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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9275589 No.9275589 [Reply] [Original]

Does cheese belong on fish, yay or nay?

>> No.9275611

if the person eating the fish wants it there, sure.

>> No.9275622

I don't think it compliments the fish very well but it's not like it makes it inedible either.

>> No.9275626

Would you eat out a post op transsexual woman with both a yeast and stagnant, thick with mucous cave of love?

>> No.9275628

McDs isn't real food
Cheese is fine on their fish, but is terrible everywhere else
Pickles are terrible on all sandwiches yet their burgers taste weird without it.

Its better to just not eat there

>> No.9275644

no, except for tuna melts

>> No.9275649

Depends on the cheese. Some kinds can be really good with fish. American cheese is not one of those kinds.

>> No.9275776

i like to dust parmesan and breadcrumbs over my cod before i bake it in the oven
works well with any whitefish really
squeeze a lemon over it at the end and it's scrumdiddly-umpshis

>> No.9276092

what is that shit on top of the sandwich? was the fried fish not enough that now you have to add literal fat to your already shitty food?
do americans really eat this?

>> No.9276100

Don't stop.

>> No.9276104

Now slap me and call me a dirty bitch, daddy

>> No.9276110

Cmon daddy cum in my mouth and my fish sandwitch make me eat that soggy mcfish

>> No.9276129


>> No.9276192

Tartar sauce is the only thing that belongs on the McFishin'.

>> No.9276204
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You've never heard of tartar sauce? What ass backwards country do you live in, because it isn't the US or Europe

I tend to agree with the likes of you

>> No.9276207

sorry i dont speak fat

>> No.9276235

Sorry sweeties but western democracy and economic liberalism have failed. People aren't smart enough to make their own choices and need to be told what to do by those who know better.

>> No.9276251

Fish pie often has a cheese component to the sauce, yes.

>> No.9276686
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Why would you eat mcdonalds fish anyways unless you're a moron. Just go to captain d's or something jesus christ.

>> No.9277085

parm baked cod is pretty good. chedder is on on a fish sandwitch for heavier stuff like grouper

otherwise white trash.

>> No.9277090

Absolutely not.
Shameful display.

>> No.9277100

A mild fresh cheese like quark or cream cheese goes well against smoked fish, and anchovies work on pizza. But that's about as far as I'd push the fish and cheese thing.

Cheese doesn't really go with chicken either, but people do it.

>> No.9277107

Fucking hell no. Not even in a seafood pasta.

>> No.9277114

>cream cheese

What's you nationality may I inquire?

>> No.9277119

>Not even in a seafood pasta.
Certainly not there. Whoever the idiot was who got the bright idea to put shrimp (or even fucking chicken) in Alfredo sauce should have been executed on the spot.

>> No.9277120


Wal Mart.

>> No.9277122

I'm an American citizen. But I have a passport.

>> No.9277128

>putting cheese under the fish/chicken/burger on sandwiches.
This needs to die, considering the retards that work in fast food still do this if you order your sandwich without a bun. Because I want my fucking cheese melted to the plastic tray.

>> No.9277142


Please don't use that word. Some of us have diabetes and it's like literal violence to read it on the page.

>> No.9278193

I wonder if the quality of fast food will increase when machines take over

>> No.9278265

yes, but only because it goes well with the mcdonalds generic bun. not because it pairs with the fish

>> No.9278275

What is this subjectivist bullshit? Do you even /ck/?

>> No.9279396

it goes with breading, regardless

>> No.9279404

it goes good with halibut

>> No.9279621

get the cheesw on top of the bun

>> No.9279693

i dont eat chesse on my filet o fish, never had cheese on any other fish. i guess it goes, but its not traditional.

>> No.9279697

I want an advent burger. They're so delicious! I just don't know what is in them!

>> No.9279720

I only allow it on McDonald's Filet-O-Fish. Otherwise, fuck no.

>> No.9279727

well too bad, we're still going to put tartar sauce and cheese on our fish

>> No.9279755
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I will only eat cheese on fish if its the filet o fish sandwich at McDougles.

>> No.9279888
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I'm partial to a good tuna bake every now and then

>> No.9279908
File: 116 KB, 646x484, mcdonalds-double-filet-o-fish-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Americans really eat this?

>> No.9279924

this is great.

also the other poster who said tuna melt.

seafood pizza is good too.

>> No.9280086

Oh daddy fill me with your succulent love! Yes daddy give it to me! Spray your europoor mayonnaise all over my face!

>> No.9280105
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>hot canned tuna

>> No.9280143

Back in 80s elementary school there was cheese IN the fish portion, under the crust. It was great and I have never seen it since. The fish portions were bought for instutional use in bulk, like Sea Wonders if any one remembers those.

>> No.9280621

Not a double, but I can eat like 15 of those for my last meal.

>> No.9281082


Retarted faggot

>> No.9281120

I honestly never had it, and I don't think I'll try it.

I just feel wrong eating fish from a place like McDs.
So my question is - how does the patty taste like? I imagine it's a lot like fish fingers, only in a square form, basically.

>> No.9281123

You have actually just ruined this thread. But I get where you're coming from.

>> No.9281182
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>> No.9281193

>imagine it's a lot like fish fingers, only in a square form

spot on

don't really understand why it's still on the menu but i guess some people eat it

>> No.9281236

>eating ANY meat with cheese
filthy fucking goyim ! you're nothing but human shaped animals

>> No.9281242

Thanks for the info... I mean, it's kinda obvious that it's something like that, but in the fast food industry, you never know.

And I believe it's one of those items that's not really bringing in customers or money, but there is enough of a fan base for people to absolutely go mental if McDs would throw it off the menu - and I guess, the more distance is between you and the coast, the less fish and fish dishes you'll find around, and the more people you'll find, who are actually quite fond of it.
Can't imagine that it'll be an item that's even remotely popular on the coasts, especially in cities where you can get fried fish - twice to four times the portion for the same price, much fresher and much better, obviously.

I wouldn't know exactly how it is, though, especially in the US; here in Germany they still sell it as well, though, but I wouldn't know of anyone who orders it, I'm not at McDs often, but there I don't think I've ever seen it sold. So.. over here it feels like it makes even less sense.

(I guess there is a market for kids, though, like it's with fish fingers? And even there, thinking back most kids over here didn't like fish, and without having too much insight I feel like that has gotten even worse as well.)

>> No.9281264

Oy vey boiling a calf in it's mother's milk somehow means don't eat meat and cheese. Thank you Rabbi Shekelgrauber.

>> No.9281364

Jews eat lox with cream cheese dumb-dumb.