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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 193 KB, 300x411, 1489866260062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9311688 No.9311688 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the /ck/ challenge: SPUD GENERAL V.2.EXE-ALPHA-MEGAWAD.


That's right: SPUDS.
What does that mean? Well, if you can't figure this shit out you should probably stay away from the knives.

Dishes will be scored on the following areas, so keep that in mind.

-Presentation: The appearance of items on the plate; plating skills
-Originality: Creativity in composing the dish
-Appeal: How appetizing the food looks/whether or not the dish appeals to your personal taste as a voter
-Challenge Goals: How closely the entry followed the challenge goal(s)

The distinction between Presentation and Appeal: If someone submits an artfully arranged but burnt steak as an entry, it may score high in Presentation but low in appeal.

Remember people, timestamp and unique identifiers. Stop forgetting damn you.

>> No.9311952
File: 178 KB, 1098x995, CL8FA8Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop forgetting damn you.
STFU whiner.

>> No.9312069 [DELETED] 

Next year there are going to be prizes, and how can I know who are the winners without the unique identifiers?
Also, kek to the pic, yo.
Check my digit.

>> No.9312237

I'm a shitbird.

>> No.9312412

y r u talkin 2 urself?

>> No.9312472

is this the /soc/ thread?

>> No.9312997

It's the challenge, you dick.

>> No.9313263


>> No.9313825

And again

>> No.9313876

Bumpo this thread could be cool

>> No.9314074

what happened to the last thread?

>> No.9314115

It hit the bump limit (310, for some reason).

>> No.9314884

And a bump to keep things going.
Seven days left.

>> No.9315864

Still going!

>> No.9316306

>this is what tripfags do all day

>> No.9317024


>> No.9317587


>> No.9318177

Any more entries floating around out there?

>> No.9318557
File: 3.48 MB, 1809x2382, 1potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with some potato cooking techniques. Phone posting fag here so I'm not sure on the image quality.

>> No.9318562
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>> No.9318570
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>> No.9318578
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>> No.9318603
File: 3.79 MB, 2654x1736, 5potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dump complete

>> No.9318735

Thanks for the bumps, m80.

>> No.9319218

An increasingly futile bump.

>> No.9319572

How many are we up to?

>> No.9319634


>> No.9319664

I still haven't used the ubi-like lavender-coloured yams I bought yet.
I might use them this weekend and post the cook-along ITT. Wouldn't be as an entry but rather just a means by which to keep the thread afloat. I've made yam jam and yam ice cream from ubi in the past, but this would be my first cake and I'm not gonna look up a recipe, so it may be quite disastrous, which'll be fun.

>> No.9319685

What happened to /ck/ challenge anyway? Not knocking anyone for still doing this but I just remember them being a lot more structured and active. What happened to those old namefigs? heartsonfire, pyewacket, bubbleburst, etc.

>> No.9319744
File: 2.91 MB, 1848x2706, 20170818_220348-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it's some kind of OC. Is it readable? This is the book it's from if anyone wants pic dumps between entries and voting, just for inspiration or something.

>> No.9319820

This challenge would've been more popular as it's own thing desu senpai. The thread images changing probably doesn't help with board presence either.

>> No.9320946

I'm enjoying it as it is - it's slow, but we're a slow board. I think, however, that the experiment has failed. We wanted a monthly challenge because people were saying that weekly was too intense so they couldn't participate. What's emerged is that people don't participate anyway, no matter how chill the competition.

Do you want to try a weekly thing again next year, Numbaz?

>> No.9321127

Over the next months I'm going to see if there's ways to spice things up
>ooh, saucy
and increase participation.
Only time, and autistic record keeping will tell.

>> No.9321329

It seemed like it worked best when it was seasonal and not a year round thing. It was more intense since you had to place an entry weekly but since it only went on a few weeks a year there was surprisingly decent participation. Just a casual observation, I only participated in one several years ago and don't really follow it anymore but it seems like this worked better when it was highly structured and more intense.

>> No.9322168

Maybe two challenges in a few months, one lasting all month (like this one), one that goes for one or two weeks, just to see how it goes with recording everything and sheeeeit...

>> No.9322466

A few years ago there was a monthly challenge that only ran for a week I think at the beginning of each month. Didn't follow it though but it seemed like the participation was decent.

>> No.9322951

We've got 10 this month, and had 13 last month, that's not so bad, right?
... right?

>> No.9323019

Nah that's pretty good. Just that things start to die down mid-month and it feels like no one is interested.

>> No.9323738

Yeah, when the second thread for entries goes up (curse the bump limit) interest always seems to go down.
It's a bit of a pisser.

>> No.9324757

Add th that the fact that as the first thread dies a slow death, the second thread can't use the same thread image, so things get confusing.

>> No.9324853
File: 212 KB, 300x411, 1502940618230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't use the same image twice
Not true. You can't use the same file twice, though. Pic related. Same image, different file.

>> No.9324854
File: 222 KB, 300x411, 1502940618230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another.

>> No.9324859
File: 233 KB, 300x411, 1502940618230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another.
Of course, this is difficult to pull off with webm, but with all other image types, it's pretty simple.

>> No.9325379

Yeah, I need to lern2webm.
>yesterday was national potato day in the states, and I didn't know until now.

>> No.9326658

Just a quick bump here, nothing to worry aboot.

>> No.9327098

Potatoes are related to Tomatoes and Eggplants and Peppers (both Hot and Sweet) as well as other things in the Nightshade family that I can't think of right now. Pretty sure that Cape Gooseberries are in there, as well as Goji Berries, but don't quote me on that, or anything else.

>> No.9327849

But I will quote my own post, because I'm a potato that walks like a man (kind of, sometimes a cane is required, you bastard).

>> No.9328182

Fucking hell, here's another bump.
>I grow fat on my own (you)'s

>> No.9328983

Bippity boppity bump.

>> No.9329042

[steadily increasing desperation]

>> No.9329638

And this is another bump.
Come on people, moar tater repipes plz.

>> No.9330597

Potatoes are in the Nightshade family, along with Tomatoes, Eggplants, Chili Peppers, Bell Peppers, Cape Gooseberries, and a bunch of other tasty shit I can't recall right now.
Nightshade: the plant you eat that wants to murder you!

>> No.9331449

Not calling it quits yet.
Potatoes were, like tomatoes, originally thought by many Europeans to be poisonous.
Cos of the whole "nightshade thing".

>> No.9331758

An 8 ounce baked or boiled potato has only about 100 calories, so keep that in mind you /fit/fucks.
It's almost like I'm talking to myself in here.
Please, O mighty Zeus, take me away.

>> No.9332473


>> No.9332504
File: 580 KB, 540x768, 9MI6rCV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's full of carbohydrates, which are not /keto/.

It's like you're intentionally trying to kill us this month, you bastard.

>> No.9332513

T. carbs are bad dumb ass spewer #102002

Complex carbs are REQUIRED for good health. You probably consume energy drinks and somehow think that is an acceptable alternative to carbs, just go back to school dumb ass.

>> No.9333170

In October 1995, the potato became the first vegetable to be grown in space. NASA and the University of Wisconsin, Madison, created the technology with the goal of feeding astronauts on long space voyages, and eventually, feeding future space colonies.
>tfw the Irish shall inherit the stars

>> No.9333794

Potato blossoms used to be a big hit in royal fashion. Potatoes first became fashionable when Marie Antoinette paraded through the French countryside wearing potato blossoms in her hair.
Yurps of the time were dumb, dumb as hell.

>> No.9334148

>Complex carbs are REQUIRED for good health.
No they're not, complex carbs are merely broken down into sugars which are in turn all converted into glucose, and your body can generate all the glucose it needs from proteins perfectly well.

>> No.9334710

*dies of kidney failiure*

>> No.9335265

>not dying of kidney failure
What are you, someone who doesn't know that you should select loose potatoes that are well formed, smooth, firm, with eyes, and no discoloration, cracks, bruises or soft spots?
I be you don't even know that red potatoes and some whites are sometimes treated with colored or clear wax to make them appear fresher than they are.
I guess I have to tell you that you should also avoid “green” potatoes, as they have been exposed to light and have a bitter taste.

>> No.9335269
File: 450 KB, 3264x1836, IMAG0494_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, did not think I was gonna make it in time for this month's contest. Apartment hunting is a pain, folks. Anyway!

I made bok choy potato salad, served with duck breast.

Salad consists of red potatoes (quartered, seasoned with rosemary/thyme/tarragon/salt), boy choy, oyster mushrooms, shallots, pancetta, and a light balsamic.

Duck seasoned with rosemary, thyme, salt and fennel seed blend, with a sauce consisting of blueberries, cognac and a touch of cider. Had a blast with this one.

>> No.9336095

Thanks for the entry, Mr/Ms/Mrs Lizst!

>> No.9336874


What do you think about collecting already some ideas for actual challenges for next year?

stealthy bump

>> No.9337332

Suggest away!

>> No.9337587


Take a medieval/old/not interesting recipe (either everybody can freely choose or one is provided that everyone has to use) and make it with as few as possible changes something interesting/modern

>> No.9337752

>avoid “green” potatoes, as they have been exposed to light and have a bitter taste.
It's not just a matter of taste, solanine (the green stuff) is poisonous and can kill you.

> Solanine poisoning is primarily displayed by gastrointestinal and neurological disorders. Symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, burning of the throat, cardiac dysrhythmia, nightmares, headache, dizziness, itching, eczema, thyroid problems, inflammation and pain in the joints. In more severe cases, hallucinations, loss of sensation, paralysis, fever, jaundice, dilated pupils, hypothermia, and death have been reported.

Yet more proof, as if anyone needed it, that potatoes == death.

>> No.9337755

Nah, I'm good. Your diabeetus will destroy your kidneys and kill you, though. Enjoy your potatoes and other carb-laden shitfoods.

>> No.9338248

THANKS for the suggestio!

>> No.9338717

Just grated those purple yams for cake-making today. Been sick, so haven't been able to make it 'til today. I already have an entry in, but why not put another potato-y thingy (not as an entry, though).
They don't taste nearly as sweet as ubi, sadly.
>tfw your fingers are stained violet from grating purple yams

>> No.9339200

Sounds sexy, yo.
Thanks for helping to keep the magic alive!

>> No.9340726

Emergency Bump!

>> No.9341199
File: 704 KB, 2240x1344, downloadfile-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to stop yesterday because tremors. But here's how far I got.
This is the purple yam I bought. It's not the one I normally buy. Not as sweet. More fibrous texture. Not well-suited to mashing.

>> No.9341202
File: 559 KB, 2240x1344, downloadfile-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you 4chan, stop rotating pictures.

>> No.9341207
File: 648 KB, 2240x1344, downloadfile-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After noticing how fibrous it is, I decided it was best to grate them rather than mash. The one I'm used to has a more potato-like texture. This one is more parsnip like.

>> No.9341210
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Preparing to blanch.

>> No.9341214
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Into the water it goes.

>> No.9341218
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Boiled 1 minute then drained, shocked in cold water and set aside. Noticed the poaching liquid was starting to thicken so I tasted it. Sweet and syrupy. Change of plan: rather than cake, I'm gonna make grass jelly.

>> No.9341220
File: 580 KB, 2240x1344, downloadfile-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to the heat with a little added sugar. The liquid was sweet, but not sweet enough for grass jelly.

>> No.9341223
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>> No.9341225
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Agar powder. Since, after adding agar, I need to stir constantly, I couldn't snap pics of me actually pouring the powder in or stirring it etc.

>> No.9341228
File: 547 KB, 2240x1344, downloadfile-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poured out into a container for it to cool before refrigerating and ultimately slicing up for grass jelly. However...

>> No.9341229
File: 568 KB, 2240x1344, downloadfile-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... I started to tremor as I poured. Then this happened. Started to wipe it up with kitchen paper, but I got quite a bit of the purple yam napalm on my hand when I tremored and it hurt like a thousand sons of bitches.

>> No.9341230
File: 574 KB, 2240x1344, downloadfile-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I moved my cooking sauces (light and dark soy sauces and fish sauce), this happened. The jelly is already started to set! Plus side!

>> No.9341232
File: 569 KB, 2240x1344, downloadfile-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it started to set. Hopefully, the stuff in the container'll firm up enough.

>> No.9341256

>man with tremors makes jelly

This is the most interesting potato recipe yet, shake-kun.

>> No.9341269

Thanks! When I tasted the liquid, it tasted just like grass jelly, just without that bitterness. It's colour is about the same as grass jelly, too, so I decided to make grass-jelly-alike. It was either gonna be this or yam sauce IE hoisin sauce. And don't nobody got the time to ferment their own yam sauce.

I can't use it as an entry, though. I already entered apple-and-potato cake two weeks ago.

>> No.9341273

>it's colour
Err... 'its colour,' rather. Damned English and all its apostrophes.

>> No.9341509
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All cooled.

>> No.9341515
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Turned out. Damaged a part of it as I did, but it's still mostly intact.

>> No.9341518
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>> No.9341520
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And stored. Gonna make some Michael Jackson (grass jelly with soy milk [or coconut milk, if you're cheeky]) a bit later.

>> No.9341753

No, it's "color", you extraneous-u-inserter.

Are the feats of cooking finally over? Can we get on with the airing of grievances?

>> No.9341763

Challenge suggestion: Bubba's Roadkill Diner. Each entry must be based on a deer, rabbit, skunk, opossum, dog, cat, aardvark ... zebra that was personally run over, cleaned, prepared, and served by the entrant.

>> No.9341838

>he inserts U's regular-anusly

>> No.9341845
File: 511 KB, 736x532, numbaz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Verily. The 24th day has dawned, and we await the summation of the entries from our lord and saviour. Numbaz, when are you going to post a photo of your face so I can photoshop you onto Jesus' face?

>Fuck you, the u stays.

>> No.9342396

Vote thread goes up tomorrow bright and early, or dark and early... early at any rate.

>> No.9343324

This thread shall live as long as it must.
Like a potato stored in a cool, dark place will stay good for months.

>> No.9344042

One last bump, to keep the darkness at bay.

>> No.9344956


>> No.9345167

Bumping for vote thread

>> No.9345550

Check the catalog, though posting the entries is slow going.
Of all days for my connection to go to shit...

>> No.9345576

Here it is >>9345451