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9315115 No.9315115 [Reply] [Original]

How is he alive?

>> No.9315123
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>> No.9315135

Hey at least he's making a comeback with films like The Founder and Spider-Man Homecoming

>> No.9315137

Hardcore alcoholics and drug addicts who are charismatic and can manipulate people never die. They just leech off other people and get even more degenerate.

>> No.9315138
File: 22 KB, 427x168, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's funny, I was just watching some of his videos. It's actually sad because he replies to all these old comments trying to stay relevant. Most of his new videos barely hit 20,000 views.

>> No.9315141

Who is he and why should I care?

>> No.9315146

Some guy who slammed a half gallon of Jack Daniels for a bet

>> No.9315148

Dat "I'm not a pedophile" face.

>> No.9315149

Final boss of al/ck/

>> No.9315158

I doubt that I an accurate explanation

>> No.9315161

He does it for money. Just search YouTube for "shoenice slams". His capacity for alcohol is superhuman.

>> No.9315171

But how do you know he didnt fill that with water?

>> No.9315175

his capacity for everything is superhuman. nigga ate a cactus.

>> No.9315178


>> No.9315181

Compare to LA Beast's attempt, lel
He shows the bottles sealed and unopened, never letting them out of view of the cam. Watch a few of his vids.

>> No.9315183

>post like a retarded faggot
>view the vid linked directly above your retarded faggot post

Pick 1

>> No.9315195

Very easily could have been drained and sealed. Either way fuck this guy. He doesnt need to be out there making people think rubbing alcohol is ok to drink.
If you think its real just because you saw him take the seal off, you are a fucking moron.

>> No.9315197

Dude was wasted before even starting

>> No.9315200

Any with a glass bottle? Even then its fairly easy to fake but it is a bit harder.

>> No.9315203


>> No.9315204
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>> No.9315206

Watch some of the videos before galloping into the thread and spewing ignorant shit.
I've slammed 70cl of Smirnoff in one chug.

>> No.9315212

They're almost all with glass bottles.

>> No.9315213

Thats still pretty fucking far from chugging rubbing alcohol.

>> No.9315218

Wouldn't chugging a 750 of vodka in 40 seconds kill someone?


>> No.9315219

Thats not the same as drinking rubbing alcohol you dumb bastard.

>> No.9315224

Vice documentary on him:


>> No.9315232

I've done it myself. I drank another ~6hrs later.

>> No.9315236

I saw two videos. One where there is a glass bottle that very easilycould have been tampered with and one eith rubbing alcohol that very easily could have been tampered with. I askedif there were any with glass bottles but i realized it doesnt matter.
Nobody can drink a whole bottle of rubbing alcohol and be just fine. If he could he would be making a fuck load of money doing research in labs.
You are all a bunch of fucking tools.

>> No.9315239

I'm pretty sure he throws up right after he stops filming.

>> No.9315246
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It's not that big of a deal. It took me 23 years to build sufficient tolerance, but I can put away 3 x 70cl in 24 hours quite easily. Downing 1 bottle is nothing.

>> No.9315254

>Hiding your shriveled prune face

>> No.9315259
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Not really.

>> No.9315264

Doesn't shoenice actually come here? I thought we'd found some reason to believe that he is/was here...

>> No.9315280

Not if you vomited it back up before you ingested most of the alcohol.

>> No.9315285

Hes only 17 though

>> No.9315290

Or if like shoenice, you've been a chronic alchie for like 30 years.
38. Shoenice is like 45 iirc.

>> No.9315303

>AA chip

Farthest I ever got was the 1 year.

>> No.9315315

Best I managed was 1 day.
AA isn't for me, too much religious stuff.

>> No.9315317
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Dude I loved Cruising!

>> No.9315320

This is a nice summing up of shoenice and what he's like.

>> No.9315402

I've pretty much been celibate too, since like 2012. I've had sex, but no matter how hot the gril, I just didn't give a shit. Haven't achieved orgasm once during sex in half a decade.
Oneitis can get fucked though. She can fuck off. Going to find someone new and never talk to her again.

>> No.9315409

Wrong thread. Nm

>> No.9315425

He's just an alchie, dude. Every alcoholic says and does stupid shit which ruins pretty much every aspect of their lives.

>> No.9315438


>> No.9315487

Last I heard about him he was homeless or something. Is he still homeless or did he finally move up in the world?

>> No.9315492

Last I'd heard he was evicted from his apartment and had been kicked out of most of the public libraries in his area after using the webcams there to film himself chugging booze.

>> No.9315763

Being an alchaholic doesn't make you make fake charities and eat dogshit off the street.

>> No.9315796

I was referring to how much of a dick he can be to people online. Why he's banned from so many places. Alcoholism will drive even the nicest person completely insane

>> No.9315865

he once made me a fansign

>> No.9315877

Yeah but sometimes he eats/drinks stuff that's straight up poisonous.

>> No.9315894

That doesn't make it fatal. Alcohol is poisonous.

>> No.9316151

I've seen a few interviews where he talks about his particularly bad ones. Apparently he has had his stomach pumped a bunch of times. He is also a gigantic alcoholic which probably helps. He is an incredible dickhead too apparently.. one of many examples: I remember seeing a video from some dude who made thumbnails and small stuff for shoenice for a short while and he refused to pay the guy for his work, and lied the entire time about how he had other people trying to do the work for free, the work is good exposure for the artist, threatened him constantly etc.

>> No.9316172

What's his boss theme music? How many healthbars?

>> No.9317564

Nobody has explained how he drinks paint, bleach and motor oil.

>> No.9317611

So basically...

>> No.9317627

that is fucking nuts. i was a bit drunk at a party once and got a hold of a bottle of ever clear. thought i was hardcore so i took a big pull off the bottle and instantly was black out drunk. he must induce vomiting as soon as the camera shuts off.

>> No.9317678

You look like a village person lol

>> No.9319105

Define this.

>> No.9320498

Funny thing is he is a pedo

I used to be a close online friend of his until bout 3-4 years ago, he was asking 12-13ho girls for nudes and a few actually sent them. He went to Jail for a few months but he lucked out and nothing came of it.

>> No.9320500

I dunno, his blackout videos are pretty convincing.

>> No.9320524
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It's only like 2:1 vodka man

>> No.9320541


>> No.9320997

holy shit man this dude is HAMMERED

>> No.9321205

he does aftermath videos where he livestreams the whole thing from swallowing to blackout/rambling

he also gets somewhat drunk before his alcohol challenges because he says it helps with the stomach pain/issues

he also has crohns disease which he says means his body doesn't absorb so much of the alcohol, a not insignificant percentage just passes through him

he's also really pathetic and replies to every comment while living in hotel rooms

he also constantly says he's going to get sober then never does

he's also a massive pothead

>> No.9321229

he has crohns disease

he says it helps him becuase it means a lot ofthe stuff just passes throughhim

>> No.9321231

did he died?

>> No.9321896

Sources needed

>> No.9321932

Something about the guy is very off putting and creepy