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9270374 No.9270374 [Reply] [Original]

Is chicken really "high-risk meat" for contractive food poisoning?

I had an argument with someone over this. She seem to think chicken was basically a bug magnet. Well I'm of the opinion it's no worse then beef or pork per se, you just get dirtier poultry farms and chicken "restaurants" like KFC because it's cheapper then pork.

Maybe it's just because I love chicken but if cows were the size of hens beef would have the same reputation.

>> No.9270384

>dont wash raw chicken

Have you seen processing plants?
ALWAYS wash your damn chicken.

>> No.9270423

Ground meat has a MUCH higher risk of having some nasty bacteria in it, because it's the meat of many different animals all mixed together, and naturally when you cut something, you increase it's total surface area.

People make jokes about irradiated ground beef, but it's probably a lot safer to eat.

>> No.9270435

I think this infographic needs to specify a bit more.

It should say

>Dont wash raw meat until right before you're going to marinade or cook it.

My wife washes vegetables right when she gets them home from the store before she puts them in the fridge, and they seem to rot much faster

>> No.9270453

You're cooking it at a temp that no infectious living thing can withstand for near an hour, all washing it will do it spray germy chicken juice all over your sink and counter.

>> No.9270500

You're both wrong, let me explain

Chicken has a lower Ph (that is, internal acidity) than 'red' meats like Beef (same with Pork, but Chicken is even lower). Because of this, it's much easier for Chicken primals to develop e.coli colonies and other bugs that make you rocket napalm out of your anus because the flesh is more hospitable to microscopic life.

Just keep your chicken refrigerated until cooking. That picture is right enough. Defrost in fridge, keep the chicken wrapped if it came wrapped, don't let it's juices drip all over everything either. Then cook thoroughly (chicken should be all white/clear in the middle unlike beef, no pink)

What your describing with dirty poultry farms is an issue, but a seperate one. Because of the high intensity way Chickens are being farmed, they tend to get sick, and that sickness spreads fast cause they're crammed into coops together. In order to combat this, they flush the Chickens systems with anti-biotics. All well and good, but this is now breeding super bugs that are immune to the anti-biotics. Which could have serious consequences for human illness down the road.

If you feel the need to buy into the meme, familiarize yourself with the legal definitions of organic, free range, cage free etc. These terms don't actually mean what lots of people think they mean, legally, and sometimes you're paying extra for the same goddamn chicken. That being said, organic practices in raising food yield animals does produce a superior product when done properly (unlike organic produce which is a complete bullshit meme that does more harm than good) so if your that kind of person whose willing to pay more for slightly more flavorful and humane chicken, go for it.

>> No.9270545
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dont reheat in a mic if you can use an oven
You can eat raw mince if beef
>use by date
Youre usually always fine, its a catch all for lawsuits and bullshit. Im using bread crumbs I found 2 years after expiration, properly stored freezer foods are fine too.
Usually related to storage, having wet herbs rots instantly if bagged, etc. Pockets of water grow bacteria faster.

100% right, if cooked properly you can usually fuck around with the meat quite a lot.

Good post. People are also scared of wooden boards with chicken meat raw, but if you can throw it in the oven and not damage it, or use hot faustet water it kills the germs. People dont understand that raw chicken meat isnt bad for ou, its that it houses bacteria. The reason we cook it isnt to make the meat white, its to kill the bacteria in it.

>> No.9270557

Wooden cutting boards are kind of a pain in the ass but you can clean them with a simple bleach and soapy water mixture. rinse, spray down, scrub, wipe, towel off, put up to dry.

Plastic is just easier because you can use that board just for chicken and torch that fucker in the dish washer to kill anything

>> No.9270565

My wife goes ape shit because I use a wooden cutting board for meat.
She fails to realize that we never get sick.
As long as you wash the board, and let it completely dry before its next use, then I figure all of the bacteria has either washed away, or died of dessiccation.

I personally think the wood is much better for maintaining the sharpness of a blade, due to its softness.
Nothing gives me horrified goosebumps like the sound of a knife hitting a glass cutting board.

>> No.9270588

>Nothing gives me horrified goosebumps like the sound of a knife hitting a glass cutting board.
Nothing gives me horrified goosebumps like the sound of my shit hitting the toilet at 120 mph.

>> No.9270596

> processing plants.

That's the point though. It's chicken isn't a crappy meat it just there are more crappy chicken farms and slaughterhouses.

Well if you get some wet of course they're going to rot faster. There might be pesticides or other chemicals she washed off but my money is just on them not being properly dried out.

Well you sound like you know what you're talking about. So some animals do pose a higher risk of food poisoning then others even when handling the same conditions.

Interesting. I have heard people say redmeat a say red meat is "germ safe meat" but but it struck me as stupid and dangerous as the "six second rule" or people who only eat oysters when there is an R the mouth, despite that actually being summer here.

>> No.9270599

Just for reference , it is irrelevant if your chicken is pink or white as long as it hit proper temp..

T. someone who enjoys juicy chickens

>> No.9270605
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>Nothing gives me horrified goosebumps like the sound of my shit hitting the toilet at 120 mph.

Nothing gives me horrified goosebumps like the sound of Pajeet's shit hitting the street at the speed of sound.