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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9265005 No.9265005 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any legitimate food application for this crap or is it just the only kind of vinegar known in flyover land?

You have a few minutes to reply because I don't think we're allowed to discuss high quality food on /ck/ anymore, in before I'm banned and all my posts get deleted.

>> No.9265011

I use it to clean my kitchen and bathroom. If I do use it for food, there's generally other stuff mixed in to make it more interesting.

>> No.9265017

If I mix vinegar with tomato sauce, will I get unsweet ketchup?

>> No.9265022

uh... pickling?

>> No.9265028
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>taking lazy shortcuts instead of fermenting your food the correct way

>> No.9265033
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Distilled vinegar is a key component of the Creamy Mayonnaise Dressing in the McChicken, the highest quality food available.

>> No.9265071

It can be used to break the pheramone trails of ants, clean urine, and be used as an all natural cleaner

>> No.9265078

>there's only one way to do anything and everything else is wrong
Never change, /ck/

>> No.9265091 [DELETED] 
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Stop there kike. You can't get away with your dumb anti-white meme when we know that leftists and negros are inferior.

>but but muh based black muh racial equality

>> No.9265099
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Why do whites always start bleating about their escaped slaves when they get confused?

>> No.9265106

Careful Cleetus you're going to run out of bandwidth soon with all "infographs"

>> No.9265110

>bottom racist /pol/tard infograph unsourced and uses relative terms high, medium, low

Typical. You have to crawl back under your rock.

>> No.9265129

Every week ill chop up some serranno peppers and red onion, then stick them in a bowl with white vinegar and a little salt. It makes a great condament for a lot of dishes. I also use it in making vinegar based hot sauces, poaching eggs, putting on fish and chips.

Theres tons of applications.

>> No.9265155

Quick pickles and I also use it for chinese. I usually cook schezwan style so I don't think the difference in the vinegar is noticeable.

>> No.9265252

Are you talking about vinegar in general or this particular brand or what?

Vinegar in general is one of the most important cooking ingredients, akin to salt and pepper, and I'm not even memeing. Most of the time it's not pure vinegar though.

>> No.9265274

Distilled white vinegar. So far the only valid reasons posted are related to cleaning toilets and stuff, which is the reason I buy it. But it seems to be sold as a food, and I wonder who actually uses it as such.

>> No.9265293

>being this asshurt on behalf of your pet niggers that you refuse to live around

>> No.9265305 [DELETED] 

I have like 8 different vinegars at the moment, the only reason for the white stuff is cleaning my skillets
Wrong board, /pol/

>> No.9265315

>you refuse to live around

Lol. I'm in the south in a nice subdivision with 2+ acre lots and my neighborhood is @ 30% black. Ironically, it's the whitetrash kids trying to be gangsta ghetto who cause the disturbances when they happen.

>> No.9265321

I'll take shit that never happened alex.

>> No.9265325 [DELETED] 
File: 386 KB, 402x617, science vs fat nigger welfare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ is now OFFICIALLY /pol/lite.

>> No.9265328

>white people aren't capable of criminality

>> No.9265330 [DELETED] 

>niggers aren't several times more likely to commit crime

>> No.9265333 [DELETED] 

I think I can see why her kid is left hungry...

>> No.9265603

Ketchup has an assload of spices in it.

>> No.9265681


>> No.9265802

I put it on my fried potato sticks

>> No.9265827

You can use it in place of another acid like white wine in a recipe or in dressings for salads.

>> No.9266377

ADOBO, fuckface.

>> No.9266457

>using heinz and not sukang tuba
Ask me how I know you make shitty adobo

>> No.9266489

How do you know?

>> No.9266643

When I use vinegar in recipes, I use raw, unfiltered vinegar for...

Sweet and sour meatballs
Use it as a substitute for lemon or lime juice
Vinegar Cole slaw
Salad dressing
BBQ sauce
Drizzled on fries

>> No.9266718

inner city nogs mostly

>> No.9266733

apples and oranges ya cunt
learn the differences between the two and come back

>> No.9266740


>> No.9266798

How would I use this for pickling?

>> No.9266829

I just used to bottles to pickle some eggs and peppers. Gonna be fucking delicious

>> No.9266831

Mayonnaise you fucking pleb

>> No.9266832

Add a little to boiling water when poaching eggs

>> No.9266833

Good one anon

>> No.9266909

Do you literally just wash the veggies and throw them in a jar and cover with that vinegar? Or is there more to it?

>> No.9266931

This is the recipe for botulism

>> No.9266941

Nah, acid will kill off the botulism.

>> No.9267054

pickled cabbage salad, served with carne asada

>> No.9267060

Then how would you do it?

>> No.9267373

Cleaning, pickling and chips

>> No.9267420

I don't even keep this stuff in the house. Apple cider vinegar is my go to. I used to scrub my nails with white vinegar to undo the yellowing dark polish does to your nails but found a better way. No other reason to keep it around.

>> No.9267480

Dunno this is my first try. But pretty much that yes with sugar and salt

>> No.9267482

No one cares you fat whore. Bet you could pickle a cucumber in your dirty snatch. Fucking disgusting

>> No.9267789

I do
you stupid idiot!

>> No.9268100

If you're raw packing, yeah. Normal canning cooks the vegetables in the process.

>> No.9268106


>> No.9268113

I use it for marinating tofu or when I stir fry cactus. It has a stronger flavor than Apple cider vinegar.

>> No.9268638

Oh look. Le Ebin white knight has appeared. As much of a slut as she is she ain't gonna suck you off bro. Go back to redit

>> No.9268774

I'm not a white knight. It's just cringey seeing a guy lash out at women, unprovoked, on an anime cooking board.

>> No.9269018

Distilled vinegar is less acidic than regular vinegar and is used to make just about every kind of condiment sauce; ketchup, mustard, BBQ, sweet & sour, sriacha, etc.

Spirit vinegar is better for cleaning than distilled for that reason too.

>> No.9269066

Goes well with salty fries.

>> No.9269172

Actually I prefer this mixed with a splash of wine or fruit juice over all the nasty fake balsamico you get everywhere.

>> No.9269482


i like vinegar on french fries

>> No.9269499

>Distilled vinegar less strong than regular vinegar
>use spirit vinegar instead
I assume there is some specific FDA autism separating the two?

Distilled vinegar and spirit vinegar are the same thing, and can be up to about 20% acetic acid, and I really doubt 'regular vinegar' is stronger than that.

>> No.9269514

If youre neighborhood is actually decent its in spite of the black people. Go to any majority black suburb or city and see how long you can go without thinking theyre animals

>> No.9270232

You obviously aren't aware of her history newfag. She's done some disgusting, dirty things on here and she needs to get the fuck out

>> No.9270293
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>Drizzled on fries

A long time ago, I read Stephen King's "It" for the first time, and I saw this line:

"George leaned forward. Suddenly he could smell peanuts! Hot roasted peanuts! And vinegar! The white kind you put on your french fries through a hole in the cap ... "

I've never seen it in the wild. Closest I've come is *malt* vinegar at Five Guys and one or two other burger places. I figure if that works, then white vinegar probably does too.

>> No.9270348
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>lock muh blacks in ghettos with underfunded schools, white flight segregation, provide copious amounts of illegal drugs as a symbiotic corporate prison/gangsta industry with primarily white customers.

Lol. My backyard looks like this along with 30% black neighbors who have struggled out of the grossly unfair schema established by paranoid, muh jeebus, gimme mah popgun, whites.