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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9305489 No.9305489 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys my girlfriend cheated on me. We were just living together and a friend of hers admitted to me that they hooked up a few months ago.

I'm waiting right now as we speak for her to come home.

What's the perfect meal to confront her by?

>> No.9305492

A Happy Meal.

>> No.9305497

Ex-lax brownies.

>> No.9305500

Something baked, if you have the time.
Fill the whole place with delicious cooking smells.

Also perfect for times when you've accidentally pushed your girlfriend with your fist a little bit and need to apologize.

>> No.9305501

>What's the perfect meal to confront her by?
I guess sth to take away

>> No.9305504

Thanks guys this is some great advice.

Any type of drink that would go well with these dishes?

I want her to sob and pretend to be a victim but I want her to be there and take it all in sober.

>> No.9305515

This seems like a rather thinly veiled cuck thread. Maybe some pig trotter sandwiches.

>> No.9305516



>> No.9305519

I hope you dump her without a 2nd chance, you fucking cuck.

>> No.9305523


Sure will but I want a decent meal to go with it haha

You know what they say there's a meal for every ocation

>> No.9305525

>a friend of hers admitted to me that they hooked up a few months ago
I certainly hope you struck his body with yourself or an object

>> No.9305526


Cooked some really spicy wings haha

He loved it but not so much the morning after aye :)

>> No.9305527

Make the tastiest meal there is, tie her up to a chair, have her watch and begin talking. It will freak her out and she won't get to eat anything.

>> No.9305528

just give her a shot... maybe vodka, tequila, 9mm

>> No.9305529

Make a drink she really likes that you like to make her. Make it something like your first romantic dinner like a nice tea or something that she associated with a romantic positive memory of the two of you.

>> No.9305532

Whatever you make, cook your semen into it.

>> No.9305535

She most likely already drank his semen, what's the point?

>> No.9305540

Semen chai latte?

>> No.9305546

club sandwich

>> No.9305547

Make really, really spicy food. Spicy enough to make her physically uncomfortable.

>> No.9305566


get it?

>> No.9305574
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kek this

>> No.9305615

or elbow pasta, chuck steak, stuffed vine leaves. Washed down with a single malt.

>> No.9305683

>What's the perfect meal to confront her by?
I don't fucking know man. What sort of meal do you think will help you feel self important while shaming someone who will get over you fairly quickly if they don't care enough to take you into consideration in the first place

Oh you're full on passive aggressive

>> No.9305701

>girlfriend cheated on you


Sorry sweetie, but it's 2017. You need to let her experiment and experience her sexuality. Are you really that insecure?

All these people try to say women cheat more, so does my friend who's a divorce lawyer but they're honestly just ignorant bigots. Monogamy is dead, and it's the STRONG FEMALES of today that are paving the road to patriarchy's death. Sounds like you need to grow up sweetie.

>> No.9305706
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>> No.9305726

What an odd variation of the already horribly forced champ meme.

>> No.9305754

First we Feast? Hot wings and even hotter questions.

>> No.9305757

>Tell her she's cheaper than the meal
Go out swinging anon

>> No.9305759


Thanks. You ruined my fucking thread.

>> No.9305772

of you go to reddit, left chicken wing'er.

>> No.9305774

Pack her personal belongings leave them in front of the house.
Change the locks.
Make a boloney sandwich on stale bread put in paper bag write dinner to go on it.

>> No.9305788

Take a shit in her favorite shoes.

>> No.9305853

Here's a meal I would serve up.

>Get 3 tomatoes and dice them
>Do the same with 1 onion, sweet one
>You want the dice to really fine, but it doesn'pt have to be perfect.
>Cut up 1 package of bacon and cook in a large pot.
>Once cooked add in the tomatoes, onion and one large can of crushed tomatoes
>Add 1 cup of white wine
>Ox tail, buy them, throw into the sauce and let simmer for 3 hours
>Go upstairs, find all of her stuff and throw it in the front yard.
>Eat your dinner by yourself like a man and tell the bitch to leave .

>> No.9306025


>> No.9306053
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Ask /tg/.

>> No.9306070

Make her the most perfect meal, something pleasantly aromatic. Sit down, be civil, then bring up the topic and tell her that it's over.

Drop her with class. It's the most effective way. For the rest of her life everytime she smells that food, she'll remember how she fucked up.

>> No.9306080
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There's no problem getting together to be civil and express your feelings.
I've taken an ex girlfriend who cheated on me to a date.
We discussed our emotions together and got to the reason why she cheated on me.
She cried because near the end I was treating her poorly, spending time with friends more than her.
She was hurt and found someone else who made time for her.
She's married to him now and has both of his kids.
It's okay, we talked and I understand it and coped with it.
We had closure.
It was a healthy experience and leaves questions answered.
We both got over each other and moved on.

I'd recommend one of her favorite meals.
It shows you know her and still care, even though you're letting her go.
It's what I did.
I took her to her favorite restaurant and let her order her favorite dish and paid for it.

>> No.9306082

this threads kinda fucked up haha

don't forget to clean the place up before she comes

>> No.9306118

I bet you're a fucking pushover

>> No.9306134

I am, but I still was the reason I left.
I wanted to treat her good one last time before letting her go.
It was a meaningful experience and I don't regret it.
We did what most relationships don't do.
We rose above and expressed our emotions and thoughts.

>> No.9306151

lel you pussy ass faggot.

>> No.9306160

Oh, because I didn't beat her and her boyfriend before dropping her ass?
Fuck no, I legitimately care about her and wanted her to live a better life.
I'm not some white trash who bruises their companions because I'm too weak willed to deal with being a bad companion.
I accepted I wasn't for her, and I loved her enough to let her go instead of fighting back to keep her around unhappy.

>> No.9306166

However you want to rationalize it, cuckboy.

>> No.9306167

yea ur also a lil bitch

>> No.9306171

something hevy in iron

>> No.9306172

If she hurt you, make an elaborate cake or something really great and drop it on the floor. Tell her that's what she did to your relationship.

>> No.9306173

>She cried because near the end I was treating her poorly, spending time with friends more than her.
>She was hurt and found someone else who made time for her.
Ebin. So instead of talking to you about this problem she went to town and jumped on some random schlong. Do you have a blog I can subscribe to for more cucktales?

>> No.9306177

Did you at least prep the bull?

>> No.9306186

White wine, that way if she tries to throw it on you or your floor the stain will at least be cleanable. Also get some cheeses so that once she's in tears you can go, "want some cheese with that wine ;^)"

>> No.9306189


>> No.9306190

This was a guy she dated before me and turned to when I was hurting her.
She didn't know where to go and went to him.
I despised him, but she chose him.
Yeah, I wanted her all to myself, but I chose to be the better person than I could have been.

>> No.9306197

>cheating on you instead of being upfront about her problems
she's a cunt
>taking her out to dinner and presumably paying for it after
you're a faggot

>> No.9306213

You're acting like a victim and aggressor. It's so cute. I mean you're allowing her to take zero responsibility for not opening a dialog to fix anything. All so you can feel superior.

>> No.9306214

100% certified cuckold

>> No.9306227

fucking cuck

>> No.9306228

You can always make more money, it's material.
Yes, I'm still pissed she chose to cheat rather than talk to me, but I approached it without being mean or hurtful.
She's gone now, she wasn't the same person I fell in love with.

She's not mine, she's with a guy that makes we cheat.
He's the cuckold.
Anyone who doesn't see if they're making someone cheat is oblivious to the fact she could cheat on him.
I didn't want that, so he gets that.
I talk to her now and again throughout the years and I wouldn't be surprised if she cheats on him.
I'm a single man who is open to any woman that wants to spend one with me.

>> No.9306235

>get cucked
>says the one who cucks is the cuckold

Do you think you lose when you kill your enemy?

>> No.9306240

Ignore these pseudo machos, the modern technocracy has left these troglodytes behind. There's no room for the 1950's version of masculinity any more. A male that can get in tune with their feminine side and freely express it to their womyn will have much more success in bed and work. This womyn just wasn't for you, but take heart! If you keep developing your ability to express your feminine side, you'll have more womyn than these NEET cucks! Hell, there aren't even any masculine warriors anymore. Sure, a handful of SEALS, soon to be replaced with drones and some cannon fodder exist, but the effective warriors are sitting at computers controlling drones and 5'8" manlet and women pilots (height restrictions, you know). Our technocratic matriarchy shows a lot of promise.

>> No.9306244

yamero senpai I'm embarassed for both of us desu

>> No.9306256

I had dark thoughts about him, but she wanted her life with him.
When I found out she cheated, I let her go to him.
I slept with other women, never keeping relationships.
I'm still single but no longer chase women.
It's just not for me.
I can chase anyone I want and actually have sex but that's not what I want anymore.
To feel love and a have a relationship is what I seek.
I hope one day I find someone as broke like me.
The past could hurt me, but if she's choosing to put that behind her and settle down, I can accept that.
I'm no spring chicken either.
I slept with multiple women I never dated and fell in love before.
You have to open up to the fact everyone has their faults and lived a life of hurt too.

>> No.9306267

you don't cuck your ex girlfriend's boyfriend because you fuck women on the daily.

>> No.9306270


>> No.9306275

Yeah, she's probably the one doing it.
She's the cheater, not me.

>> No.9306297

admit that you got cucked by your girlfriend
you didn't stand up for yourself or show disdain of what your girlfriend was doing to you

>> No.9306313

I wanted to, but I put it all aside to do what lost people wouldn't do and became a better person and let bygones be bygones.
I hurt, I spent years drinking and sleeping with other women after I let her go.
But I'll never regret stepping up and talking to her, accepting her choice, and letting her walk away to someone else.

>> No.9306315

Who butthurt you anon?

>> No.9306326

you admit you were cucked, redeem yourself by not being cucked again or being the one who cucks
I'm not butthurt

>> No.9306335

I have though.
I was sleeping with some engaged woman at one point.
I dunno what it is, but I enjoyed having this affair with her.
Eventually I called her a bitch and left me.
I knew it wasn't healthy, I knew she was engaged, but I felt empowered by sleeping with her.

>> No.9306340

I saw this the other day. Kick her out. As far as food I'd recommend just driving through Taco Bell. Don't spend money on her.

>> No.9306342

good job
you aren't a cuckold anymore

>> No.9306350

She's gonna deny it. If she doesn't watch this and make it


>> No.9306352

>I'm waiting right now as we speak for her to come home.
see, there's your problem

>> No.9306354

OP should make kebabs with the white sauce laced with semen and laxatives

>> No.9306359

How do people store their herbs and spices? OP pic related.

>> No.9306364


>> No.9306366

>implying pol is leftist

>> No.9306367
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Burritos with watery overcooked vegetables as filling. Gruel on the side. Wash it down with Ouzo old fashioneds.

>> No.9306372

stop shitting up this cooking forum with your relationship drama. nobody gives a fuck

>> No.9306379

No but thats where that bait belongs.

>> No.9306390

Do you really think this is satire or are you actually thinking somebody would believe this false flag attempt? Either way you are retarded. Men statistically cheat more then women btw.

>> No.9306396

Forget all the angry, bitter, revenge shit you see in this thread, but also forget all the emasculated nonsense about giving her a memorable last meal. She cheated on you. In that moment, one of two things happened: either she didn't think about you at all, or she did and cheated anyway.

Forget the meal and stop wasting time in this thread. It's time to start packing her shit up. When she comes home, tell her why she's no longer welcome to stay and don't make it a discussion. Oh, and don't puss out later by sniffing around for a hookup.

You deserve better.

>> No.9306400

>Men statistically cheat more then women btw.
Cool sources, bro.

>> No.9306407

humiliate your girlfriend with food she can't properly eat, like the plebeian she is or foods that make her ugly and unlikable
>French 5 course meal with various utensils

>> No.9306420


>> No.9306443

>dumb roastie whore fucks your friends while you're gone
>you finally find out because one of them pitied you enough to tell you
>instead of beating the bitch senseless you cook her a nice meal bought with your hard earned money (probably like every other meal she's been having) and tell her she hurt your feefees and that it's over (ie she gets to suck one last bit of life out of you and your wallet before she's free to go fuck chad all she wants)
wow, I've never used the "cuck" word before, but the shoe definitely fits on you

>> No.9306454

>instead of beating her senseless

no need to chimp out you nigger.

>> No.9306463

I would do what he did but kick her out before she enjoys the meal. Probably invite someone else over and try to time it so they meet as the other person gets there for dramatic tension. She'll remember that moment for a while, you need to make it sting. If you hit her she'll just rationalize everything by playing victim.

That being said, I've never had a girl cheat on me, but it's good to have a plan.

>> No.9306489

Not even close, but really most niggers I know can at least keep a bitch in check if they want to. Most are dumb though and leave when they knock them up so they get stuck paying child support forever.
You can say, "b-but that's just stereotyping" but all stereotypes exist for very real reasons.

>> No.9307279

I had my first partner of 2 1/2 years cheat on me. He'd been cheating on me for 6 months, as it turned out. Via Skype, while I studied and worked to support his ass.

The one thing that fucked him up was that I made his childhood favourites. All of them, that his mum makes - I had gotten her to teach me over those years to surprise him, and had gotten to the stage that he liked it just about as much as when his mum would make it for him.

We had a really nice meal, he was stuffed to the point of almost feeling sick. That's when I confronted him - I imagine that horrible feeling of being caught is magnified twenty times while feeling almost nauseous from overeating already.

While he still fucked me over, out of thousands of dollars, watching him squirm and cry to the point of puking all of his favourite childhood foods up made it all up. I hope he can never stomach them again. Last I spoke to him, he says I ruined everything he ever loved.

Try this, OP.

>> No.9307405

>Via Skype
Was he actually fucking anyone?

>> No.9307519
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"Fuck her, and feed her fish", as I have heard it said. Grow a pair, you beta fuck.
>"Your hair looks nice tonight, sweetie. Can we talk?"

>> No.9307647

Make something super complicated, really poorly. Then, when she complains about the food you jut go " well Icook netter than you stay faithful".


You can be an adult and just talk to her about it with or without the proper meal.

>> No.9307894


>> No.9308151

The best thing to cook is something you like and she doesn't. My gf has shit tier taste and hates seafood. So if she is fucks up, I am making a crawboil

>> No.9310258
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just start fucking guys since you are obviously a bottom faggot

>> No.9311005

I'd make the best fucking dish in my culinary repertoire and then tell her she aint having more of that

>> No.9311610

If you do anything other than fucking someone close to her, preferably a sister, and sending her a video of it after you kicked her the fuck out your a pussy. I threw the dumb bitch who cheated on me out of the house, naked at 8 on a Saturday morning. After fucking her slutty alcoholic "friend" that she hates and filming it for the final nail

>> No.9311699

I sure hope he at least got the dick wet and didn't just flirt with some chick on chat.

>> No.9311725
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>> No.9311770


>> No.9311795

>ewwwwies, stinky garlic breath, that'll make a person unkissable for sure

You have never had dinner with a woman.

>> No.9313599

Wasn't in ck for a while, r gfs the new spicy meme now?

>> No.9313611

>chad comes forward and does the honorable thing by telling you your gf is a whore
You strike them both if you walk in on them, you just strike the slut if he confesses- he did you wrong but in that moment is actively trying to do the right thing.

>> No.9313614

>elbow pasta
Wait I get the rest- "I'm chucking you" "I heard it through the grape vine" "enjoy being single" but why elbow pasta?"

>> No.9313620

>this serial killer confessed his murders, so I guess we shouldn't execute him - he's doing the right thing NOW

>> No.9313691

He's kinda right though. If he wasn't not YOUR friend and he admitted I see no point in beating him over something you'd have never learned about without his confession. If you caught them, both their asses are fair game, but if he was decent enough to tell you knowing you might fuck him up I'd say just cut all contact with him. Hell, I might even throw a thanks for telling me in there.

>> No.9313813

lel what a cuck

Be honest the real reason you wouldn't strike the "chad" is because you'd be too much of a pussy to hit someone that wasn't a woman.

>> No.9313818

Been debunked.
Turns out women will say that a one time fling does not count.
They lie to themselves so they dont accurately report on even anonymous surveys.

>> No.9313830

>We did what most relationships don't do.
>We rose above and expressed our emotions and thoughts.
You clearly didn't if she cheated on you.

>> No.9313881

fucking alt-left get off my board

>> No.9313885

>implying there are no leftists on /pol/

>> No.9313889
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>women accurately self-reporting their adultery habits
oh sweetie

>> No.9313960

Roastie detected

>> No.9314002

I think I fucked your girlfriend once. Maybe twice, I don't remember.

>> No.9314091

The cheater is the much bigger piece of shit because they're hurting someone they love, so in your analogy it's more like when an accomplice to a murder gets a plea bargain for writing out a confession and that confession is the evidence needed to lock up the murderer.

>> No.9314100
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A cold dish of revenge served up with a double side of severe beating.

>> No.9314212

Enjoy your next 3 years with Jamal, Tyrone and Darius in a cell designed for 2 ;^)

>> No.9314258

>girl gets home
>yeah, guess why

>> No.9314264


>> No.9314278

>im more of a man because i dont get angry
Ladies and gentleman, the death of western civilization.
She'll be much happier taking assertive nigger dick than she was with you passive aggressive microcock.

>> No.9314286

This os why she cheated on you. You are a lifeless cunt. Real people get angry. She tested you and failed. She so wanted to see some spark in you that she risked your relationship to see it. And what she saw was that it wasnt there. She was happy to leave at that point.

>> No.9314295

Very much this. You are a passive aggresive cunt and you will die alone because you are afraid of anger

>> No.9314299

>She's not mine, she's with a guy that makes we cheat.
>He's the cuckold.
>Anyone who doesn't see if they're making someone cheat is oblivious to the fact she could cheat on him.
>I didn't want that, so he gets that.
>I talk to her now and again throughout the years and I wouldn't be surprised if she cheats on him.
>I'm a single man who is open to any woman that wants to spend one with me.
Dear lord i hope this is all bait.

>> No.9314316

You may get some pussy acting like a chick but you will NEVER keep her. Women like assertive men. Women want to know they are worth fighting for. If you are not willing to fight for her are you going to fight for your kids? Are you going to go out there and GET resources? Or are you just going to express your feelings and hope someone puts food on your table?

>> No.9314344

are you cooking for him too?

>> No.9314345

So... you were so subconsciously disturbed by being a cuck that you recreated the scenerio with someone else as the victim and when it turned to shit you blammed the girl ( who according to your own logic) you got to cheat on her boyfriend. Why didnt you blame your gf? Why wasnt she a bitch? Why did yoi call this other woman a bitch when, again by your own logic, it wasnt her fault but rather yours?

>> No.9314416
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Not all women are like your Bobby Sue living in a trailer park, Cletus.

>> No.9314450

I'm single and I was having sex with a girl who had a boyfriend. I sort of felt the same way he did but also felt it was a really weird situation and cut it off, i think she broke up with her boyfriend a while after that. It takes two to fuck, and if you're being sneaky the person you're having an affair with has to know about everything. It's both people's fault, it's just a lot harder to rationalize being betrayed by someone you really care about. He wasn't able to do it and it seems like he had an ego meltdown.

>> No.9314454

Good job idiot

>> No.9314458

Good luck anon, not that itll help.

>> No.9314470

Your pretty fucked in the head anon. I think you are looking at thinfs from a kinduv idealist perspective and everything in this thread tells me that you are somewhat disassociated when it comes to reletionships. I dont mean this as an insult but you should go find a good therapist. Good luck in your future endeavors.

>> No.9314491

Holy crap, my sides!

>> No.9314517


Omg epic XD

>> No.9314689

not OP but i will be making this for myself this weekend. thanks anon.

>> No.9314699

youre a good lad

>> No.9314716

you sound a lot like me anon. i dont find the thrill in seducing another random girl for a night or two, I've slept with between 15-20 women easily and most of them i didnt give a shit about after my last girlfriend cheated on me. unlike you i was not magnanimous in defeat, i blew my top and regret treating her like utter dogshit when we broke up. its one of my deepest regrets. i know I'm an objectively good looking guy and can woo a woman quite easily if i choose but i just dont give a shit about chasing random whores. i want to be a good man with a good woman. /blogshit

>> No.9316193

Sure, keep telling yourself that if it gives you the confidence to keep replying faggot.

>> No.9316241

Some risotto with a little ricin sprinkled in

>> No.9316274

You are both faggots.

OP should just send her a message as if he barely cared.

I mean he's a cuck so we all know he's not gonna do that but still...

Ignoring the person is the best thing to do, their pride WILL hurt.

>> No.9316297

just pack her shit and tell her to fuck off