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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9270897 No.9270897 [Reply] [Original]

>younger brother with Celiac disease is currently in the bathroom vomiting and gagging himself in a desperate attempt to get the wheat-flour thickened pudding his mother accidentally fed him out of his system before it hits his intestines leaving him screaming in agony on the floor for at least 5 hours
Thank Christ I dodged this fucking genetic bullet holy shitamole. Anybody on here deal with food allergies this bad? Apparently some people get rashes from it, but he gets fucking nuked.

>> No.9270903

Like many people, I'm allergic to things I don't like.

>> No.9270907

Have you considered that maybe he just does it for attention?

>> No.9270909

celiac disease is a meme

>> No.9270913

Maybe, he is an attention whore. But he's also been blood tested, and has the genes (and the disease/allergy) proper. I have the dormant ones, so it won't ever affect me but I could potentially pass it on. I'll take my pollen allergy any day, thanks

>> No.9270917

Food allergies aren't real, most allergies and health conditions in general aren't. The media, food industry and medical professionals will tell you otherwise to scare you and make more money off of you in the end.

>> No.9270939

>and has the genes
If you haven't seen them with your own eyes they aren't real.

>> No.9270940
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>this thread

Sorry about your bro

>> No.9270954

>screaming in agony on the floor for at least 5 hours
That sounds like a good day with Crohn's. He should man up and at least stand, walk, sit, etc.

>> No.9271181

My brother in law developed celiacs. Got the rashes, gut pain, lost a bunch of weight once they figured it out. He's a real waste of space though, dumbass kept working at little ceasers years after his diagnosis.

>> No.9271187

Literally 9 out of 10 people who need to be gluten free actually don't need to be gluten free.

Gluten free or gluten allergy is a hoax.

>> No.9271295
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The whole gluten fad has produced some good shit though, pic related

>> No.9271297

But what about the time i ate a shrimp and became a balloon

>> No.9271305

Psychosomatic, clearly. Tell me about your relationship with your mother.

>> No.9271316

She loves me but she doesn't understand my introverted ways

>> No.9271323

Mhmm. Has this barrier ever caused frustration or lashing out between the two of you? Do you have lingering feelings of resentment?

>> No.9271326

Hello Flat Earther

>> No.9271340

Yes actually.. she gets upset when Father and I don't want to go drinking with her and her menopause friends yet she expects us to not to be bothered when she ridicules our quiet family board game nights. it has become troublesome

>> No.9271354

Explains how you turned out lacking a brain

>> No.9271363
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I see. You have deep seated manifestation and rage issues. Your anger towards your mother and impotent father figure expressed itself as swollen airways and swollen/flushed skin. At the nearest opportunity, you should boil a few pounds of gulf shrimp and eat them in front of your mother. Make sure you open up and tell her why she's making you do this. Open communication will quell any false reactions your body attempts as a defense mechanism, and she'll respect you as the man you are rather than an Oedipal little child

>> No.9271370

A few of my aunts have it and they had a lot of digestive issues before they were diagnosed.

My girlfriend is Celiac so we eat a lot of rice. It's sometimes a pain in the ass but it's nice to cook and bake together to find recipes that she can eat that still taste good.

>> No.9271378
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>> No.9271420

What are the chances he has autism and is exaggerating his symptoms deliberately?

>> No.9271432

I'm allergic to cyanide

>> No.9271474

My mother was an elementary school techer and one of her pupils had Celiac. She got so good at discerning and avoiding it that she could spit out stuff containing gluten as soon as it touched her tongue. I'm surprised your brother ate a whole fucking pudding of that stuff. And why the fuck does your mother make such a pudding in the first place? I must admit I had no idea that was even possible, I have only ever made pudding with cornstarch.

Odd bit of trivia: my mother's pupil has won several unicycle worldchampion titles since then

>> No.9272032
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>tfw not alergic to anything

>> No.9272061

You're a nut! You're crazy in the coconut!

>> No.9272080

>tfw developed allergies to fruits with creases

Apparently cherries, peaches, aprocots, and all fruits that make sort of a butt shape are out to kill me.

>> No.9272557

>Eat a tasty chocolate treat
>Writhe for hours afterwards because ???
This eat Americans do really flyover?

>> No.9272593

>his mother


>> No.9272645

Haha, I wonder who is behind this post.

Celiac disease is caused by an immune deficiency from the ares rock colonists, who came to Australia 10k years before the first terran aborigones. Later, the colonists spread to other continents and discovered that the caucasian peoples suffered a genetic vulnerability. Cross breeding between the non terran colonists and european decendents can result in reduced gluten tolerance. Ever since this discovery the colonists have been working to control western society by creating the need for gluten free foods.

>> No.9272657
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>Tfw not allergic to any food but starting to get randomly allergic to pollen or something

>> No.9272675

I'm allergic to tree nuts and peanuts. It's pretty shit honestly. I can't eat really any generic snacks and even some name brand ones because as a cost cutting measure all machinery that produces snacks usually is contaminated (or has a risk thereof). So hersheys? Nope. M&Ms? Nada. NO baked goods, anywhere, ever, unless I make them myself.

I had two reactions in my life. One when I was 3 years old, how I found out I was allergic, ate a cashew and my head swelled up like a balloon, was in the hospital for a few days.

Once when I was 23, at a local diner, I asked them what oil they fried in, they without hesitation said soybean. Sure, fine with that. Find out later it was peanut oil. "But peanut oil doesn't contain the proteins!" typically. But it can still provoke a reaction. I got a nice big fat settlement from that one. I didn't even want to sue, just have them put up a little sign that says "hey you may be at risk of an allergic reaction if you eat here" like they have at chick-fil-a and arbys and whatnot. But they refused, then their lawyers approached me and I went on my merry way living a hellish life of being unable to eat anything I don't prepare myself. I've gotten pretty good at cooking for myself, at least, I'm happy with it. the risk of cross-contamination in everything from fruits to vegetables to even meats is pretty annoying though. I have real bad OAS which partially closes my throat and gives me hives all around my mouth if I don't prepare fruits and veggies. No raw broccoli or apples for me.

>> No.9272691

According to AA, I have a sever allergy to alcohol and consequently I can't drink. I can't tell if being a raging drunk, having a great social life and in a constant state of intoxication to deal with insane panic attacks is preferable to being sober and absolutely miserable. But hey, everyone keeps saying it's gonna get better, so it's gotta be true!

>> No.9272782

For some reason my tummy acts funny when I use garlic powder in food but not if I use actual fresh garlic cloves.

>> No.9272789

if i eat eggs i shit and puke for hours

>> No.9272908


Probably cuz the damn things expired ya cheap shit

>> No.9273246
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>tfw same here

>> No.9273258
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What the fuck did I just read

>> No.9273268
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>> No.9273272

Same here. Seems like some years I'm allergic to pollen and some years I'm not. Spring's always a fucking gamble for me.

>> No.9273281

>Anon is literaly allergic to ass and titties

>> No.9273304

You'd think that the restaurant has encountered people with peanut allergies before

>> No.9273384

>>his moth
this. the cuckolding meme is being taken way too far these days.

>> No.9274941
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>Food allergies aren't real, most allergies and health conditions in general aren't.
good news, grandma! you aren't really allergic to bees. you don't have to carry that emergency sting kit with you, the doctors were all lying to you so they could make money. I know because I read it on 4chan.

>> No.9274949

Typical yuropoor communist. Stop spreading your brainwashed fucking ideology all over this glorious American site.

>> No.9274954

That boy needs therapy

>> No.9274961

so the "genes" (that we can't even see) are supposedly correlated with some bullshit disease?
next you will be spouting some alt-right nonsense about genes and intelligence or athletic ability being linked.

>> No.9275041

>attacking the person, not the argument
>implying I'm from europe
>implying I'm a commie

it's stupids like you who are dragging our country down.

>> No.9275056

I'm allergic to the metal nickel.

>> No.9275063

Not allergic to any food but I'm getting heart burn all the time now, what do?

>> No.9275073

Are you a fucking retard

>> No.9275693

Go see a doctor. Acid reflux causes a host of problems downstream, including esophagal cancer.

>> No.9275714
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This, with the added bonus of having an iron gut.
Feels good to never get an upset tummy over any kind of food.

>> No.9275716

That was a strange song.

>> No.9275779

I'll go weeks completely fine but then I'll get days where it's like rescue flares are inside my sinus cavities and I'm sneezing like mad at work
Then I go home and I'm fine
Then it's gone again

>> No.9275797

Could also be synthetic allergen.
Or a fucking cold brought out by work-related stress.

>> No.9275810

This. My grandpa just went into chemo for esophageal cancer he developed from acid reflux.

>> No.9276109

I was allergic to just about everything except a few specific grains my first years of life. Was very hard to keep me fed without dying. Thankfully around pre-school age it started getting better and it got better progressively throughout my childhood so that now I only have to avoid nuts and almonds. Pollen allergy has also vanished.

>> No.9276310

so, stone fruits.

>> No.9276361
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>tfw used to be allergic to chocolate and dairy but completely grew out of it
Feels good man.

>> No.9276435

My father's daughter-in-law's sons would disagree.

>> No.9276468

>tfw ragweed allergy becoming milder and milder
>Not even noticeable this year

It used to be so shit it wasn't even funny. Popping reactine like skittles and wearing a paint mask.

>> No.9276578

Mandela effect.

>> No.9276604

>his relatives have allergies of any kind
Make Kids Play In Dirt Again

>> No.9276805

shit man, are you me?

>not a single allergy
>go to visit a friend in britbong
>get allergic reaction, runny nose and colds from the pollen there
>never again it happens anywhere else on the planet

>> No.9276815
File: 76 KB, 308x300, 2sabgg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not allergic to anything

>get mucus and sneezes as if I reacted allergically when I eat lunch with family
>every fucking day
>its never the kind of food but the act of eating itself, like a pavlovian reaction


>> No.9276912

>being lactose intolerant
>being allergic to anything
>getting food poisoning easily
>having low metabolism
>having terrible shits after eating anything spicy or foreign

lmao, I love being able to eat whatever I want