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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 634x394, FUCK TEETH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9320845 No.9320845 [Reply] [Original]

Why are teeth such shit parts of our body? They're so pathetic and lazy. They dont clean themselevs to help us stay healthy and the tiniest bit of food ruins their color and you have to brush 3x over. They're fucking useless pieces of shit that start deteriorating the second you come out the womb.
By 50 yrs old , no matter what you do, no matter how many dentists you shell sheckles out for, your teeth are long gone. Even rich people NEED to get their teeth whitened every now and again or else they just turn to shit for no reason.

I'm doing my very best to keep my teeth clean 24/7 and thankfully it's working, but I don't think I can keep up the fight for much longer.

>> No.9320865

Why do teeth even have nerves? If they go to shit even a little there's nothing you can do but suffer one of the worst pains till you forcefully remove them, or have them fixed by a specialist with an obscure chemical compound or metals, while if you didn't feel a thing you could easily use them many more years.

>> No.9320882

i envy beavers and rodents
I wish my teeth would never stop growing.

also this is my main hope for stem cell cloning.
I hope for the day that a toothache or a bad tooth can be eaily delt with by extracting the old tooth then squirting some stem cell gel in the cavity so you get a brand new tooth a couple weeks later.

>> No.9320916

How about sharks? They just keep getting replaced thoughout their lives. No maintanance required at all. And a life long of toothfairy bux.

>> No.9320923

Teeth actually are probably the weakest link in our bodies set up. Though part of it is us, we weren't meant to eat diets so high in acid and sugar.

>> No.9321066

My granpa is 94 has all of his teeth, they're all fine, straight and white (normal white, not brighter than the sun white). Fight me.

>> No.9321089

>Why do teeth even have nerves
So you can tell something is wrong with the tooth instead of chomping away and irrevocably damaging your jaw. Also so that parasites don't grow in your teeth and infect your jaw and then head

>> No.9321092

stop drinking soda. that's why your teeth are so shitty.

>> No.9321096

Probably because he never went to a (((dentist))).
>go to Dr. Finkelstein for checkup. You have 6 cavities, need 2 extractions, a bridge and 2 crowns. Go to Dr. Jones for second opinion. You have perfect teeth! Keep up the good work!

>> No.9321109

OP, your teeth were formed in utero by your mothers nutrition, and then again by you during your youth. If you were a picky eater, child of clueless and undisciplined parents maybe you weren't given milk 3x/day or maybe you weren't inspected at bedtime for doing a good job on your flossing and brushing.
The other part of your teeth fitting well is genetics and early orthodontics. Tight and wide spaces can wreck havoc with your gums, doing food packing, or wrenching your TMJ from malocclusion genetics.
Education about acid and high polish pastes should be taught to you. Some medications can increase mouth dryness, fyi, so you'd have to supplement, esp at bedtime.

My grandmother had all her teeth at 92 until nursing home care and they all went to shit because they didn't brush her. at. all. unless we were there to insist. She did 4 things: flossed 2x/day, used basic Crest her whole life, rinsed with listerine, and saw her dentist once a year for a proper cleaning.

Whitening is not a normal part of teeth maintenance. Having a chaser of water after coffee is. Avoiding artificially colored foods is a given, but if you maintain the furry plaque off your teeth your whole life, you should not have bumpy porous high staining teeth. Those are damaged teeth that suck up the most tannins from coffee or berries. Any smoothing that is needed can be done at the dental office, because any more than once yearly and you lose too much enamel coating, esp if genetically you got a thin coating. If you are 50 and your teeth are shitty, you failed all of the above. Time to sock about $100k from savings into good care now. That is what it will take to mend yourself, one fix at a time from 50-80.

>> No.9321113

I look forward to artificial full teeth replacement

>> No.9321114

i wish teeth regrew. i know that Alzheimer's medication seems to rebuild teeth but there's nothing commercially available yet.

>> No.9321888

I always thought about making a thread for this question, but since this thread is here I'll ask now:

What are /ck/'s teeth cleaning habits? I brush twice a day (morning and before bed) and floss before bed, always.

I asked /sp/ a few times and the answers were frightening.

>> No.9321973
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I use an electric toothbrush. I brush before sleeping and in the morning, unless I only had a simple breakfast, in which case I just rinse with mouthwash.

I always use pic related, or regular floss after eating.

>I asked /sp/ a few times and the answers were frightening.
Why? Are they secretly vampires?

>> No.9321978

Those are called dental implants, anon, and yes they do full palette.

>> No.9322097

I very rarely brush to be honest
Like it can go a year without, I use snus (lip tobacco) though and that is supposedly good for your teeth, since my teeth are completely fine, only a little acid worn.

>> No.9322125
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>> No.9322130

You would never know, went to the dentist and he told me to keep up the good work.

>> No.9322174

Things that never happened, the post. Your breath alone must be atrocious.

>> No.9322190

It's actually true, believe it or not.
My breath usually smells like the last thing I ate or nothing at all, I've been in relationships with women that would certainly have told me if my breath was constantly bad.

>> No.9322194

Primates just got shit teeth genetics.
Shark teeth are regrowing constantly.

In 100 year or sooner we will probably be able to induce growth of new teeth.

>> No.9322274

>why does skin have nerves? All it does is make you feel pain when you stick you hand into a fucking fire
Teeth are almost literally exposed bone. Its not hard to imagine that that part of our skeleton has not evolved to withstand all the shit that modern society is doing to it.

>> No.9322277

Found the Neet who has never been to a dentist.

>> No.9322294

Considering I recently had a mild gum abscess between my teeth that made it painful to drink anything hotter than lukewarm and eat, I agree with ya OP (but after flossing with hydrogen peroxide in my mouth, it quickly went away)

I believe in that conspiracy that it's only recently we've been fucking up our teeth with our modern diet and lifestyle since a lot of ancient skulls have nice teeth

also fuck dentists, most are just greedy bastards that are basically like car mechanics now trying to find more "severe" things that need to be fixed so they can charge you for it

>> No.9322298

>I use snus (lip tobacco) though and that is supposedly good for your teeth
Good? You were lied to. It's horrible.
"Nicotine, the principal alkaloid in tobacco, exerts a wide range of effects on the immune system and wound healing, which may play an important role in periodontal tissue destruction (51). Nicotine exposure has been shown to result in vasoconstriction (52, 53) and impaired angiogenesis (54, 55). Its effects on neutrophil function include increased shedding of adhesion molecules (56) and alteration of f-actin kinetics (57), resulting in reduced migration of neutrophils into the oral tissues (58), and inhibition of phagocytosis and oxidative killing (59, 60). Nicotine exposure also results in reduced proliferation and function of T-lymphocytes (61), decreased phagocytosis and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxygen radicals by monocytes (59, 62), increased levels of tissue-destructive cytokine such as TNF-α (63), reduction in levels of antibodies to periodontal pathogens (64–67), and impaired attachment of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts (68)."

>> No.9322319

Obviously nicotine is not good for you, but I meant good for your teeth as in kills some of the bacteria in your mouth, that's only what I've heard anyway so don't quote me on it.

Just a theory why my teeth have no cavities despite minimal care.

Yeah it's bad for your gums.

>> No.9322339

I learned that teeth genetics aren't fair.

I have a half brother who has had about the same level of dental hygiene than i did. Yet my teeth are rotting away and i already have 6 crowns while he hast perfect teeth and not a singel cavity.

>> No.9322492

>by 50 years old they're gone
Only if you have shit genetics or a shit diet full of sugar. I'm 30 i don't have a single problem with my teeth. No cavities, no fillings, no chips, no cracks.

Also i'm british so get fucked you sugar fed americuck.

>> No.9322521

I grind my teeth constantly so they're all going to shit. I had to get three fillings a few weeks ago and they'll need root canals next time.

>> No.9322577

I apparently spent (probably) my whole life grinding my teeth in my sleep without ever knowing. I didn't know until my gf told me one morning.

>> No.9322584

Kek this actually happened to me

>> No.9322586

Get a nighttime mouth guard, it'll stave off the damage.

>> No.9322700

>ate healthy as a kid
>brushed teeth normally
>be around 12
>notice they are yellow
>drinking soda hurts for days
>eating apples hurts for days
Why me? I just want white teeth

>> No.9324267

What does it mean if over the past 2 years my teeth have been slowly getting more sensitive to sweets and cold water. I'm only 22 started flossing 6 months ago. And brush at least once a day.

>> No.9324270

You have teeth to chew food, which has a lot of benefits.

>> No.9324275

Fun fact: Nobody ever gave much of a shit about bad breath until some shrewd people started marketing floor cleaner as "mouthwash". Nowadays we call it Listerine.

Brush your teeth, drink plenty of water, avoid overconsumption of soda, and hope for a good roll on the genetic lottery.

>> No.9324277

>smoke and drink
>brush once a day in the morning
>never had dental problems
>straight, white male teeth
Im a genetic failure in all aspects beside my teeth

>> No.9324279

Means you need to get 'em re-enameled.

>> No.9324283

Soda isn't eating healthy. Especially for your tooth enamel. Also if you're a mouth breather your front teeth can dry out and become sensitive.

>> No.9324285

Is this normal? My condition

>> No.9324422

The slightest damage will have their teeth grow into their skulls, anon.

Teeth are shitty in every mammal. Even elephants just die of starvation after 50+ years because their molars grind down too far to eat.

>> No.9324781

>why does skin have nerves
Stupid comparison.

>> No.9324880

The teeth are pretty cool. It's the gums that suck.

Well if you're fucking 35 and never go to a dentist you might actually need all those things. People need to go to the dentist once a year if only to get the calculus scraped off.

>> No.9324892

Start using toothpaste and mouthwash made for sensitivity. Your enamel is getting thin and needs help remineralizing.

>> No.9325261

But what caused that to happen? My teeth arnt bad at all. Oh I loved sour stuff when I was younger.

>> No.9325315
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>what caused that to happen

>> No.9325317
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>Prematurely born
>Sick as a baby, doctor prescribed massive antibiotics
>Started grinding my teeth as soon as I had two to grind.
>Shitty picky eater until like 8
>Pick up a bad soda habit at 8 and it reaches its peak in high school.
>Get braces at 12
>Lie to orthodontist about teeth sitting correctly at rest because I'm sick of braces
>Bite right through retainer, orthodontist won't replace it without absurd fee
>Fuck it all
>Up to 12 pack of diet soda daily at age 17
>Teeth seem ok
>Get my shit together
>Start flossing daily
>Realize I grind my teeth after I crack 4 in 1 year
>Gums are receeding
>Enamel is visibly missing
>Fluoride every night and now I wear a mouth guard
>Loo late

I'm a fucking retard and my teeth did not have a chance.

>> No.9325570

I went a couple of years with brushing extremely irregularly, & drinking a shit ton of alcohol back in my early twenties. After I had a tooth crack vertically to the root and had bad receded gums I started to take better care of my teeth. Now I brush once or twice a day and floss when needed like after eating stringy meat or something. My teeth are still shit though

>> No.9325953

i have nothing to say

>> No.9325969

always brush your teeth after eating, and floss once a day. And limit sugary foods, and you really should never eat certain foods, like hard candy, caramel, cakes, pancake syrup, regular soda, even diet soda because of the acidity.

>> No.9325988

>I apparently spent (probably) my whole life grinding my teeth in my sleep without ever knowing. I didn't know until my gf told me one morning.
A dental hygienist never asked you or pointed out the wear? What kind of shit care did you get once a year at the dentist?

>> No.9326012

I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).

I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).

I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.

Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.

To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.

>> No.9326023

>floss when needed like after eating stringy meat or something. My teeth are still shit though
Flossing gets plaque off teeth on the inside surfaces between other teeth, and just under the gumline, places brushing usually misses. Although it can loosen up some impacted food, like stringy meat, it is needed anyway. Every day. Twice a day.

Plaque and calculus and the bacteria it hides has like a 12 hour clock to the point of more serious damage when unchecked, and this is why you brush morning and night, not just once a day.

WTF missing education does this board have? It's laughable when the internet has information so readily available now. Who is to blame? Let us say you really don't care about future expensive work, having an embarrassing attention getting nasty smile with missing teeth, or even pain and suffering. Dentists also check for disease like cancer that is in one of the quickest growing places. If as a child, you did have the poor genetics, your parents could have preserved your molar health through sealants. As an adolescent, you get your tmj joint checks to prevent a lifetime of pain, which then in turn can cause you to grind, but they can also find and diagnose breathing issues that affects gum health and heart health, but for which there is treatment.

>> No.9326040

Brushing and flossing is actually a Jewish scam designed to get you to waste money on dentistry, which was a traditionally Jewish line of work. The brushing and silicates in the tooth paste actually wear down the enamel on your teeth and cause more cavities. I brush my teeth once a month tops with baking soda and have had zero problems. I also avoid sugary foods and drinks and use mouthwash. Been doing this for years.

>> No.9326690

>Have five teeth removed because they came in all wrong
>braces for several years
>be retarded and don't use my retainer afterwards
>teeth are average looking now


>> No.9326761

Fuck I never connected those two. As a kid I thought it was cool to breathe through my mouth. Now both my jaw and teeth are ugly.

>> No.9326794
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>tfw don't have enough money to simply get all teeth surgically removed, replaced with titanium anchors, then have complete replacement dentures that are incredibly tough and long-lasting

>> No.9326866
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just grow another set bruh

>> No.9326894

>Also i'm british so get fucked you sugar fed americuck.
you could've just omitted the first part, we know you brits are


>> No.9326926
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you are delusional if you think eating liver counteracts the effects of alcohol on your liver.

that's some retarded shit. it's like saying you're going to counteract the effects of smoking by eating lungs.

>> No.9326940

Just had to get my top left molar and premolar removed due to a fucking abscess. Sucked so much to go through, now my bite is all wonky.

>> No.9326960

It really is kind of fucked that we get one set that only has to last a few years and then the next set is supposed to last for another 60-80.

>> No.9326973

it's pasta, m8

>> No.9327149

Humans were never meant to live for much longer than their prime breeding age plus a couple years to raise the next batch. Teeth are only designed to last 3-4 decades so it wasn't a big deal until pretty recently. Now that we've effectively halted our evolution with an age of plenty don't expect it to get any better.

>> No.9327170

t. Broscientist

>> No.9327691

plenty of people in the past lived to very old ages, what brings the lifespan down is death from child birtch and certain other things that killed people before they made it to an age where they could fight off illness / other threats.

IDK why people think caveman / romans lived to be 20-40 at most.

>> No.9327697

My teeth are good, in of themselves. I brush 0-1 times a day to keep them from getting all yellow from tea etc, and they've never had any problems. The orientation of them is another thing, though, wisdom teeth are fucks.

>> No.9328024
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>obscure chemical compound

>> No.9328052


all mammals have shitty teeth

mammals have shitty teeth, shitty eyes, shitty hearing, etc. it's the price mammals pay for being among the most intelligent species.

>> No.9328055

friendly reminder that teeth can be triggered to regrow very easily through stem cell treatments, the research and treatments just aren't all there yet. the same goes for hearing as well.

the future is bright

>> No.9328185
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either brush your fuckin teeth or quit eatin so much goddamn junkfood

>> No.9328437

In retrospect your saliva actually tries to clean itself, teeth deteriorate due to the diet that one eats or drink and bacteria in the oral cavity it takes bacteria 20 mins after one eat and drink to produce acid and cause plaque creating cavities one way to solve this is to immediately drink water after your done eating. Whiting teeth isn't really practical because it sensitizes the enamel normal health teeth are always a shade or two of yellow because of the second layer of tooth structure called dentin.

>> No.9328443

It's pretty easy, you just suck the goo out of aborted babies.

>> No.9328449

Here's a fun fact you don't really need toothpaste according to ADA associate he said just a bit of water and baking soda is all you need and most toothpaste contains glucose based sugars which hence keeps your mouth a cavitational gold mine!

>> No.9328564
File: 165 KB, 683x478, no-fuck-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to dentist in high school for braces
>jew dentist tells me my wisdom teeth are impacted and are gonna need to be removed after done with braces
>two years later get braces off
>jew dentist tries to convince mother to get my wisdom teeth out
>tell her they have never bothered me
>decide not to do the surgery
>six years later still no problems

Nice try Dr. Shekelstein

>> No.9328571

Brush once in the morning. Never floss

>> No.9328586

This seems to be your parents fault for spoiling you and failing to instill discipline, to be honest.

You still have a chance to self-discipline your mind, m'non.