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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9273663 No.9273663 [Reply] [Original]

Give one (1) legit argument for not being vegan.

Oh wait, you can't.

>> No.9273673

Because it's being promoted by SJW lying ShariahBlue shills.

I'm a Christian, and God's enemies are going to get BTFO. I'm allowed to eat meat, it's in the bible.

Checkmate, atheist. Hillary for prison.

>> No.9273678


Meat is healthy and delicious.

>> No.9273682

vegan food is too expensive and doesn't taste as good as non-vegan food

>> No.9273683

I'm not a fucking faggot

>> No.9273686
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Contains milk. MMMMMMMMMMM

>> No.9273691

Honestly? It's because you're self-righteous assholes about it.

Nobody's ever walked up to me and handed me a flyer telling me I'm a piece of shit for not eating meat, and that if I don't eat a steak right now I might as well be Hitler. The closest I've ever had to that is "Hey, want a burger? No? Okay."

You're fucking assholes, and even if I hated meat I'd eat it to spite you at this point.

>> No.9273707

>You're fucking assholes, and even if I hated meat I'd eat it to spite you at this point.
This desu, fuck all of you.

>> No.9273710

Because eating and cooking meat is part of my culture and you don't get to dictate whether or not my culture is or isn't ethical you fucking millennial imperialist.

>> No.9273724

I'm not vegan like the OP, but I've found meat eater to be just as aggressive. If I order a non-meat dish, I get accusatory stares asking me to justify why I'm not eating meat. It's none of their business either way but it's definitely not just vegans who do this.

>> No.9273729

i get diabetes just looking at it but its magnificent i gotta say

>> No.9273732

It's gay

>> No.9273737

>using aggressive as a pejorative
The sure sign of a spineless millenial.

>> No.9273739

Aren't there a number of problems involved with being a vegan that many simply overlook? Stuff like not getting enough nutrients?

>> No.9273743

>I get accusatory stares asking me to justify why I'm not eating meat
Unless you dropped the bit where people actually opened their mouths and spoke about it, I'm 99% sure you just read too much into it because you're overly self-conscious.

>> No.9273753


There is literally nothing you can get from meat that you can't get in abundance from different plants.

>> No.9273762

i cant afford to replace all the meat on my diet for almonds

>> No.9273764

you people always claim this is happening to you, but I can never find any evidence of it actually happening.

at worst you're going to get a groan and an eye roll because someone went through the trouble of getting food and you are complaining about it at the last minute
>actually I don't eat meat
>ugh fine....just order half with sausage and leave the other half plain
since now we have ONE PERSON dictating what everyone else is eating for the evening

>> No.9273780


Omega-3. Creatine. Proper Vitamin A, D and E. Short-chain fats. Some of that stuff is very much NOT found in abundance in plants.

>> No.9273782

>right panel comveniently leaves out the export on beef because it's a far more profitable domestic product and international export than almonds are

The argument isn't good if it depends on omission to win.

>> No.9273786
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I'm about half-sure that you're a falseflagging vegan, and I'm not that guy, but I've simply never had any kind of experience even remotely like that. It probably varies with the cultural leanings from area to area, but I've never once been alienated or stigmatized for ordering a tofu or veggie option, and I eat plenty of meat.

I think the entire "debate" is fucking stupid, and I don't think either "side" is ever going to give up their preferred position, but I don't think these kinds of reactions are realistic at all, unless maybe you committed a massive faux pas for the culture or the region. I.E. asking for a vegetarian option at an average Texan barbecue.

Every single flyer I've ever been handed about the evils of the meat industry used terrible citations and made up half the "facts" they were trying to spread, when there's loads of perfectly valid criticisms you can level at "meat eaters" about how immoral/unhealthy/buzzwordy their diets are.

Even here, we're sitting here having this stupid excuse for a discussion because some faggot posted some low quality bait image and a regurgitated prompt OP to rile people up and get cheap (you)s. That's what the entire fucking controversy is. A handful of people started doing some shit, and some of them decided it made them superior in some way, and started to fling shit, and now the majority of the western world is going to spend the next several decades talking about what the "best" diet is as though such a thing exists and every single option for feeding our massive population isn't somehow shitting on the global ecosystem.

I think the world would be a much nicer place if we grew a little bit of sage in every field.

>> No.9273815


Omega-3 sources: Flax seeds. Chia seeds. Hemp seeds. Seaweed. Mustard oil. Beans. Leafy greens. Winter squash. Berries. Cabbage. Wild rice. Mangoes. Honeydew melon.

Creatine is absolutely non-essential for a healthy diet.

If you think we can't get vitamins A, D, and E from plants I'm really at a loss for words. "Proper" means absolutely nothing. Either it is, or isn't.

>> No.9273819
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>> No.9273826

meat taste good...motherfucker...

>> No.9273830


>Omega 3's are found in plants, but often they're accompanied by even higher levels of Omega 6, meaning they aren't particularly useful for supplementation. There is one plant-based source with high Omega 3's and low-Omega 6's (flax seeds). The problem is that there are several different types of Omega 3's and the form found in flax seeds (ALA) must be converted by the body into the different forms (DHA and EPA) before it can be utilized. The body is very inefficient at doing this conversion. Studies have shown that only around 2-3% of the ALA you eat will get converted to DHA and EPA. This means you'll have to eat somewhere around 40 grams of flax oil for your body to get 1g of usable Omega 3's. While it is possible to consume enough flax oil to get adequate Omega 3's, it is so much less efficient than eating krill or fish oil it seems silly. Since the Omega 3's in krill and fish are already in the form of DHA and EPA, they are far more efficient sources.

>Vitamin A is not the only nutrient that plants do a poor job at providing. Other fat-soluble vitamins (D and E) are difficult to get in adequate levels from plant foods. Vitamin E is available in oil as avegetarian supplement. Vitamin D, however, is almost always found in dry form as a vegetarian supplement. When consumed in dry form, most of the vitamin will pass through the digestive system unabsorbed. The best vitamin D supplements come from fish oil sources.

>Recently, vegetarian oil-based vitamin D supplements have become available (derived from lichen). They're quite expensive and hard to find, and I'm hesitant to endorse them until I see more research on absorption and chemical analysis. Fish-oil based sources remain your best bet.

What was that about this stuff being found "in abundance" in plants? Don't even get me started about short-chain fats

>> No.9273838

Almonds contain bacteria.
Cows contain meat.

>> No.9273844
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>Nice restaurant guys but I don't eat meat because blah, blah blah blah, morality, blah blah, higher plain of consciousness, blah blah blah blah, muh cute wittle bunnies, blah blah blah, so I'm only going to order vegetables. Who's on board?
>everyone stares wide eyed with open mouths at me like I'm some kind of freak, fucking aggressive carnists.

>> No.9273848


>> No.9273849

What do you think vegans eat?

Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and rice have a lower monetary and environmental cost compared to meat.

You're probably thinking of that bullshit vegan junk food that tries to imitate dishes that contain meat and cheese. No one really eats those.

>> No.9273850

>bbq this past week
>muslim doesn't eat pork
>remove all pork items from the menu
>this means goodbye to all the good sausage, hello chicken sausage in the sausage and pepper
>3 "gluten free" people
>need to set aside portions of beef and chicken because there is soy sauce in my marinades
>every one has to wait until their food is cooked first so they don't pick up any residual gluten on the grill
>meanwhile they are nibbling on crackers and pasta here and there "heh its ok if I cheat a little today" meaning this isn't even for medical reasons and they are just faggots
>vegetarian girl
>making two big trays of baked ziti
>need to make and entire 10 fucking pounds of pasta without meat to accommodate one persons self imposed restriction

people like this are not invited to my house anymore, I'm not dealing with it.
what happened to being a good guest? its a two way street you know?
the host will provide what they have, and you either graciously accept it or don't be a guest there, that's how this is supposed to work.
these fucking millennials have the audacity to enter someones home and be provided a free meal and entertainment, and complain that it is not up to their standards. fuck this gay shit

>> No.9273859

Absolutely not

>> No.9273863


No offense but why even throw a BBQ if you're gonna throw this many restrictions on the food/meat? Just give a general "if you're a vegan/gluten free/muslim then you may find offensive food here, literally not my problem"

>> No.9273866

>No one really eats those.

Lol, you'd be surprised.
I work in a trendy supermarket. Processed meat-replacement vegan foods outsell fresh produce by about 5:1.

>> No.9273871
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>>meanwhile they are nibbling on crackers and pasta here and there "heh its ok if I cheat a little today" meaning this isn't even for medical reasons and they are just faggots
People who have celiac, sure, fine, whatever, but people who jump on bandwagons like that need to be shot.

>> No.9273876


Milk helps prevent osteoporosis and contains large amounts of protein and helps the body have stronger teeth and muscles. It is also able to lower blood pressure and increase vitamin A and B levels.


Eating a small serving of red meat allows better tissue repair, better iron that is much more easily absorbed than plant based foods, give weight lose with the protein provided making you feel full, strengthens your immune system thanks to zinc....

While there are awesome benefits...I'd say it's just to have milk or red meat in moderation. I don't eat red meat all the time but drink milk regularly. My cholesterol is low and I'm an overall very healthy weight.

>> No.9273880
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>Who is wasting California's water?

Four buckets of minnows.

>> No.9273882
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>> No.9273900


This only pisses me off because I work in a restaurant and "gluten free" has become the new trendy thing for older women to ask for, I think they believes it makes their food somehow contain less calories. One bitch who screamed about getting gluten free was eagerly drinking beer after beer and ate nearly a whole basket of bread before triple checking to make sure her steak was gluten free. I'm positive the bitch literally doesn't know what gluten is.

>> No.9273902

thats the plan going forward

but have you ever gone to a vegan house for dinner and told them you don't eat soy? heh! tough luck pal, go fuck yourself! is the response you get

>> No.9273905


>> No.9273911


>> No.9273915

>I'm positive the bitch literally doesn't know what gluten is.

Meanwhile the one dude I met who actually had celiac knew 99% of the things that'd set him off and would just avoid them, and would always look embarrassed when he had to bug waitstaff about some dish he didn't know about.

>> No.9273916
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God bless.

>> No.9273924

literally no one does this

>> No.9273926


I have a friend who's mostly vegan, but I didn't know it for years. You know why? If he goes to a party that doesn't serve vegan food he either brings his own food or he just eats what's provided and doesn't make a big fuss. Yes that means that once in a blue moon he'll eat a hot dog or something, but thankfully this means I've never seen him make a big deal about his beliefs to the point where it made a host uncomfortable.

>> No.9273931

I don't really care about most non-mammals, and I don't see anything wrong with using products from animals that doesn't require killing or seriously harming them.

>> No.9273932

If you haven't already, give your vegan friend a firm handshake and a thank you for not being a cunt.

>> No.9273935

>people like this are not invited to my house anymore, I'm not dealing with it.
>what happened to being a good guest?
Tell them to bring their own BBQ and food. Problem solved.

>> No.9273937

>it's being promoted by sjws
No it's not, sjws and most leftists are full on hedonists who want people to extend eating animals to cats and dogs

>> No.9273940

>once in a blue moon he'll eat a hotdog
That just means he's a cuck with 0 conviction

>> No.9273946
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>sjws and most leftists are full on hedonists who want people to extend eating animals to cats and dogs
When you make shit up to make dumb people look dumber, the only idiot is you.

>> No.9273954
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BP /thread

>> No.9273955

Why is this thread so based?

I was vegetarian for 10 years but I'm glad I can eat meat again.

Funny, there's still vegetarian food that tastes awesome. Being vegan must be suffering, imagine no eggs, I mean wtf.

>> No.9273962


I'm confused, why are those comments based? By the logic of the 1st one you're a cuck with 0 conviction

>> No.9273967


>affected by everyone
>affected by no one

So logically speaking, eating meat makes you less analblasted. I think I'm gonna stick to meat.

>> No.9273968

I order salads all the time and literally never get looks

>> No.9273977

No because I didn't eat meat while being vegetarian, unlike the cuck vegan who eats hotdogs.

>i abstain from animal products for ethical reasons
>i eat reconstituted meat because i don't want people to think i'm weird

>> No.9273978


>> No.9273986
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>one instance of a person I hate doing [thing] means all of them do [thing]
Nice try, champ.

>> No.9273990


So you abstained from animal products for ethical reasons, the went back to eating meat because of peer pressure?

Dude you are like, the epitome of a cuck with 0 conviction.

>> No.9273998

I started being vegetarian because I felt bad about animal suffering, after being vegetarian I felt cleaner in myself.

I became Christian while I was vegetarian. I stopped being vegetarian for biblical reasons.

The people who mistreat animals will have to answer for it. The people who eat meat won't.

>> No.9274004

I kind of wish they would stop selling so much, but it would cut into companies profits and it would fuck things up

I'm not into vegan... but I would like to just slow down trucking for a few weeks to see how people react to stores being sold out....

>> No.9274008


Then it sounds like you have no conviction. Know what conviction MEANS anon? "A firmly held belief or opinion." So it sounds like you firmly held onto that belief until... you didn't. Because people would "think you were weird" which you failed to mention here.

No. Conviction. Cuck.

>> No.9274010

Ha, funny image. Here's the thing though.

Meat and dairy gross twice as much income for the state per year than Almonds do.

>> No.9274012


This reminds me of the time WNBA players were furious they weren't getting paid as much as NBA players even though they get like 1/10th as much ad revenue and attention

>> No.9274021

I believe that animal cruelty is wrong. I still like eating meat, though. Why does it upset you?

>> No.9274027


It doesn't. I just think it's funny that the pot is calling the kettle black here.

>> No.9274042

They are nothing alike. One is eating meat to avoid being seen as weird, while claiming to be vegan. The other STOPPING being vegetarian because of biblical reasons.

I didn't care about people thinking I was weird. I once remember someone offering me a mint, and I refused and said I'm vegetarian. He looked at me like I was retarded, so I explained that they contained gelatin. I didn't care.

Sorry, project more I guess.

>> No.9274064


I just think it's a bit hypocritical to have problems with animal cruelty, then turn around and enjoy meat because you don't want to stand up for the rights of the creatures you're going vegetarian for.

>> No.9274080

How do I stand up for their rights? I don't think you read my posts properly.

>enjoy meat because you don't want to stand up for the rights of the creatures you're going vegetarian for
I don't think you read your own, either.

>> No.9274090

Humans are inventing lab grown meat and will be the first organisms on this earth to stop mass consuming animals in order to propagate themselves. At that point, animals will be in our debt to our comparitively infinite mercy.

Until then, I'm eating meat just like they are. Animals eat other animals and their concerns can fuck off since i'm the only species good enough to break that cycle of suffering that applies to literally every other organism except for humans. Oh wait, animals don't have concerns, it's just other fucking humans getting upset on their behalf, because humans are the only species that's able to give a shit enough to do anything.

>> No.9274098


If you don't care about others thinking you're weird then why did you say that you eat meat otherwise others will find you weird? You also said that other guy was a cuck for eating a hot dog during a party with no other food yet you just did it to not stand out. Sorry but I kinda agree you have no conviction.

>> No.9274116


I think your stance sounds very confused, like a logic pretzel. Sounds like you went to a lot of trouble to excuse yourself

>> No.9274130

Not beign a Cal*fornia subhuman is ((((1)))

>> No.9274148

Reported to the authorities.
Did you really expect leaving the first i out to save you from our sweeps?

>> No.9274161

>why did you say that you eat meat otherwise others will find you weird?
I was "greentexting" the stance of the vegan who was being discussed in this thread.

I didn't eat meat to fit in.


>> No.9274206
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Meat heads are shit heads. Op, I made orange juice "jello" today using nothing but OJ and agar powder - because gelatin is murder. Pic related.

>> No.9274216

are they worried that once they use the water it's gone and there isn't any more? where does the water go?

>> No.9274266

Gelatin ain't murder bro, just clever use of literal cadaver trash. I still don't eat it, let the plebs feast on it like in Snowpiercer.

>> No.9274271

I am. I'm not a dick about it, but it's the right option and it's super easy since I live in a big coastal city. I've also dropped about 20lbs of gut and feel better with no other changes made

>> No.9274297

I thank you for not being a dick about it and forcing it down other people's throats.

>> No.9274321

only flyovers experience this and your opinion really doesn't matter

us metropolitans are pretty used to eating diverse meals. it's actually pretty weird to eat meat every single meal. if you're doing this, it HAS to be intentional. no one actually enjoys eating meat 24/7 and feeling like a slow bloated mess all day

>> No.9274339

What does living in a coastal city have to do with it?

>> No.9274359

100% this. Gonna go get a double cheeseburger right now and season it with extra spite.

Fuck you self righteous vegelets

>> No.9274387

It's easier to find vegan restaurants or restaurants with options that don't totally blow, and also people here generally have a background awareness of veganism so it's not swimming upstream every time I meet someone new and have to explain why I'm passing on bbq night.

>> No.9274425

Bacon plus i hope kim nukes cali

>> No.9274446


>> No.9274452

False equivalency. California doesn't have to produce many almonds to produce 80% of the world's supply, but most of the fucking earth eats meat and dairy, so the amount California needs to make, and therefor the amount of water needed to support it are higher. Idiot.

>> No.9274835
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>no one actually enjoys eating meat 24/7 and feeling like a slow bloated mess all day
The "heartland" of America doesn't even realize that meat is why they feel like shit. They never get a break from it, so they have no baseline for comparison.

>> No.9274855

I don't like the idea of artificially inducing chronic nutrient deficiencies

>> No.9274877

Because you're an annoying antisocial psychopath, and I'd rather not be that if I can help it.

>> No.9274899

But are the almonds activated?

>> No.9274923

Because meat is good in moderation and not illegal to buy and eat

Fight me

>> No.9274933

Because I want to be nothing like you in any way.

>> No.9274946
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I'm an older vegan and most 20-something vegans are pussies. Who gives a fuck what other people think about you and what you eat. If they ask you why you are vegan, feel free to tell them, otherwise shut the fuck up holy shit.
Most people don't even care. Every conversation I've had with my family/friends over the years have been
>Why aren't you eating the burgers we made?
>Vegan, don't want to.
>Oh, okay cool.

Yeah, I'd like everyone to be vegan, but it's not going to happen, and that's okay. People will be more open about talking about veganism if you aren't a pretentious fuck and try to convert people like it's a cult or a pyramid scheme.

>> No.9274991


Because so many of the crops that go into vegan food (soy, palm oil etc.) Are equelly damaging to the planet. Serial vegans want every animal to live but don't realise that we have to plant more crops and destroy more wild lands to keep up e it the demand I'd everyone suddenly went vegan.

I've also never heard a vegan explain what would happen to all the livestock of the world if they got their way. People keep animals because they are usefull, as soon as you take the use away from cows and chickens and pigs we will have to dispose of them.

>> No.9275002


If more vegans were like you people the Internet would be a better place.

>> No.9275004

>Who is wasting californias water
Californians are for trying to farm in a FUCKING DESERT
Jesus christ.

>> No.9275016

Nothing lasts forever. We are the sex organs of the machine and the machine will always bleed to death.

>> No.9275028

Bet you feel extra euphoric after that comment you fucking faggot

>> No.9275061

I could never go fully vegan but I try to go vegetarian at least once per week. I like good food too much to quit meat.

>> No.9275069

I don't want to die from malnutrition http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Diet/vegans-life-starving-week-son/story?id=14508628

>> No.9275092

one person going vegan doesn't do jack shit to improve the burden of meat farming on the environment.

unless you're doing it for health reasons (which is debatable) going vegan is a waste of your time.

>> No.9275093

its not original. i just like posting nihilistic shit on troll/gay posts.

>> No.9275100
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Cows are on this Earth to die by my hand. See my picture for details.

>> No.9275112

Go to bed maddox.

>> No.9275142
File: 54 KB, 727x514, t_product28[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be vegetarian
>start weightlifting
>get low on iron while eating all the recommended iron-rich vegetarian foods, crave red meat once in a while
>eat meat in moderation and never waste any of it
>support the development of lab-grown meat and technologies that will improve water supplies and pollution control
>wait for veganism to become obsolete because there won't be any point with lab-grown meat/milk
>have genes for lactase persistence which probably means milk is good for me, not going to give up a natural and healthy food just because it's currently bad for the environment but will instead support ways to lessen its effects
seems like vegans want to go backward in regards to technology instead of looking forward

>> No.9275150

I think any movement starts out very dramatically with people who are both very sure of their beliefs and not tactful about spreading them. Once the movement gets mainstream acknowledgement but not acceptance the tack should shift to being more comfortable in your skin and less fanatical. I think veganism went past the point where this should'be happened but didn't change tack. This, along with Atkins getting a shot in the arm in the form of keto has stopped any growth in terms of sentiment.

>> No.9275157

>Yeah, I'd like everyone to be vegan, but it's not going to happen, and that's okay.
Would be nice if more vegans thought this way. They start dehumanizing the non-vegans who won't convert. Will you eat lab-grown meat when it's available?

>> No.9275169

i like meat
that said, I have been thinking about switching over

>> No.9275171

Dude at work is a vegan because of "health reasons" and not because of animal welfare, how does one become so delusional?

Anyone that spouts any bullshit about their "diet" is an attention whore cunt. Doesnt matter if its vegan, vegetarian, paleo, keto, whatever, everyone needs to shut the fuck up.

>> No.9275207

>Vegan lifestyle would literally save the planet
>"vegans are so self-righteous! It's my RIGHT to destroy this planet"

Like a woman being called out on her bullshit, you simply react. No thought.

>> No.9275222

>would literally save the planet
Maybe by causing half of the population to starve.
Vegetarianism is sane, veganism is fucking retarded.

>> No.9275236

>if we all go vegan the sun won't burn out
magical thinking

>> No.9275251

Vegetarianism would also work, granted it entailed an overall massive reduction in animal products. It would be pointless if it simply meant that for every meat farm, we replace it with an egg or dairy farm.

It's a matter of moderation for the sake of restoring balance to the earth's natural cycles. Dietary choices are only one factor in this process. Simply killing half the human population would also work.

>> No.9275264

Good for you if you think you're saving the planet. You still don't get to be a cunt about it.

>> No.9275273

>it's in the Jewish Tanakh
FTFY, Jesus was vegetarian (l2gnosticism)

It's okay if you're a braindead /pol/tard just don't pretend you aren't a Jewish puppet

>> No.9275302

>Your arguments are moot because muh nihilism
Perhaps it is not dietary choices, but attitude choices, which will spell the eventual downfall of humanity.

>> No.9275306

I don't like in a state where a water crisis due to stupid irrigation practices , and overpopulation

why should I go vegan to appease a bunch of fucking morons who decided to live in a place that doesn't have enough water to support them?

>> No.9275309

I'm not a nihilist, I'm just realistic and don't believe that being vegan will literally save the planet.

>> No.9275312

Holy shit, /pol/tard btfo!

>> No.9275315

lol and who decided that water to support the growing need for more almonds, soy and spinach is more important anyway

>> No.9275323

Don't pretend you didn't make a nihilistic post. Your argument was very clearly, "Well everything dies eventually so why care?"

>> No.9275325

because these people haven't done the math for how much water it would take if everyone went vegan.

one cow will feed many. an animal, to include organs, can provide complete nutrition. how much acreage, how many gallons of water, how much money would it take to feed the vegan population if it even doubled? tripled?

are vegans even aware that they're being extremely disingenuous w/ infographics like this or...

also, it would kill a lot of brown people. there are tons of brown "vegans" in africa and haiti who only break their perfect diet of grass and dirt to eat each other.

>> No.9275336

you're argument is very clearly, "veganism will save the planet", and he demonstrated it was false. Sure, it was a nihilistic example, but how about this?


who the fuck are you saving but other rich white faggots and Kellogg's corporation?

>> No.9275339



>> No.9275354

You have done zero research, you obviously know nothing. Entropy is the law of the universe. Every time you convert enrgy from one form to another, you lose some energy permanently as heat or other waste products. This simple law is the basis of all vegan arguments for resource conservation. Light becomes plants, entropy occurs. Plants become meat, eggs or dairy, entropy occurs. The end result is that it takes far more resources to produce animal products than it takes to produce plant-based food. I hope I cleared things up for you, now please stop spreading your ignorance.

>> No.9275367

That was my argument. The conscious decision to take that argument to an extreme in an attempt to invalidate it is no better than running away from a fight. Now comes more tangentially related reasons you and your ilk to ignore sound reason.

And you wonder, why is that these activists seem so frustrated?

>> No.9275376

>"Well everything dies eventually so why care?"
It was more like "veganism won't stop the sun from burning out, we need incredibly advanced technology to do that". Not nihilistic at all.

>> No.9275380

>ignoring the devastating and proven effects of animal products on your body
>ignoring the amazing proven benefits of a whole-foods plant based diet
>refuting something based on peoples attitude and not evidence and logic
>ethics aren't important due to peoples attitude
>environmental damage isn't important due to peoples attitude
>failing to notice your ignorance and fallacious logic

I'm vegan, I don't preach ethics and dehumanize people but I do tell people that I don't consume animal products if we go out to eat.

If everyone wants to go get Chicken wings that's great, I'll go and order something else instead. Don't be a cunt to people and expect that to change their minds, show them the perils of animal products with science and logic, sprinkle ethics in when convenient.

>> No.9275381

So because we have a problem some millions of years from now, that means we should ignore the problems of today? I'm sorry but I don't follow the logic here. I simply see an attempt to escape an unavoidable and unwinnable confrontation.

>> No.9275400

Im vegan but why even bait???

>> No.9275411

Kind of surprised not a single one of those replies agreed. I'm not a vegan or vegetarian and I have definitely gotten inquisitive/odd looks if I choose to order something (lunch or dinner not breakfast) without meat. and I live in norcal.

>> No.9275454
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Probably not. I've gone this long without it, so why bother.
Plus I haven't remotely craved meat in any way in over a decade so it sounds unappealing, really.
I'm sure other people would love it though so I hope it becomes the norm instead of factory farming.

>> No.9275462

Until we have a better way of producing electricity, this will never be more viable than simply growing and slaughtering organisms.

>> No.9275518

>refuting something based on peoples attitude and not evidence and logic
>ethics aren't important due to peoples attitude
>environmental damage isn't important due to peoples attitude
Welcome to basic human interaction.

Something something flies, honey, vinegar.

>> No.9275530
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wtf i love vegans now

>> No.9275533

Because I'm not a homosexual.

>> No.9275534

I agree, I'm vegan but never talk about it. I go to order a vegan option or ask for things to be removed from a non-vegan option and omnivores always see this is some sort of invitation to start arguing with me over why I don't consume animal products and why I need to do so. annoying.

>> No.9275540
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I like you.

>> No.9275547
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>samefagging this hard

>> No.9275568

Probably more to do with the fact you're wasting your money. Everyone knows non-meat dishes are overpriced af.

>salad as a meal
>"Ok, that will be $17 plus tip sir"

>> No.9275573

Its not like me to behave like a twat.
That is more than reason enough.

>> No.9275597

Thank you, just... thank you

>> No.9275607

Recently switched to a predominantly plant based diet. It's nice. The food cravings went away after the painful first few days and now, apart from my bean-fart addled intestines, I actually feel pretty good. I still eat meat and some junk (i love donuts) but I don't eat as much of those items. Say what you will about environmental consciousness, but it's undeniable that raising a cow to eat is way less cost effective than simply eating veggies. American's need to cut down on big macs and save the planet, as do the rest of the first world.

>> No.9275769

Nothing tastes as good as animals do.

>> No.9275786

Too real for this thread.

>> No.9275796

The feeling of shitness after eating a meat-containing meal is more than likely to be the result of eating a shitton of potatoes, rice, french fries, bread, and other carbs.

Try eating just a steak, no other bullshit. You do not get bloated, you do not have an insulin spike nor subsequent crash. You just feel satisfied.

The problem is not meat, it is the grains and starches that these places over-consume.

>> No.9275803

The central valley is most certainly not a desert. The problem is that there are too many people in Southern California, a region that is not able to naturally sustain such a population.

>> No.9275818

>The volume of plants required to sustain humans...
>The vast infrastructure needed to harvest and transport the massive tons of plant mass...
>The nutrition that is unavailable for human use due to the inferior bioavailability...
>The vast swaths of land that must be repurposed from its natural state to grow your shit corn and potatoes...

All solved by the natural mechanisms of a cow. It automatically concentrates the plant matter into a substance that is easier to transport, more nutritionally dense, and demands less on your body to digest. When properly managed, grass-fed and pastured animals subsist on the natural grasses, re-fertilize the land, and increase the biodiverity of an area. Destroying the land with industrial fertilizers to plant massive acres of corn and wheat completely FUCK the environment for generations.

That being said, nobody should be eating grain-fed, feedlot-raised meat and it is terrible both for your health and the environment.

>> No.9275826

The people themselves consume very little water. It's the farms, especially the animal farms, which deplete the reserves.

>> No.9275843

Vitamin B12. It's only found in animal products. Long term vegans eventually have to get injections because pills that contain B12 are absorbed terribly. The injections are as well.
Also, B12 supplements are made from animals products I bet.

>> No.9275849

> Long term vegans eventually have to get injections because pills that contain B12 are absorbed terribly
Utter bullshit, B12 pills are perfectly fine and there are plenty cheap vegan sources. Plus animals actually get B12 supplements these days because they'd get deficient otherwise. I'm not even vegan myself but you're just spouting shit here.

>> No.9275851

You severely underestimate the impact which animal herding has on land. Look at communities across the world where animal herding is the norm and you will see that there is a crisis. The topsoil becomes compacted and depleted because of grazing, and the effects can take decades to reverse. So now they need new land to graze on, and the cycle repeats. I think grazing animals have their place, because fundamentally they have evolved to fit into balanced ecosystems. But as soon as humans start tipping this balance and trying to take control of these herds and expand their influence, the land suffers. By your logic, we should only eat grazing animals which have been hunted from the wild. Like always, humans would take too much and extinct the species they hunt, so we farm instead, to the detriment of other species. The idea that grazing herds increase the biodiversity of an area is laughable.

Your point about modern crop farming practices is correct though. Raping the land with petrochemical fertilisers is not a good alternative.

>> No.9275868

>/pol/: the post

>> No.9275892

I'm not a fan of cock.

>> No.9275921

yes there is, its called MEAT, and last time I checked the only source of meat is meat, if you so happen to know of magical meat-bearing plant I'm all ears, till ten be quite.

>> No.9275931
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>meat and Dairy
>people are meat
So 47% of the water is used on animals as well as us humans, sounds good to me.

>> No.9275943

If there's some reason the thread didn't end with this post, I'm not seeing it.

>> No.9275945

Almonds are shit.

>> No.9275946
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>he purposefully misinterprets statistics in order to stifle productive conversation

>> No.9275952

>getting weird looks for ordering vegan/vegetarian shit in NorCal

okay I live in NorCal and I'm calling bullshit on this. Its more likely to get weird looks here if you order something that's meat heavy.

>> No.9275955

The omega-3 argument is pretty stupid, it isn't an issue if you are aware of it despite the low conversion rate (but yeah that's a reason why I think fish can very much be benefitial), vit D is mainly from the sun and fortified foods there's very little in animal foods and there are vegan sources of D3 and D6 (plus the absorption rate heavily depends on other factors). Vit A and E are extremely easy to get from vegetables/fruits.

>> No.9275961

Damn vegan anon, you're my kind of guy. I'd buy you a beer of your choice any day.

>> No.9275965

Why not raise cattle in a water and land restricted state! Brilliant.

>> No.9275980
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>He literally did not look at the actual study and assumes those who did are trolls

>> No.9276007

the problem is, most vegans ARE like him. seriously, there's more memes about vegans on the internets than vegans complaining about meat eaters. "le meat xD faggot vegans umm hello i'm vegan" is way more abundant than "URE MURDERING PEOPLEANIMALS"

other than that i understand why there is a militant movement. [hippie]this planet is absolutely going to shit and the meat industry is the number one cause[/hippie], and just like so many things in life, things like "i'm considering to go meatless one day a week, i'll decide next year" are simply too little to late. people truly do need to act now. but if you say this the "i don't give a shit about anything because muh existential depression" and "but bacon" thing comes up and there's no room for discussion. everything is a meme

>> No.9276037
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I've been double-trolled. Here is the study.

>> No.9276050

Not related to whatever you and the other guy were talking about, but this seems to show that water usage for animals is almost equal to that of plants.

>> No.9276064

If you factor out what is not used for food I think it gets down to like 10-15%, forgot how much exactly.

>> No.9276069

It does show that. What we really need to know is the resulting food-energy and nutrients which each side provides. Veganism is only supported by this data if the food-energy and nutrients supplied by the overall production of plants is higher than that supplied by the production of animal products. I'm not going to the effort of finding this data, but it's seems agreed on that even if plants are less nutrient dense than meat by weight, the sheer bulk produced makes up for this.

>> No.9276083

Do you know how much fodder animals need for how little meat? It's retarded to even think that might be a point.

>> No.9276162
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>if you factor out the one thing that disproves my point!!!!

>> No.9276168

So subsidued corn used for fuel and shit is relevant to this argument? Sure you smug posting nigger.

>> No.9276176

if we were not meant to eat animals, why are they made of meat?

>> No.9276197

>So because we have a problem some millions of years from now, that means we should ignore the problems of today?
I never said that. I was simply refuting the "veganism will literally save the planet" argument. Even if everyone went vegan we'd still have problems like plastic waste in the ocean, climate change, pollution from factories and cars, crop diseases and animal extinctions, etc. So to act like veganism will LITERALLY FIX EVERYTHING is holding too high an opinion of yourself and your dietary choices which only makes actually dealing with other issues harder. If you want to save the planet support technologies that can help keep it healthy instead of acting like you're better than everyone else because you buy plants instead of meat at the grocery store.

>> No.9276281

Why do vegans not eat eggs even when they are kept at home and are looked after very well?

>> No.9276285

I've seen a few people say they eat vegan unless they get eggs from a friend who keeps chicken as pets and not livestock. Some of them act more "spiritual" like meat is a contaminating substance and would literally rather throw meat away instead of eating it, which I think is pretty stupid.

>> No.9276293

I had to go vegetarian for health reasons 4 years ago so I went balls deep and became vegan.

While I'm way more healthy than 4 years ago, I still crave meat every week and cooking without dairy and eggs is ridiculously hard.

Cherish what you guys have, senpais

>> No.9276294

>killing half the human population would work
That's a very temporary solution. You should watch the show Utopia

>> No.9276300

Yep. People are like traffic. You can build more roads but all you get is more traffic. The solution when it comes to the food supply is polyculture. Which carnists don't seem to grasp because the only way for every man woman and child to eat the "required" 3 pounds of CAFO slime every day is for the earth to be blanketed in GMO monocrops and Roundup until the bubble pops and things correct themselves in the long run, the way they always do. Of course a lot of people will die screaming, but them's the breaks.

>> No.9276301

I'm glad you were finally able to articulate your thoughts. Too much confusion exists simply because people can't be bothered to present a clearly justified argument or perspective.

You're right, veganism is not the be-all, end-all solution to humanity's plight, but it is certainly a step in the right direction.

Because they are too invested in the cause and it blinds them to reality. I had a vegan try to tell me that my own chickens were unhealthy and abused simply for the fact that they were domesticated chickens.

>> No.9276302

>I tell people I don't consume animal products
Hello Spock

>> No.9276303

>Too much confusion exists simply because people can't be bothered to present a clearly justified argument or perspective.
Yeah like saying veganism will literally save the planet when what you mean is it might make things better for a little while.

>> No.9276317

We should stop having so many fucking kids is what we should do

>> No.9276321

>Which carnists don't seem to grasp because the only way for every man woman and child to eat the "required" 3 pounds of CAFO slime every day is for the earth to be blanketed in GMO monocrops and Roundup
Not really, lab-grown meats and vertical farming will be a big help in solving those issues. Kind of sucks that a lot of people will be against it because it isn't "natural" though.

>Of course a lot of people will die screaming, but them's the breaks.
Your mentality is unhealthy and overly pessimistic. It's okay to recognize flaws and issues, but it seems like you want people to die so you can say "i told you so!"

>> No.9276326
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This happens via economic development

There's a misconception that having fewer babies improves your status. In fact it's the other way around, people have fewer babies BECAUSE their status improves.

>> No.9276337

We should stop having so many kids so that we stop crowding the place and turning it into a floating trash heap, not to improve our status

>> No.9276340

"Status" in this sense does not mean "having a louis vuitton bag", silly

A high HDI society is inherently more capable of using resources more efficiently, thus reducing the "floating trash heap" problem

There's no rule that says it has to use resources more efficiently, but at least it has a chance. A low HDI society does not have that chance because it lacks the capabilities and thus could not become more efficient without raising HDI first

>> No.9276342

If everyone went vegan overnight the impact would be so dramatic that the earth could basically be considered saved for the next few hundred years. I'm not going to entirely rescind that statement.

>> No.9276360

If everyone cut down on food waste and stopped overeating it would make a dramatic impact too, and would make people healthier (because vegans can be overweight and unhealthy too) but you seem to be more focused on dehumanizing non-vegans and painting them as a scourge upon the earth that needs to be cleansed by fire.

>> No.9276369

>world goes vegan tomorrow because "muh animals"
>literally billions of cattle, pigs and chickens have to be be slaughtered anyway because nobody has the time, space or money to keep them alive for 0 profit
>they can't survive on their own because they're domesticated animals that have depended on humans for thousands of years, so the only options are extinction or some kind of giant farm animal reservation which again, nobody has the time, space or money to fund
>global food crises because almost every country's food industry is focused on meat and can't cope with the extreme demand for vegetables and fruit

>> No.9276375

*india and africa should stop having kids

>> No.9276392

>Meat farms shut down
>Billions of human beings die
Seems like a net win for planet earth.

>> No.9276395

why should i care if people run out of water?

>> No.9276448

Because I don't care one fuck for the suffering of animals. Animals are on this planet for us to eat. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.9276513

A cow can feed several mouths, one almond can't even feed one mouth.

>> No.9276527

Because there has never been a functioning society that was 100% vegan. No tribes are vegan. If it was superior wouldn't humans have evolved to be vegan?

Humans are the best long distance runners on earth. Meaning they can run down any animal given enough distance. Why would we have evolved for that if veganism is a better choice? I don't have to take a fistful of supplements every day so I don't go crazy either

>> No.9276535

How do you pronounce it?

>> No.9276562

This huge brain seems extraneous to the simple act of chasing animals.

It's almost as if rational decision making and environmental manipulation (farming) were the true end-game of human evolution.

>> No.9276571


>> No.9276575

Yep. But why would herbivorous hominins die out if their diet was superior?

>> No.9276595

>FTFY, Jesus was vegetarian
No He wasn't.

Nope, no such thing. The God of the O.T. is the God of the N.T.

Exodus 3:14
And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel,
I Am hath sent me unto you.

John 8:58
Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I Am.

>> No.9276602

Isn't it written in the bible that fruits and ''plants'' are made for humans?

>> No.9276611


>> No.9276613

No, in Eden they were to eat fruit and herbs and stuff. I don't know if they ate meat, but they might have. Here, look;

Genesis 3:21
Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

Notice, Lord Jesus (in Eden) gave them nice clothes to wear outside Eden. Skins implies animals.

I believe that Lord Jesus might have killed 2 animals to take their skins for the coat, maybe to atone for their sin before they left. The thing about death is that it's not a good thing, God is going to destroy it and I don't know how much it existed in Eden before they left it.

>> No.9276625

because milk cheese and meat are delicious and if we have 1 life to live why would I limit what I experience? as an omnivore I can enjoy any vegan dish just as much as you, but as a virtuous plant worshipping faggot you will never enjoy a dish with meat, cheese, or real milk. milk I can understand though, who gives a shit, I know almond milk is good. you can have that, but you can't beat meat and cheese

>> No.9276631


>> No.9276633

>false flag operation

after this I read the rest of the comment as Jessie Ventura

>> No.9276664

check mate athiest XD

>> No.9276669

>The God of the O.T. is the God of the N.T.
This one gets me every time. Have you actually read the book? The god of the O.T was some kind of heinous control-freak hell bent on waging war. The god of the N.T is a cool guy who wants people to be free from hierarchical oppression.

>> No.9276678


>> No.9276694
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>The god of the O.T was some kind of heinous control-freak hell bent on waging war.
You're blaspheming against God, you hate your own life.

>The god of the N.T is a cool guy who wants people to be free from hierarchical oppression.
Maybe you should read the book too.

If you survive the plagues, curses and genocide, after the rapture, maybe you'll understand when Lord Jesus returns to rule. Isn't the rule of a king part of a hierarchy?

Here's my roast venison with homemade chips and onion gravy. Tasted awesome.

>> No.9276736

Jesus had the chance to rule already. You know what he did? Let himself be tortured and killed because he'd rather be dead than be in a position of power over others.

>> No.9276763
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>Let himself be tortured and killed because he'd rather be dead than be in a position of power over others.
No, I don't know where you get this nonsense from.

The new covenant was sprinkled with the blood of Lord Jesus. In the O.T. clean animal blood was sprinkled on the testimony and all the people witnessed it, and understood that it was legally binding. The N.T. was the same except animal blood can't take away sin, but Lord Jesus can. His blood was shed for the covenant.

He's coming back as a king to collect His people, and then to rule.

Why did He share this?

Luke 19:
26 For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him.
27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
28 And when he had thus spoken, he went before, ascending up to Jerusalem.


>> No.9276795

>why did Jews sneak war-mongering passages into the official document of the human organisation of the church

I don't know, why did they do that? Couldn't have been to lead people like you into blind obedience, could it?

>> No.9276802

Holy fuck how are carnists this mad all the time

Jesus dude take a (gelatin-free) chill pill

There's nothing I can do to force you not to eat meat, just be honest with yourself about your values...

>> No.9276811

>Jews sneak war-mongering passages into the official document of the human organisation of the church

Nobody can change the bible. Use the KJV it's a reliable translation. People who want money or want to deceive can only make alternate translations of it, that's why there's so many bible versions.

Nobody has power over the word of God.

>blind obedience
Should I be disobedient to God?

You're under attack by Satan. It's spirit of disobedience is blinding you.

Look for truth.


Matthew 7:
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

>> No.9276825

I always wonder how /pol/ and right wing Christian's reconcile the fact that the Old Testament says nonstop that the Jews are god's chosen people

>> No.9276830

>If I order a non-meat dish, I get accusatory stares asking me to justify why I'm not eating meat.

You have paranoid delusions. You should really speak to a therapist.

>> No.9276834

Your goodness isn't genuine. You're just following orders with the hope of reward.

Jesus would roll in his grave if he saw what his legacy had become. The kingdom of heaven lies within, waiting for the key of the heart. You would know this had you not been blinded by false institutions.

>> No.9276858
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>the Old Testament says nonstop that the Jews are god's chosen people
It doesn't. Judah was 1 of 12 children of Israel. Abraham, Isaac and Israel (the person known as Jacob) were not Jews. The tribe of Asher are Israelites, but not Jewish.

The whole 'muh chosen people' thing is a deception. Imagine if you had 11 siblings, and 1 of them was a whining histrionic moneygrubber who went around saying he was an only child and telling people to ignore anyone else who claimed they were children of your parents.

There's a group of people which God says aren't Jews but they claim they are. That's why there's so much confusion regarding biblical identities. People pretending, perhaps it's the Ashkenazi or the blood-sucking, money-grubbing murderers in funny black coats and furry hats? I don't know, only God does. It's best not to lean on our own understanding but God's word. Let God be the judge.

You're following Satanic doctrine and it doesn't lead to life. Maybe if I had a couple of hours to sit down and talk to you over a few beers I might be able to explain and talk some sense in to you. But I doubt it, only God can free you. No matter how much you get proven wrong you simply shift the goal posts and try a new angle of attack. You've already made your mind up, you need to put the search for truth higher than anything in your life so you find it. Don't get distracted.

>> No.9276860


I'm no expert on the subject, but isn't going to the extremes in either direction a bad thing?

I mean if we moved to being a lot more vegan-based culture we'd quickly run into problems with food production. But obviously current methods of meat farming leave something to be desired.

I guess I wish people would have more the outlook of these guys, >>9275142 >>9274946 people who aren't using vegan/vegetarianism as a means to lord their higher moral standpoint over others but just simply think it's the better choice.

>> No.9276863

How's this for a quote?
John 4:8
>8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

If you are divisive and stand only with the church, and not in compassion with every living being on this earth, then you have failed in the only thing which ever truly mattered.

>> No.9276872

Cause meat products are tasty and I enjoy eating them.

>> No.9276902
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Your definition of love is not perfect or complete. God is love. But God killed hundreds of thousands of gentiles who attacked His children. Is that loving? Yes. Wouldn't you kill someone attacking your kids? I would. There are things in this world which I shouldn't have love or compassion for. One of them is Satan. It would greatly displease God to want mercy for it. In Genesis, it was cursed to be below every beast of the field, and to eat dust. It's lower than shit. It's not a king and it doesn't rule in hell. It's not going to be saved, it doesn't care about anyone. It blasphemes against God all day and night, and its helpers get as many people as possible to turn away from God so they will be killed.

The people who God killed were absolutely abominable. Imagine walking outside one day and seeing a bunch of people cutting themselves and smearing themselves with the blood and their own shit and chanting and being possessed. Don't pretend like the people who were killed in the O.T. were somehow nice or clean. Or those sodomites who got burned so bad the rocks they built their homes from changed their chemical composition and now flake away like biscuits, lmao.

God tells us how to be loving, it doesn't involve performing sodomite wedding ceremonies, putting rainbow stickers on your car or drinking blood so gentiles don't think you're weird.

Look at this guy.

>> No.9276916

So if the world went vegan there would quickly be rampant starvation and probably the euthanizing of millions of animals. Whenever I see vegans asked about this they almost always reply with something along the lines of "yeah well I don't care if a bunch of humans die."

I guess my question is, do some people just really not give a shit about human life or is it a way to deflect a rather serious question with humor?

>> No.9276925
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If the world ate vegans, we could save maybe 15 trillion animals. Just saying.

>> No.9276935
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>pls don't waste water
And they call us Europoors.

>> No.9276954


I'm confused, why would you excessively waste water?

>> No.9276967

To tell you the truth, I have nothing but compassion for these Aghori. They look like the kind of people who Jesus would have tried to help. Jesus would have loved them, knowing them only to be those unfortunate seeds which grew on rocky ground.

>> No.9276989

>I have nothing but compassion for these Aghori
Then why don't you go to India and teach them how to be a morally superior non-Christian?

>> No.9277023

Are you able to use a card when paying to use a public restroom?

>> No.9277027

>to produce one pound of beef is 1,799 gallons of water; one pound of pork takes 576 gallons of water. As a comparison, the water footprint of soybeans is 216 gallons; corn is 108 gallons. (Compare more products


Hard to find other plants other then corn or soybeans, but corn and soybeans are the most produced in America.

>> No.9277257


yeah anon what to do with the billions of animals that were bred for our tastebuds. ideally you let them live a stress free existence, but as the meat industry has shown, that's near impossible. it's a pragmatic issue that says absolutely nothing, these things get killed daily and you don't give a shit. why do you suddenly care about the last generationof animals if the world were to go fully vegan?

>> No.9277463

So Adam and Eve got kicked out for being little shits
Why did all the animals get kicked out too?

>> No.9277538

If you want your claimed benefits of meat you have to eat it raw. Heat destroys nutrition

>> No.9277564

Let me loosly qoute another anon's reply
>vegans, just like the rest of us, eat/use sugar, soy, palm oil, coffee, tea, oil and gas, etc. Thus destroying Earth and its climate and eco systems. You do not have any moral high ground just because you skip meat, milk and eggs.
>the fact that you keep patting yourself on the back for that proves you are a self centered little fag.

>> No.9277644

I was about to argue how the Californian meat and dairy industry is just so much bigger, producing way more calories, but

>Californian beef and dairy industry produces 18 million tons of milk and 1 million tons of beef per year

That would be 10 Tcal for the milk and 2.1 Tcal for the beef. So about 12.1 Tcal for 47% of California's water.

>Californian almond industry produces 1.6 million tons of almonds per year

That would be about 8.6 Tcal for 10% of California's water.

So yeah, by produced calory of energy, almonds require WAY less water and probably also space. Man, almonds are calorically dense.

>> No.9277656


The comparisons of water wasted to produce plants vs to produce meat is done by volume only. In terms of calories per gallon of water, there are many, MANY more plants that cannot compete with the caloric density of meat. In fact most plants that aren't leafy greens are more wasteful than meat when it comes to calories per gallon.

>> No.9277664

if we replaced every animal pasture with plant based farms and stopped using animal products you would ruin the soil everywhere, as fish is a big source of fertilizer that commercial farms use, peat moss use would have to rise a lot too to compensate and if we start using too much of that it becomes unsustainable and we end up killing big carbon sinks and fertilizer sources

>> No.9277668

I can't wait until you get to the afterlife and God gives you the "I'm not mad, just disappointed" speech.

>> No.9277678

Ayup. Basically, unless you're doing all your own subsistence farming and only using renewable resources which you can control/track the source (e.g. well water, electric car charged by your own solar/wind "grid"), you're contributing to the expenditure of finite resources and ultimately contributing negatively to the planet's health.

Most vegans have no moral high ground here.

>> No.9277687

How much of the half-continent you occupy is desert? None? Oh, okay.


>> No.9277745

explain desu

>> No.9277781

The faster california runs out of water, the better.

>> No.9277800

You can contribute less.

>> No.9277826

This. Caliexit when?

>> No.9278078


so do you throw your trash in nature? you don't recycle? you burn your old tires in your backyard? PLANET'S GOING TO SHIT ANYWAY LOL

>> No.9278099

This happened to me all the time when I went vegetarian. I didn't tell anyone but when they saw me eating meat they'd immediately ask me if I was doing so intentionally. Some were fine with it but some would start going on and on about muh protein and b vitamins.
Seriously you cunts are just as insufferable about not eating meat as most vegans

>> No.9278152

>vegans rather let farm animals die of dehydration so they can keep their pools full

>> No.9278181

california is wasting california's water.

Case in point: the LA river is a conveyance. it dumps BILLIONS of fresh usable water into the ocean because the river is 100% impervious and all stormwater goes into the conveyance. there is no infiltration into the earth recharging the aquifer.

California is the largest square footage of personified hypocrisy on earth. Limousine fucking do as a say not as i do liberals protecting their hollywood elite asshole wanna-be tree-hugging self-interests. Oh big whoop you held a benefit concert and made people pay to go and donate a portion of ticket sales to save the earth. How about you spend YOUR OWN MONEY on saving the earth, you fucking asshole.

>> No.9278253
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I like triggering gigantic spregs like you

>> No.9278259

meat is fucking delicious

>> No.9278280

As a man it's just pathetic

>> No.9278338

Meat has protein. Humans need protein to survive.

>> No.9278359

Because meat, fish, seafood and dairy taste great. It takes self control not to eat any, self control that most of /ck/ lacks but hides behind being too manly to stop eating animals. Sadly it's not fooling anyone.

>> No.9278409

Enjoy your high carb diet induced induced inflamation, gut funghi growth and liberalism

>> No.9278437

True, but, for example, I may be less of a criminal than another person, but I'm still a criminal.

Why don't you take a deep breath and try that again, little fella?

>> No.9278446

All these assblasted flyovers ITT...

>> No.9278538

>Almond industry sales totalled $5.9bn in 2015
>Livestock and Livestock products sales totalled $12.8bn in 2015

Get fucked hipsters

>> No.9278590

>everyone on /ck/ is suddenly talking like the Jehova's Witnesses that knock on your door or one of those street preachers

>> No.9278598

"Someone in the world is probably mugging someone else, so it might as well be me! Checkmate, adults!"

>> No.9278680

>This single plant based product nets half of all livestock products combined

Really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.9278684

>*while using one fifth as much water, to boot

>> No.9278702
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Wow, really missed the point there, huh fella?

>> No.9278860

Meat replacements are terrible 98% of the time and the one guy who's cracked the code is keeping it a trade secret in the interest of profit.

Expect Pea prices to jump up at an all time premium if he supersedes the meat market.

>> No.9278866
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Don't mind me, I'm just going to roll on the ground for awhile and let Jeebus make me speak jibberish! When I'm done, I'll drink a couple shots of strychnine and play with muh rattlesnakes 'cause Jeebus.

>> No.9278934

B12, you have to supplement as a vegan. Same with calcium. Sure you could eat 60 to 100 oz of mushrooms daily or eat your own shit for b12 but I don't think you'll sway anyone to veganism that way. Let's not forget meat is more efficient for protein than any vegan source (4oz of chicken has 50% of dv while 4oz of tofu only has 30%)

>> No.9279241

Veganism is for faggots.

>> No.9279302

You severely underestimate the impact of industrial farms on the land as well. Also I pointed out that animal pasturing needs to be done intelligently, is a benefit to the land. Communities across the world are not doing this, by and large.

And grazing definitely increases biodiversity. To think that an increase in biodiversity results from repurposing vast swaths of natural landscape to grain fields, wherein farmers specifically seek out foreign plans and animals to remove and kill them, is asinine.







>> No.9279305

Yummy yummy in my tummy

>> No.9279315

Corn is not the dominant crop in California - and the corn that is grown is fed to animals, not used for biofuels.

>> No.9279319

>palm oil
Just because you're a vegan doesn't mean you have to buy it. There are plenty of other oils available.

Seitan made from vital wheat gluten and lentils is another good vegan protein source, although if you have a gluten allergy you're shit out of luck.

>> No.9279321


These are not equal comparisons.
>How many almonds would you need to eat to get the same amount of calories as 1 serving of beef.
>Then what is the water requirement to produce both?

>> No.9279322

1.It tastes good
2.Humans evolved to be omnivores not herbivores
3.I'm not a fucking pussy

>> No.9279337

Because i don't want to

>> No.9279359

>palm oil
Palm oil is unsustainable. It's very harmful apparently, I saw a TV program about it. You call companies that use it and they hang up on you or tell you how they are "working on improving methods blah blah blah". Something about deforestation and orangutans.

>> No.9279371

LOL couple of faggots

>> No.9279382

Did you even read my post? I said that palm oil isn't exclusive to veganism. Palm oil is terrible and that's why you use olive oil, canola oil, avocado oil, etc. instead.

>> No.9279405
File: 223 KB, 800x1219, 800px-Wheat_gluten_(vegetarian_mock_duck)_opened_can_(2007).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can get hold of this, consider trying it. Even 1 tin.

Even as a meat eater I love this stuff in curry. I can't get enough of it. I mix it with curry paste and water to make it thick and put it with noodles, it tastes insanely good. I can eat 2 tins of it, not even joking.

The first time I tried it I didn't know what to make of it because it tasted so different, just like when I tried shrimp for the first time.

>Did you even read my post?
>"Just because you're a vegan doesn't mean you have to buy it"
Why would vegans feel obliged buy palm oil? Really makes you think.

>> No.9279447

- Living in areas where it is extremely difficult to be vegan (food deserts, the North, etc.)
- Medical issues

Those are the only ones I can think of atm, anything else is just selfishness

>> No.9279470

Nice epic buzzwords, pol. Bet you totally TRIGGER some SJWs right? maga!

>> No.9279562

If being vegan is so healthy and natural, then why is it so recommend against for pregnant/breastfeeding mothers and babies/children?

>> No.9279566

Imagine being so insecure in your manhood that you try to use your diet as evidence of masculinity. Sad!

>> No.9279574

you can, they just arent as moral

>> No.9279586

There's plenty of water. Especially when you live by the coast. Question is, why wouldn't (((politicians))) invest tax money in water filtration facilities to supply the state?

>> No.9279841


more than enough calcium in plants and plant milk drinks. nobody ever died from a protein deficiency, it's a meme unless you're a bodybuilder.
b12, i don't understand the argument. you wouldn't rather take a harmless pill over something that causes incredible harm to the planet and living creatures?

>> No.9280089

One legit argument? Okay
Humans are terrible and should die in order to save the rest of the species on this planet. The most reasonable way to achieve this goal is to increase meat production. GG dumbass.

>> No.9280098

costs more power to desalinate. You waste more energy than you get water. It's a bad deal.

>> No.9280121


>> No.9280230

You're an idiot.
Calcium deficiencies are common among vegans.
Vegan diets only work in the modern world thanks to supplements.

>> No.9280255

wtf im vegan now

>> No.9280261

>comparing water usage of a nut to the entire fucking meat and dairy industry

30% of a supermaket is meat or dairy compared to a few bags of nuts. Of course more water is used you fucking autist.

>> No.9280268

>30% of a supermaket is meat or dairy compared to a few bags of nuts
spotted the flyover

I usually shop at farmers markets but the grocery stores I go to have roughly equal floor space for meat and nuts

>> No.9280430

believe it or not, vegans can be dumb fucks too and thus don't adjust their diets accordingly, news at 11

>> No.9280520

>comparing nuts to meat and dairy industry
>baiting this hard
>296 posts

>> No.9280535

how does tea or coffee destroy the earth tho?

>> No.9280584

>The store I go to has equal space for nuts (since its owned by fags) and meat

>therefore this means the entire country is producing the same amount of these 2 different products

top reasoning m8, you're greater than Leibniz.

>> No.9280675

>1. have to go vegetarian for health reasons
>2. Become vegan(?)
>3. Bitch about not being able to use dairy and eggs
>4. ???
>5. profit

>> No.9280676
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>300 replies later

This is the worst board.

>> No.9280680

I assume that by 'we' you mean the countries that have a high population increase such as those in africa and south america?
Too much people look at europe and america when they think of overpopulation.

>> No.9280684

It's a relevant topic worth discussing in depth. It's only right that the goyim should know what their consuming habits do to the planet.

>> No.9280722

>in depth
it will be in depth when vegans become able to produce a moral argument
which they won't because they are all manchildren with no philosophical foundation

>> No.9280754

>I had to go vegetarian for health reasons 4 years ago
First of all, bullshit. But go ahead and explain why.

Second, vegetarians can eat cheese, eggs and drink milk. You're limiting yourself beyond what is necessary.

Veganism is retarded.

>> No.9280763
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>> No.9280794

>[T]o avoid inflicting suffering on animals—not to mention the environmental costs of intensive animal production—we need to cut down drastically on the animal products we consume. But does that mean a vegan world? That’s one solution, but not necessarily the only one. If it is the infliction of suffering that we are concerned about, rather than killing, then I can also imagine a world in which people mostly eat plant foods, but occasionally treat themselves to the luxury of free range eggs, or possibly even meat from animals who live good lives under conditions natural for their species, and are then humanely killed on the farm.

Yeah sure is vegan in here.

>> No.9280799


>> No.9280813

>Accusatory stares
Nah, you're just paranoid.

>> No.9280821

B12. The only reason you can get it today is due to science and grafting the b12 producing gene to a yeast.

>> No.9280826

The vitamin A that you get from plants isn't the same vitamin A that you get from animals. The one from animals is far easier for us to digest and assimilate.

>> No.9280827
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Enjoy overdosing on soy and getting low test and man tits. Eat a balanced diet you faggot, no one is going to release the cows and chickens into the wild.

>> No.9280830

>no one eats those
>multibillion dollar industry is catering to no one.

>> No.9280834

Fake info is fake. It requires way more water to activate the almonds. Stop being dishonest.

>> No.9280852

>humanely killed

Just these two words together put an end to everything. Simply doesn't work. You kill something solely because it tastes good. That's immoral.

>> No.9280854

>Just these two words together put an end to everything. Simply doesn't work.
That is stupid as fuck. I can tell you've never had a terminally ill pet if you don't understand what "humanely killed" means.

>> No.9280891

Exactly. You kill the pet to end its misery. You don't want it to suffer any longer. You don't kill it because you happen to like its roasted taste with jacket potatoes.

>> No.9280933

Most people don't know that wheat is in soy sauce. If it's not for medical reason I wouldn't even bother with making it gluten free.

>> No.9280995

>best long distance runners on earth
Not true. Sled dogs outpace us by a long shot just due to their lack of dependance on gylcogen to run.

>> No.9281025

scoop my asshole out with your mouth and tongue

just fuckin' suck that little dirt flower with your hot wet muzzle muscle breh

fuck vegans and fuck this thread

lap my hambox and make me whine and tingle. Fiddle with my fuckin' balls famallama

>> No.9281097

>Jesus was vegetarian

>there was no direct scripture about him eating a fat, juicy steak

>> No.9282394

This desu