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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9258321 No.9258321[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well, never going to Starbucks again.

>> No.9258336

What the fuck are dreamers

>> No.9258339

The DREAM Act is an American legislative proposal for a multi-phase process for undocumented immigrants in the United States that would first grant conditional residency and upon meeting further qualifications, permanent residency.

>> No.9258340

>Person breaks the law and enters the US illegally, ignoring the arduous process that actual legal immigrants go through to become a citizen
>push out a useless disgusting baby while in the USA
>somehow this means the undocumented baby should be able to stay in America and is a "Dreamer"

>> No.9258344 [DELETED] 

you mean illegal immigrant. fuck off.

>> No.9258354

They're not illegal if they're popped out on this side of the border! Yay, immigration! :^)

>> No.9258360

>hating on the constitution

>> No.9258362

>stupid cunt on the sidewalk holding easily spotted cunt beverage
>target spotted
>aim car accordingly

also how the fuck are you supposed to prove you're a dreamer? documents?

>> No.9258363

>Is born in the US
The fuck? If you're born in a country you're a citizen don't matter where the fuck your parents came from.

>> No.9258369

A dreamer is a undocumented immigrant that has been in the US for more than six years which mainly pertain to minors. At least know what you're spouting dumb /pol/ fag.

>> No.9258374 [DELETED] 

This is literally not true though lol.
>california education

>> No.9258377

no homes it is true you are wrong esse

>> No.9258381 [DELETED] 

A "dreamer" is also a meaningless term. Just because Obongo pretended it was real doesn't make it so. He used it to virtue signal but never really gave a shit. So now we get to stop pretending like dreamers are anything other than illegal immigrants who are joining gangs and committing crime.

>> No.9258382

>Parent illegally enters the US
>brings kids
>kids live here for more than 6 years

basically a kid who's parents made them enter illegally

they get a free frap for it

>> No.9258385

I wasn't denying that they don't join gangs, I was just pointing out your misinformation

>> No.9258387

Someone has to risk their life to get me my secret ingredients and it's definitely not me

>> No.9258388


you're not reading it right

a baby born in the US from an undocumented immigrant is a legal US citizen

a dreamer is a kid, or baby, born in a foreign country who grew up in the US while still being undocumented

US law unfortunately let's baby's born here to be legal citizens, no matter the ethnicity or nationality

laws like this usually result in the kids parents being deported on occasion, the the kid being left in government funded foster care

>> No.9258391 [DELETED] 

Not everyone who replies to you is the same person. Also he wasn't misinformed; you're just trying to make some sweeping generalization about a group of people that you know nothing of.

>> No.9258392

The term "undocumented" is worse than anything in canonical Newspeak. Like someone forgot to "document" them, or something? They're just illegal aliens, nothing more nothing less.

>> No.9258395

>14th Amendment, Section 1 addresses the protection of “All persons born or naturalized in the United States"
Literally in the constitution. /pol/ fags should be forced to memorize the constitution and get quizzed on it every time they want to post in order to weed out the brainlets.

>> No.9258396

instead of complaining on a food board maybe you should call up your senator and lay out a plan on how to remove 12 million people from the united states.

>> No.9258399 [DELETED] 

You're still pretending like anchor babies are citizens when they're not. There's not actually anything that mandates this be true. Also, not reading your post as long as you use made up terms like "undocumented immigrant"

>> No.9258401

How the fuck do you prove you're a dreamer?

>> No.9258402

What was I generalizing exactly?

>> No.9258403

>what is the 14th amendment

>hating on based ius soli

>> No.9258404

If you are not for open borders then get. the. fuck. out. of. /ck/.

>> No.9258405

>Literally the 14th amendment of the constitution

I never said mud babies should be here, but they get too because of our shitty laws

if you hate it, then learn the fucking law first you retard


>> No.9258407

People aren't illegal. We're all children of the earth. please take your hateful drumph ideaology back to /pol/, as it doesn't belong on this board.

>> No.9258408

Another fucking brainlet, you're the reason /pol/ gets so much hate. Get the fuck out my board and let the people who actually have some knowledge about US politics post.

>> No.9258410

You're the reason /pol/ is the worst board on this site

Fuck off and read a book you braindead moron

>> No.9258411
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>> No.9258412


Weird. I wonder why no one ever interpreted the Constitution to confer birthright citizenship during the 200 years following its ratification. I guess they just made a mistake. Thank goodness we know better now, this is obviously what the Founders wanted.

>> No.9258414 [DELETED] 

There is a whole body of SCOTUS cases that prove you wrong. It is a legal gray area. Leftists just push it as a done deal. The anchor baby scam was invented 30 years ago by a liberal zealot, Justice William Brennan, who slipped a footnote into a 1982 Supreme Court opinion announcing that the kids born to illegals on U.S. soil are citizens.

>> No.9258419 [DELETED] 

Great argument leftist retards

I seriously hope this post was made ironically

>> No.9258421

You can say whatever conspiracy you want but as long as it remains a part of the constitution it will be enforced. If you hate it so much get into politics and try to remove it or get it changed.

>> No.9258426

kek, it's organic food all over again

>> No.9258428

>Literally posted in the thread
wew lad, I'm surprised that small brain of yours knows how to use a computer.

>> No.9258431

Well you're wrong because my parents came here on vacation when I was born and I got citizenship the second my foot touched American airspace

>> No.9258433

>ignoring the post that tells you why you're wrong

>> No.9258435 [DELETED] 

Here let me spell it out for you. Previous SCOTUS rulings either stated that anchor babies weren't citizens or punted the question. It has never been tested directly. The 14th amendment can only be reasonably construed to refer to previous slaves.

And the current administration is doing exactly what you are saying, so congrats!


>> No.9258439
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you're a fucking pleb faggot if you ever went in the first place

>> No.9258441

>Not a single mention that /pol/ conjured all this up

You're all faggots, both sides of the debate. This is a /pol/ troll.

And you all took the b8

>> No.9258442
File: 101 KB, 1093x925, Screenshot_16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I haven't read a law, written into the constitution over a 100 years ago, but a supreme court case citing the already existing law proves it's actually a new age liberal conspiracy

you make people who want immigration reform, and less Mexicans entering illegal look like a bunch of retards

thanks for ruining everything

>baiting this hard

>> No.9258443


The Constitution does not confer birthright citizenship. The landmark case that is now referred to to justify this doctrine is United States v. Wong Kim Ark, which concerned the child of legal immigrants who had already been granted permanent residency and were engaged in "productive business" within the United States.

Meanwhile, Indians born within the borders of the United States were never considered to be citizens, as they were not "subject to the jurisdiction thereof". The Indian Citizenship Act had to be passed precisely because indians did not automatically receive citizenship just for being born on U.S. soil.

>> No.9258445 [DELETED] 

There was a post that refuted the Elk v Wilkins and US v Wong Kim Ark rulings? Must have missed that...

>> No.9258447 [DELETED] 

This was in reference to previous slaves and designed to state that blacks were citizens. Nothing more. Again, case law and the intentions of the people who wrote this amendment make this very clear. Your feelings simply don't matter as much as the facts.

>> No.9258450

Jesus fucking christ fuck this website.
>go to /k/
>duruduru trannies in the military 200 posts later
>thread about ballistics gets 20 replies and dies
>go to /ck/
>muh immigrants
>muh vegan cucks

/pol/ and /leftypol/ go into the same fucking shower and I swear to christ I'll turn the gas valve with my erect cock. Fuck off and die every single one of you

>> No.9258454
File: 26 KB, 395x393, 1wKJvcC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this triggered when in reality you could have held shift and clicked 100 threads to hide them in the time it took you to write that diatribe

>> No.9258456 [DELETED] 

Take note. This is what leftists do. They avoid facts and make little snide remarks. All just a bunch of snark and little else. Watch this retard ignore all the posts discussing the actual law so he can parrot the same image repeatedly and call everyone else uninformed.

>> No.9258470

>lol bro don't worry about your website being ruined by a bunch of politically obsessed self-appointed demagogues, just b urself.
Yeah nah, also how slow do you think I type?

>> No.9258471

Only on paper. Still scum.

>> No.9258472

Awww I know you little Drumpfies are going poopie in your diapers right about now *cough grand jury cough* but please pleaase pleaaase leave /ck/
Without vibrant immigrants Americans would only eat boiled unseasoned chicken or mayonnaise sandwiches - think about that before you spout your hateful rhetoric /endrant

>> No.9258474

>this entire disaster of a thread

so, what did you guys cook for dinner?

>> No.9258481


>> No.9258485
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>> No.9258502

No no no, fuck you.

An undocumented immigrant is born foreign to U.S. and infiltrates our border. A pharmacist isnt born with an educational background.... and using heroin as an analogy?

A Valliant attempt for whoever made that.

I bet that picture made so many facebook news feeds light up in hopefull optimism and confidence for our future.


>> No.9258518

wow imagine that democrats want to keep their illegal voter base intact

>> No.9258548

you guys know this is a /pol/ false flag right?

>> No.9258550

I live in SD, 10 minutes from the Mexican border. You people don't understand how shit your lives would be if the entire country was like my city. To answer your question, if I could legally murder an illegal Mexican immigrant and eat their heart for dinner I would do it.

>> No.9258565

>going to Charbucks in the first place
Apply yourself. Also mods do your fucking job. This thread is BARELY food related.

>> No.9258575

My mom came over from Mexico when she was two and technically never got her citizenship. She married a white man and had me, a white boy, do I qualify for free shit?

>> No.9258578

I dare you to post your address ;)

>> No.9258586

I live in the poor part of Orange County, that's all you're gonna get.

>> No.9258589
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>> No.9258591

Yes, one parent being a citizen is enough, even to be president

>> No.9258595

I really wish retards like you that pretend to be concerned about MUH CONSTITUTION knew more than only the 1st and 2nd Amendments. And you don't even understand the 1st one

>> No.9258611

Nigga I was born here. I don't live with my mom.

>> No.9258616


How do you prove you're a dreamer? Is Starbucks reporting through ICE to confirm this?

If not, I'm undocumented too

>> No.9258623

Wrong reply, mean to reply to OP

>> No.9258631

All of this fucking drama over a fake advertisement

You guys are fucking retarded

>> No.9258647
File: 10 KB, 427x474, le.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I ordered one of these online and picked it up with my Trump hat on

Manager tried to stop me but I ignored him and walked out

>> No.9258650
File: 1.33 MB, 3024x4032, rscail468hxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I do this too

>> No.9258659

Wear brownface and speak taco.

>> No.9258670

>Manager denies you a free drink.
>Record him doing it.
>Claim he did it because you are a faggot.

>> No.9258717

My God I need this hat just to do this.

>> No.9258724

Check your wallet to make sure you don't have any government ID.

>> No.9258860
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>> No.9258905

This isn't true for most countries in the world. In the majority of countries, your citizenship follows your parents. In Australia for example, if your parents are not citizens, you will not get Australian citizenship even if you are born there.

>> No.9258910

I think you mean "illegal". Your Orwellian sanitising language won't change the fact that they have no legal right to be in the USA, therefore, they have migrated illegally, therefore, they are illegal immigrants.

>> No.9259682


>> No.9259685

>the arduous process that actual legal immigrants go through to become a citizen
more like impossible
>make the requirements so retardedly high that almost no one can enter legally unless you're a rich fuck with millions to spend or some celebrity
>get mad when people ignore them and break the law

>> No.9259686
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yes this is that actress lmao

>> No.9259693

I personally don't choose my coffee chains based on their political affiliation.

>> No.9259694

There is no such thing as magic soil that turns third worlders into western Jeffersonian Constitutionalists when they drop a baby on it.

The 14th Amendment doesn't pertain to illegals.

This has been your civics lesson for the day

>> No.9259696

>/ck/ - Alt-Righters REEEEEEING about foreigners

>> No.9259700


maybe the requirements are this high because america is trying to solve it's own problems instead of spreading it's anus to the whole world and become a 3rd world shithole

>> No.9259708
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>Be ICE officer
>Hang out in plainclothes in Starbucks
>Illegals openly out themselves while ordering their diabetes bombs
>Scoop them up and take their drinks

>> No.9259711

>america is trying to solve it's own problems
>elect a retarded snake oil peddler as president

>> No.9259715
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>> No.9259718

>Literally take in the most LEGAL immigrants of any country on Earth
>It's impossible

>> No.9259719

>>Literally take in the most LEGAL immigrants of any country on Earth
lmao not for long


>> No.9259724

>And I'm proud to be an American starts playing

>> No.9259729

I am coming to America on scholarship from Indian government to study.
I want to have citizenship one day and be an all American boy!

>> No.9259730

Take your education and figure out how to get your people to stop shitting in public

>> No.9259733

>tfw actually against this

>> No.9259743

True it doesn't go far enough and scooping up the best and brightest from other countries makes them worse places in the long run, meaning more and more people of progressively lower quality will want to be emigrating out of them.

Alas totally shutting down immigration is not yet politically viable.

>> No.9259744

>complicate the legal requirements even further
>look each other with a vacant puzzled stare when mexicans keep flooding the border or overstaying their tourist visas
I bet you're the kind of retard that thinks that increasing gun control removes guns from felons

>> No.9259749


>> No.9259750

>mexicans keep flooding the border
>overstaying their tourist visas

It's not hard.

>> No.9259752
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>look each other with a vacant puzzled stare when mexicans keep flooding the border
lol not so fast

>> No.9259754
File: 146 KB, 600x816, literal shit on your shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's probably the reason he's going in the first place

>> No.9259755

At least they have the decency to do it in the mart.

Designated sharting aisles > designated shitting streets.

>> No.9259756

>going to Starbux in the first place

>> No.9259762

When are they actually going to build the wall?
I was in SouCal recently and it's still the same shitty chicken wire fence it's always been.

>> No.9259763
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>Take illegals
>kick out criminal illegals
>Turn others into taxable legal citizens if they've been here long enough
>They mostly live in blue states anyways
What's the problemo?

>> No.9259768

white trash that believes that more people working as waiters in california increases the unemployment in their trailer park in alabama

>> No.9259771

It literally just got funded and they literally just showcased a bunch of prototypes. There are contractors at the border now preparing for construction. Trump has done a shit load of things for this country in his first few months, all while fighting the deep state every step of the way, give him a little breathing room, it is happening.

>> No.9259772

damn ur so hardcore guys!

>> No.9259781

I've gotten harassed for wearing my Trump hoodie out.

So yeah, if you're in the wrong area things can get ugly just for supporting the president.

>> No.9259784

>Trump has done a shit load of things for this country in his first few months, all while fighting the deep state every step of the way, give him a little breathing room, it is happening
Donald get back to work and stop shitposting on your phone

>> No.9259785

It's almost like this thread was just another excuse for /pol/tards to come in & shit up another board or something.

>> No.9259788
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>> No.9259792

Yeah, no shit. So can this shit thread die already, since it's about a fucking fake ad?

>> No.9259798
File: 171 KB, 1274x734, Screen Shot 2017-08-04 at 7.37.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The leftist attitude/attacks against him are honestly getting embarrassing at this point. Like a scorned ex who refuses to move on.

>> No.9259805

Go cry about leftists somewhere else, faggot. This has nothing to do with food

>> No.9259806
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>this is what the LARP-right actually believes

>> No.9259812

People can browse multiple boards, anon.

>> No.9259813

Good thing America isn't most countries.

>> No.9259815

Well we need STEM graduates here.
Work hard, respect the laws and you'll be welcome.
Don't expect to get citizenship straight away.
Good luck.

>> No.9259816

>he doesn't know how hostile leftist millennials are to anyone who publicly disagrees with them
That said, wearing political merchandise outside of election season is autistic as fuck

>> No.9259821

And? The ad is still fake & has just been another excuse for retards to shit up the board with /pol/shit.

>> No.9259823

No you didn't.

>> No.9259884

Yep, couple teen cholos just shouting shit from across a mall.

>> No.9259894

yes he did anon

you don't think another anon would just go out and lie, on the internet

on an ANONYMOUS image board of all places
think of the respect and standard we live up to anon?

>> No.9259900

Here's something food related:

If you have a pie and want to share it, then you need to divide it into slices. The more slicers the smaller they get.

Think about it.

>> No.9259903


I hate mexicans now

>> No.9259912

I feel bad for America because you remind me of my country. We are snobby about the rest of the world - hurt that we are no longer looked up to as a role model. This is what America is becoming.

>> No.9259920

>discriminating the states own residents
Hmmm is Merkel the CEO of starcucks?

>> No.9259923

nah just some fagt

>> No.9259926

It's fake, retard

>> No.9259931

If you want bake pies you need chefs. The more chefs the more pies get made.

Think about it.

>> No.9259935

Umm sweetie with the SJW crowd you don't know what's parody and what's not anymore. If they were more intelligent they'd just embrace being a parody.

>> No.9259937

It's easier to get a chef that grew up in the kitchen to make more and better pies faster than trying to teach a grown man to make pies who never baked and thinks that McDonald's fruit pies are the pinnacle of pie achievement.

Think about it.

>> No.9259942

How does that excuse you being retarded & not knowing it's a fake, when it was already confirmed to be a fake in this very thread?

>> No.9259946
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What's wrong with this? I like getting free drinks.

>> No.9259947

Having some pies made by new chefs does not preclude the senior chefs from making more complicated pies.

>> No.9259954

who came first

the chef or the pie?

think about it.

>> No.9259959

It means the senior chefs have to waste all their valuable ingredients, earn less competing with the crappy new chefs they're forced to deal with, and keeps them from bringing up new young chefs, plus they are speaking an entirely different language than people who have never set foot in the kitchen.

>> No.9259965

Cakes are better than Pies
Think about it

>> No.9259968

This metaphor has completely broken down and neither of us are going to change our opinions.

>> No.9259975

It was all going well, but that anon just lost it

>> No.9259977

I'm still right and you're gay.

>> No.9259979

>understands that he's been argumentatively, ethically, and morally backed into a corner

>> No.9259982

Shouldn't you two be getting ready to go back to school?

>> No.9259993

There is nothing worse than the smug, passive aggressiveness displayed by redditors like you. Instead of replying directly to the Anon to inform him that he's lost it, you see fit to reply to the other guy because you know he'll agree with you and validate your opinion. You're a fucking dumbass.

>> No.9259995

Why are you getting upset?

>> No.9259996

blow me, I can outcook you too.

>> No.9259998

Shouldn't you be realizing you're wrong?

>> No.9260005

Are you two okay?

>> No.9260007

he's right though. stop being a child and understand that you can be wrong instead of angry

>> No.9260009

I'm just fine since you've outed yourself as a manchild.

>> No.9260014

I'm not the one getting asshurt on a food board over shit that has nothing to do with food. Calm down.

>> No.9260018

this is the most autistic thread on /ck/

that macha retard is the only dude somehow outdoing both of you

>> No.9260023

>i will kill someone for drinking starbucks
you sound well-adjusted

>> No.9260048

If this isn't bait I'm a monkey's uncle. How can someone miss the analogy so completely?

Undocumented is to illegal immigrant as unlicensed pharmacist is to heroin dealer. Do you think you can puzzle out the meaning if we give you a second chance?

>> No.9260050

it's a bad fucking analogy is the point.

>> No.9260053

For what purpose though?

>> No.9260062

"Dreamers" just makes me think of the Muppets.


>> No.9260064

>not related to food
Oh, so you're just trolling. What's it like being so mad and retarded that you can't even fathom something as simple as this? Dumbass.

>> No.9260079

Once again, why are you getting so angry?

>> No.9260087

I'm not angry at all, my retarded friend. I just pity you.

>> No.9260091
File: 106 KB, 554x439, 5e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever helps you sleep, anon