounds

>> No.9352954
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>of my calorie intake is carbs yet I'm a lean 150 lb at 6 feet
Whe I lived in Japan my jap doctor told me my ideal weight (5 ' 11" was 155 pounds / 70kg)

>> No.9353451


Protein should be moderate at all times, excessive fat consumption is only for the very beginning to feel satisfied during the transition period. Once in ketosis it should be mostly veggies with some fat and some protein but not a lot.

The idea is for the body to use its own fat, not to eat tons of fat. I think a lot of people really want to misunderstand this diet as "I can eat mayo by the spoonful and wash it down with bacon grease" and while you can do that and stay in ketosis, you're not going to any weight that way.

>> No.9353619

Well, really what happens is that your cells gradually become more and more resistant to insulin because you've been hammering them with it for years, and suddenly you're a type 2 diabetic. And once that happens, it becomes very hard to reverse course -- but following a very-low-carb diet helps immensely since you're no longer overwhelming your system.

>you're not going to any weight that way.
did you accidentally a word?

>> No.9353636

I might have accidentally the whole entire.

>> No.9353694

>what happens is that your cells gradually become more and more resistant to insulin because you've been hammering them with it for years, and suddenly you're a type 2 diabetic
That's also not what happens though

>> No.9353796

I'm eating pretty low carb because I stopped eating grain for health related reasons. I guess my only real carb sources are fruits and nuts like cashews. Most days however I only eat meat and vegetables. But I'm not so sure if this is a good thing, because I'm probably kinda edging in and out of keto frequently. Probably I should just go all in on keto, but I still kinda believe that fruits are healthy.

Btw. my favorite recipe is a veggie pan with about 500gr ground beef and it's pretty easy to do, just sear the beef in a huge pan like you would with a steak. Then add all the veggies you like until the pan can't take any more. Make sure to use lots of garlic and onions. For spices I mostly go with self mixed curry and I brown them a little before adding a small cup of water. Then let it cook for about half an hour or even an hour on slow heat and if you like add some coconut milk at the end, like you would with a cream sauce.

>> No.9353814

>a diet that was created by doctors

Which is supposed to be a good thing ?

>> No.9353830

nice blog retard

that meal is definitely not low carb by the way

>> No.9353906

Why shouldn't it be low carb? Because of the veggies? Just choose the ones with low carbs.

>> No.9353983


Because most in-ground or starchy veggies, eg. the type you usually cook have a non-negligible amount of carbs.

Like, one yellow onion for a recipe that yields multiple servings is fine, that's maybe 5-6g of carbs total if my headcount is correct, by averages that's maybe 2g per serving, but shit starts adding up once you start having a lot of it, the garlic is pretty high carb, ie lotsa garlic lotsa carbs, both of these are also low in protein and fat. IE not good for a keto diet. This is without even touching the rest.

>> No.9353992
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>> No.9354019

I guess if you really add lots of it it would add up, but you can easily make the menu with low carb legumes according to your diet goals.

btw. can you eat more carbs when you do some cardio and still stay in ketosis? I never really found useful information on this.

>> No.9354023


Lots is an ill defined measurement anon, for all I know you could eat garlic like fucking Wario. My point still stands.

>> No.9354035


Don't compromise on your carb limit, make up for it with fats and proteins if you exercise.

>> No.9354053

I basically understand that this is the right way to do it. But let's say that I really really want to eat that one apple. Can I somehow burn those carbs before it kicks me out of ketosis? Like for example if I start doing heavy cardio and burn 1200 calories immediately after or during eating an apple.

>> No.9354073

>Btw. my favorite recipe is a veggie pan
unless its salad lettuce, tons of carbs
>Then add all the veggies you like until the pan can't take any more.
overeating vegetables, especially the ones you'd add to a stir fry, is not healthy. peppers are insanely high in sugar
>Make sure to use lots of garlic and onions.
>coconut milk

>> No.9354102


Then you plan around that apple ya doofus, plan around it or exercise some self-restraint.

"I did x thus i can reward myself" and thoughts along that line are how you fall off the wagon.

>> No.9354136
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Best sugar substitute.

>> No.9354240
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I'm asking just for science I don't even like apples.

may I ask what you eat, if even veggies have too much carbs? Only meat, avocado and macadamia nuts? Or do you drink oil directly from the can?

>> No.9354376

Root veggies are full of carbs retard. So are nightshades.

Meat, dairy, and spinach are all you need.

>> No.9354383

dairy is full of shit and there are a lot more veggies than root veggies. I presume most of the green ones are safe to eat.

>> No.9354447

>Or do you drink oil directly from the can?
your statement just proves how little you know about keto and how much you want to fit in with a giant meme diet. normal people on keto don't eat their gorge themselves on fat

i'm not on keto, i just eat whatever i want in moderation. if you truly cared about following keto, you could eat/drink
>any protein
>almond milk
>salad greens (except kale)
>nut products
>flax seed
this could go on and on. instead of eating like a normal person, you've convinced yourself that eating a ridiculous portion of something is acceptable just because it's called a vegetable. kill yourself mom science retard

>> No.9354450

Olives are a great addition as well.

>> No.9354577

>Root veggies are full of carbs
Rutabagas and turnips are fairly low carb and can be eaten in moderation on keto.

>Meat, dairy, and spinach are all you need
I generally agree with this (add brassicas to the list as well), however the discovery of fathead dough and all its variations really made keto more enjoyable. Fathead pizza / crackers / flatbread is so versatile.

>> No.9354715

you realise you're wreaking havoc on your body, particularly your brain, fucking around with bullshit nutritionist diets like keto right? If you're below maintenance and on keto or a high fat diet you're literally making yourself stupider by the day and sending your cholesterol through the roof.
why? Looking at the scientific studies no one without wanting to shill a product looks at this shit as having more benefits than drawbacks. If you look for people who advocate it you find nutritionists trying to shill a product or weight loss / muscle building program on youtube. You're listening to greedy cunts on youtube instead of looking at global diets and making a sophisticated eating regimen just so you can limit the foods you're allowed to have so you eat less without anything to enjoy any more. congrats.

>> No.9354747

>t. 400lb bed-ridden hacker known as 4chan

>> No.9354813

>Looking at the scientific studies no one without wanting to shill a product looks at this shit as having more benefits than drawbacks.
Which studies are you referring to? There are tons of evidence-backed therapeutic benefits to a ketogenic diet (weight loss, reduction of cardiovascular disease and type 2 beetus) and there is emerging evidence that there are many other benefits (lower incidence of acne, improved neurological function, possible treatment for cancer patients).

read up, son

>> No.9354873

>you realise you're wreaking havoc on your body, particularly your brain, fucking around with bullshit nutritionist diets like keto right? If you're below maintenance and on keto or a high fat diet you're literally making yourself stupider by the day and sending your cholesterol through the roof
You realize that all of the evidence (including controlled studies) points to the opposite of what you stated, retard

>> No.9354878

>reduction of cardiovascular disease
>raises cholesterol
>reduces cardiovascular disease
sure thing bud
>improved neurological function
>possible treatment for cancer patients
weed cures cancer too :^)
you can get studies to prove whatever the fuck you want, it's about looking at all the data across studies, valuing larger sample sizes over small. If you do that you learn weed doesn't cure cancer and eating no carbs doesn't make you smarter.

>> No.9354882

no it doesn't

>> No.9354928

>studies say there's more drawbacks
>studies don't matter
>weed straw man
>cholesterol hypothesis
nobody takes the cholesterol hypothesis seriously anymore other than the pharmaceutical companies shilling statins (and when the statins cause erectile dysfunction they've got your cure for that too).

>> No.9354964

>weed straw man
it's 100% accurate that you can pull up not 7 but hundreds of studies showing benefits of weed. It's even more of an apt analogy not that you're pulling the "muh big pharma" conspiracy theory bullshit. You're even worse than weedbros. Anyone can come up with studies and articles "proving" X to be true, it's not scientific posting 10 scientific studies that confirm your bias.

>> No.9355157

It's not a hypothetical outcome. There is a lot of documentation of two types of people who develop type 2 diabetes later in life: obese people who overeat carbohydrates and endurance athletes who carb load regularly. Although the latter type remains thin by burning off excess calories through exercise, they still have diminished insulin sensitivity. I do not think non-athletes who eat carbohydrates in moderation are in danger of this disease, however, it is still possible with even moderate consumption of refined simple sugars by the average weight/activity level person. Some things (white sugar, HFCS, bleached white flours, trans fats, etc.) are just really bad for you. They should not be every day foods for any human. There is nothing wrong with whole grains unless you have another health issue.

>> No.9355172

There is no point is talking with someone who is a fucking stupid as you are.

>> No.9355224
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>1 of 8 matches
I think I know why there are so few actual contributors to this board.

>> No.9355252

Even if keto works, I'd rather just eat less and exercise more to lose weigh. It's just an unsustainable fad.

>> No.9355377

Pork rinds

>> No.9357064

>when the statins cause erectile dysfunction
Seriously??? :-( My doc has been talking about putting me on them. I don't want my dick to cease functioning.

>> No.9357082
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I was 392lbs, lost my first 100lbs doing keto. Lost my last 98lbs by just counting my calories and eating foods I used to binge eat and crave in moderation. Really helped me keep the weight off long-term.

My favorite keto meal was cauliflower mac-n-cheese

I also used Carbquik (Google it) to make peanut butter cookies, biscuits and fun things like that. It has a shit ton of fiber in it and blunted my appetite a lot.

>> No.9357083

Lol at those sources

>> No.9357097

Is the qt your gf? How did you get her being so fucking fat?

>> No.9357120

Why do I have a feeling that no matter how much modern science gets thrown at people they keep believing 60's-90's lipid hypothesis bullshit.

Long story short - it ain't fat that's making people fat, giving people diabetes, and heart disease. It's sugars, starches, and carbs.

congrats man. Impressive

>> No.9357142

Not sure if trolling with those links...
Ketardism knows no limits

>> No.9357205

What does team keto have to say about milk? It's mostly sugar judging by the nutrition facts sheet.

>> No.9357267


You don't really get anything out of it diet-wise so don't drink it, if you need it to make an otherwise low carb meal that includes it, only use maybe a dl, and get a small packet or most of it will definitely go to waste. I don't know about your milk but ours has 5% carbs, 3% on low lactose.

I don't know enough about cooking with dairy to say wether substituting milk in a recipe with 40% fat cream is a good idea as a general thing, but probably not.

Basically avoid milk as much as you can.

t. milk fan

>> No.9357785

>be a first-worlder
>alcoholic drywaller hamplanet
>go to Thailand or Philippines or Vietnam
>wave passport in air
>drown in pussy

I'm in Taiwan, and I've gotten hit upon by hot chicks half my age. It's great.

>> No.9359203

do you think you lost the weight because of keto, or just because you were regulating/really paying attention to your diet? I'm moderately overweight (185, 5'9) and am considering keto because I haven't been able to lose shit even after limiting my calorie intake to 1200-1500/day and exercising more than before.

>> No.9359389

I've been on keto for like 20 days.

5 days ago I started to notice that I sort of lost my appetite. Which really made me happy because it meant that I could not eat 2500 calories a day and that I actually could restrain myself.

Just today thought I noticed that I am starting to regain it, I really fucking want some McDonalds.

What the hell do I do? I really enjoyed that state.

>> No.9359395

Ultra Zero only has 4 carbs a can so you're good.

>> No.9359469

>living on keto
are you fucking retarded? You're not meant to be eating while you're in keto. Keto is literally you starving and your body is turning on hunter mode to use the fat you stored when your insulin levels were high as fuel. You're not suppose to live in keto all the time you're meant to go through fasted states where keto is induced (in prehistoric humans this was sometimes weeks at a time). Eating while you're in keto but not ending to ketosis just wrecks hell on your liver, veins bowels, and kidneys and potenially your joints because it's most inflammatory diet out there.

>> No.9359512

I'd love to see some citations for all that science you're dropping there, little buddy

>> No.9359598

you're already wrecking your body. add in the ec stack, fuck you and fuck your liver you fat fuck.

>> No.9359603

whats your PROBLEM?

>> No.9359605

I avoid whole milk because of the lactose (glucose + galactose). I still eat butter, cheese and cream, which do not have a high sugar content.

>> No.9359614

it's legit advice, so what if i delivered that turd nugget of wisdom with a small side of sarcasm, are you that sensitive you sweaty hambeast?

>> No.9359622

I'll take shit this guy knows absolutely nothing about but will still talk about it for $1, alex

>> No.9359637
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>peppers are insanely high in sugar
2.9g for a whole medium sized pepper.

>> No.9359734

Not the same guy, but I've lost 25lbs on keto, and it's the only diet I've ever managed to lose any weight on. (Other than outright starvation when I was so broke for a few months that I had to choose between dinner one night and lunch the next day.)

>> No.9360150


The anon might've been thinking of dry pepper, like 2/3rds of it is carbs.

>> No.9360192

how fat were you initially?

>> No.9360960

5'9" 275.

>> No.9361098

I didn't know that there's so many epileptics on the board

>> No.9361102

LOL Kys fat ugly subhuman you belong in a concentration camp where you can focus on losing weight you fat fuck

>> No.9361113

you lost 25 lbs by eating so much meat and fat that you were physically unable to stuff more into your body. you would’ve lost more weight by walking up and down stairs for five minutes at that weight

>> No.9362321

You do realize theres people who've lived in northern Canada for thousands of years on what is basically a keto diet. They don't have much for carbs up there so they've lived off animal meat and fat.

>> No.9362399

But they get the glycogen conversion because they're eating a significant % of that meat and fat raw. You don't get that effect with cooked meat and fats.

>> No.9362423

keto is never good. youre making your blood more acidic and giving yourself diabetes. its just a short term weight loss solution. crossfit of dieting

>> No.9362436

Everything I've read says the opposite about your diabetes claim. I'm not saying you're wrong with your claims, however I am saying I'd like to see your research / citations.

>> No.9362468


less/no carbs > blood sugar down > replace glucose with ketones > varying levels of insulin > increased risk of insulin resistance > diabetes

if you already have it keto can help with regulation but if you're fine fucking with your insulin isn't worth the risk

>> No.9362482

Nice research/citations.

>> No.9362490

>short term weight loss solution

Glad to see you admit that because it does work to rapidly decrease weight in the obese without negative health effects and even medfags don't disagree. But you're also correct in that it isn't a long term solution and should only be used by the seriously obese to get down to a manageable weight where they can switch to a balanced diet and no processed sugar laden pig slop. The power of keto is it can get these fatasses addicted to HFCS off of it and they can comfortably meld back into a reasonable diet still eschewing the processed HFCS and sugar laden garbage.

>> No.9362499


>> No.9362550

have been learning more about keto. im healthy, 5'9 160 decent muscle, no real need to lose weight. if i just cut out rice, tatoes, bread, wraps, ect, am i going to fuck myself up? i dont really need to buy fucking test kits and shit do i? whats the deal ketofags

>> No.9362600

>keto is never good
Fucking idiot, it's good for some diseases like epilepsy.

>> No.9362659

I am a recovering McDonald's addict and I've been eating keto for about a year. When I'm craving the taste of McDonald's I'll order a double cheeseburger or two with no ketchup then throw away the buns. Sounds gross, I know, but it satisfies the craving, keeps me in ketosis, and is usually very satisfying in the moment. Also, if nugs are your vice, they sell a 4 piece that you can get away with eating and staying in ketosis. I've also been known to chew and spit some fries, but that's not recommended because it's disordered eating, though it does satisfy that fries craving, for me

>> No.9362744

>chew and spit some fries
How do you accomplish that discreetly? I mean if someone saw you doing that in public they're probably going to call the dept. of mental health who will put you under involuntary observation.

>> No.9362779

The real meme is paleo

>> No.9363535

In the car, parked far away, facing the road, with an empty McDonald's bag, and a stack of napkins, sobbing away...

>> No.9363600


> tortilla

wtf? I'm not even an anti-ketolite, just post better when you make a point.

>> No.9364144
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The wings are not breaded (Pluckers, in TX) amd the tortilla is pic related, faggot

>> No.9364174

If I am going to eat 1 meal a day and it will be during my lunch break at work, what are some decent ideas of stuff to bring?

>> No.9364182

if you're eating one meal a day just do IF and have it for supper

>> No.9364565

Keto rekt

>> No.9365554

>being this fucking unaware that there are substitutes for wheat flour that are keto-friendly
it's like you don't know shit

>> No.9365796

>i have to have muh imitation carb food because I'm on a masochistic diet that restricts me from things I enjoy because Dr. Shillbucks wrote a book and told me to do it.

You're the same as a fucking masochistic vegan buying fake meat.

>> No.9365994

We can all agree that CICO is basically the laws of physics, but there's so much more to weight loss than CICO will lead you to believe. Keto is not a method of calorie restriction. It changes your hormonal state and metabolism.
Same guy does 3 separate 5000 calories per day regimens.
3 weeks @ 5000 calories per day on keto and he gains 1.3 kg
3 weeks @ 5000 calories per day on a high carb diet and he gains 7.3 kg
3 weeks @ 5000 calories per day on a vegan diet and he gains 4.7 kg

>> No.9366068

Agreed, CICO is the rule, however the CO portion of that equation is dependent on incredibly complex biological processes. He may have put on even less weight if he repeated the experiment with a low fat low carb (high enough fat to not have diarrhea) due to TEF.

>> No.9366129

Agreed, but mostly I'm just contesting the claim that keto is just a "dressed up calorie restriction" diet. There's more to the weight loss that people experience on keto than caloric restriction.

>> No.9366140

>The thing that bothers me is how high will your cholesterol will be on this type of diet.
It won't be 'high', because that is a dietary meme.

>> No.9366287

i eat one meal a day. i go home after work and enjoy a nice dinner

>> No.9366905

t. vegan hippie

>> No.9367152

Kek at those sauces.

>> No.9367230

50-80g is incorrect. If you're trying to lose weight quickly, you want to keep it under 20g/day. 20g-50g is more doable for some people, but you'll only lose like 0.5lbs a day that way, as opposed to like 1.5lbs a day (if you're fat) keeping it under 20g. I wasn't even overweight when I started keto, but still dropped 1.25lbs every day I kept my carb intake under 20g. Lost 30lbs. I keep my carb intake between 30-70g a day now to maintain the weight loss.

>> No.9367412


That sounds about right, the first time i tried keto i did 20-50, and accounting for water weight (which i assume is in the 6-10 lbs range at 6'2" 230) i lost about 25 pounds in a month, that was without counting calories/day.

I'm doing the same right now but I'm making sure to meet my macros and the suggested deficit, aswell as being more active, and most days I hit about 30 g of carbs, I haven't weighed myself after I started but I've lost the bit of extra chin I had that was my reason to start, though I probably should check my weight soon to recalculate my shit.

Even when I go out of the diet which I figure I'll keep through september I still intend to keep a better eye on my intakes and have some sort of carb budget.

>> No.9367776

Can someone give me some info on protein consumption affecting ketosis? Lately my calories have been pretty much 50% fat 50% protein, will this throw me out of ketosis? If so, what can I eat for an easy source of instant fat?

>> No.9367804

No matter what I eat I am always over 20g.

What do you guys eat in a day but still be under 20g?

>> No.9367826


iirc fat was 9 calories/gram and protein 4 calories/gram, even if you eat like 1600 calories/day that's still something in the ballpark of 200 grams of protein, which is definitely too much, it should roughly correspond to your bodyweight in kilos minus body fat percentage, then adjusted for how active you are.

The window is fair iirc, but even if you're a 2 meter 100 kgs giganigga lean you've atleast doubled that and by all accounts you're probably not in ketosis.

>> No.9367829

>protein consumption affecting ketosis
As long as you have enough fat, your body will not touch your muscles nor will it burn protein for energy. You have to be in starvation mode for your body to consider muscular atrophy as a mean of generating energy

>> No.9368118

Morning - bacon, eggs, fatty coffee
Broccoli & cheese frittata
Sausage & carbquik biscuits

mid-day snack - cheese, almonds, macadamias, blackberries, smoked trout or sardines

dinner - duck confit & salad lyonnaise (no croutons)
pork belly w/ buttery mashed rutabaga
fathead pizza
chicken parm (breaded w pork rinds)

Sometimes I'll make a milkshake out of 1/4 pint of Halo Top birthday cake blended with a half cup of heavy cream, splash of liquid splenda, and 1/8 tsp of xanthan gum for that thicc shake mouthfeel.

>> No.9368168

>protein consumption affecting ketosis?
It has zero effect on Ketosis.
The only thing that could throw you out of ketosis is consuming too many carbs.

>> No.9368209

"Too little or too much protein can be problematic in the keto-adapted state.
Aim for a protein intake between 0.6 to 1.0 grams per pound of lean body mass.
Rather than consume large portions of meats or other protein foods, focus on small to moderate protein portions and combine them with generous portions of good sources of fat (e.g., sauces, butter,olive oil).

That said, however,significantly over-consuming protein can be problematic because some of these extra amino acids can be converted to glucose in the body, raising insulin levels, and thus driving down ketones and suppressing fat burning. Even if your goal is gaining muscle, there is a limit to how much new muscle protein can be added each day, and under most circumstances, this amount is relatively small. Overconsuming protein beyond the level that allows maximum anabolism in skeletal muscle thus puts a burden on the body to get rid of the extra nitrogen. Since protein is not a particularly efficient fuel source and for the reasons mentioned above, it therefore makes little sense to consume it in excess. For all these reasons, we recommend aiming for an intake in the range of 0.6 to 1.0 grams per pound lean body mass."
- Dr. Jeff Volek

>> No.9368219
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Nothing in that long-winded diatribe said anthing about taking you out of Ketosis.

Are you ketoheads too stupid to differentiate "taking you out of ketosis" with "unrelated issues caused by excess protein consumption"?

I guess that's what I should expect from someone desperately avoiding the basic truth of exercising more and eating less. Why people will constantly chase after the non-extant magic bullet for their weight loss rather than just fucking doing the tried-and-true boggles the mind.

>> No.9368220

So is the amount of protein that is considered too much based on actual weights over ratios? For example, say I had a massive deficit and was only eating 600 cal a day consisting of 50% protein and 50% fat, would I stay in ketosis?

>> No.9368227
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>however,significantly over-consuming protein can be problematic because some of these extra amino acids can be converted to glucose in the body, raising insulin levels, and thus driving down ketones

what's it like being retarded?

>> No.9368260

Are you suggesting that "driving down ketones" is the same thing as knocking you completely out of ketosis?

Also, are you suggesting that "significantly over-consuming" protein is even relevant here?

It sounds to me like you're confusing a statement regarding minor changes in ketosis in extreme situations with "zomg it will totally take you out of ketosis bro".

Your reading comprehension is on the same level as your juvenile frog pic.

>> No.9368271


The process he is detailing in that quote is known as gluconeogenesis. Eating excess protein has the potential to cause higher blood sugar and excessive insulin release because of the gluconeogenesis metabolic pathway.

“Amino acids [derived from protein consumption] cannot be stored for long term energy. Any protein eaten in excess needs to be converted to glucose or fat for storage.”
- Dr. Jason Fung


So yes, higher blood sugar and spiked insulin will definitely knock you out of ketosis. Your body doesn't care that the spike happened via gluconeogenesis.

>> No.9369395

You're wrong and you got BTFO. Shut up and deal with it.

>> No.9370020

>let's create a shitty meme diet where we boost the consumption of animal products at retarded heights even though we know this isn't good at all
>Contrary to popular belief, consuming a higher amount of fat (about 35 per cent of energy) is associated with a lower risk of death compared to lower intakes. However, a diet high in carbohydrates (of more than 60 per cent of energy) is related to higher mortality, although not with the risk of cardiovascular disease.
>The research on dietary fats found that they are not associated with major cardiovascular disease, but higher fat consumption was associated with lower mortality; this was seen for all major types of fats (saturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and mono unsaturated fats), with saturated fats being associated with lower stroke risk. The researchers point out that, while this may appear surprising to some, these new results are consistent with several observational studies and randomized controlled trials conducted in Western countries during the last two decades.
>The large new study, when viewed in the context of most previous studies, questions the conventional beliefs about dietary fats and clinical outcomes, says Mahshid Dehghan, the lead author for the study and an investigator at PHRI.

>> No.9370148

face is still fat

>> No.9370481


eggs over easy, bacon, sauteed spinach, cold brewed coffee with half & half
<0.1g carb

Flax seed wrap with prosciutto, kale, mayo, mustard
~5g carbs

2oz brie
2g carbs

1 cup steamed Broccoli with melted cheese on top, cajun spiced chicken breast
7g carbs

Total: 14g carbs -- still have room for a glass of a dry wine to have with dinner, or a cup of strawberries to have for dessert

You can do it too if you're extremely diligent. I usually kept myself around 40g carbs a day and still lost weight, but occasionally there were days that I did only 20g, and my god the weight loss those days was extreme.

>> No.9371762

Lazy keto'er here. I'm really glad I found this thread. I've been stuck for months at 245lb. Since reading through this and taking some of the comments to heart, I've gotten unstuck and lost 5lbs. Also, I'm showing signs of low blood pressure again, which is good because my BP was way up over normal for the last two years.

>> No.9372730

what do you mean by lazy? Did you cheat a lot?

>> No.9373921

I've been on a low carb diet for about a month now and I've started having very lucid dreams.

Did that happen to anyone else? I normally dont remember my dreams.

>> No.9373971

>try to come off of Keto onto a sensible low carb diet
>everything is either low carbs or skyhigh carbs
>can't have microwaved rice as a staple food anymore because it's like 40g of carbs per pack

Fuck's sake, do I have to cook literally everything for myself now that I know about the carb jew? Even a small pot of yogurt is like 30g of carbs.

I tend to remember my dreams but they have been more vivid since I started keto, not sure if that's because I've been sleeping worse or if it's the diet though.