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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9253573 No.9253573 [Reply] [Original]

>"I don't like it."
>me: "Why not?"
>"It's the texture."

>> No.9253578


>> No.9253784

anyone have the copy pasta about review brah/

>> No.9253785

hes gay reddit trash


>> No.9253788

rofl fuck you john

>> No.9253797

no...not that you fucking dolt

>> No.9255584

Things with bad texture
>Courgettes cooked in any way
>Raw tomatoes
>Bruised bits of the banana
>soggy/watery fish
What else? I always feel like I am going to gag when I have these.

>> No.9255593

raw onions cut too finely. feels like munching on insects

>> No.9255610

French sticks that's left alone for a full 3 weeks in subzero temperature
I ended up having to break it with a sledgehammer

>> No.9255613


>> No.9255617

inb4 faggots who enjoy the texture of a mouthful of vomit

>> No.9255642


>> No.9255736

stop making it with water then
Seriously just make porridge instead and have it with honey, shit is goat

>> No.9256352

Fuck off

>> No.9256360


>> No.9256362

>Says the guy whos only ever had Apple Cinnamon Quaker Oats Instant Oatmeal superboiled with water from the microwave

>> No.9256363

I used to think that but then realized the garbage canned mushrooms my parents kept trying to feed me are pleb tier shit. Fresh buttons or holy hell for those glorious two weeks every spring.. morels. Anyways I love mushrooms now

>> No.9256368

Tbh that shit isn't even that bad if you use milk. Fuck three bucks a bag for George RRrrrred Mill steel cut profit machine tho

>> No.9256375

you fucking retarded or something?

>> No.9256405

Says the guy that hates onions

>> No.9256416

Picky eaters deserve death. There is literally no human behavior more snowflakey than "I just can't do tomatoes" or "I can't eat ___" for some arbitrary reason or whatever the fuck. Nobody thinks that you're cute or interesting or unique because of your shit taste-- they actually despise you for it.

>> No.9256431

Being a picky eater is what led me to cooking desu

>> No.9256446

Have you ever considered people aren't doing it to be quirky and that they genuinely want to vomit when they eat certain things? You want to eat shit? Can I shit in your mouth? Would you gag? Special snowflake alert.

>> No.9256455

>I R the fattest
You disgust people

>> No.9256458

This. Most of those people only act that way if because they have a choice. I hate raw tomatos, but if it's all I've got it's all I've got and you'd bet your ass I'm eating those tomatos.

>> No.9256463

pretty sure that's you

>> No.9256766

Just because cooked mushrooms can and have made me vomit doesn't mean you have to hate me.

>> No.9256776
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>French sticks
i am french and what is this?

>> No.9256797

If he wants to hate you it doesn't matter that he doesn't have to.

>> No.9256807

baguette ffs

>> No.9256853

>eating shit analogy

Go back to /v/, manchild.

>> No.9256882


No, I hate you because your mind is so far-removed from an appreciation of nature and the foods we have at our disposal that you can decide to categorically avoid certain ingredients. Let's be honest, your pickiness is childishness, a remnant of your childhood. You would think that an adult would be able to open their mind and be a little fucking adventurous.

Plus, picky eaters are a nuisance to others. If you "can't do" an ingredient, there goes a huge list of dishes and even entire cuisines. Nothing like planning an outing or starting to cook then realizing that your buddy's gf doesn't eat x ingredient for some fucking reason.

>> No.9256894

So here's a scenario. You're traveling in Italy and a local restaurant serves you and your friends a caprese salad of perfectly ripe, beautiful tomatoes grown at the foot of Mount Vesuvius. Your friend tells you, hey, these are widely regarded as some of the best tomatoes in the world, you gotta try this salad. Do you not taste the fucking salad?

>> No.9256905
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>Keep being pleb you shitfucks. You wouldn't know taste if it slapped you in your hydroencephalitis-swelled head. Keep drowning your food in ketchup and ranch sauce while binge watching your favorite Netflix series, you fatter, poorer versions of Guy Fieri.

>Don't fuck with food.

>> No.9256916

>people having different opinions and preferences than me makes them childish
No reaction image that I possess or have knowledge of is good enough for what the fuck you just posted, so just imagine that I somehow tacked a living, malignant tumor to your computer screen in place of this post.

>> No.9256922
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>being this mad over a guy disliking a certain food

>> No.9256934

It's time to stop posting

Here you are, on a board about fucking food and cooking, defending people who refuse to eat and appreciate certain ingredients because they're "icky". It's not a different opinion and preference, it's straight up close-mindedness.

It is not surprising, by the way, that you can't properly express yourself or defend your position without posting meme reaction faces or making references to cancer.

>heh, why is this guy so passionate about food and cooking on a food and cooking board? lol u mad tho????

>> No.9256935

You have a point, but there are some things you can do fix it.
>steel cut oats
>don't microwave them
>add nuts and or fruit

>> No.9256945
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Being passionate about something doesn't mean you have to shit on others because they don't like what you do. That's called being an asshole.

>> No.9256949
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>pffft those children, not liking what I don't like
Lynch yourself

>> No.9256953

>It's not a different opinion and preference, it's straight up close-mindedness.

Oops, sorry Johnny, Anon said you should eat these peanuts even though you're allergic to them because it's childish to not eat them

>> No.9256957

I can't eat squid. When I was younger I ate what I thought was an onion ring and it turned out to be squid. The taste doesnt' bother me, but the texture kills me.

>> No.9256958

raw figs


>> No.9256984

I tried eating apple sauce when preparing for colonoscopy. It tasted fine but it felt like wet sand.

>> No.9256994

This. Picky eaters are always white kids too, fucking spoiled faggots.

>> No.9256999


Holy fuck Americans need to burn

>> No.9257002

No self respecting adult cares what some aspie on 4chan thinks. Quit projecting your immaturity onto us. It is painfully obvious you want to seem mature for validation. Go away.

>> No.9257013

Pineapple on pizza, it's not a meme. The texture of the pineapple is the worst part about adding it to a pizza. If the pizza is cooked with the pineapple on it, it gets snotty and horrible. Even if you add the pineapple after the pizza is cooked, it's an unpleasant soft crunch.

>> No.9257017

I didn't say that people can't have allergies, so I'm not sure what your hypothetical scenario is supposed to illustrate other than the lengths you will go to defend picky eaters.

Wow, what an amazing argument. "WAA WAA" + "kys" + frogposting. How will I ever recover?

It's more that people are missing out on nature's bounty and good cooking because of their close-mindedness. It's the same story every time:

>kid gets fed x overcooked vegetable, y unripe fruit, z low-quality meat
>decides they hate xyz and will refuse to eat it
>kid gets older, but still won't outgrow their pickiness
>competent cook prepares quality xyz
>now adult manchild won't even try it
>"how do you know you don't like xyz if you haven't even tried it like this?"
>I just don't like it

Never stopping to consider that maybe the world is a bit bigger than their little bubble. Nah, fuck that.

All I really got from your post is "you aren't allowed to disagree with our little circlejerk of pickiness, you're just lording over us" when picky eating is a real topic in the food world and parenting world worthy of discussion.

>> No.9257021



>> No.9257053
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>Wow, what an amazing argument
You argument is literally stop liking whati don't like because I deem it childish you troglodyte.
Jesus wept these people breathe and vote.
In four posts you have mentioned childishness/adulthood 5 times. We get it, you have a need to feel more adult than the next person. Disliking an ingredient doesn't make you a picky eater. That you think it does makes you autistic.
I'm capping this so I can look back on it and laugh at the fact that people like you exist.

>> No.9257060

Fucking this, jesus fuck that is getting so old

>> No.9257078
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>> No.9257102

Ten to fifteen percent of adults gag when they eat certain soft foods you retarded faggot. Not everything boils down to how adult you are (or try to be).

>> No.9257200

mushrooms are god-tier texture for me

>> No.9257207

you talking bout cracking a boon?

>> No.9257287

I have disliked risotto and oatmeal since I was a child, but I changed the way I cook oatmeal and now it is my go-to breakfast (my roommate had a couple lbs of oats and I was looking for something quick, relatively healthy and warm to cook in the morning that went well with whatever fruit I had handy.)

I go for a 1.25 : 1 proportion of oatmeal to water by volume (usually I cook 1 and 1/4th cup of oatmeal), I first bring the water to a boil with 1/4 tsp or a little less of salt, and when I add the oats I cook it just long enough for the water to absorb with a couple of stirs, when it starts sticking to the pot a little it is done enough for me. I put on a slim shaving of unsalted butter and a teaspoon of brown sugar that melts from the heat, and layer whatever fruit I have on hand (usually half of an apple I've diced beforehand) The proportions scale up pretty well, at least to four servings though I don't have an amazing gas range and the timing on plating and getting everything just right is trickier for a group.

This is all with "old-fashioned" oatmeal, aka thick rolled-oats, it still has some flavor, not really nutty like steel-cut, but I don't like the texture of steel-cut oats or the longer cooking time. I've even tried going with a pressure cooker, I don't have that much time in the morning to fuck about and the results aren't worth it for me.

Basically I'm making toasted oatmeal without the toasting because: lazy, also toasted oats don't absorb the liquid the way I want. They make a good nutty topping though.

And to get the texture I want I need a liquid that is boiling hot, milk doesn't work out that well, yes I've tried different starches to prevent separation, or cream, no I don't add salt to milk at the start, tried tempering and whatnot, I'm happier with the results I can get with plain 'ole boiling water.

>> No.9257305
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I have this one.

>> No.9257339

Texture affects flavor, and our perception of flavor. Also, expectations are an important factor to consider when you're cooking something. Sometimes it is pleasant to surprise somebody with something savory in a traditionally sweet dish, but not everybody is going to like every variation.

Dry? Cooked? Raw? I personally dislike a mushroom that has absorbed only enough liquid to get slightly viscous, it has to have cooked a little more (to the point where it is letting go of its water content) or been fried, something you know? Raw is fine too. Maybe because I associate the slightly-wet texture with a mushroom that has gone off.

>> No.9258303

Why don't you eat nothing but McDoubles? Stop being a baby, your tender tastebuds can't handle it?

>> No.9258325

are you implying texture doesn't matter?

>> No.9258327

Large pieces of fat, connective tissue, or cartilage always throw me off.

>> No.9258332

Then I really fucking want some insects.

>> No.9258361

when i was in asia someone presented me a drink that was some sort of soaked fruit seed or something that had the consistency of those little slimy bath beads, thats the only time i couldn't consume something because of its texture.

if anyone knows what that drink is actually called that would be nice

>> No.9258380

chicken salad

>> No.9258475

I think you might be thinking about boba. Also fuck you, boba's great.

>> No.9258517
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>eating a soft, malleable burger, with soft gooey cheese, sandwiched between a soft bun
>bite into a crunchy onion
>instantly ruined

>> No.9258529

Hello, you appear not to understand what the word "texture" means. Shall I translate it for you?

>> No.9260017

Mashed potatoes always makes me gag because of the texture.

>> No.9260129

>crispy onion ruins a burger
>crispy lettuce gets a pass

>> No.9260131
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>entirely soft burger with overly melted goo cheese and crunchy insert topping here
shit like this is what made me start cooking more when I was younger
>Tfw firm burger with crisp lettuce and jalepenos, red and green bell peppers, with pepperjack cheese done just right

>> No.9260142

the difference is the ratio of soft and crunchy anon. the opposite of this is like biting into a piece of steak, but you don't see that you got a huge fat part so most of the meat is engulfed by the jello like disgusting fat.
that said fat isn't bad on steaks, but you can't just have it all in one bite
sounds pretty good

>> No.9261036
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I hate gnocchi's texture honeydews and raw tomatoes. Sorry for being a child

>> No.9261595

God forbid someone not like a certain food.

>> No.9261599

It'd be closed minded if someone absolutely refused to even try a certain kind of food. If they've tried it, didn't like it, and don't want to waste money/food on something they are sure they will probably won't like, then it is the exact opposite of inconsiderate. If I make someone something and they end up forcing themselves to try it and barely touch it because they don't enjoy the taste or texture, I'd be way more pissed off than if they just told me their actual preference. Making yourself sick out of some fear of disrespecting your friends is retarded.

>> No.9261626

lol I'm still not eating raw tomatoes

>> No.9261710
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wont even give you a (you)

>> No.9261980

If you put ranch anywhere near my food I will tell you to go fuck yourself. Deal with it.

>> No.9262802

the one wear he reviews a penis?

>> No.9262819

fucking love a big bite of beef fat

>> No.9263191
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What a coincidence, me too.

>> No.9263228

Basil Seed Drink. It's certainly an acquired taste.

>> No.9263230
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>> No.9263234


Mushy grapes. Eating from a bunch of grapes is like playing Russian roulette.

>> No.9263288
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>white kids are picky eaters
That's cause blacks are too poor to afford anything more than fried chicken

>> No.9263369

please be bait

>> No.9263383
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>"good morni-"
>me: "Ah ah ah no talkie till ive had my morning ritual"

>> No.9263385

You have to go back.

>> No.9263397

Hey OP, I guess you like that disgusting gelatin shit around liver patte? Yeah. I don't. Do you know why? Because I don't like the fucking texture. Because I want patte. Not fucking gelatin. If I wanted gelatin I would have bought cherry jello.

>> No.9263398

Ranch eaters are the guys posting in this thread.

Pretty embarrassed that an adult would gag when eating a tomato I hope you're a woman.

>> No.9263414

that means he fucking hates you and have prepare mentally for the rest of the day with your bullshit

>> No.9263477

Are you a common opinion? Not guy your referring to but it is literally the only thing that has ever made me gag besides rotten squid and drinking too much alcohol.

>> No.9263491

Racist much