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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 16 KB, 347x470, stock-photo-silhouette-of-careless-pregnant-woman-with-alcohol-and-cigarette-79649947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9292936 No.9292936 [Reply] [Original]

Where is Simpsonbro edition.

>> No.9292947

good vibes to everyone i love you guys i know well make it

>> No.9292955

I hope he is ok, haven't seen him post in ages. Glad Smirnoffbro is back, might get a bottle in his honour

>> No.9293007
File: 1.20 MB, 776x782, 1482059202356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After two months of being sober, I succumbed to addiction and have been drinking for three days every night.
Nowhere as much as I used to but still.

>> No.9293046

Hi I was just getting over a breakup last night and had I think 4 shots or so of Grey Goose vodka straight up and also a beer or two. This morning I threw up like really bright yellow bile. Am I gonna die?

>> No.9293057

We're all gonna die, Anon.
One day we'll all die.
That's life.

>> No.9293058

Yeah but I meant the thing about the bile. My stomach hurts...

>> No.9293060

Is that a pregnant woman drinking booze?
wtf man

>> No.9293066

Do you normally drink like that?
It's probably just your body rejecting it and whatever is yellow was something you had in your body already.

>> No.9293073
File: 164 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20170812_114641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much so you guys drink? Pic related is me. 29 years old. :(

>> No.9293075

Maybe. It doesn't sounds like you're gonna die in less than a month.
Ask a doctor for more details.

That's a model posing for a stock photograph. Also she has a cigarette.

>> No.9293076

Yeah I looked it up and its a pretty common reaction to drinking too much on an empty stomach. No I don't usually drink like that, just for the last two nights. I think I'm more or less fine now though.

>Ask a doctor for more details.

I'm, American, so that's probably not gonna happen.

>> No.9293078

Mid- to late thirties would have been my guess ...

>> No.9293080

No, you probably were nauseous from hangover causing the vomit. Contents of which can be explained if you hadn't had much to drink. Don't use alcohol to cope with emotional problems.

>> No.9293081

about 700 ml of vodka every night. I'm 31.

>> No.9293089

I drink a third of a 1.75ml a night about.

>> No.9293094

kill yourself

>> No.9293101

Thx bb

>> No.9293102

Don't be rude.

>> No.9293104

Dang I think I'd die if I drank that much, and I'm 280lbs. Had a quarter of a 705ml bottle of gin some months ago and I was really drunk. I had totally understimated how long it would last too. We had an introductory evening for elementary school children at my school that day and I was showing films to those nine year old kids while being totally wasted, lol.

>> No.9293105

>start drinking
>start singing
>cant sing

>> No.9293107

we don't need reddit niggers like him in these threads

"i drink 2 beers a night, am i an alcoholic? xD"

>> No.9293109
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Is a 475ml of whiskey a night bad? How fucked am I?

>> No.9293112

Not giving a pic, but I'm 26 years old and get drunk about once every 3 days on average lately. Used to be more like every 2-3 days with a consistent mix of both, but from about 2013-16 it was essentially daily. MAYBE 2 sober days a month. Almost always liquor (just like now) and always straight if it's less than 50%. For 40% liquor, about 15-20oz (around 450-600ml) if I drink fast. For 50% liquor, about 13-15oz (390-450ml) if I drink fast. If I pace my drinks out over a long period of time, it's not uncommon for me to reach 25-30ml (750-900ml) of 40% or 18-22oz (540-660ml) of 50%. As for beer, I can get a decent state of drunkenness if I basically down a dozen 5% as fast as possible. If it's light beer (4%) then I'll probably need at least 15-16, chugged. If I drink slow, I could definitely get up to 20-30 beer. Then for port wine (20%) a single 26oz/750ml bottle can get me decently drunk if I basically drink it fairly quickly. For non-port wine (I think usually 8-12%?), I don't know, but I anticipate needing at least 2 bottles.

I've tried testing myself a few times before. I once drank 14oz of liquor (around 42-46% as I recall) within about 55 minutes. Felt pretty shitty in the morning, had a bad night's sleep, came CLOSE to puking, but did not puke. I can't do the whole Shoenice thing (he's a fat American guy on Youtube who can LITERALLY chug (without stopping) whole bottles of liquor and also does a lot of vids where he speed-eats crazy shit. Honestly, he seems pretty cool even though he probably has an IQ of 70) but I definitely think that in my years of heavy drinking I've honed my tolerance pretty well. I almost never get hang-overs, and I feel blessed in that I'm faaaar from an angry drunk. I'm generally really happy, laughs easily, and if I start to feel I'm being obnoxious or unpleasant I get VERY uncomfortable and get the urge to go and be drunk elsewhere.

>> No.9293119

You're the redditor whining about the sub's rules.
And learn to write, nigger.

>> No.9293120
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>> No.9293128

If you keep it up for several years, it'll beat you up. For decades, I'm guessing you shouldn't expect to reach 60 years old. I am not a doctor however. I have an uncle who is an alcoholic, apparently drinks wine by the bottle and has done so since his 20s. He's still in his 50s but has had a few heart attacks and now finds it difficult to so much as walk across a room on bad days. I think he feels that he's lucky to still be alive, and wants to try and stay alive so he can watch his grandchildren grow. He's an outstandingly friendly and funny guy, very witty, lots of jokes, and an amazing sense of humour. When he goes, he will be missed by many, many people.

>> No.9293132

I fucking swear I should be godlike at singing considering how much I '';'try''' to sing when drunk

>> No.9293137

Get back on it anon, what matters most is the ability to rally

>> No.9293141

Fucking amazing, and depressing. Leftist-controlled education... an Iranian guy recently moved to Canada. Enrolled in a University. He left 3 months later. "Well, 'the West', you had a good run..." but then he discovered Ben Shapiro, The Rebel media, Lauren Southern, and so on and so forth, and he sees the west still has a chance. Referred to Muslims as 'they' so I assume he's an apostate... seems like a good fellow.

>> No.9293147

I think I'm a good singer, even when not drunk. In particular I'm a fan of Irish drinking songs. I can actually sing 'Rocky Road to Dublin' not only from memory, but at a faster rate than the typical recording of it. I dare anyone to attempt it even when sober. Also, HUGE fan of the Sharpe theme 'Over the Hills and Far Away'. Not an Irish drinking song, but bloody good stuff. Also, I'm not from the UK.

>> No.9293151

I'm more into musicals

>> No.9293165

i think the problem is that I have a fixes bass voice, and anything lower or higher gets cracky and shit, i literally can't change my pitch without cracking, it's just this deep bass all the time

>> No.9293191

not giving a pic but I also have a red face most of the time, it has gotten much worse in the past 2-3 years, and I started drinking pretty much every day about 4 years ago, though I have been binge drinking at least weekly since I was a teenager. I'm 28 now.

I have spent the last year trying to moderate/take breaks from drinking off and on, with pretty inconsistent success. When I am drinking and not trying to moderate I drink between 6-12 drinks a day. When I am trying to moderate it is generally less. A couple of days ago I bit the bullet and decided to take a long break from drinking (long for me. Almost a month). I'm hoping that drinking less will reverse some of the effects of aging and drinking that are making me look like a damn red-faced hag.
Not that you do. Just saying red face we have in common.

>> No.9293262

I'm on vacation right now

I love you guys even though we will never meet each other

Get your shit together you fucks

I'm on vacation and needed this so much

>You recognize my posts
>But have no idea who i am

>> No.9293376

Where's the proof. I haven't seen this.

>> No.9293382

Definitely not.

>> No.9293535

He posted a pic of himself and an update a few threads back, should still be in the archive as /ck/ is slow as fuck

>> No.9293613

>And learn to write, nigger.
holy newfag. seriously get brain cancer you fucking nigger subhuman

>> No.9293642

Was on day 23 sober and had to shit while downtown suddenly, next thing I know I'm in a bar with a tab open.

Its hard boys.

>> No.9293701
File: 16 KB, 425x282, shift_key.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard is it to press this and another key at the same time?

>> No.9293817
File: 14 KB, 559x527, 19-computer_key_Less_than_Comma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using right-shift instead of left-shift
Are you literally retarded? Other than that though, I agree, >>9293613 is showing great ignorance in its ability to not produce basic capitalization. Probably a fucking Commie, pic related.

>> No.9293848

WHo /Oban/ here ?

>> No.9293927
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>> No.9293954

Here we go. Another bender. I feel it coming. I know what is going to happen and I wish I could stop it. I have so many reasons to fall of the wagon. Really, it has already happened, so don't start in with the "don't do it" shit. I'm half drunk and gonna keep going. I really wish I wasn't out of pot and money. Pot could save me right now. Fuck! I wish I had some. I'm too drunk to even go get some.

>> No.9293960
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>> No.9293966
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Error: You must wait 3 minutes 54 seconds before posting a duplicate reply.

>> No.9293980

Oh fuck, I didn't take Brexit into account. Will Oban die ?

>> No.9293985
File: 552 KB, 1280x853, IMG_0865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relapsed yest. Don't know why, don't know what caused it, don't know what to do.
And don't care, because right now I'm all warm and care-free.
This is simply never going to end until I die a prolonged, regret-filled, horrible death in abject agony, is it?

>> No.9293988

Hadn't drank in about a month but I'm out a couple hours from home visiting my gramps with my family
Had a few cran vodkas with lunch, I just know he's going to offer beers when we get to his place, and the train home has both beers and shots for sale
Eh. I won't feel too bad if I don't keep it up tomorrow it is a special occasion anyways

>> No.9294004
File: 131 KB, 920x660, drugwar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the earliest stages of a lawsuit against the VA for ruining my back and legs. I hate buraucracy I hate spelling too. I was never good at it. I'm good at math though. I can program. I can spell good enough for computers muther fucker
Fuck. I'm not sure I wan t to live except I mght be a millionaire inn a few years because the VA fucked up hard.

>> No.9294054

You guise remember rodney king?


>> No.9294068

I puked again whilst asleep...How likely is it that I will die each time this happens?

>> No.9294077
File: 93 KB, 500x750, 3Andy-Warhol-Campbell-SoupCan-tomato-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know the statistics, but the law of averages dictates that the chances of it happening increases each time you do it.

>> No.9294085
File: 151 KB, 500x522, 1473392935746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I'm withdrawing or know I'm risking seizing/puking/etc, I sleep on my side with a body pillow behind me so I don't roll over all the way, and pillows around my on the other side so if I start convulsing at least there's something

>> No.9294089

stick to beer bro.. the shots are what will send you over the edge. Its fine to say no to hard liquor especially if they know you.

>> No.9294168

Proportionally less each time.

You just drink, or mix with benzo?

>> No.9294658

to the grave

>> No.9294676

I stopped drinking alcohol because I live with my brother and he would always get drunk then try to start drama and he'd have to get drunk to have enough confidence to say what he wanted. I decided alcohol isn't cool anymore after awhile it's just pathetic.

>> No.9294733

I think I'm headed straight to a fucked up life. I'm 21. Almost each day I go to slots. Down four beers in there because they're giving it away for free. If I win I go to a bar and get hammered by five shots of a cheap rum and go with another four or five beers with it. If I lose I just leave the check in there because I also work in there sometimes and just put it off of my paycheck, I'm a good friend with the owner. When I work there like once or twice a week I drink a whole bottlle. Fuck the stocktaking. I drink and gamble because I have no friends. Only friend I ever had I had to break away because I was in love with her and she could never reciprocate my feelings. She was gay and fuck this world. I feel that I don't see the status of a friend like other people do. There has to be a certain type of connection otherwise it's just blunt. I have tons of people, they're comfortable around me but it just doesn't do the thing for me. Never I was able to open to as her. I also feel like I never can find my place in this world and booze just takes the edge of everyhtingl. Started smoking back at high school. Never really thought of myself as a smoker. Now I'm at a pack a day. That's a minimum. It's one to three at regular. I'd go a waste if it wasn't for my parents. I don't see them often but I know they care and I see that they'd be desolated if I'd kill myself.

I don't think I'll outlive my thirties. From what I've seen though this world is a beautiful place. To take it back to the girl I truly loved, I wanted to be here forever just for the sake of it when I still was able to handle my feelings. This world is a glorious place, in a long run this whole life is like a single bet on slots. You can die happy or miserable.

>> No.9294764
File: 3.12 MB, 4032x3024, Qww_163845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to post a pic so I'll post a pic of my cat.

I'm 29 and look WAY worst then you. Also a crippling benzo addiction and completely bald. You at least have hope

I drink about 2 handles of 80 proof vodka a week on top of my triazolam addiction

>> No.9294785

Ah go on, post a pic.
Hello all btw. Glad to be back ( >>9294757 >>9294769 )
How come there are two active threads atm?

Not staying, feel like SHIT, just wanted to say hi and wish you all the very best. I'll post more frequently when I'm not sleeping 20 hours a day.

>> No.9294843
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>> No.9294851
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I can't. Can't risk my job by someone recognizing me.

Did you kidnap my cat then return it before I noticed?

>> No.9294923
File: 169 KB, 625x833, IMG_0836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying kava for the first time. Having been without booze for four years, it's pretty scary how close it feels to a few drinks with some light opiates on top.

>> No.9295125

You probably didn't have much to eat recently. When I would binge at parties I would get the same thing.

>> No.9295146

You look like 28-32 to me so seems fine.

>> No.9295481

you made your liver over produce enzymes and threw up pure enzymes, and you don't have much left which means your gonna die soon dude

>> No.9295582

I can't tell if I dreamt what I did blacked out or if it actually happened.
This shouldn't be normal
I literally can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality from my dreams?

>> No.9296186

oh god

>> No.9296207

You are shit at punctuation as well.

>> No.9296292
File: 128 KB, 1200x1600, ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, its me ( the guy ) im 26
been drinking very heavily after job loss, which landed me in hospital with heavy withdrawals several times. prior to that, i've been beering for years daily.

after the last hospital time, i've take a 4 months break from any drinking, which surprisingly that, did me many wonders, I got to school, made many new friends etc. and am generally in terrific mood whilst sober. And no, being sober is not boring to me at all, in fact im more excited in general.

I decided to try drinking on weekends one month ago, and never in the middle of the week. So far it's working, I know my body well enough now to know when it gets dangerous and when I should stop drinking. So far it's working.

>> No.9296310 [DELETED] 

your sister has the "can I speak to the manager" haircut

>> No.9296492

All his commas are in his code though

>> No.9296610

Your sister looks like she is really trashy. I bet she's a coal burner huh?

>> No.9296628

not my sister. don't worry, not my gf either. And common fellas, alcoholics need to support each other. The girl had drug problems too.

>> No.9296668

Always good to see al/ck/s. Good luck getting off the sauce, lads.

>> No.9296677
File: 884 KB, 500x229, sad buny.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw lost weight going sober but I fell back into drinking again

>> No.9296701

my dad got hospitalised and his kidneys aren't functioning apparently but that's all the information the doctors have got atm. He drinks a bottle of wine a day and more on weekends, I'm guessing this is down to alcohol? Anyone have the slightest clue on what the fuck is going on?

>> No.9296736

You can absolutely have your kidney(s) fail due to long term alcoholism, pretty good bet that is the cause. It's also more then possible that he downplayed how much he drank, I know I do whenever anyone asks me about it. In any case I hope he's alright man.

>> No.9296745

I actually stopped drinking in hope we could stop together but that doesn't seem to be the case. Kidney failure sounds really bad, is it recoverable or what? I've heard the word dialysis floating around

>> No.9296773

I don't know how to explain this without sounding like an idiot but basically dialysis gives your kidneys a chance to recover and takes the burden off of them for a while. You know how a severe alcoholic will quit late in life and their liver will still be all fucked up even if they don't touch alcohol for decades? Same principle applies.

>> No.9296862

Dialysis is basically just externally filtering the blood, keeping up the electrolyte balance, etc. Since it only targets the symptoms and not the cause you'd need to find a permanent solution. One option would of course to stop driking and see if you can give him one of yours, life with only one kidney isn't all that bad (my father only found out in his 60s, that he had spent most of his life with only one properly functioning kidney)

>> No.9296887
File: 89 KB, 948x842, nanomachines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to find you all and inject you with complex nanomachines that will remove the alchohol dependency from your cells and repair your liver

>> No.9296902

Oh. Th-thanks, legit and sincere anon

>> No.9296906

>be me
>get cured
>start drinking again anyway

>> No.9296910

In American Psycho, Paul orders a double Absolut martini. What the hell would this even be?

>> No.9296912
File: 378 KB, 640x640, 1464737197675.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you put a set of cyborg limbs on standby for me, as well. I don't need them, but if i lose an arm or leg in some freak accident, I really want a cool robot part. Thanks

>> No.9296924


>> No.9296937

Im eating cat food because it has b1
I drink a ton of alcohol
Theres piss everywhere
Am i charlie kelly?

>> No.9296950

Forgot to mention I literally have 78iq diagnosed

>> No.9296956

You look great/handsome. Just wanted to tell you that.

>> No.9296964

None of those answers make any sense.

>> No.9296979

A martini is already "double", so it makes zero sense to order it like that.
Absolut is a brand of vodka.

Why the hell is this so hard to understand?

>> No.9296987

spent the weekend on meth and vodka

gf came over and took my wallet so I wouldn't spend any more money on booze. I think I did 4 hours of crossword on my phone


>> No.9297011

>He didn't edge for 10 hours at a time finding the perfect porn
>He didn't beat his dick so raw it started gaining girth due to being swollen
>He didn't take breaks only to I.V more for days on end

>> No.9297083

I'm this guy >>9293988
Yesterday actually went great. At my gramps place I just had one beer and then two beers on the train ride home. By the time we got home I was so tired that I didn't even drink and just layed in bed watching TV until I fell asleep. No hangover today and i'm quite proud of myself for not getting shitfaced like I usually do. I think I'd be ok to drink occasionally if its just social drinking.

>> No.9297104

Ugh. Why? Even high purity stuff just makes me feel hyper, makes me want to clean each individual atom of my house, then stops me from sleeping for days.
High quality crack on the other hand, ooft. You'll need to make the stuff yourself or I guarantee it'll be diluted to fuck, but if you're lucky enough to get something like an exquisitely pure Peruvian fishscale and you process that into uncut crack? Just... just wow. I never used crack again after that one night. I knew I'd reached the absolute pinnacle of physical pleasure it's possible for a human being to experience. For a few minutes I was while conscious, unable to think. Not a single chatter, worry, thought... my mind was simply blank, dead, and I just looked around the room seeing nothing but exquisite beauty. I felt like the fucking Buddha, just for a few minutes. Then my ability to think returned, and it rapidly dissipated. But wow.
You will never find it on the streets. That single hit cost me a lot of money (maybe $3,200/gram for freebase ( http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/product/sigma/c8912?lang=en&region=GB )) and took forever to prepare. Years of street crack have left my lungs in terrible condition. Would not recommend unless you're a chemist, or have been a dedicated psychonaut for many years.
Erm, in fact even then I wouldn't "recommend" it. All drugs are ultimately shit for those among us who have an addictive personality.
Sorry, kind of went off on one there, but drugs and booze have been my life for 23 years, and I've never understood why anyone enjoys using even the highest purity meth.

>> No.9297105

>Being this drunk online

>> No.9297115


>> No.9297489


>> No.9297978
File: 391 KB, 1133x854, IMG_0895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much do you drink?
Nothing atm. Just got out of hosp.
I've ordered some rice wine to make this ( https://youtube.com/watch?v=KgOBAWbkq5Q ) tomorrow and a part of me is scared that I'll immediately down it, bin the ribs, then get back to my norm of 2-3 bottles of Smirnoff daily. We'll see.

Nice to see a couple of al/ck/ faces, btw.

>> No.9297986

Quit the hard drugs. Although alcohol SHOULD be considered a hard drug.

>> No.9298017

Looking dapper SB, glad you're doing better.

>> No.9298048

Happy your alive my dude
I'm currently 4 days into a relapse
Feels bad man
I might have cancer, just waiting for some results. Fuck this shit

>> No.9298114

Yeah that's a tough one. I've had skin cancer. About as life-threatening as the common cold if treated early, but still gave me a new respect for life.
Fingers firmly crossed for you, anon. Look after yourself, dude.

>> No.9298139

Thanks senpai
I'm gonna be focusing on getting healthier
All I can can do can do is my best
Stressful as fuck though

>> No.9298155

Glad to see you back from the dead.
You could have picked up any other recipe without alcohol... Do you really fear you're gonna drink, or did you already relapsed when ordering the bottle?
Because it would be an easy "back to the wagon before this relapse goes too bad" if you cancel the order now (or plan another meal and trash the bottle as soon as you receive it.)

>> No.9298175

Thank you kind sir. Give it a few weeks though and I'm uncomfortably confident that I'll be back to thrashing around in my sleep, pouring with sweat, not eating for days, checking my phone every ten seconds for messages from 'her', waking halfway through the night just to down enough vodka to stop WD, and tearing my skin off to stop the crawling, excruciating pain of addiction.
What's more, I'm now in so much debt that my house is for sale. Gotta move yet again.
If I relapse before I move, I think I'll just leave every possession in my house except my phone and the clothes I'm wearing, crawl into a cab, limp into the new house and just lay on the floor in an empty house, drinking vodka and listening to Alan Watts on YouTube.
I'm such a cheerful character sometimes. Wonder why she left.
Can't experience happiness without the contrast provided by sadness. If you get your negative diagnosis you'll feel elated. Maybe try to focus on that, bro. Good luck.
I ordered it because rice wine is fucking disgusting. Testing myself I guess?
Or just kidding myself.
Truth is, even after all it has done to me, I... fucking hell, can't believe I'm really saying it, but... I do. I really do. I... I MISS ALCOHOL.
I'm useless.
I... I don't know.
Tomorrow will tell.

Past midnight.
Going to go and have some horrific nightmares. You all know that feel, I'm sure.
Peace out. Look after yourselves.

>> No.9298179

move away from where you live. You are also addicted to gambling.

>> No.9298226

It's Million Dollar Extreme (Sam Hyde's guys) World Peace.

Watch the whole series, they only lasted for 6 15-minute episodes on Adult Swim, and it's amazing

>> No.9298258

The familiarity of the feels ;_;


>> No.9298290

I miss alcohol too. It was rather close to killing me, I still suffer from pancreatitis, I'm over a year dry, smoke pot to maintain "sobriety", but I still miss it.
There is no shame in that. You just have to live with it, day after day.
It gets easier with time, now I'm not thinking about drinking all day long, only every few days.
I can't teach my subconscious that it's suicidal, and it's supposed to have self-preservation instinct, not self-destruction. (Maybe hypnosis or EMDR can, it's worth looking into.)

Wait longer before "testing" yourself. (Plus, I mean, there were talks about drinking vodka from a piss jug or a dirty sink syphon recently in /alc/, you're not fooling anyone but yourself with >rice wine is fucking disgusting.)

Thinking about it, I relapsed on gin and tonic, even though I hate it. I guess part of my subconscious knows that it's bad and tried to pass a message to the conscious.

>> No.9298345

Yeah, that tune definitely helped me back off the wagon.

>> No.9298357


>> No.9298367
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 750ml plastic bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not an alcoholic. I just drink to get drunk, but lately it's getting harder and harder to get it down.

The last thing I got drunk on was cheap-as-dirt rum (10 bucks a liter) and it was terrible, but I was at least able to get a good throatful down at once. Now I've got pic related and can barely stand to take a sip. I don't usually chug from a plastic bottle, so that's probably it. Somebody give me advice on how to get it all down like a boss.

And why does it have to be plastic? Even my dirt rum came in a glass bottle.

>> No.9298373

Rum and coke maybe.

Do I stutter bitch? ;^)

>> No.9298418

Shiz like that tune, to me, provokes a stark emotional response within; a reminder as to why I'm aching to quit. A terrifying tremble down the spine.
Sounds like you're addicted to the lifestyle, bro.
RIP piecefully in peaces of pissess. Here's to you going peacefully in your urine-drenched bed ;_;
Chin chin.

>> No.9298433

Yeah, I know. I was trying to quit at the time, and it just sparked cravings for me though.
Anyway, I was just busting your balls for it's own sake.

>> No.9298487

Throw it in the freezer, do shots.

>> No.9298516

Ily al/ck/.
That's all I wanted to say.

>> No.9298519
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Friend if you like rum stay away from the captain and baccardi, they are the mass produced cheap shit of rum, like the bud light of the shit. Get any other rum then that shit.

Anyways mix it with a shit ton of orange juice and make sure everything is really cold. What i do with most cheap stuff is just have a soda as a chaser and it makes it way better.

>> No.9298542
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its been over 8 months since I last drank, what should I pick up tomorrow?

>> No.9298549


>> No.9298557

self control

>> No.9298563

Don't do it

>> No.9298567

Bag of indica.

>> No.9298588

My roommate smokes, but I've never tried it. Also don't want to risk it the way potential employers drug test in my field.
I used to drink like half a bottle of shitty aristocrat vodka every night way back when, but I turned 21 in July and didn't drink anything then.
Is it that easy to fall back into the habit?
I exercise and stuff now, will that help balance it out?

>> No.9298594

>potential employers drug test
Land of the free.

>> No.9298599

Keeps a lot of the people that don't want to work away, plus the last company I worked at paid pretty well with great benefits and hours, so I don't want to risk it.

>> No.9298611

I am sorry to hear that. I am also sorry your addiction transcends time. 3 times a night you say?

>> No.9298721

Wife just told me she's preggo.

After 10 years of heavy drinking, how FUBARed is my seed?

>> No.9298753

I once got a girl pregnant while she was on the pill and I pulled out before I came. 'Precum' was apparently all it took.
She had an abortion. We were young.
In the gagging heat of the moment we fucked again several years later, and the same thing happened.
I have a daughter now, and her 6ft8 dad looks after her. I've literally fought the bastard, put him on the floor with a carefully aimed elbow one time, but he's a fucking millionaire. Court cases are hopelessly expensive. I'm not allowed near her.
So I drink.

Oh and uh, yeah, your dick is probably perfectly capable of making healthy babies. She wants to be an astrophysicist.

>> No.9298772

Who knew that /ck/ had the best most depressing content on this whole anime website

>> No.9298774

>while she was on the pill
>pulled out
you've been had, mate. but still, sorry to hear life has treated you this way

>> No.9298783

Nah, it does happen. I asked for a paternity test the second time.

>> No.9298789

Wow you are really fucked up.

>> No.9298794
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Good to hear. She hasn't been on BC for 8? years.

Finally got married and the first time I blew a load in her is the one time it stuck. Thought it'd actually take some effort and a few months.

She's pushing for me to cut back now on the booze. Sigh. Shit's only begun I guess. Telling the parents in 2 weeks.

>> No.9298857

I'm glad it had the opposite effect on you, but to me it's just like a total let's party and fuckin die song. Like embrace the horror and just ride your eldorado into the sun.

>> No.9298910

no she doesn't, she doesn't look like a dyke

>> No.9299000
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Ok drunks I have been cutting back. Went camping this weekend drank 5 beers each of two nights. I had diarrhea when I got home. Is this normal?
>most nights 375 ml of vodka plus 5-6 beers
Looking for good advice bros

>> No.9299154

Every time I drink a substantial amount of vodka I have diarrhea for the next day or two.

>> No.9299158

I don't get why men have sex with women when they could have sex with men, who are on average way hotter. Plus no risk of pregnancy and you can't get STDs.

>> No.9299175
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>> No.9299217

Back atgit again I guess! I just got an 800cc four wheeler; I guess I know how I'm going to die.

>> No.9299420

Hi alcs, hope everyone is holding up alright. I'm drying out tonight after 7 beers last night. In my prime this was appetizer drinking, but these days my body just fucking hates me and I literally couldn't get out of bed today for shit.

Posting a song I find relaxing, and I sense it's about the claws of alcoholism.

Black Keys - Turn Blue

Love this board and it's members

>> No.9299463

No hes saying every night but only for the last 3 days

>> No.9299492
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>Kava update

Tried 450mg kavalactones today, didn't really get me drunker-feeling than the 210mg I made up yesterday, but my balance got thrown off hardcore. Same comfy buzz and unimpaired judgement though. Was visiting my dad and he thought I was fucked up because of how I was walking.

>> No.9299522
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I want to be a Bartender
what should I do?

>> No.9299537

Apply for a job as a barback. Lug ice buckets, change kegs, push a mop, back up bouncers. Second-choice option, get a job as a server and try to pick up barback shifts.

>> No.9299538

Have Charisma.

>> No.9299567

How do I find barback jobs in my area

>> No.9299681

Bartending seems ok but I think it depends on the place. If it's a comfy local pub I think I'd like it but busy bars seem a bit shit.

>> No.9299750

I wish I could be gay.

>> No.9299909
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Ive worked in bars for 7 years. From nightclubs to 5 star hotel bars and I'm currently doing a stint in a gin bar trying to go cocktail bar.

Bartending is fucking piss. Pints are easy, spirits and mixers the normies all ever want are easy. The only complicated thing is getting into the beautifully autistic world of cocktails

Just rock up to a bar. Ask if they have openings. If not. Move on to the next bar.

>> No.9300029

There was this one bartender guy that I asked about the Alien Brain Hemorrhage. Actually made one for me, it was amazing to see but he wasn't satisfied with it. Ended up making three more just for practice and then the three of us (He, I, and the chick I was with) enjoyed one each. After that the chick I was with bought me a shot that looked like the Irish flag which was quite cool. I've got huge respect for that dude.

>> No.9300046

I'm a cook in a very busy in Seattle. You can get a bar back job. Just get one, let them know you want to move up, and just do it.

Make cocktails at home for your friends, you'll learn more doing that than most places. It's not hard to be a bartender, you can do it. it is however hard to make a great cocktail. Most people (in the US at lest) are pigs who will eat and drink actual slop. They are awful morons who would eat and drink real shit if you charged the right price. They want cheese, beer, and once in a while no carbs. That's it. Starting.. most people won't even order a "real" cocktail, they just want whiskey gingers and Manhattans. Just go do it.

>> No.9300160

You simply are not trying hard enough.

>> No.9300171
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I could no sooner fuck another dude than I could fuck a dog. I am absolutely zero percent gay. Thought of it makes me want to castrate myself.
Grils are delicious. Worth the risk of babby.

>> No.9300192

Yeah, let's bring more kids with alcoholic dads into the world.
Fuck you

>> No.9300210

Are you suggesting that all alcoholics should be forced to be celibate, because contraception isn't 100% effective?
Or that they should be forced to be attracted to same sex partners, even though that's impossible?
Fuck me, you say? I'm the asshole here?
I'm not sure you've thought this through.

>> No.9300220

Nice Bond get, shaken, not stirred!! ;-)

>> No.9300225

I have smoked chicken legs

>> No.9300241

How do you walk?

>> No.9300258


>> No.9300268

Hey let's have another family with another deadbeat drunk alcoholic dad
What could go wrong?

>> No.9300270

Thats the bonus about being such a deadbeat you can't get laid, no kids to ruin the life of.

>> No.9300281

Are you really saying that alcoholics shouldn't be allowed to have sex? Wtf are you trying to propose we do?

>> No.9300301

Maybe, maybe not

>> No.9300304

yesterday I drank a thing of hand sanitizer and vanilla extract

pooping a lot today


>> No.9300306

Yeah its not a bad replacement for alc

>> No.9300311

What part about "dad" don't you understand?
You can have sex without becoming a dad???

>> No.9300319

I'm not sure you're properly following the thread's conversation. Nobody here has expressed any desire to father a kid.

>> No.9300331

Amen to that

>> No.9300332

Let the good times roll.

>> No.9300339

I drank for a period of roughly 30 hours. Just beer, but about 40 of them. Any chance of withdrawals? Yes I've had withdrawals before.

>> No.9300369

>not being an antinatalist

I'm not sure you've thought this through.

>> No.9300378

I've never actually ventured outside of this thread on /ck/, anything worth seeing?

>> No.9300382


>> No.9300385

/b/ with burgers

>> No.9300404

Maybe minor withdrawals but you'll be fine.

>> No.9300418


>> No.9300420

There wouldn't be a problem if you didn't support abortion being made illegal, which I'm willing to bet you do.

>> No.9300426

I'm generally relatively fine with beer. It's when I drink liquor that I start having withdrawal very quickly, even if I drink less total mls of pure ethanol than I would with a beer session.

>> No.9300443

Anyone else really bad at being able to mix drinks without wanting to die, just makes me black out really fast then throw up.

>> No.9300444

I don't actually care about abortion at all
Also I'm the one one you were arguing with in the first place

>> No.9300446

Yeah same. I avoid liquor like the plague.

>> No.9300549

>can't get STDs
LOLWAT? Dudes who fuck dudes make up 2% of the U.S population, but account for nearly two thirds of new HIV diagnoses

>> No.9300623

go to local bars and ask in person, or ask people you know who work at bars if they can recommend you for a barback job. don't get drunk while you are working.

>> No.9300627

It's almost as if he wrote a point to anger other posters here, so that they give him replies, like some kind of bait, or what you'd want to call it.

>> No.9300688


>> No.9300700

Yeah maybe you're right. There do seem to be a couple of people who dislike al/ck/ for whatever (likely petty) reason. Perhaps it was just someone trying to derail or cause arguments in what I think is a really nice, probably rather fragile, supportive community. Quite an accomplishment when you consider that we're all unhappy as fuck irl, ill and generally desperate. For a bunch like that, on fucking 4chan of all places, to form a community like this is, I think, very admirable.
I'm gonna try to refrain from political/sexual discussion. It just stirs up emotions in the threads which cause conflict. Not looking to turn this into some sterile knitting circle in which bad language is banned and we all have to pretend to be nice. Fuck that cuntery. I want al/ck/ to be real and raw, but I for one hope that we might gravitate away from some of the more petty disputes, and be wary of 'trolls'.

Anyway. Brb, wanking over (lovely, thin (aren't chunky monkey wobbleslob hamplanet chicks revolting?? Kill them all)) chick Zoe Kimball and going on an anti-capitalism march, then kerb-stomping some queers and burning crosses on lawns. Cheers.

>> No.9300732

a bottle of wine, a six pack or a third of a bottle of homemade spirits. Depends. I try and be careful on the spirits or the gf thinks i am a dunk. 28. Would post picture but in the winter my psoriasis gets real bad and i live like a hermit for several months, only stepping out to get poppy seeds for my opiate tea

>> No.9300755

>smuggling in small bottles of vodka in fast food bags you get when you takeout burgers

>> No.9300806

I used to hide a bucket connected to transparent fishing line in our spare bedroom at the back of my house. When I went out, I'd tie the line to a chair in the room, chuck the bucket out of the window, behind a hedge below. On my return I'd place vodka in the bucket, walk into the house with my innocent purchases (and sometimes be searched for booze, shit you not) then when the coast was clear, reel in the bucket from upstairs, hide the bottle in a box of cereal that only I liked, then get smashed when she'd gone out or fallen asleep.
There's always a way.

>> No.9300875

That's pretty ingenious

>> No.9300876

a vodka martini, just double the size?

>> No.9300901

craigslist has lots of bareback jobs

>> No.9300908
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actually laughed out loud you bastard

>> No.9300937
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Is there any better way to do it? I don't even know all the bars in my area

>> No.9300939

Then start going out to drink more. You'll ne an alcoholic later anyways.

>> No.9301044
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>tfw on day 5 of hardest bender this year
>spent 450 last night on a whore and cocaine

>> No.9301049

totalled my car a week ago, dropped my bike yesterday, the girl im in love with has 0 interest in me and im unemployed.

give me one reason NOT to get beyond fucking hammered

>> No.9301061

Stop driving drunk nigga.

Also I can't think of a reason

>> No.9301066

well fucking cheers then

also i wasnt drunk in the crash

>> No.9301086


That's good, Drinking and driving isn't cool.

That's primarily why I drink, My twin brother was killed by a drunk driver but I fuckin lived for some reason.

>> No.9301175

Coming down is gonna be rough

>> No.9301178

Because physical tolerance will happen and you will be hostage to alcohol.

>> No.9301209

That is very normal. Whenever I go of vodka binges, I shit water like 6 times a day.

>> No.9301241
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I know it man.

I'm going to ask my gf for one of her diazepam when she gets back in town. I didn't even sleep last night because of the blow. Just drank thoughout the night

Switched from vodka to beer around 5am

>> No.9301265
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Am I a tramp yet?

>> No.9301295

How did you dispose of the bottles though?

>> No.9301302


He could easily lower the empties back down using the same bucket method. Or hide them.

>> No.9301303

In whatever way worked at the time. Often I hid them in the loft until bin collection day, then put them underneath the top bag the night before collection

>> No.9301306

Solidly on track.

>> No.9301334

Wonder if that Canadian dude jumped the other day

>> No.9301345

doubt it
just attention seeking i think

>> No.9301355

I guess we'll never know. I hope not, not a personal fan of suicide. If you're out there, Canadian alkie, hang in there!

>> No.9301356

Hope so.
And to be fair, we've all stood half-delirious on a bridge, drunk as fuck, sent a few toe-curling 'goodbye' texts, then walked home and gone to sleep.

>> No.9301378

>walked home
I almost always end up in hospital with guards around who won't leave you alone for one second, not even to shit, or back in a cell. Fucking hate it. If it wasn't a fire hazard, I'd put my door keys (and phone, actually) in one of those safes which only unlock after the amount of time you program them to.

>> No.9301390

(Something like this)

>> No.9301398


>> No.9301401

can i put myself in it and lock it forever

>> No.9301407

Can't drag my ass out of bed and its now 2pm. Hate this feeling.

>> No.9301429

this is me everytime. hard to lift consistently and drink anything over 4 glasses of wine. body too old to recover from both.

>> No.9301433

Just had my first shot of whiskey today

>> No.9301450

drink for me too please, i'm dying for a drink right now

>> No.9301453

>been sick as dog for over a week now
>fever, shakes, nausea, vomiting and intense lethargy
>haven't been able to eat much less drink in that time
>super ill plus detox
>fever breaks and illness subsides
>sober and no real desire to start drinking again

This could be a turning point for me bros but fuck me if that week wasn't hell

>> No.9301458

He said he would post results so obviously didnt happen.

>> No.9301523
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Today marks two straight months of a 1.75l of Smirnoff per day, how fucked am I?
I used to rent a 3/1 to myself and my pets (two guest rooms because I'm a sociable dude), but my girlfriend just moved in with me and works a secretary/scheduling job for $17/hr from home. Somehow my complete shamelessness hasn't stopped me from drinking at all, and lately she has been nabbing my bedside handle of vodka in the mornings. I hope I don't ruin her life, too. Fug.

>> No.9301570

im sorry for that,

i drive drunk a llot and im happy i wasnt when i crashed. i learned my lesson to never drive hungover because when i crashed the cops instantly drug tested meand i had 0,00.

im very sorry for your brother and all i can say is that shit happens

but you have us retards

just talk to us, trust me it helps

>> No.9301591
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That's a lot.
To have got to that level, I imagine you already have some idea of the horror which awaits.
I've been there, bro. Aside from the 'go to hosp asap ffs' line that you've no doubt heard 100 times already, all I can say is that your psychological state while in withdrawal, as far as I'm concerned anyway, has a huge impact on the extent to which you'll experience the innumerable symptoms-from-hell you're about to find hitting you like a steam train. If you can stay calm and keep reassuring yourself that the way you feel is nothing out of the ordinary and that it'll pass, I think you'll find the task of stopping to be a lot easier. Just try to remember that the fear, the nightmares, the hallucinations, the petrifying feeling of impending doom, all of it; it's all normal, we all get it, it's unavoidable and, assuming you survive, it will pass. If you can do 4 days sober, there's a good chance you'll begin to gradually feel better. The nightmares for me typically get worse at that point and I become more than a little delirious for a few days, but that too passes and the majority of the other symptoms will have significantly dissipated.
Smirnoff is a hardcore drink, dude. Spirits are absolute fucking serial killers.
If for whatever reason you can't go to hosp, acquire benzos or taper, just try to stay calm. I don't know what else to tell you, other than 'iktfb'. Good luck.

>> No.9301594

I know what you mean man. I went cold turkey just for a couple months to get some sanity and lower my tolerance

it's a brutal feeling
>can't sleep at night
>back pain
>that generally disgusting feeling

>> No.9301595

Four shots and a beer? Are you fucking seven years old? My dick drinks more than that before noon

>> No.9301607

yeah hard liquor is a real bitch. 1-2 days of binging on vodka sends me into bad withdrawals. not the same with beer.

>> No.9301619

>rice wine
Didn't drink a drop. Used the 300ml as Ramsay instructed, ate the ribs, gave the rest of the bottle to an irl al/ck/ friend.
Feels great. I'm still on oramorph, tranadol and benzos so it'd be misleading to say that I'm sober, but I had booze in my hand, and did not drink a drop.
Plus the ribs were delicious.
If I can do it, so too can you guys.
Good luck all.
Much love.

>> No.9301635

Awesome, love you SB!

>> No.9301647

Off to a good start, good on you. Having alcohol around and not tanking it on a whim was a big step for me when I fell off the wagon. First week sober I caught myself constantly glancing at the bottle of cooking wine in the kitchen, thankfully when I gave in there was only half left and it was too late to go and buy more. Sobriety is a lot better than where I was, but it is fucking boring

>> No.9301654
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I know. Oh lord do I know. The fucked part is I've only been 21 for about a month now. I have an interesting situation financially (no, not mommy and daddy) and a few good friends who'd been helping me stock up until now. Since I've turned, the privilege has been rough on me. My gf gets a bad hangover every once in a while, but absolutely can't comprehend what you've described. I have done it several times, the hot/cold/hot/cold, horrifying nightmares, and insomnia. After abusing my body for so long (it's been years, but only got to 1.75l/day as of late), I can deal with the physical symptoms. I have access to benzos, so thankfully I haven't seized yet. Largely, it's the psychological symptoms that really fuck me around. The paranoia, feelings of impending doom, total worthlessness, etc. I can't deal with them, and as soon as I feel the warmth of the liquor ant-farming around in my belly I get that endorphin rush and am suddenly much more tolarable to everyone around me, and the same regarding me to them.

>> No.9301663

So I used to work in a hospital (internal medicine ward), we always had quite a few alkies (ironic, that I'm one myself now) and mostly we'd give them Distra, but we also had beer/wine on hand and would ration it out to certain patients, I think the most we gave a day to one regular was like 2L wine. All of this was legal, regulated and documented.
Do you know if this happens in other countries, would it even be considerd?

>> No.9301675
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Same Smirnoff 1.75 fag, I know how to taper, can into benzos if need be, and my old lady seems sympathetic/ but can't possibly empathize. I appreciate knowing what's going on with my body (especially kindling), but hate that I feel no reason to stop.
Being my age, everyone thinks "haha lamo I'm is alcoholic", and that shit is maddening. Great job waking up every day without the shakes, Chad. I'm sure your head really hurts l, big guy.
Fuck college kids.

>> No.9301677

I know in the UK they give you whisky to drink if someone comes in having drunk methanol, apparently ethanol gets processed first by your body so if you drink the correct amount the methanol passes through and doesn't fuck your shit up. No idea if they give out beer and wine to taper, havent ended up in hospital for drink, yet

>> No.9301684

Idk man, but at least you're not alone. Maybe you should try to talk to your gf and friends, see if you find a way to cut down, with her support. Maybe try weed. 1,75L is really a alot (I can't hold more than a litre of spirits and a bottle of wine on a good day), I wish you all the best!

>> No.9301687

i mean librium is better for detoxing. it stays in your body a long time. but alcohol will stop alcohol withdrawals. just seems archaic that a medical institution would still be using alcohol to treat alcoholics.

>> No.9301694
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>spent money on whore

>> No.9301706

It's only 4:30pm east coast, today might be a day for two. And I appreciate the sentiment, but what I really need is a reason to want to stop.
I think I need to taper down and get myself a job again to get back into mental shape. The NEET life is great if you have self control, but I feel as though I could use some structure.
And yeah, I've tried the reefer. A lot. It just doesn't hit the same marks that the spirits do for me. Thanks for the chat though, anon!

>> No.9301727
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Forgot pic, fucc.

>> No.9301737

Good to see you old friend

>> No.9301740

Sry, but that's not what I meant. Giving Ethanol to somebody with Methanol poisoning is pretty common, it's done here too.
FYI: So you have an enzyme that processes alcohol (alcohol dehydrogenase, ADH), now it doesn't really differentiate between methanol or ethanol (they are chemically similar and are both called alcohols). It turns the alcohol into a higher oxidized state. Now with Ethanol it isn't a problem, but the product of the reaction between ADH and Methanol produces a fairly poisonous product (Formic Acid). Giving Ethanol as a "medication" keeps the ADH enzymes preoccupied with converting Ethanol and the Methanol gets bullied away, and gets pissed out. I hope my autistic ramblings have at least interested someone (the more you know)

>> No.9301767
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Totally understand, living a kind of NEET life myself right know (student, with gov. support, but don't really go to uni anymore). I somehow lost self control after a certain incident 2 years a go and can't seem to find the energy/motivation to get back up and do something decent. I hope we both get back on our feet.
(pic unrelated, just think /al/ck/ could have more pics.

>> No.9301790
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Yeah, dude. I've had a lackadaisical and happy go lucky life for the last few years with really good friends who finally moved away (and I did too). I'm in a new town and have no interest in talking to anyone, and all my bills are paid (of my own volition), so I don't have any real motivation to get out of this rut. I just need to want to do it for myself, and maybe the turning point is near. Let's hope so.

>> No.9301791

Thanks dude. Always interested to hear easy to understand, biological explanations/approximations as to how we might avoid not being alive any more. As long as al/ck/ doesn't fill up with med students and we all end up too confused to bother reading, s'all good imo.

Interesting, pertinent fact: Medical doctors are more likely to be alchies than those in almost all other professions.

>> No.9301803

Wait, sorry, that site might require you to log in to read. Not sure.
Just google something like "disproportionate percentage alcoholism medical doctors" if it does try to insist that you become a member. Plenty of sources online acknowledge and describe the phenomenon.

>> No.9301805
File: 361 KB, 900x1200, lgvob.16yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this just a meme drink everyone pretends to love because Parks and Rec or is it actually good?

>> No.9301818

It is fucking disgusting.
Like drinking vodka that was soaked in peat and bonfire ash.
I think so anyway. It's very harsh. Do not drink unless you're a manlet trying to look like John Wayne.

>> No.9301827

I genuinely really like it, very complex but doesn't burn much. Must be because of the age - and it is "cheap" (for a 16 year old whisky) in Costco. Not something to drink in a night in true al/ck/ fashion but nice to have as a treat every now and again. Make sure you like smoky / peaty Islay Malts first before commuting to a bottle.

Never seen Parks and Rec but it does seem to be gaining a lot of attention recently

>> No.9301834

I love it on occasion, have had the same bottle for 3+ years and enjoy sipping on it now and again. Never had anything quite so smokey in my life, but definitely not something I'd want to drink everyday.

I have put a shot in each handle of black grouse I buy, makes it noticeably more smokey

>> No.9301838

We've been together 9 years.

Gets boring after awhile

>> No.9301841

women just need more holes. would cure that boredom thing fast.

>> No.9301852

Couldn't read the specific article, but know about the problem (they say most of the coke in my city is sold in front of the main hospital). Most of the staff I worked with had a tendency to alcohol, although because they saw so many alckies, they tried to go for weed, and they smoked a fuck-ton, but were some the best people I've ever met on this planet.
Also I'm not a med-student, I studied biochemistry for 2 years, and have been studying normal chemistry for 2 years now, hospital work was unrelated.

>> No.9301858
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>when that burn hits your stomach, then soon the burn glows, warms, soothes, and life is instantly sublime

>> No.9301863

How long have you been a wreck? Is she just as fucked?

Good for you man. The will is the way, no one but you can control you. It's not easy, medicated or not.

>> No.9301873

Man how do you guys drink vodka straight? I drink fucking loads of it and gin but always mixed. Drinking it straight makes me want to throw up, it's really grim

>> No.9301880

that because your an alcholic pleb

t. moderate drinker, been a month since my last drink. then six months before that

>> No.9301890
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After a while nothing makes sense anymore as far as cost/abv, and you just want it to take effect as soon as possible. The warmth feels so damn nice.
It helps miles to chase, first by taking a small sip of juice/soda/water, and then massive gulp of vodka followed immediately by a few drinks of the aforementioned chaser. Try it (but not with gin, dude).

>> No.9301905
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Reminder, just for my peace of mind, that the quantities of alcohol people in these threads consume, would kill the average person in hours, and that with spirits, it is very easy to overdo it without realising you've done so.
Furthermore, take note that almost without exception, everyone here is desperate to stop.
This is not a glamorous lifestyle, you will ruin not just your life but the lives of those you love.
Drink if you must, but treat the danger these threads present with the respect they deserve, and drink slllooowwlllyyy, allow your body to react to your last drink before taking another. Try drinking a whole bottle of Smirnoff without years of tolerance? You'll likely die. It doesn't take much.
It takes years, decades sometimes, to end up drinking as much as al/ck/, and you'll regret it if you end up like us. You really do not want to go down this path. Do not fucking underestimate how unpleasant this shit can become.

>> No.9301907

I've drunk 2 litres of wine every day for the past 4 years. My piss is starting to have a liver sort of smell. How fucked am i? I'm only 22

>> No.9301918

>used to get a really good buzz off 4 330ml bottles of lager
>remember drinking a 350ml of vodka one night and being so hungover I couldn't move the next day after being a slobbering mess the night before
>now totally coherent and wanting more after a 700 ml bottle of vodka
>almost always go and get more
>this is pretty much every day now

>> No.9301921

Kidneys are bleeding. I'd bet my life on it.
Buy a fresh pig kidney and smell it. Same smell. Report back. Bet I'm right. Mine have been bleeding for like 16 years.

>> No.9301930

>How long have you been a wreck? Is she just as fucked?

About 11 years, Since 18-19.

No, She smokes marijuana but doesn't drink at all. Her dad was an alcoholic and she has major daddy issues so even if o called her right now and told her i was doing blow and fucking a whore in our living room she might be mad at me until tomorrow. She would never leave me no matter what i do

I've been caught cheating on her before

>> No.9301948
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>be me college student
>want to barback
>too far away from everything because bars are in the city proper and i have no car
kill me

>> No.9301952

Isn't that dangerous? How do you know It's bleeding besides the smell? I can't smell shit

>> No.9301956

>What is uber

You mean bareback? That would make more sense...I can get if a chick won't fuck you because you don't have a car.

>> No.9301960


it's called a water bottle

>> No.9301980

Inflammation for long periods of time often leads to cancer, so yeah it kinda sucks. It's one of like 50 medical conditions I've been diagnosed with as a result of my boozing.
It's microscopic not macroscopic; i.e invisible to me, but every time I drunkenly bareback a gril I freak out and have myself tested for STD's, and without fail, every doc for like a decade and a half has expressed concern because they've found blood in my piss. I'm negative for all STDs and shit like non-specific urethritis; no pathogenic micro-organism is causing this shiz, and the most recent diagnosis I received (from a G.U.M consultant) was: stop drinking, faggot.
So, yeah. Booze makes me piss blood. It smells like the blood you'd find in a fresh animal kidney from your butcher.

>> No.9301987

Movies while drunk = awesome, encapsulating
TV shows while drunk = can't fucking remember who's who because I watched it all drunk

>> No.9301994

I'm impressed. Congrats bro.

They give valium here (France), and taper that.
It pretty much works the same to taper alcohol, or switch to benzo and taper them, main difference it that it would cause public outcry if they gave alcohol to alcoholics because it sound counter-intuitive to normies.
I went to a UK hospital for stomach bug (possible undiagnosed pancreatitis), they looked at me with big eyes when I asked about valium, and told me they just let alkies go have a beer at the nearby pub. I guess they don't do detox in that place.

Can't remember what episode I already watched...

>> No.9302006

They also give out benzos and other stuff here too, especially said Distra, but somehow nobody gives a fuck here (Germany) about giving alkies alc, when it seems to be the best option

>> No.9302007

No, its horrible. It only showed in every bar after parks and rec aired, and I hear they even invented it just for that show. As for the millions of people who claim to like it and have been drinking it for decades, they have been proven to be liars.

>> No.9302028

I just invented a new highball: Fireball and grapefruit juice. I call it Don's Match.

>> No.9302039

Nah, for anyone going through that much trouble, the water bottle was ten gags ago. Especially bucket guy, holy shit!

I remember an anon who posted in here about a guy who hid vodka in a spare garden hose.

>> No.9302048

what's a good alcoholic chocolate drink I could get when I'm at a bar? I've never tried chocolate liqueur but I love sweets.

>> No.9302055

kahlua or baileys

>> No.9302057
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>> No.9302061

Go get a mudslide or 15, brah brah. They aren't that strong, but are mondo chocolaty.

>> No.9302070
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Troll pls go.

>> No.9302206

We all drink for the first time anon. 4 shots and a couple beers is nothing or me, drink water and maybe get some fast food when drunk next time.

>> No.9302216

LSD stopped my rampant alcoholism, it might help you if you can get any

>> No.9302382

I'm the guy from the other thread who was diagnosed with pancreatitis on Saturday. It's been 48 hours since I went to the E.R., the pain has mostly stopped now after 3 days of agony. Also just finally shit out the 2 McChickens I ate after being discharged, no blood or anything worrisome in the toilet. Pain is at a level 1/10 consistently, no intermittent 9/10 stabs in the sides.

Tomorrow, I will reach the goal of going 48 hours without a drop of alcohol, then have one small drink as part of the tapering process. I'm absolutely done with alcohol after this experience.

>> No.9302387


Good luck to anyone quiting. It's always hard, as we all know.

I live with a friend of mine and his gf. The gf and I got in an argument 2 weeks ago. She's knows I'm working to stay sober so she bought a bottle of the vodka I used to drink and has left it unopened in the freezer for about 12 days now. I spent my life savings keeping all 3 of us afloat, while we were all out of work. Now they're both working and she's trying to kick me out since I don't have any money left. I wasted almost $5k on the 2 of them.

We'll all make it together, we have to.

>> No.9302389

Look into Naltrexone as a medication to help you obstain. It really mutes the physical cravings for alcohol in many people. I take it and now rack up multiple weeks between drinking on a regular basis.

>> No.9302424

Didn't they gave you benzo? How are your withdrawals?
It sounds weird to drink to taper after 2 days, it sound more like falling off the wagon when you barely grabbed it.

She's a monster.
Flee before she accuses you of rape, or murder you in your sleep or something.
Don't live in the same place as monsters, it's asking for problems.
(You'll find a way to get revenge once you have a plan to get out.)

>> No.9302441

Thanks, I'll check it out. I'm also planning on using psilocybin mushrooms.

>> No.9302475

Thanks man, I'm seeing if I can crash with someone else for a while, but my name is on our lease agreement so I'm legally on the hook, plus out of money. Just sucks she's going so low and my "friend" is standing idly by.

>> No.9302485

Horrible stuff. It's in control, you are not.
Try light/med doses of LSD if you're sure it's pure, but shrooms for an al/ck/? Not sure that's a great idea. DMT would be better. But frankly still almost useless imo.
In my experience, pure, unadulterated lysergic acid is the only drug which has helped me to observe my addictions from an objective perspective and as such, obtain some kind of control over them.
Public ignorance regarding these issues and how relentlessly addicts are tortured as a result, will go down in history.
The peasant public simply does not care as long as it has it's TV and it's faith in the oh-so-trustworthy politicians and corporate elites.


May they rot in hell.

>> No.9302509


>> No.9302513

No benzo, just morphine. Last weekend, Aug. 4th-6th, I was drinking 8 Icehouse Edges per day, usually on an empty stomach. After the vomiting and other usual horrible effects, I spent the week tapering again. By Saturday morning, I started having the terrible pains that led to going to the E.R.

Because I had been drinking much lower amounts for the previous 6 months, tapering has gone faster without any serious withdrawals. I've done all this before just to not get caught by a drug counselor, so it's easier to gauge amounts and times needed to cut down quickly without serious effects. This time, I'm doing it for real, I don't ever want to feel like that again, it was constant torture and they didn't send me home with any painkillers to complete the recovery.

>> No.9302530

Because LSD is nearly impossible to find here in farmer flyover land, but mushrooms are easy. My plan is to take around 1-1.5g per night, not eating a full 1/8 or even 5g to trip balls.

>> No.9302577

This is about some of us I guess.

>> No.9302584

I really really want to kill myself

>> No.9302593

>Horrible stuff. It's in control, you are not.
That's the point, isn't it?

>> No.9302609

Are you guys really losers or are you just LARPing?

>> No.9302652

You're implying there is a way to win, which there isn't.

>> No.9302678

If you guys are actually alcoholics I feel bad for you.

If your urges are biological can't you replace the alcohol with coffee or something?

>> No.9302701


Fuck no man, are you kidding? I tried to limit myself to 4 beers tonight and I am losing my mind trying not to go get more, coffee is the last thing I want

Matter of fact, I'm going to go down the road to a mexican joint and gets some tacos and beer. Because that is obviously 100x better than sitter here losing my mind. Fuck you

>> No.9302724

I'm over a year dry. I smoke pot, but it makes me stupid, is illegal, and I still moderately want to drink.
I don't see how coffee could help. Heroin, sure, that helps with alcohol addiction, is easier and less dangerous to stop, and don't destroy the body as badly. I don't have to tell you that heroin addiction isn't exactly great either.

It's an addiction, and a bad one. There are no easy solution.

>> No.9302796

back in high school me and some buddies decided to invite our one friend who didn't drink alcohol to come hang and drink with us. He overdid it and i'm still baffled how this kid did not die right in front of us.

He managed to down an entire fifth of jack (like he chugged the entire bottle with us watching) and then proceeded to drink half a bottle of crown. He ended up puking/shitting/pissing himself the entire night while screaming in agony saying that everything hurts. We were terrified and so close to calling the cops or an ambulance but we were underage and had a lot of drugs with us too at the time (friend only drank the booze, didn't do anything else) After that night none of us really spoke to him ever again and i'm convinced he did die and i've just known a ghost ever since.

>> No.9302860

I know this is maybe not the thread to ask, but why make another one.

What is a good, simple, gin cocktail to make? Going to be at a party and I want to have something easy to make, with good taste. That ISNT a G&T.

I was thinking 7&7? I actually prefer my gin straight up, or G&T, but I want something new, and most people dont like straight up, not the people Ill be around atleast.

>> No.9302946

Rolling down the street smoking indo sippin on

>> No.9302955
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are you talking to me? or is someone else also named simpsonbro?

>> No.9302981

Are you the yellow cunt in the hospital?

>> No.9303003

You're retarded for letting someone that doesn't drink drink that much. First time I drank with a virgin drinker I had them down a shot and then wait 20 minutes before having another and then switched them to beer after the 2 shots. They enjoyed the experience and weren't shitfaced puking/hungover the next day.

>> No.9303239
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Need answers right now: should i puke

One one hand, my stomach hurts like the dickens
on the other hand i don't wanna be hugging the toilet giving myself an anyurism if this will pass on its own

i think i'll have a lime wedge and see if it passes

>> No.9303774

That's not you, that's Shawn Wasson, aka the News Junkie based in Orlando. And if that really is you, Shawn, you know you're older than 29.

>> No.9303855

It's 12am, I have nothing to drink and I'm looking at a bottle of Amaretto. Tell me why this is a bad idea.

>> No.9303882

Because just looking at it won't do anything. You're supposed to consume it in order to feel anything.
8am here and I'm downing Frosty Jacksie. Fml.

>> No.9303973


>> No.9304224
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Halfway through my second bottle and dont feel shit. Don't end up like me anon.

>> No.9304351
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Finished them, so bought another two. Lol.
Also bought a delicious Turkish delight choc. Then threw it up.
Fun, fun, fun

>> No.9304588

The makes me so sad to read this, especially after we all thought you were dead. Please get better. Today I'm not going to have a single drink, in your honor.

>> No.9304818

>Can't remember what episode I already watched...
I watched six episoded of the new season of Wet Hot AMerican Summer last friday. I didn't know I did until sunday evening.

>> No.9304828

see >>9301619