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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 911x786, theworst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9334587 No.9334587 [Reply] [Original]

worst food thread, pic related

>> No.9334611

This shit has haunted my childhood
I had to live through years of "anon, eat up, it's good!" WHILE IT'S ACTUALLY A MEME GARBAGE TIER FOOD. FUCK ALL OF YOU NORMIES WHO ENJOY EATING THIS. I will personally purge all of you

>> No.9334618

nice dubs man

>> No.9334629
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>normie food

>> No.9336645

You have to go back.

>> No.9336695

Iceberg lettuce.

>> No.9336702
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>implying it isn't normie food

It might as well be a staple on r/cooking.

>> No.9336704

First time I've seen mortadella mentioned here, or anywhere even.

It's very popular with middle easterns. I am Iranian and have it regularly. Wrap it in some lavash bread with some sliced tomato and Iranian pickles and it's very enjoyable. Not sure how you managed to build a hatred for it

>> No.9336713

me mum used to fry theses in sunflower oil. pretty fucking good poorfag food

>> No.9336737

This. Most pointless food thing ever.

>> No.9336772
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It's made with pork. How do the iranian mullahs allow that?

You probably mean some approximation of Mortadella, son.

>> No.9336775
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>> No.9336831

fuck i've always wondered which fucked up niggers actually eat this shit
it's so disgusting looking

>> No.9336836

Hey fuck you i like it

>> No.9336837
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cheap branded sausages. They are always just filled with filler and taste like complete shit. Only way you can wash them down is with sauce. Because of this I hated sausages my whole childhood. My parents would only buy the cheap ones.

Taste some expensive ones, or proper steakhouse ones and they are great.

>> No.9336880

As a kid I hated those coles sausages with random chunks of flour, starch etc.. in them. So fucked.

>> No.9336964


mortadella is my favorite deli meat, its great

>> No.9336983 [DELETED] 

I appreciate mortadella for what it is. I'll order a mortadella and asiago panino once every few months to keep me grounded, same goes for eating from a halal cart, or even a burrito from Chipotle. I also make sure to get gross coffee cart coffee, the kind you drink with cream and sugar, at least once every six months. Also Starbucks

I believe it's important to be frugal sometimes to avoid losing touch with what working class flyovers endure

My project this winter is going to be to see if I can survive a week on $100

>> No.9336994
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Is that fat with meat in it?

>> No.9337000
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>> No.9337004

I thin it's tongue in gelatine

>> No.9337011

My gosh

>> No.9337022

are the germans responsible for this

>> No.9337029

fucking loved this game
except the platforming

>> No.9337081

So this is just tongue in aspic lunch loaf l take it. Oof. That's a rough one and I love those pure asprc parts of a splice, extra tangy.

>> No.9337092

Listen my little american mulatto wigger.
Thats white peoples food, actual white peoples food not plastic american white people, actual europeans.
YOu wouldnt get it. Now go eat your estrogen pumped tv tray dinner and play with your man boobs. (Tongue is fucking delicious you pleb)

>> No.9337097

germans, czechs,poles,french,english,spanish.
All over fkin europe. God damn amerifats.

>> No.9337175

are you czech?

>> No.9337713

Not all of Iran is/was Muslim

>> No.9338053

Yes, we are sorry for that

>> No.9338673
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Right, sorry m8.

>> No.9338716

i refuse to believe anyone unironically eats that shit

>> No.9338747

wtf nigger i'm australian (expensive as fuck food) and I probably only spend $50 a week on food

>> No.9338753

its good

>> No.9339213



>> No.9339270


We're talking about hotdogs, right? I've never experienced anything like that. Where are you from?

>> No.9339289

Many actual "sausages" are the same way.

This video is from a Gordon Ramsay TV program explaining the problem in the UK.

You'll see the same thing in the US. Look at the ingredients list on cheap sausages and you will sometimes see things like soy, breadcrumbs, oats, TVP (textured vegetable protein) and so on in the ingredients list. Even if the ingredients call out something like "beef" there's a world of difference between ones made from actual whole cuts of beef vs. tendons and trimmings.

>> No.9339380

man i want to kick your ass so bad right now

>> No.9339577

mortadella is great, your opinion is wrong OP

>> No.9339669

Should've known it'd be Yuros eating shit. Burgerland has shit food too but at least there ARE things they don't/won't eat.

>> No.9340309

Beef mortadella is at any Iranian supermarket. Most of Iran are Muslims or Jews.

>> No.9340482

im guessing this is eastern european

>> No.9340503

It's basically just meat in cooled stock. Like a solid soup. It's really not that bad, and the rich stock gives it a really savory flavor and nice texture. It looks unappetizing I guess but it's quite good on some bread.

>> No.9340509

Sometimes I'll get a packet of Bar S hotdogs and have one, then throw the rest in the garbage because I forgot how fucking disgusting they are.

>> No.9340540

I would totally try this. I saw a russian dude make some on youtube that had all sorts of delicious meats and veg in it.

>> No.9340776


I like the sudden moisture it can add to a sandwich but other than that I can't say I see a use for it.

>> No.9340982
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Yes, faglord, i got it the first time.

>> No.9341019

looks disgusting but tastes great

>> No.9341043

I like to eat it sometimes with white bread, butter and ketchup

>> No.9341068

Did you mean... wurst?

>> No.9341073

Had it all the time when I was a kid. I fucking hated how slimy it felt, but it was still pretty good. Way better than ham or roast beef as far as cheap deli meat.

>> No.9341106

That's not real head cheese, just the cheap gelatin and trimmings version

>> No.9341131

Pretty much every culture in in the world has a method of cooking tongue.

>> No.9341762
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> better than roast beef
Are you kidding? Its garbage! Literally garbage.

>> No.9341810

nobody actually eats aspic except for the ancients

>> No.9342390
File: 35 KB, 500x505, larks tongues in aspic kc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly the best King Crimson record

>> No.9342412

look at those little babies

>> No.9342445

that shit belongs in the water

>> No.9342679

I get that it's your opinion and you're entitled to it BUT FUCK YOU

I don't like croutons, so it's my go-to way to add texture to salads.

>> No.9342721

Mortadella + genoa/finochio salami + culatello prosciutto is one of the best sandwiches you can have. I say fuck you OP. fuck you

>> No.9342901

Wasting prosciutto 101.

Fuck off flyover trash

>> No.9343095

>three types of cold meat in a sandwich and nothing else
that's fucking retarded

>> No.9343300
File: 59 KB, 600x450, mortadela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mortadella is really popular in Brazil, and as someone who grew up here it's one of the foods that makes me go "how the fuck isn't this popular everywhere?". A basic bread and Mortadella sandwich like pic related will always be my favorite breakfast

>> No.9343456
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Fuck this fish

>> No.9343462
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>> No.9343675

That's a very strange thing to hate. I love salmon.

>> No.9343811

I'm just not that into ham. I like pork chops, I'm okay with bacon, but a ham is not something I'll ever really enjoy.
Turkey is a large, retarded version of chicken. It's the worst qualities of chicken and none of the good.
The smaller the bird, the tastier.
Thanksgiving foods in general are terrible. The only seasonal one worth it is pumpkin pie, I buy tons of them.
Italian food relies too much on noodles, tomato sauce, and your nostalgia for bad, lazy meals prepared by your dumb shit parents. The food is either incredibly bland or so acidic you don't notice. Noodles are plastic in texture and the sauce tends to fall off them. Nevertheless, heaping a bag of shredded cheese over it is not helping.
You need beans for chili.
Finally, French onion soup is a peasant food.

>> No.9344532

beef tongue is fucking amazing if prepared well.

>> No.9345226

kys yourself

>> No.9345397

Turkey is much better than chicken.
Pumpkin pie, and everything pumpkin related tastes awfull.
Not the biggest fan of italian food myself, buy lasagna is usually great.
You do need beans for chili.
French onion soup tastes good. Why does the origin matter?

>> No.9345536

>Turkey is much better than chicken.
It's dry. Shouldn't need to be drowned in gravy to be edible
>Not the biggest fan of italian food myself, buy lasagna is usually great.
Lasagna is acceptable.
>You do need beans for chili.
Then it's a fucking stew
>French onion soup tastes good. Why does the origin matter?
Origin does not matter, the fact that it's stock and onions matter. I like onions as much as the next guy but a thin soup with onions - nevermind the cheese, or the bread, which shouldn't be necessary with a soup - just onions is intolerable. Add some beef to it at least. This is the 21st century, we shouldn't be eating peasant food because it's good to dip bread in.

>> No.9345594

>I don't know how to cook things properly

>> No.9345644

>I'm just not that into ham
most mass-produced ham is fucking awful, but don't underestimate a good prosciutto
>Turkey is a large, retarded version of chicken. It's the worst qualities of chicken and none of the good.
turkey is alright, basically indistinguishable from a good quality chicken except more dry
it's got nothing on goose though
>Italian food relies too much on noodles, tomato sauce, and your nostalgia for bad, lazy meals prepared by your dumb shit parents.
if by italian you mean shitty americanised "eyetalian" food then I agree. real italian cuisine is great though.

>> No.9345651
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>> No.9345653
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>> No.9345666
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>> No.9345670

>the small bottle of bacardi

>> No.9345698

>Look mom I posted them again

>> No.9345701

Fuck off, idiot.

>> No.9345723

Fuck bologna/mortadella and fuck Waitrose for filling my supposedly prosciutto capelletti with mortadella instead. British white people may not be able yo tell the difference but I spent 5 bong on it months ago and I am still fucking mad.

>> No.9347430

>other fast food

It is all just lard and salt without any real taste or texture.

>> No.9347446

ignorant american fool detected.

>> No.9347455

>worst food thread

Eat what makes you happy, even if it takes 20 years off your life.

My grandpa lived until 93. From age 70 to 93, he just wished he was dead and could join his late wife.

Being a vegan just so you can suffer alone for 20 years before you die sounds like hell on earth.

>> No.9347461


Well said famnegro.

>> No.9347471

you don't live long by being a vegan, you eat long by not overeating and avoiding processed food and other garbage

>> No.9347535

What a waste of perfectly good hotdogs... at least throw them on parked cars or hang them from trees at night.

>> No.9348044

More like somebody with taste buds.

>> No.9348074

mortadella is nice but I wouldn't have much of it at once.

Raw process bologna is fucking heinous though and I wouldn't blame anyone for disliking mortadella due to its similarities.

>> No.9348091

You saved this thread after 9 hours of no replies. Thank you.

>> No.9348142

>eating ironically

>> No.9348147

Fucking love this. I make a jelly with pork hock, ears, soy sauce, star anise and peanuts. Enjoyed best with high proof spirits.

>> No.9348153

>hating salmon

>> No.9348156


I don't like gelatinous textures at all. It's not abnormal, as a response to something that might be poisonous or rotten. Americans like dry, crunchy food with a lot of water. It's just practical being that bacteria can't live without moisture. Pemmican exists for a reason.

>> No.9348229

Brazilian (southern) "salgadinhos"
Unflavored meat filled fried grease balls.

>> No.9348850

When I've had head cheese the jelly stuff just melted when I started chewing it, it didn't really have a gelatinous texture. It was more like a liquid condiment that had a savory flavor.

>> No.9349311


Both of you are completely wrong

>> No.9349314


DId you miss the fucking koolaid chicken?

>> No.9349348
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>tongues in aspic
Me want

>> No.9349454
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>> No.9349491

Love it. It adds freshness and a bit of crunchiness, taste is secondary.

So fuck your /thread

>> No.9349596

My mom shoveled this shit down our throats 4 days a week.

>> No.9349598
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>> No.9349698

cheap green tea

>> No.9349816


>> No.9349868

Main problem I have with these is just how they aren't even cheap. The same amount of spices and noodles at most would be a dollar just like it costs for an inferior product.

Only really saving money on the ones with powdered cheese in them because the equalent of regular cheese is more expensive.

>> No.9349932

Anything ending in the word "mite".

>> No.9349989

no worst is sausage in dutch

>> No.9351291

salmon is hecking delicious. get out