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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 406 KB, 1041x1600, RCO016_1480496111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9327381 No.9327381 [Reply] [Original]

How long did it take you to eat sushi the right way and that you've been breaking etiquette with ignorance before then?

>> No.9327387

I still do this.


Because it's great.

>> No.9327391

i find it funny that it seems like etiquette in most cultures was made by literal autists

>> No.9327397

>muh rice and fish must be prepared and eaten a specific way

>> No.9327399

I tale it to go amd eat it without any judgement for what i feel like doing with it. Youve taken the wrong pill. This is the best way to enjoy sushi

>> No.9327400
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>> No.9327401

I bet you lose your shit if someone at the next table over in a restaurant orders their steak medium well.

>> No.9327414
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Like we give a fuck about your meme culture

>> No.9327417

You wouldn't truly appreciate a burger if you ate it layer by layer with a fork

>> No.9327419


>literal autism

wew lad

>> No.9327420

>tfw only ever order takeout from shitskin restaurants so they can't be cunts about how I put their weird foreign food in my beautiful American body

>> No.9327437

Steak isn't supposed to be eaten medium well?

>> No.9327442

The only time I'd ever eat sushi the "right" way is if I was in some fancy restaurant where you pay for that specific experience

>> No.9327482

Well Anthony Bourdain co-wrote it

>> No.9327526


most of the time when i have sushi, its at some sushi buffet or something. i dont give a fuck about "etiquette".

>> No.9327528

Aside from sushi, is there any other autistic "etiquette" in food?

>> No.9327565

I eat sushi with my hands.

>> No.9327581


>> No.9327588

Does sushi taste better when eaten the "proper" way?

>> No.9327641

At this point, I feel like if 4chan just fucking stopped using the word "meme" for about a month or so, maybe the quality of discussion would actually fucking improve a little.

>> No.9327646

At least the Nips have a culture

>> No.9327722

Any worse than sushi?

>> No.9327831


>> No.9327861
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>> No.9327864

>inb4 pho internet defense force comes out of the woodwork to defend VIETNAMESE TASTELESS DISHWATER SWILL TRASH.

>> No.9327867

Wait what

>> No.9327878

As someone who was born in Japan, this "right way" to eat sushi is a myth. It's normal to use soy sauce. It's normal to add wasabi to the soy sauce. It's normal to eat sushi with your hands. I'm pretty sure this "proper way" is made up by American journalists and white sushi chefs.

>> No.9327882

I just left a pho place after getting into an argument with my gf, because she thought the bowl was too small for pho. It's just fucking food, eat it!

>> No.9327888

>normal to eat sushi with hands

Lmao absolute bullshit silly cunt hook wannabe

>> No.9327890

I don't know but dont some richfags have dinners with like 34 different types of spoons, forks and knives for their shitty meals?

Also is it true nips look down on you if you use forks to eat sushi or pretty much anything?

>> No.9327892

>It's normal to eat sushi with your hands
Except that's considered to be the proper way

>> No.9327898

Sushi is fingerfood. You use your hands. Chopsticks are for rice and noodles. Americans are stupid. Do you eat your burgers with chopsticks too?

>> No.9327899
File: 61 KB, 640x443, IMG_3620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is anyone supposed to know? are we supposed to do extensive research before eating?

americans are too important for that. if there aren't detailed pictures on the menu we aren't interested.

>> No.9327901

>Lmao absolute bullshit silly cunt hook wannabe

lol what? It's finger food

Some people eat it with chopsticks, but it's like eating pizza with a fork and knife

Most people do it with their hands

>> No.9327902

True Nips will look down on you for not being a chink like them, so fork your sushi all you want, you'll always be a baka gaijin in that tiny space they see through.

>> No.9327903

Have you never eaten pho, without a gook standing over you? Those nice condiments and that plate of additions are not optional. You have to add them, in the proper order, and then mix the shit for 20 minutes, otherwise you have insulted Mother Mountain and Father Dragon.

>> No.9327904


>> No.9327916
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Is Anthony Bourdain right?

>> No.9327918

It's my food I'll do what the fuck I want with it you goddam chink

>> No.9327920
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>> No.9327923

Why the hell is bourdain at a comic book convention

>> No.9327928

for anyone wonder about ACTUAL sushi etiquette

>> No.9327931
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>theyre so autistic about eating pho the right way and using the best ingredients
>they use siracha sauce

>> No.9327935

Because he's such a character.

>> No.9327942

This is the best part, mixed my own bowl tonight. They had freshly made chili oil, awesome, right? Nope, needed sriracha as well. I hate that sugary shit, but it's not authentic Vietnamese pho without that American sauce.

>> No.9327952
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>Those air raid sirens

>> No.9327956

For Americans sushi is an opportunity to show your friends how cultured and worldly you are by demonstrating that you can use chopsticks effortlessly.

>> No.9327965

He cowrote the comic in the OP
It's called Get Jiro

>> No.9327981

yeah i had a 9 course degustation dinner once
they had to autistically change your cutler and crockery every time you finish
at the end of it i was terrifically bored of the procedure,could've eaten it like a pig from plate to mouth and it wouldn't be any less of an experience

>> No.9327983
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My sides

>> No.9328015

A lot of great things in life were made by literal autists, such as memes, computers and car detailing

>> No.9328017

I hope you know sriracha is a type of sauce and not just a brand, you fucking moron

>> No.9328027

Sushi is a modern convention
Koreans put blueberries and shrimp on "Pizza"
people are stupid

>> No.9328043

Why does he kill the second guy but not the guy who actually ordered the roll?

>> No.9328056

Look at the earlier page at the OP
The person he killed mixed wasabi with soy sauce, used chopsticks, picked it up fish side up, and dunked the nigiri in the sauce letting it fall apart and ruin its structure.
He probably would've killed the other guy if he didn't apologized immediately

>> No.9328113

So it's not appropriate to use chop sticks for sushi? Or just nigiri?

>> No.9328119

That wasabi with soy sauce bullshit only works for masking the taste of grocery store sushi. I had a mexican friend who would stuff an entire party platter of sushi up his ass then walk out of the store with it and then he'd do that wasabi soy sauce shit to make it palatable.

>> No.9328126

You use your hands apparently

>> No.9328148

>Not just eating it off the plate with your face like the dog you are
Why even bother

>> No.9328155

haha. newfag

>> No.9328156

Anthony Bordain is an insufferable faggot

>> No.9328174

The term "Sriracha sauce" has never officially been trademarked but its always been recognized as a brand of sauce since its inception. Think before you talk shit faggot.

>> No.9328199

>things that didnt happen

>> No.9328268

What should the word filter be?

>> No.9328279
File: 455 KB, 461x457, 1497342086701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here been to Japan? Their sushi is good and all, but I've had better in the States.

>> No.9328285

Did they do the traditional stuff?

>> No.9328334

You mean eating it with your hands? Because that's how you are supposed to eat sushi.

>> No.9328360

im viet and thats retarded.

>> No.9328385

I would eat sushi with a fork as it would be the actual civilized way to do it, not with some wooden sticks like a brute. This "etiquette" comes from the same people that never invented the mop so instead have to run ass up to scrub the floor with a giant brush like retards.

But then again what do I know about the ancient art of putting raw fish on rice folded a thousand times?

>> No.9328400

How do you do it then?

>> No.9328406

Are California rolls really a sin to sushi?

>> No.9328407
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Of course. But it was hard pressed to get some avacado.

>> No.9328432

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.9328524

this seemed like they had problems with whiteys always asking how to eat it. apparently its probably whitey tourist in sinagpore.

veg are additions, to taste. its poor people food having 'more' is always a plus. sprouts cuts salt. lemon brightens up the stock,
sauce is for dipping the meat. again optional to taste.
and yes slurp your noodle if you want, go to town. its not another god damned meal with a bowl of rice so fucking enjoy it.

>> No.9328532

>sriracha chili sauce and hoisin sauce are traditional condiments

lmfao what the fuck vietnamese are retarded

>> No.9328535

use chopsticks. grab noodles and eat. everything else is optional.

its fucking noodle soup cmon

>> No.9329016

Good think I'm not picking the goddamn sushi apart, you dip.

>> No.9329034

medium well is disgusting. it's still a little pink and uncooked

>> No.9329037

you're supposed to do that

>> No.9329040

Fake gooks.

>> No.9329050

but you're wrong though. you can go through life assuming everyone means huy fong brand whenever they say "sri racha", but you will often be surprised.

>> No.9329057

It's acceptable to use your have for nigiri.

>> No.9329069

bitch i'm an american i can eat food how ever i want you fag

>> No.9329077


>> No.9329083

>sriracha is a traditional Vietnamese sauce
>not only must you eat your sink water and cellulose soup a specific, autistic way, but you must also eat it with sriracha
Enjoy still being jungle monkeys in 2017, vietnamese shits

>> No.9329089

It's just soup, anon. Maybe it's time you moved out of the city.

>> No.9329184

it's the best.

It makes everything easier.

>> No.9329207

I eat it with my hands idc

>> No.9329240



>> No.9329249

>beautiful American body
try reading that out loud and listen how dumb that sounds. Textbook definition of an oxymoron lmao

>> No.9329274

>Go to grorious nipponland
>Go out to order food
>Sit down at my table
>People randomly enter rooms and exclaim their love for the state of ohio
>Waiter doesn't come to the table, have to scream into megaphone and physically assault the first 3 people that walk by to show I mean business
>Noodles get there, waiter asks for my certification
>Need 3 years training and 2 certifications to be able to eat noodles properly
>Caught off guard I claim I left mine at home
>Entire shop goes quiet, noodle shop samurai (a position loosely affiliated with grocery store jesters here in the states) squats near my table and quietly judges me
>Unsure if he's scrutinizing me since everyone is squinting all the time anyways
>Waiter mumbles something about a baka gaijin and leaves the noodle bowl on the table
>I start to eat my noodles but the noodle shop samurai immediately slaps the bowl off the table and shouts about dishonor
>Drops a short knife on the table and instructs me to commit sudoku
>Dishonor my family by leaving instead of killing myself over a bowl of starch tubes

Wouldn't recommend it, nipland is a strange place

>> No.9329279


needs a gong in it somewhere

>> No.9329285

I eat rolls with sticks and nigiri with my hands since i find it the most practical for and hell yeah i mix wasabi with soy sauce its great fuck everyone who is bothered by this

>> No.9329291
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>> No.9329297

You ruin the wasabi and you ruin the soy sauce
It also creates a mess

>> No.9329317

Are other cultures as autistic when it comes to eating? Do Indians frown at you if you use fork and plates instead of eating shit off the floor with your hand? Do americans get mad if their food isn't bathed in ranch sauce? do brits get upset if their food doesnt taste like shit?

>> No.9329320

It works for me and i like the taste

>> No.9329323

Indians are upset if you are using the ass washing hand for eating since they are a third world country who wash theire asses after shitting in the streets with a bare hand

>> No.9329330

I'm kind of curious why this gets labeled as "autism". It seems rather practical to me.

For example, if you have a piece of salmon sushi like the OP pic, why would you soak it in a big bowl of wasabi-spiked soy sauce? You obviously couldn't taste the fish over the strong saltiness of that much soy & the kick of the wasabi. There's no autism there, just common sense.

I don't give a shit about tradition for traditions sake. Who gives a fuck about doing something a certain way just because muh tradition? But when there's a solid reason involved things are quite different.

>> No.9329342


>No, NO! Pajeet! Left hand is for wiping! Do not eat with it! Stop this madness!
>But Mujab, you used your left hand while preparing the food
>This was different

India, not even once. Anyone got that UN study that showed Indian street food having an absurd amount of fecal matter and e-coli in it?

>> No.9329343

Because it just is it's like people fighting over how to eat ketchup with your fries some prefer it over the fries while others prefer it to dunk into the ketchup/mayo just like some people prefer to dunk the rice part into the soy sauce and not the fish part

>> No.9329345

No but i never been to india and don't plan on ever going there so i really don't care about it that much desu

>> No.9329357

>Indian co-worker goes back to visit India
>avoids drinking anything but bottle water and avoids street food
>only eats at home
>relatives get annoyed
>aunt yells at him, gives him a glass of tap water
>co-worker get dysentery
>have to cover his work until he gets well

>> No.9329377

I really hope you are being ironic. You are autistic. You don't understand anything other people do

>> No.9329382


>> No.9329395

You can't taste the fish Anon
The rice also falls apart

>> No.9329399

>I really hope you are being ironic.
Absolutely not.

>You don't understand anything other people do
I agree. I just pointed out that it makes no logical sense whatsoever to drown the subtle taste of fish with large amounts of extremely overpowering condiment.
If you like fish, don't overpower it.
If you like the taste of wasabi and soy then there are plenty of other vehicles for that flavor that make more sense than a mild piece of fish.

I understand that people have different opinions/preferences regarding different foods. I totally get that. But there are specific examples which fall outside the concept of "preference" and just make no sense at all. This is one of them.

>> No.9329440

Granny !

How did the blood stains got like that? Did the head walk out without the body?

>> No.9329449
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>> No.9329457

I love how the dude's decapitated head still has the "yummy" facial expression

>> No.9329475




>> No.9329479

This is a myth. Yes you have a lot of cutlery, but if you're eating, you just start from the outside as it's laid in the order of the course. The etiquette stems from knowing HOW to lay the table, which really is something for the help.

>> No.9329489

Oof. It was like watching autistic build-up and then flared past sperg out to cringey

>> No.9329490

Where I live sometimes they bread and fry the sushi and the soy sauce is poured all over the rolls rather than being dipped, as well as other sauces like chipotle dressing, eel sauce or siracha sauce. Also it usually comes with avocado as well.

>> No.9329529

the logic here is obvious: you eat sushi that way because it's well made and the fish is delicious, served at the right temperature, usually made with a judiciously applied bit of wasabi and even some kind of in-house brushed on sauce.

you eat it that way because it is actually the best way to enjoy the sushi.

when you're getting shit sushi of a conveyor belt or a cold supermarket refrigerator, you might want to dose it up with a fuckton of soy and wasabi stirred into a clumpy paste. even the top sushi chefs would probably agree with that. just like the top butchers would happily slosh A1 over the thin cut curled up sirloin you serve at your shit barbecue.

>> No.9329554

It scares me that that skeleton once was part of a person who loved, dreamed, and thought just as much as you or I, and now they're all but forgotten.

>> No.9329557


does it scare you more that you'll be expected to move out of your parents' house in a few years?

>> No.9329559

He tried so hard and got so far

>> No.9329562

No, since I've already moved.

Does it scare you that your lame faux wit falls flat and all of your pride for it is misplaced?

>> No.9329564

Shit bantz

>> No.9329565


>your joke is factually inaccurate according to a literal interpretation
>i win, charlatan!

not how it works buddy.

>> No.9329574

>not eating with hand

>> No.9329577

You made a weak, dogshit "comeback" to try and look witty and now you're in full damage control.

If you ever wonder why you're lonely despite being so smart and funny, that's why.

>> No.9329580


how was it a comeback?

i was pointing out that your statement made you sound like a teenager. seems to have done the job, because you're acting even more like one now.

>> No.9329587

Because it was a response to my statement.

But go ahead and pat yourself on the back there, Plato. Really got to the root of the human condition.

>> No.9329599


>But go ahead and pat yourself on the back there, Plato. Really got to the root of the human condition.

lol even if you had the high ground before you sure as shit don't now.

a comeback is when you recover triumphantly after someone has roasted you with an even wittier/stronger statement. what you just attempted was a comeback. what i did was more of a goad.

>> No.9329604

But in the end, there was only splatter.

>> No.9329874


>> No.9329901

>go to a sushi restaurant
>not sure on the etiquette
>ask the chef whats the etiquette
That sure was difficult.

>> No.9329922
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>> No.9329932

So do I read Get Jiro first or the prequel first?

>> No.9329986

The 'right way' is that you don't drop nigirizushi into the soy sauce and rice down at that. You dip it in fish/topping side down. Hand or chopstick are both fine.

>> No.9329999

fuck u i do what i want

>> No.9330013

>It also creates a mess
Maybe if you have parkinsons. Mashing the wasabi/horseradish isn't what I'd call a difficult thing to do; doubly so if you do it before you pour the soy sauce.

>> No.9330014

Can't wait to use this to piss people off. Gonna dunk my half eaten rice in a mixed bowl of ginger and soy sauce.

>> No.9330136
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Sashimi is for dumb retards. Avocado rolls and california rolls are much better. This is why america is number one.

>> No.9330142

The prequel is nowhere near as good as the original, IMHO. And you certainly don't need to know anything about the prequel for the original to make sense.

>> No.9330152


This is America, and in America I respect your freedom to eat your burger anyway you choose to. Even if it is the wrong way.

You commie fuck.

>> No.9330451

Don't eat sushi

>> No.9330531

>everyone watches how I eat because I'm the center of the universe
>smugly eat sushi like a retard, no one even notices I exist, so I better start getting more and more obnoxious reaching the pinnacle by dumping my glass of Sapporo beer over the sushi chefs head and get kicked out.
>godamn nips kicked me out of a sushi restaurant because I ate sushi "inauthentically." What a bunch of shitheads.

>> No.9330627

You make a very compelling argument.

>> No.9330774
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>toro is a junk food for low income earners
>the fish is recycled

>> No.9330928 [DELETED] 

>complaining about not following asian customs correctly

what is this, LLAM?

>> No.9330940

>complaining about not following asian customs correctly

what is this, LLAG?

>> No.9330988


Dipping your meat in the sauce has made my pho experience 10x better.

>> No.9331042

You aren't suppose to hand money directly to anyone in Japan, its rude.

>> No.9331050
File: 99 KB, 405x509, sushi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“Nobody cares about it,” says Keiichi Masuda, owner and chef at Mikado restaurant on Laird Dr. in Leaside, which he opened 31 years ago. “Only sushi chefs care.”
>About five years ago, he gently suggested to a sushi-bar customer that she shouldn’t dip the nigiri into the soy rice-side down, and that she was using too much sauce.
>“She got mad and never came back,” says the chef, who serves sea urchin, octopus, squid, barbecued eel, monkfish liver and salmon that he smokes himself over imported Japanese cherrywood. “That’s why I made the sign.”


>> No.9331077

The sushi place near me has sushi in long log shape. I just buy 4 of them in a packet and walk around munching on long sushi logs.

>> No.9331161

Probably because you're a raging homo who cant keep "logs" out of his mouth.

>> No.9331190

I don't even chew when I eat bananas.

>> No.9331323

>insult customers
>wooooooooow wtf why are they mad
Why does Japan get a free pass for being autistic assholes?

>> No.9331367

Because wipipo are never justified in any feelings they have ever. If you're a minority you're constantly vindicated by the media but then when you try to actually do anything you run into a fleshy white wall composed of caucasian liberals and conservatives. It must be infuriating honestly.

>> No.9331397

>insult customers by simply stating your knowledge on the thing you love to do.
Retards and plebs should be purged.

>> No.9331409

>goes around criticizing people when they do something you don't believe is correct
>not autistic
>not an asshole
I don't know if you live in the real world, but this isn't how people behave

>> No.9331419

>somebody has a different preference than me
>proceed to tell them they're wrong after they patronize my business
Are the Japanese the dindus of Asia?

>> No.9331430

That sounds nice

>> No.9331439

people have undeserved ends and innocent people suffer greatly because of things you do. i wouldn't give it too much thought if i were you

>> No.9331520


>> No.9331602
File: 55 KB, 880x444, chopsticks vs fork and knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wondered if the asians are always in good shape because they're forced to eat with chopsticks and just give up eating sooner because it's tiring and hard.
I can eat 5 plates of food with my American fork and knife without breaking a sweat while they eat 1 plate with chopsticks.

>> No.9331642
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>That jester reference
You sly devil

>> No.9331646

I used to hate pho. My friends introduced me to it and it smelled good, and I was about to dig in, and they stopped me and told me I'm supposed to douse sriracha and oyster sauce in the soup before eating.

I poured it in like they suggested, and it tasted like shit. I revisited a few years later and enjoyed it the way I wanted like putting the sauces on the side and dipping the beef and shit. Total game changer. Sometimes you realize people have shit tastes when eating specific dishes.

>> No.9331663

What's he doing wrong? Not a weeb

>> No.9331677

>tfw most of the rules are there to specifically make your experience better
Enjoy your disgusting soy-drenched mess, crumbled to hell rice, waiting fifteen extra minutes to get your bill, etc.
You really showed everyone by making your own dining experience worse.

>> No.9331680

He probably just said to her he recommended her to eat it in a certain way. This is typical in a lot of fine dining restaurants, but If you are keen on eating with ketchup, then they will let you go. It's just retarded considering how expensive the places are.

>> No.9331753

Dat Puyallup roll though.

>> No.9331774

Being white in the year 2017.

Literally any of the guides posted in this thread will tell you.

>> No.9331776

>Here's that sushi I whipped up for you, hope you like it.

>Ah but there's a mistake you made, you made it taste like fish and rice, let me fix that for you my man.

It's kind of insulting, I see why too, but you are the one paying for it.

>> No.9331794
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Stop naming stuff after Cascadia. You'll attract the Californians.

>> No.9331836

See >>9328056

>> No.9331849


>> No.9331901

>chopsticks are totally hard guys
How is your motor control that bad? I could eat almost anything with chopsticks.

>> No.9331915
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>> No.9331917


>> No.9331932

Better not do that in a high quality sushi restaurant. The chef has the right to kick you out.

>> No.9331946

You got parkinson's disease anon?

>> No.9331976

americams get mad if steak isnt well done

>> No.9332479

>American fork and knife

>> No.9332630

Shut the fuck up, weeaboo. Japs mix wasabi and soy sauce.

>> No.9332662

#2 is laughable. That'd only happen if you're a retard who can't into chopsticks or leverage or physics. Any sensible person will have zero problems using chopsticks with nigirizushi.

>> No.9332750

low iq

>> No.9333112

prove it

>> No.9333129

This meme has been here longer then you have fag

>> No.9333140

Just because it's old doesn't mean it's good.

>> No.9333199

>t. Antifa

>> No.9333206

I think you should eschew this new-fangled internet technology and go back to communicating with your "old" grunts and smoke signals. At least that will spare the rest of us from your shitposting.

>> No.9333277

nice meme

>> No.9333280
File: 783 KB, 500x475, you_tried_gif_click_ok_by_cyclejunkie80-d5pqo7d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calls out a shitpost
>Is a shitpost

>> No.9333286
File: 67 KB, 580x580, frog-5star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that sushi rolls were ltierally created to feed dockworkers on the go
its the big mac of japanese cuisine

>> No.9333882

Avocado Rolls and California Rolls are not real sushi

>> No.9333976

It happened anon, he didn't literally stick it in his ass though he smuggled it out mexican style in a backpack

>> No.9334003

Reminder, sushi rolls were stolen from the Koreans who were making rice with vegetables rolled in seaweed, called bokssam (복쌈), as early as the 14th century. In the modern era they changed the name to kimbap. They aren't even Japanese at all.

>> No.9334052

Redpill me on sushi etiquette

>> No.9334063

My parents take a lot of wasabi, then the pickled ginger and mix it with soy sauce in the dipping saucer. Then they completely soak their sushi to the point where they cry from the amount of wasabi they just consumed.

I will not take them to a decent sushi place because they wouldn't notice the difference.

>> No.9334071

I smother on a lil ball of wasabi & shove it down my gullet. WITH MY HANDS

>> No.9334080


1) I've never eaten "sushi"
2) I never WANT to eat "sushi"
3) Even if I DID want to eat "sushi", I wouldn't give a flying FUCK about how some fucking Chink faggots eat it

>> No.9334336

Holy shit I've been looking for these videos for ages