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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9313480 No.9313480 [Reply] [Original]

>those 25+ yo friends that can't cook at all

>> No.9313493

here are some of my roommate's staples

>frozen pizza, plain lettuce on the side
>pasta, with cold ragu dumped on top straight from the fridge, plain lettuce on the side
>frozen fish and french fries, plain lettuce on the side
>pizza pockets/bagel bites/frozen pizza-y item #53897587, plain lettuce on the side
>all of which is copiously covered in ketchup
i have never seen him eat anything else at home

>> No.9313494
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>not learning to cook from your parents while growing up
unless you didn't have them at all growing up, if they didn't teach you stuff in the kitchen they failed as parents. being over the age of 20 and only knowing how to make mac and cheese and ramen noodles is a complete embarrassment.

>> No.9313502

oh i forgot one
>kraft dinner with chunks of hotdog, plain lettuce on the side
he also covers in in ketchup

>> No.9313505

Yeah I'm assuming my parents just failed as parents. I didn't learn to cook until my mid 20's.

>> No.9313516

I can't put all the blame on them. Yeah they never taught me anything, but I never showed any interest or asked either

>> No.9313551

He must save alot eating only lettuce

>> No.9313606

I want to fuck this man so hard

>> No.9313619

tbqh I'd go gay for him.

>> No.9313630

>those people who are inexplicably concerned with other people's kitchens

As long as they're not making you eat their food, how is this your problem?

>> No.9313640

Finger your gf

>> No.9313683
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leave now


>> No.9313711

>Yeah they never taught me anything, but I never showed any interest or asked either
Same. Although part of it was that they would get super angry if I didn't immediately catch on to everything. I was a really good student when I was young, so my mother, especially, expected me to be able to do everything right the first time, and when I didn't she got mad. Meanwhile, my father just didn't like explaining stuff and expected me to read his mind, which was also frustrating. Over time, I developed an irrational fear of trying to do new things because I always associate it with being judged harshly.

I ended up learning most shit in life from trial and error, from driving a car to cooking, which I learned mostly on my own and then got extra tips from my gf.

>> No.9313715

It's pathetic if you can't cook for shit when you're 18.
I remember this girls birthday, her friend's boyfriend brought boiled rice from home and they could hardly put together a fucking powder sauce.

>> No.9313721

>confusing concern with ridicule
how's that mental retardation treating you?

>> No.9313756

I do the lettuce thing with most meals just for some veg and because I hate all dressings they are GROSS

>> No.9313760
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>r9k is that-a-way man

>> No.9313771

>blaming others for not learning something
fuck off, i bet the white man planted drugs and made people do them too huh?

>> No.9313890
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I can heat stuff in the oven and use a stove, good enough

>> No.9313920

I may not be able to make some pretty faggy meal but i can cook meat on a mid low setting so the outside doesnt get too burnt add some starchy product and fruit or vegatable bam u got a meal.

>> No.9313929

I can uh.. make all kinds of soups. That's pretty advanced right?

>> No.9313941


My gf and I definitely aren't perfect, but some of my friends..

>friend 1
>works for amazon
>rolling in money
>bought his first house paid it off on the spot
>saw him at the grocery store the other day
>had a basket
>barely had anything in it
>reese puff cereal
>2 cans of chunky soup

>friend 2
>always has mcDs on the way to work for breakfast
>lunch is a cliff bar
>dinner: a cucumber, some slices of cheese, and lunch meat
>she's a girl btw, not skelly

>> No.9313944

Most people eventually pair off, so really only about half the population has to learn to cook. Someone who doesn't want to or can't cook can always hook up with someone who does.

>> No.9313973

make your own dressing you fucking pleb

i have about 4-5 different ones i regularly make for salad

>> No.9313981

This isn't your crying spot / echo chamber anon


>> No.9313982
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>have friend over on monday night
>he works weekends
>crack open some cold ones with my boy
>cook turkey burgers and caprese salad
>he raves about dinner
>he asks what's in the caprese as i made it in advance
>tell him, its the same as every caprese in the world
>he says "i might try to make this at home but, what does the balsamic vinegar look like?"

>> No.9314013

>implying homemade dressing is any better
No thanks freak, it is better than store bought but still nasty

>> No.9314018

t. the sperg from wizchan

>> No.9314029

Those 25+ yo friends that can't cook and are also picky eaters

>> No.9314034

Parents never taught me to cook. I just went out, got a couple of books and followed the directions. Isn't that hard.

>> No.9314067

>>frozen fish and french fries, plain lettuce on the side
Sans lettuce, this is a fairly satisfying meal if it's the frozen, pre-cooked breaded stuff. Spray down a pan in canola, throw a box of fish and half a bag of fries on there and cook together. Really comes out great.

>> No.9314068
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>tfw a bit late but learning

>> No.9314084
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LMAO, I grew up in foster homes and state shelters and I still taught myself how to cook halfway decent meals by looking it up on the internet - and I'm not talking about box dinners with canned vegetables. My strengths are southern comforts (fried or baked chicken, mashed potatoes, fresh cooked vegetables, fried okra, etc.) and tex-mex (burritos, enchiladas, tacos, nachos) but my weaknesses are beef in any form but ground (never really shell out for steaks) and fancy shit I don't bother with. If I can't make dinner in an hour (barring cooking time for the meat) then it's not worth making myself for a half-ass thing a chef can do much better when I eat out.
Potatoes aren't a mystery and neither are proper internal temperatures, people just get pampered by being lazy and spoiled on frozen sodium saturated garbage.

>> No.9314095

You don't own 4chan you chubby, frustrated junior high schooler.

>> No.9314102

those kind of people can't be my friends under any circumstance

>> No.9314103

Tbh when I was in my teens-early 20s friend 1 diet is how I'd eat most of the time until I got a gf who actually cooked and started expecting me to cook sometimes, at which point I googled most shit.

>> No.9314163

I grew up as the oldest of three in a single-parent household, so I had the luxury of learning how to cook for myself and others early on. I actually cannot understand how a supposedly grown ass adult can't even cook basic foods.

>> No.9314206

Hope you're not eating iceberg lettuce, it's worthless nutrition-wise. Romaine has some nutrition, but barely. Start buying spinach, it goes well with a lot of savory foods and has a shitload of vitamins and minerals.

>> No.9314213

right there with you buddy

>> No.9314216

I can cook, but that hour spent in the kitchen would be better spent playing video games.

I spent 11 hours getting to and from work total.

I just order food a lot and exploit coupons like a mother fucker.

>> No.9314277

I kind of like this because whenever I cook for them they are blown away and my ability to cook at a basic level makes them like me more

>> No.9314309

Literally everyone I know.
>go to friend's house
>he's preparing breakfast
>he is making scrambled eggs
>there's a lake of oil in the frying pan
>fucking sunflower oil
>he can't flip the eggs for shit
>quarter of the eggs stuck to the pan
Forgot to add he added a teaspoon of salt

>> No.9314347

I'm blaming the dumb parents who didn't teach their kid life skills, dumbfuck.
good for you people.

>> No.9314359

>I'm blaming the dumb parents who didn't teach their kid life skills, dumbfuck.

That's certainly a bad thing. But just standing back and saying "waaah I can't cook b/c my parents never taught me" is not an excuse. It just means you have to learn now, as an adult, instead.

And these days there's no fucking excuse for not teaching yourself given how many resources are instantly available online. There has never been an easier time to learn how to cook than right now. You can whip out your phone/tablet/etc and get instruction from world-class chefs. You can read recipes (and translate them!) from anywhere in the world. You can see video of how things are done in realtime. You can use that same device to mail-order ingredients or supplies you don't have local access to. And so on.

>> No.9314404

You have no idea how many 40+ guys I know who don't know how to cook at all.

>"my wife used to cook"
You mean your second mom, dipshit.

>> No.9314440

>look at me guiz, am I doin the 4chin thing right??/?

>> No.9314707

Do people that don't know how to cook just don't try at all?
It's incredibly simple to cook basic meals

>> No.9314814

My parents never teached me how to cook. But if you're not stupid you can mimic and adapt most of their quick made dishes without any teaching.

For the more complicated recipes just pick up some coocking book and practice.

>> No.9314874

I have intense anxiety and don't want to leave my room when my roommates are home. I would like to try to learn to cook if I could afford to live alone. I end up only eating when I take a lunch break at work or when they are out of town.

>> No.9314880
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f-friends... yyeah totally I hate them too...

>> No.9314937


my father knows how to make hamburgers

my mom makes spaghetti, lasagna, and meatloaf.

they were not talented in the kitchen, and though I've learned to appreciate cooking for fun as much as for sustenance, I always felt kinda bad that most of our meals were microwaved dinners and cheap-shit meal-in-a-box one-offs that tasted...well, not bad, but not particularly great.

I honestly don't think they thought of food as anything more than the stuff that gets you through one awful day and into another. I love cooking for them at Thanksgiving, though. It's such a goddamn joy.

>> No.9314950
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>prior fwb didn't even know how to make a grilled cheese

>> No.9314958

cooking isn't really important you know?

>> No.9314996
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>mother owned a rest and ride/bed and breakfast
>she didn't want to cook breakfast stuff all the time
>made me make large breakfasts for guests
>stopped being able to make ends meet
>started getting those betty crocker /sarah lee complete meals in a box
>had to live with the agony of boxed food through most of middle and highschool
>took culinary arts in highschool
>never get to practice anything because no real food at home
>10 years later mother dies from diabetes related complications
we're at the point where food education needs to be taught in schools. Since it's practical life skill and parents sure shit not doing it.

>> No.9315011

My mom basically only eats peanut butter toast, snacks, and yogurt at home. I learned in foods class and from just having an interest in cooking.

>> No.9315017

>only eat frozen pizza, fast food, precooked food form the store
>can't even cook eggs

>> No.9315093

How about
>parents that cant cook at all

>be 21
>never learned how to cook and lack all motivation to learn
>frozen pizza all day
>slowly start learning, just don't really know where to begin
>friends gets into cooking, teaches me a bit
>suddenly I 'get it', now enjoy learning new stuff

>meet gf
>she's vegetarian
>alright, we'll see if this works for the both of us.
>its alright, gf doesnt mind me eating meat and vice versa
>discuss eating meat, she starts eating it on occassion whilst I eat a bit less
>a whole new world of dishes, fruits and veggies opens up to me
>now know how to eat healthy and am able to learn new stuff
>pretty confident all in all

And yet, everytime my parents come to visit, they criticise my cooking. 'anon, there's barely any salt in this', 'lol anon, don't you miss eating meat now that your gf forced you to eat less?', 'lol, what is this? eggplant and zuchini? wtf anon, we don't eat that'. Worst of all, they're fat fucks who put salt on everything.

>> No.9315202


What sort of parents make fun of their kid for eating healthier. Maybe you should explain to them that they should eat more veggies too.

>> No.9315207
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My dad worked as a bartender for like 6 years and he tried teaching me how to cook as I was growing up. The only useful stuff I learned from him was how to keep my utensils clean and keep everything in the kitchen organized.
When he tried teaching me how to actually cook food, all I learned was how to boil spaghetti and how to make a shitty overcooked steak.
>Okay son now we're going to pour Bud Light over the steak. It really enhances the flavor.
>No you don't want any pink in there, that means it's underdone.
He taught me how to make really nice Long Island Ice Teas and Kamikazes though.

>> No.9315258

when they die which is assume is soon don't forget to salt their grave and gratinate the headstones with some cheese and blow torch.

>> No.9315299

>your parents are /ck/ shitposters
do they also drink zero calorie monster?

>> No.9315308

Sounds like a lower class/intelligence thing, like the /ck/ posters that brag about eating junk.

>> No.9315381

>Forgot to add he added a teaspoon of salt
whats wrong with a lil bit of salt on some eggs

>> No.9315580


This shit is why I'm currently in the process of learning. I'm being supervised by my mother, but I'm hoping to cook something solo soon.

>> No.9315762

That's a lot of salt for some eggs, 1/4 tsp would suffice.

>> No.9315765

>having friends
what are you a fucking normie

>> No.9315775

Why have concern? This isn't the dark ages. We have frozen meals and restaurants. If someone can't cook, they don't starve, they just miss out on the ability to have delicious home cooking whenever they want.

>> No.9316473
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>be only child of single mum
Gmum(RIP) and aunts cook EVERYTHING. going out to eat is a rare luxury. Only male in the family to help in kitchen, EVER.

chubbier and into fast food more, Culinary school for junior/senior yrs. (bready good)

\18-23 skinny fuck now and I've been thru 3 diff kitchen and can say this, HOT FOOD HOT, COLD FOOD COLD. that said, I LITERALLY just realized I've trained myself into a dam good cook without actually realizing it till now.. I went to college for mathematics.

>> No.9316478

I'd raise to bar to 21

>> No.9316481

why were you fucking that potato, anon

>> No.9316488

this is autism

>> No.9316504


in my first year, had a roommate that ate only frozen pizzas (dr oetker) ones, chocolate and chips fried in oil.

Literally never saw him cooking anything else in the kitchen for an entire year.

>> No.9316525

Tbh eggplants and zucchini are gross. Nothing wrong with eating less meat though.

>> No.9316527

Both my parents are chefs. So you'd think I'd of learnt a lot as a kid. But really most of the cooking I know is from basic common sense/trial and error... And school.

>> No.9316698
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Cooking is easy, you just need to follow a recipe and if it's a video recipe on Youtube it's even easier.
People that say that they can't cook are just lazy, don't like to cook or might be too tired from work to want to cook.

>> No.9316705

But spinach is icky.

>> No.9316723

Iceberg really isn't worthless, just not very good for the price. By weight, it's about half as nutritious as romaine and the per-calorie nutrients density is about the same.

People act like iceberg lettuce is poison, while they guzzle extracted oil, but it's really not.


>> No.9316729

I often have a plain chunk of lettuce or cruciferous vegetable on the side with my bread and hummus. A salad with dressing and stuff can easily approach the calories of a bowl of grains/tubers and beans.

>> No.9316876

just do the greek thing olive oil and lemon and leafy salads are the pedestrian salads stuff like tabbouleh and those salads where it's essentially 80% 1cm cubes of vegetables and olives are where it's at.

>> No.9316897

I add walnuts if I want my salad to have as many calories as a bowl of starch and beans.

>> No.9317131

Dad loved to cook
He also loved getting drunk
He also beat me up whenever I tired to cook for touching his stuff
He is old now, has gout and will never get over his drinking
Now I cook wathever I want and ignore his texts and calls
Life finds a way

>> No.9317137

>People act like iceberg lettuce is poison

Nobody ever said it was poison anon. Just that it's pretty low-tier as far as nutrition goes.

>> No.9317161
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>tfw grew up cooking and cleaning with the family of 5
>4 of us cooked together all the time
>1 would do dishes

I'm not doing that shit again, huge waste of time. Microwave/fast food is the goat

>> No.9317217

Are you suggesting the only reason you eat salad is to save on calories? I'd much prefer a salad as a side or small meal than a bowl of beans, that's for sure.

Even granting that though, you dress a salad with just two tablespoons of olive oil, some lemon, and some seasoning, amounting to around 200 calories. Better yet use Greek yogurt or light mayonnaise. I eat huge mixing bowls full of salad dressed generously in the stuff, containing also fish or chicken, and they come in at around 500 calories.

>> No.9317222

Share recipes?

>> No.9317231

I like the crunch of whole walnut pieces. Tahini dressing is good too, but a bit much at the same time. Flavorless extracted oil needs to die.

It's good to have *some* fat with greens:


I usually just prefer plain whole lettuce or a bowl of chopped Napa I can eat with my hands.

>> No.9317261

Had a roommate who has completely oblivious to how shit he was in a kitchen, and turning down his offers for some of the garbo he had made became increasingly difficult without letting him know the truth. He only made soups, which were bland, and he would consistently put eggs in, without stirring, making the whole mess a chunky hell where you would throw up a little in your mouth every 3rd spoonfull. "Eggs give nice consistency" he insisted.

>> No.9317262

I want to be a teacher so I can help kids with shit like this. I wouldn't make classes mandatory or anything, but I would put a HUUUUUUUUGE emphasis on things like extracurricular programs devoted to motivating people to get into weightlifting, coking food, driving (why the fuck aren't there Highschool car clubs yet?), anger management, and basic conflict resolution skills (designed to educate teenagers on matters of self-defense, de-escalation, and especially on keeping open and communicating with your loved ones).

I've seen enough dead-beat kids turn into dead-beat young adults. My friends are all potheads and slackers and the ones that aren't are highly adept at things like medicine and law, but are otherwise absolute losers at life.

You want to know the secret to success? Learn how to cook, read up on history, and hit the weights. Those three things will fix your math skills, writing skills, speaking ability, your marriage, your relationships, your business; anything. Just learn those three things and you're absolutely golden.

>> No.9317272


>hit the weights

>> No.9317278

>put in communications class with all grills
>paired off for activity
>one writes instructions for making peanut butter and jelly sandwich
>other follows them EXACTLY
>they all use prior knowledge and think I'm special

>> No.9317285

>read up on history, and hit the weights
I almost thought you were a sane person. I'm sure this fits into some sort of fantasy political ideological you left out. Don't get me wrong I don't think having an interest in history or weight lifting is unhealthy I just think there's more to being a well rounded and functional person.

>> No.9317295

W-What did he mean by this?

>> No.9317320
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Got interested in Asian cooking as a teen, and its sort of stuck with me since. I guess I started initally out of curiosity to try and learn new things.If your going to have a hobby cooking is about as benifical as it comes. Love cooking up stirfry or healthy noodles with a broth. Its pretty easy to do, and will save your health, and im sure impress people. Eastern food theory and Chinese Medicine is also interesting as hell.

>> No.9317330

I'm not entirely sure why you're so skeptical of my curriculum. I mean, I know everyone's different, but I feel like every male should get into weightlifting at least one point in their lives. At the very least, do some body calisthenics, cause it's better than nothing (we consider them memes on /fit/).

As for political ideology, I'm just barely libertarian, but I consider myself a centrist. I support equal rights for gays, I support abortion, I support gun control, I support the legalization of marijuana (among other things), I support freedom of speech, but I also support less power for the federal government and more state rights. You have to understand; I didn't take an interest in history and lifting because I wanted to be somebody-- powerlifting and history made me who I am.

I mention slackers because I WAS a slacker. Those three things (cooking, lifting, history) made me into a better person, along with religion, but I purposely left that out to avoid a shit show. People think they gravitate towards hobbies that suit their lifestyle, but the truth is also the same vice versa-- if you live a life dedicated to physical and mental fitness, your attitude towards life changes for the better.

History is anthropology is psychology is understanding others. Fitness is understanding and accepting yourself. Cooking is understanding responsibility and ability. Those three life skills are more than enough to get you far in life.

Think of them as a young-adult "starter pack". No political BS.

>> No.9317334

Also, noodle and stirfry based dishes are a great place to start because your basically throwing whatever you want into a pot of ingrediants, and its pretty easy

>> No.9317352

It's not like you can learn how to cook via YouTube?
That's how I learned

>> No.9317358

any type of physical activity is fine, even cleaning the garage or going for walks

what matters is that it makes you a more active person, and teaches you discipline

>> No.9317363
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>friend is actually a good cook
>go round to eat
>he printed menus

>> No.9317364

Oh shit, I meant "I support gun ownership". Gun control is, obviously, the opposite of libertarianism.

>> No.9317377

furthermore weight lifting is not always a matter of discipline. A lot of weight lifting is motivated by internal insecurities and can be a way of running from them rather than facing them. Most people are not weight lifting because they want to be healthy they're lifting because they either want to look better or be stronger than the average guy. Cardio is discipline because it's not something you can flaunt or hide behind.

>> No.9317386

In regards to learning discipline, precisely.

I still feel as if every young adult male should learn how to weightlift at least once in their life. It's the most efficient exercise of all time. Doing taichi and yoga is the health equivalent of learning Taekwondo at the place next to the gas station, while weightlifting is like the health equivalent of learning MMA or boxing. I mean, this almost sounds like that whole "tfw too intelligent to lift" meme, except now you're saying it unironically.

However, my point still stands. In order to jumpstart your life, and especially the lives of young, directionless teenagers, those three things I've described are excellent diving boards for intellectual and physical profit.

>> No.9317413
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You just convinced me to get my shit together. Time to bust out

>> No.9317412

a person who builds their sense of being upon a false sense of superiority will be exceedingly easy to destroy when confronted by someone who recognizes this. The only reason practical to lift is to stay healthy. Everyone should be running or biking too. Being healthy itself makes you more productive. Thinking it's some sort of magical lesson you came upon by doing a repetitive task for years is foolish.

>> No.9317428

It almost sounds like you're the elitist, to be quite honest with you, phamb. Makes me wonder; do I sound insecure? Or do you?

>> No.9317444
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>actually a good cook
>like to cook for other people
>roommates rather go out and eat fastfood
>make dinner for myself
>eat alone

>> No.9317452

>sounds like you're the elitist
I am and you know why? I don't carry delusions about what I do or why I do it.

>> No.9317472

Get a bf?

>> No.9317474

Can't help but notice you didn't answer my question.

>> No.9317488

I live with my family, and they're pretty "on-the-move". What I do is I just make a big batch of food and what they'll do is snack on it eventually when they get the time.

Next time they see me, they'll say something along the lines of "It was bree tasty. Pls make more." Feels good, man.

>> No.9317500

you didn't ask the right question. The right question would have been "do you think what initiated this train of behavior was insecurity?" and I would have said yes. Whether you are now or not is irrelevant since you've already made cascading life changes that have effectively removed you from your prior self.

>> No.9317503

That explains why I've only been with Peg Bundys.

>> No.9317507

Of course. Silly me. And they say there's no such thing as asking wrong questions, amirite?

>> No.9317518

don't be factitious of course there's wrong questions. For the same reason that makes good questions, the context in which they are asked what they seek.

>> No.9317534

Fuck if this isn't my same story. Only difference is my mother didn't know enough to get angry should I do something wrong. My father beat it into her head that she was never smart enough/ as much as him so she just stopped trying to teach all together and tried to be the "fun parent", aka the one you do drugs with.

>> No.9317545
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...Alright, I'm clearly not getting anywhere with you. So I'm just going to end this conversation with:

>Tfw too intelligent to lift

-- and then I'm going to add a smug anime girl to my post, to further illustrate my point.

>> No.9317555

My parents never taught me anything about cooking.
First time they went on vacation without me I looked up basic shit on the internet (like "how to boil potatoes").
When they got back they were very impressed I hadn't eaten frozen pizza every day.

Don't know about my friends though because I don't have any.

>> No.9317571

>he's onto my validation seeking behavior better cement it with a dismissive remark.

>> No.9317599

Cooking is understanding responsibility and ability

>> No.9317802
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>used to seeing parents cook for the entire family of 4
>learned how to cook well, but with massive portions
>now have a 1-room apartment under my name
>only need to cook every 4 days
>spend only around $60/week on groceries
Lmao these "muh loneliness" cucks will never understand the true joy of living alone in solitude forever with only a pet dog to talk to at home.

>> No.9317805

I'm not even that guy but you should definitely leave.

>> No.9317821

>>those 25+ yo friends that can't cook at all

I don't know ANY millennial aged women who can actually cook anymore, including myself.

Cooking seems to be a lost skill with millennial aged whites now... my mom would be sad.

>> No.9317823

What joy? Whenever I have to watch my sister's place, it makes me want to kill myself with how disgustingly boring the whole "independent and single " meme is.

Literally just makes me want to hire a Craigslist hooker every night to get my rocks off, end up masturbating and the day repeats.

>> No.9317837

...Okay, that was kinda weird. I guess all I'm trying to say is that cooking is one of the most important skills you can learn for developing a good home life, if not THE most important skill due to the long-term mental and physical benefits it can bring you compared to, say, learning how to fix a leaky faucet or something.

>> No.9317854

$60 a week seems high for just one person

>> No.9317862

>...Okay, that was kinda weird. I guess all I'm trying to say is that cooking is one of the most important skills you can learn for developing a good home life, if not THE most important skill due to the long-term mental and physical benefits it can bring you compared to, say, learning how to fix a leaky faucet or something.

If you want a happy life, have a happy wife.

If you want a happy wife, don't marry a spoiled, self entitled white girl princess.

Asian or Latina wifeys are 1000x more skilled and have infinitely better outlooks in life.

If you want to end up divorced, miserable, and hating life, marry a white girl.

>> No.9317867

>including myself.

What's stopping you from learning? There's literally never been a better time to learn thanks to the internet.

>> No.9317957

Stupid normies, amirite?

>> No.9318023
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There they are coming right out of the woodworks. Guess you don't have anything other than you "social life" to feel accomplished about in life do you?
It depends on where you live.

>> No.9318143

Guilty as charged. I make a lot of New York strips and mashed potatoes, meat comes out a tad bit to dry and my potatoes are runny but hey, got to learn sometime.

This is what happens when your parents don't care for cooking, just make something quick and dirty and call it a day.

>> No.9318171 [DELETED] 
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Is it too late to learn how to cook at 25?

>> No.9318208


eggplant parm is fucking good

>> No.9318218


my gf is 26 and she can cook, mainly cause her dad is big on cooking, and her mom is biig on baking. I do most of the cooking though because I get home from work first.

>> No.9318229

I keep buying zucchini, knowing I'm probably not going to eat it. And when I do, I'm pretty much always disappointed. It looks so tasty, but it's a boring vegetable.

>> No.9318232

Yes, once you're 25 you can never ever learn how to cook. That's actually the cut off date.

>> No.9318245

my mom refused to cook for me as a kid most of the time, she'd just toss me a box of cereal. so one morning when i was three and she was having a lie-in til 1pm, i got up on a chair, oiled a pan, heated it on 4, and cracked three eggs into it just as I'd seen my mother do before. i cooked them til they were hard, put them on a plate, and turned the stove off. she realized what i'd done when she woke up, and was pretty shocked that i'd done it- to which i replied 'im not stupid, ive seen you do it'. after then i was allowed to cook my own meals, and became a fantastic cook, then went on to become a chef in adulthood. even if your parents are shit cooks there's no excuse.

>> No.9318312

Just recently started lifting seriously and went back to school,
I can stand behind everything you said.

Except my form is shit

>> No.9318348

Yeah, millennial age women are pretty shitty at most things in general

>> No.9318523

Me, but I'm not white

>> No.9318538


Modern day white women have become absolutely useless.

> They are shitty wives
> Zero home skills
> They are shitty mothers and create spoiled rotten children
> Don't even have the work skills their mothers had

The only thing white women are good for is sitting on their ass, eating bon bons, and complaining about why life isn't fair.

>> No.9318550

I always had to cook, so i got ok at it. if not my self, my parents wanted me to, our my girlfriend would cook and i would pick it up.

>> No.9318559

t. al bundy

>> No.9318670

>white women shitty wives

I really don't understand why amerilard men haven't realized if they want a more traditional, stable and successful marriage they should look to the Asian meat market. Marriage with an Asian will produce master race children combining the best of both worlds: Superior IQ from the Asian coupled with acceptable IQ and superior physycal strength of the white. Combine that with the Asian fierce family loyalty, emphasis on the childrens' development and the fact they usually look 30 when they're 50 and it can't be beat. They've usually learned how to cook as well. Baffling.

>> No.9318694

Indian girls are the real redpill, they give you kids that look Mediterranean, they can cook, and they're actually good wives

>> No.9318801

I wish I could live alone. Maybe with a pet, but definitely without a roommate. Someday.

We get along, but I'm happiest in the apartment when my roommate is out, and I can play my own music on loud, and take over the kitchen.

It's petty, but I can't help judging them sometimes when it comes to their grocery shopping, eating, and cooking habits (or lack thereof).

>Talks about wanting to lose weight
>Always buys frozen/microwavable dinners and eats out half the time
>Leaves leftovers uneaten for days
>Buys fresh produce, but rarely consumes them
>Scratched Teflon surface of frying pan with fork when turning over bacon
I just threw out their moldy block of cheese today.

I've lived with worse roommates. I just can't fathom how much money is being wasted.

>> No.9318807

I'm not even that guy, but you should definitely leave

>> No.9318819

I've always considered Indians to be Asians. Hell, I'd even classify most Russians as Asian but they have been heavily westernized.

>> No.9318820

>Marriage with an Asian will produce master race children combining the best of both worlds: Superior IQ from the Asian coupled with acceptable IQ and superior physycal strength of the white.
t. Ghost of Elliot Rodgers

>> No.9318853

knowing how to cook is feminine

>> No.9318878

>I spent 11 hours getting to and from work total.

Poor baby, do you want your nappy changed?

>> No.9318939

Stay jelly and enjoy your pale lifeless wife and children who are cooking and serving food to my professional children on their way to their condo in Aspen.

>> No.9319268
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>> No.9319470

Not even basic crockpot meals?

>> No.9319619

Danke for vouching for me. You are truly my greatest ally ;_;7

>> No.9319662
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I'm actually Asian, and all I want in life is a qt redpilled southern gf. If Tomi Lahren can exist in this timeline, than someone out there exists for me. Also, southern food is excellent. I want someone who can cook me fried chicken and biscuits; I already know how to make soft-tofu stew and fish jun-- I can do all that myself.

Pic related:
>Ideal gf for marriage

>> No.9319867

i learned from my imouto and watching gordon ramsey. also a lot of trial and error.
also working in a kitchen helped

>> No.9319895

60 a week is medium-low, honestly. If you're getting decent cuts of meat and fresh veggies plus basic staples, 60 dollars will easily get you there. If you get good cuts of meat and beer it will quickly go up. Right now I spend roughly 60-100 on groceries just for myself, but I eat rather well. I could easily spend more if I ate more beef and seafood. Granted, 20 of what I spend is entirely on liquids like beer and sparkling water.

>> No.9319908

As a dude who has dated every major ethnic group (minus black), I can tell you exactly why more Americans don't marry Asian women: they don't have the income. If you want a woman with the old-fashioned values, it comes at the cost of having to fill the roll of the man that is an ATM/gift machine. Also be careful, you need to make it clear up front waaaay ahead of time that their parents are never living with you. Ever. There are of course exceptions to these (I love asian women), but they are pretty upfront about their requirements. Also, having been with both a Korean and Viet girls from those countries, they both didn't know how to cook beyond basic, basic stuff. It's becoming more of a lost art there too as the east westernizes.

Indian girls are even more marrying the entire family and even more into status. You have to be extremely picky and they are by nature, so I consider this a tough sell for most white dudes.

>> No.9319914

>marry a latina
They are crazy as fuck and get fat. Buyer beware, anon.

>> No.9320800

Stupid normies, amirite?

>> No.9321004


I feel concerned for this generation of young adults not knowing how to cook because it's just another example of how this generation completely lacks everything that made other generations awesome. We lack character, useful skillsets, class, reverence for tradition, self-sufficiency, and anything else that differentiates your bloodline from the next.

I look at my friends who never cared to (or never will) learn how to cook, and it just brings to light that people nowadays not only don't cook for themselves, but they don't do anything for themselves beside the bare minimum needed for survival.

>> No.9321017


It helps to stock your pantry with oils and vinegars for this reason.

White vinegar, balsamic vinegar, and apple cider vinegar can all be components to a great dressing, as can olive oil, canola oil, sesame oil, and a fragrant oil like walnut or hazelnut oil.

A combination of those two, spices and condiments makes a DANK dressing.

My favorite is walnut oil, balsamic vinegar, dijon mustard, and salt.

>> No.9321142

my dad can't even cook an omelette and my mom hates cooking, on top of that i'm dutch so our cuisine is really boring.

even still it only took a couple of evenings alone having to cook for myself to at least get the basics down.

if anyone can't cook for themselves by the age of 20 they need to be given a smack, if you can't make anything by 25+ they should get thrown in the canals because they'll obviously never contribute anything to society

>> No.9321612

>than someone out there exists for me
Your problem is assuming someone exists solely for you, rather than someone existing whose outlook and personality might ideally line up with your expectations whom you could reasonably convince to enter into a romantic social contract with you, which they won't if you expect this certain type of woman to exist strictly for your pleasure.

>> No.9322155

People are shitting on you for no reason, this is exactly what helped me become a better person. Listen to him

>> No.9322185

No one says it's poison. It's just a waste of time nutrition-wise. Sortt of like onions.

>> No.9322784
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>youngest of co-workers at 26
>all of them can't even fry a egg

Most of all of their food they eat at work are always leftovers from eating out, going to get fast food, or pre-made meals you can buy at Target, or even sometimes the fucking gas station.

Why would you do this to yourself?

>> No.9322863

You are like little baby
>close friend of mine is 21 (same age)
>3 or 4 times a week eats nothing but pizza hut Alfredo pizza for dinner and chik fil a fries for breakfast/lunch
>dislikes beer
>will not eat anything made at somebody's house
>love's Harry Potter and the star wars expanded universe
To be fair he just moved out on his own and apparently ate bacon and eggs so hopefully he's on his way

>> No.9323611

i love to cook mainly chinese, so tasty and cool philosophy of cooking

>> No.9323618

lel ok lifter boy go back to fit you dumb fag no one cares


>> No.9323631

Guess how I know you're too obsessed with power rankings and meme tiers to know jack shit about fighting?

>> No.9325017
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That's not me.

You're quite the dingbat, if I do say so myself.

I would literally unironically challenge you to spar me 1v1 tomorrow if we lived in the same state. Not out of malice or anything, but because I'm calling you out right now on your bullshit and you're probably a DYEL manlet who wouldn't do anything if I was standing right next to you. I've never taken a harsh tone, I never disparaged anybody; in fact, the only thing I could be really "accused" of doing is sounding slightly pretentious, and that's debatable because firstly, I didn't mean to sound pretentious at all, and secondly, even if I meant to sound like a douchebag, that's like calling Gordon Ramsey pretentious for telling someone they need to clean up their restaurant even if he's absolutely right.

Despite all this, people saw me preaching physical fitness and mental betterment and for that, they became bitter and aggressive. It's literally a case of "mad cause bad", and you're the main culprit. You want me to brag? You want me to be an elitist? Alright. Fine. Here's my stats:

>I can lift 1/2/3/3 for about 5 reps of 5
>I can run a 7 minute mile
>I box on the weekends
>I have a 3.75 GPA
>I'm bilingual
>Unlike you, I can actually cook
>I make 20k at 20 years old
>Your mom sucks my dick every Friday, including Furlough Fridays and bank holidays
>Last Friday was "Blow One, Get One Free" at her place because I signed up a friend for her special package deal
>We didn't even tip because she used too much teeth

I'm calling you out right now. The only thing you and I have in common is we both get sucked off by your mom every Friday, but the only difference is, I have to pay for it. I can live with that. That's a pretty fair trade off.

By the way, feel free to join us at 3:00PM this week...She takes requests.

Pic related: I'm not left handed, btw. I just had to switch hands because the cover was in my way.

>> No.9325054


> friends wanna cook pork roast with crackling and make sandwiches with it, pretty standard local cuisine
> has the oven at like 175c for 2 hours
> wonder why the skin doesn't get crispy and crackle
> know I like cooking but instead of actually consulting me, they start winging it for some reason
> they could just turn on the grill function on the oven and turn up the heat, literally crackling in a couple of minutes
> instead take 4 pound roast out of the oven
> puts a large pan on the stove
> at this point I'm like what in the actual fuck
> they actively try to screen the stove area so nobody sees wtf they're doing
> they turn the roast
> proceeds to panfry a fucking pork roast to get crackling
> they end up burning most of the crackling, but to fair they actually got it crisp
> the parts that are not burnt are gooey and soft
> rest of the roast is tough and dry like a mf

I fucking hate letting my friends cook, they're good people but god damn, ASK SOMEONE IF YOU DON'T KNOW

>> No.9325176

> We lack character, useful skillsets, class, reverence for tradition, self-sufficiency, and anything else that differentiates your bloodline from the next.

>be bougie bitch
>fall back on tradition all of the time
>can cook/clean for myself, do basic carpentry, painting, electrical and hate other people doing stuff for me
>good programmer
I'm 20, am I some kind of throwback model?

>> No.9325194

French onion soup, my man. Doesn't require too many ingredients, only requires you to know how to measure liquids, chop onions/garlic and throw them both in a slow cooker on low for a few hours. That's it. Then you just wait and BAM! Delicious, flavourful soup, just like that!

>> No.9325211


No, you're just a basic bitch that seeks validation from strangers on a cooking forum.

>> No.9325228
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>Be me
>At friend's house with some buddies
>We get kinda hungry
>Pothead friend says "I got this. I'll make pierogies"
>Cooks the pierogies decently. Not perfect but decent.
>"Is there sour cream?"
>"Nah man but like... I got it"
>Adds mayo
>Caesar dressing
>Barbecue sauce
>Fucking Big Mac sauce
>mfw he ends up eating it all, snickering to himself at nothing because he was so cooked out of his mind
>Everyone else too disgusted to eat it anyways

>> No.9325372


>> No.9325579

It's a generational thing. These people grew up with parents from a generation that had things like war and the great depression. Most of the meals made for them were cheap high fat high calorie foods to get you through the shit times. All these 'healthy food' trends just seem to them like people are trying to starve themselves. Around the time of the next big war you'll see the high fat foods make a come back.

>> No.9325593

yeah but it's fun crazy not "disembowel things for fun" white girl crazy
she won't be violent as long as you are faithful

>> No.9325602

behold my vast cooking knowledge
>prepare ingredients
>mix ingredients
>prepare mix for heating
>apply heat

am i a cook????