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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9257556 No.9257556[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Remember when grocery stores had mostly normal food instead of all this vegan bullshit?

What the fuck is happening to this country?

>> No.9257580

>all this vegan bullshit?
What, the produce section? You must be fat.

The only difference I've noticed is more variety of everything and the organic section. That's cool, though. It's a little congregation of milfs that don't shave their pits

>> No.9257582
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Your health ends where my feelings begin

>> No.9257588

>all this vegan bullshit
What, "produce?"

Guess what, bud, not everyone wants to be a fat tub of lard like yourself.

>> No.9257624

looks like a big mess waiting to happen.

>> No.9257657

remember when grocery stores didn't exist before corporate america took over and fucked our whole philosophy towards food?

>> No.9257692

This, also multiculturalism

Poor shitskins are flooding this country and bringing their poor shitskin ways. The european man has always lived off meat, beer, and bread. Brown midgets never developed their brains due to chronic malnutrition and the liberals now want to force us to adopt a diet of foul tasting poverty food and if you don't you're a bigot

Anyone with a working brain can see this is going to end very badly but liberals think logic is racist

Eat meat if you care about western civilization

>> No.9257708

Lol imagine thinking like this

>> No.9257713

I like meat beer and bread but if I gotta hang out with that guy...

I'll probably just eat at home

>> No.9257726
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I bet this is just fucking delicious.

>> No.9257734
File: 56 KB, 1200x720, Pink slime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK how we would ever survive without pink slime! Those vegans are coo coo I tell ya!

"It's not dog food I swear!" Said the Burger King

>> No.9257737

Bro, that's like, what reading is man

>> No.9257746

peanut butter has mold that causes cancer

let's work together to improve the quality of all foods (and support the development of lab-grown meat instead of trying to turn everyone vegan which won't work)

or not, you probably just want to argue with people, but i'm willing to work with you

>> No.9257749

>meat beer
Sounds interesting.

>> No.9257750

You're turning people away from your cause, not toward it.

>> No.9257772

>in 70% of US ground beef

no shit, even stuff you buy at the grocery store?

>> No.9257794

Why would you not just buy meat from your butchers, butchers are a thing in the US too right? (Not trolling, genuinely don't know)

>> No.9257865

Generally not as independent businesses, at least not outside of cities where the population can actually support that kind of specialty shop. Closest I can find to me is some 30 miles away. Grocery stores in the US usually do have a butcher on staff in the meat department though, and you can usually get custom work done by them free of any additional charge.

>> No.9257874


>> No.9257889


How much right wing media do I have to consume before I get this level of brain damage

>> No.9257913

>mfw this is actually the attitude of literally everyone younger than me

>> No.9257998

lots of big grocery stores here have pre-packaged ground beef shipped in.

i've been getting mine from stores that have in-house butchers tho, it's somehow almost always cheaper that way anyways.

>> No.9258130

I don't think I've ever seen the produce section stocked fully like this. Looks quite nice actually.

>> No.9258132

>somehow almost always cheaper
they ground up scraps (free) instead of shipping it from across the country

>> No.9258142




>> No.9258153
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Hopefullyb Trump will fix this MAGA

>> No.9258174

To over $140,000.00 USD? So they hired a junior attorney or a well trained paralegal?

>> No.9258230

I agree let's get rid of all the irish to! They are a bunch of potatoe eating inside out niggers.

>> No.9258276
File: 147 KB, 512x384, 1500285942512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


imagine evolving from something that ate 90% meat, doing work all day that requires you to be physically strong...and then being told men with pencil-thin legs saran-wrapped in skinny jeans with goony beards that don't fit onto their too-thin unmanly faces festooned with the thickest possible most expensive frames they could find for non-perscription glasses is like...the pinnacle of fucking masculinity in the universe by every idiot who can put pen to page who lives in a big bourgeois democrat run city

yeah you can keep your estrogen sprouts and commie kale

>> No.9258357

>remember when grocery stores didn't have vegetables
have you only shopped at gas stations your entire life or what?

>> No.9258400

Humans evolved to eat plants. Also animal products cause erectile dysfunction

>> No.9258427

Northern Europeans mostly evolved with lactase persistence into adulthood, and it wasn't because they were drinking human breast milk but cow's milk. Animal proteins are more easily absorbed by humans. Maybe we aren't meant to eat them in the quantities that some people do while the only plant food they eat is white flour, but to say humans are herbivores is just wrong.

>> No.9258540

Imagine being a white nationalist and being so against a core tenant of Aryan philosophy.

>> No.9258626

Nah you're wrong. A lot of immigrants start eating tons of meat because they couldn't afford it as often before.

Apparently most vegans are women and that makes sense since women usually don't need as much protein as men since they have less muscle mass on average, they can get away with it more easily. If you're a physically active man or menstruating woman you can benefit from having meat in your diet though.

Also no, they ate more than meat, and bread. Traditional European diet is heavy on meat but also included fish, dairy, berries, apples, root vegetables, peas, and leafy greens. And that's only what they grew. They also probably foraged for mushrooms and other wild edibles.

Keep eating meat in moderation from good sources when possible and make sure to never waste it, but recognize that there are problems with modern food production and try to support things like lab-grown meat.

>> No.9258698

Eat shit faggot I'm a big dude and eat meat constantly but your backwards ass thinking about muh brown people is dead wrong and full on retard. It's called survival of the fittest and the fact that you defend a bunch of mouthbreathers living in trailers and cooking meth just because of their skin color means you don't know shit. Good folk can come from any background, and genetic dead-ends like you will eventually be weeded out because you refuse to accept that

>> No.9258707

Good goy. Let everyone but whites become super nationalist. Im sure that will end well :^)

>> No.9258711


>> No.9258745

You are confusing me with whatever strawman pol has built up in your head

>> No.9258942

It's the watermark from alamy

Have a heart. You need to read the heart symbol as a word.

No idea why the other sign has scare quotes around "all" though.

>> No.9258963

>something that ate 90% meat
The Flintstones isn't a documentary. It's rare for humans to get most of their calories from animal products even in pre-agricultural societies. To be fair, humans also almost always show a preference for meat when available if no cultural barrier like religious or ethical concerns is present. We're omnivores, and it goes pretty deeply into our evolutionary history.

>> No.9258972

>complaining about vegetables in a grocery store
Are you retarded?

>> No.9259041

Oh, you gotta go first thing in the morning. It's awesome. First pick of all the produce, you can easily get the butcher's attention, no obnoxious people and no lines. If you can't do weekdays, try Sunday morning, 7 am.

>> No.9259098

Grocery shopping right when the store opens is the only thing I like waking up early for

>> No.9259100

I've seen these two images posted side-by-side in at least three threads now.

Begone, vegan. Begone!

>> No.9259122

This. Europeans until very recently ate mostly potatoes, barley, brown bread, and other grains. Meat was quite rare and usually eaten once a week at most. The dumb anime-poster is talking out his ass.

>> No.9259139

What is this meat based traditional european diet meme?

The average feudal serf could only dream of eating meat more than once a week (if he was lucky!)
Even up to the 19th century, diets included meat 2-3 days a week at most.

>> No.9259146

That would vary by location though. There are some instances of Romans saying that some German people mostly ate meat, sour milk, and berries. Also dairy was pretty common and eaten along with the grains, I don't think they were usually making them with just water unless they had to. Ignoring dairy in the population that is most likely to be able to digest lactose past infancy should let you know that someone might not know what they're talking about.

>> No.9259157

I've read from a few sources that meat was eaten more often in Germany/Northern Europe and would be eaten pretty much every day, but less in the southern parts of Europe. And that before becoming Christian the diet was heavier on meat still.

>> No.9259175

If someone holds the positions that animal lives are worth saving, criticizing them for wanting to convert people is not a valid complaint. A better way of attacking that position is to argue that animals are fundamentally incapable of ever being able to respect the rights of humans and other animals and thus should not be considered worthy of keeping alive.

>> No.9259185

The problem is that most people like that just want to be angry and argue and fight non-vegans, they don't really care about the animals anymore even if they did at the start. They won't listen to you, because the ones who are opening to listening to others don't do that stuff. They don't try to convert others, they don't hold up signs to try and make people feel guilty, but they'll have rational and calm discussions on their views if you want to talk about it.

>> No.9259258

>dairy hundreds of years ago = dairy now

>> No.9259294
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>> No.9259302

Are these future serial killers/ school shooters or just a /pol/ meetup?

>> No.9259315

I'd guess a reddit meet, /pol/ has a different flavour of autism

>> No.9259320

the guy doing the squat actually has a decent fit and face (from what I could see)
everyone else deserves to be nuked though

>> No.9259354

I don't understand what you're trying to say, Anon.

>> No.9259360

/pol/ meetup it is, don't try to find excuses.

>> No.9259369
File: 149 KB, 347x371, 098097969578 (130).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't be surprised if frozen burger pucks make up 70% of US ground beef.

>> No.9259400

Ironically, over half of them are mixed race, lol. Definitely /pol/tardation at it's finest.

>> No.9259497

Animals don't have rights. Human beings have rights. Rights aren't "inside" or part of a person. They are part of the complex agreements that make up civilized society. My right to freedom, for example, is your obligation to let me speak and act with a minimum of interference. Thus, each of your rights is my obligation. And each of my rights is, simultaneously, your obligation.
Animals cannot shoulder an obligation. Thus, they cannot participate in the complex social contract that structures rights.
This does not mean that we should treat them any old way. But it does mean that the proper treatment of animals is NOT predicated upon their "rights."
This is also why you don't have a "right" to medical care. Someone else has to provide it. If you have a right to it, then the provider, who has no choice but to provide it, is no more than a slave.

>> No.9259503
File: 20 KB, 400x250, 6bcdf095e5fc6903b92e3c4412197d31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically like pink slime
Plants can't get diseases

>> No.9259523

How do you know lad?

I'd expect /pol/ to be ganglier, paler and have pube beards

Also I can't see them using a fucking Skyrim helmet to symbolise 'vikings', they'd use some meme germanic symbol like an iron cross

>> No.9259528

What is reverse image search?

>> No.9259545

Witchcraft, that's what

>> No.9259586

The diet of the cow hundreds of years ago is completely different from their diet now.

>> No.9259605

Depends on what kind of dairy we're talking about, anon. Factory farming? Yeah, you're absolutely right. Traditional farming? Nope.

Why assume that all cows are fed the same when that's clearly not true?

>> No.9259658

Because factory farming is the majority by a fucking mile and I don't care about farmer muhammad in Kazakhstan

>> No.9259706

How about the local small dairy in MS near me selling raw milk and run by Cletus and his family? Do you give a fuck about them?

>> No.9259714

No, I don't. The flyover trash can move away from MUH SMALL TOWN and get a real job.

>> No.9259723


But them how am I supposed to get quality meat and produce? I don't want that flavorless factory-farmed garbage.

>> No.9260645


What are your thoughts on pets then? Should torture on, say, dogs be allowed because they are fundamentally incapable of respect? Should you say they are domesticated and thus they are (basically invalidating your own argument), it is worth mentioning that produce animals are domesticated as well.

But besides, that argument isn't even valid against veganism. Veganism isn't about keeping animals alive. Veganism is about the practical reduction of suffering. Ending the cicle of animal husbandry would effectively stop a very big amount of animals from being born and thus alive. You don't have to try to keep alive every animal in the world to be vegan. I am not responsible for lions eating zebras because it is beyond me to stop their suffering. You could say idgaf about animals in the same way idgaf about humans that are beyond my reach. That doesn't mean I should tolerate unnecessary suffering caused to them for no valid reason. Valid reasons to eat animals: you live in a situation where a vegan diet isn't sustainable (underdeveloped countries, you don't have access to nutritious alternatives, life or death situation). That's it. It's not that hard to grasp.