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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 720x292, autism_service_dog_jeannie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9272575 No.9272575 [Reply] [Original]

>own a restaurant
>have to deal with people bringing filthy animals into a place where people are FUCKING EATING

If your child is so autistic that it needs to have a service dog with it at all times, don't go out to eat. Filthy animals don't belong where people are eating their food. You're a bad person if you take a dog in a place of dining, autism or not.

>> No.9272586

If you're the owner why didn't you kick them out?

>> No.9272590

Because I don't want to get drawn and quartered by SJWs, and I have no legal right to do so.

>> No.9272596

Kill yourself

>> No.9272602

>allowing children in your restaurant
Deserve it desu.

>> No.9272603

Over 1/3 of dogs are infected with toxoplasmosis, and can transmit a variety of diseases to humans. They're unclean animals and can spread pestilence in filth. You're objectively a bad person if you bring an animal into a place people are eating.

>> No.9272618

If Op is in the US, and if the animal is a registered service animal, he can't really do anything other than give dirty looks, and even that might catch him a bit of shit.

>> No.9272621

Lmao get a better immune system you absolute fag.

>> No.9272625
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>bring an immune compromised HIV home.
Eat shit and die, queer. Don't tell rm what to do with my dogs.

>> No.9272630

You're human filth. Your house and body smells like fucking filthy dog and everyone hates you secretly but won't say it to your face. Die, cryptosporidium spreading disease factory.

>> No.9272638

Kys, you bubonic butt blasting crotch goblon.

>> No.9272653

Why don't you make the restaurant child-free?

Autistic kids are one thing but much less parents go out with their aspie manchild. You block service dogs this way.

One burger place near my house does this and the lack of children is 90% of the reason I phisically go there. I do not live in the US though

>> No.9272655

There's also military service dogs, are you forgetting that?

>> No.9272659

>make the restaurant child-free?
I can only agree.

>> No.9272665

Never really seen one desu

>> No.9272668

>tfw drunk OC anon doesn't have a restaurant
>tfw can't pet Patti while enjoying a meal

>> No.9272672

My dogs are cleaner than the average human filth that frequents your restaurant, buffoon. Try to forbid entry to them and they'll end up owning your restaurant and anything else you have.

>> No.9272678

Disney needs to get to work on this right now.

>> No.9272687

mudslime detected

>> No.9272690



>> No.9272700

I don't see what relevance my religion has here. Dogs are filthy animals full stop, and anyone who owns one is either an autistic subhuman or a nigger.

>> No.9272712

Allah Ackbar and Insallah friend! :)

>> No.9272715

>productive members of society need to die
>so natures fuckups can freely spoil everyone's dinner.
An autist is nothing but a burden to everyone, even itself. Let's just put it to sleep for the benefit of all of society.

>> No.9272717

reported for racism

>> No.9272720


>hating dogs

pretty sure you're a cunt, get fucked faggot

>> No.9272776
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>Be me
>Chef in an outpost
>Cats get all over the fucking dining room and outside the kitchen
>Can't say or do anything about it since Head chef is a fucktard
>Other chefs keep feeding them shit

>> No.9272781

toxoplasmosis comes from cats. dogs cannot transmit it

>> No.9272790

my god i hope you someday have children with autism. then you will think back on this post and realize what a fucking jerk you are.

>> No.9272864

This thread is bait and you all fucking bit.

>> No.9272869

>Shitskin detected

An hero

>> No.9272871

my sister trains service dogs but I think they actually do useful shit like lead blind people. A well trained service dog wouldnt even be an issue. Its not like they walk around the restaurant and lick things. they just lay in one spot

>> No.9272877


Are you fucking retarded? Dogs have an even higher infection rate than cats.

>> No.9272879

not my fault you had kids at 30 and they came out retarded, roastie

maybe you shouldn't have spent all that time fucking chad before locking down your betabux

>> No.9272884

infection =/= transmission
dogs and humans get toxoplasmosis from directly or indirectly consuming cat shit

>> No.9272885
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There are service dogs for epileptics that warn them of impending seizures, and service dogs for soldiers with PTSD and such too.

None of that matters though, because this is a bait thread.

>> No.9272907
File: 596 KB, 2048x1153, Boba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in Florida several places allow you to bring a dog if you eat in an outside area. Most even serve them water. Dogs are also accepted at farmers markets that sell fresh vegetables and herbs.

If it's outside I'm cool with it. Inside, unless you're full on blind, nope.

>> No.9272942

>booty-bothered mooslim detected
Sorry we don't all share your irrational heathen hatred of loyal dogs and delicious pigs.

>> No.9272990

>land of the "free"

lmao what a fucking cuckhole

>> No.9273007

go back to le red dit

>> No.9273075

Butt goblin would have been better

>> No.9273423

Where is your Kebab restaurant, anon?

>> No.9273487

Reddit needs to leave.

>> No.9273517
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>> No.9273543

t. Muhammad

Service dogs are cleaner than most people.

>> No.9273544
File: 29 KB, 477x360, 130920154849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dogs are filthy animals full stop, and anyone who owns one is either an autistic subhuman or a nigger.
>or a nigger

Aren't muslims the ones who think dogs are filthy? Your jig is up, Muhammad

>> No.9273567

>be a dirty shitskin
>call two of the cleanest animals on the planet filthy

To be honest I'd rather have a dog or a pig handle my food than a muslim.

>> No.9273573

op, the only thing you own is a pair of crusty socks and few hundred dollars in debt from the community college you dropped out of

it's okay if you need to tell lies on the internet to feel better about yourself though. maybe take a break and wash some dishes to thank your parents for letting you live in their garage?

>> No.9273586
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>> No.9273649

voicing your report is against the rules buddy :)

>> No.9273652
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Man OP i hope you can find a decent solution, I work in a restaurant where we often get guide dogs (we near a GP)
We got a chill attitude towards em.

Also please don't hate all dogs, they're really good companions

>> No.9273738

Haven't seen anyone project this hard in a long time, is living with your parents really that hard? You can move out, bud, just save up

>> No.9273746

Anyone got any tips on getting rid of dogs? I've been leaving dishes of meat mixed with xylitol out and I've gotten rid of a couple in my neighborhood.

>> No.9273987
File: 8 KB, 200x200, knowing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so you know, there's nothing official about the vests. And under the ADA, what you can ask is limited; you can't legally ask what a person's disability is, just what services the animal can perform. Therapy dogs aren't legally protected.

>> No.9273999

If you're in MY fucking restaurant you'll be kicked out faggot

>> No.9274054

>the animal is a registered service animal,

LOL if oooooooooonly it were that lovely. There IS NO LEGAL REGISTRATION for service animnals. You can take any piece of shit and slap a sweater on it, and call it a service animal. Guinea pig, snake, dog, tarantula, doesn't fucking matter. There is NO OVERSIGHT and people can do whatever the fuck they want, and you can't stop them. They buy those vests and a 'certification' at any online website for $25. I could make a website and sell them right now. There is no legal restriction or requirement.

People have been demanding government oversight of support animals for a decade now and still no one has done shit about it. 98% of the "service animals" you see are family pets. You will truly know a trained service animal when you see one. There is no mistaking their level of chill obedience.

>> No.9274071

He could actually just make an outdoor area. Set up a table and a couple of chairs. That way he is legally accommodating them. Restaurant owners have gotten away with this when legally challenged, because the customer isn't being denied service or access.

>> No.9274094

Hi. I have a 13 year old boy with level 2 autism. He is trained to act like a fucking gorilla in restaurants, and we only go to family establishments and not fine dining - just in case.

Control your crotch fruit. Just because it's broken doesn't mean you can't mold the pieces into something else. All you should need is comfortable clothing and an iPad with an internet connection. Unless you're one of those retards with nanny-filters on everything.

I wouldn't give my kid his own ant farm, yet alone a fucking dog. We have 2 Great Pyrenees, and one is literally an AKC trained and certified emotional support dog with over 150 visits to the children's hospital logged, and my kid won't even look at the dog because he it's just a stupid dog and doesn't shit chocolate-covered fidget-spinners.

>> No.9274103

Alhamdulillah brother

>> No.9274104

Wait, are you telling me tarantulas wear sweaters?

>> No.9274105

I hope you kill yourself.
I've never seen anyone who hated dogs this much.

>> No.9274120

well, I've put a barbie dress on my crested gecko, so why not?

>> No.9274121

>Be city slick
>Goto pub in the countryside
>Labrador laying on the floor just as chill as the customers
I dig it, makes the place comfier

>> No.9274163

You better not live in the us or I'll bankrupt your Georgian ass

>> No.9274167

Pics please.

>> No.9274174

Lol, Amexifatso detected with no outdoor eating earea

>> No.9274192

>you can legally segregate disabled people from normies and the courts will support you.

LMAO. Name one case, even at the lowest level that was decided in favor of the defendant and of course immediately overturned on appeal. I'll be waiting and the last time I took the temperature, hell was still 1800F.

>> No.9274209

>If it's outside I'm cool with it. Inside, unless you're full on blind, nope.
Best post in this thread.

>> No.9274212

Dont worry about these people too much they all live in the sticks, the heat and sun stir them crazy
They probably mean mug black people too with their shereif nodding his head
Irrelevant podunks with a one term president who are butthurt that they can't shoot both you and your dog at their waffle house

>> No.9274222
File: 24 KB, 512x384, 1436697475785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my pupper, winning over anons left and right.

>> No.9274239

Where are you at OP? I'd absolutely love to visit a restaurant owned and operated by someone that frequents /ck/

>> No.9274253

Nobody's stealing your hash browns grandpa
"Brain disorders dont exist hur dur nope"
Sorry but that's not how fedral law works
If you want to kick me out it's going to have to be with your hobo shotgun and then you're going to be kicked down while I'm sitting on my ass with a news reporter

>> No.9274265
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>> No.9274280

i member.

>> No.9274299

Oh that's awesome

>> No.9274335
File: 57 KB, 736x487, 1_m6upFOeG3y1E8CJWCow6sQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man facism is cool if you only implement it at the restarunt level and remeber to use memes
Paula Deen is my favorite cook and the term sauerkraut triggers me

>> No.9274338

How the hell can you care for a dog if you can't even cook your own food?

>> No.9274340

I live in Texoma. Where is your burger place? Sherman?

>> No.9274343

>nobody who eats out can cook their own food
Ps I don't have to justify my rights to you its a restraunt not the Waffen-SS

>> No.9275025

>acknowledges he has no legal right to do so
>bitches about it like a little faggot
Maybe the restaraunt business isn't the right business for you to be in.

>> No.9275253

Fucking this. I swear if I knew where this faggots place was I'd organise a support meeting for people who have legal work animals like this for bullshit but legally protected reasons like anxiety or aspbergers and have us all eat there with our animals after the meeting. Every goddamn one of those dogs all over your whiney bitch ass restaurant.

>> No.9275286

You can ban the person just don't give them a reason why (you don't have to). But OP opened his mouth and fucked it all up.

>> No.9275291

>Service dog
>For autism
Medical advancements were a mistake.
The human population was clearly never meant to stay alive like this.

>> No.9275297

>Why don't you make the restaurant child-free?
I think that falls under some kind of retarded anti-discriminatory law, unless you want to make it 21 and over only, which is subpar for business.

>> No.9275303

>hating on service animals
You must be a real fucking peach.

>> No.9275304
File: 7 KB, 261x274, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself you mudshit. Fuck you. I can't wait Trumpnmakes it legal to drag your kind across the pavement.

>> No.9275305

Simple fix. At the door, post a white sheet of paper that you write, in marker, NO ASPIE FUCKING SPERGS IN THIS RESTAURANT

Honestly if I owned a business I'd have an empire in a day. It's like you retards don't want to be successful.

>> No.9275319

>Islamists are filthy animals

>> No.9275401

Most emotional support dogs are fake. You can literally go on a website, answer a few questions, and get certified for like 100 bucks.
Assholes abuse the system to get into pet free apartments, avoid paying pet fees on airlines, and use them to get into public places.
Its a total fucking scam.
Service animals do have a legit purpose, but Ive seen pigs, hampsters, birds, even fucking snakes passed off as "emotional support" animals (airlinefag)
Heres a funny story from a few years ago.

TLDR: the pig bit some people and shit everywhere.

>> No.9275413
File: 260 KB, 483x368, wife_beating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down Ahmed, it's only a dog.

>> No.9275416

article from this year
While I wouldn’t count on it actually happening, a DOT spokesperson has said that the organization may sit down and rewrite the rules on emotional support animals themselves:

A DOT spokesperson said the department is now considering rewriting the rules for service and emotional support animals on its own, but a timetable has not been set.

DOT said the rules would “address the concerns that have been raised with the department regarding the definition of a service animal” under federal law, and “instances of passengers falsely representing that their pets are service animals in order to avoid pet fees that airlines may charge for pets to travel in the aircraft cabin.”

DOT said U.S. carriers are required under the Air Carrier Access Act to transport all service and emotional support animals with a few exceptions, such as snakes, ferrets, rodents and spiders. Airlines must evaluate unusual animals such as the miniature horses, pigs and monkeys on a case-by-case basis. A single passenger can have two or more service animals.

>> No.9275426

what's your restaurant?

>> No.9275476

>blind service dog

those dogs cost upwards of $30,000 to train and dole out to poor people,tax payer money. I knew a black girl that was half blind and they gave her a dog and she didn't take care of it because she was stupid. Those dogs are worth more than most people on the planet as far as monetary value(most people aren't worth $30,000)

>> No.9275484

service animals are actually amazing. It's the "emotional support" ones that are a fucking scam.

>> No.9275492
File: 466 KB, 751x582, c1fa5f5eca8aa3930fe8178e33ec93477c2ee041d179c7e9624185a8bd6bda99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The family dogs, though not specially trained, have been very good emotional support when dealing with day to day life stresses.

Dealing with people, people are shitty in general, takes a toll on a person's mental health.

>> No.9275507

So then the fucking airline workers should get one.
Passengers suck. You get some asshole yelling about a 1 hour delay due to a massive, flight planting thunderstorm one minute then turn around and tell someone they wont make their fathers funeral because its logistically impossible at this point.

>> No.9275590

Who would sjws side with if some lady with a leashed pet sperg with his own leashed pet dog went into house of falafel and got kicked out for being infidels?

>> No.9275691
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OP is correct for once, let me mark my calendar

>> No.9275740

If the dog is causing a problem, address it with the customer.
But please dont shit on people with handicaps. Youre not grateful enough for being fully conscious.

>> No.9275900

Mohammed por favor

>> No.9276982


I want all improper use of this word punished by death. You first.

>> No.9276996


>> No.9277003

I fully support gaming the system when it comes to apartments. Fuck pet free places and the cheap bastards running them.