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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9319168 No.9319168 [Reply] [Original]

>Ah yes, this recipe was fantastic! All I did different was switch the type of cooking fat, add/remove three different seasonings/ingredients, cook it 15 minutes longer at 100 degrees higher, substitute out the gluten for my son with celiac disease, change the chicken to pork, get my asshole bleached, and add in some pickle brine for zest!
>Other than that, fantastic recipe! Five stars!

>> No.9319500

Ay yes, when middle-aged suburban moms think they're pro fucking chefs because they switched out the cream of mushroom for canned clam chowder or some shit

>> No.9319973

exactly why I stopped using online recipes for anything. Definitely one area where printed cookbooks are superior.

>> No.9319985

Why bother when you can take hubby to Applebees?

>> No.9319998 [DELETED] 

Will he try their famous fries, in-house BBQ sauce or artisanal bread?
If not he could always have the fish of the day or the managers special.

>> No.9320103
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Of course! If he behaves I might even let him have their world-famous lemonade! I've been making an extra $30 per month with my Rodan and Fields/ Mary Kay pyramid scheme so we can splurge! I hope he is up for snuggling after he walks my poodle and I finish my shows on the Hallmark Channel! Isn't marriage great!!!??

>> No.9320111

You just have to read the reviews.

If there aren't many talking about what they changed, then it's probably good.

>> No.9320113



>> No.9320117
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checked, and also you're right

>> No.9320121

I love beef wellington.
Especially when you switch out everything for a McDouble.

>> No.9320213

hahah i was just laughing about this with someone yesterday.

>> No.9320232

i used PAM cooking spray for crepe batter instead of butter...and this was when following a recipe to make crepe mix using box pancake mix...am i going to hell?

>> No.9320256

much worse is:
>substituted butter for sour cream
>omitted salt (aka the devil's rock)
>used garlic powder instead of garlic
>added bacon
>turned out terrible, one star

>> No.9320260

Yes but not for that. For the other thing, you know what you did.

>> No.9320266

>get my asshole bleached

But this is a legitimate cooking method OP, showp some respect

>> No.9320269

yeah i lied, it was actually an actual garbage bag full of pancake mix because the original box broke.

>> No.9320315

>my husband LOVES this recipe!

>> No.9320419

I used to hate reviews that talked about how "hubby liked this, hubby hated that" so I used a word replaced to change hubby to "my master". I think they're funny now.

>> No.9321212


Where did middle-aged mom hubby posting even come from? I've never heard a woman refer to her husband as "hubby" in real life.

It always makes me think of a dull, really fat, ugly man.

>> No.9321225

>not hot

>> No.9321245

I always imagine every woman talking about their "hubby" as a pastorwife or something because those are the only people i can imagine saying "hubby"
Who? Why? It takes the dignity out of both of you in the half second it takes to say hubby

>> No.9321437
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It's a term of endearment! I love my hubby so much because he loves me despite my cankles and being a bit chubby! He works hard at his blue-collar job so I can afford to make hamburger helper once a week and buy poorly fitting sundresses to wear to church! I even get a new mini-van each year so we don't have to use his 1998 F-150 to take my kids on play-dates! I love my hubby!

>> No.9321453

Oh my fuck, hnnng. Keep posting until I day stop

>> No.9321478

i can’t use online recipes anymore. once you look through old cookbooks, you immediately start to notice how moms have ruined classic recipes
>pastries with two cups of sugar
>bread with substantial amount of sugar
>milk added to everything because it’s sugary
>sugar in italian dishes
>overcook food for “””gourmet texture”””

>> No.9321488



>> No.9321779
File: 46 KB, 500x448, happy frogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I'd love to share with you! I can even post all the pictures of my kids on that Facebook! All my girlfriends always reply with 'So Cute!' so I'm sure you would agree even though Elijah and Amos have Down's Syndrome!
Sorry, but I have to run! I need to pick up some more Zinfandel at the Dollar Store then post my new makeup sale on Facebook! My associates degree in communications from the local community college is really paying off! Hubby is so lucky to have me and my kids!

>> No.9321975


Can we make hubby posting a thing?

>> No.9321985

Sure thing sweetie ;)

>> No.9322053

You're almost TOO good at this. Are you speaking from personal experience, anon?

>> No.9323050

Are there any sites not infected by middle aged soccer moms?

>> No.9323280

From an observational point. I see tons of my female high school friends that just pop out babies while making their husbands completely broken, soulless beings and thinking that they're somehow bettering the world by shilling pyramid scheme crap, and 'bragging' about their kids who will be the next lame cog in the wheel. Their idea of accomplishment is being a soccer mom because they're too shallow, selfish and unintelligent to do anything else.
I have one 'friend' that popped out 5 kids in 6 years and bitches that moms should have a year of paid maternity leave. I can see the lifelessness in her husbands eyes
I'm married and want kids someday, but thankfully my wife is a physician (gainfully employed) and I'm an engineer and we agree that we're not going to raise a pack of pussies that can't cook, get a philosophy degree and are proud of their participation trophies.

>> No.9324253

philosophy is a respectable major, esp for lawyers

you're a faggot

>> No.9324261

Why don't mods delete this shit that infests the board? Makes this place a fucking shithole

>> No.9324754

just bump your daily jack/mcchicken/sip thread for each bump this thread gets and nothing will happen to them ;)

>> No.9324991

Yeah, what a shame the mods don't delete a thread talking about a common cooking-related annoyance on a fucking cooking board. This is clearly the type of thread ruining /ck/.

>> No.9326394

>i put it in the oven for the listed time and it was black when it was done! I'm too much of a retard to regularly check on my cooking! One star!

>> No.9326470

I heard of a guy who went to med school on a music degree from Brown.

>I love this recipe! My family loves it. We make a big batch on Sundays and it doesn't last the week!