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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9325848 No.9325848 [Reply] [Original]

So how are you supposed to eat a mango?

>> No.9325863

Slice the broad sides, score, and cut off the chunks. Graze your teeth against the skin. Cut off what you can from the narrow edges and suck on the spongey pit. Eat the chunks. Then floss your teeth to get all the fibers out.

>> No.9325884
File: 42 KB, 326x236, 1464727603507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, because all this time I just been peeling the skin and then eat as much as possible around the core.
Pic related

>> No.9325886

Cut in thirds lengthwise, the pieces without the pit you cut slice the meat in a checker pattern and then invert it so the pieces stick out.

>> No.9325891

How to avoid "sticky" fingers while slicing the meat. Mango's are too slippery to slice

>> No.9325897
File: 53 KB, 700x525, green mango salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I slide either side of the pit.
Then I peel those halves, and I like the mango in big chunks right into the freezer. Keep them around and enjoy just like a popsicle or for a smoothie later.

I adore mangoes with curry chicken salad.

Green mangos are amazing when you marinade them or for making chutney

>> No.9325911

Are Mango's really better in India?
I have an Indian friend who constantly talks about how much better Mangos are in India than in the states.

>> No.9325917
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into thirds lengthwise

>> No.9325935

I'm going to imagine that mango's in India are a lot fresher then the ones in America.

>> No.9325943
File: 146 KB, 528x610, Tajin_clasico_nuevo_ENG[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Tajin

>> No.9325948

With your mouth.

>> No.9325954

Shit is tasty.

>> No.9325971

insert a fork at the bottom, through the seed. score four lines evenly down from the pointed top and pull down on each peel.

>> No.9325989

Peel, cut off both broad sides following outline of core. Make a single cut around the core for trim. Then eat it or cut into smaller pieces

>> No.9326014
File: 428 KB, 600x696, 0u2xwrJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: plebs without a mango tree + roasties who saw a hedgehogged mango on instagram
>slice mango into three parts (two thick sides and the seed slice
>take a spoon and scoop the meat out of the sides (if it doesn't come out quickly, it's not ripe)
>discard the seed slice, it's too messy and the flesh immediately surrounding the seed is stringy bullshit

Congrats! You just prep'd a mango correctly. All other posters in this thread are faggots and I am the best.

>> No.9326048

>plebs without a mango tree
Well excuse me for not living in a tropical country.

>> No.9326058

I just eat the thing like an apple, skin and all. well not the seed.

>> No.9326062

To score means to cut. Not real deep though. I usually make some kind of grid pattern, and then I have a bunch of little mango chunks. I eat it with a toothpick afterwards.

>> No.9326068

I live in the United States
Learn how to garden, nerdo

>> No.9326075
File: 1.64 MB, 260x462, 6zL1d3b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9326084

Well I live in Scandinavia

>> No.9326090

Very nice!
Send me a letter so I can mail some anthrax to your return address for posting something so meek and milky, gayboy

>> No.9326097

I wish I thought of this

>> No.9326118

until you put too much force on that lip and you get shards of glass heading towards your arteries

>> No.9326737

just don't do that

wow that was hard

>> No.9326788


>step 1 take off clothes
>step 2 go in pool
>step 3 eat mango

>> No.9326827

It depends on the variety. In America a lot of places only have fibrous mangoes that are grown because they're hardy, I think they're called Haden mangoes. Honey/Ataulfo mangoes or something similar might be more popular in India, they're sweeter and more fragrant with hardly any fibers.

>> No.9326845
File: 991 KB, 500x211, e05ed00c198a6af04e21caa3d93c0fb3c0401780_hq[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're basically hagrid from harry potter
>somehow accidentally broke a wooden spoon in half
>barely bumped into someone one time and they basically went flying into a cabinet and now they're scared to be in a tight space with me
>go to pet a tiny kitty and she stumbles because you weren't gentle enough
>"just don't break stuff and be gentle"

>> No.9327121

kys its food dont be a pussy.

>> No.9327128

Bite into it. The skin is edible. Once you get to the pit, you crack it open and eat the seed inside.

>> No.9327130

like this

>> No.9327169

Exam Gloves

>> No.9327189

1. apologize for being white
2. post about it on facebook for cuckpoints
3. choke down more foul tasting '''diversity food''' to show how much you love migrants

>> No.9327914

something wrong with you m8

>> No.9328048

You mush the insides without ripping the skin, then you make a small cut and drink out of it

t. went to Vietnam once

>> No.9328050

he found 4chan through the facebook page

>> No.9328061

Are all Americans really this fat and clumsy?

>> No.9328077

peel it with your hands and eat it?

>> No.9328089

Are they onions? Wtf cunt

>> No.9328092

Try mexicans specially from south
>not indian mango
Also they are shit free

>> No.9328176
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>> No.9328181

n..not all of us

>> No.9328187

With a teaspoon, tear the skin off gently with your lips (this is the weakest part of your mouth, you won't disturb the mango this way). Then make incisions in the meat with your spoon, the scoops should be the diameter of an eyeball... eat and enjoy

>> No.9328203

Here's how to do it if you're retarded:


>> No.9328213
File: 24 KB, 400x300, bagoong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slice into thirds, scoop out from there.

If green mango, serve like this with fermented shrimp.

>> No.9328404

Not fat, just 6'4", about 220 lbs, lift weights/exercise 6 days per week. Kind of hard to be gentle sometimes.

>> No.9328423

that shit tastes good though

>> No.9328444

Same. I also have a mango tree.

>> No.9328446

Post pic

>> No.9328450

Have you ever seen the jack videos? There's your answer.

>> No.9328754

This is the only real way to eat a mango. You can then either eat the hedgehod with your hands, or turn it back into a bowl and scoop out the mango cubes wiht a spoon.

>> No.9329533

I enjoy mango.

>> No.9329549
File: 494 KB, 596x628, [DmonHiro] Love Lab #12 - Please Be My Friend Forever (BD, 720p) [32C55068].mkv_snapshot_09.49_[2014.12.01_01.09.01].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only way to eat a mango: http://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/green-mango-dipping-sauce-mak-muang-som-klub-jaew-wan

>> No.9329568

I don't have a mango boludo.

>> No.9329584
File: 350 KB, 672x1005, Diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discard the seed slice

>> No.9330195

this is the only right answer

>> No.9330426

With chilipowder and lime.